medusas-graveyard · 4 days
Jason and Danny vibing w/ each other on first contact is overrated I need them to be on each other's throat. Love at first sight? No. Enemies at first sight🧍‍♂️
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medusas-graveyard · 15 days
Damian's...a big brother?
He's been babied by the rest of the Waynes so what'll happen if Danny suddenly show up in the family being ± 2/3 years younger than him... Traumatized kid who thinks Damien's pretty cool yk.... The rest of the Waynes are pretty damn impressed that he hasn't killed Danny yet for being curious about him...Damian doesn't know why he's letting the newest stowaway follow him around either?
Eventually being Danny's favorite sibling (Totally not because he could go all out sparring with Dami. What? Psshh, no...) And the first name he screams when he's in trouble.
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medusas-graveyard · 21 days
Archivist Danny concept
Is so funny because yeah this teenager is an archivist by default because his mentor is literally time but at the same time he's basically a walking Wiki page for all things related to the undead (prominently the Realms).
John Constantine is confused (and slightly concerned) by the fact that there's a teenager with the stench of death itself living with paranoid detective Bruce Wayne, Duke is starting to wonder if Danny's in some immediate danger because he keeps seeing mirages of figures (ghosts) whenever Danny is anywhere, JL now has a person that actually knows what they're doing (somewhat) but now having a headache over the fact that this someone is hunted down like an animal, while Danny is just chilling with Damian and Alfred in the kitchen (both the cat and the butler)
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medusas-graveyard · 25 days
I'm so sorry but I suddenly have the thought of Danny, who had just been adopted by the Waynes, being cryptic as hell. Like the guy Is very vague about things he knows conveniently and half of the birds are convinced Danny knows their Vigilantee gig but everytime they ask about it vaguely he either deflects or say something like; "do i?"
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medusas-graveyard · 30 days
Bruce Wayne has a new adoptee that quickly stole the hearts of Gothamites for his personality. The birds gains a new baby brother that doesn't like to fly. The joker finds a new plaything.
Danny receives a mutilated crow and a smile on his birthday.
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medusas-graveyard · 1 month
Bruce Wayne has a new adoptee that quickly stole the hearts of Gothamites for his personality. The birds gains a new baby brother that doesn't like to fly. The joker finds a new plaything.
Danny receives a mutilated crow and a smile on his birthday.
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medusas-graveyard · 1 month
Ectoplasm being the universal green thingy that causes anything inherently superpowered/magical in DP x DC is so funny because imagine how absolutely overpowered (but stupid) Danny is. Like just imagine him making ectoplasmic ice shards but turns out that's what Kryptonite actually is. A God damn block of ectoplasmic ice that doesn't melt. Him just waving it around like "oh look I made an Ice duck :D" And next thing you know Superman is benched. Green lantern's ring? Oh, please. The whole lantern organization (primarily the green corps) is basically powered by the infinite realms.
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medusas-graveyard · 1 month
Two GHOUL baby brothers (the other one doesn't know it yet)
Au where Danny, whose timeline is an alternate version of Dan's timeline. Instead of Vlad, he's taken in by...Bruce Wayne? What the fuck do you mean his uncle is fucking Bruce Wayne???)??????
While Danny is having the existential crisis of his life, Clockwork is giving very specific instructions to Danny's rogues to make sure the boy doesn't sway to the same person Dan was. Of course, he should've known better.
Unsurprisingly, threatening Batman was a bad idea; since now the Justice League is in high alert ever since they found out this entity named 'Phantom' is supposedly the difference between the end of the world and peace.
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medusas-graveyard · 1 month
Au where Danny, whose timeline is an alternate version of Dan's timeline. Instead of Vlad, he's taken in by...Bruce Wayne? What the fuck do you mean his uncle is fucking Bruce Wayne???)??????
While Danny is having the existential crisis of his life, Clockwork is giving very specific instructions to Danny's rogues to make sure the boy doesn't sway to the same person Dan was. Of course, he should've known better.
Unsurprisingly, threatening Batman was a bad idea; since now the Justice League is in high alert ever since they found out this entity named 'Phantom' is supposedly the difference between the end of the world and peace.
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medusas-graveyard · 1 month
I hope more people can introduce phantom as this like— High and mighty ghost that quite literally bested God in their fics, but also emphasize the fact that he's still a child. And behind all the regalia of the title he has, he's still a very tired, scared, and spiteful teenager that hides the way his hands shake at the present of another person who he doesn't know will turn into a friend or foe.
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medusas-graveyard · 2 months
Guys hear me out League scientist Danny please hear me out plea—
Okya so different direction: where Danny's this sort of cryptic person in the league where no one knows his origins but they think he's powerful enough since Ra's hasn't killed him for his misdemeanors. What kind of misdemeanors, you may ask? Well, the guy's supposedly there to 'purify' the pit for Ra's but he NEVER has any kind of documentation with him.
People would ask why or accuse him of not being loyal to the league and his response? He'll either stare at you like you said the stupidest shit he's ever heard or dismiss you with "Whatever I do with MY knowledge stays with ME."
You'd be lucky if Ra's doesn't order your death for your misdemeanors towards him.
Back to the main point; Damian is born, and upon meeting the innocence of man when they were first born Danny has a very short existential crisis because damn why is he even doing all of this. But he doesn't express his new found distress and instead insists on taking care of Damian because "He's the future of the League" And you know what? He's doing a pretty damn good job at it.
Cut through a few years and for SOME reason the old man revived a teen. What's that? He has the same father as Damian? Oh. That could work in his favor, actually. "I need a test subject. Hand over the boy." A brief argument, but Ra's handed him over nonetheless.
Aaaaand the boy is gone. It's fine— he was due to be handed back to Bruce Wayne, anyways. Now he just needs to convince Talia....
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medusas-graveyard · 2 months
Trigger-happy!Danny, anyone?
Tw: offing ppl
Back to my indifferent to murder Danny agenda :D Imagine the GIW prying into Gotham when Danny's already happy there and now he's just there,,expressing his distaste :]
...so now batfam has an unsolved strings of murders involving people in white coats that presumably works for a government branch that goes AGAINST the Meta Protection acts that has no trace whatsoever.
(Fright knight has been cleaning up after his teenage king for a while now.)
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medusas-graveyard · 2 months
Mb pokie here are the main ones 😔 (the rest are just short, untagged rambles)
Danny gone coocoo
(Implied ATTEMPTED $ui**de, open ending, viewers discretion advice)
Oblivious Inventor x Somewhat Obvious Vigilantees
No warnings! Just silly little drabble that had fun reblogs :D!!
Sorry for writing a lot of Mad Scientist!Danny stuff lately hon. I just think the concept of Batman literally having a mad scientist of a ward with no questions asked whatsoever was funny lmao
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medusas-graveyard · 2 months
Sorry for writing a lot of Mad Scientist!Danny stuff lately hon. I just think the concept of Batman literally having a mad scientist of a ward with no questions asked whatsoever was funny lmao
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medusas-graveyard · 2 months
Letting this out of my system before I fall asleep;
Danny developing D.I.D. because yk what. Basically there's 3 (or 4 if it's a Danny/Damian siblings AU) with one being the host aka Danny, one being the protector aka Phantom, one being the Persecutor aka Daniel (and if it's a siblings au one is the gatekeeper aka Abidan/Danyal depends on which you prefer)
Adopted Wayne au again, yes, except: Danny doesn't know he has DID. He just thinks that after he died his memories are blotched, even after doing something he sometimes doesn't realize he's doing it. Cue Danny overthinking stuff one day while talking to his adopted siblings about how he's not sure if they could come to understand him even though he doesn't understand himself (very weird thing to say, huh?) But they reassure him that they're all doing their best and he needs to give himself a break.
BUT the catch; they don't know each other's double life. Danny doesn't want to be a vigilante— he doesn't want them to KNOW he was a vigilante. Batfamily isn't spilling their night endeavors with the normal child in the family that grimaces everytime they 'discuss' about heroes.
ANOTHER CATCH: Danny is the only one that doesn't know the Waynes are the bats and birds. His alters though, does. Daniel and Phantom isn't too pleased about ANOTHER rich man. Cue Phantom antagonizing Batfamily, saying that if something were to happen to Danny he would just take him away (considering they don't even know what Phantom is, safe to say they're paranoid)
Sorry, I listened to me and the devil for like an hour straight and this suddenly popped out. Also I just think it's funny how Danny and Waynes all civil and basically caring for each other and then night turns, Bats and Birds ready to bash fists with Phantom.
On another note, I'd like to push the emphasis that Danny is constantly missing his memories in this concept. For reference, imagine Duke walking up to him in the Kitchen (Daniel was about to make coffee) and greeted him. Danny just spaced out for a while, blinked, look at what he's holding, and blurt "what am I doing again...?"
As you've might guessed, Alfred was the one who found out first.
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medusas-graveyard · 2 months
Can someone write unhinged DeadSerious where Danny was a Lazarus pit scientist in the league that was courted to Damian before he got assassinated (oh the irony) and eventually brought himself back to life by accident via said Lazarus pit (surprise surprise) so he fled and years later Dami found him attending Gotham U (albeit without memories) and now is just dead set (aha) on kidnapping him and keeping him to himself I promise I'll make an art for it (I have a vision >:[)
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medusas-graveyard · 2 months
Guys imagine monarch Danny who has this Beelzebub (HB) Esque personality and one day the JL has something they need to do that deals with Lazarus water/ectoplasmic entities in general and JL dark is there like; "oh we should get the ghost king's blessings first" And. And they fucking summoned Danny and he's there like
"I beg your fucking pardon you want my w h a t ?"
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