#colonel quaritch smut
jake sully + breeding/pregnancy kink hcs~
a bit of fluffy smut, enjoy lovelies <3
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song rec while reading: i see who you are - instrumental (björk)
• lying in each other's arms, sat not too far from the communal bonfire; you could see friends and family all around you from the secluded spot you were in
• most of the children were asleep at this late hour, but some gently sleeping babies and their mothers sat around the hearth, sharing stories with their sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers
• the dark of night contrasted with the warmth and yellowish hues from the burning embers, smiles and sleeping faces, alongside quiet laughs and chatter echoed off of the inner cave walls
• you'd felt especially restless all day, the only thought tiding you through the chores and work being this moment; sat with your head to jake's chest, nuzzled up into his neck; your face was turned ever so slightly to the side, taking in the sight before you
• usually the urge to fly, jump and run was enough to keep you distracted from this, but today the still of the little hours of the night with the steady beat of jake's heart was enough to remind you: this was home, and so was he
• the seed of hope in making it permanent had been developing as you immersed and integrated yourself more and more into the na'vi culture; your shared bond with jake only strengthening, and the yearning to share your love in new and more meaningful ways grew in your mind and heart
• looking out to the circle of na'vi huddled close together, sharing songs and stories, your eyes naturally inclined to those expecting; some mothers were yet to have their children of course, younger in stature and skin tone, their bellies swollen and full, usually their mates by their side; the sight made your heart flutter, and a small smile grace your features
• jake noticed this, of course; you'd been much quieter than usual, although the way your body relaxed into him intimated that this quiet was of no alarm - he'a merely been glancing down every so often to your form, curled up in his arms as he traced patterns on your hips and upper thighs
• your expression of an almost warm-hearted wistfulness caught him off-guard, though; usually you were asleep by now, breaths deeper and body heavier in his arms. this time your eyes were cast to the group sat about the fire nearby, your lips briefly pursing in thought only to grow back into a small smile
• using his index and middle fingers, jake ever so gently lifted your face up to his by your chin, taking in your softened sleepy features, whispering a quiet "...what's on your mind, babygirl?"
• sitting up a little further, you wrapped your arms around either side of his neck, lightly stroking the soft braid, brushing any stray hairs away from his face, behind his ears; jake's arms snaked their way around your waist, his eyes flicking up and down your form in curiosity
• you'd then proceeded to express what filled your thoughts; being human and working at the base in pandora, the probability of having any children was low. but your life was so different now; even your body was made of completely different components - all that was you was your mind, and whatever you wanted it to be was now up to you; unconstrained by human rules and physical limits
• at your words, jake made sure to listen closely; his earnest little tail flicks and swivelled ears making sure to pay attention, as you continued to express how you felt the increasing urge to have a family; and how the prospect of being pregnant was especially appealing to you
• the idea of being so claimed by someone, in such an intimate way; enough to change your whole body once more, not only for your baby, but for your mate. giving him a family, and the mutual respect and love that such a shared act represents, it made your heart swell
• jake's gently widened eyes and small open-mouthed smile only affirmed your words, giving you the confidence to continue, almost whispering your confession, "..i just...i want to have that with you, if you wanted it too...i don't have it in me to fight something so instinctual...i'd have your babies, i want them...with you."
• as you subtly began to gyrate your hips into his now slowly hardening length, jake's expression only deepened as he nodded along to you; your words almost washing over him and sending him into a trance. you wanted children, and to mother, and best of all..with him. you wanted his children
• paired with your now growing arousal, and lightly rocking your form against his, he could tell that this captivated you in more ways than one. his mind shifting from a place of pride and sentimentality, to that of lust and an intimate kind of eroticism at your proposed prospect
• he'd have no quarrel with fucking you deep, watching as you swell full with his child; jake sighed out at the thought, "ah, i see..must mean you want a daddy too, huh. a daddy and his babygirl, mmhm?", your now more desperate grinds only increased the heat between you, the proximity beginning to rile the both of you up
• "..yes..but really..w'na be a mama.." you'd let out, eyes flickering back and forth between his emerald orbs and the ground; your flustered form couldn't be masked even by the enthusiasm you showed at the idea of starting a family
• letting out a feigned-innocent hum of approval, jake nuzzled his face closer to yours, understanding what you really meant - maybe the family was in the future, but your current state: pussy wet, pupils dilated, hips circling hard into his cock, was more interested in the prospect of making the babies, rather than rearing them
• "..ahh, ok..so my babygirl wants to be a mommy, and wants mommy and daddy to make babies, am i right?..protect their family..take care of each other?..well shit, sweetheart", he'd keen, already knowing the answer through your eager nods, the little high-pitched whine that escaped your lips, and your eyebrows contorting in weakly hidden arousal
• jake was fully on board with this idea of course, but took great satisfaction in watching your squirms of pleasure at the fantasy; sliding a hand down to your cloth-covered entrance, he moved the material to the side, sliding in his swollen cock; there'd usually be more foreplay, but feeling how much of your juices were already dripping from you, he took little more time in riling you up
• making sure to be out of direct sight from those at the fire, he gently scooted both of you deeper into the shadowed corner of the cave; once fully-sheathed inside your clenching, wet pussy, jake began to gently pump in and out of you;
• hips bucking rhythmically into you, your hips matching his speed as you rode him in equal fervor; in between desperate chesty groans, jake continued to gasp out, "..ffuck..you w-want a baby, sweetheart? i'll give it to you, i'll give it...ah-ah, fffuck..",
• "so t-tight for me..must've really wanted this, hm?..mommy wants daddy's seed, deep inside, right? m'gonna fuck it nice and deep for you babygirl, don't worry..sh-shit..", as his hips pushed deeper into you, his head leaned back on the cold stone wall, eyes clasped shut from the way your pussy constricted around his pulsing length
• all the while your hushed moans echoed in his ears, as you wantonly nodded to his lustful words; knowing just how much you wanted his babies, he was going to make damn sure you got them.
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whoreish-behaviour · 1 year
Revenant 8
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Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7
Na’vi!Colonel Quaritch x Na’vi!Reader
Warnings >~< = Mild dubcon, restraints, cunnilingus (F!oral), overstimulation, like 2 spanks, implied..activities
The Colonel stepped in front of you, his wide shoulders blocking your view of the two men ahead with masks strapped to their faces.
You tried to ignore the goosebumps that arose on your skin every time his tail brushed against the side of your thighs.
‘I’m over it..’ You bit your lip to hide your smile as the man’s accent reached your ears, ‘I’ve got quotas to meet.’
‘You wanna hunt? ..Let’s hunt.’
You furrowed your eyebrows at the Colonel ominous tone, your eyes bouncing over to Spider who had the exact same expression as you.
Once you both connected gazes, he shrugged - before turning back to the railing he was leaned over.
‘What? Here? Not here, there’s too many villages..’
‘No, no!’ A new voice spoke up.
You saw the Colonel shoulders tense, his head tilting slightly as you peeked around his waist and at the man defying him.
‘Respectfully sir..’ You saw him swallow thickly, throat bobbing at the Colonel’s rigid body.
‘Uhm, you do not understand the distinct bonds between the Tulkun and the ocean Na’vi, it’ll.. it’ll be like murdering a member of their family!’
Your stomach dropped when his words registered.
They were going to hunt the Tulkun.
‘Colonel! You can’t.’ You shouted, fist clenching when he didn’t even turn to look at you.
Your breathes grew heavy with panic as everyone turned to look at you, all except for the one person that needed to listen.
‘Colonel!’ You tried again, lifting your tied hands and knocking them into his back.
Still, he didn’t budge.
Letting out a noice of frustration, you flattened your ears and snarled - flashing your fangs venomously.
‘See?’ The man from before spoke up again.
‘We start hunting here, the hostiles will come after us.’
You hissed, angry they had disregarded you - a horrible state of hopelessness washing over your body as you continued to try and cut in.
Your pleas only fell on deaf ears.
‘Exactly, one hostile in particular.’
Your claws dug into your palms from pure anger as the Colonel’s voice rung out again, your eyes set intently on the back of his head.
'If you hunt them, my people will kill you!'
You wanted him to look at you, see the pure rage running through your system and feel the pain of your claws.
To you, nothing would ever justify the amount of destruction caused and now the heartbreak he was planning.
‘Lyle, take her inside.’
You watched as the blue soldier near Spider turned to you, his face stoic as he walked over to you.
You growled as he came closer, hissing when he picked you up and and threw you over his shoulder, crossing over to the entrance of the ship.
‘I will never forgive you if you do this Miles.’ You spoke, voice quiet and defeated but you knew he heard you.
‘You’re really going to let them do this?’ The Colonel’s ears flicked up as he adjusted his vest, Spider’s voice echoing his distaste.
He didn't look at the boy, instead turning away and following the rest of the team down the ship.
He tried to push the effect of the boy's words, yours also resinating and repeating in his brain over and over again.
I'll never forgive you.
I'll never forgive you.
I'll never forgive you Miles..
Your lack of anger and venom in those words only emphasised how truthful you were being, your defeat not making him nearly as happy as he had thought it would.
He gritted his teeth at himself, instead focusing on following Scoresby in front of him, silently watching as the ceiling of the ship separated - opening up and revealing all sorts of equipment.
He heard Scoresby shout to his crew, everyone immediately following his orders.
In no time, over 5 boats were ready to roll out, the ramp opening up to the raging water below.
The Colonel followed Scoresby onto the biggest ship, unable to help himself when walking pass, reaching out and touching the tip of some sort of harpoon.
The thing was huge, leaving the Colonel to wonder just how big these Tulkun were.
Within minutes, everyone was in the water - the smaller boats following behind as Scoresby led everyone away from the main ship, his yells of excitement making the Colonel grimace.
Gripping the rail, the Colonel looked out at the ocean - not even trying to suppress the images of when he had plucked you clean out of that same water and dragged you back with him.
..where you belonged.
The feeling he had in his chest when he was unable to reach you in that vent, your body just out of reach, was unlike anything he imagined.
It felt wrong to have you so far away, out of the circle of his safety.
Anything could've happened. What if you ran out of air in there? Or fell through and dropped-
'Bingo! Move in, we got em.' The colonel deeply inhaled at Scoresby's voice, snapping his eyes ahead and watching as a man behind him began to shoot canisters at the water.
Almost instantly, large blue creatures began to lift their heads up and out of the water, large splashing sounds erupting.
'Get in there, separate her from the rest.' Scoresby flagged the ships on either side of them, the Colonel watching on as the boats began to circle one of the Tulkun.
The Colonel swallowed as the creature cried out, the boats surrounding it disorientating it and causing it to panic.
Gripping the railing tighter, the boat swerved in the direction of the now lone Tulkun - the thing still crying out helplessly as the Colonel gritted his teeth.
'Now the hard part..' The colonel looked over to Scoresby - who was grinning, happy as anything.
'They ever fight back?' He couldn't help but question.
'No, never seen them even lift a fin. They're tough bastards to kill though.' The Colonel looked away again as Scoresby laughed, tail behind him unmoving as he breathed heavy.
I'll never forgive you.
'Subteams move in - airbags ready.'
Clenching his fist, the Colonel ran his tongue over his fangs - thoughts conflicting him as he saw the Tulkan slow massively - bright red airbags now attached to it's fins.
It's continuous cries strangely reminded him of you - no matter how helpless it was, the beast still fought back.
I'll never forgive you Miles
And that was the last straw for the Colonel.
'Stop! Order a full retreat!' He shouted, moving in closer to Scoresby - who was now stood behind the massive harpoon from before.
The man immediately looked to the Colonel, hands on the trigger - holding the beasts fate quite literally in his hands.
'What!? You-'
'You heard me.' The Colonel nodded once, ears flat.
'You can't just do that! There's-
Snarling, the Colonel stepped up onto the ledge the arguing man stood, his body instantly shrinking back at the threatening avatar before him.
'Full. Retreat. Now Scoresby.'
The colonel felt his fangs graze his bottom lip, snarling as the man rumbled something along the lines of 'you're really starting to piss me off' before pressing his ear piece.
'Everyone stand back, full retreat. Speedboats return to SeaDragon, subteam to me.' Scoresby spoke, his frustration clear.
Turning away, the Colonel looked back over the railing - eyes on the now stationary Tulkun who's head was still above water.
'Now what? It can't swim like that.' His ears flicked at Scoresby's irritation.
'Leave it where it is, the clans will still find it. The message is clear enough.' The Colonel justified, trying to ignore the relief he felt as he watched the boats move back and away from the cornered beast.
The ground was cold where you laid on your side, head rested on your hands, legs and tail tucked close to your body.
You were cheeks damp, the skin red and flushed.
It had to of been hours since you were chucked in here, the Colonels right hand man scolding at you to behave.
You stared mindlessly at the underside of the table above, your whole body physically hurt from the pain in your chest that seemed to spread like a disease.
The betrayal you felt.
Not just from the Colonel, no. You had betrayed yourself, allowing yourself to think, even for a second, that you were able to see a change in him.
You cursed yourself, tears welling up again and threatening to fall.
At the sound of the door opening behind you, you sniffed quickly - blinking away and willing yourself not to cry. With your back to the door, you weren't able to see who had disturbed you.
And quite frankly, you didn't care.
Their silence confused you, your ears perking up to catch if they made any sort of noise to indicate who they were.
Once your confusion wasn't rectified, you huffed out and closed your eyes - willing yourself to sleep and forget everything.
You weren't expecting the hand on your still tied ankles, a gasp leaving your mouth as you were pulled out from under the table, body dragging against the ground.
Immediately your turned, teeth bared and eyes full of anger - ready to attack.
You pushed away your relief when your eyes landed on the Colonel, his sheepish gaze staring you back.
'Get off of me!' You tried to pull your legs from his grip but he refused to let go. Instead, he further pulled you closer to where he was kneeled on his hunches.
He didn't react to your thrashing, instead he just stared at you - not a word leaving his lips.
'What's wrong with you! Skxawng! Get. Off!' You hissed, fangs flashing.
You continued when you felt his hands circle around your waist, pulling you until you were nose to nose.
You breathed heavy as your stared at him, his lack of fight infuriating you even more. Feeling his arms wrap around you tighter, you were suddenly picked up - triggering you to curse him out again.
'Stop ignoring me and let go!'
You gasped as you were dropped on the table, one hand on your waist sliding down to your hips and pulling you to the edge while the other trailed up just under your breasts- pressing you flat to the surface.
His hand was big enough to entirely cover you, his warmth seeping into your very soul.
Your mouth dropped open, the sudden position having your still damp cheeks warming.
'Now your quiet?' His voice threw you off, your confidence out the window.
You didn't respond, only swallowed thickly as he lifted your legs up to your chest, his hands now behind your knees and pressing himself against you- hips flush to yours.
You didn't try and let it effect you, amping yourself up and flattening your ears - ready to tell him exactly what you thought of him.
'Don't touch me!' You hissed, tucking your restrained hands to your chest and swaying your tail slowly.
He was evil, he had taken countless of innocent lives, beings that had done absolutely nothing but exist and you were letting him touch you?!
'I hate you! Get away and let me go!' You thrashed, your entire body flushing when you felt felt him move a hand down your thigh - the other moving across and using his forearm to hold your knees to your chest.
You gasped when the hand trailing your thigh dipped further down, under your ass - fingers slipping beneath the band of your pants before beginning to pull it up.
'S..Stop! Get off of me!' Your voice cracked, your body shivering as more skin was revealed to the cool room.
The Colonel didn't look down at all, his eyes trained on your face - watches your features intently. He watched as your face tensed and relaxed, almost as if you were unsure if you should be enjoying this.
But he knew you were, your scent was already beginning to permeate the air.
He didn't stop until your pants were bunched up at your knees, the arm he was using to keep you in the mating press now holding the fabric in a tight grip.
You didn't know how to react, your heart dropping as you were completely exposed - shutting your eyes in embarrassment when your felt yourself clench.
You could already feel your slick building, your clit beginning to throb from lack of stimulation.
'Get..Get off me.' You and the Colonel both heard the lack of emphasis in your words, your voice quiet and no strength behind it.
'That what you really want?' You could feel his stare on you but you didn't look.
The Colonel waited for your answer, your pure stubbornness making a smirk pull at his lips.
You huffed out a breath when you felt him move further down, his head disappearing out of the corner of your eye.
Your thighs shook desperately when you felt him press his lips just below the back of your knee, his lips and breath warm against you.
He repeated that again and again, lower each time until he was at your inner thigh. You then felt him run his fangs over the sensitive skin, the sharp tips embedding in your skin.
You moaned, body tensing as he repeated the process to your other thigh - this time taking it a step further and sucking the skin into his mouth.
He didn't let go, even when your bucked your hips against him, cunt dripping for him and landing on the surface below.
Once he was sure he had left his mark, he released you - tongue slipping out to running over the new bruise.
Dropping his gaze, his eyes landed on your pussy - the poor thing practically begging to be touched.
'If you want me to stop, tell me and I'll leave.' He knew he had to ask, even though he'd rather bite his own hand off than leave you right now - he wouldn't force you.
At your lack of response, he lifted his hand - landing a clean spank on the back of your thigh. Your gasp made him smirk as he pictured your pouty lips.
'Please Colonel..' You whined, laying your head back against the table, back arching and hoping he'd give in and finally touch you.
You held your breath when you felt him move lower, cheeks tinting as you felt him sniff around - breathing you in like air. His groan made you respond with your own whine, hands clenching into fists.
'We didn't kill them.' The random sentence had you opening your eyes, the light blinding.
'Wh..what?' You voice wobbled.
'The Tulkun. I called off the hunt.' You lifted your head, trying to peer around your legs and at his face, the relief in your body never feeling better.
You were cut off by your own moan, his tongue finally diving between your lips - the hand that wasn't holding your legs to your chest now slipping two fingers on either side of you, spreading you open even further.
'Fuck, you're dripping everywhere.'
You threw your head back when you felt him slide his tongue through the entirety of you - your arousal collecting deliciously on his tastebuds.
'Knew you'd taste this fuckin' good.' You whined back at his muffled voice, arching your back and slithering your tail around the back of his neck.
Once you had be licked clean, he slid up higher - laving his tongue repeatedly across your engorged clit before taking the bud into his mouth.
You screamed as he sucked, his cheeks hollowing out and using his tongue to flick the bud in his mouth, making sure the tip caught the sensitive underside.
Humming around you, he sucked harder - pulling back slightly and shaking his head, your hips rocking against his face.
You stomach quivered, breaths heavy as you moaned out, your high beginning to peak as you begged him, your thighs shaking around his head.
'Fuckin' come for me princess, come on.' You heard him pant against you, before he dove back back, the hand that had been spreading you now circling your clit while he tongued at your hole.
You cried out as he slipped inside you, thumb unrelenting on your clit.
You felt electric when your high crashed through you, your body on overdrive while Miles continued to lick at you, tongue slipping back and forth to draw more of your orgasm out.
You whined when he didn't pull away and the thumb on you clit didn't stop.
You shifted to hips away, crying out when his mouth only followed you - tongue now licking up to where his thumb was, pulling the appendage away to clean away any remaining arousal.
Once he was sure you were clean, your pussy twitching from overstimulation, he let go - kissing his way back up until he was looking over your knees and down at your fucked out face.
You eyes were closed, breaths heavy as your tried to come back - your brain completely disconnecting from you.
'You with me?' He asked, using his hand to lightly smack against your thighs.
Your whine while you nodded made him chuckle, your eyes finally opening and looking down at him.
His chest sucked in at the smile you graced him with, your eyes light and genuine while your dimple popped in your cheeked.
Looking down, Miles reached down and grasped your wrists, fingers sliding under the restraint and loosening it until it fell away. He reached for your ankles next, repeating the same action.
His ears perked up at your sound of relief, using both his hands to pull your legs from your chest and letting them fall limp on either side of him, your pants still around your knees.
While he was too busy making sure you were comfortable, his hands pulling your pants off the rest of the way - thumbs massaging the flesh of your thighs to make sure you wouldn't cramp, you stared at him, your tailing swaying in content.
You felt safe.
Sitting up, you watched as he looked up at you - eyes trying to figure you out.
He was between your now spread thighs, hands leaving you and dropping rest on the table on either side of your waist.
Slowly, you trailed your hands up his chest - fingers spread wide and your tough feather light.
You didn't look at his face, focused on where your hands touched until they were near his neck, your nails grazing the skin lightly.
Only then did you link your eyes, his hooded and intense - almost as if he was staring right through you.
You held your breath as he leaned in, nose lightly brushing yours before he finally connected his lips to yours.
Breathing out, you closed your eyes - pushing back against him while he kissed you, your hands making their way around his neck and running over the hair at the back of his head.
You whined when you felt him press harder into you, his hips now flush to your bare core - the material nudging your clit.
'Miles..' You broke away, eyes still closed why he began to rock into you - crying out when your sensitive clit began to be stimulated again.
'So beautiful..' You heard him say quietly, lips pressing against your throat and the skin being roughly sucked under his teeth - fangs threatening to break through.
'..all mine.' You nodded in agreement, hissing in pleasure when he bit down ever so slightly.
You gasped when you felt something hard begin to press up against your core, his rocking hips letting you feel everything.
'I..I want to help you..' You started, beginning to trail the hand around his neck, down his chest - hoping he'd understand.
The smirk against your throat told you he knew exactly what you were trying to say.
I'm not sure when the next update will be since I'll be away from home for a few days, will keep you guys posted :))
Part 9
Kofi <33
Taglist = @namor-is-the-way @kimqueenofhell @simplefools @gremlinfuck @jupekali @cypherpt5fttaehyung @pturnersblog @girlblogger2002 @inkareds @apollonshootafar @lovejessejay @applesnbannasss @spookyspecterino @s-sabbas @ateandleftnocrumbz @witxhy-lexx @hungrhay @generational-tragedy @anbanananna @honestlyka @perseny @yuugenmomo @oyasumimosura @darkengene @nin3kyuu @blossom618 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @enslique @koolaidjug @kadu-5607 @fourcefulcupid @mangolog @webwix @dakotali @oscarpascal4eva @aerangi @cherrychupachup @sofiebstar @prty-poisxn
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anchoeritic · 1 year
oMG stepcest for tonowari
imagine the subtle gyrates into ur ass walking by, lil gropes, dirty looks, patting his huge ass thighs for u to sit on, finding u extra early in the morning by the seashore.. i mean cmown kells 🥺🤭
stepdad!tonowari is about to have me in a #chokehold !!!!
making short lil flirty remarks at you whenever he wants to start a conversation with you, reeling you inside his hut to corner you. that man knows what he’s doing and he’s damn good at it. “c’mon, just sit down.” he’d tell you, patting his thigh. when you do fill up the empty seat, you feel his bulge sitting right under you and pressing up against the curve of your ass. “mm, feelin’ comfy, sweet girl?”
or when you’re sitting down for dinner.. he decides to sit right beside you, “open up for papa, there you go baby.” feeding you by the spoon from time to time just to watch as you obeyed. sometimes when you least expect it, his hand is crawling up your inner thighs, fingers brushing up against your warm cunt. “ah, please, shit.” you’re trying to keep it down but at this point he’s pushing your panties aside, exploring between your folds. “shhh, quiet down…” his finger circles around your clit, “wouldn’t want mama finding out, now would we?”
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Need some help with that?
* *゚Quaritch x Na'vi!Reader in Heat(AFAB) .。*゚
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synopsis: It’s already difficult having to deal with your heat cycle alone. But getting tied up by the Quaritch and being incessantly interrogated for answers definitely doesn’t make it any easier. Luckily (or unluckily) for you, he’s feeling especially nice today.
“We can make this real easy,” Quaritch drawled in a husky voice. He let out a soft grin at the sight of your frown. “Tell me where Toruk Makto is. Jake Sully. And I let you go, and you can run off to deal with…” He nodded his head towards your clenched legs. “You can deal with your little issue.”
warnings: NSFW, 18+
w.c: 3.9k~
tags: no use of Y/N, reader is in na'vi heat, quaritch has some fun, light BDSM, light choking, thigh riding, light dacryphilia, penetration, squirting, creampie
read on ao3
A/N: feel free to listen along to my daddy quaritch spotify playlist here. this was inspired by @cuethediscoandthedrinks's lovely hc!
Everything about him screamed power, control, and utter fucking dominance. You knew that Quaritch could grant mercy to the heat that emanated from between your legs. The demon could give you what you wanted— and with one glance at his large hands and veined arms corded with sheer muscle, you knew he could give you the sweet satisfaction that you craved. The man in question raised an arched eyebrow as you struggled against the cuffs that bound your arms over your head and attached to a bioluminescent tree branch. You prayed to Eywa that the sweet scent of your heat wasn’t as potent as you thought it was.
Quaritch took a step closer to you, his eyes briskly roaming up and down your vulnerable figure. You bared your teeth at him as you hissed, resisting yourself from falling victim to the delectable scent of musk that rolled off his body. Your eye caught on the bead of sweat that glided down his neck. So lick-able. Embarrassed at your train of thought, you squeezed your eyes shut and your legs closer together. But fuck these damned hormones— everything burned. Your skin. Muscles. The walls of your core that achingly clenched around nothing. Fuck this bastard for capturing you at your worst time of the year!
“We can make this real easy,” he drawled in a husky voice. You were fluent in the language of the Sky People, making his unique accent even more noticeable to your observant ears. There was a part of you that liked his deeper cadence, causing your ears to twitch in interest whenever the demon opened his mouth. Quaritch let out a soft grin at the sight of your frown. “Tell me where Toruk Makto is. Jake Sully. And I let you go, and you can run off to deal with…” He nodded his head towards your clenched legs. “You can deal with your little issue.”
You almost whimpered. I don’t want to deal with this myself, a voice in the back of your head whispered. His towering height flashed from behind your closed eyelids and you couldn’t help but shudder. Him. I want him. Please.
The corners of Quaritch’s mouth twitched upwards. “Otherwise, I’m gonna have to bring you to the lab coats. And trust me, I don’t think a little thing like you could handle what they’re capable of.”
“Go to hell, demon!” You snarled, fighting once again against your bonds. “I don’t know where the hell he is,” you confidently lied. “You want to kill me? Go ahead.” Your fists clenched above your head, the swirl of hormones racing through your blood leaving you frustrated and violent.
The recom frowned, displeased at your lack of submission. He took a threatening step towards you and you instinctively spat at his face, relishing at the sight of him jerking his head back in shock. Quaritch paused, using a hand to wipe your saliva off his face before flicking it towards the lush earth. You braced yourself as you anticipated his reaction to your defiance. Your breasts rose and fell with each breath that you released, the sensitive peaks hardening into pebbles with each step he took closer towards you. Aching. Begging to be touched. Your back subconsciously arched towards him, presenting themselves like a meal for a starved man.
This heat was unlike anything you’ve felt before. In the past, you’ve simply used your own slender fingers or the assistance of other young men from your tribe who were simply looking for a quick release. But the ache that you had for the recom in front of you was primal, like he was the holy salve that could ease all of your problems. Your body could feel sensation: the soft moss beneath your toes, the itchy fabric that bound your wrists and the cool night air caressing your body. Not to mention the glistening liquid that started to seep outside your sex.
Quaritch advanced forward with the speed of a warrior, his brutish fingers gripping onto your cheeks as he angled your face closer to his. Your face grew impossibly hotter at his close proximity. “Where. Is. He.” He growled. His hold on your face was firm but not painful— but the feeling of his skin on yours seemed to satisfy something primal within you, and you regrettably let out a meek whimper. You swore that you felt wetness run down your leg, your tail harshly flicking from side to side in desperate want.
A flash of realization seemed to hit the Colonel as he took note of your quivering frame. His eyes were half-lidded as he took a long look at your tongue swiping across your lips, his ears twitching at the sound of your quiet whimpers. He hadn’t fully tested out the capabilities of his Na’vi body, but with a deep inhale, he knew that the sweet musk that emanated from your being meant something. He felt his cock twitch in his pants. Not only were you in your heat, wanting some form of relief— but you wanted him. You wanted him to mate with you, to stuff your aching pussy with his Na’vi cock and spill himself deep inside your cunt.
“How ‘bout I make this easier for you?” Quaritch taunted.
His hand gently trailed from your cheeks to your neck, giving it a tight squeeze. He let out a breath as he watched your eyes flutter shut, his thumb gently caressing the warm skin of your bobbing throat. His eyes zeroed in on your soft lips, gently parted and seconds from drooling. He had to admit it to himself: you were one of the prettiest Na’vi women that he had ever seen. For a split second, Quaritch tried convincing himself that this was part of his mission. But shit. What a fun mission that hunting Jake Sully turned out to be.
He brought his other hand onto your hip, tightening his grip with just the right amount of pressure. He wanted nothing more than to run his hands over your tits, to push away the woven top that did little to hide your hardened peaks. But he was patient. He could wait this out.
“You could try,” you gritted from your teeth in your accented English. “But you will not be able to find what you are looking for.”
“Really?” Quaritch asked. The hand on your throat moved backwards to grasp the braided queue behind your head. A flash of fear shuddered through your body, but you were surprised with his gentle grip. With your hair in his grasp, moved his fist towards the ground, encouraging you to angle your neck upwards. With your neck outstretched, he bent his head down to slowly run his tongue from your clavicle to just beneath your ear, leaving a glistening trail on your blue skin. “Hngh— ah!” You softly cried out at the feeling of his hot, wet tongue, lapping up the pheromone-filled sweat on your neck. You felt your body deflate in the absence of his heat as he slowly pulled away from you. You stared at him with a look of disbelief, offended at the action of him stopping. You almost pouted. Curse your heating cycle for making you act like this. Feel like this towards a demon.
“Oh?” The recom tilted his head. A smile crinkled his eyes, as if he could hear your inner monologue and was absolutely toying with the fact that you were trying so desperately hard to resist your desperate want for him. “You want more, sweetheart?”
You were about to shake your head in resistance, preparing to feign ignorance at his questions regarding Jake Sully, but your mouth dropped open when Quaritch returned his mouth to your body. This time, his lips latched onto your breast, sucking on your nipples through the woven top that kept your chastity. You let out a loud gasp, your back arching even further as you pushed your chest into his face. Your skin felt the rumble of his throat, your hip feeling the cold absence of his other hand before it reached to grab onto your other breast. You were a pathetic little thing, arms tied above your head, whimpering and moaning into oblivion while the recom continued his assault on your tits.
The colonel slid his hand beneath your top, revelling at the breathy sounds that left your pretty little mouth with each pinch and roll of your nipple. His tongue longed to directly taste your pebbled flesh, and he quickly pulled away before fully rolling your top up. He groaned at the taste of your perky nipple against his tongue, swirling and flicking. In this state, your body was sensitive and at mercy to his every move. You let out a high pitched whine at the euphoric feeling of his soft, wet tongue lapping at your bare breasts, butterflies fluttering throughout your core.
“I-“ You let out a strangled noise when you felt his sharp teeth gently nibble on your nipple. “Won’t! Say- ah! Anything!”
“We can test that out,” Quaritch grunted. He brought his thigh between your knees, forcing you to slightly widen your stance. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, wondering about the purpose of his positioning when— oh. Your body was flush against his, his hand gripping your hip and the other still wrapped around your braid. You felt the thick muscles of his thigh flex underneath your cunt, your body betraying you as you felt the moisture of your pussylips leak onto your loincloth and onto his thigh.
Quaritch groaned at the feeling of your wetness on his thigh. “Fuck,” he gritted. “Look at you, all soaking wet. All for me, ain’t that right sweetheart?” He drove his leg further up, adding more pressure to your sweltering cunt. Your knees buckled at the contact on your sex, your hips grinding back and forth as you satisfied yourself with the Quaritch’s muscular thigh. It fit perfectly between your legs, allowing you to brush your clit against his body at just the right angle, pushing you closer and closer to your release.
The colonel kept his eyes on your gyrating body, hypnotized by every languid roll of your flushed body. His erection strained against his pants, almost painfully, and he could feel small dots of pre-cum stain his underwear. Ever since he woke up in his Na’vi body, he never had the chance to rub at his own cock. It wasn’t until he met you that he found the urge to drive his member to satisfaction, to feel his new body release white-hot ropes of cum until he was spent.
You continued to press yourself against his thigh, grinding your swollen clit onto his strange pants. You hated to beg, but fuck, you needed to remove the layers that separated your cunt from the colonel. “P-Please,” you stammered, glancing down at your loincloth.
“What’s that?” Quaritch’s ear twitched. “You need some help, sweetheart?”
His thigh abandoned your core much to your avail, but he decided to be merciful. Quaritch curled his hand around the waist of your loincloth before pulling it down, finally revealing your swollen pussy to the air. He breathed deeply, inhaling the sweet scent of your cunt and letting out a low groan.
He took his palm, cupping the hard tent that protruded from his pants and firmly massaged his shaft through layers of cloth. The recom allowed himself this blissful moment of relief before he pulled his hand away from himself, bringing his thigh back to your naked wet pussy. The two of you groaned loudly at the contact, your slick cunt lips staining his pants with each stroke. You rolled your hips down on his thigh intensely, desperately chasing your high as soft whimpers and pants escaped your mouth. You were grateful for Quaritch’s rough hands on your hips, guiding your motions back and forth as he practically lifted you from the floor with his impressive strength.
“Look at you, all horny and wet just from riding my leg.” Quaritch grunted, nearly losing himself when he felt the side of your thigh brush against his cock. He bit his lip, the metallic taste of blood coating his tongue. He felt a surge of pride as he watched you increase your speed, his ears twitching at the quickening inhales of your breath; he knew you were on the precipice of cumming. He gave you a devilish grin. “And what if I—“
You let an animalistic whine as Quaritch stepped away from you, a sticky string of liquid trailing from your hole to his stained pants. Immediately, you clenched your legs together again, squeezing your own thighs together as you longed for friction. You looked at Quaritch from under your eyelashes, eyes wide in betrayal. He met your stare with a tsk of his tongue.
Your gaze was quickly drawn to the colonel’s evident bulge, your mouth watering at the site. You lost your composure as you became painfully aware of the emptiness of your sex, walls of your cunt spasming against nothing in pulsing bursts of need. Need for his cock to fill you up, the need o fill your senses with just him and to need to have him fuck you until you could no longer think about the frustrating pain.
“Please,” you whispered. You saw the colonel falter for a slight moment before he straightened himself, towering over you with the cold stare of a warrior. As if he could pretend that he didn’t feel the same lust that took control over your body. You saw right through him.
“Tell me where Jake Sully is, and I’ll give you what you want.”
You shook your head, refusing to say a word in fear of sinking into your desire to beg for him. Your breath hitched as Quaritch stepped closer towards you again, your hips angling up towards him as if he was the rightful owner. Despite the colonel’s hard resolve, you knew that he was entranced by you, your scent. That was the effect of the Na’vi heat— the scent of your pheromones, enough to drive a warrior crazy. And god, he was insane. Quaritch slowly took his hand, the bare skin of his digits finally making contact with your soft, slick pussy lips. His eyes drooped to your folds, his mouth dropping at the feel of your soaked cunt. Fuck, he had never felt anything so enticing in his life. He watched your facial expressions melt into bliss, your pretty eyes squeezed shut and your mouth shaped in an ‘o’ shape.
You felt the thick pads of his calloused fingers part your dripping lips, slowly trailing from the edge of your hole to your puffy clit. His digits gently toyed with your entrance while his thumb rubbed circles against your sensitive nub, and your head fell back in pleasure, exposing your neck once again. Growling, Quaritch’s mouth pounced onto your skin, gently biting down on the sensitive skin of your neck before darting his tongue against your pulse point. Your fingernails dug into your palms, drawing blood as you whimpered pathetically. “Quaritch,” you gasped softly. The recom’s ears perked up at the sound of you crying out his name, and fuck. He was a goner.
And he had to stop before he lost himself.
Quaritch stepped away from you once more, taking in the sight before him. He felt his tail flicker as he looked at your heaving chest, your body trembling from his handiwork. The sides of your thighs were slick from your want, your breasts swollen and heavy. His body stilled as you made eye contact with him, your pupils blown so wide that they were practically black. Your lips were puffy from you biting down on them, a small drizzle of drool running down your chin. He knew that it would be torture to leave you like this, begging for his touch, your orgasm unspent.
His heart raced at the sight of you, cock ready to burst despite not having touched it. He was going crazy.
“Jake. Sully. Tell me. Now. And I’ll do both of us a favour by unzipping my pants right now, taking out my dick, and pounding into that wet little pussy of yours until you cum all over my cock and milk me real, real nicely.” Quaritch growled in frustration. He waited with bated breath for your response, confident that you would finally give into his interrogation.
Instead, he was taken aback at your twinkling eyes, tears pooling in each corner. Your lower lip wobbled as you shuffled side to side, desperately rubbing your legs together. This was all too much for a Na’vi in heat. He couldn’t leave you like this, all strung up with nowhere to burst. Your entire being inwardly screamed at yourself, at him, to be wrapped up in his arms, to feel every inch of his skin on yours. You felt like you could burst into tears at the feeling of your throbbing, horny pussy.
And so, fuck your hormones, you blinked as your tears finally ran down your face.
Quaritch stared at you, stupefied at your sad expression. Your long lashes fluttered as you kept trying to blink away fat tears, your bound hands unable to wipe them away from your cheeks freckled with bioluminescence. He felt his stoney heart break for a split moment, and he swore under his breath.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he said before finally breaking his resolve. Quaritch took one step before grasping your face with hands, his lips finally crashing onto yours in a frenzied rush of heat. Finally. Your lips slotted between each other perfectly, as if your bodies were made for each other. Gasping, Quaritch took advantage of your opened mouth to tease you with his tongue— one swipe, two— and you swirled your tongue around his, saliva pooling into each other’s mouths until you had no idea where you ended and where he began. Your kiss was messy, sloppy, and the perfect release for your pent-up tension.
With one hand, Quaritch quickly undid his belt and gasped his firm cock with his hand. His Na’vi member was an impressive size, veins running down the side like lightning strikes. He let out a low groan as he rubbed the sensitive head of his cock against your sticky entrance, his mouth salivating at the sight of your juices oozing out of your cunt like ripe fruit. He wrapped one of his hands underneath your knee, lifting your leg up with ease as he continued stroking your leaky slit with the swollen tip of his length. He watched as you squirmed incessantly, your back arching as he roughly tapped his tip against your puffy clit. Quaritch was enamoured by your pretty little moans, his pre-cum mixing with your wetness.
“P-Please,” you pleaded.
The colonel sucked in a sharp breath. “Just for you, sweetheart.” His cock finally slipped past your entrance, the two of you moaning loudly. Quaritch kissed the tears on your cheeks as his length disappeared into your body, savouring the feeling of his thick member stretching your pulsating walls. You released unintelligible whimpers as he slowly rutted in and out of you, the lewd noises of his flesh plunging into your wet cunt music to his ears. Quaritch grunted as he pulled you close, his muscles taut with every roll of his pelvis. Your head fell forward, lightly jostling against his sweat-soaked chest with each painstakingly slow thrust.
“More,” you whimpered, your body writing against its restraints. With a growl, Quaritch’s slow thrusts quickly transformed into a brutal pace as he roughly jackhammered into your cunt. He used the calloused fingers of his other hand to rub tantalizing circles on your bundle of nerves, his ears twitching in delight at every breathy moan that left your swollen mouth. The sensation of his cock and his fingers were almost too much for you. Your walls fluttered around his throbbing member with each pump, your building orgasm causing your cunt to spasm and clench around his cock tighter and tighter. “Fuck— your pussy feels so good sweetheart, you’re taking me so fucking good.” He groaned into your ear, the scent of his musk filling your senses. You whined as the familiar build-up of your orgasm met with an unfamiliar sensation that built in the pit of your core.
“I-“ you stammered as Quaritch’s cock kept pistoning inside of you. “I feel like I’m going to—“
“Come on sweetheart, it’s alright, I got you.” Quaritch’s gravelly voice guided you to your climax. He rolled the pads of his thumb into circles on your clit, relishing in the way that you were falling apart at his touch. He lifted your leg higher, hammering into you at a deeper angle that sent your eyes rolling back, and you let out a choked sob as you felt yourself convulse around his cock. Quaritch groaned as your pussy gripped his member, savouring your strangled noises as your weeping cunt came around his member, squeezing and milking.
“That’s it, I got, you I— oh, fuck.”
It was like a dam had burst. Squirming, you felt a clear liquid seep from your pussy, showering down his cock and leaking down your legs. Your eyes tore open, your mouth dropping as you stared at your dripping juices. Quaritch blinked down at your sex, his grip on your body turning to steel. “My cock that good that you just had to squirt all over it, huh? Fuck,” he swore as he picked up his thrusts once more, ravishing in the ways that your delectably wet cunt gripped him. His thrusts became sporadic as he reached his peak, the sweat from his exertion smearing onto your body.. “Oh fuck, your pussy takes my cock so well— hngh, fuck— you want my cum?”
You nodded your head desperately, your eyes watering and drool running down the sides of your mouth. “P-Please,” you begged. Quaritch pounded one last thrust before letting out a guttural groan. His hips stuttered as he released his hot seed into you, bursts of white semen coating your sensitive walls. You moaned at the feeling of his cum filling your cunt, trails of his seed leaking down the side of your legs. “Fuck,” he swore.
Quaritch’s arms quickly wrapped around your middle as you slumped forwards, your energy entirely spent. After the two of you caught your breaths, he released you from the branch, your hands massaging the red marks on your skin from the cuffs that restricted you. He wiped a lock of hair away from your face, surprising himself for a moment. The two of you paused, staring at each other as you held your wrists close to your chest. He blinked as he took a careful step towards you, your mind reeling as you fought against the realization of what you two had just done.
You looked up at him with wide eyes, unsure what to think of the emotion pinching his eyebrows together. The colonel took one step towards you, “don’t—“
After quickly grabbing your discarded clothing, you took off running.
The colonel was utterly fucked.
⋯ ˁᱸᲲᱸˀ ⋯
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foxigemini · 9 months
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Pairing: Recom!Quaritch x Recom!Female Reader
Synonym: Quaritch comes home after a mission and needs your comfort.
Warnings: Nsfw, Smut, Rough Sex, Unprotected Sex.
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"Hey. Are you okay?"
You watched as Quaritch slumped down on the armchair, your gaze automatically dropping to his spread legs.
"C'mere, darlin'," he said, patting his thigh. "I need you. Been a rough day."
Biting your lip at the surge of arousal shooting through your core at his voice, you walked over to him and sat down across his muscular thigh. He took your chin between his thumb and index finger, turning your face to him. His yellow eyes looked into yours, his gaze full of hunger as he pulled you closer and pressed his lips against yours. You moaned at the contact, his tongue demanding entrance to your mouth. You gladly gave it, tingles running through your body as his hand slipped underneath your t-shirt. Quaritch pulled you closer to him, deepening the kiss, his arms around your frame and sliding up the side of your hips, his touch rough against your skin. He pulled you in, claiming your mouth deeper, hungry, and intense. He shuddered and there was a sound from the back of his throat, something between half a growl and half a moan that sent a jolt of arousal through your lower belly.
"Take off your clothes for me," he commanded as he pulled away from the kiss, his voice barely a husky mumble.
Meeting his gaze, you stood up at his command, your face flushed with heat as his eyes studied your every movement when you started to undress. He sat there quietly, silently watching you. Your pulse quickened as piece by piece of your clothes fell to the floor and you finally stood there naked before him. Quaritch took your hand and pulled you down across his lap, his mouth engulfing one of your tits. You gasped, moaned as he sucked on your sensitive nipple.
"Oh, Miles...," you exhaled softly and started rubbing your pussy against his thigh. You wanted him, needed him inside you, the erotic contrast of your naked body against his fully clothed one making you tremble in his hands.
Quaritch growled, his hard dick twitching at the feeling of you rubbing against his thigh. He opened his pants without effort, his hand giving your ass a gentle slap, silently ordering you to lift your hips.
"Gonna fuck you real good, princess. Fill your pretty pussy with my cum," Quaritch muttered as he wrapped his hand around his cock and guided it to the wet entrance between your thighs. His other hand grabbed a handful of your ass, lowering you down onto his dick. The head popped in, both of you moaning as you lowered yourself onto him.
"Fuck, Quaritch," you gasped and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"You feel so good, baby. So fucking wet and tight..." he rasped as you started moving up and down his cock, your perfect pussy engulfing him so deeply he could feel himself throb and shiver every time the head of his cock pushed against your g-spot.
You let out a soft gasp when Quaritch suddenly lifted you up with ease. Wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, you moaned as he started thrusting up into you, each thrust of his cock sending jolts of pleasure through your body.
"Oh fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuck!" you moaned at every thrust against that sweet spot deep inside you that he pleasured so perfectly.
"Yeah, you like that, don't you, baby?"
"Yesss," you gasped and wrapped your arms tighter around his thick neck. "Please, fuck me harder, Miles. Make me come all over your big cock."
"Fuck," Quaritch grunted and clenched his jaw as he upped the speed, pounding you like a jackhammer until you both came, his cum ejecting inside your fluttering, clenching pussy.
Gasping for air as your orgasm slowly subsided, you giggled softly and rested your forehead on his shoulder as he slumped back down on the armchair.
"I love you," you said out of breath as you lifted your head and smiled down at him.
"I love you too. And you're mine. Forever," Quaritch hummed as he placed a possessive hand around your throat and ran his thumb across your bottom lip.
Smilingly, you leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "Forever."
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tsireyqs · 1 year
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⭑・゚゚⁀➷ main works!
dark content will be bolded.
moon song (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: “m'sweet girl, you’re so good to me.” his tongue swipes over the spot he bit and kisses up to her jaw. “let me take care of you."
afterglow (jake sully x f! reader x neytiri)
ఌ➴⋆: “you have to relax, honey,” neytiri says against y/n's neck. her hand ghosts over her hips and she pushes them lower. “he can take it. isn’t that right, ma’jake?”
dancing with our hands tied (stepdad! jake sully x reader)
ఌ➴⋆: “stupid girl, what did i say about being quiet? you’re gonna get us caught,” he hisses. his head tilts when your small hands wrap around his wrist, and he tsks.
state of grace (stepmom! neytiri x reader)
ఌ➴⋆: “y/n,” her light sing-song voice calls out, “open those pretty eyes for me, sweet girl. want you to watch as you make me cum.”
lover (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: “she looks at you like you hang the stars. and i think, a little part of me hoped, no. wishes that i take up as much space in your heart as you do mine.”
false god (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: “this is wrong, i know. yet my heart can’t help but yearn for you.”
gold rush (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: quick glances and brush of hands almost makes jake forget that you're promised to another.
→ ivy
→ willow
⭑・゚゚⁀➷ drabbles/hcs!
a helping hand (jake sully x f! reader x neytiri)
ఌ➴⋆: neytiri teaching reader how to go down on jake
delicate (jake sully x human! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: size kink with jake
devil's in the details (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: choking kink while going down on reader
this love (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: praise kink with jake
destroya (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: mating press with jake
carry me out (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: pegging jake
two slow dancers (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: slow sex & biting with jake
so it goes... (stepdad! jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: gentle sex with daddy jake
high infidelity (stepmom! neytiri x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: stepmom! neytiri finally having her way with you
sweet nothing (stepmom! neytiri x reader) ft. kells ♡
ఌ➴⋆: stepmom! neytiri reeling you in
burning red (mean! stepdad! joel miller x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: face fucking with joel
i know places (stepdad! quaritch x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: stepdad! quaritch slipping into bed with you
picture to burn (stepdad! jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: stepdad! jake keeping stashes of polaroid pictures of you
but it's better if you do (stepmom! neytiri x f! reader x stepdad! jake sully)
ఌ➴⋆: stepdad! jake sully finding stepmom! neytiri between your thighs
a pearl (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: jake fingerfucking you in his lap
where your heart beats (next to mine), (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: jake's heart beat reminds you that he's here to stay; fluff!
don't blame me (joel miller x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: dbf! joel punishing you after teasing him
misery business (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: edging jake
only angel (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: letting subby! jake know he's yours
when the sun goes down (jake sully x f! reader x neytiri)
ఌ➴⋆: babysitter! reader caught inbetween jake and neytiri
what i want (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: stomach bulge kink with jake
baby you're out (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: overstimulating jake
untouchable (ellie williams x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: cockwarming ellie's strap
turn (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: dbf! jakey bakey thots
more dbf! jakey bakey thots!
ఌ➴⋆: jake taking his stress out on you
brat taming with ronal and tonowari
ఌ➴⋆: body worship with jake
✩ updated 04/26/23
800 notes · View notes
afandommultiverse · 1 year
How you meet Colonel Miles Quaritch
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❀ A/n: the moment you have all been waiting for (more like just me) but still! Here are my headcanons for when baby girl (Quaritch) meets you <3 
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
✿ where’d you meet you say? well it is when Quaritch is looking at his old resting spot(his grave) and after he crumbles his old skull in his hands, you are quick to make a distraction to get their attention off of the kids just in case they make a noise backing away and he is even quicker to follow after you. he didn’t even know why he just felt it in him to go and search not even bothering to think of the possibility of it being a deadly wild animal because somehow he already knew it wasn’t
✿ lo and behold you weren’t a wild animal but you might as well have been, by the way, you attacked and began fighting, throwing grown Na’vi men, military trained and armed, around like they were nothing but pebbles in your way. for a second, he hit a tree after you sent him stumbling back with a kick to the chest. with the lost breath, he took a second to watch you, analyze you, look for an opening, anything; instead, he got lost in staring at you
✿ you were breathtakingly gorgeous, war paint still sprawled across your face no doubt from the job that had been done hours ago on the supply train he’d been debriefed on for so long this morning.  Your hair swang with your movements seamlessly, whipping around just like your tail wildly. as your frame crouched, hissing at his group, waiting for the next one to attack, he saw it in your eyes, his opening
✿ you didn’t mean to but you sold yourself away, your eyes looking behind him, watching something pass behind him, he watched the way your eyes glide for the two seconds they did before you attacked the next man, that's when he took his chance, turning behind himself he grabbed Lyle and ran a few steps toward where you were looking when he saw it, saw them
✿ that's how you ended up here, guns held to you and the kid's heads and arms trapped behind you. glaring up at the man you despised and thought had died all those years ago. ‘he had died’, and ‘of course’, as you ran your eyes up his figure, ‘they made him an Avatar, but how?’. 
✿ Quaritch could not stop looking at you, you were familiar, so so familiar, just on the tip of his tongue he could point you out but still, he was unable to recognize you, the paint and well, some swelling on your left cheek was making it hard, not to mention his memory was honestly kinda toast after finding his own dead body
✿ he stopped thinking about it when he started hearing a yelp off in the distance, he kept talking but he took note of all the kid's ears, moving tentatively towards the call, all in the same direction, even yours. Jake was here, and so was that ‘bitch’ who killed him (I'm sorry mommy Neytiri please it's for tha fic) 
✿ everything as per-fucking-usual fell apart and he lost the rest of Jake’s kids, even the little shit who flipped him off; but it wasn’t all bad, he had you, and he had a kid, well his kid. yet another thing he couldn’t process because of this stupid fucking mission but that thought stayed locked behind like six concrete walls in his mind
✿ it wasn’t until you all got to the base and you two were in an interrogation room did Quaritch realize who you were, well actually he was told by the General. “Can’t believe you caught one of the traitors on your first week, great work Colonel.” he looked at her with a raised brow, she caught on fast and nodded at you in the room, huddling over Miles, well Spider. “ It’s Sergeant Y/n L/n, I don’t know if you recognize them as they were on a different squad during your first time here on Pandora, but they did side with Sulley in the end. Their Avatar was in the making before everything went to shit, it seems they were able to complete the process and permanently transfer, as they have shown no signs of disconnecting from this body. If anything, they’re just like you.” 
✿ ‘Just like me’ Quaratich took that in a lot of ways but he ignored that because it hit him, he did recognize you, and a few collective memories briefly flashed behind his eyes, glossing over as he stared at you through the two-way mirror. glimpses he had stolen of you in the cafeteria and, you guessed it, debrief. In fact, he even remembered when you first got here, to Pandora. You had a different look in your eyes compared to all the others, shit looking back on it now he should have assumed you would have sided with Sulley, but he didn’t seem to be as mad at you. 
✿ he wanted to laugh, an old man with a crush, but he was that old man. ‘Ridiculous’ he thought as he continued his conversation with the General. “I need you to grab the boy, he’s going to be taken to a separate room.” He nodded, before walking in, ducking under the doorway and meeting both of you with vicious glares. 
✿ “Afternoon,” He commented nonchalantly, walking over to them calmly, giving them enough space to feel comfortable, enough. “Are you two going to be up for some cooperation?” He smirked a little, expecting maybe a feisty answer instead he got silence and ever more narrowed looks. He sighed, really turning up the dramatics, and began to pace. “Well, Sergeant, you know how this usually goes, I mean you have plenty of experience don’t you?” 
✿ he could only think of the things you wanted to do to him, the look in your eyes, deadly, it almost sent a shiver down his spine, but he was a good reader and he looked right though you and saw all the worry you had starting to pour out, your heart beat racing, eyes flicking to Spider quickly, just once, tail even curling around him which he thinks you weren’t even aware of as you quickly swished it down when he noticed
✿ “I need to take the boy outta here, so we can either do this the easy way,” he lifted one hand palm out facing up to one side, “or the hard way. I’m only gonna ask once sweetheart.” and lifted his other hand holding them out to you. he watched you balanced it back and fourth in your mind, but he knew you were too smart to fight, you would take the easy way, but that just meant he had to look out for every move after. 
✿  he watched as you whisper to Spider in Na’vi, you too were obviosuly disagreeing about things but one look from you and he shut his mouth, head bowing before looking back up at Quaritch. it pissed him off that he couldn’t understand what you were talking about and vowed to fix that as soon as possible. however he snapped out of that when you stood up and began walking toward him 
✿  he held his ground meeting your eyes, waiting for you to do anything dumb, but you didn’t, you just glared at him a little more before speaking to him through gritted teeth. “If you hurt my son, I’ll do worse than kill you.” The emphasis on ‘my’ was not missed and the threat was noted, because he had a feeling you meant every single word, and he would not let you get the best of him should it reach that point.
❀A/n: Hehe YOU HEARD THIS IS A NO SPIDER HATE ZONE!! Haha but srsly I hope you guys enjoyed and please make sure to request or leave comments! :)
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icedcoffee-cream · 1 year
Y'all seriously don't understand how BADLY I want to fuck the Colonel. Like have you seen his face when ever he sees neytiris arrows??!! Bro looks like he's in the verge of tears and nothing is more sexier then seeing "tough" men cry. I'll be the one doing that.
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ghostsprettymama · 1 year
Obsession for your love.
PAIRING: Miles Quaritch x Male! Na'vi ! Sully !Reader
WARNING: M x M,Angst,Enemies to Lovers,passionate sex,murder talk.
PLOT: After the recent war with your family ( the sully's) Ronal decided to have this man change his ways, or death, by you.
WORD COUNT: 3,224 words 16,870 characters
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You sighed, getting up in your own Marui pod, your head hitting Quaritch's, The crazy fuck was watching you sleep. "you should be dead." you hissed out.
"Well, im not dead Yet sugar." He said standing up, you rolled your eyes. "Spider should've let you drown. But you gave the boy Stockholm. " You left your Marui pod, Miles following behind.
"Did your cock get stuck up your ass or?" Quaritch said, you turned around looking him in the eyes barring your teeth. " you threaten to kill all of my family and me because of your WEIRD freak obsession with my dad and winning, you almost killed my younger brother neteyam, and you NEARLY blew us up on that shitty ship!" You shouted.
"Okay okay, I admit I had my moments. but aren't you the one that almost beat my ass on the ship with your father? I think I deserve an apology too" He said sarcastically
"YOU THREW ME INTO THE WATER AFTER HOLDING ME, HOSTAGE??" you said, "calm down little boy don't get your thin panties in a twist." Quaritch rolled his eyes. " I am 19, nothing about me is young" you corrected him.
"How old do you think I am," he asked "the age to fucking disintegrate," you replied. "51 when I was human. now? about 24 in this body." he said.
Tuktirey came out tugging your arm "Y/n! mama asked if you can make me new clothes, she's busy " Tuktirey asked. " Of course my Chikibaby," you said, giving her a light kiss on your forehead.
You went into the marui pod, sitting next to your father. Jake was rebraiding Tuk's hair, when Quaritch came in he looked at you "Did Ronal leave him to you" He said, his eyes not leaving Quaritch. " Our problem. I fix it"
"He has no intention of hurting anyone for now I believe, but I did not come to argue. Ronal said if he did anything involving murdering or harming us, I kill him immediately, and mother already agreed to let me do this" You said, making new clothes for your sibling, jake sighed and looked at Quaritch. "if I find you did anything to my son, or WITH him. I will kill you myself" Jake promised.
"Papa im grow- "No. not in my eyes" he said, his tone meant that this wasn't something to argue about. you sighed knowing your father was just trying to protect you. "I don't need to be protected" you finished the clothes handing them to Your Sister.
"Now I have to go collect herbs." you got up leaving, and qauritch followed but turned to jake. "Looks like someone's oldest son likes me already." He smiled at him.
Tuk hissed when he left, and neteyam stared at him, you collected herbs with neteyam and Lo'ak.
"So they just told you to solve the problem," Neteyam said, his nonexistent eyebrow raising "Since our father didn't finish it, and For some reason, The tsahik Trusts me more than any of you" you picked herbs putting them in your basket. "Why doesn't she trust me?" Said Lo'ak.
you gave him a face. "You went past the reef, almost died, brought back pakayan, the reason WHY I have to babysit him" you pointed at Quaritch towering above you. "and on top of that I almost died, and she had to clean the mess," Neteyam said.
"Hey, at least there's no funeral," Quaritchs Raspy voice said, your stomach had butterflies in it, and as his hands rested on your shoulders you gulped.
"Well..'m gonna go " you sighed, walking away from Quaritch as you went to aonung, you looked at Ronal to see if it was okay to treat him.
"What happened now little one?" you joked with him, he rolled his eyes, luckily he has a soft spot for you.
"Neteyam," he said. "aw boo. fight with your boyfriend?" you teased as you treated him rubbing the green mush around his eyes
"It stinks.” he said “ well, that's what medicine smells like when you get bruises like this.” you hummed
“What want a hug too? “ you said, Quaritch glared at him shaking his head, fear struck through Aonung, and he shook his head.
“Hm, well that's it Ms tsahik. Just re-apply it every hour" Ronal nodded shooting you out. you hummed walking along the shore. you picked up shells, and every time you bent down, you heard Quaritch grunt. this time you kept doing it purposely, he kicked water at you, and you laughed splashing him back
the water splashing turned into a water fight, soon you tackled him deep in the water, and he kicked you off of him as he sank.
you forgot he can't breathe underwater.
you swam down looking for him, hands grabbed you from behind and you forgot everything, you just screamed underwater, the noise being muffled as you choked.
The ex-general noticed pulling you up to the surface, you spat the water out as he pulled you to shore. you hyperventilated as he held you, you never were so afraid. "calm down. it's okay it was just me" he said getting a hit in his face, h e sighed" okay I deserved that but for the love of god BREATHEE." he said.
You listened calming down, then you began to go off on him "WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS! you drive me nuts! I HAVE TO BABYSIT YOU! AND ALL YOU DO IS FLIRT, BE SARCASTIC AND SCOWL AT BOYS WHO TOUCH ME LIKE YOU HAVE A CRUSH ??" you threw up your arms in defeat. " and on top of that you threatened to kill us all but you refuse to do it! and you just play with me ?? you're just so- you got interrupted by Quaritch kissing you deeply, and you whimpered when your hair was grabbed by him his other hand on Your throat.
Jake interrupted by clearing his throat, you didn't budge, he did it louder as you jumped, and both of you stood.
"So you're disobeying orders? " your father said, jake was furious and so was your mother beside him." kissing someone that threatened our lives too..?" Jake said. you felt overwhelmed again
Quaritch got in front of you. "He's grown. he can do as he pleases." he folded his arms. "no Quaritch it's fine." you pulled him back and out of the way, gently.
"Im grown dad.. like he said, I completed the rites of passage and I have my bow.. from the tree too. " you said getting closer " I have my ikran. I have everything I need but I most definitely don't need a mate.. but yet even tho we're here for peace... you brought war and I HAVE TO CLEAN UP AFTER YOU. I have to take care of quaritch and yet both of you still boss me around hand me tasks and try to control my life! you already do this to neteyam and you know how that makes me feel. you are not Tsahik or Toruk makto anymore... why can't you just treat us like your kids and not soldiers. " you looked at him, balding your fists.
You got in his face as he looked down at you angered "Ma jake- "Neytiri pushed him back gently not wanting a fight to start. "your father is just concerned .." Neytiri said, She knew you couldn't handle Jake's words well.
"Im concerned. that skxwang - you snapped. Neytiri watched your fists connect to your dad's jaw. he moved slightly turning to you with a bloody nose, and he hit you back. you fell on your knees, your hair tie broke, you looked at him and all he could see is Neytiri.
"Maybe if he wasn't fucking hard-headed he'd known that I fear that this bastard would kill him," he said to Neytiri.
"Maybe if you showed you cared instead of working me to death and treating me like we're still back home and im the best warrior in the world that you only fucking have I would know. you treat me like tsu'tey treated you. and I don't deserve that" you said " maybe if you DID CARE you'd treat me,lo'ak and neteyam well." you teared up storming off.
Neytiri looked at Quaritch shaking her head"Why must you prey on my son and manipulate him? you're doing nothing but tearing us apart. I should rip you apart." She hissed at him.
Qauritch shook his head "Im sorry if you think what im doing is about you or trigger happy husband over there- actually im not. your Son has done more than therapy and rehab can so in the past weeks even if he got defensive thinking at any time I could kill him, which I could. but I don't want to because of how I feel. I don't know if it's love but. I have no tntent on harming him. i want to be with him and keep him safe." he declared
"You are not accepted into this family or as his mate. I don't approve" Neytiri Declared. "Good thing eywa decides" Quaritch smirked.
"he won't choose you, not after how you hurt us," Jake said, quaritch dropped all his weapons. he was serious.
jake and Neytiri stepped back. "Fine. if you wish to go ahead. but if you hurt him I will take your heart and eat it. in front of you." Neytiri hissed leaving.
"Are you serious about this?" Jake asked Qauritch nodded sitting down, and jake sat beside him. "I don't forgive you. neither will the kids but. if my son loves you then I can't fight that" Jake said.
"Sully. why do you sound so damn depressed" Quaritch looked at him confused " my son is literally kissing a War criminal," jake said
Blue = jake
orange = qauritch
"aren't you one too"
"not the point"
"But I can't be one"
"no? you want to be with my son right? so abandon your past for him."
Quaritch thought about it, he got up to go to find Y/n. he wanted to see if he felt this way.
Y/n was seen feeding ilu with his siblings. they didn't sense Him yet.
"So you claim not to like him but punched dad for calling him skxwang, stood up to BOTH of our parents and defended us, and almost brawled him for one man?" Lo'ak said mockingly. "Bro you're the oldest and give us romance advice yet you can't see your own" Neteyam said laughing.
"You got Lo'ak And reya together yet .. can't tell a man you like him?" Kiri asked "I care about what happened yeah but, you're just so distressed, we're hurt but care about you more ya ’know? " kiri said.
"you took care of us! let us help you" tuktirey said hugging Y/n's leg. " Tuk chikibaby.. thank you " Y/n crouched hugging her. "but sometimes you gotta do big girl stuff 'n do it on your own," Y/n said turning around to see Miles.
He tilted his head pretending he didn't understand. you blushed looking at your younger siblings who were giving you the thumbs up.
You rolled your eyes, you did not wanna deal with this today, but since it's happening, you might as well, just do it.
you took Miles to your marui pod, and he allowed it. He absolutely loved where this was going.
You made sure to close your entrance. “So about what they said Y/n. Was it true?” He tilted his head, the white patterns illuminating in the dark as he backed you into a wall.
You felt your stomach turn. “yes..” you said. “ and how do you feel about me.” Miles smiled, Damn his smile was attractive to you. He put his hand above you getting on your level.
“That I despise you so much that I like you. No, that I've grown to love your crazy ass. In 2 months and 8 weeks. I've grown to love how fucking stupid and bold you are.” you went on and on and on.
he picked you up. You instinctively wrapped your legs around him, his neck trapped between your arms. “god you talk too fuckin much.” he said kissing you so tender, your hands explored his back as his hand was on your throat.
you were at it for hours, fondling and foreplay. he placed you down kissing down your body while maintaining eye contact.
He watched your soft expressions and whimpers when he left bite marks and hickeys. "no fair .. my body always revealed everyone's gonna see" you gasped as your cock throbbed.
"good. You're Gonna belong to me. My mate." Quadritch said "you want me to be your mate?" you asked. "no shit. I want YOU only you." he said.
he went to your cloth, "Can i ?" He said he wanted this moment to be special. "Of course. anytime you want"
He said taking your cloth off, your Hard cock sprung into his face, throbbing, and you panted leaning your head back.
"This how much you love me baby?" he caressed your body kissing your cock, you bucked your hips up, thrusting into nothing.
"Have you not had a heat cycle? how are you this needy." He said teasing you.
An unknown fact about your species was that the rut and heat cycles are, vulnerable times for your kind.
"This is why you were so sensitive... YOURE IN ONE THIS WEEK?? .. boy am I gonna have fun with you" he was talking too much. "that's why you smelt so go-
your instincts took over as you shoved your cock in his mouth, full strength too. he gagged a bit as you huffed and whimpered. "im so sorryyy.. my body is acting on its own.." You said ruthlessly fucking his mouth.
Miles took control soon taking you nice and good as his tongue explored and licked you.
"Mmh im gonna cum soon fffuck. just stay at that ppaceee..." you said as you and he connected Queues.
It was so much better, you felt everything he felt, and knew what he knew. Qauritch bobbed his head up and down faster taking you whole, you moaned and whined, your ears pinning back.
"ffuck!" you came inside his throat, the crazy freaky fuck swallowed it all. every last drop.
"That was bold of you. Your scent is driving me crazy.” he sat up, you looked at his bulge with a smile. You were on all fours crawling over to him, unbuckling his belt, undoing the buttons as your hands slid into his pants. “I wanna make you feel good,” you said feeling his cock throb.
“mmh fuck. how could I say no to your precious soul.”He said. gladly you took it out, gentle kisses in his shaft and tip. “But do you deserve it?” you asked tilting your head. “I sure as hell do.” he groaned. “Mm nuh-uh,” you said.
You kissed and marked his body. Every last inch. Your hands gently stroked him, causing miles to fuck your hand from how good it felt, you went back
down, your tongue tasting every last inch of his shaft and tip.
Your mouth consumed him as your tongue explored him, you didn't know what to do but your body did. You sucked and sucked. You bobbed your head up and down going along with the rhythm, Quaritch loved that you did this.
as much as a tease he is he hates being teased. You began to deepthroat him, stroking him faster than you did before.
His moans turned into loud ones as he threw his head back gasping. “ fuck you doin’ so well y/n just f’me” he said.
He twitched in your mouth, he was gonna cum soon. you. Deepthroated him, just using your mouth and tongue.
The way you did it drove him crazy, he shoved your head down as he exploded in your throat, a little whimper following.
You released his cock from your mouth. “swallow. All of it.” he commanded, you swallowed, listening to your mate.
“Good boy. You listen well Ma Y/n.” he smiled “I should prep you..” he said turning you over, but you were already ready.
“Hah. You don't really know how you affect me Y/n,” he said slowly entering, you felt so nice and warm, he tilted his head back as he panted.
“Please. You're too big I don't think it's gonna fit-” Y/n said feeling doubts.
“Ah. So you wanna stop now?”
“Want me to move? I promise to be gentle” He coo’d.
“Mhm. Please”
He thrusted slowly, his hips moving ever so politely, he moaned in your ear, and your back arched ever so perfectly.
His pace sped up, the thrusts going deeper as your eyes, moaned loud enough for everyone to hear you.
“Quaritch! Please I wanna see yooOu~” he flipped you over giving you a deep kiss, the kiss was passionate yet so lustful.
you moaned into the kiss as he held your hair, every kiss, every thrust, bite, and scratch on his back meant love, care, and trust you had in the future.
You sniffled, tears falling. “Im so glad I don't have to kill you Ma miles. I couldn't do it. I love you so dearly. I see you. I hear you. I am part of you.” you said.
you heard his smile. “Im glad. I see you, I love you, id set the world a flame just to get revenge for those who wronged you. I'll protect you with my life and being. I hear you, I am with and a part of you” he embraced you as he marked you up.
he developed scars from the claw marks on his back he had from you, his thrusts got sloppy and deeper as you moaned louder and louder.
You both had tears of joy as he came inside of you.
you mated for hours on end. nonstop. more loving each time.
in the morning you were laying on each other with a cover made from soft material over you.
jake had been beside you when you woke up," Don't jump, it'll yank the queue and it's gonna hurt..." he said, he cleaned your stained face. watching you as you lay back on your mate.
"mmh.. papa.. why are you here," you asked. "because my son, the head healer was screaming his mate's name, your family thought you were being married but when we saw you two... asleep together," he said
"don't finish the sentence.. at least I have a mate now.." you said
Later, your family had a celebration for you finding a mate, everyone was happy, even you. spider came up to you.
Oh, fuck I just realized.
He hugged you, and you flinched since your body still ached, you'd pat his head in a confused manner. "does this mean me and kiri are related now?" he asked.
"yes...? I don't know what she is to you but yeah." you laughed, and miles chuckled. he looked into your eyes and you gazed into his.
"If you told me you'd be my mate when I was first taking care of you... id beat you senseless," you said
He laughed at that, shaking his head. "hit me however you want sugar. ill do it 10 times harder" he said smacking your ass as you jumped.
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pandoraslxna · 7 months
Classified briefing
Miles Quaritch x female scientist reader
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Words: 2.7k
Summary: Briefings can be so boring. Luckily, Quaritch has his favorite little lap warmer with him to make to whole thing so much more entertaining.
Warnings: explicit smut, no plot at all just porn, in public, age difference, size difference, cockwarming but with toys, authority kink, voyeurism, sex toys (anal plug, vibrator/dildo), public humiliation, everyone kinda thirsts over reader because this is my dirty little fantasy hehe
Notes: i wrote this back in august and then totally forgot about it until now so here it is, not proofread at all and not my best work either lol
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There’s a long, polished table that stretches across the center of the room. The table's sleek design exudes elegance, and the smooth surface reflects the room's cold, overhead lighting. It makes you feel even more out of place than you already were.
You can’t help the tremble of you knees once your eyes fall to Dr. Garvin and Mick Scoresby, both of them considered big fish in their area of ​​expertise. You swallow dryly, nervousness slowly creeping up under your skin.
A gentle push to your lower back signals you to move, and then your feet automatically carry you further into the conference room. Most seats are already taken up, each person exuding an air of authority and importance, and a hushed silence falls over them as you near the table.
Glancing to the handful of free seats and based on their ridiculous size, you could only assume who they were reserved for.
The recoms act like a bunch of rowdy teenagers. Pushing each other in a fight for the seats in the far back, snickering and cursing, and you want nothing more than to hide your face in your hands for all the attention they draw on themselves and ultimately on you, too.
Thankfully, they all fall silent once the Colonel clears his throat and takes the first seat, thighs spread like he owns the place. Again, you feel so out of place, frantically looking around to find a place to sit and make yourself even smaller than you already were, next to those trees of blue soldiers.
But before you can even do as much as blink, all chairs seem to be occupied and you find yourself standing, nervously fiddling with the seam of your skirt, before two big hands grab your hips and pull you down to sit on a warm lap.
In all honesty, you were already expecting him to pull a stunt like this. Obviously there had to be a reason for him to bring you here, and not just because he thought you were oh, so interested in a meeting that had absolutely nothing to do with you or your work at all.
Quaritch grins and pulls you closer by your waist, a huff of breath fanning over the top of your head at your little whine of discomfort.
Sitting down makes you hyperaware of the round little silicon toy, the plug that’s sitting snug inside your ass since he himself had placed it there a couple of hours before.
"Be good while I work and I’ll reward you later", he reminds you quietly, squeezing your hips in a warning grip and you nod, blushing. But the faint rosy color on your cheeks soon turns into a deep flush of red that spreads all the way to the tip of your ears, once Miles pulls a little, pink remote, barely the size of your thumb, out of his pocket and places it on the table right in front of your face. You know what this is for. Not for the plug, no, but for the other toy that’s spreading your pussy open, the one you’re currently clamping down on.
For a moment, all your attention is fixed on staying still, not moving too much like that would remind him to turn the switch on and—
"With all respect, Colonel", a voice suddenly speaks up, then a finger is pointed at you and your breath hitches in your throat. "What is she doing here?"
Scoresby looks at you, then back up at Quaritch, and while he doesn’t speak to you directly, the message is clear. It seems Miles feels the way you tense up, because his hands begin to run up and down your thighs, thumbs rubbing soothing circles over your skin.
"Keeping my lap warm", he grins and shrugs in an act of fake innocence, and Scoresbys jaw clenches so tight at the sound of snickering coming from the other recoms, that you‘re sure you just heard something crack.
He actually looks a little relieved at the voice of Dr. Garvins as he politely chimes in, "She’s from the scientific department, sir. That means she’s certainly not qualified enough to b–"
"I- I can leave, it’s okay", you cut him off, causing all present pair of eyes to fall onto your smaller frame. Your attempt to stand up however, is quickly interrupted by Quaritchs arm around your middle, pulling you back down and keeping you there, firm and secured. No chance to flee.
"No, you won’t."
The tension in the air is thick enough, you could probably cut it with scissors. There’s a uncomfortable silence, before the Colonel opens his mouth again, smug as ever, "Her qualifications are none of your concerns, doctor. In fact, I am her qualification to be here. Now if you would please move on and wrap this up so we can all go on with our days? I have other businesses to attend to."
Dr. Garvin, in no mood to argue with the recom that’s over twice his size, straightens up, clears his throat, nods, and moves to the center of the room to stand in front of a big holographic map.
His voice is still a little shaky, a thin layer of nervous sweat sitting on his forehead as he starts the briefing like nothing’s ever happened. The recoms sitting to your left and right instantly scoot back in their seats, settling into more comfortable positions like they’ve been through enough meetings like these to know this could take an awful while.
You allow yourself to finally exhale the breath you didn’t even realize you were holding, shoulders hunching a little as you try to listen to what was being said in front of you.
Something about na’vi clans, metkayina, the ocean, weapons, their relations to something they call Tulkun and then over time, it flows into all that war talk you can barely keep up with.
Not that you could actually focus, really focus, on anything other than the pair of hands roaming up and down your thighs the whole time and the feeling of being so full, so on edge, but not being able to do anything about it. His palms are warm and rough on the soft of your skin, squeezing the flesh of your inner thigh from time to time, which causes you to clamp down on the toys inside you. You close your eyes briefly- inhale, exhale.
When you open them again, you desperately try to find something else to put your focus on. Next to you sits Lyle, the Corporal plays with a pen, flicks it around in skilled fingers, looking just as bored as the rest of team deja blue. It’s actually quite interesting to look at, you think. That is, until he catches you staring. Your eyes meet and he winks at you. Straightening up, you glance in the other direction, trying to hide to blush spreading over your cheeks.
Lyle may be an exception when it came to Quaritch‘s possessiveness, but that doesn’t mean the Colonel won’t tease you for this.
Your whole body tenses when suddenly, a low vibrating buzz shoots through your core, putting your nerves on fire. The suddenness of it all gives you barely any time to stifle the gasp that falls from your parted lips, quieting down the whole room. Your ears are ringing, pleasure surging through you in pulsating waves, before Quaritch switches the toy off again. Well, not entirely off, but at least to the lowest setting. Enough for you to calm down again.
Blinking away the stars behind your eyelids, you realize, to your absolute horror, that Dr. Garvin has stopped talking. And he is staring right at you, mouth slightly agape. And so are some of the other humans. The other half that’s not looking at you, is trying their absolute most to keep it that way, staring at the papers in front of them or counting the tiles on the ceiling.
"Excuse her. Normally she knows how to behave", Quaritch breaks the nerve wrecking silence with a chuckle, "Please, move on."
Garvin clears his throat, sweat now beading at his temples as he stutters to continue where he had left off.
"Corporal Weinfleet here is trying to concentrate, darlin'", Miles hums lowly into your ear, hands gripping your waist to pull you down harder against his lap. "And you’re being very distractive."
His hands hold you down, and then he makes your waist circle on his crotch, hard enough to feel the plugs heart shaped handle grind against his cock.
"S-Sorry, I’m sorry", you whimper quietly, biting your bottom lip to keep yourself from making any more noise.
"Don’t tell that to me", he grins. One of his hands then tips your chin up and gently turns you to look over to his right hand man, who’s grinning back at you like this is the most fun he’s had in weeks.
"Sorry, Lyle", you mutter, big doe eyes looking up at the recom.
You know there are important words being said. Things about trade, unions, Tulkun, hunting, Sully and all the work that still needed to be done to catch this guy you’ve heard so much of. Over an hour has passed of nothing but strategizing and thinly veiled arguments and it’s safe to stay, you’re slowly loosing the battle against your own body’s desires.
The vibrator still weakly buzzes inside you, and you struggle not to squirm on Quaritch’s lap, you really do. But it’s just so difficult.
Your breathing has started to come out in shallow pants, nerves being on edge for way too long now, and then Quaritch leans forward, curling a piece of hair behind your ear so that he can murmur into it.
"Relax, princess", Quaritch whispers. "Just trying to take the edge off for you…" Your lace panties are absolutely soaked with arousal by now, and your teeth scrape over your bottom lip as you inhale sharply through your nose when he flicks the switch and the vibrations turn more intense. Your toes curl. But you don’t move. "Good girl, doing so good for me. That feel good, hm?"
Motherf— "Yes, sir", you shakily exhale. Just a little more, you think. A little more and you could… if only you weren’t in a room full of people.
Miles fingertips stroke gently up your thigh, causing little goosebumps to appear and your entire body to shiver at his caress. It’s a battle not to tighten every muscle against it, to let it roll through you for everyone to see, because the alternative is far more dangerous. You know for certain that he wouldn’t have even the teeny tiny littlest bit of a problem with bending you over this table and fucking you raw for the whole conference room to see, if you wouldn’t behave and sit still. You swallow thickly at the thought and fuck, you wished you didn’t bought that mental image up because you clench around the plug, around the vibrator, feeling both toys rub against each other through the thin wall that’s separating them.
Someone coughs at the other side of the table and your eyes flicker up to Scoresby, sitting three down at the head of the table. He’s watching you with a cocked eyebrow and a barely concealed glint in his eye. 
He knows, you think. You can see it in the way he looks at you, filthy and creepy and— Another wave of pleasure shoots through you like lightning, the vibrations picking up and it causes your entire body, including the walls of your aching holes, to tighten even more, and the tiniest little whimper to escape from the hollow of your throat before you can swallow it down.
Your cheeks flush, the tips of your ears heat, and you quickly turn your attention back to Quaritch just as he opens his mouth.
"You like having that nasty fucker look at you, huh?"
You try your very best not to keen from the feel of your sticky underwear clinging to your pussy, pushing the toys deeper in as he pulls them up a little, giving you a mean wedgie under the table.
"N-No, sir", you whisper.
"But you’re putting on quite the show." Miles grins, sharp toothed and mischievously, his eyes boring into Scoresby until he finally adverts his gaze, his nervousness covered by yet another cough.
"I‘m– I’m n-not…", is all you manage to force out, panting heavily.
Your back arches and just like that, the vibrator is at the perfect position. Just up against your g-spot, the silicon tip rubbing so slightly against the oversensitive ridges.
Your fingers grasp at his forearms, blunt nails dig deep into the thick blue skin, as you focus more on clinging to him than how full you feel, how each breath you take makes the toys move ever so slightly to tease you deep inside and how the vibrations are on their highest level, ruining you from the inside out and causing your whole body to physically shudder.
You’re so ridiculously wet, natural lubricant squeezing around the toys, drenching your panties and now soaking a small patch onto his pants where you’re seated. It feels good. So good, and you’re so close and everyone can probably hear how heavy you’re breathing, so you think fuck it and rock forward with the smallest ”mmh” and a bolt of pleasure shoots up your spine. Quaritch can feel his cock twitch with the growth of his own impatience.
"Look who’s getting bold", he chuckles quietly, and you dare to roll your hips forward. "You want to come, huh? So close, ain’t ya?"
You feel eyes on you. Prager as he dares to put a hand over his cargos and squeeze his aching cock. Mansk staring so shamelessly at you, like his sunglasses make him invisible. Feel Lyle next to you tilt his head to try and catch a glimpse of what’s underneath your skirt.
Feel Miles hands on your hips, tight enough they might bruise your skin as he rocks you back and forth on his crotch, clit dragging over the wet fabric of your panties.
"Please", you whine softly, eyes fluttering close as you let pleasure overtake all your senses, not even caring for the fact that you’re in a room full of people.
"M‘not holding you back, darlin'", he speaks lowly into your ear, bouncing his leg a few times to push those toys just an inch deeper inside you. "Come, if you can keep it down."
Your brain had completely checked out sometime around when your abdomen began to clench with your exasperated breathing and the throbbing between your thighs became so unbearable, you slumped forward. The cold table top against the burning hot skin of your forehead felt like a relief and you had to bite your tongue hard, to not moan out loud.
The vibrations inside your core felt like they were shaking and stimulating ever single nerve there was, to the point all you could do was let it happen. Your whole body felt hot, sticky with sweat and other body fluids as you clamped down on both toys for the final time, before you fell apart with a choked little gasp, followed by silent whimpers of, "Hngh– fuck, f-fuck!"
"There you go, buttercup", you heard Lyle snicker next to you, only adding further to the humiliation you tried so hard to ignore. "About time."
Your whole body locked up, thighs squeezing shut and muscles tensing, as you tried your absolute most to hold back all those pathetic little noises.
"You owe me twenty bucks, Mansk. Told ya‘ she can’t hold it in", came as a whisper from your left, yet you couldn’t put your focus on that voice enough to figure out who was speaking. Ja maybe, or, or… fuuck, fucking hell.
The vibrations inside you went on and on for as long as Quaritch doomed you were capable of, and it felt like you were still coming, until he finally, mercifully, decided to shut the toy off.
It was almost comically how you instantly went slack on his lap, the moment the vibrator inside you stopped working. The content little sigh that left your parted lips was all you could hear, as the room had turned awkwardly silent over the past few minutes.
Then, a dark chuckle sent a chill down your spine, as Quaritch looked over at Garvins stunned frame and said, "You were saying, doc?"
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..couldn't help myself 🤭
tonowari x cock analysis hcs ⋆。゚☁︎。☾ ゚。⋆
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• i canon that tonowari's actually not that long. the common assumption is that every single na'vi has a fkin horse cock mega-shlong situation, but legit wari's big dick energy isn't from the length, but rather the girth
• the girth on that thing is giant. he's definitely thicker than he is long, usually pretty thick flaccid too - although once erect, babyboy has a big-ass cock
• said cock also leads to a gorgeously bulbous tip too ofc; almost mushrooming out over the top of his shaft, his thick blue foreskin encasing that sensitive cockhead ever so gently, often glowing luminous dots littered all over his pretty ocean skin
• tonowari knows he's packin' too, bc he can feel it. doesn't matter if he's got layers or not; and being of the metkayina clan, the thickest material they sport is straight up linen-level fabric
• therefore, papa bear feels his cock all. day. long. not just the heavy shaft and rounded tip, but also his big heavy balls too. this mans has a seriously weighty set; paired with his giant toned blue thighs, he can feel the bounce and jostle of his soft sack and bulge almost constantly
• it def becomes a little uncomfortable too, hence the manspreading and squatting when he's relaxed. it often gives tonowari that much needed space to let his junk rest in one area, as opposed to being all squashed and smushed up against his upper thighs and pelvis (although ngl, keeping the soft swells all cozied up between his legs is big self-soother for him)
• but when he does let it all rest, this daddy's cock hangs too. being so heavy and thick, it's only natural for tonowari's cock to curve down, almost pulled forward and lolled back and forth by the weight of his own shaft and balls
• as he moves around, they def continue to move too; his rounded sack likely slapping against the back of his upper legs with some almost silent 'pap pap pap's--his length swaying front to back or side to side in rhythm with whichever movements he does - it's lowkey very distracting for the poor bby
• has an especially sensitive cockhead too - specifically the underside of the tip. the ridge is so chubby that as it's almost it's own surface, the sensitivity of a wet tongue or warm, clenching pussy just makes him throb and groan for you
• likewise, stimulating the back of his balls and taint are some of the quickest ways to make this bby cum hard. the first time you did it, ngl it took him by surprise; slurping up his tightened blue sack, you extending your tongue just that liiil bit further triggered one of the most intense orgasms he'd ever had;
• since then, this mans will 100% extend two of his fingers back there, pushing the skin of his heavy sack back too for the extra pleasure; just to tip him over the edge as he tugs and jerks at his big, girthy cock; eyes clenched shut in sheer anticipation and need
• has a lot of cum, too. unlike jake or quaritch, tonowari usually doesn't leak nearly as much others, but once he cums, he cums. thick, warm reams of creamy white spurts from his throbbing cockhead, usually not that far, but there's a lot of it maybe even a hyperspermia bby but u didn't hear that from me
• he cums with a lot of force, but lots of that energy is used to get such a high volume of cream from his cock in the first place; therefore it often pools or soaks whatever it's around - not so much long reams or shoots, but more heavy, hot, intense rams or thrusts to fill up your aching pussy or needy mouth
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whoreish-behaviour · 1 year
Revenant 9
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Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7 Pt8
App my taglist is 'too long' for tumblr to handle so I will have to post half here and half in the comments <33
Na'vi!Colonel Quaritch x Na'vi!Reader
This is just straight filth, lemme be honest- 1.4k words of head lmaoo
Warnings >~< = M!oral, throat-fucking, finger sucking?, spitting, hair-pulling, mild overstim (not even sorry anymore lol)
Listen trust me 🙏
You shivered as you felt Miles reach down - brushing away the hair from your face and tracing his hand under your jaw, tilting your face up at him.
You were on your knees, the ground cold below you as you swayed your tail left and right, your nerves building as the man above you stared down at you.
His voice was strained as you did as you were told, your full lips opening and inviting him to pressing his thumb flat to your tongue.
He felt the muscle twitch, your eyes blinking up at him and waiting for his order like an obedient puppy.
'Now suck - keep your teeth off and make sure to move your tongue.' He spoke lowly, eyes watching intently as you closed your mouth around his thumb, the pure heat fogging up his brain.
You felt your throat bob as you sucked, your ears perked up in hopes of catching any sort of praise he'd throw your way.
'Good girl princess, keep going.'
Making sure you moved your tongue as he said, you nodded - beginning to suck harder, his thumb sliding deeper and deeper.
Miles felt his breathing grow heavy, sucking in oxygen like it was his last - his eyes glued to the sight below.
You fluttering lashes is what broke him, the quiet hum around his finger as you enjoyed yourself proving too much.
The suction pop! of your lips was audible as he pulled his thumb from your mouth, your eyes now wide and waiting - mouth agape.
You swallowed quickly, adjusting yourself as you watched Miles reach for his belt, his hands enveloping the small buckle - the thing tiny in comparison.
You heard him breath out deeply, throwing open the buckle - thumb and forefinger now on his button.
You inhaled as he opened it, fingers slipping below the band of his shorts and boxers. Sucking your bottom lip into your mouth, you ran your teeth along it.
You felt a pool of saliva begin to collect as you watched him begin to pull down the clothing, more of his blue skin becoming visible.
Shuffling even closer, you leaned towards his hands that were now reaching into his boxers, your eyes widening as he pulled out his cock.
Miles watched as you dropped your lip from your mouth, your eyes glued to him.
He was huge, prominent veins decorating him from the base all the way to the tip - that’s was lighter in comparison to the rest of him.
Smirking, he began to pump himself, hissing when he used to thumb to collect his pre - the same one that was still wet from your saliva.
'Miles, please.' You begged, peeking your eyes up at him.
'Sure you can even handle me, princess?' He chuckled shallowly, your desperation only feeding his desire.
You nodded quickly, your hair moving from you enthusiasm.
'Please?' You tried again, hesitantly moving your hand up to wear his was gripping his cock. Once he didn't tell you to back away, your leaned up higher - mouth watering.
Slowly, he let go - your much smaller one taking over, your fingertips not even touching as your wrapped your hand around him.
'Spit on it.'
Looking up, you nodded once- holding eye contact as you lifted him up, lowering yourself and opening your mouth, tongue poking out.
Starting from the base, you pressed your tongue against him - sliding along the underneath until you reached the pinkish tip.
His groan made your ears twitch, heart jumping in your chest as you swirled your tongue slowly on the head, pulling back slightly and puckering up your lips.
His stomach tensed as your saliva coated him, the tip now shining.
You then took the hand holding the base of him, replicating his earlier actions and beginning to pump - spreading both your saliva and his pre until everything felt slippery and wet.
Feeling a large hand on your head made you look up, hand moving faster.
Above you, Miles looked as though he was loosing his mind - his body tensing and twitching - mouth echoing the filthiest of words and groans.
'That's a good girl.'
‘So pretty down on your knees.’
‘You like it that much? I can see your tail fuckin’ wagging.’
You had done that to him..
With your building confidence, you moved in again - opening your lips and now taking the throbbing head into your mouth.
You whined as his taste hit you, beginning to suck the skin gingerly as more seemed to pour out.
Closing your eyes, you sucked harder and harder, the hand pumping him speeding up until your spit from before began to collect near your suction on him.
Miles threw his head back as he felt your tongue run over his slit, dipping in before swirling around him again.
You felt the hand on you head begin to grasp your hair, your whimper being drowned out by the sickening sucking sounds.
'Come on princess, you can take me deeper than that.' Glancing up at him, you tilted your head to the side, holding eye contact as your took him deeper.
Miles watched as your throat bobbed up and down, groaning out when you lowered yourself on him- tears building up in your eyes but you kept going.
His mind was completely shutting down, stomach constricting as he felt his high approach. You were halfway down his cock, your smaller hand still pumping what you couldn't fit.
'So good for me..' He trailed off, throwing his head back and shutting his eyes as your desperately milked him, both your ears twitching at the obscene noises bouncing off the walls.
'All for me.'
You moaned around him, your mouth and lips completely coated with him - his scent intoxicating your mind as you sped up, tail constantly moving behind you.
Miles sucked in air through his nose, feeling himself getting choked up as his high began to peak, leaning his body over yours - his free hand grasping the edge of the table and the other following your continuous bobbing.
'F-fuck, just like take ..shit!' He screwed his eyes shut as you dug your other hand into his thigh - your claws creating a delicious spark of pain through his body.
'Pull off princess, I'm gonna - Fuck, I'm gonna come.' He ordered, using the grip on your hair to try and pull you back.
He furrowed his eyes brows when you whined, sucking down on him harder and gently shaking your head.
'Fuck's sake, off all times to not listen-' He groaned, shaking his head as he felt his high approach, your whimpering only fuelling him as he tightly gripped your hair in his fist.
You were persistent however, wedging yourself closer to between his legs - closing your eyes as his taste seemed to drug you.
'If you don't pull off, I'm gonna fucking come inside you.' He warned, his hand on the table being his only support as he felt himself crumble from his impending orgasm.
Still, you refused.
Looking down at where you were sat, ready to scold you and your listening skills , he felt his mouth go dry.
He couldn't help but stare as you rocked your hips against absolutely nothing, poor pussy seeking any stimulation it could get.
That was his final straw, his mind completely drunk as his high hit him full force.
Your eyes widened as his hips began to fuck into you, the hand on your head keeping you where you were as his cock slid in and out, moving deeper each time.
You blinked back your tears the the tip nudged the back of your throat, your nails digging deeper into his thigh.
You whined as a warm liquid began to gush into your mouth, your eyes opening halfway as you watched his rocking hips.
You sucked as best you could, his girth now pressing your tongue flat to the bottom of your mouth, making sure your fangs didn't dig, the tips barely grazing.
You swallowed in unison to his thrusts, your head still under his hand while he gripped onto you.
Eventually he slowed to a stop, his pants above your making your eyes bright.
Gently, you moved back - his softening cock leaving the wet cavern of your mouth, completely dripping in your saliva and come.
Blinking up at him, you watched him try and catch his breath - eyes closed. You licked your lips, before taking your chance and moving in again.
He was too busy coming down to notice your movements, only opening his eyes and groaning when he felt your soft tongue again.
He looked down as you lapped your tongue along his base, collecting all the wetness there on your tongue - before sucking it down and moving to the next area, closer to his tip each time.
Closing his eyes again, he sighed out in appreciation, humming when your sharp canines grazed over the sensitive areas.
He felt his body stutter from overstimulation when you reached his head, gently licking away to yourself - eyes hooded and blinks slow.
Once you deemed him done, you pulled away - lifting your hand to wipe your chin with you finger, sucking it into your mouth after.
Feeling the shadow above you disappear, you looked up at Miles as you slipped your finger out with a pop.
You eyes hadn't even fully landed on him when you felt your self being picked up off the ground, your chest colliding his.
You eyes widened as you were now nose to nose, his eyes staring intently into yours - his face soft and ears perked up.
You felt his hands slip under your ass, a hand on each cheek supporting you. You blushed when you felt how exposed you were, the only clothing you had on being your chest piece.
Wrapping your legs around his narrow waist, your hands automatically went around his neck - fingers intertwining.
Miles couldn’t help but be infatuated with you, your gentle eyes blinking at him, lashes thick and long.
Licking his lips, he bounced between gazing at your lips and eyes - leaning in closer, your scent completely enveloping him.
You were the one to finally connect you, your plump lips soft against his - your bodies moving as one.
You whined into his mouth as you felt his hands squeezed you tighter, your nipples sensitive pressed up against his chest.
He didn’t dominate you this time, just enjoyed you being so close, your body practically melting into his as you kissed.
He smiled as continuous waves of air hit his hands, your tail moving rabidly behind you, his own gently swaying behind him.
Eventually you both pulled away, panting softy as you touched foreheads.
Closing your eyes, you basked in his very essence - both your scents mixing in the air as you relaxed against him, moving to rest in the crook of his neck.
You felt him sigh into you, tilting his head to lean it against yours - his breaths arising goosebumps along your skin.
Just as began to drift off, your eyes drooping, you felt Miles gently pat your ass - pulling you back to him and out of your head.
‘Come on princess, let’s get you out of here.’
‘Mask on, don’t want you falling sleep and forgetting.’
You nodded lazily, reaching for it around your neck and pressing it to your mouth and nose.
You were both dressed again, the pants on you big and baggy.
He laughed to himself when your grimaced putting them back on.
Miles crossed his arms at your slow movement’s and droopy eyes before sighing - reaching out and overtaking.
You let go as he kept the mask pressed firmly, his other hand reaching for the band as he wrapped it around you head.
Once he was sure it was comfortable and didn’t disturb your ears, he moved away - grazing at your tried face, soft eyes already watching him.
‘Come on.’ He patted his collarbones with one hand before reaching out and grasping your waist.
Once you had wrapped your arms around him, head already nosing your way under his cheek and into his neck, he effortlessly picked you up - your thighs snug to his waist.
He could feel you going dead weight in his arms as he made his way out the room, the hiss of the door making your ears twitch but you didn't budge.
'Such a baby.' He mumbled, smirk creeping onto his lips when you didn't even defend yourself, just hummed quietly - moving in closer to his warmth.
The ship floor was cold against his feet while he carried you, the halls empty as he made his way to where his temporarily assigned room was.
What he wasn’t expecting however, was the sudden appearance of a blue soldier.
Who also happened to be his second in command.
His steps immediately seized, shoulders tensing as Lyle stared at him, eyes wide at his colonel.
It was silent for a beat, neither of the men moving or saying a word - just silently taking in what the fuck was happening.
Clearing his throat, Miles opted to just act as though nothing was wrong with this.
As though he wasn't carrying his hostage, all tucked to his chest.
As though you didn't belong to the race he believed he hated.
'Lyle.' He nodded, before side-stepping the man and continuing on. He didn't stop until he was at his door, entering the keypad and immediately walking in.
He breathed in deep, when the seal on the door was replaced.
Crossing over to the bed, he stood besides it before gently shaking you in his arms.
'____. Princess, wake up.' He tried again, attempting to look down at you under him. You hummed in response, ears perking up as you opened your eyes.
Pulling back slightly so he could see you, you made a noise of acknowledgement.
'I'm gonna sit you down.' He told you, waiting until you nodded in response before leaning over and sitting you on edge of the the cold sheets.
He then turned away, walking over to the small two drawer dresser, sliding it open and pulling out the two navy sweats supplied.
Turning back to you, he watched you rub your eyes as he walked back to where you were sat.
Placing the clothes beside you, he kneeled down and sat on his hutches.
Reaching over, he slid his fingers into the waistband of your pants , thumbing at the button until it popped open and pulling the material down.
'Lift up.'
Once the they were removed, he reached for the sweats - bending over and placing your feet in the holes. Once they were at your knees, he stood up and gently took your hand.
'Stand up for me..' You did as you were told, eyes unfocused as he finished dressing you.
'You can lay down.' You nodded, looking up at him one more time before turning to the bed.
The sheets were thin as you climbed under them, resting on your side and your head on the pillow. You watched Miles as he reached over you and at the wall.
You picked up an audible click and a sliding sound, ears perking up against the pillow.
Rolling over so your back was to him, you gasped quietly to yourself as the ocean came into view.
Propping yourself up slightly, you shuffled closer to the window until your nose was almost pressed up against it, lifting the arm that wasn't supporting you to the cold surface.
You danced your fingertip along the glass, smiling as you watched the waves below crash into one another.
The window wasn't massive in height, but it ran along the entire wall of the small room, your eyes lighting up the more you looked out.
Miles watched you quietly as he changed, slipping off his cargos and pulling the sweats up his legs.
Stretching his shoulders out and clicking his neck, he moved in closer before slipping in beside you. He gave you a few minutes before gently laying his arm across your stomach, wanting your attention back on him.
Looking over your shoulder at him , you smiled - dropping your hand from the window and sliding it under the sheets, your one finger cold as your placed your hand on his forearm.
Laying down once again, you rolled over to face him, chests brushing and his arm unmoving.
You blinked at him slowly, showing him just how safe you felt in this moment with him, moving your tail until it wrapped over his legs, the weight heavy in a comforting way.
Using his arm, he gently pulled you until there wasn't a centimetre between you, noses brushing.
You smiled as you felt his tail moving up until it rested against your thigh, the end soft as it wrapped around you - similar to his arm.
Sighing when you felt your sleepiness seep back in, you rested your head against his collarbones - using the last of your energy to gently rub your cheek against him.
Scenting him.
Feeling his arm tightening around you, the tips of his finger pressing in and keeping you close, you hummed when he smelt of you, ears perked up.
'Thank you.'
Miles felt your smile against him as the Na'vi words left his lips, his head sinking deeper into the pillow below as both your scents swirled in the air.
Before you ask, I KNOW THEY HAVEN'T FUCKED- u gotta wait it's gonna be good 😏
Taglist = @ateandleftnocrumb @namor-is-the-way @kimqueenofhell @simplefools @gremlinfuck @jupekali @cypherpt5fttaehyung @girlblogger2002 @inkareds @apollonshootafar @lovejessejay @applesnbannasss @spookyspecterino @s-sabbas @witxhy-lexx @generational-tragedy @anbanananna @honestlyka @perseny @yuugenmomo @oyasumimosura @hungrhay @darkengene @nin3kyuu @dumb-fawkin-bitch @enslique @kadu-5607 @fourcefulcupid @mangolog @webwix @dakotali @oscarpascal4eva @katkat1918 @deliciousdilfmentality @debesyje @storybug123
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anchoeritic · 1 year
hi hi!!
thinking abt stepdad!jake secretly watching reader masturbate, and hearing his name roll off their tongue over and over, and he can't help but help his baby <3
(ps. your works are amazing, please never stop writing xoxo)
stepdad!jake peeking around the corner like a freak, gripping at his hard-on at the sight of your body in all its glory; legs spread wide open with a hand slipped in between, fingering yourself. heavy breaths are leaving his lips as he hears your moans grow louder, the only incoherent saying he could somewhat make out was his name.
“daddy, please,” your fingers circle your clit in figure 8s, completely drowned in your own world. “jake, need more.” he never expected you to ever have such dirty fantasies, especially about him. this had been a scene straight from his dreams. “jake, jake!”
licking his lips, his hand squeezes on the base of his cock, getting off to the sound of your moans. the way his name rolled off your tongue was venomous, shit had him hooked. “wish you weren’t with my ma,” you mumble, “wanna have your cock all to myself.”
god, he wish he could hear that again. if leaving her meant he could fuck you every minute of everyday, he wouldn’t be opposed to the idea. “always want you to touch me.”
“coulda just asked nicely, honey.” walking out from the void, he makes his way towards your sprawled out, taking in the sight in front of him. you were too shocked to speak, speechless. “i-i— jake, what?”
“don’t play stupid,” he stares directly at your wet core, the scent of your arousal filling up his nostrils. “if i knew you needed some help, i would’ve came right out, baby.” leaning in close, his finger dragged down your inner thigh, stopping right before your pussy. “do you need help, sweetheart?”
“mhmm..” you nod your head slowly, spreading your legs wider for him. unhappy with your answer, he only shakes his head, laying a soft slap to your cunt. a yelp escapes from you as he gives you another gentle slap, your clit getting all the attention. “what do you say when you need something, baby?” “please.”
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nqify · 1 year
AHHH I’m so happy I found ur quaritch account! I’ve been dying in lack of quaritch fics so tysm for ur service. I was fed. Also headcannon for quaritch w a shy/ naturally submissive reader? I feel like he be surprised to someone NOT being a brat against him. If u wanna, ty and have a great day?
GIRL U ARE ONTO SMTH AND I LOVE IT!! shy!sub s/o headcanons. — miles quaritch ☆
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pairings. na’vi!miles quaritch. fem!reader
content warnings. daddy kink. lil spit play. lots of dirty talk.
note. idk if this is good or not anon!!! so if you want me to change anything feel free to ask
this guys deals with so many brats on the daily!! his coworkers, his boss, the mf Lyle. He just hates having to put people in line all the time this guys deals with so many brats on the daily!! his coworkers, his boss, the mf Lyle. He just hates having to put people in line all the time
so when he meets you, it’s like a breathe of fresh air. Your naturally submissive, listening to everything he tells you to do, “hey, y/n, could you grab that for me?” And without complaining or whining you nod your head, “yes, sir.” This dude is pussy whipped already
even without all the devils tango, just doing what he says gets him going. He’s so used to ppl not following his orders, when u come along and start submitting to him, this GUY WILL NOW PREY ON U FR
when y’all start dating, he starts to notice how easily you get shy, especially with his words, “hey pretty, how are you?” your cheeks are burning up. This dude will find smth to make you flustered. he’ll give u little neck and forehead kisses to just to see how red you get from his touch. it’s fr driving him mad.
let’s just say your sitting on his lap in public, your horny asf and this guy will not give u attention. You begin to slowly grind your ass on him, he takes notice. As much as he would love take you right then and there, he wanted to test out if you’d rlly listen to him in a situation like this.
Miles pulls you by your waist, your back now hitting his chest. you could feel his hot breathe against your ear, he nibs at it a little before going in and saying, “uh, uh baby, behave”
And your ass listens. You don’t move or fight him in that matter. This guy is shocked. His ears perk up at ur submissiveness. He most def wanna fuck u more now. He’d try to keep his cool and move to ur ear again, “such a good girl for me, guess who’s going to get a reward when they get home” YOU ARE BITCH!!..
girls!! now we getting juicy!! just imagine miles pounding into you, his cock reaching every spot, making you an absolute mess!! This fucker wanna test out the waters again!! “open ur mouth for me, ma” and ofc, as a good girl U DID!! why is this guy so stunned. This most definitely triggers smth in him, you thought he was going hard before?? yeah girl no. He’s now drilling your shit, he’s reaching in deep. Not surprised if he touching your cervix now
he brings his pointer and middle finger to your bottom lip and slightly drags your mouth open a little. and then, BOOM he spits in your mouth. and ofc, you swallow it. THE FACT that he didn’t have to tell you to do that, his dick is twitching and aching for u girl.
since u submit to him so easily, this guy WILL praise you, and I mean it. You’d be taking his dick in your mouth and this fucker will not stop being so vocal towards you, “f-fuck, good girl, such a good girl” or when it’d be your first times together and ur taking his big dick he’d just praise tf outta you, “look at you mama, making daddy so proud and letting him stretch you out, s-shit” creaming as we speak!!!.
bc ur ass is so shy, he will try anything and I mean anything to get you all flustered in the bed room!! this means with his words, his touch, his movements! ANYTHING .
he’ll have u spread out on the bed, hair all messy and ur lips all puffy and pink. Your hands would be covering your face, hiding your embarrassment as you laid there, fully naked. And ofc, miles would be towering over you, this guy is 9’5 for god sake!! Even though he’s seen you naked so many times, He’d still find it so so cute how flustered you are.
He would grab both your hands and pin them above your head,“no need to be so shy baby, lemme see all of you” his tail is wagging like a dog at this point. He secretly likes how u get so shy, the fact that he gets to ruin it MAKES HIM BOOMBOOM baby making time.
bc this guy is a certified dirty talker, he will and I REPEAT!!!, he will say shit to make you embarrassed.
Y’all are literally in public and this fucker becomes behind you, grinds his bugle into your back and says, “can’t wait to fuck this pretty pussy when we get home” u froze. or when he’s annoying you a lil and you just can’t help whining out, “miles, ur so annoying” he be grinning. “that’s not what u said last night baby” get ready for him to mock tf outta you, “weren’t you all like, ah, ah, pls daddy, feels so good!!??” “want more!! ah! so big fuck” ur so fucking embarrassed now omg.
one last thing, eye contact. this fucker loves it - rlly gets the gears going. So when he’s eating your pretty pussy and looks up at you with half-lidded eyes, U GO CRAZY. you try to not look back at him, constantly dragging your gaze to smth else. But oh no, he will not take that
he pulls away from your pussy and grabs your chin, “look at me baby, cmon I know you love it - don’t you like it when daddy fucks you with his tongue?? you don’t want me to make u cum, huh?” your 100% looking at him now. like girl.
requests are still open!! don’t be shy, gimme ur fantasies rn!!!!
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foxigemini · 9 months
Hi there, love your writings and especially the smut - they're so descriptive and hot!!!😏😏😁😁 Wonder if you could write Quaritch with kinks about rope, wooden paddle and belt. I don't have a plot in mind, you're free to explore all you want 🙄🙄🙄🙄 I'd understand if you don't want to write it since these elements can be triggering to some people. Anyhow, love your work!!!
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! 🤗 Hehe, don't worry. These are my favorite elements and those who find it triggering shouldn't read it. I'll hope you enjoy it and I hope you don't mind I wrote this with human Quaritch 🙈
PUNISHMENT - Human!Miles Quaritch x Female Reader
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Warnings: Nsfw, Smut, BDSM elements, Use of belt, Bondage, Spanking (just imaging those muscles flexing when he's gripping that paddle 🥵), Oral Sex, Unprotected Sex, Rough Sex.
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"What was the one thing I ordered you not to do?" Miles asked sternly while binding your naked body with ropes.
"To not walk away from the group, Sir," you replied in a low whisper as you looked up at his stern face.
"Exactly. And what did you do?" He wasn't showing any emotions as he secured you in the frog tie position with your wrists and thighs bound together and your arms bound behind your back. He placed you on your back, leaving you immobile with your ass high up in the air and your pussy open on display for him. He looked up at your face, waiting for an answer.
You gulped. "I walked away from the group, Sir."
"And what happened?"
"A Thanator attacked me."
"That's right. You're lucky I was close by so I could kill it before you got hurt. Just see what one of them did to me. You're not a soldier, y/n. You're a scientist. And you need me to take care of you, to keep you safe," Miles spoke softly but firmly as he took his belt off and looped it around your neck.
"Yes, Sir," you replied and licked your lips as you looked up at him with big, lust-filled eyes. His intense, blue eyes held your gaze as he fastened the belt tightly around your throat.
"Then, you understand that I have to punish you for disobeying me."
"Yes, Sir," you said, biting your bottom lip as a wave of arousal flooded your pussy when Miles picked out the wooden paddle amongst his equipment.
"You will get ten swats, and I want you to count them all."
"Yes, Sir," you said anew and yelped when the first sting hit your bare ass without warning. Fuck, he was really angry with you.
"O-One," you mewled out and gasped when Miles grabbed the end of the belt and yanked it to the side, tightening the choke hold on your throat. Miles raised his massive, muscular arm and placed another mind-blowing spank on your ass.
"T-Two!" you cried out, feeling your skin already getting sore and red from the impact of the paddle. Miles' face revealed nothing as he continued spanking you, each swat jerking your body and sending a jolt of arousal through your core. Tears started prickling in your eyes, but you held them back. You wanted to make him proud, show him how strong you could be. You kept looking up into his eyes, your teeth sinking into your trembling lips as you whimpered out each number.
Miles watched aroused as each swat of the paddle created a new pattern of pretty redness on your skin while listening to the sound of your sweet voice counting each spank. His cock twitched with each cracking sound of the paddle hitting your skin. He looked up at your face and, saw the tears swimming in your eyes, saw how much you struggled to hold them back. But he also knew you didn't only feel the pain. He knew exactly what this did to your body, the mix of pain and arousal flooding your flesh each time the paddle hit your skin.
As you counted the last swat, you exhaled a breathy gasp of relief while your chest was heaving with exhaustion.
"You did so good, baby girl. So good," Miles praised while gently caressing your sore skin, smirking when he saw your pussy clenching in response. "Well, well... look at your pretty pussy lips, all puffy and greedy for my attention."
Without warning, Miles bent down and flicked his tongue across your slit. You gasped in pleasant surprise, moaned when Miles started working his jaw at a feral pace, growling like an animal as he lapped up your sweet juices with his eager tongue. He plunged it inside you, thrusting it in and out of your wet hole at a rapid pace. His tongue moved up to flick your clit, and that was it. Hips jerking and pussy clenching, you came with a guttural moan in your throat.
Miles had never tasted anything as deliciously sweet as you. He wanted more and more, couldn't get enough of your arousal flooding his mouth when your climax swept through your body. He licked and sucked your pussy lips into his mouth, growled when you responded so lovely to his touch, drenching his mouth and face with your sticky juices. His dick was painfully hard, and he reached down, shuddering as he zipped down his pants and wrapped his hand around his throbbing member.
He wanted to be inside you so badly, feel your warm essence coat his cock. Miles licked you through another one of your orgasms, lapping softly until your body relaxed and your chest heaved heavily with exhaustion.
"Fuck, y/n...you drive me crazy, you know that?" Miles grunted and crawled on top of you. He grabbed your thighs and slammed inside you in one hard thrust.
"Fuck!" both of you moaned in unison as Miles' cock filled you up and hit the deepest parts of your core. Eyes widening, you stared up at him as he stretched out your inner walls. Fuck, you would never get used to how big he was.
"Damn, you feel so good, sweetheart," Miles mumbled and started thrusting, clenching his teeth when your wet pussy tightened around him. "So fucking tight and wet."
"Oh, Miles…," you hummed in a breathy exhale. "You feel so good inside me, Sir."
Miles looked down at you through half-lidded eyes, loved the cute, little mewls he was coaxing from your parted lips as he fucked you hard and deep. Miles straightened his body, grabbed the end of the belt around your neck, and pulled on it as he started pounding into you hard and fast.
Pulses of pleasure shot through your core each time he pulled on the belt around your throat. Your mind went blank, your head swimming in a cloud of pleasure as you looked up at the Colonel fucking you. The image of him saving you earlier flashed before you. The look he had in his eyes told you everything you needed to know. He had looked angry, but most of all, he had looked scared.
Your body rocked in pace with his thrusts, his cock pumping in and out of you, building up a tightening knot of pleasure in your lower belly.
"I’m gonna…I’m coming!" you moaned just as pleasure erupted, and your pussy clenched around Miles' cock.
"Fuck!" Miles growled, his cock twitching as your pussy clamped down on him. With a final thrust, his body jerked, and he swelled deep inside you, emptying his cum inside your fluttering core.
Miles pulled out of you, his chest heaving rapidly as he untied you from the ropes and belt, and cradled you across his lap.
"Are you alright?" Miles asked, kissing your forehead.
"Mmhmm," you smiled softly and sighed with content as you nuzzled into his hard chest, feeling safe, loved, and protected as he embraced you with his strong arms.
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tsireyqs · 1 year
Please can you do a miles quaritch step!daddy HC or imagine i love your writing and he is just daddy yk? Much love
i saw this at work and i was blushing so hard pls
stepdad! quartich slipping into your bed after your mom falls asleep. he'd wrap his arm about your waist and pull you into his chest, nuzzling his nose into your hair. you melt into his embrace, shifting your ass to rub against his cock and he hiss. his sharp teeth nips at your neck. "dirty girl."
"need you, daddy," your hand squeezes his arm that was thrown around your body and you lull your head to the side to place a kiss to his jaw. delicate fingers wrapping around his, you guide his hand down to the slick between your thighs. "need your fingers, please,"
he chuckles in your ear and kisses your temple. "atta girl, always so polite," the pads of his fingers swirl around your clit, hooking your leg over his to give him more access. you cry out when his long fingers slip into your cunt and he clamps his free hand over your mouth. "shh, sweetheart. don't wanna wake up mama, do you?"
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