#anti bleach ending
renjihoe · 2 months
They would have healed all my trauma and I am so serious.
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exo-raskreia · 7 months
They weren't (aren't) even together
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bleached-socks · 3 months
Bleach fans: What did you think about the Bleach ending?
Specifically this is about everything after the 10 year time skip, and includes the ending for all of the characters but especially the main characters (Ichigo, Uryu, Chad, Orihime, Rukia, and Renji). This is not just about ships, it’s about where the characters ended up. I want to know what people think about the ending as a whole.
Feel free to tell me what you like or don't like about it
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aloneinthedark2001 · 15 days
Just kiss already!
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irlkisukeurahara · 9 months
The BLEACH ending isn't bad because of the ships. It's bad because it's fucking bad. It's anticlimactic garbage haphazardly slapped on to conclude the series as fast as possible. It is genuinely more frustrating to me than it should be that genuine criticisms of this series are overshadowed by people bitching about the ship. We know IchiRuki's relationship was more interesting, get OVER it.
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Fun fact: These screenshots are from before Chad and Inoue appeared...
They want so bad for their ship to make sense and seem natural...
Meanwhile, Kuchiki Byakuya:
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And let me remind you that, between the 3rd and 4th pictures there's a cut to the skies opening and Ichigo appearing.
The animators created extra scenes to give us Byakuya staring at the skies, watching Ichigo's entrance...
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maoam · 5 months
I find it annoying how some people claim if you don't support ichi/hime you hate Orihime. I find the ship boring and I also don't like dynamics where the characters don't challenge each other. Orihime has good dynamics with other characters, like with Tatsuki, Ishida and Ulquoirra which are far more interesting than her dynamic with Ichigo.
Not that I care to speak for ichi/ruki either, because so many of them are hypocrites who insist SS/NH from Naruto make sense while bashing ichi/hime; despite the fact ichi/hime is better than both of those ships (and so is ichi/ruki). They claim Orihime can't do anything for Ichigo despite the fact that's 100% Sakura's dynamic with Sasuke. She even lamented about this herself during her confession; "I can't trade blows with you, I can't get close to you, all I can do is cry and beg." "Orihime is afraid of Ichigo's hollow" well Sakura literally withers like a dying flower when Sasuke ignores her or says something that could be considered a critique. "Orihime's feelings were onesided! She was just a friend!" well Hinata wasn't even a close friend, just a comrade/classmate.
Anyway I didn't like the ending or how Kubo handled Orihime and Rukia's characters in the last part of the manga.
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aurora-313 · 19 days
I never understood why there had to be such a massive conspiracy around Masaki. It detracts from the tragedy of Memories In The Rain and Ichigo's character as a whole that she was a Quincy.
Look at that flashback objectively if Masaki were a powerless human:
It's bucketing down rain, a deluge in the middle of monsoon season. You're eager to get your son home from his karate practice. Conditions are dreadful but as long as you're on concrete, you're both okay. Then your son suddenly stops. Something only he claims he can see catches his attention. You've indulged his talk about ghosts because he's a boy, he's allowed to have an imaginary friend and its never harmed anyone. But suddenly, your son's shouting. Launching into a full sprint down that steep slippery hill, at the base of which is a dangerous rushing river. Or potentially slip on a loose bit of stone or root, and break his neck. You can't see what he sees. As far as you're aware, your son's taken absolute leave of his senses and is charging headlong into a certainly fatal situation. Naturally, your response would be to freak out and throw yourself after your son, hoping to catch him before he could jump into the water, very probably drowning. Then CHOMP. Hollow chow.
Revealing Masaki was a Quincy is irreparably cheapening her death.
Let's pretend for a second Grand Fisher wasn't there. And the same thought process outlined above occurs.
In an attempt to stop Ichigo running down the hill, Masaki could've slipped, fallen and broke her neck instead. Or took a bad tumble, ending with a fatal blow to the head. The effect on Ichigo would've been the same. He would've developed a massive guilt complex because his tragedy of impulse caused his mother's death.
That is the whole crux of Ichigo's guilt. His actions caused this outcome. And it was the hardest lesson he had to learn.
Grand Fisher or no, if Ichigo hadn't acted the way he did, if he hadn't tried to save the 'girl' from falling into the river, then his mother wouldn't have died in the first place.
Revealing Masaki as a Quincy, and that her powers were """conveniently""" stolen at exactly the time she needed them most, completely invalidates the human randomness, tragedy and relatability of that death.
It invalidates the guilt that drives 99% of Ichigo's character and actions. That same guilt, now predicated on false pretenses, fueled his desire to protect, to suffer through hell if it meant he could protect the people he cared about (at times to their detriments). Especially since that desire can rage dangerously out of control, and at one point literally got Ichigo killed and reanimated as a monstrous hollow hellbent on destroying everything around it, muttering 'protect, protect, protect' like a zombie.
It's a flaw Ichigo had to overcome by coming to terms with it and using it to as motivation in a healthier manner. Not be absolved of.
A prime example of a character carrying their guilt and growing past it done well is Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist/Brotherhood.
Edward and Alphonse never got over Nina and Alexander. They were never absolved of their guilt. Its a mark permanently etched in their collective psyches and reconciling with the fact alchemy could be used in such vile ways drove a huge part of their early characters.
What they did was learn to grieve and cope and move on with it as motivation. They vowed never to allow that kind of monstrosity to happen again. Even when Ed's about to give up his alchemy forever, he declares 'I'm just a simple human who couldn't save a little girl. Not even with alchemy.'
Rather than have Ichigo go through a journey like this, EBTR removes the burden of guilt from Ichigo's shoulders completely when Isshin tells him "No, it wasn't your iconic recklessness that got your mother killed. It was an ancient prophecy and you never should've felt guilty in the first place."
Isshin may as well have said "Everything you believed about yourself since the moment you were born is a lie. The foundation of your personality since you were 9 is a lie. Have fun finding a therapist to deal with the crippling psychological ramifications of that bombshell, but do it after you win another war for us."
It irreparably damages Masaki, and by extension Ichigo's and Isshin's, characters that she had powers.
If Masaki was a Quincy from the jump. Cool, why didn't she teach Ichigo basic control of his reiryoku? Or how to tell the living from the dead - something Ichigo canonically struggled with for as long as he could remember? Basic safety measures that would've avoided those kinds of situations in the first place.
You don't wait until a toddler get splattered by cars before telling them not to play in a busy road, or not to stick a fork in a power point after they've been electrocuted and rushed to the hospital. You teach them rules and install safety measures to prevent those situations in the first place.
There's four main interpretations I take from Masaki's decision to willfully neglect Ichigo's education in the spirit arts:
Well-meaning but naïve and frankly reckless desire to preserve Ichigo's innocence for as long as possible. Fair and the most benign explanation.
Threatened into maintaining her silence by either Kisuke or Isshin (or both depending how generous I feel), lest the seal on her hollowfication "mysteriously" weaken.
Realizing she was a dead woman walking since been bitten by White, Masaki partook in the conspiracy to turn Ichigo into a living weapon and purposefully martyred herself to make it happen.
Masaki having powers is the cosmic retcon of retcons and Kubo didn't think about the implications of his own writing...
If Masaki absolutely HAD to be a Quincy for the sake of turning Ichigo into Aizen's gary stu project, then fine.Yhwach's influence should've been kept far FAR away from it.
Maybe Masaki couldn't use her powers because if she tried, it would've destroyed the seal keeping the hollowfication in check. When Grand Fisher emerged, she baited it to kill her instead.
"Oh, but we need to explain why Ichigo's so powerful."
Ichigo's sperm donor is an ex-Captain and member of one of the royal families, who are noted to have above average base stats. His powers took a hollow aspect thanks to the encroachment temporarily transforming him into a hollow at the base of shattered shaft. Hollowfied Shinigami are naturally stronger (on paper) than their non-hybrid counterparts.
"Why does he two spirits?" The awakening of his power was so fractious it literally splintered into its component pieces. The hollow is the repressed parts of Ichigo's, so its a psychopathic reflection of himself. The old man is the other half of his soul realising the best way to get through to Ichigo is by giving him actual fucking parent.
Sometimes Occam's Razor is the best solution.
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dedahblog · 2 years
This moment is when I fell in love with Bleach
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I grew up like any other kid listening to stories about princes saving princesses whether by lip raping them or killing some dragons. Then, the guy takes the girl back home as if he did her a favor by saving her life and she doesn't have any other choice but to fall in love with him.
My ten-year-old self found this kind of fairytale ending dubious but thought that this conclusion could make sense in Bleach case : Rukia and Ichigo geniusly enjoyed each other's companionship. If she comes back to the real world, she isn't doing him a favour. She was happy with him.
I was as shocked as Ichigo when Rukia decided to stay in Soul Society.
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Rukia who looked sad didn't help my confusion. Her sorrowful expression shows that she was aware that Ichigo wanted her to go back with him and she expected him to be sad by her decision.
Basically, my ten year old self didn't know how to respond to this drama. The only thing that came to my mind was :
Why ? What do you mean ? Please explain? Weren't you happy ?
But before I could voice any of my concern, Ichigo answered her and I made the same suprised face as Rukia.
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And that was the moment when Ichigo has become a true hero for me.
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It was not when he fought several captains or when he won against 3 lieutenants with bare hands reaching his potentials as a shonen protagonist
It was the moment he decided not to burden Rukia with his feelings.
He taught my ten-year-old self that love whether it is romantic or platonic, should be unconditional.
Love is supporting whatever decision the person you love makes as long as it makes her happy .
Love is about accepting the individuality of the person you love and cherish every side of him even when you can't fully understand his mindset.
The grace that Ichigo displayed for Rukia which equally mirror hers
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when she offered her unconditional time to listen to every one of his burdens.
That's why, I will never accept that this manga was intended to end with the conclusion of who por*ked whom and the products of the por*king meeting then that's it. It isn't about which couple is supposed to f***.
It's about being certain that what I felt at that moment when I was ten was real .
The love I felt for Bleach and the love that Ichigo's response inspired me were real.
It was not a lie and it will never be.
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xoxomyseriesxoxo · 2 years
There’s something that has been irking me in the past few months... /That/ part of the fandom (that mostly was NOT here when the manga was still published weekly and when it got cancelled by SJ) changed the narrative about our reaction to the ending.
Now it’s all ‘omg mean IR shippers who are bitter over their ship not being canon!! They are terrible people!!!’ and calling us us bullies when no, you weren’t there back then where there were daily d*ath th*ats and rude asks sent to us... Not to mention we were mainly angry at the way the ending was so rushed and poorly written. We didn’t even know whether I//sshin, R//yuken, G//rimmjow (AGAIN), U//rahara and Y//oruichi were still alive or not because it was never said IN THE MANGA (because we only got an answer in light novels years later but majority of people only read the manga, not the novels that are semi-canon at best). We were angry over U//rahara’s “forgive me, K//urosaki, K//uchiki, for leaving everything to you” was somehow forgotten and the final fight with I//chigo, R//ukia and U//ryuu (who had THE silver arrow) VS Y//hwach never happened. We were angry because C//had ended up fighting for profits (profesionnal boxing) and U//ryuu ended up alone (again), overworked and working as a doctor just like his father and that go against their character arcs. We were angry because there was a whole arc and hints in the final arc clearly showing how I//chigo didn’t fit in the human world anymore and yet stayed there in the end. We were angry because the Sokyoku, the symbol of S//oul S//ociety’s old ways and injustice that I//chigo destroyed, was REBUILT. We were angry because M//ayuri was still a Captain and not in jail for his crimes. We were angry because we loved and cared for the story and the ending went against the main and side characters’ arcs and against the s//hinigami’s new ideals represented by I//chigo and R//ukia. And yes, we were angry for the pairings too because it was so badly written but most of us were fine with an open ending or IR and ISH ending but the new ‘IR would be nothing without anime filler moments’ argument is so ridiculous because even if you only look at the manga, IR was great, developed and made sense. Weirdly enough, the ones repeatedly shouting that filler “argument” aren’t saying a word about R//ukia’s scenes getting changed/deleted in the anime rn despite being the deuteragonist as if her erasure hadn’t been bad enough in the manga vers. of the final arc (same for B//yakuya scenes to a lesser extent)... But yes, our anger is mainly aimed at how poorly written the ending was, not only shipping-wise but in general. And now it’s irritating to see new fans act as if criticism that were there for a decade is not allowed towards the story or the mangaka.
While I’m watching the anime so far and I’m happy with the added scenes (especially the ones with U//ryuu concerning his heritage and the conflict he feels over the whole situation), I must say I don’t like how they deleted R//ukia scenes and B//yakuya scenes on purpose. I prefer the old characters designs as well and though and color palettes are now closer to the manga’s, the body proportions often look wrong (B//yakuya’s face, U//ryuu’s jaw to mention only a few exemples) and the lighting is horrible. I’m watching because I want to see EBTR, R//ukia’s bankai, U//nohana’s true self etc. but I do understand why fans who were in the fandom back then aren’t watching the anime or simply left the fandom given how we’re being treated and how some people are changing the narrative.
(And before my words get twisted... There’s nothing wrong with being a new fan, just don’t make up a new version as to why we dislike the ending/how we react(ed) to it. The criticism towards the writing is also more than fair and has existed even before the last arc even started.)
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renjihoe · 2 months
Saw this funny Ichiruki meme on Pinterest. I laughed on the inside.
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exo-raskreia · 8 months
Kubo drawing IR, the non-canon ship, post-ending (2016-2023)
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VS Kubo sketching drawing IH & RR, the canon ships, post-ending (2016-2017)
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(2 chicken scratches Kubo was forced to make & a one-sided color spread that was later edited by Jump to make IR stickers)
Imagine your fav ship became canon, yet years after the ending, this was all the creator gave you while they continued to draw the rival non-canon ship... 🫢
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meluene · 9 months
Tumblr get your shit together I do not wish to see Ichigo/Or*hime or Ren*i/Rukia content, have I not been clear enough during this 10+ years of a journey
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aloneinthedark2001 · 5 days
The various outfits of Rukia Kuchiki, my favourite anime girl:
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enough-bleach · 10 months
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Ichihime marriage be like
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I loved the part in this weeks episode where Ichigo didn't look once at Inoue, even as she was throwing herself at him...
Never a look nor a glance. Not one word of acknowledgement.
Even the ones who ship Ichigo with Uryu have more basis to claim some kind of connection between both characters than the other ones...
And I think that's beautiful.
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