reareaotaku · 11 hours
Max Goof Headcanons
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Very shy and a little awkward
He gets flustered when talking to you
Tries impressing you with his skateboarding abilities, though for some reason, he always tens to fall flat on his butt
His friends, Pj and Bobby, try and help him wingman, but they just end up embarrassing him more
Has a tendency to fiddle with his hair when nervous
Tries to avoid his father, only because he knows his father will embarrass him. Like yeah, he loves his dad, but come on
Though, if you hand with him and his friends, you can always expect an adventure
Though, if he doesn't focus on you watching him, he is really good at skating. He just has to not focus on you, but instead on skating. If he focuses too much on you, he gets lost and loses his mind
He's a daddy's boy and if he ever had kids, they'd be daddy's babies
He's very defensive for you. If anyone even thinks of speaking bad bout you, he's on it
Really chill and likes to hang out
His favorite thing to do with you is relaxing and hanging out together
Pretty willing to do whatever you want, because he likes making you happy
You being happy makes him happy
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reareaotaku · 3 days
Currently working on Part 2, because I can't stay away!!! Lol, let me know if you'd like to be tagged
Maid of the Rich
Inspo: sluttsxphobia [I think they abandoned this idea, but I really like it, so I'm stealing it.] Summary: You were hired as a maid, but the day Miles returns from school, he makes it his mission to make your life a living hell. But one day his idea of you changes, though you wish he'd just continued to hate you Tw: Mean Miles [Obviously], Miles being creepy Taglist: @fxchild, @milesfairchild2, [Make a part 2??]
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You groaned as you put the car into park. You did not imagine that this is where your life would be at peak 20; A maid for some snooby rich kids. You turned off the engine and slammed your car door, mumbling under your breath as you walked up to the main doors.
You're met by an older lady who practically gave you a death stare. It wasn't like you wanted to be there either, so you didn't know why she seemed angry. Besides, she was the one who hired you, so she had no right to be upset.
She let you in and showed you around the mansion while explaining to you what you had to do. It was all just small talk and a waste of breath. You already knew what you were supposed to do and you doubted her showing you around will help you remember where everything is. Let's be honest, the place was huge; It'd take you a while to adjust. A part of you was jealous that someone got to live here and enjoy the lavish life of riches- That was until she, the woman showing you around, reminded you to be patient with the kids, because their parents had just died and the eldest had just lost a close companion. Though, the way she said companion made you think she thought the relationship as something else- Something she didn't like.
In your eyes, it seemed she didn't like much of anything. Besides how hard could it be to watch some brats?
You slowly walked into the office, before looking around the room. You let out a breath of relief when seeing it was empty. You walked over to a desk and pulled at some cabinets. You were looking for papers on the man who died? You weren't sure what she was, but you needed to know what happened to him.
You groan when seeing the dozens of unmarked papers in the drawers. You hear a noise behind you causing you to freeze. Imagine your surprised when you turned around and their was a teenage boy standing behind you. You practically jumped out of your skin as your nails dug into the desk. The boy was practically hidden in the shadows, which only creeped you out more.
"Who are you?" You finally got out after a while of silence.
"I'm Miles. I live here. Who are you?"
When Mrs. Grose had said 'Kids' you expected young children- Like under the age of 10. But this kid- Teen, Miles, looked like an older teen, maybe a young adult. But, since he was in a school uniform, you assumed he had to be under 18.
"I'm the new maid."
"No shit," He eyes you up and down. "What's your name."
You wanted to give the boy a dirty look, but something in you said that was a bad idea. With his attitude, you could only imagine the two of you wouldn't be getting along. "L/n. My names L/n."
"L/n? That sounds like a last name."
"Good observation."
"What's your first name?"
You ignore him and turn back around towards the desk, fiddling with the papers. Miles glares at your back, annoyed. He takes a step towards you, but you don't pay him any mind. In fact, you turn back around him and pat his shoulder-
"I'll uhh, see ya... Miles." And then you push past him and leave the room.
Oh, yeah, now he was pissed.
You could feel his eyes on you. Every move you make, he's watching. It was like he could sense your anxiety about being watch and liked to watch you squirm. You could hear every breath he took and it was starting to get to you.
"You missed a spot."
"What?" You look back at him, confused.
"You. Missed. A. Spot." He points to a spot next to your hand that you had been scrubbing at for a few minutes. It was sticky and stuck to the counter.
You frown at his smirk and rolled your eyes, "Yeah, well, I also wasn't finished."
"I sure hope not, since you did a shitty job."
You felt your fist clench and you took a deep breath, before shaking your head. You grabbed a cleaning bottle before spraying the spot and finally getting it. You smirked and turned to the smartass boy, "There. His majesty now has a clean spot."
He huffs, rolling his eyes, but doesn't respond. You felt satisfied that you had gotten him to shut up. He turns to leave but you quickly call him back.
"Oh, Miles- Uh, just a tiny favor, trying aiming IN the toilet, yeah?"
He frowns deeply, giving you a stinky eye, before tilting his head, "I'll aim on your grave you fucking whore."
You sigh, clicking your tongue, "I'm not to worried. If you can't aim in a toilet, I doubt you'll hit the grave."
"Fuck you, bitch."
"Oh no, the little mean boy called me a bitch. I'm so sad."
"Laugh it up while you can. You won't be here much longer."
You looked at him confused. At first you thought he meant he would get you fired, but a part of you saw it more as a death threat. Though, it was an empty threat, because a part of Miles liked your banter with one another. It was... Nice. Really nice.
The garden was nice, much nicer than any place you've ever been. You looked around the many rose bushes that surrounded you. Miss Fairchild seemed to have an eye for pretty flowers. Maybe it was a way to hide the tragedy of the Fairchild family. You sighed, leaning back and pushing your hair out on the fluffy grass. It was so peaceful- Until it wasn't.
"What are you doing?"
You groan when hearing the voice and rubbing your eyes. "You've got to be kidding me," You mumble under your breath.
"Shouldn't you be cleaning? Or something."
"Or something... I'm on break."
"You get breaks?"
"Yeah, it's called Worker's Rights... I think- Well, it's a law."
He walks towards you, before towering over you. He leans his head over you, displeasing you. His face was blocking the sun and right in your line of vision.
"Do you even know what you're talking about."
"Well, I'm working a shitty job for shitty pay, so you tell me if I know anything."
"Shitty job?"
"Yeah, that's what I said. I'm glad you can hear."
"How much do you get paid?" He tilts his head, watching you sit up.
"Enough to come back, I guess. I mean, I haven't quit, so..."
"So, it's not shitty pay."
"I guess not. But no amount of money would make this job bearable."
He doesn't respond and you're thankful. You run a hand through your hair and yawn. You push yourself up and brush off your clothes.
"You should get back to work. Mrs. Grose wouldn't like to see you relaxing. She hates anything fun."
"Yeah, I've noticed..." You turn back towards him, giving him a suspicious look. "You're being weird. Why are you being weird?"
He rubs his chin, giving you a confused look. "Weird? What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb... You're being nice..."
"Is that illegal?" He asks with an attitude, making you roll your eyes.
"No, but I don't like it. I know you're up to something. I've got my eye on him." You hand gesture the 'I'm watching you' before walking away from him.
You kept your eye on the boy, but... Everything was fine. He wasn't ruining your life and wasn't making you feel miserable. In fact, he went out of his way to make your life easier. He'd wash his plate, take out the trash, etc. You wished he'd go back to normal- something you never thought you'd say.
Miles stood over your bed, watching you closely. He lightly hums to himself, as he sits on the edge of your bed. He feels it dip, before sighing to himself. You looked so peaceful- Like nothing could hurt you. It was nice to look at. He wanted that; Peace.
His hand felt your body through the blanket. He wished he could touch your bare skin, though this would have to suffice. It wouldn't satisfy him for longer, but for now you were safe.
You awoke in the middle of the night feeling strange. You looked around your dark room, but nothing... It's not like you could see though. You hear a bang, causing your eye to turn towards your window. It was just a tree branch. You sigh in relief, before closing your eyes. Doing this, you missed the sound of your door opening and slowly closing.
You didn't sleep for much longer, but this time you were awaken by something more pleasant. It was a nice tune playing throughout the house. You slowly sit up, heading towards the before opening it. You look around the dark halls, deciding to find where the noise was coming from.
You slowly walking down the hall, following the music. You finally stopped in front of a familiar door. The music was still soft, but louder than when you were in your room. You push your ear up against the door, listening. It was nice, beautiful even.
Though, you must have been leaning to hard, because the door pops open, causing you to fall to the floor. You quickly stand up, frozen as Miles turns towards you.
He had known you were out there. He had purposefully played the song that Quint had told him you liked. He planned this.
"Sorry- I uh... Heard you playing."
"Yeah... It's an echoie house."
"Yeah. Uh, you're really good..."
"I know."
You look around the room at the instruments. "Pretty late."
"I guess- Uh, is there something you want, Y/n?"
You quickly shake your head and hands, "No! No, I just heard the music and wanted to see what it was."
"Well, if you close the door and come in, I can play you something."
"Play me something?"
"Yeah. That's what I said. Glad you can hear."
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reareaotaku · 4 days
Hi! Will you write for the Suite Life of Zack and Cody or the Righteous Gemstones? :)
maybe SLOZAC but I don't know what Righteous Gemstones is?
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reareaotaku · 4 days
thoughts on milk man from that's not my neightbor??
NAh, YALL WILDIN [Bro lives alone so he isn't getting milked like he deserves] This is pretty short- Hope yall like
[Don't really like how the artist took away his hooked nose in the fanart :(]
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Can do anything you want to him
Pretty calm and soft during sex
Not much of a moaner- Actually more so a groaner
Sex is pretty lazy with him
Very touchy and his lips are all over you
His voice is low and deep, always so gentle and soft
Doesn't always know what to say or how to do it, but he just needs to talk to you and it seems to get you going
Is a begger
Wants to make you happy and is willing to do anything to make you happy
He always delivers your milk on time
He gets worked up pretty easily
Wants to sleep almost as soon as you're done
Sometimes hums for no reason- A little freaky, but it's a happy toon. Like a carnival song or something?
Doesn't ask for much, just wants to be around you
He likes hearing your voice. It lures him to sleep [Don't mention how he's always tired]
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reareaotaku · 5 days
What if Rodrick was Jealous
[Originally posted to community: Diary of a Wimpy Kid/ DOAWK]
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He's not subtle in the slightest
Anyone that even looks at him can tells he's jealous
His face is scrunched up and he's glaring at the person talking to his partner
He's not really a fighter- Or at least not to people his size or bigger, so fighting them is out of the question
He needs the attention on him
He needs YOUR attention on him
He just has to figure out a way to get it on him
Probably embarrasses himself just so the focus is on him instead of your attention being on the guy showing off his biceps
"What was that? That was weird, even for you"
Rodrick doesn't respond, just getting into his van and slamming the door
You go to the passenger side and look into the window, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." He forces it out and doesn't look at you
You immediately know something's up. You give him a knowing look and you know he can feel the look, but he doesn't look at you. He can't look at you. He has to stay strong. He can't let you know he's a big baby who gets jealous
God- What if you broke up with him because of this stupid incident???
No- He was cool. You would never break up with him. He looks over at you and forces a smile. "See. I'm fine."
"Is this about the guy?"
The smile is immediately gone from his face and he groans, hitting his head on his wheel. "No- This isn't about some stupid guy. What guy? I don't know any guys-"
You tilt your head, "Rodrick."
"Fine! Whatever. It doesn't even matter. It's stupid. Like that stupid guy- UGH!" He looks back over at you and points to you and then himself
"You know I'm way cooler than that loser- right?"
"Way cooler." You agree, which causes him to smile
"Yeah... I am cooler, aren't I?"
"That's what I've always thought"
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reareaotaku · 7 days
Yall ever reading a fic and then read something so cringe-worthy/marysuish that you physically droop and groan/sigh?
It really be putting me off istg
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reareaotaku · 7 days
Tim Drake Headcanons
I think I've only written like this once before for a Steve Headcannon. Not my usual writing style, but I kind of like it
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If Tim was asked to pinpoint when his spiral began, he was sure he knew the exact moment. It was by pure coincidence one spring day. Just a slight bump on the street. That's all it took for his obsession to begin.
One bump turned into two, then three, then four, then five, and so forth and so forth. They were all just coincidences. None of it was planned, which is strange for a man like Tim.
At first, he thought you were stalking him. Maybe you were hoping to get the attention of billionaire playboy's Bruce Wayne's son? Though, none of your interactions were meaningful enough for it to be worth the effort of going through the trouble of finding him and running into. Especially if you're only exchanging a few words.
You don't think twice about Tim each time you run into him. In fact, you don't even realize that you keep running into him. Your mind is so preoccupied with other things that you have failed to notice that you've bumped into the same guy three times in the past week.
Tim's impressed with your lack of presence online. He tried looking for any social media, where you go to school, where you live, really anything, but it was like you didn't exist. Though, he was looking for girls with h/l h/c hair, y/h [Your Height], and s/c skin. It was very broad. His luck changed one day though, because he saw you in a cafe. A cafe were they put NAMES ON THE DRINK!!! HE WAS SAVED
And that's how he found out your name was Y/n. He was ecstatic. He nearly patted his own back in applause when figuring it out. You were difficult to find, which is saying a lot, but he did eventually find you. There wasn't much about you online; Seems you didn't have a huge social media presence.
He learns everything he can about you and then he makes a plan. The next time he runs into you, he'll start up a conversation. And that's exactly what he does.
You were a little surprised when a rich man started talking to you. In fact, you looked around wondering if he was talking to you. He picks up your school id, that you had dropped- He curses under his breath, because why would you make it so easy to know everything about you with a simple lanyard?-
"Uh," He looks at the ID, pretending to read it, "Y/n?"
"Yeah, that's my name," You take your ID from him, before clicking your tongue, your eyes, rolling around the area around you.
"Hi, I'm Tim, Tim Drake."
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reareaotaku · 7 days
Headcanons for Grumpy! Oc x Sunshine Reader
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Ace hated everything and everyone. Especially you
He did NOT like you more than he didn't like anyone else
Ace found you incredibly annoying and avoided you at all costs
But you were so determined to get him to like you
It annoyed him to no end
He hated how happy and energetic you were
He just wants to be alone and do his own thing, not have you over his shoulder asking what he's doing and applauding him
Sure, maybe people would like the positive attention, but not him. Ace hated it
He hated how you forced your way into his life
Though, everytime he fights you, it seems you just push more, so at one point you finally wear him down and he lets you stay
He doesn't like it, but you're not as overbearing when he allows it
Infact, you're not super annoying when he allows you around, because you're not pushing you presence on him
He kind of likes it
He's NEVER admit it though
But you know, he finds himself enjoying your company
He kind of likes hearing your voice
He kind of likes your compliments
He kind of likes the way you smile
He kind of likes the way you laugh
Oh gosh, he likes you
When he realizes this, he forces you back out
He can't like you! You're Ugh! He hates you! He hates everything and everyone!!!
But.... maybe he doesn't not like you more than anyone else
Maybe.... maybe you're different
But you'll never know because he'd rather die than admit that he likes the happy girl
Besides, nobody would let him hear the end of it and they'd probably think she deserves better
You do deserve better
He wants to be nice, but that's just not him... He can be kind of nice, but not like YOU
Maybe he's the problem... He wants to change, to be good for you
But he's just a grumpy guy
But you like your grumpy little guy
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reareaotaku · 9 days
I forgot to thank you for making the request I made for evil Morty, thank you!
Of course! I'm glad you liked it ! <3
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reareaotaku · 10 days
Kent 'Superman' Clark Headcanons
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He met you as Kent Clark first
You were working at a cafe near his job
He thought you were kind of cute and wanted to get to know you more
He stalked you as Superman- Hoping to learn more about you
He got his lucky break when you were kidnapped
It was his quickest save ever
He wanted to get to know you as Clark, but that wasn't happening
So, he had to try and get to know you as Superman
You were surprised a superhero wanted to get to know you- And honored
He's very protective over you, especially since your closest to Superman
He would never kill anyone, expect- You know
He's a stalker
Is always watching
His people don't court the same as humans do, so it can be a little off putting when you feel a sudden ray of emotions and heat when around him
He's really a good guy. He's also the best you'll ever do
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reareaotaku · 10 days
Touch Me
Summary: Glen really wants to sleep with you and he's willing to give anything for it. Pairings: Glen Lantz x Reader TW: NSFW, Attempted Dubious Consent
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You were folding your laundry when you heard a knock at your window, confusing you. Who would crawl to the attic that was three stories up? Your question was answered when you pulled back the curtain and your boyfriend, Glen, was there.
He crawls in, before ruffling his hair. "God, why do you live in a fucking attic? Do you know how hard it is to get up here?"
"You could have just knocked on the front door," You tell him, eyes following him as he falls on your bed. "My parents are gone for the weekend."
"Your parents are gone? No bitch mother?"
You glare at him while frowning, "My mother's not a bitch, Glen."
"Of course not," He leans on his hand, watching you, "So we're alone?"
"Glen," You give him a knowing look as he smirks at you.
"Oh, come on, baby," He hops off your bed, walks to you and wraps his arms around you. "We can have some... fun," He whispers in your ear, before blowing into it.
You felt a shiver run down your spine, but you quickly shake him off. Or at least you tried to, but he had a tight grip on you. He pushed some hair back, slowly kissing and sucking on your neck.
"Glen~" You lightly groan, his hands going to grope your clothed breasts. You grabbed his wrist, pushing them off. You could hear him grumble, but you ignored him.
You go back to doing your laundry as he watches you from YOUR bed. His eyes watched you like a hawk, following your every movement. He clicks his tongue, before he lightly starts to hum. He watches as you stacked your pjs in your dresser along with some other clothes, before you finally fell onto your bed.
"How about I give you a massage? You look exhausted," He reaches for you and you give him a knowing looking, knowing what 'massage' meant. He just wanted to get his hands on you.
You sighed, rubbing your temple, before looking back at him. You yawn, crawling towards him. He opens his arms to hold you, but you just push him over. He huffs in surprise and mock anger.
You sigh, running a hand through your hair. "Did you head what Nancy was saying about this nightmare guy?"
Glen sits up, leaning on his elbows, "Freddy Cougar? Or something like that?"
"What about it?"
"I think I saw him..."
"What do you mean?" He sat up, now looking you at concerned.
"Like in my dream? I think? It was a boiler room."
"Boiler room? Doesn't the school have a boiler room?"
"Does it?"
"Yeah," He taps his chin, "In the basement. So what about the guy."
"He was trying to kill me."
"Kill you? How can he kill you in a dream?"
"I don't- Auh... I don't know. It's hard to explain."
"So Nancy isn't crazy?"
"No, I don't think so-"
"Wel, she sounded crazy."
"Ugh- Of course you'd think that! You didn't see what I saw."
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reareaotaku · 11 days
Hi, can you make a headcanon of Jane Hopper 'Eleven' x female reader when she's jealous? 💓💓💓 Since it sounds kind of nice
Deadass she is the jealous type
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She gets extremely jealous
She doesn't understand why you need other friends
She's very clingy as well
Needs to be around you all the time. Practically attached at your hip. She can't go long without being near you
Can get violent if she doesn't get her way
She's your girlfriend, so you don't need others
She doesn't always understand social cues or relationships, but she doesn't care. Why would she need any of that when she has you
Will use her powers to hurt whoever was making her jealous
She literally does anything for you, so why can't you give her this perfect love?
Paranoid that she'll lose you
Very protective over you. She has an ownership over you. Your hers- You can't leave her. Your hers!
What do you mean you want space? A Break?? What's a break??
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reareaotaku · 11 days
Yandere! Prince Headcanons
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Prince Alexander is an only child and the next in line for the throne
He's always gotten what he's wanted and never been told no
He has no true purpose and knows no meaning to anything. He is empty, unfulfilled, nothing. He is empty inside and doesn't know what he truly wants
You were hired as a maid for the royal family as your parents needed money. You were NOT happy about it
In fact, being in the castle made you more resentful towards the fact your family was poor
You hated the Queen, the King, and the Prince. They were everything you hated in the world
When you ran into the Prince, on accident, you were more even frustrated, because he had no idea the luxury he lived
He hates you. Thinks you're beneath him. You are nothing but the gunk on the bottom of his boot
You weren't the only one that hated the royal family. Some mythical beings, such as witches, saw the royal family as evil beings that needed to be irradicated
One witch in particular had a bad interaction with Prince Alexander and she decided to punish him in the worse way possible- By switching bodies with someone of the lower class. And she found the perfect- You
You were perfect. You were everything he hated and she wanted him to suffer
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reareaotaku · 12 days
Princess Rosalina Headcanons
[Funfact: She's my favorite Mario character/ Possibly video game character ever. Whenever I'd play mario kart with my baby brother, he'd always want/let me play Rosalina, not only because I liked her, but because she reminded him of me. That was like his character for me]
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She doesn't need to express her emotions with words. She uses her actions instead
She's very motherly towards you and treats you well
She takes care of you and likes you being dependent on her
It makes her feel needed and wanted
With the loss of her own mother, she projects what she wanted for other people
She wants to give what she never had. It fills the sadness inside of her
She's calm and can help resolve your issues in a healthy manner
She is a good listener and is always helpful to you
She wants you to be happy and will anything to make you happy
She's a calm and collected and knows how to handle any situation
She has a nice voice and she loves to sing for you and hum
Sometimes her mother's voice comes back to her when she's watching the nice sky and because of everything she does for you, you listen to her
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reareaotaku · 12 days
Princess Peach Headcanons
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Sweetest girl ever
She adores you and would do anything for you
She's protective over you and is always worried that you'll get kidnapped, so she tends to keep you locked in the castle
But it's just to protect you
On a better note, she loves having tea parties with you. Goes all out with tea and pastries
Dressing up in cute dresses and go all out with the makeup and such
Sings you lullabies and hums around you
Daydreams about marrying you
Those are her best daydreams
She's never felt this way before, so she's scared that it'll overwhelm her
Always dresses you in the best outfits during events and such. She wants you to be the star everywhere you go
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reareaotaku · 13 days
We're the Hex Girls & We're Going to Put a Spell on You
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Thorn noticed you first
There was something that draws her in
She met you at a cute little dinner and invited you to one of their shows
She gives you a vip pass, and introduces you to the rest of the girls
The girl's are unsure of what Thorn was thinking, because you weren't like them
You were more girly/upbeat/not goth
Though, after getting to know you a little better, they start to really like you, especially Dusk
It's strange, because they don't usually let outsiders into their group
Though, they liked you and they liked having you around
You brough a more sunshine personality out of them
Thorn loves doing your makeup
Luna loves to dress you up
And Dusk teaches you how to play the drums, because you had shown interest in the instrument
They don't mind sharing your attention with each other, but not other people
They wouldn't know how to treat someone like you
You were to good for the world and they had to keep you
You don't have to work again, they'll support you
Don't sweat it, they don't mind
In fact, they love to spoil you
Especially if it makes you forget that the relationship might not be the healthiest
They just love you- a lot
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reareaotaku · 13 days
hello!!! i love your works and am super happy to see you’re taking requests!! could i please request yandere x reader headcanons for mystery-incorporated era fred? thank you so much, i’m excited to read! ❤️
Oh! I'm glad you enjoy my works :) I hope you enjoy! [this request is so old lol- They probably don't even remember sending this. Can't wait to get the confused notification from requester wondering when they sent this]
[5/26/22 is when this was requested]
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Fred's not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to love
He thought his feelings for you were normal and friendly
Though he didn't feel this way about the rest of his friends, so it was strange
He's not to keen with his emotions, but he does understand that he feels something special for you- Kind of like how he feels about traps, but like more intense, if that was possible
He realizes these feelings when he loses you
Whether to someone else or a monster- Either or
He'll do anything to get you back
He doesn't care what it takes, he needs you in his life like he needs to breath
He can't live without you
He's a little co-dependent. He tries to find other outlets for his co-dependency, but he's always lead back to you
It's quite worrying how obsessed he is with you
But most people just see it as Fred being Fred
He obsesses over everything!
That's just who he is
But you're special- At least to him you are
The kind of special you get once in your life and he'll do anything to keep you in his life
Bro would go through hell and back if that meant he could keep you in his life
A little overboard with his love ngl
But he does try
Loses his mind if you go missing
He blames himself
Falls into a hole of self-pity and victimization
"It should have been me- Should have been me-"
He's super jealous
Can't stand men being around you. He's scared you'll leave him the team
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