"is this too cliche?" who cares? bro, write what you have fun writing. stuff your manuscript full of your favourite tropes. the same themes you love. all inspired by things you grew up with. do it all. go off. load. it. up. be freeeee
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Honestly fuck Tamlin he is an idiot.
I want Helion and Leonora to be back together but I feel neither of them is really ready to ever be back together. Because Leonora knows she’s gonna have to, at some point, address the elephant in the room (Lucy baby)
Once again, I just love how he is so protective of her. He protects without being overbearing and it just goes to show how aware of her he is 🥰
Every things good Eris has ever had in his life, has been harmed or taken away from him.
He’s not going to let anyone do the same to his mate - especially now that Beron is gone and he actually has some control over his life and Court.
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Chapter 17.
When they talk about the clothing. And he says the “you should be worshipped” I literally dropped by phone on my face. I was in just such a state of shock and wonderment and horniness. Like wow I just wow.
“Whatever smiles you see are your doing.” This piece of dialogue has not right being that romantic sad and perfect no. Just no. This was me:
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I am in absolute love with their interactions. They’re kinda flirty in a super duper subtle way. Specially on his side but she just keeps up with it. They ping pong off each other so beautifully. 🥰🥰🥰
I sometimes want to smack her but I’m sure she’ll be smacked (about how she makes him weak and such, she really needs to get a better understanding of mating bonds)
The clothes 😱😱😱
The doggies 🥰 I love how the doggies love her of course they would
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I had to go be an adult 🙄 but I’m back
Chapter 16. Girl, like I was just dying when he had food for them at a special place and then she ask questions and he answered them, AND ANSWERED THEM HONESTLY. Because you know it would have been super easy for him to just lie but my god he just knows. AND HE KNOWS HER WELL DESPITE NOT BEING AROUND HER
I bet he was pacing and frothing at the mouth while she was asleep and then after while she was with Lucien. Poor boy I really bet he was just dying on the inside.
I feel real sad about her feeling like prisoner but she needs to get it. She is a walking talking target now and I know she wants to go out there and be free and independent and what not I feel that I get that but like girlie you will be killed.
Anyway, I love Eris? I think I do. You’ve written him so amazingly like this aloof dude who’s just so soft for his lady love but he’s also not ashamed of being soft for her in front of people. And I love how he’s just accepted this is my mate this is my love.
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I don’t even know what to say at this point.
She knows, he knows that she knows and she just wants to disappear? When before she was thinking “why won’t Elain give Lucien a chance?” Girly give Eris a chance
She’s a bit of a hypocrite 😬
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Chapter 14 and 15 have murdered me
Omg. Where did she go? Was she going to Eris and like berate him or say something? If she was was wearing that white thingy was she dancing around a fire or something?
Befaron truly is just a nasty dude, I mean to be constantly bullying all your family just shows how much of an insecure imbecile you are.
I can’t believe Lucien was there, and Jurian and Vassa.
Omg I just died. I get why NESTA said something but she truly is a gossipy meddling lady. A. It’s not your place to say, b. You don’t even know the implications of your actions, and c. Not everything works like romance novels.
I think Eris should know just kick everyone out and take care of his lady. And be happy for a bit because I know for ducking sure that now that Eris is high lord the shit show is going to start, I mean whenever you start your leaderhood (I’m making this a word) killing the previous one it’s always really complicated to placate everyone specially if everyone saw you killing the previous one. I’m also very curious to see what is going to happen to her now that everyone knows she’s his mate and that everyone in the autumn court knows she’s a witch. The dynamic is going to be interesting because she has this advantages of being an awesome warrior and the witchy stuff.
This is so very interesting and I am now an Eris convert. It’s so vivid and so amazing and honestly it feels like I’m reading the actual book. I love this and I am an idiot for taking this long to read this.
“If she was was wearing that white thingy was she dancing around a fire or something?”
I was trying to imply that they ripped her clothes off of her because they’re disgusting and did it to shame her and torture her. 😬😬😬
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I will die I seriously will I am just dying
I loooove that she is very aware of him, asking him about what he’ll do and how excited he gets about it omg they’re so cute and then them joking about the poison. He’s gonna get sick, I’m telling you he is going to get sick and she will feel so bad and she’ll have to do something and then she’ll know and everyone will know and omg I can’t wait
Like full on pterodactyl screeching, she fed him AAAAAHHHHHHH
I will die
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Holy ducks wow, she out there being a truther and shadow boy is all like 😮 but he knows it’s so true omg that was intense and wow just wow
Fuck Beron.
I feel like Lucien and her are gonna be beasties at some point. He gonna find out and he’s gonna meddle. I want him to meddle, but he probably doesn’t have the time to do that what with him looking for love potions (😂)
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Oh Azriel. I hope his are just friendly protective feelings because if that dude intends to have some sort of romantic situation ship with her he can go sit on a cactus.
I feel so bad for Eris. Why is his life so doomed?! Aaaahhhh I love that Feysand are conspiring (I’m choosing to call it that now) so that Eris and her can meet and be merry.
I feel like when Azriel mention the whole it’s a pity your dear old dad is still alive was a big massive dig. Which is why I really hope we have drama there just for shits and giggles.
I am enjoying this so much. I feel so dum dum for waiting so long to read this. Prepared to be spammed. I even had to change devices, my phone died on me.
“he can go sit on a cactus.” 😂😂😂
I love being spammed like this. So I’m enjoying it immensely 😊
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I will die. You will be responsible.
When Leonora said Are scared to love someone? Or are you scared she will not love you in return?” The way I gasped.
And then the whole battle situation. I felt the adrenaline in my body so intensely.
Wow. Goodness I’m just 4 in and I am dying.
Oohhh and then Eris feeling it 😰😰😰😰😰 I feel like he’s gonna pop in night and be like Rhysand you bitch and then they gonna see each other and she gonna not trust him but she’ll remember him from when she fainted.
Aaaahhhh I will die.
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Yes, I am a bitch. That’s why I like her.
“You like Nesta so you must be a bitch too.” I AM actually. A bitch with taste.
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Jason todd x reader - clingy thoughts
(guys i have no motivation to start writing most days so like whenever I get comments or requests in my inbox I get rlly excited and actually feel like writing)
if jason could, he would melt his skin so it could stick to yours . He is so touch starved but more than that he is just ...starved. like he hasn't ever had anything properly good in his life. and then you're just there and he doesn't think something better could exist
he wants to look at you, he stares a lot. even when he is cuddling you, he's looking at your hands, your hair, whatever he can see in the position
he likes casual intimacy more than fancy intimacy. like linking pinkies when walking, resting your head on his shoulder on the bus, your legs being pressed against each other when you're sitting on a rooftop. something you'd do without thinking but he is constantly thinking about it.
he isn't the lift and spin sort of guy ( like after a mission or something) he is a holds you and falls to the ground from the pain of being separated from you for too long. he is the don't to dare pull away, tears in his eyes, body shaking sort of guy.
he hates being away from you, even across the table is too far. wants to sit next to you or hold your hand if you're sitting across. make sure the table isn't too big. the distance hurts him, its like he has an internal radar that if you cross , his head goes red .
give him any sign that you are just as clingy or even that you don't hate his guts and he will just freeze. he doesn't know how to reciprocate touch, feelings, words, everything but he really really wants to. so just because he stiffens up when you hug him doesn't mean he is gonna let you leave the hug .
his sweetest words come out at like 4am , when you're in the bathtub, sitting on a roof, eating snacks on the floor of your room or lying in bed . you cant be facing him cause he will forget whaT he wanted to say once he sees your face. he is super tired from crime fighting or after s'x or after a nightmare. don't make a big deal out of it cause he wont take it well and will get embarrassed.
he is just so protective, you rlly cant blame him.
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Just started gust&flame after I finished acotar.
I am intrigued by you choosing Eris. Everyone doing acotar fanfic is doing Azriel (which I get), the other two Illyrian babies or Lucien.
I am very very intrigued.
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No safety net.
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