classycookiexo · 17 hours
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part-ago · 2 days
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snapthistiger · 1 day
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exercise 05302024
bike ride to the gym
worked lifeguard job 445a to 630a
8 x 10 incline sit ups
3 x 10 pec machine
3 x 10 lat raise
3 x 10 low row
45 minute spin class
3 x 10 cable row
3 x 10 cable press
bike ride home
the gym workers and lifeguards received Hershey kisses
visited my Mom this afternoon, she was awake!! also visited with my niece and her dogs, Junior and Taco
top left = picked about a gallon of blueberries at my Mom's
bottom = found a $10 this morning
also, today is my payday, so having pizza for dinner!
also, no rain today but the mosquitoes are out and hungry
hope you have a peaceful afternoon and evening..
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ninassoul · 13 hours
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tafkarfanfic · 10 months
Are you in the USA? I cannot stress this enough: search your state's unclaimed property site to see if there is anything in your name.
I just got a check for nearly $900 that I didn't know about. Apparently it was sent to me at the end of 2019 and I never got it, so it was sent on to Unclaimed Property.
My friend checked the state he used to live in. He didn't have any unclaimed property of his own. But his dad, who died 20 years ago, had over $10,000 in unclaimed property. My friend is the heir, so he gets that money.
It involves a little paperwork to get the money but it's so worth it!
You can search ALL states using MissingMoney.com. And I recommend that you search ALL states - sometimes you might get a surprise about post property in another state (as my friend did with his dad!)
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pearwaldorf · 11 months
You want some serious old fart advice? Never, ever lend your friends more money than you think you can lose permanently. I don't fucking care if they say they'll pay you back. I don't care how small the amount is. Write that shit off as gone in your mind. It will eat at you forever if you don't.
Some people say the same thing about family, but I think it applies more to friends. Family is (usually) held together by obligations the way friends aren't. And money is a huge stressor in all kinds of relationships, not just romantic.
I'm not saying this to bum you out. I'm telling you because this is not something you want to learn on your own. Because it fucking sucks to realize it's one reason you're no longer friends, whether you were necessarily aware of it or not.
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thousandairesshow · 1 month
💸👑 Now presenting: the trailer for Dropout's newest show Thousandaires.
Thousandaires answers an important question: how would you spend $1,000 with your friends? From emo makeovers to cottagecore strippers, Dropout cast will experience each other's dreams together.
Hosts Jacquis Neal, Jess Ross, Oscar Montoya, Ryan Creamer, Erika Ishii, and Siobhan Thompson, alongside an all-star cast of comedians, one-up their friendships with each other in this series premiering May 31st on Dropout.
Featuring guests: Danielle Radford, Persephone Valentine, Amy Vorpahl, Ify Nwadiwe, Tao Yang, Lily Du, Jacob Wysocki, Jiavani, Kimia Behpoornia, Lisa Gilroy, Matt Apodaca, Rashawn Scott, Ruha Taslimi, Patrick McDonald, Mike Trapp, Becca Scott, Carolyn Page, Sam Reich, Raphael Chestang, Katie Marovitch, Grant O'Brien, Oscar Montoya, Paul Robalino, and Elle Woods!
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foreverrryourssss · 6 months
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incognitopolls · 3 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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typhlonectes · 5 months
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pdlcomics · 14 days
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don't need money
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bitchy-craft · 2 months
Money: Affirmation Series
Hello and welcome to this post! In here I will be giving a few career growth affirmations. I hope you all enjoy and find this useful.
Masterpost > Paid Readings
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I am financially abundant and prosperous in all aspects of my life.
Money flows to me effortlessly and abundantly, supporting my goals and dreams.
I attract lucrative opportunities that align with my passions and values.
I am worthy of wealth and success, and I embrace prosperity with open arms.
My wealth grows exponentially as I invest wisely and manage my finances responsibly.
I release any limiting beliefs about money and welcome abundance into my life.
I am grateful for the financial blessings that come my way, big and small.
I am a magnet for financial abundance, attracting wealth and opportunities with ease.
I am in control of my financial destiny, and I create abundance through my thoughts and actions.
I deserve to live a life of abundance, and I am open to receiving all the wealth and prosperity that the universe has to offer.
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Tip: The more you repeat the more effective affirmations are
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msterpicasso · 17 days
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ninassoul · 1 day
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becouse you’re young you’re wild you’re free
you’re dancing circles around me
you’re fucking crazy
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theroundbartable · 6 months
Every king eventually brings out their own money. The Pendragon crest is naturally on one side, but the King's face normally goes on the other.
And Arthur does that, or intends to. But when he talks to the guy who is meant to get his profile, Arthur can't help but ask what kind of other symbols he could use. At first, he asks if he could put other people on it, then he figures that it would probably be too controversial if he put a face on the coin that isn't his own.
Then he asks if it could be a bird, like his mother's sigil. Originally, he wants to honor her, but then Merlin walks in to gather his clothes and it suddenly strikes him that Merlin has done so much for him, and never gotten any reward.
And Arthur doesn't mean his servant work, Merlin is rubbish at that. But what about his council? His advice? The fact that Merlin always speaks his mind, yet always has Arthur's and Camelot's best interest at heart. The fact that Merlin always goes out of his way to fight alongside Arthur, despite not being a knight.
In an emotional outburst, (after Merlin left again) Arthur orders the coin guy to make the other side of his coin a Merlin.
Right after that, he realizes what he's done and drowns his embarrassment in wine.
A couple weeks later, the money is created and put out into the kingdom. And everyone immediately connects the dots. The symbol is only on the golden one.
The day Merlin finds out is a normal day at first. Only that everyone is staring holes into his head and whispers about him. Merlin has been send to get Arthur's new shirts and hands the tailor a golden coin. He hands it to him, then stops and stares at the crest.
Merlin: Arthur???? What the fuck is this?
Arthur: *sweats* your salary?
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theambitiouswoman · 6 months
Basic Financial Rules To Live By 💰✨
Create a plan that shows how much money you get and how much you spend. This helps you see where your money goes.
Set aside a part of your money as savings. Try to save at least 10-20% of what you earn.
Be careful with borrowing money, especially if you have to pay back a lot of extra money (interest).
Save some money for unexpected things like medical bills or losing your job. Aim to have enough to cover your living costs for a few months.
Put your saved money into different things that can make it grow, like stocks or real estate. Be patient, as it takes time.
Don't spend more money than you make. Stick to buying what you really need, not just what you want.
Decide what you want to do with your money, both in the short term (like a vacation) and long term (like retirement).
Set up automatic transfers to your savings and bills so you don't forget to save or pay your bills on time.
Make saving money a top priority before spending on other things.
Regularly look at your money situation, adjust your plan as needed, and see how your investments are doing.
Pay your bills on time and use credit wisely (like credit cards) to keep a good credit score, which can help you get better deals on loans.
Save money for when you're older and don't work anymore. Use retirement accounts to help with this.
Think before you buy things. Don't buy something just because you want it; think if it's necessary.
Keep learning about how money works and how to make smart money choices.
Only use your emergency fund for real unexpected problems, not for things you just want to buy.
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