max33imagines ¡ 2 years
Hey everyone! Just to always update you guys of course… part 6 IS coming!!! I am currently writing it and am really excited to be finished to post it ! 💘 what do we think will happen 👀
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
17. ‘I know you still love me.’ – Part 5. Max Verstappen x Reader.
Part 5 is here! This is Max’s version of events from the last part which you can read here (as well as the other parts from this series.) - Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, Part 1.
another cliffhanger I know.. what was in the letter? Will Max be told the news..? 
tags - @enjoymyloves​ , @iamasimpingh0e​ , @organasith​ 
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“You never answered my text.” Kelly. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
My eyes widened as I tried to give Kelly a silent signal of ‘Fuck off now before you ruin the one thing I care about.’ 
I couldn’t help but to look between the two. Y/n looked shocked, hurt, sad and angry all in one. Kelly looked smug. Of course she fucking did. 
“Oh is that Y/n in there? So nice to finally meet you! I’m Kelly, I’ve heard so much about you!” Kelly shoved herself past me and greeted Y/n with a hug, one Y/n did not return. What the fuck is going on here. Kelly can either be a bitch and tell Y/n everything.. or, fuck there’s no other option here. I’m screwed. What game is she playing? Coming here to see if I missed her to then act like Y/n’s her best friend? I try not to panic, if I talk too much she’ll know everything, Y/n knows me too well for my own liking right now. 
“What are you doing here?” I said to Kelly through gritted teeth, hoping she gets the hint that she’s not welcome here, she never will be again. 
“Well I think I’ve got the answer to my text, its so nice to see you both back together! Max was in a state Y/n, you should’ve seen him!” Kelly laughed, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, I need to assess what she’s plotting next. I’m hoping Y/n doesn’t follow that up with any questions, why she was with me.. what happened. No shit I was in a state, Kelly is the reason everything is fucked. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be in this mess. Has Y/n caught on? Do I need to justify this?
“Well I’m sorry to bother you both, Y/n I’d love to get to know you properly, I’ll message you? I think I follow you on instagram?” Kelly said as Y/n nodded. I can feel her eyes burning into me, but I can’t look away from Kelly, what the fuck is she doing? Does Kelly realise I’m trying to get her to shut up from the constant staring? Is Y/n going to think it’s bad that I’ve looked at Kelly more than I’ve looked at her? Have I completely ruined this all over again with only five words? I didn’t realise I was still holding the door open until Kelly finally left. I need to try to fix this as best I can, fuck what am I going to tell her?
“Let me explain-“
“What did she text you?” Y/n asked, of course she cut me off. She looks broken all over again. 
“What? I don’t know baby, I uh..” Before I could even attempt to string a sentence together I could see she wasn’t buying it. 
 “Y/n, please. Let me just try to explain!“ Y/n clearly didn’t hear the end of my sentence, pushing past me to run out of the room. Fuck. She’s clearly going after Kelly. Does she just want to know what the text was? Or is Kelly going to tell her a bit more than that, this can’t happen. Maybe my lucks just about ran out, and if anyones going to tell Y/n the truth then it needs to be me. Maybe I still have a chance, I’ll tell her how much I regret everything, how it’s only ever going to be her. 
“Are you okay Y/n?” I heard Kelly say, I practically sprinted down the corridor to catch up with Y/n, fucking big hotels with long ass corridors. I can’t help but stand in my place, waiting to hear what she actually wants from Kelly. Please be smart here Y/n, please.
“Did you sleep with him?” Fuck. I began frantically shaking my head at Kelly, standing behind Y/n paying off for once. Don’t be a bitch Kelly. For once in your life, do not ruin this for me. 
“Are you sure you want to know that?” Kelly asked her, clearly making the matter worse by not giving a straight answer. 
“Y/n, don’t do this, come back inside.” I said in an attempt to save this fucked situation. I put my hands on Y/n’s shoulders, I could feel her practically shaking before she shoved me off. I look back to Kelly to now learn she’s a shit liar. Her face is giving everything away. 
“Y/n, I uh- we uh-“ 
“Shut the fuck up Kelly!” I shouted, hitting the wall next to me as panic, anger and guilt fully sets in. Why the fuck did I ever get myself involved with this woman. 
“Let her talk.” Y/n shouts back. “Did you? Did you sleep with him?” No, no, no, no, no, no. 
I’m practically begging for Kelly to be a telepath here. Please don’t do this to me. I can’t go through this again. I put my hands on my head and begin pacing in an attempt to calm myself down, I notice I’m already in tears. This is all my fault. I’m just hoping Kelly makes good decisions here. 
“Listen, I think there are certain things that would be better to hear them from Max.” Nope. She’s making bad decisions. Fuck. 
“Here’s my number. Talk to Max, if you feel like he isn’t telling you the truth or isn’t telling you the whole story, call me.” Y/n has either worked it all out or she’ll quite simply hear it all from Kelly fucking Piquet. How fucking dare she do this to me. She’s single handedly ruined the one good thing I’ve ever had. I still can’t admit to myself fully that this is hardly Kelly’s fault, but I can’t accept the fact it was really me that’s ruined Y/n. She hands Y/n a small piece of paper before getting into the elevator. 
“FUCK YOU!” I screamed as the elevator doors closed. I need to save this. Somehow. I can’t have Y/n going to her, fuck knows what she’ll be told. 
“Y/n, please, please, I’ll tell you everything, just please don’t leave me here.” Y/n ignores me as she walks back towards the room. I’m going to have to tell her. I don’t have a choice. Telling her everything is the only way to start again. Clean slate. Just be honest, despite the fact I can hardly be honest with myself right now. When did I turn into this kind of person? I catch up with Y/n who was waiting by the door of the room, she was also in tears, not even trying to hide how hurt she is. She walks into the room to grab her things, but I can’t let her leave. I cant. I stand in front of the door like some sort of guard.. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a guard crying to this extent but it works. 
“Move Max.” She said, not wanting to entertain anything I’ve got to say. 
“Not until we talk.” 
“And are you really going to tell me the truth? Because to swear Max I’ll go to her and get it all. I can’t keep doing this with you. You ask me to trust you on another lie!” I’ve really fucked up here. How could I do this to her? It’s breaking me even more just looking at her, seeing how done she is with me and how much she fears more lies. 
“I’ll tell you everything. Just please come and sit down.” I softly grabbed her arm as I sat on the edge of the bed but she pulled away, I hate not touching her. I hate not being able to comfort her, even if I was the one to cause all of this. 
“I’m fine standing.” I sighed and nodded, trying to think where to start with all of this. 
“I’m sorry Y/n. I am. You need to understand I really did think there was something going on with you and your boss, and I know, I know how stupid I sound. I know I should’ve just spoke to you. She was a shoulder to cry on which just.. got carried away and I regret it every day Y/n. I regret how much I’ve hurt you. I hate myself for doing this to you. For doing this to us. I wish it never happened-“ 
“Get on with it Max.” She spat. I have to try and justify why I did what I did, if there even is any justification. I don’t know how to save this.. 
I told her everything. How Kelly came to my room that night, how she invited me out and how it was my idea to invite her back. 
“I was drunk Y/n, I know that’s no excuse.. I don’t have an excuse at all really. I was mad, hurt and upset at the thought of you with someone else..” Y/n squeezes her eyes shut, how could I say I felt like that when she was completely innocent.. she feels exactly the way I did, yet I’m the guilty one. She was nothing but loyal to me. Yet here I am telling her all about how I fucked another woman behind her back. The woman she was always worried about. The woman I always reassured was nothing but a friend, or someone around the paddock at best. 
“I wish it didn’t happen. That’s the truth.. if that even means anything to you anymore. The next morning I told her it wouldn’t happen again. I told her she was a mistake, and she threw it back in my face by saying you won’t take me back because of that stupid fucking photo- sorry.” I could feel myself getting angrier at the thought of Kelly and her cockiness throughout this whole thing. Acting like she has the upper hand. Maybe she does? She hasn’t lost anything. 
“Why did you lie?” Y/n whispered, I don’t even truly know the answer to this question. 
“I can’t lose you Y/n, I can't. I’m sorry, you’re everything to me Y/n, you know that? Please just tell me what I need to do to fix this, I'll do anything, fuck, I’ll even stop racing for you if it meant we can work through this somehow.” I meant that. Nothing in my life has ever been perfect, I’ve always had to work on things, improve on things, train to be better and work harder.. with Y/n everything just fell into place. Which is why there’s zero logic behind what I’ve done to her. I’d give up everything for her. I quite simply don’t need anything, as long as I’ve got her I know I’ll be okay. I can’t lose her. 
“Why did you lie to me?” She asked again. 
“I don’t want to hurt you Y/n, I never want to hurt you. What I said, what I told you had happened, that’s how I wish it happened. I know that means nothing, I know that sounds stupid, but I can’t bare this Y/n. I hate myself for what I've done, to know how much I've hurt you-”
“When did this start? When did you start seeing her?” Oh fuck. Shall I lie and make it somewhat better? I look up at her, once again seeing how broken she is, how do I make such a wrong, right? 
“Please Y/n, I love you, only you. I can’t do this without you, you know I can’t. I’d take this all back if I could -“ 
“How long Max?” She said, this time through gritted teeth. I can hardly talk, how can I tell her this?
“A few months.” I admit barely above a whisper, not trusting my voice to talk normally.  She let out a breath before she began sobbing in front of me, I can’t control myself at this point, practically matching her aside from the fact we’re hurting for different reasons. 
“All the time you accused me of cheating, and it was you all along? How could you do this to me? To ME? Of all people Max. I’ve been there for you, I’ve supported you when no one else would. I’ve listened to you when no one else would. I’ve been the one person to stand by you throughout everything. I mean look at me. Here I am giving you a second chance after you lied to my face! How could I be so stupid.” She slightly laughed at herself as I continued to cry, continued to regret going so wrong with the one right thing I’ve ever had. 
“You know, everyone told me this would happen. That you’d do this to me. And do you know what I’d say? I’d say, ‘my Max would never do that. He wouldn’t treat me like that.’ Look how wrong I was with that one! You won Max. You broke me. You proved everyone right.” She’d told me once how her friends said to her I’d do this to her. I remember reassuring her, comforting her, pulling her close to me and kissing her whilst telling her she has nothing to worry about. I’m forever hers. I still am. She’ll always have my heart whether she wants it or not. She began grabbing her things to leave, she did say earlier she’d walk out on me tonight, she was right. 
“Y/n, please-“ 
“Leave me alone Max! Don’t you think you’ve hurt me enough? Please, please leave me alone.” Before I could even attempt to try and speak again she headed towards the door, I tried to follow her, but as soon as the door shut I knew I lose her. I leant against the door of the room as I sobbed into my hand, attempting not to make any more noise than what was already created this evening. I slid down the door, now sitting on the floor in an emotional state. This is all my fault. If I wasn’t such a jealous and insecure excuse of a man I wouldn’t have fucked it. I was so lucky to have her, no one is going to be better than Y/n.. I don’t want anyone other than Y/n.
I pulled myself off of the floor and tried to call her, again and again hearing the dial tone before hearing her voicemail. I sent a stupid amount of messages between each call attempt until it wouldn’t even ring anymore. She’s either turned her phone off.. or blocked my number. I hope to god it’s the first one. If she won’t speak to me I need to try and get through to her another way, attempt to somehow put this right. 
I sit at the desk in the room, grab their tacky cheap pen alongside the notepad and begin to write to her. She’d always ask for love letters, something to read whilst I was away she’d always say. And here I am, writing exactly that, at the very moment it’s too late. I have nothing left to lose, I literally pour my heart out page after page, somehow being more honest about how I feel than I ever was before. Do I post this to her? Shall I get someone to give it to her? I should’ve thought this through. Fuck it, she needs to read this. There’s nothing else that’s going to get me back to her, I need to try one more time. 
I quickly get some shoes on, grab the key and head out of the room as I began making my way back to the apartment. I’m going to run out of clean clothes at this point too, maybe I should grab some whilst I’m there. Fuck, is this a good idea? What if she’s asleep? Maybe I should’ve done this in the morning. Ever since Kelly I don’t think I’ve thought anything through properly. All of my problems started with her. 
The walk seemed longer than usual, still undecided on whether this is a good idea or not but all I can do is try at this point. I headed up to the apartment, walking slower as I look down at the pieces of scribbled on paper in my hands. My last chance. As I reach the door I stop, do I knock? Shall I just slip it under the door and hope for the best? 
I’m almost instantly pulled out of my thoughts when I hear something being dropped to the floor, shortly followed by the sobs from the other side of the door. did something else happen? Fuck, of course it hasn’t, this is all me. 
Before coming to a solid conclusion of whether being here is a good idea, I find myself knocking on the door. Three knocks, followed by two. She’ll know it’s me, whatever happens now is completely up to her.. I’ll just keep trying. 
I hear her scatter around, opening and closing drawers before the door slightly opens, as of to double check who’s knocking on the door at this hour. It’s clear to see she hasn’t stopped crying, I don’t really think I have either. Before I could say anything she opens the door, throwing herself into my arms as she continues to sob. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” I say, softly running my fingers through her hair in an attempt to comfort her. 
“Max- Max, something-” she sobbed, almost choking on her own breath. 
“Somethings happened.” I pull away to look at her, instantly worried as to what it could be. She clearly picks up on my changed emotion and begins shaking her head. 
“Nothing bad, well I don’t know, I don’t know what to do.” She continued to cry as I took her inside, sitting her down on the sofa. I didn’t notice anything unusual about the apartment, no ones broken in from what I can see. Unless a thief is interested in our calendar and what we’re up to. 
“We need to talk Max.” 
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
17. ‘I know you still love me.’ Part 4 – max Verstappen X Reader.
Finally here’s the next instalment of ‘I know you still love me’ ! Thank you so much for the support and the patience with me on this one! Part 5 is out now!
Tags: @enjoymyloves​
This is shorter than my other parts but nonetheless... things are going down.. and Y/n has some things to sort out.. 
Previous parts - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 
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“You never answered my text.” Kelly. Her voice instantly went through you. It always did. 
You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as you looked at Max, he was stood there like a deer in headlights as he switched his vision between the two of you. 
“Oh is that Y/n in there? So nice to finally meet you! I’m Kelly, I’ve heard so much about you!” Kelly has pushed herself past Max and greeted you with a hug. Your arms glued to your side mainly in shock as you tried to assess the situation as quickly as you could. 
Max was adamant he didn’t cheat on you. Yet here she is now. In his hotel room, questioning why he hasn’t answered her. Do you stay calm? Should you start crying now or later? Are you still just overthinking this entire situation? 
“What are you doing here?” Max said to Kelly through gritted teeth. 
“Well I think I’ve got the answer to my text, its so nice to see you both back together! Max was in a state Y/n, you should’ve seen him!” Kelly laughed. 
Both you and Max stayed quiet. You couldn’t work out what was going on and Max was quite clearly panicking. What did she text him? 
“Well I’m sorry to bother you both, Y/n I’d love to get to know you properly, I’ll message you? I think I follow you on instagram?” You just nodded, not looking at her so you could keep your eyes on Max. Max’s glance didn’t leave Kellys as she walked past him and out of the door that he was still holding. 
“Let me explain-“ 
“What did she text you?” You asked. Max was scrambling for words, you couldn’t bare to have him lie to your face once again. 
“Y/n, please. Let me just-“ You pushed past him and ran down the corridor of the hotel towards the elevator, hoping one person would give you an honest answer for once. 
“Kelly!” You shouted. You instantly felt crazy running after this beautiful woman whilst you were in Max’s baggy clothes. 
Kelly turned to you but you hadn’t really thought this through. If you ask what she texted Max then you will sound crazy, but you know you’re not going to get a straight up answer from Max. 
“Are you okay, Y/n?” She asked. You heard Max running up to the two of you before he just stood there waiting to hear what you were going to say. Memories of how good you and Max filled your brain before being overshadowed by the hurt he caused you, how broken he’s made you feel. Do you just trust Max and go back into the room with him or do you attempt to find out the truth? 
“Did you sleep with him?” The words slipped from your mouth, not thinking it through but clearly your subconscious brain needs to know the answer. 
“Are you sure you want to know that?” Kelly asked. 
“Y/n, don’t do this, come back inside.” Max said, putting his hands on your shoulders from behind you in an attempt to get you to follow him. Your mind was racing, the walls of the corridor were getting smaller and you were getting hotter and hotter. You shoved Max off of you, not looking away from Kelly. Her face gave everything away. 
“Y/n, I uh- we uh-“ 
“Shut the fuck up Kelly!” Max shouted, hitting the wall next him. 
“Let her talk. Did you? Did you sleep with him?”
“Listen, I think there are certain things that would be better to hear them from Max.” Kelly began fumbling through her handbag as Max was pacing with his hands on his head. Both of them were panicking. You’ve clearly already got your answers. 
“Here’s my number. Talk to Max, if you feel like he isn’t telling you the truth or isn’t telling you the whole story, call me.” She gave you a small piece of paper before getting into the elevator. 
“FUCK YOU!” Max screamed as the elevator doors closed. You didn’t notice you were crying until Kelly had gone. You turned to face Max to see he was also in a fit of tears. 
You’ve seen Max’s every emotion, but you wasn’t quite sure what this one was. The fact he was crying and screaming at Kelly, hitting walls was a good indication that you were wrong to believe him. 
“Y/n, please, please, I’ll tell you everything, just please don’t leave me here.” You ignored him as you went back towards the room, it was a short way, not long enough to decide whether you should just grab your stuff and leave or actually stay and hear him out. 
When you got to the door you’d realised you need to wait for Max regardless to open the door. Once he did you began picking up your things, you’ve given him too many chances. How could you be so stupid, you thought to yourself. 
“Move Max.” He was stood in front of the door like an over emotional security guard, something you feel you’d laugh at but for now, you just felt numb. 
“Not until we talk.” 
“And are you really going to tell me the truth? Because to swear Max I’ll go to her and get it all. I can’t keep doing this with you. You ask me to trust you on another lie!” You were emotionally worn out, you were hoping all of the scenarios you’ve created in your head are much worse than what Max is going to attempt to tell you. 
“I’ll tell you everything. Just please come and sit down.” Max softly grabbed your arm as he sat on the edge of the bed but you pulled away, not wanting to waste any more time here than you needed to. 
“I’m fine standing.” Max sighed and nodded. 
“I’m sorry Y/n. I am. You need to understand I really did think there was something going on with you and your boss, and I know, I know how stupid I sound. I know I should’ve just spoke to you. She was a shoulder to cry on which just.. got carried away and I regret it every day Y/n. I regret how much I’ve hurt you. I hate myself for doing this to you. For doing this to us. I wish it never happened-“ 
“Get on with it Max.” You spat. Not caring for his fake apologies or however he’s trying to justify what he’s done. That’s not what you need to know right now. 
Max began telling you about what really happened during the period you were broken up, how he did sleep with Kelly that night, how it was her that had invited him and not the guys. He knew she’d be there unlike the version of events he told you. He told you how he thought of you. How he’d regret what he was doing, but he still done it anyway. You felt even more numb than you did before as you attempt to listen to him tell you what really happened, whilst you were sat at home thinking of him, crying over him, blaming yourself for this, he was fucking her. 
“Why did you lie?” You whispered, not trusting your voice if you were to speak at a normal volume. 
“I can’t lose you Y/n, I can't. I’m sorry, you’re everything to me Y/n, you know that? Please just tell me what I need to do to fix this, I'll do anything, fuck, I’ll even stop racing for you if it meant we can work through this somehow.” 
“Why did you lie to me?” You asked again. Max was a rambling mess at this point, you kind of thought it made no sense. He cheated on you, he knows what he's done, he’s just sorry it’s all coming out now. 
“I don’t want to hurt you Y/n, I never want to hurt you. What I said, what I told you had happened, that’s how I wish it happened. I know that means nothing, I know that sounds stupid, but I can’t bare this Y/n. I hate myself for what I've done to know, how much I've hurt you-”
“When did this start? When did you start seeing her?” You could hardly speak, you didn’t know if it was the shock or because of the tears that fell down. Max shook his head before looking up at you through his tear stained eyelashes.
“Please Y/n, I love you, only you. I can’t do this without you, you know I can’t. I’d take this all back if I could -“ 
“How long Max?” It was your turn to talk through gritted teeth. You felt yourself tense, almost bracing yourself for his answer. 
“A few months.” Barely above a whisper Max admits. 
You let out a breath you didn’t realise you were holding, not caring anymore about how much you were crying. You were hurt. Your heart has been ripped apart by the one person you’ve ever truly loved. 
“All the time you accused me of cheating, and it was you all along? How could you do this to me? To ME? Of all people Max. I’ve been there for you, I’ve supported you when no one else would. I’ve listened to you when no one else would. I’ve been the one person to stand by you throughout everything. I mean look at me. Here I am giving you a second chance after you lied to my face! How could I be so stupid.” You slightly laughed at yourself. 
“You know, everyone told me this would happen. That you’d do this to me. And do you know what I’d say? I’d say, ‘my Max would never do that. He wouldn’t treat me like that.’ Look how wrong I was with that one! You won Max. You broke me. You proved everyone right.” You grabbed your things and began to leave, not wanting to stand there looking at him anymore. 
“Y/n, please-“ 
“Leave me alone Max! Don’t you think you’ve hurt me enough? Please, please leave me alone.” You walked out of the room, you leant against the wall as you sobbed into your hand, attempting not to make any noise in the corridor. You hope he gave you the entire truth. You had heard enough at this point. Even if there was more to know, he cheated on you and he lied to you. Nothing can be worse than that. 
It felt like a long walk back to your apartment. Back to square one, let the heartbreak start again, you thought. You phone was crowded with messages and missed calls from Max. You quite simply turned it off and laid on your bed. You were somewhat excited to see Max again today. You were still hurting, still unsure whether to trust him or not. But he’s your love. You’ve practically dedicated your life to him. You don’t really have anyone here in Monaco.. should you just move back home? Your mind races with questions you feel you’ll never get the answer to. Why you? What did you do? Was it your fault? Did you really push him into her open arms? Your head ached from crying, you were sick of crying. When heartbroken you get to a point where your head stops caring, you want to stop thinking of them, you want to stop caring for them, longing for them. But your heart always knows what it wants. 
You sat up, getting changed into your own clothes, instantly throwing Max’s into the small bin you had in your bedroom. Maybe taking something for your headache might be a good idea to help you get some sleep tonight. You were tired of being tired, you thought. You once again slightly laughed at yourself. How your life has come to this. You grabbed some tablets and some water from the kitchen, leaning against the counter whilst looking at the calendar hanging on the wall. You quickly took the tablets, washing it down with a gulp of water before slamming the cup down, you ran over to the calendar to make sure what you were seeing was correct. You turned the kitchen light on and took the calendar off the wall trying to work it all out in your head. You can’t be, you must have the date wrong. Fuck. 
You were late. You rushed to the bathroom, slamming all the drawers and cupboard open, frantically trying to find a test that you know you have laying about somewhere. 
Waiting for the result was the longest three minutes you’ve ever encountered. This will make everything even more complicated, you thought to yourself. Can you really go back to Max? Does he even deserve to be a part of a childs life? Can you ever trust him again? Can he really stay loyal? Oh fuck, please be negative. Your hands shook as you picked up the test, not wanting to look but also wanting to see immediately. 
Two lines.. You were pregnant.
What the fuck do you do now..? 
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
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Part 4 is coming….
Read previous parts here -
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
When will part 4 come out??
I’m getting a looootttt of requests for a Part 4 of ‘I Know You Still Love Me’
As well as a Part 2 of ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want.’
These will be my next two uploads so they’ll be coming soon!
I’d also like to reassure that the prompt requests are coming too!!! I’m so grateful for everyone’s patience with me💘
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
updated 23/08/2022.
15. I think I might be falling in love with you.
17. I know you still love me. - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
34. Please don’t leave me. 
48. Why are you acting like this?
49. It’s three in the morning. 
57. She’s not you.
67. I know you're still mad at me.
- Ocean under the stars. 
- You can’t always get what you want. 
Current Requests I'm working through & Prompts.
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
u need to make a master list!!!
Just to answer this as well as let you all know..! I’m actually working on a master list to make finding my one shots a bit easier! Stay tuned 😄
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
You can’t always get what you want. – Max Verstappen X Reader.
35. ‘I’m tired of being your secret.’
45. ‘Tell me what you’re thinking.’
Requested : Yes
Super sorry but I’ve completely lost this request so I’m unsure if it was anon or not!
Finally I’m back with a new post! Thank you for all of your patience! Requests are OPEN just please bare with me.
No TW for this one. Max just needs to choose what he wants.. or who he wants..
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Being best friends with Max Verstappen had its challenges. There were his obnoxious moods, his constant travelling, his annoying Dad, his pretty blue eyes, oh. And he has a girlfriend.
When you first met Max it wasn’t hard to love him. You both shared the same sense of humour, loved the same music and hated the same people.
‘A perfect way to bond!’ Max would always say.
He’d always invite you to races, show you parts of Monaco you didn’t know existed despite how small the country is, he’d sit with you for hours as he’d share his love for an obscure band you’d never heard, and how much he hates the sound of cutlery on a plate. He’d always make you laugh with the random things he’d come out with.
It wasn’t hard to see that you both clicked instantly. Max evidently shutting down multiple rumours about the two of you before sneaking away to be with you, the two of you laughing together at how mad Kelly seemed to appear.
“If only she knew the half of it..” Max would say, mainly when his body is pressed to yours, your hands gripping him in an attempt to pull him closer as his mouth trails down your neck.
You had some how found yourself in the middle of Max Verstappen and his girlfriend. Kelly.
It was no secret that Kelly hated you. She always has done. Even before you and Max had started whatever this is.
“Can you blame her?”
“Well no, Max, I can’t. But I doubt your girlfriend knows about her boyfriend fucking his best friend.. behind her back. So really she has no reason to hate me.” You’d defend.
“She won’t be an issue for much longer baby, I promise.” Max would tell you, reassuring you by holding you close and kissing you between every word.
That’s been said for 8 months, and to be honest.. it’s getting a bit old now.
Max is yours. And you’re his.. yet he’s also Kelly’s, despite the fact he reassures you she’s nothing anymore. He just has to ‘keep up appearances.’ Yet it’s quite clear Max expects you to remain loyal to him and only him. Something that wasn’t necessarily an issue for the first week. Or even the first month. But how much more of this could you take?
You were headed to Max’s apartment, Kelly was visiting her family in Brazil whilst Max made a lame excuse about how he couldn’t travel.. despite the fact it’s the summer break. Kelly’s either extremely gullible or Max is a very good liar. Hopefully it’s the first one for your sake.
“Hey baby.” Max greeted as he opened the door. He kissed you softly and you sat your bag down in the corridor.
“Did anyone see you?” He asked you, wrapping his arms around you as you feel yourself relax in his grasp.
“Of course not. We’ve been doing this for how long?” Max laughed in agreement before he headed to the kitchen, continuing to cook up whatever meal plan he was on this week.
You can’t help but look at all of the photo frames scattered around Max’s apartment. Seeing Kelly in Max’s arms as they both smiled for the photo, seeing Max with Penelope or the perfect family photo of the three of them. When will it be you in those frames? Will it ever be you? Max has promised to leave Kelly so many times, yet always has an excuse as to why he didn’t, why he can’t. You’re not sure why specifically today this has made you so annoyed. Is it jealousy? Guilt? Does Max even feel bad?
“So, What do you think?”
“Huh?” You questioned, Max pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Abu Dhabi, you’ll have to come this year! You know, two time world champion and all.” He smirked as you raised an eyebrow.
“Reckon you could figure it out with work?” Max said, walking over to you as he out his hands on your waist in an attempt to pull you closer to him.
“Tell me what you’re thinking pretty girl.” He said, clearly seeing you’re still somewhat in a world of your own.
“So am I attending as your friend, or something more than that by then?” You questioned, wanting Max to just give you a straight up answer for once.
“We’re not just friends Y/n, you know that.” Max’s lips made contact with your neck, gently sucking at the skin before you pushed him away.
“Then how long will this go on for Max? I’m tired of being your secret, I’m tired of sneaking around with you, it’s not fair to play with my emotions anymore.” You said, crossing your arms whilst looking up at Max’s confused face.
“What’s bought all this on? You’ve never had a problem before..” Max smirked which made you roll your eyes even more than before, he pulled you closer, going back to your neck before you pushed him off once again.
“Woah what is up with you today? What’s bought all this on?” Max stepped away from you, you could tell he was once again assessing your emotions, trying to tell if you really were being serious or not.
“I’m not joking Max. Now you’re a big shot world champion you think you can have whatever you want. Not now. How long have you been saying you’ll end it with Kelly? You’re stringing me along and you’re going behind her back, it’s not fair Max, I can’t keep doing this!” Max’s expression went to confused to annoyed very quickly. You could tell he was in defence mode, having an excuse for anything you call him out on.
“Y/n, I’ve told you so many times it’s not as easy to break things off with Kelly as you think! She has a kid! She lives in my apartment, do you want me to put them on the street!?” Max said as he motioned around him to Kelly and Penelope’s things dotted about the apartment. You couldn’t help but laugh a little bit. Hearing Max say how much he hates being with Kelly, how all he wants is you, yet here he is feeling bad to leave them.
“Well you don’t get to fuck me about anymore. I’m serious this time Max. You have my number, you know where I am. Break up with Kelly and I’ll see you soon, or stay with her and it was nice knowing you.” You quickly grabbed your bag and left Max’s apartment. It was hard enough to walk out on your best friend, but being with him like this, you had definitely fallen for him.
Losing your best friend and the person you love in one go is tough, and you hated to admit it, but you knew he’d stick with Kelly. The safe option. The option that everyone else thinks is a good idea, but he knows deep down he’s not happy with her.
A few days went by and by no surprise you hadn’t heard from Max. Kelly even went to the race at the weekend which made a change, good for him you thought, as you tried to tell yourself this was for the best. You deserve to be something more than a bit on the side, or someone’s dirty little secret. Not anymore.
As the credits began to roll on the show you had been bingeing you considered getting up and going for that run, the run you said you’d do about five hours ago but chose to watch ‘just one episode’ instead. You peeled out of your window to see grey cloud beginning to form in the sky, your bed and pyjamas seemed a lot more tempting.
“One more episode.” You said to yourself as you clicked play. You only got a few seconds in before there was a knock at your apartment door. You pulled back the covers whilst groaning to yourself, your neighbour is always asking to borrow ingredients and it makes you wonder if they really have ran out or if they just rely on you instead.
“Y/n.. can we talk?”
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
Current Requests I’m Working On…
Ocean under the stars-
1 - ‘Have you lost your damn mind!?’
16 - ‘Don’t give me space, that’s the last thing I want with you.’
71 - don’t be stubborn
- uploaded 27/04
15 - ‘I think I might be falling in love with you’ - uploaded 2/5/22
36 - ‘Please don’t leave me.’ - Uploaded 25/04
To Be Written -
35 - ‘I’m tired of being your secret.’
38 - ‘Don’t touch me.’ 
44 - ‘I don’t have anything if I don’t have you.’
29- ‘Am I too late?’ + 39- ‘Where the hell were you!?’
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
Hi! I just read through your entire page here and I wanted to let you know how much I thoroughly enjoyed it. I know you haven’t posted or updated in a while, but I hope you’re still kicking life’s ass out there. :)
Thank you kind Anon!! ❤️ new update tonight !!
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
Hey everyone !! I am back!!
Thank you all so much for your patience with me! I’ll be posting a new fic tonight and my requests are currently OPEN!!
I’ll update my request post so you guys can see what has already been requested / what I’m currently working on!
I had to take a little break from writing due to some life stuff getting in the way! But life has a way of working itself out, and things most definitely happen for a reason! I’ve missed writing - it’s my passion! So I’m super excited to be working through your requests !! ✨
16 notes ¡ View notes
max33imagines ¡ 2 years
Hey everyone. I’m sorry I haven’t been very active especially with updates. (I know you still love me - part 4 IS coming!!h
Life’s kicking my ass pretty hard right now, sorry to turn this into a bit of a personal update but I just wanted to make sure yall know I’m still here. I hope to update as soon as possible.
Requests are still open, I promise I’m trying to work through everyone’s request as soon as I can, I see them all and I will write them, just give me a lil time.
I see all of your love and support for my writing daily on here and I’m so appreciative. Thank you❤️
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
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Sorry it’s not an update…. But our Max won the first ever Miami Grand Prix🥹🥹🥹
Such a good race in which my heart was in my mouth for 80% of it.. and the content!!! My heart is full!!!
..it was a bit of a fever dream tho wasn’t it..
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
15. ‘I think I might be falling in love with you.’ — Max Verstappen X Reader.
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Requested by an anonymous user so thank you!
Requests are OPEN.
Angsty, a tiny bit of fluff if you squint and a hint of Lando.
TW- mentions of alcohol.
*this hasn’t been proof read so I apologise for any mistakes.*
“There she is!” Lando said as you scanned your pass through the turnstiles.
“Did you just wait here?” You laughed as you walked over to him. Lando put his arm around you and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“Yeah.. well, no. Well sort of, I’ve just got here and know you always get here around this time. So yeah I guess I did wait.”
Lando was your best friend, having grown up together and both sharing the same passion of working within Formula 1. It was hard not to want to work within F1 with your best friend going on about it all the time.
“I’m gonna be a driver!! And if you get a job there you can always come with me!” Lando would say. He was ecstatic when you told him you’d finally got a job, there was just one catch.
“Hey Y/n! What’s up?” Lando said, the phone didn’t ring for long, but with him it never really did.
“Hey! I’ve got some good news and some bad news.. what do you want first?”
“Are you okay, Y/n??” He asked, panic evident in his voice.
“Just answer the question!!”
“The good news I guess?”
“Okay.. so, I quit my job-“
“What? Why? You loved doing that social media stuff-“
“You didn’t let me finish! I quit my job so I could accept the job offer I’ve just got! I’m working in F1 Lando!!”
“Y/n what! That’s amazing, we’ve always wanted this!!.. Wait, what’s the bad news?”
“So I’m a social media manager.. for Red Bull..”
There was a bit of silence on the other end of the phone before Lando found his words.
“Red Bull… Oh Y/n I don’t even care this is amazing! I’m so so happy for you!”
You’ve loved your job from the moment you started, but with any job there’s always one downside, and yours just happened to be a blue eyed Dutch man with a temper.
You and Lando walked through to the paddock together until you had reached the papaya coloured garages.
“You coming out with us later Y/n?” He asked.
“I’m not sure, my hotel room has been calling me as soon as i got out of bed this morning.” You joked.
“Oh come on, we’re in Italy! Don’t be boring!” He nudged you as you laughed.
“Okay okay, I’ll think about it.” Lando was happy enough with that answer and waved goodbye after wishing him luck for the race.
As you continued the walk to the Red Bull garages you saw Max a few feet in front of you. Not noticing him before you thought he must’ve walked past you as you were saying goodbye to Lando. You rolled your eyes at the thought of the comments Max was bound to make when you walked through the doors but brushed it off as usual.
You greeted the team you walked by as you walked through straight to catering. You really shouldn’t have skipped breakfast.
You got yourself some food and found a free table, sitting down and opening your laptop to look at your plan for the day. Thinking of photos you need as well as what times to begin uploading to the different social media platforms.
“12pm isn’t going to work for me. I’m doing my reaction training.” You heard from behind you. You put your fork down onto the plate before turning around.
“That’s the entire point Max, Checo’s was last week and we’re going to post some of yours today.” You always felt the need to defend yourself around him. You don’t know what it was, it was as if he had some sort of power over you. A feeling you continuously brushed off.
“Just don’t get in my way.” He said, but instead of walking off he sat opposite you to eat.
“What are you doing?” You asked, confused as to why he’d sit there when there were a numerous amount of other free tables. It was no secret you and Max didn’t get on. Or maybe it was. It was easy for the two of you to be professional around the team, but most of the drivers knew how much he annoyed you and evidently how much you supposedly annoyed him. The hot and cold behaviour was beginning to grind on you. He’d always give you the cold shoulder when it was just the two of you, the rude comments and the arrogance. But when you were around others he’d act like he was one of your closest friends, it was a different side to Max. You concluded it was a very fake side of Max which just annoyed you even more.
“I’m eating my breakfast?” He questioned, as if it was obvious.
“Can’t you do that over there?” You motioned to the other tables that surrounded you.
“And not spend time with my favourite person in the paddock?” He replied, smiling sarcastically as he took a sip of his drink.
“You roll your eyes a lot you know.” He said bluntly.
“I wonder why.” The two of you were quite matched with sarcasm. Maybe that’s why Max took a disliking to you? He’s confusing.
“Just an observation. Are you going out with Lando later?” You looked up at Max seeing him look back at you. You felt the confusion and frustration take over your expression, wondering why he cares what you do with your spare time.
“I don’t think its any of your business.” You replied, trying to eat some more of your food before it went cold.
“Maybe I’ll come.” He shrugged.
“Okay yeah, I’m definitely not going then.” You closed your laptop and began packing your things away before quickly texting Lando.
‘Still thinking about it. Still not keen.’ You sent.
“Where are you going?” He asked, a small sense of urgency in his voice.
“We’re not done talking.”
“Yes we are, Max” you put your bag over your shoulder and began walking out, noticing Max running behind you to catch up.
“Hard pass on you coming at 12. It’s called reaction training, not distraction training.” He budged past you to walk ahead as you once again rolled your eyes at the confusing behaviour.
“How long did it take you to think that up?” You said a little louder than expected, a few people looking in your direction as you just awkwardly smiled.
Max stopped in his tracks, turning back to come up to you. He leant in to you, you could smell his cologne as it lingered in the air, you couldn’t deny the fact he smelt good. He always did.
“Like I said. Just stay out of my way.” You could tell his teeth were gritted. You don’t know what just happened but you haven’t decided yet whether your quite liked it or the opposite.
You decided to get set up for the day, speaking with Checo to see how he was but to also let him now what photos you were going to post of him. Why couldn’t Max be as kind and easy going as Checo? How does he even put up with Max? You shook off the thoughts to continue with your work, seeing 12pm approaching and deciding to go against what Max had ‘advised’ you.
You headed towards his driver room and knocked on the door, hoping it wasn’t just Max in there. You let out a slight sigh of relief when Brad opened the door.
“Hey Y/n! Max said you’d be with us today!” Brad said, smiling as always.
“Oh did he?” You questioned, looking over to see Max approach you once again.
“Of course I did! It’s always a pleasure to have you here Y/n!” He hugged you as he then welcomed you in. “Don’t piss me off.” He whispered.
“Let me know if there’s anything specific you want to post, if not I suppose we’ll just do our normal thing?” Max said as he turned to Brad, Brad nodding in agreement. Fake Max is quickly back.
Despite Max’s fake actions, Max was actually super helpful. You managed to get a few videos and photos for instagram and twitter, also uploading a boomerang video to the story of the account. Fans likes and comments were flooding in quickly, at least some people were happy to see Max. Whenever Max switched up what he was doing he kept pausing to explain what he was about to do and why. You must admit, a small part of you quite liked this version of Max, even if you knew it wasn’t going to last for much longer. He’s good at putting on a front when he wants to be.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Brad’s phone began to rang, he excused himself and stepped outside to take it. You thought you had gotten enough content of Max training so decided to begin once again packing up your things to go and find Checo to see what he’s up to.
“Going so quickly Y/n? Don’t you want to take a photo of me drinking some water? Or I’m about to check my phone, do you want to video me doing that?” He said sarcastically. You dropped your bag back to the floor as you turned to face Max.
“Can you just stop with this hot and cold routine you’ve got going on? I’m sorry my job pisses you off but I don’t have a choice in being around you, if I did I can promise you, I’d steer clear.”
“Your job doesn’t piss me off. You do.” He said bluntly. “Oh I’m Y/n, I follow everyone around the paddock like a lost little puppy. Oh where’s Lando, I hope he loves me as much as I love him.” He mocked. “It’s pathetic. Why did you even take a job at Red Bull when it’s clear you’d rather be sucking Lando’s dick over at McLaren.”
“First of all, once again. This is my job! What don’t you understand! I am paid to ‘follow people around the paddock’!” You said using air quotes in a failed attempt to mock him back. “I took a job at Red Bull because quite simply, I love the sport. If you must know it was always a dream of mine to be here and now that I am, you’re making me hate it! And third of all, if you’re just another stuck up man that thinks a female can’t have male friends then you’re more deluded than I thought. I’m sorry my father wasn’t a driver, I’m sorry I don’t get everything handed to me on a plate like you do. But at least I’m not a stuck up, pretentious asshole who has to put others down to make themselves feel slightly better probably about having a shit relationship with their father. Why do you care so much about what I do and who I spend my time with? What would it matter if I was madly in love with Lando, huh?” By this point it was safe to say the two of you were having a full blown argument. Both hoping Brad’s phone call would take longer than a few minutes so he could avoid the awkward tension in the room.
“Is that what you think? I had everything handed to me? Because I also didn’t have to fight for a place within this industry right? And you’re calling me deluded? God you’re such a bitch!” Max yelled.
“Going to avoid my question, huh? Why do you care Max? If I’m such a bitch, if you hate me that much? Why do you go out of your way?” You stepped closer and closer to Max as you watched him get angrier and angrier.
“Because Y/n, because I’m- so yeah that’s why we have to do reaction training.” Max said quickly moving away from you and lowering his voice .. what?
You turned around slightly to see Brad had come back in, apologising for taking so long.
“Oh right, yeah thanks. Well, I’ll see you guys later.” You said, picking your bag up again from the floor.
“Not going to wish me luck for the race?” Clearly Max loved antagonising you, you shot him a look, your eyes were screaming ‘fuck off’ while he innocently smiled back at you.
“Good luck.” You left his driver room before grabbing some water from your bag. What the fuck had just happened? And what was Max going to say?
You began walking back down the paddock deciding to try and distract yourself with more work, you saw Lando walking down the paddock and it wasn’t long before he was running over to you.
“Hey, I saw your text, still deciding? Or do I need to convince you to come out with me?” He said as you both began walking together.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Lando.”
“Why not? There’ll be a few of us going-“
“Is Max going?” You asked.
“He did text me earlier inviting me out actually, so I assume he’ll come. But there’ll be loads of us you don’t have to worry about him.” He said in attempt to reassure you.
“If he’s going I’m not going.” You said bluntly.
“Oh come on Y/n!! He won’t be an issue! I promise! I think he likes you more than he likes to let on.” Lando knew of everything that’s happened with Max. He knows Max doesn’t like you and he of course knows how you feel about Max. How your emotions towards him are conflicted based off of what Max you get an interaction with that day.
“I don’t think so, listen I’ll see you after the race, yeah? I’ll let you know, good luck again! You’re going to be great out there.”
“I know!” Lando joked.
You both went to your separate garages. You spent time with a few of the engineers as well as catching up with Checo until it was time for Max and Checo to get to the track. You decided to stay in the garage and watch the race, trying to not think of Lando’s offers of going out after the race.
Max got a good start. Of course he did. No matter how long you’ve worked for Red Bull now you still can’t work him out. Why does it bother you so much? Why do you let him get one on you like he always does. Why does your heart continue to pound whenever LeClerc is getting closer to him in the race, not wanting him to overtake Max. And why do you keep thinking of his god damned cologne.
Not only was Max in pole position today, Max was able to lead every lap as well as winning the race. It was actually quite impressive to watch. You also witnessed Checo come home in P2 securing a double win for Red Bull. You have to admit though you were probably more happy that Lando was on the podium. Despite the fact your love celebrating with your team, your best friend has just finished p3. You headed down to the track along with the rest of the team, mainly to support Checo and Lando, you told yourself. You saw Max come along first, he began jumping into the crowd of people beside you. Max saw you and instantly pulled you in, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you tightly for the second time today. You lightly put your arms around him, the smell of his cologne was faint but still there.
Checo came along next and pretty much done the same thing, you know where you stand with him. “Congratulations!” You said as you also hugged him. It wasn’t the same as hugging Max, it wasn’t as tight, wasn’t as warm. Why does it matter?
Once again shaking off the thought of the annoying Dutch that keeps entering your mind.
After the podium you managed to find Lando, also congratulating him on his race.
“That means you have to come out with us Y/n! Celebrate my podium with me!” He said, almost whining like a small child which made you slightly laugh to yourself.
“Okay fine fine I’ll come. What’s the plan?”
“Yes! I’ll text you! We’ll all meet around 9pm?” You agreed and hugged your friend goodbye.
Despite the fact Max is probably going, it’ll be good to not only celebrate your friend and your team, but to also forget this terrible day.
It wasn’t long before you headed back to your hotel, you didn’t really pack with going out in mind so you tried your best with what you had.
You had met up with Lando at the address he had texted you which wasn’t far from where you were all staying. You could see Daniel and Charles were also there waiting for you to meet up with them. Then of course there was Max, with his arms crossed as if he’s just finished throwing a tantrum.
“Hey guys!” You said as you approached them.
You said hello to everyone, apologising to Daniel and Charles for the way their races went, you hugged Lando once again as he kissed your cheek like he always does.
“Can we just go inside now? We’ve been waiting for ages.”
“I can see Max is in a lovely mood after his win.” You said as the three boys chuckled.
You were all at a club, somewhere you didn’t realise you needed to go until you had gotten your first drink. The five of you were lucky enough to have your own area to sit in, a place where you all got to talk about the race as well as celebrate the results.
“Don’t worry Charles, we’ll have our own celebration soon enough.” Daniel joked as you all laughed.
You sat beside Lando who had Max on his other side, Charles and Daniel sat opposite the three of you. You leant in to Lando as he moved closer knowing you were about to say something.
“Whose idea was a club?” You asked, feeling slightly out of place.
“I’ll give you one guess.” Lando replied and you already knew it was Max. Of course it was.
As the night went on the five of you continued to drink, despite this, the argument you had earlier with Max was still on your mind. You stood up from your seat and motioned to Lando to follow you to the bar.
“Don’t tell me you’re going home.” He said to which you quickly shook your head.
“No, no! I just need your opinion!” You said, slightly shouting over the loud music. Lando nodded for you to continue before you quickly looked back to where you were sitting to make sure Max was still there.
“So me and Max had this argument earlier..” You began as Lando just looked confused.
You had explained what was said between the two of you, Lando nodding along while sipping on his drink, but still looking evidently confused.
“Listen Y/n, I know you and Max don’t get along, but I still believe he likes you more than you think.” Lando began.
“Did you not hear what I just said?” You asked.
“Just hear me out! Max had an epic race today after the past few unreliable races. He got a Red Bull 1-2 after however many years and where is he? Instead of going out with his team to celebrate he came here with us!” Lando said in another attempt to reassure you.
“Yeah but you got a podium, Lando! And you’re here with us instead of your team!”
“That’s different. I made these plans days ago. Not relevant! You know what Max is like, why else would he be here if not for you?” Maybe he had a point. No, he can’t. Max hates you, you hate him.
“You’re frying my brain. Just like he is.”
“Just sit back down love, I’ll grab you another drink, just enjoy the night!” Lando said. You agreed and headed back to the table. Due to waiting for Lando to come back you figured it was easier to just slide up in the seat next to Max opposed to getting back up to let Lando in.
“Where did you go?” Max asked you.
“To the bar.” You said. You hate how blunt you get around him.
“You don’t have a drink.”
“Lando’s getting it for me. The love of my life remember.” You mocked.
It was clear you wasn’t sober, none of you were.
Charles is trying to recreate his small crash into the wall with whatever he can find around the table while Daniel is laughing at what he’s being told.
“Of course he is.” Max said before looking back to you. “Do you mean to be so obvious when you roll those pretty eyes?” He asked, once again leaning towards you.
“What do you mean of course he is? And what cologne do you wear?” You asked.
“You didn’t answer my question, Y/n.”
“You didn’t answer mine.” You saw Max slightly laugh to himself before leaning back in to talk to you opposed to shouting over the music.
“My cologne, its a secret. You don’t get to know that yet, but I’m glad to know you like it. Of course he’s buying your drink, you’re gorgeous, he knows it, he’s trying to get in your pants. Simple. Now answer my question.”
“Wait wait, first I love him and now he wants me?” You asked, unable to keep up with what Max is saying.
“Maybe I was wrong about you, but I’m right about him. Why do you keep rolling your eyes.”
Lando? In love with you? No, he can’t keep anything to himself for that long.
“Because you make me roll my eyes. You’re rude and arrogant and annoying and you piss me off when you look at me like that.”
“You said ‘and’ way too many times. Look at you like what?” He asked, once again moving closer.
“Those eyes, like that! Like up through your eyelashes at me.” You said as you had to stop yourself mid eye roll.
“And I haven’t been rude to you all night.” Max said as you see he’s trying to remember what else you said.
“I’m getting really sick of this Max. This.. fake behaviour.” You said as you motioned to him. Max sat back as Lando sat back down beside you.
“Sorry, Y/n. It got real busy real quick over there.” Lando said as he passed you a drink.
You thanked Lando but turned your attention back to Max who was now laughing along with Daniel.
“You’re unbelievable.” You said to Max, once again leaning closer.
“Just shut up now Y/n.” Max spat.
You leant over to Lando and told him you’re going to go back to the hotel. You had somehow squeezed past him as he was still sat down to quickly leave the group.
“Move man!” You heard Max say behind you. You quickly weaved through the people in the club before getting outside and walking back to the hotel. Max fucking Verstappen. How can one man make you feel so confused. So angry.
“Y/n, wait!” You turned around to see Max running after you, he looked quite amusing running all over the place, once again clearly too drunk to realise what he’s doing.
“What do you want Max? Do you want another argument? Or are you going to be nice to me so you can turn on me again? I can’t take this anymore, I really can’t!” You continued to walk as Max continued to catch up, finally grabbing your hand and stopping you.
“I’m sorry okay?” Max said, he was out of breath which was again amusing as you hadn’t gotten that far away from the club.
“I don’t need your apology Max, and I don’t forgive you.” You said as Max groaned.
“Just listen, Y/n! Please! I know I’ve been an asshole to you, and I really am sorry, okay? I don’t want to hurt Lando, I just- listen, earlier, in my drivers room, you were spot on. Kind of. My relationship with my Dad has been strained, yes. But I still worked fucking hard to get to where I am now.”
“Is this all you wanted? To justify how you got into F1?” You asked.
“Y/n you’re not listening to me! My relationship with my Dad is why I lash out. When I don’t know how to deal with something I lash out! Like I said, I don’t want to hurt Lando, he’s my friend too-“
“You don’t know how to deal with me? What is that supposed to mean?”
“Y/n, please stop fucking cutting me off! I’m drunk as fuck, I’m trying to tell you something here and I’m sure as hell not going to have the confidence to tell you sober.” Part of you was intrigued, part of you was cold and wanted to get back to your hotel.
“I don’t know how to deal with this.. this situation I’m in. Lando’s my friend too, he’s one of my closest friends and I don’t want to fuck that with him. Then you, you’re always there and it’s always when I need someone. It always seems to be you. But then you always ask me to take a fucking photo for instagram or something when all I really want to do is talk to you, but then I fuck it and tell you to fuck off when that’s the last thing I want!”
“Max I’m cold okay. I can’t be bothered for all of this, you being nice, you’re going to turn on me and I’m going to go back to my hotel room and cry like usual. Just leave it, okay?”
“I make you cry?” Max questions softly.
“You’re a prick to me and you know it. All I try and do is my job and you continuously make it hard for me. I can’t be bothered to stand here and listen to why you’re going to upset Lando which will probably be my fault. I’m going back to the hotel. You can either walk with me and be nice, or you can go back to the club and find someone else to verbally abuse.” You said, turning around as you began walking away from him.
“Y/n, wait!” Max shouted but you carried on. Max once again grabbed your arm and turned you to face him.
“I think.. I think I might be falling in love with you.”
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
A classic haters to lovers fic is coming out later today!!
Reader (stereotypically..) works within F1 and there’s also a hint of Lando ….
Requests are still OPEN! I’ll be working through previously requests as soon as I can! Sometimes I feel more inspired with some requests than others but please bear with me and I’ll get it out as soon as I can!! ❤️
Current Requests I’m Working On…
Ocean under the stars-
1 - ‘Have you lost your damn mind!?’
16 - ‘Don’t give me space, that’s the last thing I want with you.’
71 - don’t be stubborn
- uploaded 27/04
15 - ‘I think I might be falling in love with you’ - uploading 2/5/22
35 - ‘I’m tired of being your secret.’
36 - ‘Please don’t leave me.’ Uploaded 25/04
38 - ‘Don’t touch me.’ 
44 - ‘I don’t have anything if I don’t have you.’
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
I will be creating a part 4 for the ‘I know you still love me’ series! I’ve had so many requests to continue and I’m so grateful🧡
Would love some input/opinions on whether Y/n finds out the truth? Does she forgive max ? Do we want a happy ending? Any suggestions are welcome😄
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max33imagines ¡ 2 years
Ocean Under The Stars - Max Verstappen x Reader.
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(This was a request from an anonymous user so thank you!)
Prompts used: 
1. ‘Have you lost your damn mind!?
16. ‘Don’t give me space, that’s the last thing I want with you.’
71. ‘Don’t be stubborn’
Notes: mentions of alcohol / mentions of swimming while intoxicated. 
(Hasn't been proof read yet so please excuse any mistakes.)
“I’m so happy we’re able to do this again girls!” You said to the group whilst adding the finishing touches to your makeup. You threw a lipgloss into your bag and slightly ruffled your hair, slightly smiling into the mirror at your own appearance. 
“We’ve missed you Y/n! Always leaving us to travel the world-“
“Shut up Eleanor! Sorry Y/n.. but it is good to have you back.” Your friend Hannah said, cutting off Eleanor before she said too much. 
“Tonight is about us! No exes.. or references to exes, are we ready?” Your two friends cheered, agreeing to your statement whilst also letting you know they were also ready to leave. 
The three of you left the hotel room and began the short walk to the first bar you’d be going to. You couldn’t lie, you were excited to reunite with your best friends again. After spending 4 years of your life following Max around it was hard for everyones schedules to align, but that was no longer an issue. You linked arms with Eleanor, Hannah stopping in the middle of the path to take a photo of you all as you all giggled. Despite it being a Friday night, the bar was relatively quiet which worked in your favour. You ordered your drinks and decided to sit outside, admiring the gorgeous view of the Monacan beach. 
“Okay okay, so.. I know we said no more talk about our exes, but what happened again? I’m still confused.” Eleanor asked as you saw Hannah giving her daggers with her eyes. 
“It’s fine Han, to be honest I’m still a bit confused myself. We had this big, stupid fight, I can’t even remember what it was about now. We always kissed and made up but I don’t know, this time it was different for Max. I guess he thinks we just want different things in life and I don’t align with his plans anymore.” You quickly sipped your drink to distract yourself from the tears that threatened to fall. Hannah had reached over and put her hand on your arm as Eleanor reached across to do the same. 
“Honestly girls, I’m fine.” You said in an attempt to reassure them. 
“I just need to work out what to do next, I can’t keep living in that hotel that’s for sure!” You joked. 
“Anyway! Are we doing shots or what?” The girls cheered again as Hannah went and ordered you all some shots and more drinks. Eleanor made small talk about her new job that she’s started but you could tell she was tiptoeing around the subject of your failed relationship. 
You lied when you said you couldn’t remember the argument. It cut you up that day. Max giving up on the two of you cut you even more. But that chapters closed and it’s time to move on. Time to enjoy the evening with your friends and get blackout drunk. Yes. That’s the plan. That’s the only way you feel you’d stop thinking of him. Because every damned thing you look at makes you think of him. The gorgeous blue ocean and how it matches the colour of his eyes. The fact you still order his favourite drink because on one of your first dates you lied that you loved it, you couldn’t let him down by letting him know it tasted like straight up petrol. You’d even tucked your hair behind your ears tonight, ‘I can see more of your gorgeous face schatje,’ he’d say. You’re even wearing his favourite dress, the one with the Lacey back.. you knew what it’d do to him if he could see you now. But thats the thing. He can’t. You untucked your hair, sat up and actually tried to listen to what Eleanor was saying. No more Max tonight. 
Hannah finally came back with the next round of drinks as well as two shots for each of you. She placed the tray on the table and sat back down opposite you. As you finished the rest of your first drink you see both the girls looking at Hannah’s phone in her lap. Eleanor rolled her eyes as Hannah had more of an awkward look on her face. 
“What?” You asked. 
Hannah looked away as Eleanor shook her head no. 
“What girls? Just tell me!” You asked again, curious to see what your two friends had seen. 
“Okay, we discuss this, we have our shots and we get on with our night!” Hannah said in an attempt to be authoritative. You laughed a little before Hannah showed you what she had seen. 
“It was on instagram.. its from last weekend though right? Because he’s on the summer break now? I don’t really get how it works.” Hannah had shown you the photo of Max with his friends, clearly having a great time after last weekends race. He didn’t exactly look heartbroken. But neither do you. 
“Do you think he was with another girl or…?” Eleanor asked as Hannah lightly hit her arm. What if he was with another girl? Is that why he ended things so abruptly? 
“Don’t be stupid Eleanor! Y/n I’m sure he wasn’t, it just looks like he was doing what we’re doing, just having a few drinks! Don’t let him ruin our night, this is about us! Not him.” 
“You’re right.” You said before quickly drinking your two shots. You felt the alcohol burn the back of your throat as you lightly shuddered at the strong sensation. 
“More shots?” You asked as the two girls sat there in silence. You took the drinks and the reminding shots off of the tray and walked back up to the bar. 
“Hey, can I have 6 more shots of whatever my friend just ordered, please?.. Actually make that 7.” You said, slightly motioning to where you’re all sat outside. You paid for the drinks and quickly drank another shot before walking back to the table, being careful not to drop or spill anything as you balanced the tray. 
“Are you okay Y/n?” Hannah asked as she moved her drinks closer towards her. 
“I’m fine! Now drink up you two, because I’m not staying here all night and this bar does the cheapest drinks.” The two girls laughed as they took their shots, both complaining about the flavour. The more you drank the more you began to feel.. better? The photo of Max is burned into your brain, thoughts of him still creeping their way in. Was he thinking of you? Does he miss you? Maybe you don’t feel better after all, but one thing you do know if Eleanor and Hannah look a little more fuzzier than they did half an hour ago. You’re also finding Eleanor hilarious which can’t be a sign you’re sober. 
You all decided to leave the bar when the atmosphere picked up a bit, not wanting to spend your whole night in a now busy bar. You found a club and joined the short queue to get inside, really focusing on how to stand on two feet without falling over. 
“Max wouldn’t let me come to this club!” You shouted, not realising the queue wasn’t particularly loud. 
“He said it’s where all the weirdos go!” You noticed a few people turned to look at you as you gave them a dirty look back. They were clearly weird. Maybe Max was right. No. Why does he get to decide where you do and don’t go? You can make a judgement for yourself. 
It wasn’t long before you were all inside. The club was booming with hundreds of people already inside, you all squeezed your way through to the bar, ordering more shots and more drinks until all you could feel was the music.
“Are you okay Y/n?” Hannah asks, pulling you closer to her and Eleanor as she’d realised you’d almost fallen onto some guy from leaning back too far. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine! I’m not even thinking about Max!” You said, trying your hardest not to fall over whilst sound as sober as possible. You saw the look your two friends gave to each other but you chose to ignore it. 
“Oh! I love this song!” You yelled, throwing your arms up in the air as you danced along to the rhythm of the song. 
“Let’s go get some water, yeah?” Eleanor asked you as she nodded in an attempt to make you agree. 
“From the ocean!? Me and Max never swam at night you know! We always wanted to go to the ocean at night but we never did.. why didn’t we go?” You asked as you remembered the random memory. Both you and Max would often go for walks along the beach at night, joking about how no one was around and the two of you should just get into the ocean together. There was something about being under the stars that made the idea so appealing. Just the two of you in the salty water under the moon. You regret not doing that with him. 
Hannah grabbed Eleanor’s hand as Eleanor grabbed yours, creating a line to weave your way through the people. As you staggered through the crowd you knew they were either trying to take you home or just simply trying to get you some water. Neither of which you wanted to do. You were having fun, and if you went back to your lonely hotel room, even more memories of Max would come flooding back. Still weaving your way through people you let go of Eleanors hand, making A B-line for the exit of the club. You’re not going home, you’re sure as hell not getting some water to ‘sober’ yourself. If Max wouldn’t go swimming in the ocean under the moonlight.. you’d do it yourself. 
The fresh air helped you cool down a bit, you put a hand on the wall of the club as you steadied yourself, working out the the quickest way to head to the beach. You walked along, people looking you up and down as you walked by them. You laughed to yourself, thinking, Max would’ve hated that, other men looking at his girlfriend. He was always the jealous type. Part of you missed that side of him despite the fact it would drive you crazy at the time. It had only been 3 weeks since the breakup. But going from speaking everyday, living together and sharing a bed with each other for the best part of four years to absolutely nothing.. it was hard. But fuck him. This is your night and you’re going to go in that ocean and you’re going to have fun. You thought you sounded crazy talking to yourself, maybe you were more drunk than you thought. 
You’d finally made your way to the beach, falling onto the sand as you attempted to take your shoes off. You stayed sat down, pulling the shoes off eventually while leaving them in the sand. You opted to stay in your dress, part of you couldn’t be bothered to try and unzip it yourself. Is this a good idea? The moon shone onto the water, the crashing of the waves was all you could hear, tuning out the people shouting from several feet away. Friday nights in Monaco were always loud. You felt the water on your feet as it slowly went up to your ankles. It was cold, but also refreshing. You closed your eyes as you continued to walk further into the water. It came up to your knees, then eventually the bottom half of your dress was wet. The water felt colder as it reached your tummy, but you continued to walk in. 
“I’ve found her! She’s in the fucking sea? Listen I’ll call you back.” You heard from further up the beach. Whoever it was, they were hardly whispering. Shouting if anything. 
“That sounds like Max” You whispered to yourself. You almost got up to your shoulders before you felt a pair of arms around your waist dragging you back closer to the shore. 
“Get off of me!” You yelled as you frantically kicked your legs and waved your arms. 
“Have you lost your damn mind!?” Max shouted as he helped you sit on the sand. “You could’ve fucking drowned!!” 
“That’s not your problem anymore. And FY Information, I was SWIMMING. Because you said we would and we never did.” You were well aware you didn’t say ‘FYI’ correctly, but you’re too hung up on the fact out of no where Max is here dragging you out of the ocean. 
“Why are you trying to swim in the ocean when you’re this drunk!? Why were Hannah and Eleanor not looking after you!?” Max frantically questioned as he picked up his phone from the sand. You’d just realised he too was now soaking from the chest down. 
“How do you know I was even with them? I could’ve been with another guy, or loads of other guys, or I don’t know.. at a guys club!!!” You defended as you rocked side to side. 
Max rolled his eyes as he put his phone to his ear. You hate to admit how good he looks, even if his clothes are soaked. 
“Hey, yeah she’s fine. No no, no need. Just thanks for calling me. Are you both okay getting home? Okay okay.. yeah I’ll make sure she gets home okay. Thanks again. Bye.” Max hangs up the phone as he turns his attention back towards you. 
“Was that your new girlfriend?” You questioned. 
“Don’t be stupid, Y/n. If you must know that was Hannah, she panicked when they’d lost you and said you were going on about the ocean. They couldn’t find you anywhere so called me for help.” You didn’t say anything back. It actually warmed your heart a little bit at the fact that not only did Max answer a call from one of your closest friends, but he actually came to help you. 
“Now come on, let’s get you back.” He said as he stood in front of you, holding both of his hands out to get you up. You grabbed his hands, feeling the strength of his arms as he had to hold you to stop you from falling over. 
“I’m not going home I’m going out with my friends.” You said, walking slightly ahead to grab your shoes, Max running up to you to keep you steady from nearly falling again. 
“Come on, come home.” He said, keeping ahold of your hand as he looks directly at you. 
“I don’t have a home here anymore.” You sharply said. And you was right. You Moved here for Max. You moved into his apartment. You never really had anything in Monaco. Just him. 
“Don’t be stubborn, Y/n. Let’s go home, yeah? We can talk things through.” Part of you wanted to simply tell him to fuck off. He broke your heart, he doesn’t deserve to ‘talk things through’ with you anymore. But another part of you wants to go with him, you want to talk. You have so many questions that needs answers. And it’s clearly no secret you’re still in love with him. 
You nodded slightly, Max grabbing your hand and taking your shoes in his other hand. The walk back to your once shared apartment was quiet, but not awkward. You’re really starting to wish you had some water now, not wanting your drunken emotions to take over anything you said to Max. 
Once back in the apartment Max left you dry off and get some warm clothes on in the bedroom as he done the same. Neither of you cared you were getting changed in front of each other again. It was normal. It’s what you were used to. You’ve missed it. Max motioned for you to sit on the bed which you did. The room was slightly messy, it looked as though Max was still living out of the suitcase he hasn’t bothered to sort out from the last race. 
“I don’t know what to say.” You whispered. Maybe this is slightly awkward. 
“Whatever you like. Whatever you want to get off your chest.” Max said as he sat on the edge of the bed, turning sideways to face you. 
“You’ve really broken me, Max.” You began, already feeling the tears roll down your cheeks. 
“I loved you, I supported you and stood by you through everything. Was it so wrong of me to start thinking about what was next for us? We were together for four years, Max! Four years, and you threw it away! How could you do that to me? To us?” You sobbed looking over to Max you could see he was hurting too. Maybe he’s just better at hiding it than you are. 
“Was it wrong for me to want to marry you? To want a baby with you? To have a future with you? Hm? I know how important your career is Max, you know I do. But you really chose that over us, over everything we had built together. Getting married and having kids doesn’t mean you have to give up racing you know? You didn’t have to give up either things, but you chose to give up me.” 
“I’m scared Y/n.” Max whispers, you looked up at him as he tried to stop his tears from falling. 
“I’m scared and I panicked. You started an innocent conversation about us getting married and having kids and it scared me- no, no, no, not you or doing those things with you, that’s not what scared me!” Max said as he saw your face change. 
“But- well- um-.. okay. I know you might not believe me right now, but you’re all I’ve ever wanted Y/n. I don’t know how I got so lucky with you. But when you spoke about us getting married I guess some of me felt so honoured that it’s me you want to spend the rest of your life with. I got so excited at the thought of us planning a wedding together. You’d look beautiful in your dress as were surrounded by all the people we love. But the other part of me thought how long can you keep leaving the girl you’re so madly in love with to race across the world. I know you come to races, but a husband doesn’t leave his wife for weeks on end. What if you realised you don’t want that life anymore? And there’s nothing more I could ever want than to start a family with you. To have a little me and you running about. But I’ll miss so much of their life, seeing them grow up, missing their first steps, their first words or their first birthday. I’ve known so many people to be a dad through a phone screen and I don’t want that. I don’t want to miss anything with you or a baby. And I got scared at the thought of missing my hypothetical child’s birthdays, god I sound like an idiot. I thought I needed time away from you, to clear my head but Y/n, don’t give me space, that’s the last thing I want with you. I’m sorry for being an idiot and I’m sorry for not calling or texting, I just didn’t know how to come out with it all-“ You cut Max off from his ramble by placing your lips on his, Max froze for a moment before you felt him relax a little more. 
“Did you really mean all of that?” You ask as Max nodded, smiling slightly as he wiped his eyes. 
“You really do want to marry me? To have kids?” Max nodded again as he turned slightly more so you were opposite each other. 
“I’ve been thinking this whole time. We’ve always made everything else in our lives together work, why can’t we make marriage and a baby work?” He asks. You lean over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“Stay with me tonight?” 
“So I can move back in now?” You joked. 
“As long as you don’t try to go swimming in the ocean again without me. That’s an us thing not a you thing.” Max joked back. 
Thank god you didn’t follow the girls and get that glass of water. 
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