#adoption au
gremlin-in-the-woods · 3 months
Adoption AU
An AU in which Danny adopts Damian after Ra summons him in an attempt for immortality, offering Damian as a sacrifice. Unlucky for Ra he didn’t know the difference between an initial sacrifice for summoning and sacrifice when making a deal. Luckily for Danny this leads to him getting a free son, thank you cultists fruitloop. Damian being adopted by Danny works out really well for Damian, his violent tendencies mixing well with Ghost culture. Add on to Danny having experience with getting along with beings that often tried to kill him in the beginning and seeing Damian as the slightly feral child that he is they make a wonderful family.
I also see Danny adopting Billy Batson at some point. He isn’t going to let a child superhero not have support like he did. Your living on the streets and saving the world on a daily basis? Here is a safe place with food and no judgement. This is my son now. He is not even 25 and now has 3 kids if you count Elle, which I am.
Writings of this AU:
Lemons? Pt. 1 , Lemons? Pt. 2
How to Adopt Your Clone Pt. 1 , Pt. 2 , Pt. 3 , Pt. 4 , Pt. 5
Meeting the Kids Pt. 1
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dark-cynder49 · 2 months
Hey look, I got a sudden motivation to finish some Dark Adoption au art lol.
It’s legit just an incorrect quote but it sums up the bullshit DogDay has to deal with
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woodland-gremlin · 2 months
Meeting the Kids
Today was the day that Dick’s boyfriend, Danny, would be introducing him to his three kids. He has heard so much about the gremlin trio that he could recite how Danny adopted them and what they are like forwards and backwards in his sleep at this point. And as he fidgeted outside of his boyfriend’s apartment in Fawcett that was exactly what he did.
Ellie is Danny’s biological daughter that was officially put under his guardianship when he was emancipated at 17, but unofficially he has been watching over her for much longer. She is the oldest of the three, being 11. Exploring and causing untold amounts of chaos, usually with her two younger brothers, is her bread and butter in life. Will not hesitate to turn that controlled chaos onto you if you hurt her family, if the stories of what she does to her sperm donor is an indication. Tales of all the places he has traveled when he was in the circus and stress he has caused Bruce at galas are his best bet to not getting pelted with glitter the moment he walks in the door.
Billy is the most recent addition to the family after living on the streets for the last few years. He is the middle child at 10 years old. Being forced into foster care, which is a death sentence according to Jason, and living on the streets, which is apparently better than foster care (again according to Jason), has made him vary of adults. The only reason he trusted Danny enough to be adopted, was through a long campaign of food, a safe place to sleep that he could leave at any time, the other kids, and a few private emotional moments. From the stories he is a sweet kid whose swearing could make a sailor blush. He brought some of Alfred’s homemade food and stories of Jason for him.
Damian was taken in 6 years ago when Danny was 19. His birth family was in a cult, raising him as its heir before trying to sacrifice him to some higher being, when Danny found him. Even with the ruff start he is very in touch with his home country’s culture, Danny even getting in touch with people from his culture to teach the whole family so they can better understand and respect it. He is the youngest of the trio at 9 and loves animals. He has also seemingly inherited Danny’s adoption tendencies when it comes to said animals. He is also the most likely to challenge him to a duel for Danny’s honor, he does it to every potential partner of Danny's, much less one actually dating him. Mentions of Batcow while accepting said duel should help Damian at least tolerate him.
All three of them are the stars of Danny’s life. Dick has heard all about the bullshit Danny gets for being a father of three, two which are in the double digits, at 25 and how protective the Nightingale family is of each other. And that isn’t even counting his older sister, who he has met over the phone, and all the others claimed extended family. How often Danny has broken up with his partners over the kids or said kids driving out those partners if they didn’t think that they were good enough for their dad. So, no Jason, he wasn’t being paranoid, considering that they ran the last one out in tears, covered in neon, biodegradable glitter and paint, he was being practical!
What Dick did not know was that as he was panicking and making plans the gremlin trio was making their own plans. Plans of his demise.
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stillebesat · 1 year
DP x DC HC that Stephanie Brown and Dash Baxter are cousins. (Moms are sisters)
*walking to a WE meeting room where all the Waynes are sitting*
Dash: I can't believe you talked me into this! Steph: Come on! It will be funny. It will probably work too! Dash: He doesn't like rich people. Steph: Neither does Jason. Dash: Didn't you say the oldest grew up in a circus?! Danny's not a fan of the Circus. Steph: No, you said he doesn't like clowns. Dick is an Acrobat. Totally different. And! This entire family, heck the entire city absolutely LOATHES clowns. He'll fit right in. Dash: But! Steph: Nope! *shoves Dash into room* Go get 'em Tiger! *barricades door shut* Bruce: You had a proposal for us, Mr. Baxter? *gestures to his family*
Dash: *gulps* Ah. Uh. Yes. *clicks on the projector where 'WHY YOU SHOULD ADOPT DANNY FENTON' with a picture of Black-Haired Blue-Eyed Danny front and center flashes onto the screen* Wayne Family: o.o Dash: *clears throat* So, there's this orphan in my hometown...
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natashaslesbian · 28 days
Safe With Her
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Word Count: 1.9k
Parings: (Scarlett x Teen!Reader)
Warnings: death / abuse / bruising / talks of sexual abuse but not extremely detailed
“Hey kiddo” Scarlett said as she came into the guest bedroom “you ready for bed? How you settling in?” She asked. Tonight was your first night in the Johansson-Jost household. Last week, child protection services removed you from your mother’s care after a school teacher reported your bruising to the CPS. You would’ve been thrown into the foster system if it wasn’t for Scarlett, there were no living relatives to take you in. When you were five years old, your dad took you to an open call audition for a minor roll in a new upcoming film. The directors hired you instantly and your first day on set you met Scarlett, she couldn’t explain it but she felt so protective of you and the two of you stayed in contact after the film wrapped.
You fell back into the shadows after the movie released, your character had a total of two lines so you weren’t expected to gain much recognition. You had hoped to go to more auditions but after your father passed away you lost the passion and your mother couldn’t have cared less. Scarlett came to the funeral with you and stayed at your house a few days after. It was clear that your mother was in denial, she was in no state to take care of you. When her next movie came up, Scarlett had to go back to work and since then you had only managed to see her a few times over the last 10 years. Now you were sitting in her guest bedroom after being introduced to Colin and Cosmo, you met Rose when she was born.
“Y/n?” Scarlett asked, bringing you back into focus “I’m okay” you said. “You hardly touched your pizza, thought that was your favourite?” Scarlett warmly smiled “it is, I’m sorry I’m just not that hungry” you tried to smile, but it didn’t work. “You don’t have to apologise sweetie” the blonde said as she came to sit with you on the bed “this is a big change, it’s a lot to take in isn’t it?” You nodded “how about I bunk up with you tonight?” Scarlett asked. You smiled, you’d like that a lot “won’t Colin be mad?” You asked “no of course not, he’s on baby and toddler duty tonight, so I can take care of you” Scarlett said. “Ok” you hummed, Scarlett lent forward and brushes your hair behind your ear. “Alright, I’ll go get ready for bed then we can snuggle, how’s that sound?” She asked. “Good” you nodded excitedly.
You’d been cuddled up in Scarlett’s lap for a while now, she was gently running her fingers through your hair trying to sooth you to sleep. You seemed unable to settle though, constantly fidgeting and shuffling in her arms. “What’s going on y/n/n?” The blonde asked. “I’m sacred” you whispered into Scarlett’s neck “oh sweetheart I know this is scary, it’s okay” she said. “No” you mumbled sitting up “I- I’m scared of Colin” you said as you dropped your gaze. You were preparing for her to shout at you but Scarlett softly pulled your chin up, finding your eyes. “Why?” She quietly asked “He- will- I- I’m scared he’ll hurt me” you shyly said “sweetie Colin would never-“ “I know” you cut her off “It’s just- at home, moms boyfriends” you paused, unsure how much you should share with her. “You can tell me anything darling” Scarlett said.
You couldn’t hold on anymore, the tears you had spent your whole life holding back started to fall. You curled into yourself, bracing for the impact of fists. Your mother hated when you cried, she said it was almost the most annoying thing in the world, the most annoying being you of course. You felt arms wrap tightly around you and for the first time in so long you didn’t push them away. You allowed your body to be anchored into Scarlett’s hold, it was warm and secure. You cried so hard you began to soak Scarlett’s shirt, she gently shushed you as she held you close. “It’s okay baby” she cooed “take some deep breaths for me okay?” She said as she heard you struggle to suck in a breath. “I’m sorry” you sobbed, looking up to Scarlett. “You have nothing to apologise for y/n” she said as she continued to gently rock you in her arms.
After a while, your cries started to soften. So much so that Scarlett thought you’d drifted off into sleep, until you shifted in her lap. “You’re okay sweetie” Scarlett gently coaxed as you began to sit up. “I- um- when- ughr” you sighed frustratedly, all of your words were just stuck. “It’s alright, take your time” Scarlett said as she looked down into your lost searching eyes. “After my dad died, it was just me and my mom for while” you began “things were somewhat ok at first but without dads work we got short on money fast. My mom refused to work and she started drinking to cope I guess” you paused, checking to see if Scarlett wanted you to continue, she nodded “she would get angry and shout, we argued a lot” you continued “after a few years she started dating again, it seemed to help her, she was happy again” you shifted back into Scarlett’s hold, you were afraid she would look at you differently.
The blonde wrapped her arms tightly around you and urged you to continue. “She’d had a boyfriend for a few months and she wanted me to meet him so she invited him over for dinner. It was fine, he seemed ok. He asked to stay the night which I thought was strange but my mom said yes. I said goodnight and went to bed as normal” you pulled Scarlett’s hand towards your own, wanting to fiddle with her rings to keep you calm. “I woke up a little while later and… Matt, the boyfriend, he was in my room. I tried to ask him what he was doing but he told me to be quiet and came over to my bed. He got on top of me and I tried to push him off but he held me down, told me to be good for my mom, I didn’t know what he meant. He was too strong and I couldn’t get him off me. He started touching me” you cried out. “How old were you?” Scarlett said while holding back her own tears. “12” you sobbed.
You held onto Scarlett’s hand so tight it was starting to be uncomfortable for her, but she didn’t mind. “It felt like it lasted for hours” you whimpered “I couldn’t move. I couldn’t scream. I couldn’t do anything” you sobbed. “Oh baby I’m so sorry” Scarlett said. “After, he left my room and went downstairs. I thought he left so I went to find my mom but when I saw her, Matt was giving her money. She saw me at the top of the stairs and she didn’t say anything, she just looked at me. She took the money and put it in her purse then said goodbye to Matt.” You took a few moments to calm your breathing before you carried on “my mom came up the stairs and she walked past me and went to bed, I didn’t understand what was happening but a few nights later, another guy came round and…he did it again. She took a shopping trip the next day and I finally figured it out” you cried “she was selling me to men so they could-“ you couldn’t finish the sentence, you’d never said it out loud.
Scarlett had never felt to angry in her life. It took all of her energy to not loose control right in that very moment. She wanted so scream, make you tell her each and every name of the monsters that had done this, she’d go out and find them and make sure they never laid another finger on another girl, woman or anyone. But as you laid in her arms, so broken and fragile, she knew that was the only place she wanted to be. “I’m so sorry sweetheart” she said “how long was this going on?” Scarlett asked. “She would never have stopped if my teacher didn’t see that bruise, the bruise he left a couple nights ago” you sobbed. “Oh baby” Scarlett cooed. “They think the bruises are from my mom, I just said they were because I was scared I didn’t know what to say” you whimpered “are you gonna make me tell?” You asked. “We can think about all that another time y/n. Right now we’re gonna stay right here okay. You don’t have to do anything right now” Scarlett said.
The two of you stayed cuddled up for a while until you spoke up again. “I’m sorry, I know Colin would never hurt me” you whispered. “You don’t have to apologise baby” Scarlett said “it’s okay to be scared but I promise that you’re safe here. We’ll all spend time together so you can get to know Colin better but you don’t have to spend any time with him until you’re ready” she finished. “No I want too” you said as you looked up at her “I wanna spend time with Colin, Rose and Cosmo too. And you of course ma-“ you paused, unsure if she would want you to give her that title. Scarlett picked up on your discomfort and reached down to gentle kiss your forehead “mamas here sweetheart” she cooed “my brave girl” she said as she ran her fingers through your hair. You smiled widely up at your mama, loving that she accepted you calling her that. You’d always considered her a second mom and now she was your one and only mama.
After a few more tears, you finally fell asleep in Scarlett’s arms, she pulled the duvet up above you both and shuffled further down into the bed. When she was sure you were deeply asleep, Scarlett let her tears fall. She didn’t want you to see how your story had hurt her, after all you were hurting a lot more and it was up to her to look after you. She kept her tears quiet and ran her fingers along your arm to sooth herself, eventually drifting off to sleep with you. The next morning, Scarlett had Colin take the kids out for breakfast so that you and her could talk things over. She reminded you many times that you didn’t have to do anything you weren’t ready for, and although you were scared you decided you were going to report what had happened. Your mama promised to be there every step of the way and continued to shower you with love for the rest of the day.
You spent the afternoon with Rose and Cosmo. The young boy seemed to take an instant liking to you, fussing horrendously when it was time for his nap. Rose wouldn’t leave your side either and you both ended up asleep on the couch after dinner. Scarlett and Colin stood in awe of the new member of their family, cuddled closely together when Scarlett asked “can we keep her?” Colin looked down to his wife, knowing that the first moment you came home he wanted the same thing. “She’s not going anywhere” he said. The two moved you both to your bedrooms and settled you down for the night. After, they met at the kitchen table, making calls and taking notes, getting the process started of adopting you. Even as you slept you knew you had found what you always wanted along with so much more.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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demonic0angel · 10 months
More DCxDP story ideas that I have (click for clarity)
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1) Damian becomes a servant under Danny for the completion of his wish: the revival of his family (1st chapter is already written here)
2) Jason adopts two animals, a borzoi and a Turkish angora cat, both who are more intelligent than they look…
3) In which the Fentons were neighbors of the Todds in Jason’s childhood
4) Tim falls into a ghost portal, gets transported into another world, then gets adopted by a ghost vigilante and an overprotective anti-heroine
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AU where Cralt raised Will
Pritchard, testing a theory: Will, what’s dad's name?
Will: Dad!
Pritchard: Okay, what’s my name?
Will: Gran-pa!
Pritchard: Great, and what is Pops' name?
Will, screaming: CROOOOWLEEY
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Short DP X DC Prompts #149
Dick breaks into Jason's apartment to see Jason's tv showing a Mario Kart score board and Jason goodheartedly wrestling a teenager on the living room floor. Even stranger it appeared that the kid was winning.
"Did you adopt a kid without telling me Jay?!"
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empressgeekt · 14 days
HTTYD/Trolls - Crossover - Branch is Adopted by Gobber au
Okay, so people liked my Branch Winchester Au, so here's another one I've been stewing on for a while.
The au starts with a five year old branch running away from another horrible foster home in the newly settled pop village. he just wants to get away, be somewhere ....or more accurately the sea of HTTYD. Little Branch (now human) is left bobbing in the stormy sea, for who knows how long, eventually washing up on the shore of Berk.
At the next Dawn, young Gobber and Stoick would be walking the stony shore, just having a moment of peace between the noises of chiefing and working in the forge, and the never ending dragon raids. Stoick would be griping to Gobber about his and Valka's fertility issues, he's not mad at Valka, he's just worried that he won't get an heir before he's at the gate of Valhalla. Then they find a tiny body washed up on the rocks. The child is clearly not from berk, his hair like coal, and skin the color of tree bark. And somehow alive.
Strange appearance or not both Stoick and Gobber rush to Gothi with the child in hand. They get some odd stares from the village, but other then that they know to wait for an announcement on the discovery. Gothi sees the child right away, and after a few hours allows Stoick and Gobber (and Valka having joined them while waiting) into her healing hut to see the child. His wounds wrapped and bundled up near her fireplace. She scribbles into the dirt that she read the child, and that he was sent by a higher power to be raised as a berkian, after his own tribe and house wronged him greatly. Valka is immediately pissed off (stoick's in love), after all the child couldn't be more then five, what tribe and family could've possible done away with a child so young. Not to mention the fact that she and stoick had been struggling to conceive, only made the whole situation worse. Seeing his wife's distress Stoick immediately begins planning to take the boy in, but Gothi stops him, saying that while the boy was sent to be raised by them, he wasn't to be Stoick's child. When asked who the child belongs too, Gothi points to Gobber.
Gobber freaks out and says he can't handle a kid. He never got married for two reasons, and he only tells people one of them, and that was because of how much drama and worry a family can have. But still he's no match for the combine wrath of Gothi and Valka, and reluctantly, takes the child back to his hut to recover. Stoick stops by that night, with some mild mead, and let's Gobber vent. He does not understand why the gods would send him a kid, Gobber hadn't had a family since he's parents died when he was a teenager, and they never had any children other then him, so Gobber was the last of his house and he was fine with that. He had his job, he had his friends, he was fine. Stoick tries to be comforting, saying the gods must have a reason, and maybe he'd like the kid. That maybe the kid was always meant to be his, but since Gobber never married they had to get creative to get his son to him. Gobber is not comforted.
Branch wakes up three days later and he is terrified. The man he's staying with has a hook for a hand, peg for a leg, and the longest mustache that he'd ever seen. He spends the day hidden underneath his covers, wanting nothing more then to wake up in the warm forests of his home.
Gobber is at a loss of what to do with the obvious terrified child in his hut. What was Gothi thinking, he couldn't handle this. Eventually he resorts to luring Branch out with food, and manages to get the kid to talk over a bowl of stew, cause while Gobber is a great smith he is also a fantastic cook. The child's name is Branch which, given the color of his skin and the green tunic he was where Gobber finds very ironic.
It's awkward those first few weeks, Gobber is basically trying to figure out how to take care of a kid. Feeding, and making sure he's getting to Gothi on time for healing checks are things he can handing. Branch overall is a much calmer wee one then most of the children in berk, definitely a thinker (not that Gobber minds they need more thinkers on berk), but it still feels like there's a wall between them.
Branch is very confused, about everything. Gobber is nice, he doesn't make Branch feel like something is wrong with him. Gothi is weird, and she's weird about wanting to see his tongue, but she's gentle. His new Aunt Valka is very nice, but her husband is big and scary (much to stoick's dismay). It takes a little while but eventually, he gets comfortable enough to ask questions, and heals enough to leave the hut. The first day that Gobber takes him to the forge, Branch is immediately fascinated by metal work, much to Gobber's joy. The wall between them began to crack, as Branch paid close attention to everything Gobber said regarding to smithing. Eventually, Branch asks why they makes so many weapons. All Gobber said is to protect themselves. From what? Well Branch got his answer after an early winter hit berk.
One Night Branch would awaken to screams and the smell of smoke. Gobber is ready to run out to the forge to do his job during the raid, only this time he has a child to think about. He has no choice but to drag the child with him through the chaos and snuff him in the forge while the smith got to work. Branch is constantly asking what's happening, and all he gets in answer is two words "Dragon raid". At some point in the night, Gobber asks Branch to grab something for him, and needed to do something other then quietly stew in panic, Branch quickly becomes Gobber's fetch boy, and was put in charge of keeping the coals warm. The raid last until sunrise, and by the end of it, he just clings to Gobber's too exhausted to be scared. Gobber carries the child home to sleep, any wall between them now broken.
For the next year, Branch would continue to help Gobber around the forge, while at the same time learning to read, and once the boy had written Norse down, Branch ate up any book put in front of him. Gobber carrying him home every night after the boy would fall asleep while studying in the forge. Sometime in Feberary, his Uncle Stoick and Aunt Valka have a baby, and once deemed safe, Gobber and Branch are the first to seeing little Hiccup, and upon seeing the little loaf of fur and baby, Branch was sold, nothing would happen to this kid. Not on his watch. Gobber even lets Branch help forge the baby sized axe that Stoick requested for his son.
Then came one of the worst nights in Branch's life. The raid had been normal at first, Branch helping out in the forge like he had been taught. Until someone screamed about the Chief's hut being destoryed. Not thinking anything but that little Hiccup was in danger, Branch runs out of the forge towards the now burning out...only to see his Aunt Valka being carried off by a stormcutter. For a moment, it's not Aunt Valka, and it's not a dragon, it's Grandma and the bergen. Branch runs back to his hut with Gobber and begins to sob into his bed. Gobber would find him there curled up underneath the blankets, just sad and scared. Some how Gobber gets his boy to open up about his grandmother and Gobber does interperate it like Grandma was carried off by a dragon and not a bergen, but the message was the same even if the details were a little fuzzy. Gobber comforts Branch saying that he'll protect the child, always. This is the night that Branch starts calling Gobber Dad.
Stoick falls off the deep end right after Valka was taken, he goes on crazy month long blind searches for her, and Gobber goes with him to stop Stoick from doing anything more stupid. At some point Gobber has enough and starts to try and talk some sense into stoick, afterall they both have lads at home, and Stoick is missing his son's infant years. It hurts, but Stoick knows that Gobber is right, all that's left of Valka is Hiccup, Stoick needs to protect him now, and he couldn't keep Gobber away from his own son too.
While his father and uncle were away, Branch was put into the care of Gothi, Hiccup was sent to say with his aunt (Valka's sister and soon to be Snotlout's mom), but Gobber and Branch were the last of their house so Gothi was the next best thing. During those months, Branch tries not to be a bother, Gothi is pleased to have a set of hands nearby so willing to help, and like with smithing Branch would pick up on healing rather quickly. He even helps her with patients once's he capable enough.
Eventually though, the searches stop and Gobber comes home for good.
Years seemed to fly by after that, Hiccup grows scrawny, and is quickly made a target by his peers for bullying. Though, the Forge becomes a safe place, Branch has six years on the other kids, and they knew they can't mess with him. The smith's son does not tolerate bullying or teasing when he's working, especially when it comes to Hiccup. He can't hate the other kids though, after all their still kids being kids. One of them he even feels bad for, little Fishlegs clearly didn't want to pick on Hiccup but also didn't want to be bullied either. Branch will throw hands if it gets physical, however.
Though there's one kid that Branch has a special hatred for. Dagur. The berserker heir, is not someone that Branch initially gets along with, especially after a swimming trip that almost ended in Dagur drowning Hiccup. A bitterness between the two only grow from there, and it bring out this cruel protective streak that Branch didn't know he had. Something is wrong with Dagur, and Branch isn't sure what, but it makes the heir dangerous. And unlike the other kids, Branch doesn't intimidate Dagur because their closer in age, and Dagur did always have more muscle.
By the time the movie rolls around, Branch is a smith in his own right at the age of 20. He and Gobber work in the together, with Hiccup joining them after picking up and interest in inventing. A hobby that Branch also enjoys, together they come up with all sorts of gadgets though Stoick almost never lets them test them. Gobber's proud of his boy, though now Branch is his own man. His son is strong, smart and rather good looking, the few suitors Branch has on Berk look at him with a decent level of desire. Sure, Branch wasn't the usual beefcake of a viking, but his figure was lean and strong, the darker hue of his skin also gave him an air of mystery. However, Branch made it very clear he wasn't interested in any of them.
In the meeting hall,
"Trolls exist! They steal your sock but only your left one what's with that?"
"Dad, trolls don't steal socks, and you only have left socks. They keep vanishing when I do the laundry."
"Because trolls keep stealing 'em!"
Branch is the first one to meet Toothless after Hiccup shot him down. When Hiccup is sneaking through the forge after he and toothless got tied together. Branch spots them and follows them back to the cove. There Hiccup explains and begs Branch not to tell his dad, and Branch says he won't as long as Toothless won't eat Hiccup. He helps the younger boy and dragon get unstuck, before marveling at the rigging that Hiccup made for Toothless. Branch wants in, mostly because it could mean finding a better way to keep the people in the village safe. Together the boys, learn more about dragons by studying Toothless, theories and findings Hiccup tests in the training ring.
After the disaster of a final test, Branch tries to follow Hiccup and Stoick and ends up witnessing their fight, and Stoick disowning Hiccup. This cuts deep and Branch looses all respect for the chief. He says goodbye to Hiccup before they leave, saying they'll always be brothers. Branch goes with the others to raid the nest, only to keep his father safe however, the rest of the village Chief included can go burn for all he cared.
Sadly this does mean that Branch is out of the dragon riding part of the battle, but I do plan on giving him a dragon at some point. Not sure which kind though, I'm thinking maybe a sand wraith, or dramillion, or maybe just say screw it and partner him up with Light Fury. I think they could make a fun duo, loner grouch with a very snooty over grown cat, who very protective.
It's late I'm going to split this up.
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wallywestfest · 6 months
Will you continue with your adopted Varian AU from Tangled?
Hi, thanks so much for asking! Unfortunately I will not, the Tangled fandom is sometimes a bit of a painful spot for me for personal reasons, so I don't really find joy in thinking about it or making content for it. I won't refuse a commission related to anything Tangled, but I probably won't make anything on my own. So sorry to disappoint everyone, I'm pretty sure I won't continue the Varian AU, but I loved making every single page that I finished so far for y'all- it came to a pretty cute conclusion with kitty Ruddiger, so I hope you can enjoy that as a bit of an abrupt ending. I had plans of including a storyline with Andrew and I'd even thought of somehow incorporating the Vat7k AU, at least adding Varigo to it somehow- there were bold and extensive plans in the works for sure hahah Alas, I've got a full time job now and many other personal projects and interests, and at the end of the day, truly, Tangled is not something I think about as passionately anymore. Regretfully it's still a bit tainted for me and on some level it always will be, but I look back on it with both fondness and heartache :') Thank you for asking, I'm sure some people are still curious about this, and once again, I'm really sorry, but I won't be continuing this AU. You're free to do your own take on it though, I'd be excited to see someone else having fun with this little AU idea! :D
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bi-the-wei · 11 months
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Some random baby Lans taking a cooking lesson with Hanguan Jun
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riolu4 · 3 months
This place for small story the one that I have Ideas for the every time difference and is random and some bart of it.
Country Branch is Good Dancer Even though he have 4 legs He can dance very well to all Genres
Classical Branch Does not fly that after he is tall the normal Classical Troll and Smidge and every time he fly every pup troll being surprised except King Peppy.
Branch being adopt by one of Genre or Subgenre trolls the Branch age is 6 Years old.
The Funk Troll adopt by Branch the story is he left Pop village to find something Like supplies or medicine and bird capture him , far and far from Troll Village Lucky the one of Funk UFO saw him and saved him but is not easy to find the Pop village and more and Royal funk family The They Second Son is alive by the Name of Cooper.
Ok the all for now the maybe some different some similar some between I Have different concept from the story Like maybe I will Have Different variant of the Story.
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gremlin-in-the-woods · 3 months
Master Post (basically me keeping track of what I post)
@woodland-gremlin where I’ve decided to post my writings from now on so check that out for a master post of my work
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woodland-gremlin · 3 months
Lemons? Pt. 2 (Adoption AU)
Here's the first part:
Dick took another deep breath while leaning against the cool metal that made up most of the watchtower. As much as he appreciates puns and how much easier it will be to track down these kids' villain relatives with a last name he still feels a bit weak in the knees with these revelations being thrown out one after another. They talk about it so casually and that makes him sick to his stomach. Potential villain grandparents, their terrifying weapons that disregard ethics, and apparently weapons that make the one they mentioned seem tame in their eyes. All of that speaks of those kids going through something they shouldn’t have had to.
“Is that how Dad got his terrible naming sense?” the first voice asked, dragging Dick out of his depressing thoughts.
“Huh,” Ellie huffed out, “Never thought of that.”
“Tt. It is likely that it is a biological disposition if you consider the naming sense of those that share his species alongside the Fenton genes. Now cease this needless drivel and assist me with returning home.”
The more words that come out of these kids' mouths, the more Dick just wants to disregard any stealth and poke his head through the door’s opening so he can bundle them up in a bunch of blankets. Maybe ask a few questions about their dad and ask them how they would feel about being adopted by a billionaire. He is sure Bruce wouldn’t mind, even if they, or even just their dad, weren’t fully human from what they have said.
“Alright Dami,” said the first voice with the sound of something being shuffled in the background. “Though-” before they could continue the sound of something tearing cut them off.
“Wulf!” one of the kids cried with joy.
Before Dick could begin to panic and do something about a wolf of all things somehow getting into the watchtower the kids began to speak again.
“Wulf, it is a pleasure to see you again,” Dami said softly as if he was looking at a cute puppy.
“Yeah, and you have perfect timing too!” The first voice cheered.
“Just don’t tell Dad, okay?” Ellie asked.
A gruff voice replied in a language Dick has neither understood nor ever heard before.
“Oh come on,” Ellie groused, “It’s no big deal. No one even saw us.”
The new person just replied in the same strange language.
“All right, all right.” Dick could practically hear Elle roll her eyes while she continued to grumble, something about causing a prison riot and breaking out?!?
The sound of feet shuffling and zipping was all he heard before it became silent.
After a minute of silence Dick peeked into the meeting room which he previously heard the kids in only to find it devoid of anyone. A lemon lying on the floor being the only evidence that he didn’t hallucinate the whole thing.
Note: Dick later checks out the security footage of where the kids were only for the footage to be full of static for the whole encounter.
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britishassistant · 1 year
lol for the adopted and stayed au, which villains would do their absolute best to be the best possible options as a spouse for yuu in the eyes of their brother? which villains are in the firmly make sure yuu never interacts with them in the eyes of yuu's brother?
Well that depends on which villain is their brother in this AU!
Brother Riddle:
King: Pompous freeloader who isn’t good enough for Yuu
Leviathan: Too flashy and underhanded, plus Floyd
Snake Charmer: Get more reputable business practices. Then maybe
Poison Queen: Respecting your in-laws is important too!!
Charon: Keep that layabout away from his sibling!!
Tsunotaro: Too socially maladjusted
Brother Leona:
Royal Flush: Too annoying
Leviathan: Fuck no
Snake Charmer: Snakes should stay in the grass where they belong
Poison Queen: Too prissy and annoying
Charon: What, like he even has the balls to?
Brother Azul:
Royal Flush: Too suffocating for poor Yuu
King: Cut off all advantages there could have been with a union
Snake Charmer: So long as he signs a contract forfeiting all his funding to Azul~!
Poison Queen: Bad to mix business with family
Charon: As nice as it would be, he’d like Yuu to keep getting fresh air and regular contact with grass
Tsunotaro: N-no?
Brother Jamil:
Royal Flush: Far too strict and shouty
King: Pass on another pampered, spoiled heir
Leviathan: Not in a million years.
Poison Queen: Melodramatic but. Maybe
Charon: Would he actually look away from his screens for long enough?
Tsunotaro: Yeah, not touching that can of worms
Brother Vil:
Royal Flush: Emotionally unstable and nonsensical
King: He’d rather swallow glass
Leviathan: Poorly masked self-esteem and abandonment issues
Snake Charmer: Attention seeker, but if he gets over himself…
Charon: …Is this a joke?
Tsunotaro: Arrogant and totally inept socially
Brother Idia:
Royal Flush: Why is this Karen even an option?! He’s more heartless than anything Idia’s built…
King: NEET (disrespectfully)(fake gamer)
Leviathan: Bro code says no
Snake Charmer: We can smell ur inferiority-superiority complex from here dude lol
Poison Queen: He’d die. He would actually die. Yuu, please don’t kill ur beloved onii-chan!
Tsunotaro: Miss him with that “lonley ouji-chara turning their s/o into an emotional cructh” bs
Brother Malleus:
Royal Flush: Perhaps, if he were taller
Leviathan: If the bottom feeder wants to fail so badly…
Snake Charmer: Too underhanded and sly
Poison Queen: So much wasted effort, it’s almost admirable
Charon: …Is he actually a contender?
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hood-ex · 4 months
Found this on Twitter (I refuse to call it X)
And was reminded of ur Dick-Damian dad post
Think we definitely need a fic where worlds collide, and Pre-Crisis Dick and Jason meet Post-Crisis Dick and Damian. The kicker is that Pre!Dick adopted Jason, and Post!Dick adopted Damian.
Ohh the fun we could have with Damian comparing the way both Dicks and Jason move in similar ways due to their acrobatic backgrounds. Or Jason fretting over Post!Dick's current role as Batman and the stress it puts on him. Or Post!Dick feeling an ache in his chest as he sees how much Pre-Dick and Jason trust and love each other.
Much fun to be had with such an idea, y'see.
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