eternal-watcher · 19 hours
A Favor for a Gift
Danny's new to the superhero scene, and he gets on rather well with Martian Manhunter.
He decides to give J'onn a gift, because he came across J'onn in a melancholy mood, and the Martian explained that he was homesick. Danny learned a lot about Mars and Martian culture, after telling him that he could vent to Danny if he wanted, and wants to do a little something to help J'onn out.
He goes to the Zone, searching for Martian ghosts to talk with. He finds Ghostwriter. Or rather, Ghostwriter finds him.
He proposes a deal.
He'll let Danny have two very old, very rare Martian books; but in exchange, Danny owes him. Big Time.
Danny....asks what the favor would be, cuz he's not about to agree to that without knowing what he's agreeing to.
Ghostwriter needs Danny to go enter into a Ghost Fighting Competition, the biggest in the Zone, because the prize is a book that not only does Ghostwriter not have, but the only copy of it's kind ever.
Danny agrees; he kicks ghost ass all the time, a fighting competition shouldn't be a problem. Pff. He'll be fine.
Okay he's a little nervous.
He pushes it down.
He gets one of the books early, as trade for even entering the competition in the first place, and rushes to give it to J'onn.
He's trying to psych himself up for the fight, but his intrusive thoughts keep making him remember the fights he's lost. He's just not good with stage fright! Fighting as a hero is one thing, but fighting in a competition is nervewracking!
J'onn, getting a surface read of Phantom's mind, is concerned.
Due to Phantom being dead, not all of his thoughts are...legible. J'onn only gets flashes here or there, maybe emotions.
J'onn just got a flash of a coliseum, with stands filled to the brim, and another flash of Phantom losing in a fight.
Phantom is nervous.
Phantom, who's powers are so strong he can fight on equal footing with Superman, is nervous.
It is not the normal anxiety he can feel from the young ghost, it is something else.
Phantom tells him that he knows where another book is, he just needs to win it.
J'onn has heard of how Vicious Infinite Realms Ghosts can be, and it is reasonable to assume that Phantom being nervous is a direct result of a fight he knows he can't win.
A fight he's going to try to win anyways. For the sake of a book.
Phantom is worth more than a simple book.
Phantom disappears before J'onn can request that he not do that, leaving the Martian standing there with a book older than he is, with the knowledge that one of his friends is about to face...something. Some sort of danger.
And all J'onn can do is wait.
Naturally, he refuses to do that and calls the JLD to track down Phantom.
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eternal-watcher · 20 hours
With regard to Clockwork taking over guardianship of Bart, what if Clockwork is the guardian of all the speedsters? That’s why they can manipulate time, the literal embodiment of time is fond of them
Guardian Angels are actually Guardian Ghosts, and it's sort of mandatory military service.
Vlad managed to dodge his, by way of proving he had no morals and therefore no ability to guard. He doesn't know this yet, but it's a huge mark against him in terms of reputation.
At the moment, this doesn't really apply to or bother him.
When he fully dies, though, and reputation is all he has? It'll be very important.
But going through a Guardianship is important to ghosts for many reasons; it instills a sense of responsibility, gives them a connection to a world they left behind, and helps them increase their powers.
LunchLady? Successful Guardianship.
Walker? Ultra successful Guardianship.
Skulker? Technically successful Guardianship.
Now it's Danny's turn. The Observants held off on assigning him because a ghost needs to legally be an adult in Ghost terms, and Danny's half human.
So, when he graduates High School, a letter appears on his bed.
On top of that letter is a green sticky note that just reads;
"Yes, they're serious. Yes, you have to do this."
The letter outlines his duties and responsibilities to keep his charge alive, and the exception to the rule they're making with him due to his mortality.
He is being assigned this person for four years, instead of that person's lifetime. Long enough to make an impression, short enough to enable Danny to live his life.
Danny's new charge?
Bart fucking Allen.
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eternal-watcher · 20 hours
The funny thing is, if Bruce thought about it he could easily get permission to watch, but only as Bruce Wayne not as Batman. It’s Bruce’s building if Bruce wants to watch the demolition Danny would let him.
Batman though? Batman’s not the building owner, he’s just a questionably legal vigilante trying to sneak on site.
That being said I want none of the Bat family to realize this until it’s over.
“Yeah sorry Mister Wayne I just couldn’t let Batman on site, too much of a safety risk. Honestly I would have let him if he had gotten the proper permissions first rather than trying to trick me. Too bad for him, it’s actually really cool to watch.”
Danny pauses for a moment
“Really sir it is quite a site to see, if you hire me again you should come watch. Anyway nice working with you”
Danny leaves Amity Park to start his own Demolitions business.
He uses hoards of blob ghosts that safely and quietly just...eat the buildings he's hired to demolish. They do it overnight, all living animals/hidden homeless/injured vigilantes are spared.
He sets up in Metropolis, because more often than not the buildings that get damaged in Superman's fights have to be completely torn down.
He puts up a privacy screen so that no one can see what happens on the other side, and at three in the morning he releases the blob ghosts.
Since cameras can't pick them up, people assume he has the power to either melt buildings or make them disintegrate.
Business is booming, he's confusing literally everyone and making money while doing it. He's doing so well, in fact, he also starts taking orders from outside Metropolis.
Batman does not want the meta demolition man with melting/disintegration powers in Gotham, no he does not.
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eternal-watcher · 21 hours
DC x DP prompt 1 :)

Danny’s been living in Gotham a while now
He didn’t think being a security guard At Arkham asylum would be so boring and so exciting all at once
one hand it’s doing the same thing every day
But on the other hand it’s finding new and tiny little ways to make the jokers life horrible
And he has that little voice at the back of his head sounds suspiciously like his sister talking about not being cruel to the mentally ill
But he has a much better image of all the ghosts talking about how they were killed pointlessly just for a mad man’s laugh and that little voice in the back of his head kind of shuts up
And he may not be allowed to kill him but he can torment him
By purely an honestly convincing him that he can’t escape because of the stupid guard The guy who always loses his keys The guy who forgets his gun and Tayser The Guy who says bagel wrong
The guy who always forgets what day of the week it is and it’s driving the joker insane
And Danny would be laughing at how good of a job he’s doing but he refuses to laugh when it has anything to do with that sadistic clown
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eternal-watcher · 21 hours
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Heard Damian had a twin sister in a comic. Anyway,
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eternal-watcher · 21 hours
I love the tropes where Danny is the normal while Tucker and Sam are fucking freaks, especially if those two just so non discreet about it.
So now, imagine Amity Park, after GIW has run rampant on it.
Tucker, shamelessly using magic for any convenience between himself and his lovers. A headcanon of mine is that Danny has chronic pain after the portal accident and Tucker liked to make it so Danny's bed and pillow softer and doesn't hesitate one bit to curse those mean Danny's harms.
Sam, likewise, uses her plant magic to trap those pesky ghost hunters and makes life difficult for them in general.
Tucker and Sam just don't expect for the GIW to report them to the Justice League. Or for the heroes to really come arresting them.
Danny, as expected, blows up.
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eternal-watcher · 22 hours
Young Justice come to the conclusion that the adoption is inevitable. So they turn to Raven for advice on how to deal with a demon dad.
Raven takes one look at the situation… and that’s not a demon
She’s not entirely sure what he is yet. The not-demon seems strong, very strong, probably equivalent to Trigon actually. But unlike her father the not-demon seems to have free access to this plain of existence.
Well if he has access to this realm and hasn’t attacked yet there’s a chance he’s friendly, or more likely neutral. Either way he can probably be reasoned with
Tim summoned a demon to trade his soul for Jason Todd's revival. Danny isn't a demon, and he didn't tell Tim that, but he's also not about to leave some kid all alone with criminally neglectful parents.
Tim summons Danny, Danny appears in his Infinite Realms High Prince gear, taking care to be ever so slightly eldritch in case it's the GIW trying to summon him again.
Tim offers his soul for Danny to bring Jason Todd back to life.
Danny...isn't a demon, and has no ability to bring someone back. He does, however, recognize the half formed ghost floating behind Tim and screaming at Danny to fuck off as a baby halfa. More than likely, the soul got split from the body, and lost.
So he leans over, taps the scared and angry ghost-kid on the forehead to give him an ecto-boost (enough so that he'll have the energy to detach himself from the other kid and instinctively be drawn to his own body again), and pretends to make a deal.
Tim has to summon him and talk to him about his life once a week for three years. If after those three years Danny feel that the information provided is not sufficient (in other words if he feels that Tim's living situation still isn't great), Danny will collect Tim.
Three years pass, and Tim's reports are...concerning.
Danny isn't super convinced Tim's living situation isn't not the best.
So, on the dawn of the third year, in front of the entirety of Young Justice as they were having a get-together, Danny tears open a rift and grabs Tim by the cape.
"It is time to uphold your deal," Is all the information Danny gives before he yoinks Tim into the Infinite Realms.
He didn't really have time to explain more, honestly, he was running late for a meeting with the Observants, political education lessons with Ghost Writer, and also he had to prepare for family dinner. Lunch. Linner? Whatever.
He makes quick work of shoving Tim into a room, telling him it's his, and setting Dani loose on him. She's thrilled to be an Aunt and has the energy to match Tim's tenaciousness, she'll be able to keep him out of trouble until Danny can finalize the adoption tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Young Justice is Freaking The Fuck Out.
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eternal-watcher · 23 hours
Damian, as Robin, is about to be sacrificed to summon a Powerful Being. Except instead of a Powerful Being, a kid his age pops into existence as though he was shoved forward.
The kid looks around, startled. He's got a black eye and he's holding a length of rope, presumably what had been restraining him.
"Uh. Is. Is this the afterlife?" The kid asks, bewildered.
"...No, this is Gotham. We were trying to summon Pariah Dark?" One of the cultists answers, also confused.
"But I was being sacrificed to summon Pariah Dark?" The kid says, brows furrowed.
The cultists pause in their attempted murder of Robin and hurriedly reconvene, taking their eyes off of the kid. They're muttering about how maybe there was another cult doing a sacrifice at the same time, and things got switched up. Should they sacrifice both of the boys?
Damian, though. Damian never takes his eyes off of the new kid.
Unlike the cultists, he's not an idiot. He knows a liar when he sees one. That boy is no sacrifice.
That boy is the being they summoned.
He waits for the being to show it's true colors. And waits. And waits.
'Hurry up!' Damian mouths to it.
'I am trying!' It mouths back, motioning at it's feet where it's been wearing away the containment sigil.
'Well try faster!'
'That's not how it works!'
'How hard is it to mess up chalk?'
'Well then you come here and you do it!'
"Maybe I will," Damian spits outloud, done with this farce.
"Uh, do you two need a moment or...?"
Damian answers the cultists question by kicking her in the face as he cuts himself loose.
He will rescue both himself and the demon they dragged into this world.
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eternal-watcher · 23 hours
Ok ok so hear me out Twins au. Danny and Damian are twins. And you know the whole story. Danny gets "killed " moves in with the Fenton's and becomes phantom. Ad Damian doesn't know that. Well the magician summoning Damian's dead brother to enact his revenge on him has a very bad timing
"Oh robin. Dont you know the dead can have fangs. I've heard of a little tale. Of how you killed your own brother. Your twin in a quite a cruel and merciless way don't you think?" The magician drawls on over the horribly over used repetitive lines.
But it still stops Damian in his tracks. He can see as his family stop and look at him. With the look of horror and well concern. And he hates it. He can feel their gazes on him and it burns his skin.
He stops and tries to yell at them. To do something. To stop dawdling around.
Until a right flash of green stopped him. The circle lit up as a clawed hand grasped the edge from inside.
Unfortunately the magician wasn't a phony.
The being slowly crawls itself out. It's wearing striped prison clothes with conically oversized shackles? Huh.
Damian muses to himself as he prepares for battle . Must represent his or rather their lives in the league of assassin's.
The being finally looks up and shouts
"Ghost crimes exist? What even are ghost crimes???" Dick whispered to Jason
"I don't know but I am so angry at the implications of ghost cops. " Jason replies
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eternal-watcher · 1 day
Fenton? You mean Phantom?
Everyone that was anyone, knew to not go near Jack Fenton. Even after he walked away from the underbelly of the darker side of humanity. He was someone that always got the job done without question. From the most would be considered a suicidal mission, he would return the following day without much of a scratch or laughing over how easy it was.
Many assumed he was a meta, non-human or something! Anything to explain Jack Fenton himself.
So when he walked away, many felt more at ease with this. Now there were more jobs on the docket for themselves. Albeit, the death rate has risen.
For Jack, that's all in the past. His college is paid off, that wedding he promised for Maddie was done to her liking. A tour around the country visiting the most haunted places. Finally, buying off a home in the most hunted place they could find, Amity Park! Whatever was left, went into their research!
It was perfect....
"Ah, Bruce Wayne... Yes, I know that's you behind the mask. What do you want?"
"We need Phantom."
"...Myself or my son?"
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eternal-watcher · 2 days
Future Son????
It has been a while since I have done an original prompt. So DCxDP prompt #2
Danny gets into a fight with Impulse/Bart about Bart changing the timeline messing things up for Danny and effectively erasing his family, because the change made it so Maddie and Jack never got together. But because of Clockwork sending him on a mission to the past while Bart changed the timeline and the medallion Dan had phased into Danny he remembers the old timeline. Also he has access to his powers but for some reason can’t change into ghost form.
This fight happens in front of the rest of the young justice team. And Nightwing was coming there to teach a training lesson and over hears half of what Danny is shouting.
From Dick’s point of view there is a black haired, blue eyed kid with powers that are suspiciously like a Tamuraneans, yelling at Bart about losing his family because his parents never got together. Also Dick and Kori had recently broken up. (Feel free to make up a reason.)
Due to a misunderstanding Dick is going to help his time displaced “son” adjust to the new reality.
Do I tag people too much? @azulhood @bianca-hooks123 @bloggerspam @confusedshades @dragonsrequiem @evilminji @flamingpudding @fightmebissh @ghostbsuter @hypewinter @help-itrappedmyself @hdgnj @kizzer55555 @menolly5600 @ourrechte-blog @puppetmaster13u @rboooks @starlightcat04 @stormikitty @virgamsysxvolumes @zeestarfishalien @zylev-blog
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eternal-watcher · 2 days
Okay, so what if Danny and Ellie crashed on Themyscira? When Danny wakes up from passing out, instead of just crying, he turns to the person in the room and demands to know what they did to his sister. He doesn’t trust them one bit when they say she’s okay until she’s brought into the room, safe and sound. Ellie also wanted her big brother because he passed out and practically pounced him when she saw him awake.
Most of the time, Danny stays as alert as he can and keeps glaring at everyone, with Ellie being an exception. He acts very sweet and considerate towards her, and is very patient with her. They still act like siblings sometimes, though. Ellie likes to annoy Danny into chasing her, and it works almost every time. Ellie has told the women there stories about Danny taking care of her. The Amazons think it’s admirable that even though Danny’s a child himself, he acts so much like a guardian, but are saddened by the fact that he has to.
Later on, when he’s starting to trust them, Wonder Woman comes back to visit and investigate. Danny’s very unhappy. In his mind, she works for the Justice League and the Justice League works with the government. You know who works for the government she works with? The G.I.W., and to him, that automatically means that the Justice League knows about them and doesn’t have a problem with it. If they did, they would’ve done something by now.
He avoids her and keeps Ellie by his side or behind him. She trusts his judgment, so she doesn’t argue much when he says to not let Wonder Woman touch her, which is a shame because she’s one of Ellie’s favorites. When Wonder Woman is near Ellie, Danny watches her like a hawk and steps in to pull Ellie away if he thinks things are getting bad.
Wonder Woman definitely notices his behavior. The constant glaring, putting himself between her and his sister, the obvious distrust, his attempts to herd Ellie away from her, and the anxious hand twitching whenever she gets close to Ellie. She knows not everyone likes her, but that’s to be expected when you’re a hero. Someone’s bound to disagree. Still, she can’t help but wonder why he acts as if her touching him or Ellie would be the end of them. When she asks him about it, Danny glares at her and asks why he would trust her.
When she learns about the G.I.W., she’s understandably shocked. The government never told the League about any of it. Danny doesn’t buy it at all and she feels even worse. How long has this been going on that a child not only feels the need to fear and avoid the League, but also have so much distrust that he thinks her genuine reaction to this information is a trick to lure him and his sister into a trap?
Wonder Woman: What reason would you have to fear me?
Danny: Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the fact that you work for the Justice League? Maybe because the Justice League is dangerous?
Wonder Woman: What makes you think we’re dangerous? We only wish to bring Justice to the world.
Danny: “Justice”? Is that what you call letting the Guys In White do as they please? Is that what you call having laws and acts deeming any ectoplasmic entity as lower than animals? If you had anything against it, you would’ve done something by now. Maybe even a long time ago. But nothing’s changed.
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eternal-watcher · 2 days
The Doctor
After years of fighting crime and being a hero, Danny decided that he wanted another profession, something else to do with his life. In the end he decided to be what he always needed: A doctor.
Thanks to Frostbite's teachings and help, Danny managed to become a successful and efficient doctor quickly (although he definitely hated normal medical school), with experience in all kinds of beings (from all kinds of dimensions, he couldn't just be a human doctor, what's the point on that?)
Since his universe didn't need a doctor for heroes and Frostbite was enough for the ghosts he decided to... be a traveler doctor, or something similar, help other dimensions. With the help of the Infinite Map he always traveled where "he was needed", and thanks to Clockwork he always escaped before they could question him.
The Justice League was very confused about who was randomly showing up to heal them. Sometimes by force. But Danny didn't care about the consequences, after all, they need him. And it's kind of funny that he's referred to as "The Doctor" in their files.
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eternal-watcher · 3 days
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A demon twins au that I have been thinking about for a while
Danyal and Damian find out that Ra's intends to have them fight to death for the title of heir so they decide to have a duel during a mission and fake the loosers death. This way the stronger one gets to have the title, just like how Ra's wanted, but they wouldn't have to kill eachother. They don't want to disobey their grandfather, but surely this would have the same result without unneeded tragedy.
Damian wins so he claims that he killed Danny for being weak. They promised to never try to contact eachother so the league would not find out. They wouldn't know eachothers situations from the outside after all. They couldn't risk it. After years Danny knows that Damian is Robin in Gotham but doesn't know if hes out of the league or not. Damian has no idea where Danny is and never told the batfam.
Then some magican tries to kill Robin by summoning his dead brother to exact revenge. Damian is sure that the summoning will not work because Danny should be alive and well, only to be devastated to see the ghost of his brother appear from the summoning circle.
Additional thoughts. They have their own code made up of sign, gestures, and body language they can use to communicate hidden meanings behind their words or just completely different things. They have mastered the art of having a private conversation while to outsiders it looks like they're verbally ripping eachother to shreds. I can see them using this to figure out how to deal with the situation while keeping up the ruse. Maybe the bats come in and deal with the mage while Damian and Danny are "arguing" and "antagonizing" each other. While in reality Damian is convincing Danny that the bats can be trusted and Danny is debating if the risk of revealing everything is worth it, and if its already too late not to. And when they agree on dropping the act the bats get whiplash from the arguing turning into a tight hug in a second.
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eternal-watcher · 3 days
Prompt 68
Danny stares up up up at the being cooing down at him, a mass of eyes and tendrils and whatever else twisting in and out of portals, shattering to sand and reforming, buckling into a smaller shape and expanding in an ever moving form. This was not what he was expecting when Clockwork offered to introduce him to Chaos, but maybe he shouldn’t be so surprised. 
Bonus DPxDC crossover: Clockwork introduced his lil baby ghostling to his old friend Chaos so they can set up playdates between their two kids. Klarion and Teekl are now being spotted with a white-haired boy and a green puppy that can go giant and monstrous like Teekle, to Young Justice’s (And the league’s) concern
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eternal-watcher · 3 days
Sooo been listening Mr. Creeps Park Ranger stories on YouTube and welll...
What if Danny became a park ranger in one of the national parks in Illinois near Amity? Could be a real National part or one made up.
After all he can't be an astronaut and maybe Sam dragging him to conservation rallies an other stuff influenced him. Sure he likes Tinkering and has a few patents like his parents do, but he loved the stars more and being able to see the clear stars from the Fire Watch Tower helped.
Plus all the weird and supernatural things that happen there, well Danny is as supernatural as one can get and at least it isn't a squishy human having to deal with something like a wendigo or rapid bear. Some things he can bargain or reason with, though others he had to either detour others from that area or sometimes Deal with himself.
(Sometimes he was glad he was already half dead and could heal, after reattached an arm. Looks like he had to add new rules to the book to teach the newbies)
So he has been at this for a few decades now, officially "retired" from hero work but not from dealing with the supernatural. By now he knew how to deal with the fae that made their home in the Grove near by, how to avoid certain entities or bargain with others or thr steps you needed to take to avoid confrontation, knew how to detour hikers and campers from the more blood thirsty residents of the Park and rescue those unlucky enough to lose their way from the trails.
Sadly he couldn't always save those who got lost, especially if they weren't near his tower when they went missing. But he tried his best.
He also had to deal with his fair share of Paranormal/Supernatural/Cryptid Hunters, groups of teens and young adults (sometimes older adults too) eager to find anything strange for clout. But most only found death if not careful. He had to rescue many from the more Ravenous residents. It was never fun for all parties involved and just annoying for Danny.
But his years of experience were going to be put to the test when dealing with this group of amateur hunters all nearly identical with their black hair and blue eyes (though only two didn't share this the youngest and the black teen who looked like he wished his siblings hadn't dragged him with them) who were there with a tired man Danny's age who shared their hair ad eye color. The Waynes (why did that sound familiar? He didn't leave the forest much, so didn't kep up with media) apparently were going on a small vacation/Camping trip and the eldest heard about all the cryptid and supernatural stories and wanted to check it out.
Danny could already tell he was going to have to fish one or two of them out of the golute of one of the beasties in the deeper parts of the Forest.
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eternal-watcher · 3 days
Not a DP/DC thing just something from my main that I’m trying to boost 
I’m trying to use the Power of peer pressure for good here.
Hey, it was my birthday last month and I think I’m starting a quarter life crisis 
So here’s a list of things I’ve wanted to do for a while but have been too anxious to do
Debated putting move out of my family’s house on there, but that one depends more on when I have the funds and when my friends/future roommates are also ready.
Anyway, the main reason I’m doing this is to provide motivation/force myself to do something. Please help spread this around because the more people vote the more I will feel like I’m letting people down by not doing the thing.
I’m kind of tricking myself into doing the thing I want to do anyway. Hopefully bypassing, both my anxiety and ADHD!
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