phoebepheebsphibs · 8 hours
if you ever wonder whether your ao3 comments make a difference know that i frequently go back and read old comments on my fics to get a dose of happy rainbow sunshine
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phoebepheebsphibs · 16 hours
Lol I just saw this and it made me think of Double Mutated Mikey (way later in the story after things settle down into a quasi normal)
Mikey and Stitch would get long well, methinks, too XD
Lol this is so awesome
I’ve actually taken a lot of inspiration for DM Mikey from Stitch’s story — an escaped experiment who was designed to be a monster and abomination slowly learning about family and love.
God, that movie made my childhood.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 16 hours
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Ummm shld I art fight this year I’ve never art fought before ……hmmm
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phoebepheebsphibs · 17 hours
*clears throat*
Okay so
For the entire month of July, artists will partake in a friendly competition. Two teams will be named (example: Team Red and Team Blue) and each artist can either choose a team, or get randomly assigned to one. You then spend the month creating artwork for opposing team members of their posted characters!
Each artwork you make earns points for your team! (You can 'attack' members of your own team too, which is called 'friendly fire', but it won't earn as many points.) When someone attacks you, you can attack them right back in a 'revenge chain', which earns you EVEN MORE POINTS!
You can post original characters, sonas, AU characters, etc.! You can add extra credits, example pics, descriptions, and permissions (things you allow your character to be drawn doing or things you don't allow). It’s best to post more than one character so people can have more options to draw, and if you post a new character during the competition then people are more likely to find you and draw your characters.
If you're really interested in ArtFight, I'd definitely recommend checking out the website or their Tumblr account for more info! But this is the basics!
Another post that helps <-
My ArtFight profile as an example <-
@artfight <-
Ummm shld I art fight this year I’ve never art fought before ……hmmm
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phoebepheebsphibs · 18 hours
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@phoebepheebsphibs - I like your robot boy... he's adorable.
(I also forgot to take his shoes off in the second one, but I was using pen so it was already too late, whoops)
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phoebepheebsphibs · 18 hours
Ummm shld I art fight this year I’ve never art fought before ……hmmm
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phoebepheebsphibs · 19 hours
as a knitter, you start to notice how rare it is for characters in tv shows and movies to knit correctly. from worst to best, it ranges from:
- laughably incorrect, just flinging yarn around
- knitting the most basic scarf incredibly slowly because the actor Learned How To Do It For The Role
- old lady actresses casually knitting an intricate lace pattern while doing a monologue
- gromit from wallace and gromit
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phoebepheebsphibs · 19 hours
I usually have trouble making a turtlesona but I think she’s freaking adorable
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@littlemissartemisia @allyheart707 @exhaustedwriterartist
Leo 2012 x Stefany 2012 (formación gata mutante)
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@inspiredwriter @kawaiibunga @hedgehog-dreamer @luna-tmnt @dai-su-kiss @levana-art @razzy-zaz @raphy-the-turtle @raphaelsrightarm @donatello-writes @donnies-fake-eyebrows @rainbow-squirrels-7 @raisans-art @akarihamato04 @wolfroks @another-tmnt-writer @angel-of-the-redacted @android-cap-007 @androgynousenemydetective @lordfreg @psiquic-a-blog @imaginashon @imababblekat @imthegreenfairy86 @angelicdavinci @all-things-tmnt @red-knight-raphael @kathaynesart @rexim-djm @reptile-eye @red-knight-raphael @reddenedsais-inactive @lazyafgurl @theroachsalad-blog @thelostandforgottenangel @mikey-angelo-hamato @mikeyshulagirl @miss-andromeda @mishacakes @mishajeans @venisdemilo @baraturts @foulbonkcolorempath-blog @dragonfairy19 @tmnt-life-of-a-terrapin @tmntvenisxleo @nomonoma @notjustdragonspages @lyzuka @coffeestation @donnies-the-encyclopedia @rl800 @cthonyxa @silverwatergalaxy @s1eepy-0 @the-paty-dude
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phoebepheebsphibs · 22 hours
When the art block and the writers block team up --
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Yesterday was rough, gang.
The whole day I sat in the living room forcing myself to write the next chapter of DM Mikey or draw a comic and it was a battle.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 22 hours
Absolutely adorable. I squealed and wept and squealed again.
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It's a dark and stormy evening.
You've just settled down for the night, when you hear something scratching at your door. It's probably just the wind.
The scratching continues.
Maybe it's the neighbor's dog?
You open the door and see this weird-looking wet cat whimpering in the rain.
It looks lost...
What do you do?
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Oh, you KNOW I am wrapping him in a towel, then scooping this little baby up and bringing him inside. I’ve already got a spare bedroom set up for foster kitties and any of the feral cats I feed that need to come inside, so he’s going to have a nice space to hang out in while I figure out what to feed him and whether he’s friendly enough to accept petting and loving. 💚
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phoebepheebsphibs · 23 hours
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*flips a table excitedly*
Ummm shld I art fight this year I’ve never art fought before ……hmmm
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Lol I’m starting to see why your blog username is “belleyellsaboutturtles” 😂
Me: And so DM Mikey is constantly seeking validation for his efforts because he's afraid that if he can't prove his worth then his family won't want him around anymore
Random person I tied up: p-please, i just want to see my wife and kids again --
Me: I'M NOT FINISHED and did you know that since Mikey's memories before the lab were gone he assumed that he and his brothers were born and raised in the EPF labs and that they escaped but left him behind did you know that did you know that oh and also
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You've been driving for maybe three hours. You stopped at one point to refill your gas tank and grab some snacks before heading back out on the road again. You managed to get the pizza out of the oven and pack it in a container before leaving, but you don't wanna chance trying to eat it while driving. So a few car snacks will have to do!
The adrenaline from what happened at your house is slowly starting to wear off, and you feel utterly spent and exhausted. You force yourself to drive a little longer, just to put some extra distance between you and the EPF men. You still don't feel safe, but you don't want to drive while bone-dead tired, either... just a few more minutes until you find a rest stop to merge into and then you'll take a siesta.
You turn on bluetooth in your car and pick a Spotify playlist. The one that has your most comforting songs on it. You could use something calming...
Your thoughts race almost as fast as this speeding car. You clench the wheel as you try to calm your nerves. Sure, you fired a tranquilizer gun at government dudes, sure you drugged them and left them in the rain, sure you probably didn't leave the front door locked --
Stupid brain, you wanted to calm down! This is the opposite of calm!
Your slam your fist into the horn to let out some of the buzzing feeling in your skull. Another car honks back at you. Right, right, you're on a highway filled with equally exhausted commuters. Maybe now is not the time for road rage...
You peek in your rearview mirror at Mikey, still unconscious on the backseat. You covered him up with your jackets and hats to hide him when you stopped at the gas station. You made sure to move the hats off once you got back on the road though, just to be sure he didn't get smothered in his sleep. He looks so peaceful and calm... you're glad that at least he can rest.
Speaking of which, you're about to pass out.
You scan the highway for any rest stops coming up. You spot one.
You carefully (but speedily) merge into the exit lane and pull into the rest area. You park somewhere shaded and a bit hidden, but close-ish to the information building and bathrooms in case of an emergency.
You double check on Mikey. He hasn't moved at all. Out of anxiety, you check his pulse.
He's alive. Thank goodness...
Of course he's alive! There's no need to panic, he's just very, very sleepy...
You pull a jacket over him like a blanket. You half expect him to snuggle underneath it or nuzzle your hand, but he still doesn't move. Man, those tranqs are no joke!
You lean your seat back and grab an extra jacket, covering yourself up and trying to get some rest. You set a timer for maybe an hour or so... or maybe two hours... or three.... you're just so...... tired............
You wake up with a start, anxiety pounding in your chest as you realize you overslept! You'll be late for school or work or -- oh wait. Nevermind.
You check your phone. You slept for five hours?! You immediately check on Mikey.
He's still out. How long do these tranqs work for?!
You grab your phone again and Google 'EPF news', to see if there are any reports about you or Mikey.
You see the usual -- the EPF statements about the alien invasion, some website to report suspicious activity or any alien sightings, blah blah blah... wait, is that a phone number and main address for their headquarters?
New York City, huh? That's not too far from where you are currently, actually...
You turn and shake Mikey by the shoulders.
"Mikey? Hey, Mikey, do you think you could wake up for a sec?"
He murmurs in his sedated sleep. One eye opens groggily.
"Mikey, the EPF -- were you being held in New York? Is that where you're from??"
"...No, daddy, Mmmmikey dudn't want tomato pie, I'want banana..."
"Uhm... ooooookay... B-but if that's where you were being held, then it stands to reason that maybe your family would be closeby? I mean, this whole EPF/alien invasion/infection thing has only really happened in New York! Everything crazy only ever happens in New York!! That must be where your family is too, right?!"
Mikey's head rolls around, his pupils continue to dilate and refocus as he attempts to look at you. He blinks once, twice, three times before reaching forward and pressing his hands against your face.
"..........................................squeeshy. Very squeesh."
"...Right. Never mind then," you mutter as you gently take his hands from your face and lay him down to rest again. "I'll just have to go with my gut!"
Your gut says to get ready for a very long road trip...
Mikey continuously babbles in the backseat as he passes in and out of consciousness. What did they put into those drugs?!
"...bloom 16, take corribor D, past the shares to the iris capastrey...."
Well, at least it's a little entertaining! It helps to keep you awake, if nothing else.
You hear him beg for affection from the backseat. You reach back and try to pat him. He takes your hand and starts counting fingers before you pull away. He whines and cries sadly, asking where you disappeared to? Where did you go? He calls for Blue, Red, Purple... He sniffs and turns around, cowering in the backseat. You sigh and reach back, touching his tail. He turns around and gasps in delight when he sees your hand. He takes it and presses his face against it. You stay like that for a few minutes before his grip loosens and he releases you. You think he's distracted by something else, or having a dream or hallucination -- he keeps mumbling about tests and monsters...
Sooner than you realize, the sun comes up. Mikey has fallen asleep again, dozing off the rest of the drug. He should be feeling better soon, you imagine. But heck, that was one strong dose in such a tiny bottle!
You see a sign welcoming you to New York. Finally...
The car starts chiming at you, letting you know that you need to fill up on gas again. You drive until you see a small gas station and pull in. You fill the tank up and then head inside to pay while also getting some water and a bag of chips. You place your items on the counter and give the cashier the number for your car.
As he calculates the price, you notice a TV behind him playing the news. Another update on the aliens... you see footage of zombified people, animals, and even machines being animated and brought to life! You had no idea it was this bad...
Could... could Mikey actually be dangerous? He doesn't look anything like them! He isn't covered in pink goo! The only resemblance you can see is...
...The glowing eyes.......
Wait... then, does that mean... the EPF agents were right? Mikey is a contaminated animal?
You reach into your pocket and look at the photo.
Mikey looks cold, alone, sad, and scared. He's hurt, his neck is chafed from where collars have dug into his skin, his feet are calloused and bloody and bruised, his hands are rough and filthy like the rest of him.
Mikey is no monster. The men who did this to him are.
Before your thoughts can run away with revenge plots, the TV screen shows a report of the 'dangerous escaped animal and the crazed accomplice and kidnapper', and gives a loose description of who to look for. They don't show a picture, but you know by the way they describe your hair and hoodie that it's about you and Mikey.
You need to stay calm. You try not to let the cashier pay any attention to the TV, and instead distract him by asking about some of the flyers for local events and businesses hanging behind him.
"Oh, these?" he mumbles. "They're not much. Just some Galaxy Con stuff, a puppy plaza in the woods, walking tour of NYC, Amish farmers' markets on Saturdays... nothing super cool."
An artist's rendition of what Mikey (at least, you assume that it's Mikey since it has a tail and spots and overly-exaggerated fangs) pops up on the TV.
"Uuuuuh, c-could I have a few of those? They just sound so interesting!"
The employee sighs with aggravation and hands you the a fistful of extra flyers.
"Here. Your purchase is --"
"Here ya go keep the change bye!" you blurt out, throwing several twenties and quarters at the guy before dashing out and hopping in the car.
Mikey is slowly waking up in the backseat, blowing raspberries and giggling to himself.
"Mikey's face feels fuzzyyyyy....! Ha ha!"
"Glad to hear it, buddy, now buckle up!"
You speed the heck outta there. Phew, that was a close one! But now people will be looking for you and Mikey! Where can you go?
You look down at the flyer for 'The Puppiest Place on Earth!'
What happens next?
It's a dark and stormy evening.
You've just settled down for the night, when you hear something scratching at your door. It's probably just the wind.
The scratching continues.
Maybe it's the neighbor's dog?
You open the door and see this weird-looking wet cat whimpering in the rain.
It looks lost...
What do you do?
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I immediately see if I can coax this poor baby inside. If it’s scratching at a door, it’s surely friendly…right? “Hi, buddy,” I whisper as I kneel down. I slowly hold out a hand to let him get familiar with me and see if he’ll come in. “Wanna get out of the rain? It’s much better in here, I promise.” I’m already making a plan in my head.
Step 1: Bring this poor baby inside.
Step 2: Grab the softest, biggest towels I have to dry this weird cat off.
Step 3: Turn on the space heater. The rain is cold and I fully intend to get this creature all warmed up.
Step 4: Grab some water. What do I put it in? It looks like it has hands…? I’ll grab a cup AND bowl, just in case.
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Mikey didn't know if they left him on purpose or not. He couldn't actually remember them at all, apart from the idea that they existed once. Sometimes he wasn't sure if they were real or if he made them up to help himself cope or give himself comfort....
But I was drafting a rescue scene flashback from Mikey's POV, and there was one moment in particular where he heard what Raph said while rescuing him and realized that Mikey was "lost" instead of abandoned and that they hadn't given up on him, they'd come to save him! They really DID love him! They really DID care!
They.... they cared......... and he let them down? He got lost? They never left him, so... did he leave them?
Well, he's going to make it right. No matter what he has to do.
Mikey will do good.
Me: And so DM Mikey is constantly seeking validation for his efforts because he's afraid that if he can't prove his worth then his family won't want him around anymore
Random person I tied up: p-please, i just want to see my wife and kids again --
Me: I'M NOT FINISHED and did you know that since Mikey's memories before the lab were gone he assumed that he and his brothers were born and raised in the EPF labs and that they escaped but left him behind did you know that did you know that oh and also
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Me: And so DM Mikey is constantly seeking validation for his efforts because he's afraid that if he can't prove his worth then his family won't want him around anymore
Random person I tied up: p-please, i just want to see my wife and kids again --
Me: I'M NOT FINISHED and did you know that since Mikey's memories before the lab were gone he assumed that he and his brothers were born and raised in the EPF labs and that they escaped but left him behind did you know that did you know that oh and also
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 days
hrghh another long and difficult day... TUMBLR!! fetch me a photo of The Fictional Character .....
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 days
I need you to know that I would die for DM Mikey and I’ve adopted him. He’s part of my family now. New baby brother acquired. I would fight the sun for this kid. The EPF doesn’t know who they’re messing with. 💪🏻
@boots-with-the-fur-club we’re gonna have a full-on custody war over this kid, aren’t we??
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