#all the batkids are little chaos gremlins and you can’t tell me otherwise
Talia: My children are perfect.
*multiple explosions in the background*
Talia: I mean, just look at how well-coordinated that was.
*someone shrieks in the distance*
Talia: Perfect angels, both of them.
Bruce, trying to get to his kids before they start an international incident:
Bruce, realizing that ship has already sailed:
Bruce, trying to get to his kids so he can mitigate the inevitable repercussions of the last hour and a half:
Bruce: I can’t believe we’re talking about the same children.
Talia, stopping Bruce from going to them: Don’t interrupt them. This is an important bonding moment.
Talia: And also, I’m so happy to hear you acknowledge Jason as my child.
Bruce, realizing both Jason and Talia will be reminding him of this every day for the next two years:
Bruce: Dammit.
*another explosion in the background*
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Bruce, not ready to wake up: Just five more…
Tim, bored, irritated, and sensing an opportunity to sow the seeds of chaos:
Tim: *races into the kitchen*
Tim: You guys will never believe what Bruce just said!
Damian: Well?
Duke: What did he say?
Steph: You can’t leave us hanging like that.
Tim: He said five MORE.
*collective gasp*
Steph: I had better not be one of those five.
Damian: Why does Father get to adopt five more children and I can not adopt five more cats? Cats are much easier to care for than people.
Tim, shrugging: I’m sure he’d be fine with it.
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fearl batman? hal makes one too many jokes, gets the throat-slitting gesture and sleeps with one eye open
and he also encourages his children to be little chaos gremlins
A good quarter of Robin training is how to be an effective chaos gremlin. All his children are very naturally talented in that area, if Bruce says so himself
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Bruce and Selina getting married, how do the chaos gremlins relate to her and does she join in the annoying Batman crew (she’s the founding member but that’s another ask)
She has so, so many stories. And she’s happy to share
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