#arcie lore
arcielee · 17 days
My co-workers: You're such an avid note taker!
Me at my job, scribbling furiously in a notebook for a smutty Aegon x Reader idea that came to me during a meeting:
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cryptotheism · 8 months
What’s the most generally common rig? Like if I go to some backwater nowheresville with 3 houses and a dog, what kind of rig can I still be confidant I’ll see?
I have nearly 2000 words of lore on the Arcadia Freight Y-400 General Duty Work Rig. It's the 1995 Ford F150 of exo rigs.
The Arcadia Freight company is a rig shop that's famous for producing high-volume, low cost, low-quality, but easily maintained, rigs. The Arcadia Y-series is what your dad runs at the warehouse he works at. It's what every yokel busts out of a rusting garage when they need to repair some fencing. If there's a barn raising in the grass sea, you can bet that half the people there will show up in an old, rusty, beat-to-shit Arcadia Y-series.
The Arcadia Y-400 is the exception to the normal Arcadia product line. For some reason, by some miraculous cosmic accident, the astral forces of product design and international manufacturing combined perfectly for the Y-400. This particular frame is famous for being fucking indestructible.
They're the AK-47 of modern rig technology. The Y-400 hasn't been manufactured in more than 60 years, and most of them are still running. You can march these things through a sandstorm and come out the other side. You can fish a mummified Y-400 out of a bog and have it running by sunset.
"Grabbing the Arcy" is a euphemism for schlepping off to grab some necessary tool.
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phlurrii · 6 months
The interesting part is that we're in front of two possible questions here.
Who did arceus create that Meau didn't?
What did Arcy copy from meau and why?
My instincts tell me Necrozma
But it could be any number of things.
Could be Eternatus,
Could be some never before seen Original Character that's loosely based on another pokemon.
Could be a replacement missingno
Actually. I think I figured it out. As I was writing the above.
It's a replacement Giratina.
When Palkia died, Arcy made a copy because they need a space god. Same for dialga if noe had killed him instead.
But Giratina didn't die. Giratina rebelled against Arcy and was exiled to the distortion world. (I think that's how it goes? )
Whatever. My point is, Giratina wasn't always a ghost type. And pre-ghost Giratina might've had a different function.
A function that needed to be filled.
By someone who wouldn't rebel against their father.
TL;DR I think ????? is a Giratina pre-ghost/distortion world replacement.
While incredibly insightful and very good at taking both my lore and the in game lore I take from…
How does a Giratina make a mew XD
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genesisgijinka · 3 months
I have returned with another essay on worldbuilding.
Part one: Design.
Your world has more animalistic pokemon. Going for a more... Adapted to a real functioning world where physics and biology are mostly in accordance with how it would work here.
My favourite example of this is this post. In it is pictured a Gardevoir. I don't know if the design is still accurate, but said gardevoir is less a funny alien creature and instead an elongated owl.
Another amazing example of this is the Power Scale post. The beastly legendaries and especially Arcy look sick. With "unrealistic" features like Arcy's fence gate being adapted into much more believable features/body parts.
That being said, we get to
Part 1.5: The Point
With most pokemon being animal-ified, there are some where that just isn't realy feasible. Good contenders for this are the magnemite line, a ton of Grass types and otherwise plant pokemon, and a bunch of object pokemon
small list of examples: Chandelure, klefki, Sudowoodo, oddish, bellsprout, shroomish, grimer, gastly, voltorb, Porygon, Koffing, Cofagrigus, and Ditto. (to be honest, ditto needs its own section)
How would you handle pokemon like that?
I kind of like the idea of naturally occuring mechanical life. You open up a dead Magnezone and there's just a load of gears and electric components in there. (imagine steampunk but with electricity instead of steam)
similarly, How would Gijinka of robotic/ object mons work?
Part 2: Pokespeak
In the anime all Pokemon speak Pokespeak. With pokemon being more animalistic, How do you handle them communicating?
Same question with the sentient mons situation from the anime. Most if not all pokemon on the protagonist's team (COUGH Pikachu) are of similar intelligence as a human, they have complex logic, can read, experience the entire spectrum of emotion, can perfectly understand language, etc.
How does that work?
That'll be it for now.
Part 1-1.5
Yep, gardevoir design is still accurate. Most of my design process for figuring out how I'm going to interpret pokemon design is deviating from a lot of common things that I see. Continuing with the gardevoir example, it's one of those pokemon that you don't google bc everyone just turns it into a booby waifu. I looked at the face and kinda went, 'Hey, that looks like the facial disk of an owl,' and started there.
For things that aren't easily interpreted, I switch to scribbling around with shapes. The Arceus fence thing was more inspired by the biblically accurate angels thing from the book of Revelations bc i thought that was funny lol. Sometimes I just give up tho and things like sylveon still gets it's weird ribbon things bc it's a Fey and they are not beholden to normal rules.
Other ways I design pokemon is by trying to figure out what niche they would fill and how would they have evolved to fill it bc nature is bonkers like that and doesn't like empty spaces. The universe of Genesis is absolutely riddled with ambient energy, so you get things like sentient almost-rocks and minerals or florauna creatures that make up plant types since everything is essentially swimming in a sort of low-key primordial soup. Sometimes a loose spirit just really thinks that chandelier is cool looking and would make a good home. The Good Soup™ makes it easier for that spirit to move its new body and now you have a new pokemon! All that loose energy gives life to things that on our world, would not work. But hey, such is magic-science.
There are lots of different paths I can take, so I don't really have a set process of how I generally do it. And there are so many theories of how certain pokemon came to be - either through in-game lore talked about in the pokedex/from NPCs or someone with their red string on the wall making a spider's web of what's going on in the world of pokemon - that I can take some of those and just run with it. For example; you brought up ditto. Congratulations! You've discovered Prime's "siblings," since I'm using the theory that ditto were Rocket's failed attempts at cloning mew. Little blobs that use the energy of the world around them to craft bodies several times their mass and size, using moves that they don't normally learn.
Robotic/object gijinka would depend on which pokemon is the base form. There's a whole lot of human in a gijinka which keeps things to a mostly human base (this is how I ignore the egg types in gijinka when it comes to reproducing and y'know, keeping your culture alive), so it would mostly boil down to types. If someone was of the magnemite line, they'd have iron/steel deposits in places where the skin is thin, like how Heph does on his knuckles, a characteristic of a steel type gijinka. They'd also be more prone to generating static electricity. Or a doctor giving a vanilluxe gijinka a check up has to have a different base body temperature to test against since ice types have a body temp that runs a little bit cooler than most others (fire types have the opposite problem. Razor has torched off shirt sleeves before, which is why he's almost always in a tank-top of some sort)
Part 2
How do pokemon communicate with each other? Idk, the same way they do in Tarzan. They just, can. Smth smth, pokemon speaking with their hearts, not words. Pokéspeak isn't suuuper well understood, mostly due to not having enough cases to study, but it does very rarely crop up in people from time to time. N is canon to the Genesis timeline (not sure when just quite yet but anyway) and he can fully understand pokemon. Biggest theory is that it's stored away somewhere in the human DNA, a leftover from when pokemon and humans were once considered the same, ala Sinnohian lore. Kinda like how every now and then irl there's a human baby born with a tail. Tail genes are still in our DNA, but it gets switched off at some point during fetal development.
That being said tho, some pokemon have managed to learn human language, in a way. Unown being the starting point for many languages in the world used to communicate more with people back in the day, but now it's considered a mostly dead/slightly resurrected language like Mayan.
The abra line are particularly clever and good at figuring out human patterns. Champion Red from Kanto taught a lot of his pokemon sign language as part of their training and a few of them can sign back at him. He's rarely seen without his kadabra, Pythagoras, and she's the most fluent out of all his pokemon. It's still broken and incomplete tho, kinda like how an african grey parrot would string words together.
A lot of how pokemon speak to each other is mostly body language tho, which even in humans is calculated to make up a whopping 55% of how we communicate with one another (38% is vocal tone and a measly 7% is the actual words and their dictionary definition/context. So it's no wonder why so many people get into arguments on the interwebs with black text on a white background) Pokemon still pick up on all of this, and with their different way of communication, they can still usually pick out human meanings just fine.
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memovia · 7 months
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Probably because I haven't gotten to writing his lore yet, I'm gonna put them here so that I don't hemkin forgor( subjected to some tweaks ofc ) :
Rikeron V is one of the six artificial homeworlds created to sustain all civilisation and organic lifeforms in Pilgrim's home system.
Due to their home system being caught in the crossfire between several Aeons and Tayzzyronth. Their Sun had expanded abnormally during Qlipoth's fight with Tayzzyronth and then shrunk just as fast, resulting in a dying sun and a starless sky.
Pilgrim was previously code-named as SSOHUM-1409― ( Synthetic Soldier of HUManity ), a clone series created by Rikeron V to scout the pitch black environment around them and combat any dangers that threaten their existence.
All synthetic soldiers are segmented into troops and are led by the Captains of the native race on Rikeron V.
SSOHUM models were designed to be soldiers that just follow olders but Pilgrim's Captain was a nice, old guy and seemed more like a friendly uncle than anything, he taught them things and promoted freedom of choice despite the fact that they were all... cloned robots.
Pilgrim escaped his homeworld in a small and sleek airship, but he leaves a note before that, promising to break his Captain out next time so that he could bring them to see the stars again.
The sunglasses that Pilgrim wears very often belongs to his Captain, a very sneaky steal but it's a memento for him!
He lands on Arcis Space Station and discovers that it is a hub of knowledge but there was one section that seemed empty, Akivili's tales. He learns more about the Aeon, itself, and resonated well with it― before taking on the duty of penning down the tales of Akivili by retracing the Aeon's footsteps.
& more.
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minniiaa · 5 months
10 songs that have a grip on me this month.
if you like chill indie/alt-rock and need some song recs click below!
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ejscharacterdump · 4 years
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An addition
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blastoisemonster · 3 years
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Pokèmon World Magazine: Porygon Net (Various Issues)
We’ve had a very long streak of Photoset posts lately, didn’t we? Let’s have a little break from anime and tie-in games and let’s go back to oldschool Pokèmon and my favourite childhood magazine, Pokèmon World!
This summer I'm working on my own portfolio site: it's getting built from scratch and, due to the kind of art it's going to showcase, I'm designing its layout to look like one of those old personal pages a lot of Internet users used to have back in the first 2000s. This choice was also influenced by one of my childhood dreams, which was, infact, owning a corner of the Net all for myself; without the right equipment or spare money to purchase a domain, though, the idea of having my page online was only hypotetical, so all I could do was designing some cute layouts on Microsoft Frontpage and admiring what others were doing. Of course, as Pokèmon was my main interest at the time, I found the Porygon Net section of Pokèmon World mag to be extra inspirational.
Porygon Net was a very small section with just a double page: every month, the magazine's staff would choose and review an italian site dedicated to everyone's favourite monsters. These online corners were, most of the times, built by fellow readers and fans who sometimes even wrote back either by mailing the staff or boasting about it on their site's news section, thanking for the feature and the subsequent wave of new visitors. As these places were built by teens or even kids (I may have seen some online pages managed by 10 year olds at the time o.o), their quality varied greatly depending on their web-making skills: some were very simplistic, other more orderly and neat, and some... showed potential, but needed more work. Pokèmon World's staff, though, never mocked these attempts, and instead also published suggestions to make certain parts of the site more functional and pleasing to the eye. I found this very encouraging, and I wonder if many of these people have continued with a career in the online world.
I went and browsed among my mag issues to find some sites to showcase: I mostly picked the ones that stuck in my mind since reading about them, or that I actually used to visit back in the day. Wayback Machine may have not been kind to the italian community, and I fear the majority of these sites are now lost; however, I'll post links if, surprisingly, I find them still alive!
Issue 4: Pokemon Mania
The pictures have been displayed in chronological order, but I still would've chosen to display this site first as I used to actually visit it before it was featured on Pokèmon World. Due to its easy and straightforward name, Pokèmon Mania was one of the first fansites to show up on the search engine if you ever looked for more Pokèmon content. It was managed by a guy with the alias of Professor Kao, and the whole feeling of the site was that of a Pokemon lab at the start of your monster journey. Though it wasn't exactly a marvel in terms of layout esthetic, the site aimed to amaze with content: it had simple browser fangames, a section dedicated to drawing tutorials (with pictures taken from japanese sources- which at the time were very scarce and hard to get!), many sections dedicated to the Cardgame (apparently, the main focus of Kao's Pokèmon interests) and its live tournaments, and one centered on the monsters' trivia. One very interactive section even proposed quizzes given by the webmaster himself that visitors could answer via mail: Kao would then contact winners and even send out special official merch like Pokèmon Center plushies or other branded toys. Generous! This site has been preserved in the Wayback Machine with a lot of snapshots, though unfortunately without many graphics. We can still navigate and read most of the sections!
Issue 20: Pokemon Museum
My second site of choice striked me with its very homely layout: even looking at the snapshot in its article feels like I'm viewing a cozy corner of the Net, in which the webmaster poured its personal thoughts and passions more than providing a service like PokèmonMania did. The issue is number 20 and quite some months have passed: online trends regarding these kind of pages had changed a bit and now people preferred to offer their own content instead of copy-pasting what Nintendo produced. Pokèmon Museum's graphics have all been drawn by the owner, Kabutops: the background texture, banner, and a lot of the graphics all around the sections! Kudos for being to prolific and precise during a period in which digital art still hadn't reached its peak popularity, and drawing tablets were only restricted to professionals. Going past the many sections dedicated to the anime, games and lore, one interesting aspect was the beginning of affiliates: fellow webmasters were starting communicating with eachother and sharing their visits by dedicating a little button to other sites. I loved the affiliates section because, once finished looking through a site, I could click on the cute little rectangle banners and find myself in another home without passing from Google searches! But webmasters wouldn't affiliate with everyone, and for the purpose of only interacting with other best Pokèsites, awards had become popular as well: graphics that people would exchange after rating a site and feeling impressed with their content, presentation, or popularity. Pokèmon Museum's magazine review focused on its affiliates and the awards, inviting fellow readers to have their site reviewed by Kabutops. Unfortunately, the site is not present on Wayback Machine. I'll never know if Kabutops came back updating its museum after summer vacations :(
Issue 35: TBPS
Let's have another jump of several months; issue 35 featured a page under the bigger domain Pokevalley and named itself The Best Pokèmon Page, rather narcissistic! This was one of those rare times Pokèmon World featured an english-speaking site. The layout doesn't impress me too much, yet the fact that the header reads "Crystal Water Version" conveys that the webmaster(s) used to periodically change aspect and palette of their site, an activity that proved to be very prolific for many page owners at the time: sites were often in construction, and people were experimenting with different colours or HTML code tricks to impress viewers and reviewers, have as many affiliates as possible and collect positive awards from other sites. Such was popularity, back in the day! The site has a long menu with many sections dedicated to the main games and movies; although, none of those pages were catching anyone’s attention anymore as everyone had the same copypasted guides and info; instead, what’s interesting is the hefty section dedicated to browser games, the big menu with pages concerning the site and staff themselves, and the oekaki board! Oekakis were very popular in that period, as it allowed fellow aspiring artists to meet eachother and show off their own skills by drawing live! If a site hosted one, they could quickly become a melting pot of creativity. Wayback Machine, sadly, doesn’t have anything concerning this site as well.
Issue 36: Arcywof
We’re back on italian sites with a page that definitely impressed even Pokèmon World’s staff for its pleasing graphics. When I first saw this among the magazine’s pages... my eyes lit up! I can’t hide that after seeing its beautiful palette, checkered background and condensed menu, teen me adopted Arcy & The Fire Pkmn as design guru: many of my subsequent mockup pages had exactly this layout, or variations of it. It’s too bad, though, that aside from the beautiful presentation, the site’s contents aren’t exactly interesting: the Pokèmon images are ripped straight from Nintendo’s official archives, and most sections are concerning the anime’s characters, episode plots, and broadcasting dates. However, Arcywof also offers a forum and a live chat, which definitely helped the staff build an interactive and affectionate community around it. Among all reviewed here, I’m most bitter that Wayback Machine hasn’t archived this site, because seriously, it’s a little jewel ;w; its pastel colours and checkered texture remind me of candy shops!
Issue 38: Pokemon Super Site
I wanted to finish this little jump in the past with a positive note and show at least one more saved address from Wayback Machine. Although not in its updated version originally featured in Pokèmon World Issue 38, Pokèmon Super Site has been archived and it’s more or less complete to explore. It’s too bad a lot of the graphics haven’t survived but hey it’s something! It’s 2003, and the trend has changed once again: forums are as popular as ever and considered one of the most successful ways to build a solid audience for one’s own page, which are now treated more like portals or an extension to the forum itself. Super Site’s sections are centered on game guides, nothing too special, but I do love the grey and white grid background on menus and header, as if we’re viewing a notebook page; reminds me of school days. I also really like the gifs section as featured in the review, all those old graphics bring back so much memories of scouting the net to save them all on hard drive!
If you stumble upon one of these sites in Wayback Machine, chances are the ever present affiliates buttons will still be working, allowing you to visit even more fansites. It’s a true trip to the past, and a never ending source of inspiration for me!
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explorerspack · 4 years
hello! you may know me as @drinkingdeadpeopletea or @storybook-souls; this is the blog where i talk about my own ttrpg campaigns and characters. inbox and also messages are open at ALL times i cannot stress enough how much i love to talk about dnd. 
games i currently play in:
MEGadungeon (#c:megadungeon): A voice fifth edition dungeon crawl/political intrigue game about seeking out treasure and knowledge in the massive ruins of a fallen empire. I play Salvador Romero (#cha:salvador), a human spirits bard (6), Alessi di Nicolo (#cha:alessi), a human order cleric (6), and Marigold Glenfellow Dell’Emarginato (#cha:marigold), a human inquisitive rogue (3). Until she was frozen in amber, I played Arcis Petrova (#cha:arcis), a human abjuration wizard (6).
Colossus (#c:colossus): A voice fifth edition game set in a world where societies live on the backs of massive creatures. I play Charisma Dorata (#cha:charisma), a protector aasimar creation bard (6). 
Deck of Many Things (#c:domt): A play-by-post fifth edition game about the struggle to escape a massive demiplanar museum, often by drawing cards from the deck of many things. I play Jessamine (#cha:jess), a scourge aasimar hexblade warlock (14)/shadow sorcerer (1)/fighter (1). 
Faeme (#c:faeme): A voice fifth edition game about people who were exiled from the Feywild for various crimes finding (and keeping) their way home after 300 years. I play Rowan Caerdonel (#cha:rowan), a half-elf celestial warlock (7). 
Library (#c:library): A play-by-post fifth edition dungeon crawl game about protecting the multi-planar Library of Magic from an ancient threat. I play Kara Daradir (#cha:kara), an eladrin cobalt soul monk (13). 
games i currently gm:
Rime of the Frostmaiden (#c:rotf): A fifth edition game using the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden module. Party is a rune knight fighter, a lore bard, a stars druid, a champion fighter, and a tempest cleric (7). 
past games:
CROP (#c:crop): A play-by-post fifth edition political intrigue game set in a world of plants. I played Cerise (#cha:cerise), a cherry tree divine soul sorcerer (6). Until she sacrificed herself to slow the approaching army, I played Archmage Sparrow Citrion (#cha:sparrow), an asparagus conjuration wizard (4).
Ship of Fools (#c:sof): A fifth edition actual play podcast about power and freedom and seagulls set in a vast, magical ocean. Party is an ancients paladin, a draconic bloodline sorcerer/barbarian, and a fathomless warlock (14). We’ve finished playing, but you can still find us wherever you get your podcasts or over on @shipoffoolscast !
MOTWinchester (#c:motw): A Monster of the Week game set in the little seaside town of Winchester Bay, Oregon, which is unusually prone to supernatural activity. Party is a Chosen, a Monstrous (werewolf), a Wronged, and a Mundane. I GMed this one.
Elantris (#c:elantris): A fifth edition play-by-post game about a group of heroes waking from a Sequester to discover that they were no longer able to rest and only had the resources they had to deafeat the Lich and save the world. I played Alissaya Lightbearer (#cha:liss), a human life cleric (13).
Dwendalia (#c:empire): A voice fifth edition game set in Wildemount about a group of misfits who find themselves caught between the wills of gods, demigods, powerful crime organizations, kingdoms, devils, and secret societies. I played Elodie Mayflower (#cha:elodie), a halfling unity cleric (7).
Magic Sword (#c:magic sword): A fifth edition voice game about a girl chosen by a magical sword and destined to wield it to kill the tyrannical King, aided by three powerful Guides and an Anchor who tied the life force of the Guides to the material plane so they could return when they died. I played Alita Nikolaev (#cha:alita), a human valor bard (9) and Chosen who was killed in the final battle against the king but whose sacrifice allowed her companions to kill the king and give the people a chance to build a new world.
Seekers of the Ashen Crown (#c:4e): A voice fourth edition dungeon crawl game. We TPKed and the Big City Big Soup Cooking Competition is soooooo cancelled. I played Nova (#cha:nova), a deva wrath invoker (2).
Xhorhas (#c:xhorhas): A fifth edition voice game set in Wildemount about an elite squad of mercenaries hired by the Xhorhasian Dynasty’s military to run some very dangerous errands as war was breaking out, which is currently officially on hiatus. I play Bird (#cha:bird), an air genasi gloomstalker ranger (5)/scout rogue (3).
and several others, but these three are the ones you’re most likely to see me talk about here still.
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arcielee · 4 months
Question Time!
Thank you my darling Tumblr kindred spirits @lonnson @itbmojojoejo @bhxrdy @poetic-fiasco for the tag! 💜
What is a bad habit you have? Picking at my nails when I'm nervous/anxious
What‘s your dream job? Published author (unrealistic) or some level of product analyst for the internal software with a company (realistic).
How many times have you been pulled over by a cop? Oh boy... too many times to remember, which makes me sound like an absolutely hellion, but fuck it.
What are the top two words your friends would use to describe you? Trusting and reliable or kind and clever. DM me and you can decide for yourself. 💜😆
Dream travel destinations? Germany or Ireland.
Are you more independent, or need lots of people around you? Painfully independent.
Have you ever had sex in a public place?
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...maybe I have hellion tendencies.
Favourite beverage? Water, or Celsius Sparkling Strawberry Guava energy drink. Their grape is pretty nifty too.
No pressure tags: @annikin-im-panicin @azperja @zaldritzosrose @zae5 @snowblack-charcoalwhite @dr-aegon @fan-goddess @lynnbeth5172 @elizarbell @schniiipsel @aegonx @thought--bubble @troublesomesnitch @persephonerinyes @chattylurker @primonizzutto @pendragora @hoosbandewan @fallingintoyourlilaceyes and if this comes across your dash, please tag me because I am nosey. 💜
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arcielee · 10 days
1, 49, 70 and 71 for the ask game pls 😊
Thank you, my love! 💜
1. whats your favorite thing in your room?
At this moment? My dog.
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Second place is the chair in the picture. It's this burgundy velvet piece that I dramatically drape myself over.
49. whens a time you wish you acted differently?
My thought goes to my current corporate job. Regrettably they see me as a grinning fool who does weight lifting in her spare time when really I am a rabid raccoon who hates the sun and screams about fictional characters on a hellsite with my kindred spirits.
70. whats your favorite ship?
To choose just one is impossible, so here are my current top 3 🥰[disclaimer: these are subject to change on whim depending on my mood or whatever content I stumble across]
Jace x Cregan. In the book, they had this palpable chemistry that had me chewing the paint off of my walls. I do not think HBO will touch on that, but we always have fanfiction. 💜
Geto x Gojo. I just started second season because of Jujutsu Kaisen [because of @squirmhoney and @connorsui, Ily both] and this ship is rotting my brain. Oh the Pinterest folders, the ao3 pieces galore!
Aemond x Rhaena. These two have so much fucking potential and it is a travesty there is not more pertaining these two.
71. whats your favorite song?
Hum. This is another one that changes with the wind. Like right now it is Rossignol by Sleep Walking Animals because it was what the muses wanted. Maybe Under Pressure with Queen & David Bowie?
Ask Arcie.
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arcielee · 7 months
Me, at my MIL's, hunched over my MacBook: taptaptap MIL: Oh! What're you working on? You're in the zone right now. Me: ...just finishing up something for work. Narrator: This was a lie, as she was actually writing some smut for the fictional monk known simply as Osferth.
BONUS My husband looking at me lying to his mother because he knows what I am actually doing:
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arcielee · 5 months
Here are some famous people who share a birthday with me (January 17 💜):
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James Earl Jones (1961)
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Michelle Obama (1983)
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Dwayne Wade (2011)
And this is a new one I just learned about today!
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@jacevelaryonswife I share my birthday with your husband! 😂
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arcielee · 9 months
Just a personal post.
My grandfather, who I called Paka.
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Paka was a childish nickname that actually stemmed from an undiagnosed auditory processing disability that I have, but I was a baby, so it was super cute at the time and that nickname just stuck.
Anyway, I owe this man everything and I miss him so much.
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arcielee · 7 months
Idk why I got so shocked you had a husband 😭😭😭 I assumed you were my age and never really checked your bio
Hello my darling anon. 🥰 I assume that everyone is my age too, so you're definitely not alone in that. 😂
I will also share that he is husband number 2 for me. When I was a baby [all 19 years of age] I married a military man who treated me awfully and we were divorced by the time I turned 22.
I was single for a long time and assumed I was not meant for marriage.
Then, of course, I met him. 😂
So the point of this post is: always be wary of bios, especially if you are posting 18+ content [like my smutty blog].
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Have a lovely day or night! 💜
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arcielee · 5 months
The est 2013 in your bio… is that when your blog was founded or when you were founded 🤔
Are you 10
That was when we found this blog.
I saw we, because I am actually a bunch of raccoons stacked on top of one another in a trenchcoat.
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