franticraven · 10 days
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can I interest you in mermaid 12clara?
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franticraven · 22 days
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its not clear but asjhdsa I like to imagine that Edwin types like this. Eyes squinting, and using phone at arm's length, and typing only with a finger.
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also bonus Crystal (I like to think they unintentionally / indirectly trash on each other. Like, they're not even at the same place yet for some reason the other just finds some way to annoy the other which is funny to imagine lol)
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franticraven · 22 days
We are not talking enough about the moment in episode 1 where the gas mask ghost surprises the boys by coming though the wall and Charles immediately shields Edwin and then shoves him bodily into the mirror to protect him.
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franticraven · 22 days
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posting the silly thing I did for Jayden's birthday here too just because ✌️
Happy birthday to him :]
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franticraven · 23 days
If you have Spotify reblog this and tag what your number one song on your “on repeat” playlist is.
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franticraven · 23 days
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franticraven · 23 days
I had assumed it was the second option here, a closet full of shirts sorted by shade of red just like that, BUT the idea of an automatic mood-changing polo is way more funny, and sweet.
The moment Edwin catches up to it, there's no way he's hiding anything from him anymore 💀
Still riding that Dead Boy Detectives brain rot and
There’s is this creator on TikTok valeria who did a few videos about DBD and some of them are extremely detailed outfits analysis of Edwin and Charles (and let me tell you, the costume department knows his shit. These are historically accurate)
Anyway on their Charles analysis they pointed out that his polo shirt, while originally bright red in the pilot, progressively turns burgundy, then black, then burgundy again, then back to red in the final scene, as a way to represent Charles inner struggles during the season (went back to check this out and it’s true!!!).
First, that’s an amazing detail to add to a character’s costume.
Second, on a more watsonian perspective:
Do you think Charles’s polo just changes color like a polo version of a mood ring?
Or do you think Charles just has a entire collection of identical Fred Perry polo shirts but in different shade of red because boy has an aestheticTM to stick to okay?
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franticraven · 23 days
Y'know, thinking about the Cat King and Edwin, it's kind of interesting that the Cat King gives Edwin a lily of all flowers.
Specifically this is interesting because lilies are toxic to cats, but also because the meanings associated with lilies as well as their general associations have to do with love, death (as it is a common flower to use at funerals), and innocence. It's a very fitting flower to give to Edwin after Niko's death.
But also it feels like a very tongue in cheek kind of flower for the Cat King specifically to hand to Edwin because of the overlapping associations of death, love, and it being a flower that is specifically dangerous for cats to be around.
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franticraven · 23 days
Okay, so I might just be seeing things but it looks like in her final outfit Niko is wearing horseshoe earrings.
I don't know if it's just a myth where I'm from but I've learned that having a horshoe turned up in the form of an U means good luck as you're catching good things. If it's instead turned down like a rainbow it brings bad luck, because all of the good things are dropping out of the horseshoe. This is why you always need to make sure which way you've hung up a horseshoe in your house so you don't attract misfortune.
Now in Nikos case her earrings are turned down, so they're in the shape of a rainbow, meaning that she is losing all of her good luck. Combined with the "outlook not so good" Niko's fate is already sealed way before they even get near Esther.
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franticraven · 23 days
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you guys are like a dead married couple on acid
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franticraven · 23 days
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franticraven · 24 days
I'm terrified of the twitter algorithm 😭😭 like wdym if I use many tags the algorithm won't show my post. wdym people reblog stuff so much but don't say anything, no screaming in the tags no nothing. HOW
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franticraven · 24 days
Hello! I saw your post regarding the confusion about whether it’s Paine or Payne. From my understanding, Paine is how Edwin’s last name is spelled in the original comics, but for the show they decided to spell it Payne instead (likely because Paine was likely a little too on the nose when they decided on plot lines such as “he suffered so much, a witch can use him like a battery” lol). So yeah, Paine for comics, Payne for the Netflix show, I have no idea about Doom Patrol. Hope this was helpful!
Oookay! Now that you mention it, yeah it makes sense they'd choose to change it lmao. But I think both end up being a bit too on the nose (it was for me, anyway XD). I'm kinda curious now about how it's written in Doom Patrol 🤔 I might check it when I have time
Anyways, thank you for the clarification!
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franticraven · 24 days
the struggle of having to use both the "edwin paine" and "edwin payne" tags because I'm entirely not sure which one of them is the current accurate
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franticraven · 24 days
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this felt fitting
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franticraven · 24 days
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a cut scene from the last episode
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franticraven · 24 days
I think it's so interesting that when the Night Nurse goes through Charles' trauma, she does see him being attacked by the other boys, sees him running alone through the night, but she never sees him dying. That only comes later, when she is searching for love.
And there is no fear in that memory, even if there is pain, there is just Edwin and the light he is bringing, metaphorically and physically, into Charles' life, there is smiling and joking and listening to stories. There is Edwin.
So, yeah, I don't think dying was a bad experience for Charles. Not a good one, per se, but one that led to the best thing in his existence.
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