#adaine abernant
katriaarts · 1 day
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cause honey— you got a big storm coming ‼️
I meant to do a color page for when this happened in the show because the visual made me CRAZYYYY and then time got away from me and now the season is over >.> so I put a gradient map on it instead!
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doodleswithangie · 1 day
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post-battle selfie
[Image Description: Selfie of the Bad Kids from Dimension 20's "Fantasy High" posted on Gorgug's Instagram. The post is tagged in Elmville and liked by account "hootgrowl" and others. It's captioned, "see you at basrar's."
Clockwise from top left: Riz gives thumbs up, Adaine throws a peace sign, Kristen rocks a sign of the horns, Fabian gestures with a hand on Kristen's shoulder, Fig leans up into frame, and Gorgug angles the camera as he takes the selfie. End ID]
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cowgirls-blues · 17 hours
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I hope we get to eat ice cream and cast magic forever.
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rrat-king · 1 day
the Bad Kids ice cream truck orders:
fabian: rocket pop aka original red white and blue. he likes that blue is at the bottom cuz it's his fav flavor so he gets to savor it
kristen: sonic the hedgehog ice cream pop with the gumball eyes. she never eats it fast enough so she gets it all over herself and she chews the gumballs for way too long even though they immediately lose their flavor
adaine: caramel drumstick aka big dipper. ice cream trucks were not a thing she was allowed to participate in as a kid so now that she can she has tried more or less everything in the truck and deduced that drumsticks are the best
riz: jumbo ice cream sandwich. used to share it with his parents when they would splurge on it as a kid so he loves them now. always eats it too fast, always gets brain freeze
gorgug: orange sorbet flintstones push pop. he's lactose intolerant and loves fruity stuff (only in june) but he always presses too hard on the push pop and it gets all over
fig: strawberry shortcake crunch bar pop. she gets the little crunch crumblys everywhere but she loves it and insists its the best cuz it's strawberries despite it being the fakest strawberry flavor
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rat-tar-cigars · 1 day
I took a bit from the first couple episodes of Junior Year, blacked out for two months and came to with this. Absolutely loved this season and I still cant believe it’s overrrr
For a first time animatic I think it turned out pretty good!
Song: “Spaceman” by The Killers
If tumblr kills the quality YouTube link below the cut :)
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lethal-effect · 1 day
remind me to make a post about why Kipperlilly is, despite everything, actually Adaine's character foil, more than any of the other bad kids
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becausesure · 3 days
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audible301 · 1 day
You might think K2 got blasted out of Spyre because Brennan hated her but thats actually a misconception.
She was actually just the only straight person living in Mordred Manor and they have a reputation to uphold.
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omamorens · 2 days
If you, a divinity amongst mortals, did inkblade headcanons with Oisin and Aelwyn becoming weirdly good friends, and bonding over how they want to be better people for Adaine - it would be extremely delightful, is all <3
AELWYN MY BELOVED of course lovely anon!! this was cooking for so long in my asks i apologize for that
you know what Adaine’s worst nightmares are made of?
its her scheming sneaky older sister being weirdly good friends with the newly reformed and redeemed dragonborn that may or may not have a crush on her.
Adaine isn’t one to assume his affections though (she found out from Aelwyn).
But Aelwyn is definitely not their wingman, mind you
Everything she does is for her entertainment
And seeing her little sister be very skittish around the hot dragonborn trying his best to make amends with Adaine, then you better bet Aelwyn is watching it while eating popcorn
On the other hand, Aelwyn’s tips on how to apologize to Adaine isn’t working so well for Oisin
Adaine avoids him every chance she gets and at some point he even asked Aelwyn to set up a trap or something just to have Adaine hear him out
“That’s not how you apologize, dragonboy.”
“Okay, since you’re so great at it, how did you apologize?”
Aelwyn thinks the real!Oisin is too catty for his own good sometimes
But oddly enough, Oisin knows a lot of stuff about other people (is he just that observant? does he have his own network of spies like Aelwyn does? who knows)
And they bond over shit-talking about other people (they have to be a little bit evil. it comes with the territory im afraid)
Oisin is the type to rant logically too. what i mean is, when he rants, he pulls up a whole ass whiteboard and explains every reasoning as to why this thing infuriates him.
Ivy was his usual audience for his rants, but eventually Aelwyn becomes a regular too.
its actually such a healthy coping mechanism that Aelwyn takes up the same habit too.
but her audience is Adaine and Boggy, and theyre both very supportive of her rants (better she rants than enact physical violence or blackmail because she’s irritated)
Aelwyn and Oisin definitely bond over magic too. Wizards and their little tower of trinkets (but for Aelwyn, its just her apartment and the dozens of cat she has)
Oisin feeds the cats for her sometimes, in exchange for knowing about Adaine’s favorite things (so he can apologize to her with them)
Does it work? Definitely not. Adaine’s forgiveness cannot be bought with material riches
But she does notice how Oisin seems to handle himself better than before (healing looks good on him, though she wouldn’t admit that out loud)
she also gets the nagging suspicion that having Aelwyn and Oisin meet is certainly good for their individual psychological health, but terrible for the rest of Solace (again, being a little bit evil comes with the territory)
i love me some evil (handshake) evil best friendship. sure theyre trying their best to be better people but not much fun being the goody-two-shoes all the time
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azaleastobloom · 1 day
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You can sketch your favorite character the day before the SAT. but watch out!
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justablah56 · 2 days
hellooooo fh fandom , can I interest you in some riz and adaine hurt comfort
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also @cookies-over-yonder , for you my friend 🤲
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starful-emporium · 2 days
Bad Kids queer headcanons (excluding canon stuff lol)
Kristen is def someone who considers her gender as just "lesbian." being raised with the definition of woman being so strict and het normative, they can't connect to "woman" in a meaningful way, and uses any pronouns.
Gorgug is a bigender bitch if ive ever seen one. think i rb'd from the op of that headcanon a bit ago, they were saying how well it fits with his barbificer arc and just. Yes. Correct. She/he gorgug ftw.
Riz is fully uninterested in the whole gender thing. triple a vibes 100%, specifically the ambivalent kind. is okay with any pronouns but has no motivation to switch from he/him.
Fig being transfem <3 something about growing up as one thing and then suddenly becoming another, having your body do things outside your control and visibly weird. just gahhh perfect little niche to occupy my brain.
Adaine aro-allo truthers rise up! Seriously this girl does not want romantic intimacy, she would like the occasional casual date and getting her kisses in, and that's all, thanks.
Fabian is schrodinger's queer. hasn't connected the dots that liking men and women makes him bi. also has no idea how to separate jealousy and crushes, mostly bc his dad taught him to view other men as competition.
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mosieosie · 7 hours
so obsessed with fantasy high freshman year like imagine ur another freshman at Augefort and this group kids that you’ve never seen talk to each other are suddenly in prison together what a good fucking show
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fangirlingpuggle · 1 day
Another fantasy high thought about Inkblade being parents, this kid whose parents are 2 of the strongest wizards bloodlines full of magic their mom is the eleven oracle and just kids decides no interest in magic. Kid wants to become a monk or fighter or barbarian or rouge maybe.
Just Adaine being the most supportive and loving Mum always encouraging kid to be themselves. Never once making them feel bad.
And also Oisin also the most encouraging and always like 'You take after your mother so much'
'...but Mums a wizard'
'And she can kick my ass'
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chowderskimchi · 10 hours
back from the abyss with a new animatic, hopefully more to come cuz i just loved this season sm
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mordred manor house sleepover
details and closeups under the cut <3
small things i wanna talk about bc i spent way too long on the background to not talk about it- little drawings all over, namely song lyrics, small references to themselves, figs horn marks and her own apology in the top bunk, boggys little terrarium (held up with magic and nails) glow in the dark stars and fairy lights are all over (no overhead lights!!) aelwyns bottom bunk has a sheet for separation, aelwyns little cat stuffy was given to her by adaine, the calendar is color coded for the bad kids and co, and all photos are my own drawings bc i didnt wanna create new things
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taglist: @disdoorted-crows @dapper-nahrwhale @leelovessharks @genuine-possum @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @starchaserbaby @blueskiesandstarrynights @joshkiszkashusband (lemme know if u wanna be added or removed)
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