#call of duty: modern warfare iii
temeyes · 3 days
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hmmm not really vibing doodlebob soap with these eyes,,,
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inactivegaz · 7 months
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ncthandrake · 7 months
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JOHN “SOAP” MACTAVISH Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III
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thelvadams · 10 months
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softceleste · 7 months
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@my-name-is-daniel-yes asked: Trick or treat! :³
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juneaulime · 7 months
Zombie!König x FEM!Reader
Pairing: Zombie!König x FEM!Reader
Tags: Primal König, Choking, Biting, Blood, Rough Sex, Not Beta Read.
Notes: Little German like Schatz and stuff, but nothing much, I'm not going to Google translate and get badly translated phrase. I'll spare the cringe for the Germans reader. Anyway, enjoy, I tried my best.
P.S. I still don't know how male anatomy work, lmao.
König turned into a zombie. Y/n found out and decided to hide it from the other members of KorTac. But, she couldn't hide him forever, so she told them. She told them everything and to trust her. Since then, König's been under her care. He began speaking again, though in a very broken English, he also started eating "normal" food, like snacks and processed meat, he still struggled with vegetable and cooked meat. But, he was good enough to be left alone for long times. So, y/n left for a mission that lasted 4 month. She thought it would be no big deal.
She came home, unusually dark and cold. She smelled König's scent, the scent of rotten meat mixed with soap. Weird combination but tollerable. She took off her gear and shoes, putting her backpack on the sofa. "König?" She calls out, then she hears big stomps, like he's dashing here. She chuckles and then turn around to face König, something about him looked primal. His eyes were blown wide and his breath was erratic. "Me... You... Sex" what? She looks at König confused "What- König, what do you mean by-" before she could finish her phrase König takes her wrist and pins her down on to the sofa, restricting her with his massive body, and a very noticeable bulge in his pants.
"Schatz... Sex... Now!" His to e was different from the first time, this time he sounded... Primal, and... Commanding. She puts a hand on his chest as a way to symbolize that she was not up to it. "König, listen. We can't... You'll break me." Her voice trembled when she said "break me", but as soon those words left her mouth something snapped in König, his grip tightened on her wrist and he was drooling now and growling. "Y/n... Please... Sex?" He said now begging and rubbing his erection on her stomach, she swallows her spit and gives up. She caresses his masked face "Okay... Fine. You win. Try to be nice, ok?" He nods excitedly. He takes off her shirt and pants, struggles with her bra which she helps him out with it.
There she was, laid bare and naked in front of König. He takes off his mask and tries to kiss her, but due to the lack of his lips he struggles a bit, but she understood and guides his mouth open and intertwine their tongues. He felt cold, compared to her she was warm, he could still feel it a bit on his fingertips. He traces her spine and trails down to her neck and collarbone, leaving small kisses and licks. He stops and looks at her with pleading eyes, she nods and he opens his mouth and bites her neck. She lets out a pained moan, which scares König for a minute, he looks back up, and she just nods again. He holds her hand, and rips his pants off of him, he lines up against her wet pussy. He looks up one last time and she nods again, maybe for the last time.
He takes a deep breath and pushes himself inside of her, immediately a wave of heat against his dick and the wetness, he let's out a satisfied groan. The caresses her face and starts moving with a steady pace. Little by little he gets faster and faster then he hits her cervix. She let's out a loud moan and her eyes rolling back into her skull. Her mouth hanged open and she breath was short and erratic. She looks up and sees that König was now lost, his reason was now gone, replaced by his primal instinct of sex. He let's go of her hand and puts it around her neck choking her lightly and starts fucking into her. He kept moving his hips and groaning and she kept moaning and pleading uselessly to König to slow down, but he won't listen. His grip tightens on her neck choking her completely, she cries out and squirts all over him. He let's out a satisfied laughter, and let's go of her neck and pulls her up against him. He holds her and kisses his neck and bites her, she yelps. With that he starts moving again, this time he felt even deeper inside of her, their moans and groans could've been heard all over the house. After God knows how long she feels König emptying inside of her, he pulls out and immediately positions y/n's face against his still hard member now covered in his and her cum. She doesn't think twice and give it a lick and takes it into her hand giving him a couple of pumps, she kisses his base and balls and goes up to the head swallowing whole. He groans and cums in her mouth pushing her even deeper onto his dick.
After he was done she lays there her mind fucked out of her and he looks at her, both ends filled with him.
He picks her up in bridal style and takes their clothes to the laundry.
He tosses their clothes in the washer and opens the door to the bath. He turns on the hot water and adds some bath salt.
He carefully washes her and after soaping her up and washing her up, he gets into the bath with her in his arms. She slowly blinks her eyes open and looks at him, they make eye contact and smile. She lays her head back on to his shoulder, falling asleep once again.
The End.
End note: Aahdhdbdbdhd hope y'all liked it!!! I tried my best!! Byee
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ageless-aislynn · 1 month
Angst! 16
Fluff! 13
Misc.! 16
And… for characters I’m going to throw out Kai, Alenko, and Soap. Do whatever pairings or friendships you’d like. Also I’m not gonna die if you choose not to use those characters. Or prompts. I dunno, I just wanna read your stuff man.
*glee* Thank you SO much for sending some prompts my way! These are all pretty short but mark my first time writing 2 of the 3 characters, so I'm just carefully dipping a toe in the COD and ME pools, lol!
Thanks so much again! 😎👍
Angst 16. “Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”
Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish & Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
"Are you hurt?"
"Then why are there bruises all over your face?"
"You ought to see the other guy, Lt," Soap said with an unrepentant grin, unmarred by the fact his left eye was nearly swollen shut and he had a prominent cut on his lower lip.
Ghost sighed slightly behind his skull balaclava. "Sure I'll recognize him by all the bruises on his knuckles," he said dryly.
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Fluff 13. Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
Kaidan Alenko/Commander Shepard, Mass Effect (reader's choice as to whether it's male or female Shep 😉)
"Are you flirting with me?"
"You finally noticed?"
Kaidan squinted, several Commander Shepards swimming in front of him in the dim bar lighting, all wearing fondly amused expressions.
"You are flirting with me!" he stated as if having uncovered a core secret of the universe.
Shepard's smile broadened. "Think it's time to take you home and tuck you into bed."
"I'm going home with Cmdr. Shepard," he proclaimed loudly to the crowd around them. Several people raised a glass in good-natured salutes.
"Yeah, they know." Shepard got an arm around him, sliding him off the bar stool and onto his feet. "Most of them were at our wedding, after all."
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Kai-125 & Vannak-134, Halo the series
John heard Kai's shout from the hallway outside of the Spartan quarters and shoved the door open to see—
He blinked. For a solid moment, he wasn't quite sure what he was seeing, actually. Kai vaulted over her own bed, being pursued hotly by Vannak.
"That wasn't honest," he said grimly. "You're just being mean."
"Look, it's not my fault that that penguin documentary was kinda lame and—"
"IT WAS NOT!" Vannak bellowed back and took a swing at her that would've definitely put a marine in the infirmary for a month, if not in the ground, permanently. For Kai, it would've at the very least mussed her hair. "Those penguins are adorable and—"
"Lame. Laaaaaame," she singsonged, ducking a flurry of punches, then doing a very impressive parkour run up the wall into a backflip that sent her soaring over the enraged Spartan's head.
John looked over at Riz, who was calmly sitting at a nearby table, reading something on her padd. She met his gaze, shrugged, and then went back to reading.
They crisscrossed the room rapidly, with Vannak coming close to getting his hands on her but, ultimately, Kai would manage to slip away at the last second. The entire time, she continued to issue penguin insults that, for some reason, the other Spartan took extremely personally.
John opened his mouth, about to say… something. Then he gave a slight shake of his head.
"I have paperwork to do," he announced to no one. "Don't I, Cortana?"
"I can find you some, Chief."
"That would be great," he said and just turned around and walked away.
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Sentence Starters
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kaar-ne · 7 months
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He looks so good in this scene. Sir? Why are you biting on your bottom lip like that?
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sharkys-disco-stick · 10 months
My age is gonna show here, and at the risk of sounding like a boomer, I am begging all of you in the CoD fandom to please do a bit more research before posting stuff all crazy.
People over on Twitter have the fandom going crazy right now because they didn’t bother to look at where some comments on TikTok came from.
Both of these comments about Modern Warfare III are from impersonator accounts:
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AIN’T NO WAY these guys are gonna break NDA or risk getting in trouble with Activision’s legal team just to troll us like this. Someone even asked me if it was really breaking NDA if the information itself is fake, but if you take a moment and really THINK about it, why would the actors spread fake information about plot points this important? They wouldn’t.
A lot of people (myself included) are already anticipating that some major characters are going to die in Modern Warfare III. We’ve had two fake outs (Alex and Graves), so narratively, it makes sense that some people are going to die for real real in the next game.
But this fake information being spread everywhere helps no one. I’ve already seen people not even wanting to continue fanfics until the game comes out, that’s how much of an effect this stuff has.
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I’m not trying to police how anybody uses the internet, but for the love of all that’s good let’s not make the 3 month wait for the game even worse by giving half the fandom anxiety for character deaths we aren’t even sure of yet.
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kitty-mactabbysh · 7 months
Flowers In the Park, Flowers By Your Bedside
Alright loves, I haven't been here in a while. I'm sorry ♡
Can't promise to be more active, but I can promise a little something.
Keeping in mind I wrote this before MWIII dropped, so this might be my last cute thing before Makarov brainrot takes over (kidding ♡)
Content Warning: Implied Major Character Injury, which includes major angst with a (somewhat) happy ending I will be writing some other time. Please, accept this peace offering for the time being.
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Soap didn't remember how he got there, in his favorite park, in the middle of such a sunny day, with busy people and chatter all over him, everywhere. But who was he to question some well-deserved peace and quiet? He sat down, sketchbook in hand, and let his mind and hand wander.
After a couple of minutes and another line down, he could already picture the whole drawing in his head.
Sweet, loving Simon Riley.
There was no one Soap loved more, or cared for in this world, than he did Simon. He was all Soap could think about, sleeping or awake.
He sketched down a few more lines, getting the feel of his partner's mask before he got carried away with drawing his eyes. Always so beautiful, so full of life.
As he focused on his little sketch, a shadow blocked over the sun. Soap knitted his eyebrows together, about to pout in annoyance when he lifted his head up, the anger melting into a bright smile.
“Simon!” He chirped, happy to see him. The corners of Ghost's eyes moved, he smiled back.
"Listen, Johnny…” He scratched his neck, looking away, which Soap always found so cute of him. “I know I'm not a good example. Or a good man. Or good at anything other than killing. But I want to be better. You make me want to be better. For you."
Soap blinked, raising an eyebrow at Ghost. The vibrant green of the park's grass swayed in the gentle breeze, and the distant laughter of children playing echoed in his ears.
'What does he mean?' He thought, not understanding why his Lieutenant sounded so hurt. Did something happen? The scent of freshly bloomed flowers filled the air, and Soap couldn't help but feel at peace. He was at peace.
"What do you mean, Simon?"
"You might be confused, yeah... I would be too." Ghost looked down, fumbling with the fabric of his mask. The sun made his hair look much blondier than it was usually, and Soap's heart skipped a beat. There he was, sitting on a weathered bench in his favorite park, getting to listen to Simon's ramblings as much as he wanted.
Just like in a dream.
"It's okay." He smiled. The warm sun rays caressed his face. "I don't need to understand you."
Ghost's chuckle sounded distant, like an echo from another world. It… didn't quite make sense.
"You've always been too good for me, you know." He reached out, hand gently brushing against Soap's cheek, which made him jump a little, like he wasn't used to it. The gentle touch felt surreal, like a phantom's caress.
“What's wrong, LT?" Soap was starting to get a little worried. "What... what happened?"
"I'm not letting you down ever again." Ghost continued, thumb running down Soap's face, resting on his lips. So gentle, but so light. "I promise I'll keep you safe next time."
Soap's eyes widened. He lifted a hand, fingers wrapping around Ghost's, expecting a reaction. Any reaction.
He got nothing.
"Simon?" He called out, his voice a mixture of confusion and slight panic.
"When you wake up, Johnny...” Ghost's voice was distant again. “Know I will be here for you.”
He smiled down at Soap once again, hand retreating no matter how much the other wanted him to keep it there. He had no strength to stop Ghost at all.
“Wait…” He whispered, watching the love of his life walk away. “Please, don't go…”
The faint bip of machinery was anxiety-inducing. Ghost's jaw snapped shut. They told him Johnny would wake up in a couple of weeks or so. Maybe less if he was strong. He knew Soap was. Knew his Sergeant well.
He only wished that Soap was awake, so he could share his regrets with him.
Let him down again. Just like in Las Almas. But he would fix this.
There was not going to be a next time.
He moved his hand towards Soap again, holding his fingers tightly, eyes closed.
“You know I love you… don't you, Johnny?”
For both of their sakes.
“Yes, I do.” Soap replied, his tone soft as he held Ghost's hand back. Maybe Simon didn't realize it yet… but he would be fighting this fight. And he would win.
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peachesnbees · 7 months
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New COD: MWII campaign images!!
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temeyes · 6 months
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biker ghost? biker ghost.
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inactivegaz · 6 months
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JOHN ‘SOAP’ MACTAVISH call of duty: modern warfare iii — oligarch
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ncthandrake · 7 months
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JOHN “SOAP” MACTAVISH → 'Masked Soap' Operator Skin Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III
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swag-0n-duty · 1 month
Casual Swagger appears from the shadows and offers an orange
Lazily shaded by yours truly(someone save me)
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g4zdtechtv · 5 months
Fully Ramblomatic - The Games That Didn't Get Reviewed in 2023
Nothing like an arse roundup when you’re in the mood for a quickie.
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