psychokatrixxxy · 2 hours
Dinah, who somehow got roped into being the batfam counselor: And why did no one explain to Jason that the Joker was nearly killed twice by the two people he originally called family and only third party interference stopped him from permanently dying, not only giving the young man closure but also opening a line of communication???
Bruce and Dick trying very hard not to look at a bewildered Jason: It just never came up.
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psychokatrixxxy · 4 hours
My biggest problem with how the current Batman issues are written is that there's like no consequences for Bruce? Like you're telling me he basically drugged and kidnapped Jason and gave him like crippling anxiety just for it to go away in a couple issues later and now that it's gone he wants to help Bruce and is willing to give up his life for him??? Is this even Jason at this point??? If anything Jason should want to help him out the least. Not only that but how everyone wants to help him so badly is so weird???? Like you're telling me none of them is holding a grudge or just doesn't want to get involved in that shit??
Not only that but all the characters are written so weird and inconsistent in general??? Maybe it's a good thing Chip hasn't added Duke, Cass, or Steph in the mix cause yikessss their characters would get destroyed and it would take like 10 years to undo it.
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psychokatrixxxy · 11 hours
Politically arranged marriage (IDK how those work)
During a Peace talk between the USA Government and The Infinite Realms a  US representative accuses that the King (Danny) could go back on his word anytime and they would end up defenseless against these monsters. A member of the king's court (I’m thinking Dorathea) asks if a union would convince them of their peace. The US gov is intrigued and think they could manipulate the King if he marries one of their citizens. The thing is… the US doesn’t have a monarchy. 
Then one of the US reps has a brilliant idea. Bruce Wayne has been known as the Prince of Gotham for ages, they won’t have to fake any new articles or anything online to go back years. They could totally manipulate and have Brucie Wayne tell them anything they want to know without him even knowing!!! Danny’s (aged up to around Bruce’s age) like what the shit and quickly interjects. He says it’s improper to go straight to marriage (he’s trying to bs his way out of this) the same king's court ghost says ofc and they’ll have to court each other and both parties have to consent ofc, they thought that was a given.
Another of the king's court asks how this Bruce Wayne Prince of Gotham is even worthy of their king. Another rep tells him that Brucie is also known as the White Knight of Gotham. Another speaks up about his many good deeds and the children he’s taken in. They are all shitting themselves trying to think about how to avoid them finding articles about “Brucie Wayne gets drunk and falls into the harbor from his yacht-compilation” and they're trying to talk him up as much as possible.
Danny 100% knows about said article but he doubts Bruce is gonna accept to be a part of this (hello low self esteem) but he hopes to convince Bruce to play along long enough to keep peace and once everything’s settled down they can “break up”. He’ll go along with it to keep the peace he worked himself to exhaustion for, Ancients know his people wanted war. 
Queue them both falling head over heels in love with each other and Danny getting too attached to both Bruce and the kids. He eventually does find out about Bruce being Batman but that just makes him like him more. 
Those politicians are fuming they can’t get anything dirt on the Realms out of Brucie Wayne of all people!!! He’s talking and talking but he’s not actually saying anything! How does King Phantom stand him?!
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psychokatrixxxy · 11 hours
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I wanted to contribute to #ManSmutMonday on twitter so I decided to draw Jason Todd!
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psychokatrixxxy · 11 hours
Boy wonder issue 2 was amazing. Damian and Jason dynamic should be more explored.
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psychokatrixxxy · 15 hours
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repost of some old art refs/headcanons with bat and supes that i did for myself
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psychokatrixxxy · 15 hours
Does anyone else find Bruce’s reasoning for why he adopted Dick and Jason and let them be Robin, ironic?
Normal Earths: Jason gets to be Robin, dies, and becomes a crime lord or close to (to control crime or to get Joker out of Arkham Asylum. I don't know depends on which Earth and Time stream).
Why does Jason get to be Robin and Adoted?
Because Bruce thinks he’s too smart for his own good. (AKA Jason will become a villain if left on the streets)
If Jason wasn't Robin or Adopted by Bruce Wayne...
He would be a priest or a pastor, who helps society by running an orphanage at his church.
Normal Earths: Dick gets to be Robin (More like “I am Robin or else”), lives for a while, and becomes a great leader, a independent, well-known, friendly vigilant (Who is either a mix of being depressed, suppressing trauma, or is somehow healthily dealing with his trauma).
Why does Dick get to be Robin and Taken In/Adopted (Again what Earth and Time stream)?
Because Bruce feels like he failed Batmans mission by letting the Graysons Die or He saw himself in Dick Grayson. (Later on, he doesn't was Dick to be like him, a messed up hero who cares more about the mission than his family.)
If Dick wasn't Robin or Adopted by Bruce Wayne...
He becomes The Talon or The Gray Son of Gotham. An undead brainwashed assassin who kills the guilt and innocents. (A Brainwashed villain with no true family, that can't do anything but the mission.)
*Can I mention Dick going out to kill Zucco when he is like 8-9 years old? Or Vengeance Academy? Like Robin: Year One? Because that section shows some of Dicks Morals as a kid. Or Ric Graysons Morals? Than The Teen Titan Apprentice Episodes? What about Dicks Job as a cop where it's morally acceptable to kill if you have to? We haven't forgotten Joker's: Last Laugh? Can we also think about all of Dick Grayson's Morally Grey Friends (and Lovers)? These canon snapshots show that Dicks Moral Development and, to be honest, I don't think they have 100% changed. So how isn't Batman more worried about Dick? Like he is the world's greatest detective, and supposedly knows everything? Yes, Jason might have killed someone when he was Robin, and been supposedly been rough with criminals. But the signs above for Dicks Moral code aren't changing and there is practically no outside influence (Like the Al Guls and their Lazarus Pit) or other things (Unless you are counting the Court of Owls brainwashing with him as a child, have an HC about the circus allowing criminals to have a new start, or Dick being emotionally compromised. Even the HC thing could be used as reasoning not to kill)*
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psychokatrixxxy · 15 hours
Incorrect Batfam Quotes
*If Father Todd and the Red Hood accidentally swapped universes for a day, and is now justifying what was said/done during that day
Father Todd: Look…Jesus, I know I took your dad’s name in vain, but you should’ve seen it…shit was FUCKED!
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psychokatrixxxy · 16 hours
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(The evolution trigger is ✨Trauma✨)
Edit: since there seems to be some confusion about all the AU Jasons, here's a list of where they're from.
From Left to right Red Hooded Ninja: Young Justice cartoon Red Hood: Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016), DC comics Arkham Knight: Batman: Arkham Knight video game Red Robin: Death in the Family interactive movie Father Todd: Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint #2, DC comics
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psychokatrixxxy · 1 day
Oh, I just thought of something fun
So, imagine this au where Jason and Bruce's relationship got better, like, pretty good now, but only the family knows about it
Anyone outside the bats has no idea that Jason is the red hood or that, alternatively, Hood is Batman's son
So, from time to time, someone will watch them interact/talk about each other and either be extremely confused or misinterpret it
"Bats, you okay?"
"You look more uh... Grumpy than usual"
"... My son is out of town"
"Oh, right uh... Must be hard, but hey, i heard one of your rouges was out too, the Red Hood i think, surely that makes it easier"
And then Batman just sighs for a long second (Internally, because he'll never say it, he's just thinking that he misses his little 6'4 boy, Jason is been out for like a day by now), and whoever was with him just thinks that maybe Red Hood is worse when he's out of Gotham (which is true but they don't know why)
"You're going to die if You don't go back right fucking now!" Yelled Red Hood, in midst of chaos of a fight, from somewhere near enough to be heard but not seen.
"I Will never leave this alone!" Yelled Batman back, again, without being seen.
The league thought that it was a way of Red Hood to treaten Batman, when in reality, Jason was just trying to sent home his dad who has two broken ribs, to which said dad replied that he couldn't just leave him alone to deal with the situation.
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psychokatrixxxy · 1 day
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psychokatrixxxy · 1 day
I refuse to believe that Bruce Wayne, a man in his fifties who took up martial arts in his twenties, who has had at least one serious spinal injury and countless other injuries, is in anyway comparable to the adult robins, who have been training and conditioning since their early teens if not earlier and are all in their prime.
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psychokatrixxxy · 1 day
Jason Todd is gay Jesus, pass it on
wait. if jason died and came back during pride month does that make him gay jesus?????
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psychokatrixxxy · 1 day
What if I cried?
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they're right but ow.
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psychokatrixxxy · 1 day
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This adorable little dumbass.
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psychokatrixxxy · 1 day
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psychokatrixxxy · 1 day
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-source: Detective Comics #60-
Weapon of Choice: He's got a choke hold on the situation.
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