Prompt #123
“That was fantastic! Let’s do it again!”
“I’m so sick of your shit dude. Let’s not.”
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Prompt #19
“What is that?”
“Oh my sandwhich? It’s ham and provolone. Really good! They’re selling them ov—”
“No not that! I mean the creature looming behind you with three mouths and eyes looking at me from its hands.”
“Oh! That’s Henry :)”
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Prompt #10
“You can’t do this to me! Think about what Mom would say if you did!”
“What?!” xe spluttered, turning to the leader of their party, “You grew up with your sworn enemy?”
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Prompt #5
“Ha! And why would I help you?”
“Simple. If you don’t, I’ll tell Mom what really happened to her Lionhead leather jacket fourteen years ago.”
“You wouldn’t!”
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Prompt #18
“Go ahead. Say it.”
“I don’t have to. Having to live with the consequences of your actions will be punishment enough.”
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Prompt #31
“You didn’t know?”
“Of course I didn’t know! I wouldn’t have let xir go if I had! Gods! If xe has a single bruise when xe gets back, I’m gonna kick your ass!”
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Prompt #33
“Everyone keeps telling me all this will be a ‘Tale for the Ages!’ You know what this tale needs? More gay ships.”
“No, you need to lay down and sit still while I change your bandage. And stop getting yourself involved with thousands of years old wars and fanatical religious prophecies! I can only stitch you up so much, you know. What if you get too hurt for me to fix?”
Xe gasps, clutching the bandages over xir stomach.
“What is it? What’s wrong!”
Xe has stars in xir eyes. “I think we’re the gay ship.”
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Prompt #39
“Why does it matter?”
“Uh because I care? Because I’m a decent human being who doesn’t want to see anyone needlessly suffer?”
“You mean because you love them?”
“I-what? No! I just-I—”
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Prompt #43
“I can’t believe this is what it’s come to. After all our efforts. . . Only to end up here, to stoop this low. . .”
“I know. I am just as disgusted, I assure you. I once said I’d gladly die by my own hand before I ever came back here. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Even if it means requesting the assistance of someone as deplorable as—”
A head of disheveled hair and flashing gemstones jutted from the widow just above their heads. The person moved too fast to take in any feature at once.
“Fuck off you noisy bastards! If you’re going to insult me on my own doorstep, at least stand a few feet from the open window!” Spitting at the travelers boots, xe muttered more curses before leaning back from the window, disappearing into the dark room. Xir voice muffled by distance, xe yelled, “Now, if you’re done bemoaning your pitiful existence and the shitshow you’ve managed to get yourself caught up in again, welcome to my shop. I hope your visit is an unpleasant one.”
The two watched with raised brows as the door’s latch turned and the heavy wooden door swung open, releasing a wave of various herbal scents that assaulted their noses. The still, empty room yawned deeper than they could see through it’s shadows.
“I think I’m going to throw up. Let’s get this over with.”
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Prompt #122
“I think we should take some time and. . . reevaluate the situation.”
“What is there to discuss! It’s clear who’s side we should be on!”
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Prompt #121
“Hypothetically, if you were courting a monster, and they asked you to meet their parents, but you have already met their parents— when they were hunting you for sport, how would you go about that?”
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Prompt #53
“How rude! That hurt!”
“Impossible. . .”
“How would you feel if I walked up and cut off your head, hm? Wouldn’t be very nice now would it? Kids these days. Unbelievable.”
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Prompt #120
“Dude what happened to you? You’re so boring now! You used to be so much fun!”
“It was tiring. Get over it.”
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Prompt #119
“And you thought this was a good idea, why?”
“Oh I didn’t really think about it. I just did it and hoped for the best. Obviously it’s not going as well as I hoped but it’s not as bad as it could be!”
“How is setting the building on fire and getting ourselves locked inside not the worst case scenario??”
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Prompt #118
“You have to come in! The numbers are all wrong, I need help! Come here and—“
“It’s my day off.”
“I know, I know but could you please help me just this once? It won’t take long.”
“[Name], it’s 4:30 in the morning. You’re the assistant manager. You can figure this out yourself or call the actual manager. I can’t keep doing this every single time you open.”
“It’ll take two minutes!”
“Then do it yourself. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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Prompt #30
“So! How’s it going?”
“I just pulled an axe out of my own head. How do you think?”
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My favorite visual bit of all time is when a character is absolutely NOT going to do the thing, 100% against it, would rather die than do it, will kill anyone who dares try to make them, etc. Then in the next second they’re all standing in the same positions but the background has changed to the place where they are in fact doing the thing. Bonus points if the character who was against it looks miserable and defeated
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