Gonna take a break for a bit guys. I’ve injured one of my hands and typing is very tiring and arduous when done with one. Sorry 😔
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Zack and cloud in the loveless play
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Sephiroth and his constant fuckin fluttering 🤣
He always looks like he wants to take a bite out of Cloud honestly and it’s so funny.
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Ah!! Zack and Aerith doing those crazy fucking dances you see in movies based in like the 50’s and shit and dragging Cloud into it as well. Cloud is both thrown around by Zack and throws Aerith around.
Sometimes he manages to wrangle them into slow dances, Aerith leading and doing little half dips. Zack being led and giggling like a mad man when he’s spun out and back toward Cloud into a dip. Cloud standing by and watching them slow dance, swaying to the music and just relishing in the peace of it.
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if the church had a boombox im sure theyd be dancing all the time
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“Y’know… I’d always imagined coming here with a cute girl on my arm, taking her around to all the games and winning her stuffed toys before ending the night on this Ferris wheel.” Cloud rolled his eyes, crossing his arms tighter against his chest to hide the discomfort and seething jealous roiling beneath.
“Sorry to disappoint.” Zack looked at him from across the booth, eyes wide before his hands were shooting up in front of him, shaking them as he also shook his head.
“Wait no! That came out wrong! I didn’t mean anything by it!” Cloud raised a brow toward him for a brief moment before huffing, turning to watch the seemingly endless fireworks instead.
“Whatever.” He could hear Zack shuffling on the seat, looking as if he were stuck between deciding to get up or stay seated. The last time he’d gotten up he’d knocked the table in the middle, sending them spinning for an uncomfortably long time.
The other man sighed after a long moment, scratching the back of his neck as he also looked away, “I just meant. Dreams can change a lot over time. Once upon a time mine was to become a SOLDIER and get a cute girlfriend from the city.”
Cloud relaxed a little, eyes softening as he hummed out a vague noise. He did actually know about that. He’d dreamt of the same thing once after all. Granted, he’d had his heart pretty set on Tifa back then. Determined to become some hotshot SOLDIER and come riding back into town to sweep her off her feet.
The thought was equal parts amusing and embarrassing when he looked at it now, quietly wondering how he’d missed the blaring signs of his attraction to a certain first class for so damn long.
Zack smiled a little toward him, this one more reserved and timid than the usual ones he let loose, “Now my dreams are different, and I reckon I’m pretty damn close to maybe, hopefully, achieving one of them.”
Cloud fought down the rabid hope in his chest, tilting his head in such a Zack move that he had to fight not to correct it, lest he draw even more attention to it.
“What do you mean?” The other man smiled a little wider, shuffling over on his seat until he was clear of the turn table before walking over to sit on the same bench as Cloud. The blond followed him with his eyes, turning to face him better when he did sit.
“I mean, I don’t dream of having a cute girlfriend from the city anymore, and even though I didn’t have a cute girl to win plush toys for today.”
Cloud snorted, stealing a quick glance at the heinously big Chocobo sitting by their swords in the corner, before focusing on Zack once more. Who had - at some point - shuffled right in against Cloud, their thighs now touching as a hand came up to brush against his bangs lightly.
“I had a beautifully feisty merc that gave me a run for my money at every turn, and he fits into my new dream perfectly.” Cloud could feel the heat spill across his cheeks, mouth dropping open in a quiet gasp as Zack closed the distance between them.
It’d be so terribly sappy and horrible for Cloud to describe the feeling of finally - finally - kissing Zack as fireworks going off. But considering the very real ones still erupting behind him, he felt it justified that he did.
The older man pulled away, just enough to speak in a lightly amused but kind of scared tone, “That is, if he wants to?”
Cloud huffed out a fond laugh, hand coming up to grip one of the others shoulder straps, “Maybe you should’ve asked that before you kissed him.”
He didn’t give Zack time to respond though, pulling him back in with his grip. The older man went easily enough, practically falling against Cloud and pushing him into the wall of the cabin, hands eager and determined as one slid through his hair and the other ran down his side.
A Ferris wheel cabin wasn’t exactly the most ideal place to be making out with the guy you’d been crushing on - and madly in love with - for who knows how long but Cloud felt he deserved this at least. Just for the moment.
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“You’re in love with Angeal. Aren’t you?”
Zack froze, and he swore it was only for a micro second but he could see the way Cloud’s frown deepened. Just a touch.
“What? What gave you that idea?”
Cloud continued to stare at him, his gaze searching and features stoic as ever. It was the first time Zack had ever been faced with that look and he honestly hoped it would be the last. He understood what people meant when they said Cloud could be unnerving sometimes.
“You don’t have to deny it you know. It’s ok.”
Zack scoffed, throwing away all pretences and crossing his arms. He knew Cloud wasn’t but he couldn’t help but feel like he was being accused, even with the blond giving him a small, reassuring smile.
“It’s not like that Cloudy. I just look up to him is all.”
It was Cloud’s turn to scoff this time, rolling his eyes just for the extra sting of disbelief.
“I look up to Sephiroth but I don’t look at him like I look at you.”
The blond coaxed his arms out from their position across his chest, holding his hands gently while trying to catch his gaze.
“Zack. I love you. So if you want to, I dunno. Confess or explore a relationship or even just be with Angeal alone, I’ll support you.”
Zack couldn’t help but glare at his partner, hurt and a little offended that he’d just disregard himself in this situation. Or expect Zack to do that to him in the first place.
“What the fuck Cloud? What do you want me to just leave you? Is this some fucked up way of you trying to break up with me?”
Cloud gave a soft laugh, and in the edges of it Zack could hear how much the thought of it hurt Cloud. How much he didn’t want to be talking about this in the moment. So why the hell was he?
“Fuck no Zack. I’d quite literally fight a platoon to keep you by my side. But I see the way you look at Angeal and I can see how sad you are when you come home after missions or training with him.”
The blond took a deep breath, and when he let it out his eyes shone like he was letting his emotions out with it.
“I just- I don’t want you to come home one day and see the disappointment when it’s me waiting for you and not him.”
Zack felt like his heart was splitting in two with the words, and he felt like such an asshole when Cloud looked away to hide the welling tears in his eyes. Cloud never cried. Only ever let himself do so once when he’d thought his mother had gotten deathly ill and he couldn’t find a way to get back to Nibelheim.
Zack hadn’t realised he was being that easy to read. Had thought he was burying the feelings far enough down that they were hidden away from everyone. Especially Cloud himself.
He still loved Cloud. Gaia, he was still so madly in love with him it made him stupid sometimes. But there’d always been something with Angeal that he’d never looked at too closely. Always brushing it off as hero worship and burning any thoughts he had with a bonfire.
Somehow they’d gotten the better of him though, and in the process he’d hurt the one person he swore he wouldn’t.
“Cloud I-”
He couldn’t lie to him. He wouldn’t lie to him. Not after hurting him this much and putting this much doubt in his head.
“Yes. I love him.”
Clouds breath hitched, but instead of the devastation Zack expected he was just met with an understanding smile, tears breaking from the corners of his eyes as he pursed his mouth closed.
“But I love you as well. Fuck cloudy, I’m so fucking sorry I ever let you doubt it. Yes I love him, but I’m still so madly in love with you and I will do anything to make it up to you.”
Zack felt desperate. Felt like his relationship, the love of his life, was going to slip through his fingers like sand if he wasn’t careful. He could never be disappointed coming home to Cloud. Would always be happy to see the blond and spend the rest of his life with him.
“Please Cloudy, just- please.”
It didn’t feel right asking anything of the blond. Felt like he was being selfish if he asked anything else of him. Made him feel icky and like he’d already cheated if he were to ask the blond to not leave him. Ask him to forget it all and move on. Felt wrong to even suggest it.
Cloud had always been the more sensible one between them. No matter what everyone said about him he was probably more emotionally adept than Angeal himself, and that man made it a point of his personality to be like that.
“I’m not gonna leave you Zack. Unfortunately for you I’m stuck to you until one of us dies. Although even then you probably wouldn’t get rid of me.”
Zack couldn’t help but laugh, his own tears welling up now as he gripped at Cloud’s hands with all the desperation he could muster.
“But if you really wanna make it up to me. At least confess to Angeal. If not for your own peace of mind then for mine.”
Zack didn’t really know how that would give Cloud peace of mind. If their roles were reversed he would have denied everything and pretended it never existed. Hoped against hope that Cloud would just forget about the other person and live out his days with him.
Though maybe that’s where Cloud was coming from. Not wanting to live on a constant knifes edge of anxiety about whether or not Zack would suddenly flip a switch. Decide that yeah, he was better with Angeal and he wasn’t as in love with Cloud as he thought.
Zack could certainly deny it to hell and back in the moment but no amount of reassurances was going to work on Cloud. Not when the man was always set on self sabotage and self depreciation. Whether it was intentional or not was always a toss up and Zack was always all too ready to try and fix it. In whatever way necessary.
This instance just so happened to be by confessing to his mentor and long time friend.
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What if Cloud was the trooper that was swept away by the river at the bottom of Mt. Nibel?
Like the fucking panic that Zack would feel. Desperately begging with Sephiroth to let him go after him. Let him find Cloud and try and bring him back at the very least.
But Sephiroth is adamant in his refusal. Refuses to potentially risk and probably delay the mission over a mere trooper. Even if it is someone Zack so obviously cares about. He refuses to take the chance, even when Zack offers to take the fall for it.
And Zack’s livid. Near raging if not for Cloud’s friend and the fact that he was a newly promoted first class who was still on the job, he couldn’t be losing his head like that. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t abandon the mission the second he gets the chance to though.
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When people called Zack a puppy Cloud agreed. Whole heartedly he agreed cause how could he not? The way Zack lit up when he talked to people he knew and liked and the fact that he was always willing to meet new people? All with this look that made people imagine perked ears and a wagging tail?? Total puppy.
What people didn’t know though, and what Cloud took absolute pride in being the only one who really knew it, was Zack was just like a cat in the privacy of their apartment.
With the way he would seek out affection but just as quickly bat Cloud away when he got over it or decided it was too much. Lazing around on the couch or in their bed, all languidly spread out and content to either nap or just sit there looking out the window. Randomly coming up to Cloud and purposefully getting in his space and hindering what he was doing just so he could gain his attention and affection.
It’s honestly adorable and Cloud absolutely loves it. Fully relishes in lathering on the affection when Zack wants it and leaving him be when he doesn’t. Laughs and jokes when the older gets in his space incessantly but ultimately yields anyway. Joins him in his lazing when he feels like it and wastes the day away nestled up against him.
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So soulmate AU. Zack and Cloud yeah? Except Cloud doesn’t have a mark. Zack does though, had even met his soulmate already. But now he doesn’t know what to do.
Because he has his soulmate mark and he’s met her and she’s wonderful. Is literally the sweetest human being ever and she’s beautiful and kind and matches Zack so well in his energy and his stupid little antics. But Zack doesn’t love her. Not in the way he probably should.
Then there’s Cloud. Who isn’t his soulmate and doesn’t even have a mark but Zack loves him so much. Loves his dumb spiky hair and his attempts at being stoic when in reality he’s this shy, horribly considerate and kind man. Loves his drive and passion to accomplish his dreams no matter how many times he fails. Loves the small smiles and light blushes he gets when he’s been complimented.
And it’s not fucking fair. It’s not fair to Aerith who is his soulmate and is nothing but supportive of him and loves him and is far too understanding. It’s not fair to Cloud that Zack’s gone and fallen in love with him and now can’t spend a moment away from him, and it’s not fair that Zack wishes, with every horrible, terrible fibre of his being that it was Cloud’s mark he was wearing and not Aerith’s.
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What if Cloud was the person Zack left behind and not Aerith??
Cloud’s determination to become a SOLDIER just grows cause he was left behind and he’s convinced he wouldn’t have been had he been stronger.
Zack comes back after Nibelheim and whatnot and he’s determined to get to Cloud. He needs to get the blond out of Shinra before something happens. He can’t stand the thought of something happening to Cloud because of that god awful company.
When he finds Cloud he finds he’s too late. Clouds already so different from when he’d left. He’s a SOLDIER like he’d always dreamed but he doesn’t look happy. Looks as if he’s seen war personally and it’s taken its toll on him, which doesn’t make sense cause the war’s been over for years.
It breaks his heart and he needs to get them out. Needs to get Cloud away and just be there for him this time. Even if it means fighting off armies and being on constant lookout for the worst. He’ll do it if it gets Cloud away from it all.
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Zack’s not a jealous guy. He doesn’t see the point in it really. He has faith in his partners and he’s confident enough in himself that it doesn’t matter if other people wanna flirt with them. If his partner is unhappy or wishes for something else he trusts they’ll tell him.
But apparently that doesn’t exactly translate well to his friendship with Cloud. Like, yeah. He’s got a crush on the guy, how could he not? The blond is so adorable and devastatingly beautiful sometimes and his dry wit and awkward charm make Zack giggle like a child. It’s hard not to fall for him.
So he understands, logically, why his fellow SOLDIER’s would be asking about the blond he’s been hanging out with recently. He understands why they’re all asking him to set them up with Cloud or maybe put in a good word for them. He gets it, would totally be one of them if he wasn’t already friends with the blond.
What he doesn’t get is why there’s so much seething jealousy when he catches them so much as looking at the blond. Let alone actually trying to ask him out. Every time one of them come and ask him to give them Cloud’s number he has to restrain himself from snapping at them.
Gritting his teeth and spouting off some bullshit reason of why he can’t do that. It’s wrong and he shouldn’t be gatekeeping his best friend like he has any say in who the guys dates but he can’t help it.
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I saw someone’s author not about them loving the trope ‘Zack being head over heels for an inhuman Cloud’ and I so fucking agree 😭
Man’s would be so smitten and beam brighter than the fuckin sun when he’s faced with even a hint of attention from this being. Fucking perk up and bloom under such attentions from someone he adored and absolutely preen when he realised that hes the one who has this being looking only at him. He’s the one getting that smile and those possessive hands on him whenever the other pleases.
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You’re telling me we had Cloud, Vince and Cid all in the same Ferris wheel box and not a single person wrote something for it?
Cid complained about how slow the ride was and not a single person had their imaginations run wild? Vince was asleep and nobody could think up something cute and fluffy for them?? Really???
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Zack used to think of running away. Before the whole Hojo thing and Nibelheim, he’d thought of running away with Cloud. Just whisking the blond from his bunk and disappearing off into the sunset with nothing but a stolen bike and their weapons. Becoming mercs and travelling the content, avoiding the Shinra presence and pretending Zack’s eyes didn’t glow in the dark with mako.
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What if Cloud was the last one left alive
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“Cloud are you alright?”
The blond squeezed his eyes shut, biting back the whine building in his throat before grunting quietly. It took another second but the static faded, allowing him to see the faces of Tifa and Zack, both of them looking worried as they stared him down.
“‘M fine. Don’t worry about it.”
Tifa hesitated for a moment before shrugging, nodding once before turning on her heel to keep going. Zack, unfortunately, did not do the same. Looking at Tifa in disbelief before turning to Cloud, a hint of anger in his features as he spoke.
“What the fuck? You are obviously not ‘fine’ Cloud. What the hell was that about?”
Tifa spun on her heel, looking wide eyed at the black haired merc as he continued to stare down their blond friend. She went to intervene, tell him to leave Cloud alone but the blond pulled her up short. He looked to the side, borderline pout in his features as he crossed his arms.
“It’s nothing. Just a… thing, that happens sometimes. It’s fine Zack.”
Zack softened significantly at the sight of Cloud while Tifa was stuck standing awe struck. He’d never acted like this before. Always so ready to brush everyone off and push people out. It was why he didn’t have friends in Nibelheim, always pushing the other kids away and doing his own thing.
“Hey, it’s ok if you’re not fine. You don’t have to do this alone now. I’m here for you.”
Cloud leant into the hands that came up to cup his face, sighing softly as his eyes fluttered closed and Zack rested their foreheads together.
“I’m sorry… I don’t know what it is. Just happens sometimes when memories start coming back. Hurts like a bitch.”
The taller man chuckled softly, leaning away to kiss Cloud’s forehead softly. Tifa had to avert her eyes at the action, feeling like an intruder at the sight of this new side of Cloud.
“Don’t worry about it. Just let me know if you need a break or something yeah? I’ve got your back.”
Cloud gave him a small smile, light pink tinging his cheeks as he nodded. They pulled away from one another after a moment, the blond quickly adopting his stoic look before making his way past a still stunned Tifa. He only offered her a brief nod, either too embarrassed to look at her long or not really wanting to. It didn’t matter though cause she wanted to talk to Zack anyway.
The older man was staring after their blond though, affection and exasperation shining bright in his eyes as he smiled, “Where did he get that attitude from. I swear…”
Tifa frowned at that, raising a brow as she spoke, “Clouds always been like that.”
It was Zack’s turn to frown this time, looking at her in confusion as he shook his head, “No he hasn’t. Cloud was always happy back at Shinra. Yeah his social skills were abysmal and he flustered as easily as he does now. But he wasn’t that… aloof and cold before. Especially not around us.”
Tifa didn’t know who us was referring to but she couldn’t help but feel more confused. Cloud never smiled in Nibelheim. Not unless he was with his mum and even then, he’d usually steer them both clear of Tifa and the other kids.
“Tifa… Maybe you should talk to Cloud about this. I’m not sure he’d be alright with me being the one to talk to you.”
Said woman frowned all the more with those words, wondering what they meant. What did Zack know that would apparently be bad for him to share? Yeah Cloud had secrets but they were mostly about his days at Shinra. Nothing from their childhood…
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What if in remake/rebirth, Cloud was remade with some sort of connection with the planet. As like a different method of the planet helping her saviour or something.
I dunno honestly. I just had this vague idea of Zack in the other world that we witnessed in Rebirth running his fingers through Cloud’s hair and kissing his cheek softly in the hopes of eliciting that same pink hue he remembers, and the Cloud we play as keeps feeling those sensations.
Ends up taking comfort in them eventually despite not really knowing what they are. Looks for them when Sephiroth invades his head and the memories become too much for him to handle. Begins to use them to cope when Aerith dies and he becomes haunted with her figure following him around and talking to him.
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