healerrosier · 2 years
Evan feigned casualness. Or maybe he really was that casual and it was just James who was on edge at seeing the other. Rosier acted as though he was expecting James to show up at St. Mungo’s with injuries or something, which made James smile sarcastically. “No, I think I’d rather die than let you heal me,” he said with a false brightness, as though they were just talking about Quidditch scores. “Besides, now with you gone, Emme isn’t really keeping up that ban you’d suggested before, so I think I’d just go to her at HQ if I got injured. Since, you know, she’s our healer and all now.”
Not only was James pissed off about Rosier leaving the Order because of some unwarranted tantrum, but he’d also left Emmeline. James didn’t care if they were keeping in contact or anything (he wasn’t sure they were, but Emmeline wasn’t nearly as annoyed with Evan as James was, so he could make a guess Rosier hadn’t left her high and dry) because Emmeline still wasn’t a trained healer and now all this pressure was left on her shoulders. James worried about what it might do to her. She’d been doing so well lately that he would quite literally go after Evan if this caused any sort of backslide for her.
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Rosier, apparently, didn’t see it same way as him, though. Because the other gave an amused look and said that he thought James’ word choice was strong. He gave excuses to James, like it was okay, and it only made James roll his eyes. “Loyalty doesn’t mean you get what you want,” James pointed out. “It means you stay even when you don’t.” He licked his lips, shot Evan a look. “But I wouldn’t expect you to know the first thing about it.”
He crossed his arms. “You can say whatever you want about it, but I’m still gonna see it how I see it. You left us because you were angry. Simple as that. I don’t care if you come back, none of us will ever trust you the same.” Honestly, he was ready to be done here. He didn’t need to talk to Evan Rosier. He didn’t have anything else to say, nothing left to hear. He would’ve been fine never, ever seeing him again for the rest of his life.
It was an odd sort of calm for Evan. He wasn’t manic - at least he would say he wasn’t - and it wasn’t the apathetic mood that had lingered the weeks leading after stating he was taking time to himself. There was no denying that stepping back had done some good. It was something he would have done sooner or thought better of if it weren’t for the fact that he hadn’t realized he was bordering on a breakdown.
James spoke again and Evan was left giving him a bemused expression. He wasn’t certain if he was looking for a reaction or not but he wasn’t going to give one. “She has a good head on her shoulders,” He admitted. “Even with my disagreeing with that notion.”
Another chuckle escaped before Evan could stop it, his hand flying up to cover his mouth and attempt to disguise the sound as a cough. “This wasn’t over not getting what I want,” He shook his head. “Not that I would expect you to understand but there’s only a handful of times someone can request clear communication and not get it before running out of options. There wouldn’t have been nearly as well thought out of a plan for my absence if it were over throwing a temper tantrum. Severus can attest to that.”
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He very well could have mentioned Emmeline instead but there was a small sense of pleasure that accompanied bringing up Snape. “You are welcome to your opinion and I’ll be sure to make note of the preference for Emmeline but I will need it in writing if you want nothing to do with me once I am back. Can’t afford having Jones presume my own prejudices got in the way of healing you after all.”
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healerrosier · 2 years
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PURPLE HEARTS (2022) dir. Elizabeth Allen, Ben Lewin
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healerrosier · 2 years
Alice stopped dead at Evan’s greeting, the words on her own lips dying as his comment reached her ears. She raised her eyebrows at him and, instead of the salutation she had planned, said simply, “Sod the meal, what the fuck is going on?”
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She sat down as she said it, of course, because while Alice didn’t have any idea what he was going on about regarding a “more expensive meeting place,” she also certainly didn’t need him to “cover the meal” regardless—nor did she require a fancier repast (if she had, she would have said so in her response to his request for a meeting) as he very well ought to know, which meant that was probably meant to be some kind of joke…but “probably” was as far as Alice was willing to push any assumption about Evan Rosier these days.
Hence, of course, their little lunch date. In fact Alice would actually have preferred a different location, but not an expensive restaurant: rather she would have met with Evan somewhere in the privacy of one of their own homes. The problem with that was the fact that neither of them lived alone, and while Alice and Frank hadn’t exactly argued about Theo’s betrayal and subsequent gestation revelation…well, it was a tense and awkward subject, and thus one that Alice preferred to avoid discussing. Frank seemed keen to wave away all of the damage that Theo had done to the Order on the basis that she was pregnant now and that was the only thing that mattered; Alice was less forgiving (or simply less besotted with the idea of childbirth) but keen to skirt anything concerning the subject of babies with her husband…and Theo, of course, could not be trusted as part of this conversation for obvious reasons.
Hence the public setting. Anonymity—and not causing a scene that would draw attention—would have to substitute for privacy. Alice grabbed a menu, but more for the sake of appearances than because she was actually interested in the foods listed there. Her eyes stayed fixed on Evan’s face. Did he look tired, or was she projecting?
The look Evan gave could be described as perplexed at best Ordinarily, he would have had a look of disinterest plastered over his features as a way of masking how he felt. He was too emotionally drained for trying to keep up anything past forced pleasantries. Acknowledging that had him rapidly running through what Alice possibly could have been referencing.
A loud sigh escaped before Evan went to answer. Even with carefully picking what he should have said, the words didn’t feel good enough. He ran his hands through his hair and absentmindedly pulled it back into a bun, only looking at Alice once certain the style would stay without his needing to add a ribbon or spell to it to hold it in place.
“I may need you to elaborate on that,” Evan offered a weak attempt at a smile. “At the very least, tell me what part of things you are what the fuck-ing.” It wasn’t the time to be cracking jokes or attempting to lighten the conversation but Evan couldn’t help it. Any excuse to not keep the look of disdain he had recently taken to using glued to his lips was one he would take without hesitation.
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“Theo is pregnant - St. Mungo’s confirmed it. Yes, I am sticking at her side, no my parents didn’t take that news well. Father’s not appreciating that decision is why I have not been showing my face anywhere besides work and home,” He wrinkled his nose after admitting everything in a hushed whisper. “Got promoted at work no thanks to Potter and Jones on that one. And no, their interference isn’t the only reason I decided a break from things was necessary. I think that about covers everything from my end.”
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healerrosier · 2 years
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healerrosier · 2 years
More supplies for the illegal infirmary Rosier ran, staring at him until they broke his resolve and forced his hand. Somehow, Alastor didn’t think he was kidding, but still found a hint of amusement in the statement - though, far be it from him to actually show that.
The man was worse than a child, holding grudges like he did. The single grudge Alastot Moody held in his life plagues him during his day-to-day profession; there was cause for it. But in a place where they needed to trust and to work with one another? There was certainly a lot of them, and not just Rosier.
“I don’t think she would, but it may be best. So she knows where to out everything, at the least. You like everything just so, yeah?” It was just a statement, no animosity behind it. If Rosier wanted to leave them to their own devices because he thought it’d teach Hestia a lesson, then that was his decision.
He would be the one to live with the guilt if anyone died because he was gone.
“Perhaps place a missive in there for Snape, too. Just in case your protest stretches longer than you intend, on account of your conversation with your parents.”
“I already let Emmeline know to get in contact if she thinks things may require my returning earlier than planned,” He admitted and glanced down at his shoes. Evan wasn’t used to having older men in his life that were actually willing to hear him out or opt for conversing without immediately jumping toward chastising him or saying his thoughts were of little importance. He still couldn’t get a good read off of Alastor but was able to recognize he didn’t need to focus on being fully defensive when speaking to him.
“Theodosia as well,” Evan added and shook his head, falling silent for a moment before continuing. “She can vouch I care too much to resort to properly abandoning Emme.” Or all of them for that matter but he didn’t dare vocalize that part.
Evan managed to nod when his parents were brought up but that was the only response he gave at first. “Severus and Emmeline are more than capable,” Evan added after a moment of silence. “Lily with the potions but I… I am not comfortable volunteering her for that.” Not after the hours spent fretting over her well-being. He was still grappling with the after effects of having been thoroughly worried about the very person the mark on his forearm would have preferred being left for dead.
“There are too many possibilities for how that conversation will go,” He gave Alastor a sheepish smile. “But I doubt it will be pleasant. That is the one thing that has me wishing things would have been more on my terms instead of...” He trailed off, knowing that would have meant admitting he and Theo hadn’t been as careful as they should have been. “The baby isn’t due for months and they already have me wrapped around their fingers.”
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healerrosier · 2 years
Emmeline was nervous. When Evan had invited her over for dinner, she had been surprised. And then the surprise had turned into panic that turned into nerves. Emme and Evan spent a lot of time together, but that was always in the infirmary or at the estate, not at his flat. What if it was really weird and awkward? At the estate they always had Order business to fall back on, or healing. But dinner at his flat? That was so formal. She had no idea what she should even wear to dinner at Evan’s. And would Theo be there? She kind of hoped not, Theo scared her. At least with Evan if things were weird she could probably ask him about something she read in one of his books. But what would she talk about with Theo? Emme wished that Dirk was coming with her, at least then she would have him to fall back on. 
She stood outside of Evan’s door for far longer then she would care to admit. The thought of going home had crossed her mind a number of times, but she had to do this. She needed to be brave. And it was…just Evan. And maybe Theo. 
Knocking on the door, she fidgeted uncomfortably as she waited for Evan to come and answer the door. She nearly jumped when she heard the bark, and when the door opened, she saw the flash of dark fur, and nearly panicked, before it registered that the dog was just a puppy and she was already licking her hand, so she was clearly friendly. “It’s okay,” Emme replied. “She’s cute,” she complimented the dog as she looked at her again. “How old is she?” 
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It all came down to being a conversation that was best suited for outside of the estate. Too many listening ears and far too many people that had managed to push his patience to its breaking point. Had he done some reflecting on the events from the day before, he would have been able to admit the Order neglecting to mention things to him wasn’t purely to blame for his realizing he was in over his head. The adult thing to do would have involved acknowledging such to the person he snapped at but he wasn’t going to get into that with Emmeline. At least, he hoped it wouldn’t have to turn into admitting more than he would usually deem necessary. Not that he was in for an easy conversation as it was.
“Just over four months,” Evan sighed. “And already testing limits if you couldn’t tell.” He made a mental note to leave Ourse in her room the next time he or Theo had company over. That or on her leash.
He pressed his lips together in an attempt at hiding the worried expression that wanted to take over. “I wasn’t sure what you would want but there’s a little bit of everything for dinner. Made Theo’s favorite of course and can already bet she will be telling me I overdid it once she is home.” It gave him something to do with his hands and that was truly all he could ask for with everything else going on. “I have some… News I guess?” Not the most eloquent way of sharing his thought but it was that or blurting everything out without a warning once they were both situated. “Too much to share via owl or patronus and not something I would have been comfortable admitting back at the estate.”
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healerrosier · 2 years
James had gone into Diagon Alley to make a quick stop to grab him and Emmeline some stuff for home. He could’ve ordered by owl or just Apparated in and out of the place, but without Order business to do, there wasn’t much else for him to do. He didn’t have a job like most people in the Order - and his friends were fractured, meaning he was really only spending time with each of them one-on-one. It gave him more time than he would’ve been used to before his capture. Time he’d decided to fill by taking the long way home, walking through Muggle London before finding another spot to Apparate to Godric’s Hollow.
Unfortunately, that meant running into Evan Rosier. Not that James couldn’t decide to literally just walk the other way - he honestly could care less what the bloke thought about him, since Rosier had already written him off anyway. He’d considered doing just yet, despite their eyes meeting, when Evan spoke.
It wasn’t kind, even with the false pretenses at the end that it might’ve been so. A pureblooded wizard, those fake manners etched into him as though he couldn’t escape. James didn’t have that same problem. He laughed. “Is it?” he said with a sarcasm grin. “Come on, Rosier, I wouldn’t have pegged you for a liar. Is it really good to see me?”
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There was a bit of an edge to James’ voice as well. Rosier had ditched them. Abandoned them. Jumped ship just because he couldn’t handle getting his way. And people thought James acted like a toddler. There was nothing in this world that would ever make him leave the Order like Evan Rosier had. “Well, I can’t say the same for you,” he continued. He pointed at Evan as though he was just remembering something. “Or, uh, did you forget that I’m still loyal to the organization that you abandoned?”
“Seeing as you have yet to show up at my place of employment with an injury gained from being an ignoramus,” Evan paused to look James over. “Yes, since this is more preferable.” Not seeing him at all would have been the most preferred option but Evan was taking the liberty of trying to be civil. Trying and actively being civil, however, would prove to be two different things since Evan was in a decent enough mood to remain mostly unbothered by Potter’s statement.
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The use of the word abandoned nearly earned a chuckle from Evan. Primarily since he had done anything but. He had taken a step back to cool down instead of letting his temper hit the point of saying something he would have regretted. There was no denying the plan of two weeks off had turned into almost a month but the additional time was warranted in his eyes.
Healing while distracted from being incredibly annoyed at the lack of communication from the Order after explicitly stating he expected better of them would have been asking for disaster. Add in his having given permission to a select few to get in touch with him and restocking the ingredients he had ordered instead of leaving them to go bad at his flat, and he could hardly call it abandoning. He couldn’t call it taking a holiday either since that would have involved traveling instead of voluntarily getting disowned.
“Abandoned is a strong word,” Evan mused and shook his head. “Those that could be trusted with not ruining the first bit of personal time I put to use were told to contact me if things warranted needing to reappear earlier than planned.” Alastor, Emmeline, and Theodosia were deemed levelheaded enough to make that call before things turned into the Order scrambling while dealing with a life or death situation. He hadn’t made a point to let that information be broadcasted since the pettier side of him was perfectly fine with people believing his patience had reached its breaking point. “Can’t expect someone to remain loyal when it’s been made clear the sentiment isn’t mutual time and time again.”
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healerrosier · 2 years
It almost was getting to the point that it felt normal for their flat to be filled with such emotion and tension. It as like the world’s tension was slipping into their home. And she disliked it. Theo had known it wasn’t going to be easy. Not with the choices that they’d both made. But things just seemed to be coming at them from all angles at the moment. It made her frustrated, which she knew was not good for the baby. Theo just wanted their home to feel like a safe place to go, and right now it did not feel like that.
“Gods. I thought they could get no worse.” The brunette murmured, rolling her eyes. She really was not shocked at all to be honest. “It’s like nobody is more important than them getting what they want, however they want to get it.” And from the meeting she’d been able to gather that they actually hadn’t been able to get what they wanted. A part of her wanted to say it was karma. It was not right to meddle with someone’s workplace. Not when that person could end up in trouble. “Yeah. If they’ve not listened to you once, I can’t imagine them suddenly starting now. Which is so wrong.” it was almost like they did not value Evan and his skills.
“Oh….” So she as going to have to face the order on her own now? That sucked. But she understood. “I get it….” She murmured, biting on her lip as she looked at him. She probably would have done exactly the same. “You’re the best healer they’ve got. No offence to Emmeline, but she can’t compare.” And she knew that they would feel the gap that Evan would left. “I hope it works….. but what if they don’t get the point?”
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“They’ve been in the habit of not listening to me,” He admitted. “I didn’t have a reason to be properly annoyed about it up until now.” That was putting things lightly since he would have preferred avoiding the whole situation of dealing with Regulus being added to the pre-mission team from the last one altogether but he had been at a point of doing what he was there to do and not being dramatic at the time.
“Best healer they’ve got and likely the only one in England that is deranged enough to work with them in the present political climate while actively working and advancing their position at the hospital,” Evan grumbled. “Not to mention the fact that they weren’t charged for the adaptations I made and aren’t the ones providing the rarer ingredients for the potions and salves that get put to use.” He hadn’t expected anything in return besides his respect for the profession turning into being respected instead of feeling like he was being walked all over.
“I didn’t get that far into thinking things through,” Evan sighed. “Temper flared up at being told they were acting in my best interests by not telling me.” He pressed closer to Theo and gave another sigh, running his fingers through his hair. “I can hold a grudge if I have to but it wouldn’t be at the Order as a whole. Just a select few. I don’t mind avoiding people until the annoyance becomes clear. Alastor may put a limit on my not allowing Potter anywhere near the infirmary unless he's dying though.”
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healerrosier · 2 years
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healerrosier · 2 years
Wila raised an eyebrow at the look that passed Evan’s face, quietly challenging him to have an issue with her congratulations. She knew how to be discreet, and if she thought that there was possibly any kind of danger she wouldn’t have said anything. She wasn’t looking to get Evan or Theo into trouble. “Of course,” she acknowledged his thanks. 
She was under the impression that having a baby was never a particularly easy task, but given the circumstances, Wila was sure that it was even more difficult. And while Theo was struggling with her own feelings, she was sure that Evan was struggling even more. The weight of the Rosier name and all of that. “I think that they say that you can’t always plan for everything in life,” Wila mused, looking at him. “Sometimes unexpected things happen for a reason.” 
“I’m alright,” she shrugged her shoulders. “Busy as usual with my Father in Thailand. I almost prefer it this way, truthfully, but he wants to be just as involved so it’s just an added layer of bullshit I’m dealing with.” 
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Evan shrugged at the raised eyebrow from Wila, all too used to receiving an identical look from Theodosia when it came to receiving the hint to quickly think over the consequences of what he planned on doing or saying next. The thank you was more than sufficient but it still left him feeling uneasy.
“That or whoever’s looking out for me decided it best for me to stop dragging my feet on things,” He chuckled. It didn’t help him with feeling any more lighthearted about the situation as a whole. At least the laugh hadn’t come out forced. “I feel like there is too much to sort out and not nearly enough time.”
Evan nodded when Wila spoke again. “Makes me wish my Mother would convince Father to visit family back in the Philippines,” He added. “Although I would bet he could do just as much damage from there as he does here. It would give my sisters a well earned break from his whims though.”
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healerrosier · 2 years
Theo just raised an eyebrow at his words. He was fine? He was so obviously not fine, and she wondered if he’d even think she would believe that? Over the years Theo had gotten pretty good at being able to read him. It was not a surprise. He’d been her best friend, along with her boyfriend, for many years. But she valued her ability to be able to tell when something was the matter with him. Evan could close himself off so easily, and she liked the fact that it didn’t work with her. It meant that she could be sure that she would be able to support him.
“You’re obviously not fine Evan.” She murmured quietly. She didn’t want to make him feel worse, but she didn’t see the point of him lying about it. Theo sighed, rubbing her hand on his back to try and calm him down. Although she had no idea really how to do that. By his word she could piece together what had happened, and she didn’t like it.
“Maybe just as well I didn’t come….” She murmured, her voice quiet as she tried to put a little humour into the conversation. She was still, of course, feeling guilt for not coming with him though. This was as much her fault as it was him, and she didn’t want him taking all the fall. It wasn’t fair.  He was already losing so much because of this, and she really didn’t like it.
“I’m sorry….” She murmured, biting on her lip, as she wiped away his tears. “I….. I should have just gone…..” Her voice was quiet, knowing that Evan wouldn’t like her words. “You shouldn’t have had to pick between your sisters and me…. it’s not fair….”
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The eyebrow raise was enough to make Evan let the weak attempt at masking his emotions drop. There was minimal difference in his expression past the slightest shift in his lips. He couldn’t lie to her. That was already evident in the way she looked at him but Evan knew better than to assume she would think he was being factual.
“You wouldn’t have liked what he had to say,” Evan muttered and used his right hand to wipe both his eyes. There were too many insinuations toward deliberately putting Theodosia in harm’s way for him to be able to elaborate past his initial statement. “For the best you hadn’t.”
His head snapped up when she apologized, eyes locking with hers when she elaborated. There were no words in response at first but he promptly shook his head. He would have fully supported whatever decision she made on the matter but the idea of losing her was one he couldn’t fathom.
“My mind has been set since before…” He trailed off and shrugged, biting into his lower lip in an attempt to silence a wince of pain since doing so jostled his arm enough to shift the covering over his wound. “This added a bit of urgency to things is all. Evangeline was already in on it.”
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healerrosier · 2 years
Being used to things was something Emma found herself able to relate to. 
Albeit a relatively knew feeling, she could understand the strange sense of acceptance for a terrible situation. There was a sort of calm to the hopelessness of it. Once you stopped struggling to keep your head above the raging waters of panic, Emma had found, there was a sense of calm. Almost a sense of observing from the outside at the situation. It had been a while since that calm had washed over her. The last time she could keenly remember it was moments after the word ‘anything’ had left her lips. The fight was over and she had lost. There had been nothing to do at that point but to simply observe. To watch calmly, and learn how her life was to change. 
For Evan though, it seemed (to Emma, at least) that being used to it, to him was something different. Maybe not the sense of dissociative calm… And he was used to something from his family. Emma couldn’t fathom an instance where she would need to withdraw far away from herself with her family. Not to the extent that she associated with being used to things they oughtn’t be. 
The question he posed at his and Theo’s predicament forced a long, slow sigh to hiss from her lungs. Would it be enough? Perhaps that was the most important question for those of them who hung ever so precariously between the Order and the Dark Lord. Would it ever be enough? Would their services, freely given or otherwise, would they ever be enough to free them? Ever enough to absolve them of the guilt that came from patching the wounds of those who’s faces they lied to every single day? Would they ever be free from it, truly?
“Does… Does she think she has?” In truth, Emma didn’t know the details of the other’s work in spying. She avoided talking business, especially with Theo. If for no other reason than so that no one (especially not someone as committed as Theo) would catch her slip up. So Emma did not really have much of a clue as to her secure Theo was in her standing. All Emma did know for certain, was that Theo’s blood made her place with the Dark Lord a precarious one… 
She paled a little as he spoke. Listening to Evan speak aloud the things she was too much a coward to admit to herself… It was a sobering reality. “They won’t take kindly to any of us, I don’t think, should they find out.” She said, her voice soft. “But I don’t think they would punish an innocent… No matter their lineage. They might not want to help you, but the child? They’d certainly help the child.”
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It had been best to do as he was told with minimal complaint. Had been best to follow the guidelines that had been set since birth. Carefully chosen moves to have it come crashing down sooner than he would have preferred. It was a miracle in itself that he had managed to avoid his parents forcing him into a betrothal without his consent on the matter.
His parents barely knew him at this point in his life. How could they when his personal interests didn’t line up with the idyllic future they had crafted for him from the moment they learned they got their heir on the first try? He was all too used to carefully guarding thoughts around them that not practicing occlumency when at the manor had become a rarity.
“Does it matter?” Evan hadn’t meant to be as blunt as he was but there was no stopping the words once the thought came to mind. “My father is held at high enough esteem he could convince the Dark Lord make both of us miserable if he puts two and two together.” Another worry to add to the seemingly never ending list of repercussions the current situation would have. If it turned into being pulled from the Order to the field for the death eaters… There would be no way of explaining his way out of that predicament.
“I cannot admit I would have done less with Lily,” Evan grimaced and shook his head. “Not this far into things. I do not plan on doing anything less either.” Admitting such shouldn’t have felt like a death sentence. Not when he had been dedicated to the Order as long as he was. There was merely the matter of knowing the Dark Lord would see no shame in making an example out of him for what happened when supporters’ loyalties faltered.
“I still question if that is enough,” Evan sighed. “I suppose there won’t be any knowing until it gets to their finding out. That is nearly as terrifying as trying to keep the secret with the knowledge this may turn into the Death Eater end of things taking a more unpleasant shift.” He could handle himself if it meant defusing the consequences on Theodosia’s end. “I’m not comfortable with asking for assistance until certain they won’t cast Theo and the baby aside the moment they discover the mark on my forearm.”
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healerrosier · 2 years
Theodosia hated seeing him like this. It didn’t happen all too often. Evan might be dramatic, but he didn’t react all like this too often. She supposed that was what made it worse for her. Evan was strong, and it made her stronger. So, she hated seeing him like this. She bit her lip, snuggling closer to him. She didn’t know if she had the words to comfort him, but she could be here, and she could just hope that was enough. 
“You don’t have too….” She murmured, her hand slipping underneath the back of his shirt, so that she could gently run her fingers along his lower back. In moments like this she appreciated skin to skin contact, and figured he did too. She bit her lip as he spoke, and she could now understand why he was so angry. “Bastards” She grumbled, trying to not work herself up. They didn’t need her to be stressed too. She disliked how much the Order liked to meddle in things, especially things that they did not know too much about.
“Do you think this will really impact that promotion?” Theo knew how much his work was important to him. He worked hard. He worked long hours, both at St. Mungos and in the Order. He deserved this promotion, and she was going to be angry if he lost it because of the Order’s meddling. Her hand stilled for a moment, as she thought. “What is your next move? Have you spoke to them?”
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Evan was grateful for Theodosia’s presence. She was one of the few steadfast people in his life as of recent and he was thankful for the dynamic between them. He would have been just as happy snuggled up against her instead of saying anything but there was no denying he would need to say something. Letting her go to the next meeting without him accompanying her wouldn’t be the time for mentioning it.
“It better not,” He shook his head and relaxed into Theo’s touch. Feelings of anger and annoyance had dulled down, with Theo’s fingers brushing over his lower back mostly to blame for it. “Went to chat with Hestia about it and was informed I wasn’t told for the sake of having deniability if things went south.” Evan paused a moment since his tone of voice was bordering on whining. “Work hasn’t gotten to talking to me and the Order singlehandedly made it so this is the only place I regularly frequent and don’t need to constantly keep my guard up at. I am not convinced that’s the only time they’ll try something with the hospital and I won’t be upset if it turns into their properly having to face the repercussions next time around.”
He fell silent after that, shifting his gaze from Theo’s while he tried to find the right way to phrase his thoughts. “I’m taking a break from the Order,” He announced after a moment. “It’s not the first time they left me in the dark on something. I explicitly said I don’t like not being informed of things until after the fact and got repaid with…” He trailed off and gave his head another shake. “I am tired of it, Theo. Hopefully physically removing myself for a week or two will get the point across.”
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healerrosier · 2 years
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MANNY JACINTO as Logan Santos in I Want You Back (2022)
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healerrosier · 2 years
There was a moment where Evan was sorely tempted to shush Wila even though she had used a hushed tone. It was a weird adjustment of accepting peoples’ well wishes when he would have preferred nothing being said on the matter. “Thank you,” Evan sighed. There was no attempt at a smile since it would have been a wasted attempt.
“Fine,” The answer was accompanied by a shrug, his voice sticking to a low murmur. “Would have preferred not having a time constraint on attempting to smooth things out but can’t complain otherwise.” He knew what he was getting into well before the pregnancy came into the picture and had been toying with the best approach in speaking to his parents for several weeks before things became more serious than anticipated.
“What about you?” He asked, fighting back a grimace at the slow moving line ahead of them. He had no reason for rushing past acknowledging he needed caffeine to avoid being moody for the rest of the day.
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Date: July 8th, 1984 Location: Diagon Alley @healerrosier​
Even though it was a Sunday, she had popped into the office to grab a few things to send off to her father in Thailand. Her parents had been spending more time in Thailand since Sarai’s funeral, but he still expected her to keep him up to date on the going ons in the company. It was rather annoying, it wasn’t like she wasn’t busy herself. But her father was still the head of their company so she needed to play her cards right. Wila’s mother kept suggesting that she make the trip to be with family, but she had far too much work to do in England. And besides, she wasn’t convinced that if she stepped foot in Thailand that she wouldn’t get roped up in some arranged marriage that her mother and aunts came up with. So no thank you. She would stay in London.
Wila had decided to get coffee and run some errands in Diagon Alley before she returned home. She needed to pick up some of her skincare potions and she wanted to browse Madame Malkin’s new selection. Sarai had been on her mind the last few days, ever since her dinner with Regulus, really, and she thought that shopping might distract her from the constant grief. She kept thinking that she heard Sarai’s voice when she was at home, and kept thinking that she saw her out of the corner of her eye. She knew that it was all in her head, her grief and guilt intermingling, but it didn’t stop it from being so damned unsettling every time it happened.
Walking into the coffee shop, she spotted a very familiar person standing at the back of the line. Evan. A smirk formed on her lips before she went over to him. “Evan! What a surprise,” She greeted him. “I heard your news. Congratulations,” she told him, her voice hushed. You never know who was listening. “How are you?”
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healerrosier · 2 years
Theo had felt pretty awful about letting Evan go into the vipers nest on his own. But he’d been pretty adamant that she could not come. She did kind of get it. He was worried about what his father would do to her. And whilst she understood that he was just trying to keep her safe, she was worried about him. She didn’t want him to get hurt, especially not because of her. But, she respected his decision, and so, had let him go on her own. Of course, it didn’t stop her feeling awful about it.
She’d gotten some left overs, and then just chilled in their huge tub. It did a good job of keeping her distracted. Her mind was on Evan though. She didn’t really know that much about the Rosier’s, but she knew that they weren’t the best family, even if they were Evan’s. After her bath, she’d read a book on their bed. She hoped Evan wouldn’t be too late. 
Hearing the door open, and then close, made Theo rise from bed, to go find him. “Evan?” She called out, as she came from their bedroom, and into the main area of the apartment. She raised an eyebrow as she saw him on the sofa, his head between his hands. “Babe?” That didn’t good, and her voice was laced with worry.
She sat gently next to him, her fingers running through his hair gently. “Evan? What’s wrong?”
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It would have been unforgivable in Evan’s eyes if things resulted in Theo being put in harm’s way. That was the main thought that fueled his needing to face his family alone. It hadn’t made leaving any easier since he had ended up holding onto Theodosia for longer than intended, deliberately keeping her close. Things had gone about as well as Evan could have expected but it didn’t change the fact that the emotions surrounding it were too much.
A little bit of credit could be given since Evan didn’t flinch at Theo’s touch. His shoulders rose in a shrug and he dug his teeth into his lower lip, shifting so he could tilt his head in the direction of Theo’s touch. There was no stopping the way his shoulders shook. Try as he may, it turned into a muffled sob escaping and the distraught feeling getting worse.
“I’m fine,” The words came out weakly and he took two deep breaths, forcing himself to slowly exhale before risking looking at Theodosia. “Went as expected. No idea what comes…” His train of thought was interrupted by a hiccough. “What comes next.”
There were too many thoughts running through his mind so he opted for sitting upright and leaned against Theo. “Protective spells are going to…” He dug his teeth into his lower lip again, allowing the tears to fall this time around. “Can’t trust him with not forcing forcing home out of Evangeline.”
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healerrosier · 2 years
Theo was pretty used to her boyfriend’s flare for the dramatics. If she was really honest she was pretty used to the dramatics that most of the purebloods brought. it was as if it was in their blood or something. So, really, seeing him like this was nothing she wasn’t used too. Of course, it was not usually this bad. He didn’t exactly flounce all over the couch. But they had been going through a lot recently. So, he did kind of have an excuse to be over dramatic, even for a few moments anyway
It didn’t stop him needing to move if he wanted some cuddles from her. It wasn’t as if she could really cuddly him when he was laying across their entire sofa. Theo just smiled at him, sitting herself down next to him. Them cuddling like this wasn’t something unusual. They were a rather touchy feely couple, and most nights ended up like this anyway. She had no issues with it. Theo adored the nights spent cuddling with him, and she was excited when they’d be able to cuddle together with their little baby.
But as much as she was enjoying the cuddling right now, she knew that they really needed to talk about what was going on, and why he was feeling in such a dramatic mood. “Ready to talk yet?” She asked softly, running her finger through his hair. Whilst she wanted to know, she was going to give him his space.
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Evan let his arm slip around Theo’s middle, lightly holding onto her while he tried to center his thoughts. He hadn’t really planned what he wanted to say and would have been perfectly happy bottling up the emotions around the issue to save them for another day. Asking for help would have been a mistake if he went that route so he was left shrugging his shoulders in response to her question.
“No but I should,” He admitted with a shake of his head. Evan fell silent after that, shifting his head so he could press his lips against Theo’s neck. He pulled back after a moment and threw a sideways glance at her. “They neglected to tell me they went through with the St. Mungo’s plan is all. After I said I would prefer that they didn’t meddle with my employer.”
It wasn’t even a matter of his expecting his word to be the final say. Merely his disliking having been kept in the dark until it was brought up in the meeting. “Work is enquiring about Potter having been found where he shouldn’t have been and has been working their way through the list of people that have access to the area. Myself included. They are lucky I inherited my mother’s way of handling anger or it would have been my threatening to kill him and Hestia if it turns into the promotion getting jeopardized.” Not that his announcing he was stepping back for a bit was any better.
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