macdennisofficial · 1 month
The Gang Gets TikTok
Dennis constantly and unironically does those "sexy pov" videos where he talks about choking you against walls while biting his lip talking about entering you and ppl sarcastically like them and duet with him but he doesn't get they're mocking him
Dee started with the "song changes beat halfway through and jump cut to a new fashion and make up trend" but eventually spiralled into trying to use the platform to get acting cred and does "characters" but also tries to hop in on all the meme trends but always does them wrong and way too late basically an attention seeking mess and the highest amount of likes she's ever received is 60 but she tells everyone she has a fan base
Charlie does those nonsensical weird tiktoks like a non sequitur comment about cheese then jump cuts to him screaming high pitched in the basement of the bar. He becomes tiktok famous for his absurdist weird shit
Mac recycles project badass back into the mix and does what he thinks are cool stunts to badass music but everyone thinks he's a parody account because they're kinda lame plus he has videos and videos of him dancing at gay clubs or just offering his opinion on everything "as a gay man." He's also the guy who videos himself violently replying to mean comments
Frank only does uncomfortable Cursed Tiktok material. Charlie shows up in his videos sometimes so he gets a lot of crossover fans.
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macdennisofficial · 2 months
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macdennisofficial · 3 months
How long until Dennis straddles Mac on their inflatable couch and fucks himself on his turgid throbbing cock while leaving the extra large anal beads vibrating at full blast in Mac's ass and end up popping the couch while they both scream for their mommies?
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macdennisofficial · 3 months
Dennis fucking the sex doll while getting pounded in the ass by Mac whose prostate is getting full-blast vibed by the extra large anal beads all because Johnny contacted Mac demanding a sex tape of them
"see Dennis I told you Johnny was real hahaha"
"he sure is baby boy"
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macdennisofficial · 4 months
We built this city on cock and hole
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macdennisofficial · 4 months
Curtis James Roper, born June 5, 1992, was welcomed into heaven by his mother, Tammy Jean Jackson, and great-grandfather, Clyde Wilkinson, on February 9, 2024, where they are likely playing cards.
Curtis was an amazing man who, even though he was the little brother, looked out for his two older sisters as if he were their big brother. They even called him “Little Big Bro” sometimes. As he had no children of his own, he often regarded his cousins as the closest thing to having kids - as well as his pampered chihuahua, Frito.
Curtis loved true crime, horror, and his family. He enjoyed ghost investigating, video games, and listening to music, particularly metal. He even went to a Metallica concert the same day he got a root canal. He was ecstatic they played Pulling Teeth.
With an adventurous and witty spirit, he could’ve easily been mistaken as the inspiration for the Indiana Jones films. The only thing bigger than his charismatic personality was his heart. We know our love for him was matched by his love for us. Rest easy, Curtis, and don’t forget to shake and bake.
(If you prefer venmo, donate here.)
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macdennisofficial · 4 months
Curtis James Roper, born June 5, 1992, was welcomed into heaven by his mother, Tammy Jean Jackson, and great-grandfather, Clyde Wilkinson, on February 9, 2024, where they are likely playing cards.
Curtis was an amazing man who, even though he was the little brother, looked out for his two older sisters as if he were their big brother. They even called him "Little Big Bro" sometimes. As he had no children of his own, he often regarded his cousins as the closest thing to having kids - as well as his pampered chihuahua, Frito.
Curtis loved true crime, horror, and his family. He enjoyed ghost investigating, video games, and listening to music, particularly metal. He even went to a Metallica concert the same day he got a root canal. He was ecstatic they played Pulling Teeth.
With an adventurous and witty spirit, he could've easily been mistaken as the inspiration for the Indiana Jones films. The only thing bigger than his charismatic personality was his heart. We know our love for him was matched by his love for us. Rest easy, Curtis, and don't forget to shake and bake.
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macdennisofficial · 4 months
As you are all aware, my brother is no longer with us. I know you didn't know him, but he was an amazing man who, even though he was my little brother, looked out for me as if he were my big brother.
We called him Little Big Bro sometimes.
He loved true crime, horror, his little chihuahua, Frito, and his family. He enjoyed ghost investigating and video games.
He was the greatest brother I could've ever hoped for. As much pain as losing him gives me, I would relive every moment I had with him even if it meant having to suffer through this again.
He knew we loved him, and we know he loved us. If there is an afterlife, he is with my mom now, at peace. They are likely playing Go Fish.
If you can spare anything, please donate. Even if you can't, share.
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macdennisofficial · 4 months
I'm gonna be honest with you all here. You don't need to worry about me hurting myself or joining my brother, but I am not okay, and I won't be for a very, very long time, if ever. I'm just warning you all in advance.
I have a support system, I am being checked on and I am checking on others. I am reminding myself to eat food and drink water and some electrolytes. I am still in literal emotional shock and am trying to follow the guidelines of treating emotional shock. This is absolutely traumatizing for me. Full disclosure.
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macdennisofficial · 4 months
I don't know if I'll ever be happy again.
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macdennisofficial · 4 months
As you are all aware, my brother is no longer with us. I know you didn't know him, but he was an amazing man who, even though he was my little brother, looked out for me as if he were my big brother.
We called him Little Big Bro sometimes.
He loved true crime, horror, his little chihuahua, Frito, and his family. He enjoyed ghost investigating and video games.
He was the greatest brother I could've ever hoped for. As much pain as losing him gives me, I would relive every moment I had with him even if it meant having to suffer through this again.
He knew we loved him, and we know he loved us. If there is an afterlife, he is with my mom now, at peace. They are likely playing Go Fish.
If you can spare anything, please donate. Even if you can't, share.
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macdennisofficial · 4 months
Here's a silly ask. I'm in my 30s now but I was once young dumb and full of cum like any other teen boy. I got tall and bearded early looked old as fuck tbh thought it was great then but less great when I go in to buy cigarettes nowadays and some guy says thank you for serving in Vietnam and I have to say bro. Bro. I was born in 1992 and went bald at 21. Anyway that's not the point. So I'm this 15 year old former fat boy with the rage of being bullied for being fat stuck suddenly in a 6'2 body. Wrestling and free weights were all I cared about. I'd been in so many street and school fights and won all of them. Because I was kicking the shit out of bullies teachers kinda turned a blind eye. Also because I was undefeated in wrestling and got my school gold in nationals I knew I can handle my shit. So there was a door greeter at Walmart who at the time I thought was old as balls cuz I was fifteen right but the dude was probably like. Forty. Some short Mexican guy. And he caught me shoplifting and I said wtf you getting mad at bro you ain't gonna touch me door greets can't do shit. And he says boy I ever see you steal shit again I'll teach you manners when I see you off the clock. Guy also worked at the bar and thought I was older than 21 cuz I looked older. Like full ass Brigham Young beard and a receeding hairline, couldn't even drive yet, so he never ID me. Bold as hell I steal shit in front of him again. I knew I could take his old ass, I was in my prime. So I see him at the bar later that night and he meets me outside both of us sober. He says you really gonna get your ass beat over a Snickers? in front of the bar crowd and I go someone's about to and charged him. To say he beat my ass would be a lie. He didn't beat it. He obliterated my ego and body and soul there in front of everybody I fucking knew. Had me spinning around his 5'2 head like one of bruce lee's bo staffs and bapping me against the walls and sidewalk. My dumb ass kept standing up and he kept going you sure son? and I was like shit yeah. Well eventually I just kept my ass on the ground and he helps me up, asks what my name is, says he'll take me home since I walked there. Goes why did you walk? I say oh I'm not sixteen yet. And that's how I got permanently 86'd from every bar in my hometown.
This is top tier, excellent pacing and character development. The drama of a Wal Mart greeter who cares way too much about his job vs the kid who definitely needed to be taken down a peg (I mean. You did. Sorry. <3). A+.
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macdennisofficial · 4 months
While these happened to me on vacation, you can answer them if they happened to you at all, even if not on vacation!
Feel free to explain in detail!
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macdennisofficial · 4 months
"My mother was dead. I fell to my knees."
I'm a toddler. I'm listening to Mom read. She pauses. She blinks. She continues. Death happens on TV sometimes. My mom's eyes are wet. I don't know this feeling.
"My mother was dead. I fell to my knees."
I'm a child. I'm on the steps at recess. I'm reading a book. I'm always reading a book. My mother is alive so I don't know the feeling exactly. I have lost pets and great grandparents. I cried and hugged my mom when they died. She wasn't normal for awhile after. My grandma isn't normal still.
"My mother was dead. I fell to my knees."
I'm a preteen. I'm in junior high. A peer I've known for years says this after a month's absence. His face is wet and red. He is always quiet now, though he is titled Class Clown in last year's yearbook. My mom cries with me when I tell her. We hug in the car.
"My mother was dead. I fell to my knees."
I'm in high school. My teacher reads out loud to the class. I write my notes for the upcoming essay and the final exam. The author is important. This is a driving force for the character. The teacher pauses; says he lost his mother too. When he reads again, he has to clear his throat. This must be accurate then, I tell my mother later. She says she assumes so, since her mom said the same.
"My mother was dead. I fell to my knees."
I'm in college. I'm listening to my professor. This is bad writing from an overrated author, he teaches. This is telling and not showing. Nobody falls to their knees in real life, he insists. This is a cliche. His mother is still alive, he tells us when questioned by another student. My mother and I gossip on the phone about his arrogance that night.
"My mother was dead. I fell to my knees."
I'm in my early twenties. I delete the sentence fifteen times. I can't get over this block, I tell my mother, rubbing my forehead. It's so cliche. It's not raw enough, I sigh. She works in a nursing home. She sees death often. We call Grandma still. It's fine, she tells us both. Keep the line. They're not literary analysts though. I abandon the project.
"My mother was dead. I fell to my knees."
I'm twenty-seven. I am reading a parody to my best friend. I wrote it when I was in college. It isn't affectionate. It's intentionally written poorly. We are chuckling at the cliches I mocked. My mother is in the hospital. The doctors tell us she will make a full recovery. We are celebrating. My phone rings. Hello Grandma, I answer mid laugh, my best friend listening.
My mother is dead.
I fall to my knees.
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macdennisofficial · 4 months
a lot of the popular "queerbait" ships are just "these two characters are friends / they stood close together once" but every once in a while i'll stumble into an unfamiliar ship tag and see shit like "in episode 169 Scrungko gives Blorbis multiple prostate orgasms with an anal vibrator while pretending to date him" and like. idk what the hell is going on there. but if it's not queerbait then they just invented something even more insane. maybe y'all are right sometimes.
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macdennisofficial · 4 months
"Then who's Dennis?"
(it's totally normal for a man to pretend he's gay and in a relationship with his best friend every time he has the chance to pretend he's someone else...)
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macdennisofficial · 4 months
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dom!Mac confirmed
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