emeritusemeritus · 21 days
Eddie who nicknames you ‘Bambi’ because you can’t stand up and balance yourself properly after he fucks you.
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emeritusemeritus · 22 days
if your askbox is still open for blurbs/requests/whatever what do you think about the twins x a reader who is just like eddie munson? i assume they get along really well but which twin would get feelings for the reader? if nothing is open or you dont feel like doing this feel free to ignore!! :) i’m sorry for bothering you
Hi love! You could never bother me, thank you for sending this in! I love this idea so much, I think it’s very likely that the twins would chose someone like Eddie to keep them on their toes!
My thoughts on the matter

First of all, they really would get along like a house on fire. Need someone reliable to help execute a plan? Reader is there with unwavering support, hammering away about non-conformity. Stuck for prank ideas? I'm sure reader already has some up their sleeve.
Regardless of what house the reader would be, their loyalty to their friends is of utmost importance, an unwavering devotion that even Godric Gryffindor would be intimidated by.
Like Eddie, the reader is most probably a little different, a little cooky with interesting and diverse interests that other people just don't get, but it's all part of their charm. The twins might or might not share in these interests but they're quick to defend them to anyone who makes a joke or criticises them.
Flipping it into the wizarding world, I feel like the reader would love really niche muggle things and would take great pleasure in showing their discoveries to the twins, who almost always have time to indulge the reader in their passions.
They carry themselves with confidence just like Eddie, unfazed (if not a bit annoyed) by the classist crap that seems to be the foundations of the wizarding world. You're a pure blood? Good for you, does being part of the sacred 28 really affect your day to day? Half blood, muggle born? Tell me everything about *insert weird hyperfixation muggle topic* and an endless sea of questions that even Arthur couldn't think of.
Blood status, school house and reputation mean literally nothing to the reader, hence why they get along so well with the Weasley family as a whole; all of them seeing the good in people and not the materialistic bullshit that so many others get wrapped up in.
In terms of relationships, it's most definitely Georgie that is head over heels in love with the reader. I feel like Fred maybe had a crush too at the start, their confidence being really attractive to him but after years of friendship, it fell to a pseudo-sibling like love. Fred is the more outgoing twin, the ringleader and often the instigator so to have someone as headstrong as the reader would be too much of a clash of personalities, though it would be a fiery and passionate relationship if they ever did cross that line. A battle of wits, you might say.
But George. George is so far gone and helplessly in love.
He's sometimes shy, quieter than his twin, more of an observer... which blends perfectly with the reader. The golden retriever and the black cat you might say. George has a mischievous side that is evident and the reader loves to pull this out of him but he's also the calm to their storm which balances the both of them out perfectly.
George would be the most supportive boyfriend of the reader in whatever they want to do, the big goal they spend their life working towards. Just like Eddie with his rockstar dreams, the reader has their own life plan and George will make sure that he supports them in every step of the way.
I think Fred would make friends with them first, a moth drawn to a flame and all that. He saw mischief and homed in on it, knowing the reader would be a valuable asset during their time at Hogwarts. George was maybe a little hesitant at the start of the friendship, maybe even jealous because he'd always had Fred's undivided attention but he quickly comes around.
What do you think?
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emeritusemeritus · 22 days
Can you write a Fred x reader where reader is a slytherin student and older than Fred so they never really encounter eachother since they not in the same year level. Until one day they got jinxed/ got into some sort of incidents/ prank (whatever you could think of!) where they are tied together until the spell expires itself. So during the time they get to know eachother and get attracted by eachother flirtatious and witty personalities. But when the spell expires both of them feel like there’s no reason to hang out with eachother anymore so none of them make a move until Fred gets jealous over someone asking reader to Yule ball and then they both confess and happy ending?? Thank you so much!!
Hi love! I’m sorry this took so long, but I had so much fun writing this, hope it’s okay! đŸ–€
Warnings: pranks, minor swearing, banter, finger jokes, fluff and humour. Sorry Miles Bletchley.
Just a reminder to anyone reading that my requests are currently closed, these are ones that I received a while back that I haven’t had time to write until now.
Word count: 3.1k
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Ties that bind.
“Neville, NO!”
It's the last thing you hear before you're unceremoniously dragged through the air completely weightless until you crash into a rather solid frame, disorientated and wholeheartedly perplexed. To make matters much, much worse, when you try to pull yourself away, you realise quickly that you can't move even a foot away from the person you'd inadvertently barrelled into.
"Blimey," you hear someone say from behind you but you can hardly twist enough to look for yourself who it is. You begin to struggle against the invisible confines, beginning to panic about the lack of freedom as a crowd begins to gather around you.
"Bloody Neville," the person directly in front of you curses and for the first time you finally look up, taking in the person you were seemingly attached to. One of the Weasley twins.
"I told you not to touch it!" The other, near identical boy says, reaching to grab something from Neville Longbotton's hands as he stands frozen, shocked at what he'd apparently conjured.
"George undo it now," the boy in front of you says rather harshly, announcing himself to be Fred Weasley. You watch as George fumbles with whatever Neville had previously occupied, a trick wand of sorts that looked flimsy and poorly made. You wait with baited breath as George attempts no less than four times to reverse the spell but the increasingly frustrated and bewildered look upon his face only increases with each attempt, making your hopes of freedom dwindle to almost nothing.
"Longbottom what the bloody hell did you do? What is that thing?" You say for the first time, an annoyed expression evident across your face. For the first time, Fred looks down at you from his ridiculous height and stares for a moment, ginger lashes blinking as he looks upon your face. You avert your eyes at the rather intimate distance between your and the Weasley twin and instead chose to focus your icy glare upon Neville who's eyes visibly widen under your stare before he scuttles off.
"It's a trick wand," you hear from directly above you, Fred's unexpectedly soft voice explaining what the malfunctioning device his twin is wildly throwing around is. "It was loaded with a leg binding jinx but apparently we underestimated Neville's lack of ability with magic."
"It's just his bad wand," you reply absently, almost coming to his defensive but quickly pausing when you see Fred suddenly look at you in confusion as your uncharacteristic leniency of the Gryffindor student.
"How long does it take to wear off?" You ask in a mild huff, realising that nothing George was doing would be able to undo the jinx.
"Um well that's the thing," he says hesitantly, causing you to whip your head round to face him as soon as you heard his nervous tone. "It should expire in about 6 or 7 hours."
"7 hours?!" You ask, eyes wide. "But I have potions in-."
"Yeah that's not happening," George says, moving to stand beside you both. It appears the group surrounding you had dispersed, leaving you alone with only both twins in the corridor between the Great hall and the staircases. "Unless you drag him with you."
"I'm going nowhere near potions or Severus grease face."
"So what do we do now?"
Five hours you'd been tethered to Fred Weasley by an invisible bind that still showed no sign of relenting. You'd found weak points of the bind and had managed to untangle yourselves just far enough that you were able to sit directly in front of each other, legs touching and somewhat entwined but at least you weren't stuck on top of eachother like before. You'd found sanctuary in the prefect's bathroom on the fifth floor, escaping from teachers and students alike until the jinx wore off. You'd been pleasantly surprised when he pulled out a head boy pin from his trouser pocket once you were out of sight of the statue of Boris the Bewildered and had recited the password perfectly to allow you access to the usually restricted area.
"My brother Percy hasn't noticed it's missing yet," he smirked as you looked at him in question, watching him try to slip the badge back into his trouser pocket with a little difficulty thanks to the close quarters between the two of you.
The first hour had been awkward to say the least, with neither of you saying much and desperate to get away. It was embarrassing, humiliating and more than anything you just wanted to run back to your common room but after another hour of torturous silence, he began talking.
The third hour passed quickly and you'd found that he was actually really funny and sincere, much calmer than you'd ever expected him to be. You didn't know him, not really but you'd seen him on the quidditch pitch and heard all about the infamous Weasley twins and their pranks which was intimidating to say the least. You'd figured he couldn't do much more to you than what you were already experiencing and he'd not made any attempt to trick you in the few hours you'd spent together.
The fourth and fifth hour had you both hysterically laughing as you recited your best impressions of the hogwarts teachers, his awful madeye moody impression clearly taking the prize for worst impression ever to be made. You'd gotten surprisingly comfortable on the tile floor, your head resting in his lap though your knees were bent to allow room for the invisible shackles. The conversation had turned to a heart to heart after a few hours of laughter and you found that he was opening up rather easily to you, with lingering looks and shared glances you hoped you hadn't imagined.
“Ask me something personal,” he says with a fleeting smile, looking up from his place on your lap. You’d switched places nearly half an hour ago, with his head now resting against your legs, soft, long fingers hair fanning out across your thighs.
You pause for a moment, thinking of what to ask. “What's your mum like?”
He huffs out a breath of laughter, like an inside joke replaying in his head and you watch as a smirk tugs at the side of his lips.
“My mum,” he begins to say with a smile on his full lips, hesitating for only a minute. “She's a fierce lady, great cook, loving
 Sometimes a little pushy.”
“There's seven of you!” You jump to defend her, having learnt all about his siblings from the previous hours of conversation. “Two of them being you and George, I might add, maybe she has to be to keep you in line,” you laugh.
“You may have a point there,” he smirks up at you, staring right into your eyes until you feel yourself get lost in his hazel orbs.
“What about you?”
“Hm?” You ask, your lashes fluttering as you try to blink out of your little daydream whilst being absorbed in looking for the golden flecks in his eyes, praying to Salazar himself that he hadn’t noticed.
“Your mum,” he says, completely oblivious to your gaze.
“Oh,” you frown, feeling a sudden weight upon your shoulders at the very mention of your mother, all lightness and whimsy of the situation gone. “She's well respected
 proud Slytherin, beautiful.”
“Guess she passed something on to her daughter then,” Fred smirks, quirking his eyebrow at you and you laugh, nudging him gently with your knee. “Smooth Weasley,” you joke, watching as he settles back down on your leg, one bulging arm coming to rest under his shaggy red hair, his school shirt rolled up to display his veiny, bulging forearm
“Are all your family redheads?” You ask, prying your gaze away from the slightly freckled patch of skin that seemed to be drawing your attention like gold to a niffler.
“Yeah, have to squint looking at all family photos because it's like looking into straight fire,” he jokes and you can’t help but laugh along, laughing more when you see his head bobbing slightly with your movement. His hair looks unbelievably soft and smooth, like it was perfectly styled to look natural, the pure gold and copper strands standing out against the rest in the faint light.
"So you're Ginger-bred," you add, laughing at your own terrible joke. A burst of laughter spills from him, louder than you’d ever heard and you watch him in slight amazement as he shifts, now sitting up and facing you once again, the place in your lap where his head had been resting now feeling a little empty and cold.
“That was a good one actually, might have to tell George that one.”
“Your doppel-ginger?” Another burst of magical laughter echoes around the room and you watch with a proud smile on your face knowing it was you that was making him laugh like this.
“That one is definitely being passed on, never heard that before”.
“Are all your family Gryffindors?” You ask, turning your head to the side slightly, breaking the momentarily comfortable silence.
“Yeah, though I'd look good in green don't you think?” He winks, gesturing to your Slytherin robes.
“I don't know,” you pause, teasing as you look at him, watching carefully as he follows your eyes. “I guess it's lucky for you that you're so tall, wearing green with your hair... people might think you're a leprechaun.”
“Har-har,” he laughs sarcastically, rolling his eyes in a teasing way but from the smile on his face, he’s far from hurt by your banter.
“So, Yule ball’s coming up,” he begins to say but he’s cut off when you suddenly feel a weight taken off of your limbs, the resistance you’d gotten used to quickly wearing off. You gingerly try to prey your leg further from the point you’d both worked out was the farthest you could go, and to your amazement, you can stretch as far as your limbs can go.
You stand, overwhelmed with relief that the jinx had worn off, wasting no time before stretching and throwing your arms about like a wild man.
Fred laughs and joins in with your excited spin, both of you looking like pure idiots in the middle of the prefects bathroom, dancing around with no music and ecstatic smiles on your faces.
You finally stop, the laughter slowly fading as you feel him pull you in for a hug, his arms stretching around your shoulder with relative ease.
“Thank you for being my date today,” he says cheekily with a full bow as he reaches out for your hand, acting formally.
“It was my pleasure sir,” you play along, thrusting your hand into his as he playfully reaches down to kiss the back of your hand.
“Reckon your potions class is long since finished,” he says, gathering the backpack he’d thrown down in the corner with your book bag. From the lack of light outside, it’s obvious that it’s well past school hours, the entire afternoon spent hiding away with Fred.
You snort, “what a shame.”
“You know, for a Slytherin you’re alright,” he teases.
“Shut up gingerbread, which one are you again?”
He reaches out for you but you manage to scamper as he holds open the door for you both to walk through, hoping you can make it out without anyone seeing you.
You make it right up the corridor towards the staircases before it becomes painfully obvious that you’re parting ways, both of your common rooms in opposite directions.
You turn, just out of sight of the staircases and wait with baited breath for him to hopefully make a move, hoping that you hadn’t read it wrong.
There’s a few moments when both of you stare at each other, neither knowing what to do or say and you watch as his eyes travel across your face, to your lips and then away, the tension breaking.
“Well, bye then,” he says, though there’s a hint of emotion in his voice that sounds almost like sadness or hesitation.
“Oh, bye Fred,” you try your hardest to appear neutral but it’s too hard, you can’t help but hear the disappointment slipping through your tone. He turns away and you take the hint, also turning in the opposite direction as you enter the hall of staircases, tracking them to get where you need to go. You feel eyes upon you but when you turn, you see that he’s walking upwards on one of the staircases, not looking at you. You hang on for as long as you can, trying to spot him each time you join a new moving staircase, watching the red hair eventually fade out of view until you reach the opening to the dungeons.
Two weeks pass and unsurprisingly you hear nothing from Fred, though you seem to be acutely more aware of his presence around school. You hear his voice, hear his laughter and even the passing rumours seem to reach you much more than before, retellings of him and George’s latest prank. You can’t help but search for his red hair in the sea of Gryffindor’s in the great Hall and try to look out for him between classes like a lost puppy. It was amazing really, you’d gone from hardly knowing him, and certainly not knowing him from his twin to being able to completely distinguish him and George apart even with a brief glance.
You told no one of this, naturally, glad that Neville’s misdemeanour hadn’t reached the whole school and that you’d come away largely unscathed, in terms of your reputation. Neville had avoided you at all costs, bumping into you once with panic in his eyes and lasting no more than two seconds before retreating sharpish.
You were gutted, thinking that you’d made an actual connection with him but apparently not, it was just situational. So you did the only thing you could do and return to your life before you’d encountered Fred Weasley, trying to put away any memories or feelings you felt, though you couldn’t deny your life felt that little less exciting now you knew what it was like to spend time with him.
“Y/n?” You turn towards the sound of your name being called, all hope leaving your body quickly when you realise it isn’t him, that it’s Miles Bletchley, a fellow Slytherin that was in the year below you.
“Hi gorgeous,” he says with a smile but you don’t reciprocate, instead fixing him with a slight face of disgust, lips pursing at the nickname.
“Bletchley,” you greet him, making his surname sound as vomitious as possible, which wasn’t a hard task. He was far from the worst Slytherins, keeper on the Quidditch team and an overall nice enough guy but his body language was putting you off completely. Cocky, running his hand through his hair, throwing his weight about.
“So I was wondering if you had a date to the Yule Ball? Gorgeous girl like you has already been claimed but doesn’t hurt to ask right?” He winks.
“Claimed?” You repeat in disgust at his turn of phrase. Your apparently disgust and overall lack of a reply doesn’t seem to phase him in the slightly as he shrugs, a stupid smirk tugging at the side of his thin, chapped lips.
“Figured I’d shoot my shot,” he chuckles, as if he’d made a witty comment that he was so proud of.
“Figure you should stick to goalkeeping, if that’s the shot you’re taking, your aim’s well off,” you say with a roll of your eyes as you turn, walking away from him in a proud sweep, only to tumble into the front of someone seconds after.
You open your mouth to greet him but simply pull back slightly, feeling the loss of his large hands around the top of your arms where he’d previously held you. It’s evident he’d seen all of your interaction with Miles, and that he wasn’t too pleased about it.
His gaze is hard and predatory as he glares at Bletchley, giving such a harsh look that it makes you freeze, until he looks at you and his eyes fall soft again. Before you can mutter an apology and walk away, he does something that surprises you, he smiles and speaks.
“So Yule Ball, no keepers, but how about a beater?” He asks with a smirk, but instead of Bletchley’s Lockhart-esque smarmy routine, this one is genuine. He flicks his eyes towards Bletchley’s frame, dragging on your rejection from the Slytherin Keeper. “Gryffindor though of course.” He flashes you a wide smile, his eyes shining as he winks at you and you can’t help the smile that spreads across your face involuntarily.
“Oh, George needs a date?” You tease, watching from under your lashes at the myriad of expressions that cross his face in under three seconds. At first he’s shocked, then disheartened, then humoured by your little teasing.
“Funny girl,” he shoots back, the mischievous glint in his eyes turning positively devilish.
“What do you say? May I take the wittiest, prettiest girl in all of Hogwarts to the Ball?” He bows down just as he had that day in the bathroom and gestures for your hand once more.
“You may,” you reply, beaming with joy as you place your hand in his much larger one once again. To your surprise, instead of bending down to kiss the back of your hand as he had before, he gently tugs on your arm and you fall weightlessly forward right back into his chest.
In a move that you’ll remember in vivid detail for all of your life, he leans down, long hair sweeping back as he presses those deliciously full lips onto yours, your hands slipping around his very high shoulders to support yourself. The kiss is quick and chaste but you could cry with sheer happiness, his soft lips on your own igniting a wild spark around you.
When you actually hear a firework around you, you pull away in utter confusion, thinking you’d imagined the signature whinny of a flying firework.
“Couldn’t resist,” you hear from the side and twist around, still wrapped around Fred as you look at George who stands with a smug look on his face at the fireworks he’d released. “Least now he’ll stop talking about you all the time.”
“George,” Fred warns.
“Do you think she’ll go the yule ball with me? Wonder if she’ll wear green, should I wear green? She’s so pretty, soooo funny, I wonder what she’s doing now
George’s high pitched, mocking voice gets rapidly quieter with each step as he walks away, fading into the background once again and as you turn to look back at Fred, the colour on his cheeks is a rather impressive bright pink blush.
“Wish I had a camera with me,” you say, making his brow knit together into a quizzical frown as he silently questions your words.
“That’s just the shade of pink I wanted my dress to be.”
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emeritusemeritus · 25 days
It’s absolutely hilarious to me that I always chose to write Fred as a menace and George as the sweet one but in reality it’s the complete reverse. James is soft, shy and sweet and Oliver is mischievous, ranty and definitely the more extroverted brother. (Not saying Oliver isn’t lovely too but he’s actually way more Fred-coded)
This is definitely their real personalities showing through and in this scene George is definitely harsher and more brutal of the two.
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But then I remember this and I’m like, yup, hi sweet boy.
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emeritusemeritus · 25 days
Ahh thank you so much, this is so incredible! I’m absolutely amazed you managed to read this in a day!! Thank you for reading đŸ–€
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"Jack was like a Chinese finger trap most of the time, you had to carry on playing, delve a little further and accept your fate before you were able to pry yourself away."
Captain Jack Sparrow lands in Port Royal on that fateful day and finds more than he bargained for when he meets Elizabeth Swann’s cousin, Lillian Swann. Canon compliant with a hint of fix-it. Timeline runs through films 1-4.
61 chapters, 189k words.
Read onAO3 here
Alternatively, you can read on Wattpad [@RebeccaEckerstrom]
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emeritusemeritus · 25 days
Hi! Love your answers and fics 💕
I would love to ask a fic with reader being a bff's with Ginny or Ron and the twins not really liking her but being forced to share a tent with her while camping (yes, one bed trope in nature with enemies to lovers twist đŸ™đŸ») , hope you like this idea, love ya!
Hi my love! You know I’m a slut for the one bed (tent?) trope but with their ages in the timeframe I tried to keep it a little PG (and failed miserably) 😂 I’m so very sorry this took so long to get out, I hope you enjoy! đŸ–€
Warnings: sexual themes and references, enemies to lovers, confessions of love, humour, Fred being an absolute menace, George is the sweet one as usual. Set during a slightly canon-altered Quidditch World Cup (no mentions of mouldy voldy or the attack)
Word count: 1.3k
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You didn't know where your dislike for the Weasley Twins had stemmed from, but it seemed to be completely mutual. Perhaps it was the fear of being the recipient of a prank, maybe it was their constant overbearing nature, their natural ability to be the centre of attention at all times- all of which was indisputably annoying. You just couldn't relax around them or let your guard down, which you supposed was the overall reason that you'd never been friendly. They also seemed to take an instant dislike to you almost as soon as you became friends with their younger siblings, though what possessed them not to like you was a slight mystery. They largely ignored you but you’d often catch them glaring at you or doing their very best to look away and avoid you entirely, until you became a prime target for their pranks once or twice.
You'd been so excited to attend the Quidditch World Cup, even though you didn't have the biggest passion for the sport, it was going to be the highlight of your summer, attending the world cup with your best friends. Arthur had been so kind to invite you, Harry and Hermione along but you couldn't deny that your enthusiasm wavered slightly when you realised that Fred and George would also be joining you. You thought they might have broken away at some point, causing havoc wherever they chose to go but much to your annoyance, they had stayed firmly within the group the entire time from the moment you left the Burrow at the crack of dawn until you finally reached the campsite.
So how you found yourself sharing a tent with the two of them was a complete, unfortunate mystery.
Furthermore, how you ended up between the two of them in the tent with their lips kissing every inch of your skin and their big hands wandering your body was even more of a mystery the wisest auror wouldn’t be able to figure out.
Mere hours ago after the World Cup had finished, you’d contemplated casting a protective enchantment around yourself regardless of the underage magic law, claiming it was self defence or self preservation so you didn’t end up with a face full of boils, blue hair or no eyebrows courtesy of one of their ‘pranks’. Now, those thoughts were long gone as George turned your head towards him with his finger tucked beneath your chin, his lips chasing yours as Fred slips behind you, not hiding the evidence of his arousal against your backside. It was like a tug of war between them with you being the toy in the middle; a constant divide of attention and affection.
You break away from George to gasp out a sorely needed breath and take a second to look into his eyes, seeing his dark, fixed gaze upon you. You don’t doubt that Fred would be wearing an identical gaze but you couldn’t bring yourself to turn around to check for yourself.
“I don’t understand,” you say breathlessly, knowing that you were almost definitely going to ruin the moment but you couldn’t deny your need for answers. “I thought you hated me.”
You hear Fred snort from behind you, a sort of involuntary noise that escapes him as soon as he hears your words.
“If this is your idea of hate, I’d love to see how you think someone who loved you would act,” he mumbles, pulling your hair away from your neck to press butterfly light kisses to your neck, making your eyes close on their own accord. But you fight to keep them open, to implore George with your eyes so he’ll give you a straight answer.
“Never hated you,” he says with the hint of a frown, as if he’s offended by the notion. His hand slips to reach down for your hand , entwining his long fingers with your own and you can’t help but glance down, marvelling at the size difference between your hands. Fred pulls on your shoulder gently, sensing that you wouldn’t give in to him without answers and pulls you down until you’re laying on your back, free to look between them.
“You see princess,” he explains, “Georgie and me made a pact that you were out of bound for both of us. Both fancied you like mad.” His hand cradles your hip whilst George keeps a gentle but firm grip on your hand, thumb swiping delicately over your knuckles.
“Thought that if you showed an interest in either of us, then we’d know who you preferred.”
“But you didn’t seem to like either of us.”
“So then the pranks started. Figured any attention from you was better than none.”
“I had pink hair for weeks!” You interjected, still simmering with annoyance.
“Honestly? I thought that if you looked different maybe I’d stop getting a hard-on every time I looked at you,” he says with a smirk, “didn’t work. Quite the opposite actually.”
You nudged him with your shoulder, causing him to drop down onto the makeshift cot beneath you all, earning a hearty laugh from him and his twin.
“You set this up didn’t you?” You break the silence with a gasp, realising that it wouldn’t be a coincidence that you’d been relegated to the small tent whilst the other guests were all sharing the big, much more comfortable tent.
The shy smile that George shoots you, mixed with his slightly pink cheeks tells you everything you needed to know.
“Might have pulled a few strings,” he mumbles through his sudden onset shyness.
“But if dad asks, you snore like a roaring Zouwu and we just so happen to be the deepest sleepers.”
“We’re just so selfless, couldn’t have you disturbing the others could we?” He teases, tickling your hip.
“Yes it definitely feels like you’re being selfless,” you say with a smirk, rolling your hips to brush your ass against his still very obvious erection, earning a deep groan from him.
“So you don’t hate us?” George asks somewhat nervously, his hand slightly squeezing yours so your attention is diverted away from his very tempting twin.
“Could have done without the pink hair,” you argue, stating your point, “but I don’t hate you.”
“Elaborate,” Fred urges, his hand resting on your hip again, a sudden uncharacteristic nervousness hovering in his voice.
You sigh, knowing that you’d ruined it now.
“You both just make me nervous, like I’ll never know why you’re going to do next,” you say, averting your eyes slightly.
“Well if you want a full commentary of what I intend to do, I’d be happy to oblige,” Fred smirks, running his hands over your body, purposefully manipulating your answer.
“Fred,” you groan, half annoyed and half tempted.
“No more pranks,” George says suddenly, making your eyes flash to him. “Not on you.”
“Agreed,” Fred says suddenly, pressing his rather impressive tent to the curve of your bum as he shuffles closer. “At least now we can double down on the blokes trying to talk to her.”
“That was why Cormac fainted in the hallway on the way to Potions?!” You gasp, suddenly piecing it all together, realising they were the perpetrators all along.
“Your ours,” Fred says simply with a shrug, as if there’s no reason to argue.
“If that’s what you want,” George adds, throwing a quick but powerful glare at his brother.
“Wouldn’t want anyone else.”
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emeritusemeritus · 1 month
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They deserved a happy ending
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emeritusemeritus · 2 months
Just a reminder

that my requests are currently closed.
Any requests I’ve received whilst I’ve been on temporary hiatus will be accepted but I will not be accepting any new requests from now.
I’m slowly working my way through the requests sat in my inbox but between real life and slight writers block, it’s been a struggle but it’s worth it đŸ–€
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emeritusemeritus · 2 months
Hear me out! Possessive sex + Overstimulation + Brat Taming + Breeding. Both of the Weasley Twins please. đŸ€­
I just always have this thought of just teasing the shit out of them when they’re work and fleeing afterwards. It’s almost as if we took their job of teasing us, and I could just imagine how pent up and frustrated they can be when they can’t do anything since there’s kids and adults around. The joke shop is suppose to be an appropriate place especially when it’s meant mainly for kids..Perhaps, add a part where we purposefully flirt with one of our old classmates. You can choose who! If you don’t like this idea, I completely understand! Feel free to add some kinks if you like or story elements. đŸ«¶
Hi Anon! I’m so sorry it has taken so long to get this out, writing has had to be on the back-burner for now but I’m slowly getting back! Sorry for the lack of smut, it’s more of the setup as I’m abit smutted out đŸ–€
Warnings: Sexual tension, brat behaviour, Dom!sub relationships, polyamory, teasing, sexual references, mild swearing. Flirting, mentions of pregnancy, pregnancy kink, breeding kink.
Word count: 2.5k
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Wonder Witch
You knew what you were getting into the second you opened up your wardrobe and changed into the outfit you'd carefully prepared for today. Your husbands had already long since departed the flat to set up the shop for the day, leaving you just a little later to sleep in, which you were thankful for.
Today was the big launch of new wonder witch products that the twins had been tirelessly working on, perfecting the range ready for the big launch today. You'd helped with ordering violently pink balloons to decorate every orifice of the shop, had banners printed and had even managed to convince Madame Puddifoot's to make some limited edition iced biscuits for the celebration, all in the same sickening shade of pink.
The icing on the cake was the costume that you'd picked out ready to hand out and display the new items, recreating the wonder witch icon on the packaging.
The dress in itself wasn't too risky, an array of pink and gold overlapping fabric that fell just above your knee, with a pointed witches hat in a smilies style. But it also had exposed shoulders with dropped sleeves and a corseted middle which hoisted in your waist to create a rather dramatic shape, highlighting your hips in a way that you knew would drive your husbands crazy. You carefully curled your hair and applied a healthy dose of mascara to really make your eyes pop before applying an equally vibrant lipsticks that you'd found matched the colour of wonder witch perfectly. You added a little highlighter around your cheeks to give you a little bit more of a playful look and slipped on your shoes to really help bring the look together.
When you looked in the mirror, you were more than pleased with yourself. You looked hot.
Checking the clock, you saw that it was 8:53am, just in time for the store to open. You could hear the twins flapping, mainly George, the moment you opened the door towards the staircase. They were bustling ready for the big opening and the unsurprising lack of Verity meant that she was probably going to be late again.
"Angel can you put these products on the... shit." George says the second you walk down the stairs, noticing the outfit almost immediately.
"What's up with you?" Fred asks, walking over to George under the staircase until he comes into full view, noticing that his twin seems to be frozen on the spot. He turns, looking towards the direction George seems frozen at and you watch as his eyes widen also comically wide. "Holy Godric."
"Morning," you say cheerfully, leaning up to press a kiss to George's cheek before doing the same to Fred as they look at you in complete shock, mouths slightly parted. "Where do you want me?"
"Um," George says, clearing his throat though his eyes hardly move from the curve of your breasts, a prominent feature of your dress. You fight the urge to laugh, wanting to keep up your little innocent play, pretending that you had no idea why they were looking at you like that.
"You want these on the shelf?" You ask, batting your eyelashes at them, watching as Fred's tongue pokes out to wet his lips.
The little clock on the wall chimes, signalling the store opening, just as you bend down to grab the box of products and you look up with pouting lips, watching as the twins hardly react to the chimes.
"You gonna unlock the doors big boy?" You ask Fred with a singular raised eyebrows, noticing how he doesn't even attempt to pull out his wand. A frantic knock on the doors pulls him out of his thoughts and you all turn to see Verity knocking to be let it, surrounded by a large crowd of customers ready to shop the new products. You flash a little wink at George as Fred unlocks the doors with a flick of his wand, the fireworks and the tricks beginning all in perfect synchronisation. When you look back up after picking up the box of products and see your two men still staring at you, completely unaware of the swarm of customers bursting through the doors, you knew today was going to be fun.
The store was packed right from opening, a never-ending swarm of people crossing through the doors until the shop was almost too full of people, all wanting to get their hands on the new merchandise. It was an overwhelming success, the new line of wonder witch products and cosmetics and you were thankful, fortunate and insanely proud of your husbands for pulling off the ideas you'd created together. You should have been tired, drained from the day as it neared closing time but truthfully you were on an adrenaline high, on cloud nine from teasing your husbands all day and seeing their increasing desperation.
All day you'd made sure to be a little bit of a brat, an utter tease whilst trying to portray yourself as an innocent Angel- something you knew for a fact that they didn't believe in the slightest.
George was easier to rile up, always quicker to respond to your more subtle teasing. You'd brushed past him a number of times today, the packed shop only aiding your need to slowly brush your ass against the front of his trousers as you squeezed past him or to pass something up to Verity on the stairs, ensuring that he got a face full of cleavage as you stretched up. You'd caught him staring at you more times today than you could count on all your extremities, especially when you climbed the stairs above him, ensuring that he knew your bare thighs were right above him.
Fred didn't always respond to subtlety, so you knew your efforts had to be boosted when it came to him. You'd purposely licked and sucked at one of the dark mark lollipops in the most outrageous way whenever he was paying attention and you'd even heard him choke on his own spit when he noticed.
You knew you had him when you were explaining to a group of seventh year girls about the patented daydream charms and how how they worked, passing out the colourful boxes items around the group as they accepted them with eager and curious eyes.
"Up to thirty minutes of pure, blissful imagination; let me tell you it will create a very realistic daydream of your choice so you know that boy you're crushing on? You're going to have the best thirty minutes of your life."
You're met with a round of playful giggles as you smile at them, knowing you were in for a good sale.
"Have you used it?" One of the girls asks and you nod eagerly with a smirk, knowing that Fred was just behind you from the way you could feel his presence, hearing him talk only moments before.
"Not since I married him," you say with a smirk as you receive another round of girlish giggles. "Between us, those thirty minutes with Fred were some of my most imaginative creations, believe me these little things are special," you say, twisting the box in your hands. "Just don't tell George." You watch as the girls' eyes light up and they quickly shove them in their baskets. You turn then, catching Fred's eye as he pretends not to have been listening and you act as if you're bashful about what he might have heard, placing a strand of hair nervously behind your ear as you walk away, making sure to sway your hips ever so slightly, knowing he'd be watching.
By lunchtime, you'd effortlessly riled them up to a point that it was so painfully obvious what they were trying to hide that you found yourself biting back a smirk for most of the day. They were so easily and deeply affected that it was rather fun to watch, but none more so than when Dean Thomas came into the shop just after the dinner time rush. You'd taken a quick break and had reapplied your lipstick, carefully checking you appearance before you walked down the stairs back to work. Dean had been talking to both of your lives near the stairs when he spotted you, eyes briefly widening as he took in your appearance. Unfortunately for him, Fred had been mid sentence and had definitely noticed Dean checking you out, making his go silent and cause a thunderous look to cross his face.
"Y/n, hi! It's good to see you!" Dean smiles as you approach them all, careful to avoid looking at the faces of your husbands who had now both caught on to Dean's over-pleasant demeanour.
"Dean, good to see you too!"
"You look good! Who knew that y/n (*maiden name) would become wonder witch!" His hands gesture towards your outfit and then to the display of new products to the side with your likeness on.
"It's Weasley," both twins said a little too quickly, in perfect synchronisation, making you have to bite the inside of your cheek to stop a laugh spilling out at their obvious jealously.
"Of course," Dean says somewhat absently, not picking up on the sudden hostility aimed at him by the shop-owners. "So what have you been up to? Do you see the others much?"
"Didn't ask us this many questions," you hear George mumble under his breath to Fred, who has crossed his arms across his chest and is hardly blinking, watching Dean closely.
"The usual," you smile, shooting a fleeting glance at your two husbands who's red faces seem to match their hair. "Keeping these two in line, keeping the shop afloat," you joke.
"So no little Weasley's running about yet?"
You could almost sense the little eye twitch George did at the words and you were certain that Fred seemed to stand even straighter, making himself even taller to tower over Dean.
"Hopefully soon," you say, biting your lip and George's eyes flicker to you with a fire in them, your words affecting him more easily than you'd anticipated. Fred seemed to incidentally lose his footing and was knocked off balance for a second, breaking the rather playful mood that had settled between you and Dean.
After Dean had left with a few things he'd come for, you finally accepted your fate and let the veil slip enough to drop the innocent act you'd been playing all day. Fred had cornered you beside the till, a stolen moment of peace as you reached high up to re-stock the daydreams, flashing him with a glimpse of your stocking.
"Really Freddie?" You pretended to admonish as you felt his rather prominent evidence of arousal against your hip as he started to get grabby with you, nearing the end of his restraint. "This is a respected establishment Mr Weasley, there are children about!"
You shuffled past him with a little tut, hiding your smirk behind your hair, leaving him stranded with mouth agape at your sudden boldness. George wasn't faring much better, his eyes still fixed on the curve of your breasts whenever he caught a glimpse, silently watching you rile him up further and further as your act slipped away.
With one last attempt at completely flipping the switch inside of them, throwing them over the metaphorical cliff, you doubled down your efforts. It was nearly closing time and you walked slyly over to the cash register whilst George was cashing up for the night and began stretching, pointing out your chest and making some very questionable noises. You adjusted the little cold shoulder straps on your dress and readjusted your breasts in the dress, sensing your attentive audience of George who was close by and Fred who had stopped what he was doing to watch you from across the shop. You suddenly turned and walked behind George, placing your hand on his hip as you squeezed past to reach for a carrier bag, carefully dragging your hand over his lower back as you leaned down. When you began to turn and walk away, you felt a large hand shoot out and grab your wrist.
His tone was clear and clipped, telling you everything you needed to do.
“I know exactly what you’re doing,” he says, moving to stand behind you in the near empty shop, an obvious erection pressing into your behind. “Keep going little brat, you’re only fuelling the fire.”
When he lets you go and turns back to his task with no other reaction, you knew it was time to slip away. You rushed up the stairs, carefully avoiding both of them, ready for the next step of the plan. You’d prepped dinner on your lunch break, wanting to get ahead for the night and flicked the oven on with a flick of your wand as soon as you made it upstairs. You kicked off your shoes, pulled off your panties and waited, busying yourself to ward off the desperate arousal you were feeling, anticipating a good but long night ahead.
As soon as you heard the familiar, incoming footsteps on the landing, you bent over in your skirt to slip the pie into the oven, giving them quite a show when they walked in.
“Fucking Godric,” you heard Fred exclaim when he stepped through the door, followed by a similar curse only moments later by his twin as they see your pussy on full display for them, peeking out from below the short skirt as you bend over.
“Princess,” he says, beginning to stalk over to you as you pulled yourself up, closing the oven. You looked at them innocently, big doe-eyes and fluttering lashes as you watched them darkly approach you.
“You were naughty today,” George says, his hand reaching out to cup the back of your neck as he pulls you into a devastatingly sinful kiss that immediately makes your nipples harden under the dress. You gasp into his mouth when you suddenly feel a hand creeping up your inner thigh, underneath your dress.
“Remember what you said to Dean, princess?” Fred asks, voice dangerously low, prompting you to nod whilst trying to catch your breath. You knew exactly what you’d said, what you’d hoped for.
“Reckon we should start now?” He asks, his hand ghosting over the curve of your ass, feeling the bare flesh underneath his fingers. “Want you knocked up right fucking now.”
“Agreed,” George adds, somehow looking and sounding ever darker and more determined than Fred. George suddenly reaches out and turns off the oven with a harsh flick of his wrist, smirking when you look up at him in confusion at him turning off the oven.
“We’re not gonna be done with you that soon,” he says with a devilish smirk. “Gonna cum in you over and over, taking turns filling you. There’s gonna be so much cum in you that you won’t know where you start and we end, get you all round from us. Now.”
“Get on the bed.”
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emeritusemeritus · 2 months
Taglist part 2 💕
One, two, three? [Fred Weasley x Reader]
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Title: one, two, three?
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader.
Timeline: Non-specific.
Summary: Fred gets up to mischief pretending to be his twin.
Warnings: None? Slight deception, pranks, humour. Fred’s a menace. Sorry Cho, I needed a victim.
Word count: 1.3k
In honour of our April fool’s birthday kings, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRED AND GEORGE. Please accept this little prank-filled drabble as a gift.
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"Hi, um George?" You heard a voice behind you say meekly, causing you and your companion to turn around in confusion.
You'd been in the library for most of the afternoon with Fred, studying for your end of term potions exam whilst he looked up ingredients for a new project him and George had been developing, some new potion that made the drinker glow like a candle. To your surprise, Fred was actually concentrating for the most part and had actually allowed you to get some valuable studying done without much interruption, though you could sense his concentration wavering and boredom taking over him as he got increasingly fidgety.
George had managed to get detention with Mcgonagall today before dinner, though Fred had managed to avoid the punishment entirely on account of being the first to flee. George had mentioned in passing that his charms partner would be meeting you all in the library after the last class of the day for them to work on their homework together and of course you thought nothing of it when Cho joined you in the library.
Charms this year had been a little different as you were sorted into classes of grouped abilities with some students able to take a short course for their OWLS from the year below, so that they could study another elective if they wished. Due to this, a few students from the year below had entered your class at the start of the year and you were no longer lumped with just the Slytherins, the short course students were mixed houses.
"Oh hey y/n," Cho said as you turned, offering you a shy little wave with her free hand as she clutched a handful of books to her chest. You'd never really talked much with Cho but she always seemed nice and friendly. You greeted her and began to correct her previous misstep when Fred leapt to his feet, pulling out a chair for her.
"Hi Cho, what are we working on today?" He said with a wicked glint in his eye, pretending to be George. You looked at him momentarily with a disbelieving look before rolling your eyes, knowing that he would deeply enjoy playing along as his twin to cause a little mischief.
"I thought we could start with the non verbal spells?" She says, taking a seat and spreading out an array of books, parchment and quills for the task.
You barely paid attention to them as they talked, though your attention was drawn in every so often when Fred would drop little hints that he might not be the right twin, though they went entirely over Cho's head. She had no clue that she was actually talking with Fred and you had to say that it did amuse you slightly, though not as much as it did Fred. Around half an hour had gone by, George still hadn't showed and you could tell that Fred was getting bored of the act and was getting close to actually doing the work which he had no intention of doing, so he decided he would feign needing to meet Fred.
He shot you a wink as he stood, subtly kicking his bag under the desk towards you and walked out, leaving you and Cho alone. You chatted for a little while, mainly asking her how Quidditch was going, before a familiar red head rejoined you.
He had taken off his school jumper, untucked his white shirt and you noticed that his hair has been tussled slightly with a little more of the short, front strands pushed back. It didn't fool you for a second but you were intrigued to see if it could pass with someone that didn't know them, like Cho.
"Cho right? Hey," Fred says with a smirk and a nod of his head before he slumped down onto the seat beside you where he'd occupied only minutes before. He stretched out his arm around your shoulders as he took a seat and had said a simple, "hey gorgeous," to you as he grinned ear to ear.
"Hi, Fred right?" She says sweetly, her eyes squinting a little as she looks at him, hey eyes flicking between the pair of you and his arm around your shoulders, deducing that it must be your boyfriend.
"Yeah, this is Fred," you confirm, your tone a little drier than usual as you pointedly looked at him. He squeezes your shoulders tighter in a mock warning before offering a warm smile to Cho.
"You're George's charms partner right? Have you seen him? I've been looking everywhere for him," he says with a smirk. You roll your eyes and shift out of his hold to hunch yourself back over your potions book, subtly shaking your head at his actions, knowing he was enjoying himself way too much. Cho however, nods enthusiastically before looking around slightly with her eyes as if searching for her charms partner.
"He actually just left, he was looking for you," she says shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear where it had fallen out of her headband.
"Really? Interesting," Fred says, leaning back in his chair. "I'll go find him." Fred leans forward and kisses you on the head before walking casually out of the library doors, leaving you alone with Cho once again.
"They spend a lot of time together don't they?" She says, breaking the somewhat comfortable silence and you have to hold back a laugh as you look up from your book.
"Yeah I've always said they're more like conjoined twins than identical," you joke, sending her a warm smile. You knew she was probably uncomfortable having never spent much time around you and the twins and so you tried your hardest to be nice to her, despite Fred's silly prank.
"Sorry about that," Fred says rushing back in, now wearing his school jumper once again, pretending to be George.
"Oh Fred’s just been, he was looking for you," Cho says as she looks at 'George', pushing the textbook over to him as he takes his seat.
"Really, so he's around?" 'George' says with a tone of surprise, suddenly looking around as if he'd just missed his twin.
"I'm gonna scout out the courtyard, he's supposed to be meeting me, bloody Fred," he says playfully, rising from his seat once again and walking back through the doors.
"Couldn't see him," Fred says, walking back in not two minutes later, once again without his shirt and with slightly more tussled hair.
"He went looking for you in the courtyard," Cho says, looking up briefly from where she was taking notes on a piece of parchment. If she was annoyed by the constant disruption, she didn’t show it.
He shrugs and takes a seat next to you, trying to slide you closer to him by scooting your chair up towards his as he smiles widely at you, beaming with pride that his little prank was working.
"Hi, sorry I'm so late," George says, the real George, as he rushes in, throwing his bag off his shoulder and placing it onto the table looking a little puffed. He takes off his robe, placing it down on the back of the chair and you immediately notice that he'd not wearing uniform, or rather he is but he has a thick wool jumper on over the top that's zipped right up to his throat, hair soaking wet from the rain.
Cho suddenly looks between them and then to you with a face of alarm, trying to process what was happening as she takes in his different appearance.
"Wait, there are three of you?!"
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Taglist requests
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emeritusemeritus · 2 months
One, two, three? [Fred Weasley x Reader]
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Title: one, two, three?
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader.
Timeline: Non-specific.
Summary: Fred gets up to mischief pretending to be his twin.
Warnings: None? Slight deception, pranks, humour. Fred’s a menace. Sorry Cho, I needed a victim.
Word count: 1.3k
In honour of our April fool’s birthday kings, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRED AND GEORGE. Please accept this little prank-filled drabble as a gift.
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"Hi, um George?" You heard a voice behind you say meekly, causing you and your companion to turn around in confusion.
You'd been in the library for most of the afternoon with Fred, studying for your end of term potions exam whilst he looked up ingredients for a new project him and George had been developing, some new potion that made the drinker glow like a candle. To your surprise, Fred was actually concentrating for the most part and had actually allowed you to get some valuable studying done without much interruption, though you could sense his concentration wavering and boredom taking over him as he got increasingly fidgety.
George had managed to get detention with Mcgonagall today before dinner, though Fred had managed to avoid the punishment entirely on account of being the first to flee. George had mentioned in passing that his charms partner would be meeting you all in the library after the last class of the day for them to work on their homework together and of course you thought nothing of it when Cho joined you in the library.
Charms this year had been a little different as you were sorted into classes of grouped abilities with some students able to take a short course for their OWLS from the year below, so that they could study another elective if they wished. Due to this, a few students from the year below had entered your class at the start of the year and you were no longer lumped with just the Slytherins, the short course students were mixed houses.
"Oh hey y/n," Cho said as you turned, offering you a shy little wave with her free hand as she clutched a handful of books to her chest. You'd never really talked much with Cho but she always seemed nice and friendly. You greeted her and began to correct her previous misstep when Fred leapt to his feet, pulling out a chair for her.
"Hi Cho, what are we working on today?" He said with a wicked glint in his eye, pretending to be George. You looked at him momentarily with a disbelieving look before rolling your eyes, knowing that he would deeply enjoy playing along as his twin to cause a little mischief.
"I thought we could start with the non verbal spells?" She says, taking a seat and spreading out an array of books, parchment and quills for the task.
You barely paid attention to them as they talked, though your attention was drawn in every so often when Fred would drop little hints that he might not be the right twin, though they went entirely over Cho's head. She had no clue that she was actually talking with Fred and you had to say that it did amuse you slightly, though not as much as it did Fred. Around half an hour had gone by, George still hadn't showed and you could tell that Fred was getting bored of the act and was getting close to actually doing the work which he had no intention of doing, so he decided he would feign needing to meet Fred.
He shot you a wink as he stood, subtly kicking his bag under the desk towards you and walked out, leaving you and Cho alone. You chatted for a little while, mainly asking her how Quidditch was going, before a familiar red head rejoined you.
He had taken off his school jumper, untucked his white shirt and you noticed that his hair has been tussled slightly with a little more of the short, front strands pushed back. It didn't fool you for a second but you were intrigued to see if it could pass with someone that didn't know them, like Cho.
"Cho right? Hey," Fred says with a smirk and a nod of his head before he slumped down onto the seat beside you where he'd occupied only minutes before. He stretched out his arm around your shoulders as he took a seat and had said a simple, "hey gorgeous," to you as he grinned ear to ear.
"Hi, Fred right?" She says sweetly, her eyes squinting a little as she looks at him, hey eyes flicking between the pair of you and his arm around your shoulders, deducing that it must be your boyfriend.
"Yeah, this is Fred," you confirm, your tone a little drier than usual as you pointedly looked at him. He squeezes your shoulders tighter in a mock warning before offering a warm smile to Cho.
"You're George's charms partner right? Have you seen him? I've been looking everywhere for him," he says with a smirk. You roll your eyes and shift out of his hold to hunch yourself back over your potions book, subtly shaking your head at his actions, knowing he was enjoying himself way too much. Cho however, nods enthusiastically before looking around slightly with her eyes as if searching for her charms partner.
"He actually just left, he was looking for you," she says shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear where it had fallen out of her headband.
"Really? Interesting," Fred says, leaning back in his chair. "I'll go find him." Fred leans forward and kisses you on the head before walking casually out of the library doors, leaving you alone with Cho once again.
"They spend a lot of time together don't they?" She says, breaking the somewhat comfortable silence and you have to hold back a laugh as you look up from your book.
"Yeah I've always said they're more like conjoined twins than identical," you joke, sending her a warm smile. You knew she was probably uncomfortable having never spent much time around you and the twins and so you tried your hardest to be nice to her, despite Fred's silly prank.
"Sorry about that," Fred says rushing back in, now wearing his school jumper once again, pretending to be George.
"Oh Fred’s just been, he was looking for you," Cho says as she looks at 'George', pushing the textbook over to him as he takes his seat.
"Really, so he's around?" 'George' says with a tone of surprise, suddenly looking around as if he'd just missed his twin.
"I'm gonna scout out the courtyard, he's supposed to be meeting me, bloody Fred," he says playfully, rising from his seat once again and walking back through the doors.
"Couldn't see him," Fred says, walking back in not two minutes later, once again without his shirt and with slightly more tussled hair.
"He went looking for you in the courtyard," Cho says, looking up briefly from where she was taking notes on a piece of parchment. If she was annoyed by the constant disruption, she didn’t show it.
He shrugs and takes a seat next to you, trying to slide you closer to him by scooting your chair up towards his as he smiles widely at you, beaming with pride that his little prank was working.
"Hi, sorry I'm so late," George says, the real George, as he rushes in, throwing his bag off his shoulder and placing it onto the table looking a little puffed. He takes off his robe, placing it down on the back of the chair and you immediately notice that he'd not wearing uniform, or rather he is but he has a thick wool jumper on over the top that's zipped right up to his throat, hair soaking wet from the rain.
Cho suddenly looks between them and then to you with a face of alarm, trying to process what was happening as she takes in his different appearance.
"Wait, there are three of you?!"
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Taglist requests
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emeritusemeritus · 2 months
i hate the angelina/george/fred bc she liked fred not george??? unless they both thought to honor fred and marry each other to do so. couldve been seen as like “they found comfort in each other and fell in love” but i feel like it insinuates that fred and george aren’t really separate people? idk it kinda makes sense but it gives me the ick.
Me too!! I know I often write fredxreaderxgeorge but that is so different to me because I always write them to be different, even if the differences are subtle.
I detest that they are made to seem like the same person, like Angelina really thought ‘oh well my one died to I’ll marry the spare, they look close enough’. You’re not telling me that they didn’t have different mannerisms/ interests/ personalities- it’s not enough that they look the same.
The found comfort line is plausible I guess but at the same time- would it ever really be enough?
Either way, hated it đŸ–€
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emeritusemeritus · 2 months
Hot take I think she would, even book version, get with both twins. Both would fulfill the needs she has and the baker is off the charts. Imagine her having the time turner and using it to go have sex with the twins but also be in class. Like she couldn't even tell the twins she didn't have time for them because she literally does lmao.
Fuck the smut in my head now
OMG yaaaas! Somebody needs to write this! Like yeah she’s taking in extra classes but also a different kind of education with each of the twins
 and little ronnykins would never know đŸ–€
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emeritusemeritus · 2 months
Send me your Harry Potter hot-takes/ thoughts/ thots!
I’m working my way through your requests and need a little fun during little writing breaks.
I’m seriously so interested to see what you guys think- anything you love/ hate about canon, your own HC’s anything you like about Harry Potter and/or the Twins!
I’ll go first- I absolutely hate Emma Watson’s acting but I do think Fremione would have been better than Ron and Hermione. I actually like the idea of Fred and (book) Hermione. I think he’d get her to loosen up a little and not take life as seriously where she would get him in line when necessary. He’d be so supportive of her and defensive if people tried to call her a bookworm and the anger he’d have if he heard someone call her a mudblood.
I also hate the Angelina/ George/ Fred canon.
Emeritusemeritus đŸ–€
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emeritusemeritus · 2 months
I love how Fred and George are the sweetest big brothers too, from how they treat Ginny and how they comforted that first year student who was tortured by Umbridge
Yes yes yes! They are such good brothers (maybe not to Ron) but definitely to Ginny and canonically Fred seems to forgive Percy before anyone else, like he knows he’s still his brother- and a git- but deserves a second chance.
I love that scene in OOTP when Ginny casts the reducto in the DA meeting and they look at each other and almost look frightened but proud 😂 I absolutely love that they don’t look down on her or her abilities just because she’s a girl and the youngest, they just know that she’s brave and strong, especially after the chamber incident.
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The scene with the kid in OOTP is one of my absolute favourite scenes! I feel like we don’t see enough of their compassionate side (esp. George). Like he asks Harry if he needs help with his trunk/ trolley at Kinds Cross the first time they meet in the books and Aww he’s so sweet.
I could seriously write an essay about this đŸ˜‚đŸ–€
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emeritusemeritus · 2 months
The twins would thoroughly enjoy teasing y/n for being so much shorter
Omg yes, it would be constant!
“Hey short-stack.”
“Oi little one, come here a minute!”
“Need a hand sweetheart?” (He says teasingly whilst watching you struggle to reach a glass he’s purposefully put on a shelf he knew was too high for you).
“I appreciate the little things in life
 like you.”
“Bloody hell, I’ve never seen you’re face before, you’re right mate she is pretty- usually I just see the top of your head.”
Fred would definitely make a habit of resting his arm on your head as if he’s leaning on you, your head just the perfect height to do it.
George argues that you’re closer to the floor so you should be the one to reach down and get something, all. The. Time. ‘To save his knees’
They banter between themselves constantly as if you’re not even there, which you secretly love but claim it winds you up.
“Just think, when it rains, she’s the last to know!”
“And she’d technically drown first.”
“Careful mate, she might headbutt you in the balls.”
Absolute menaces đŸ–€
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emeritusemeritus · 2 months
Looking at these story requests I just have to wonder how many of us do you think are going to hell or purgatory? Like, I guarantee I’m not getting into Heaven once God gets his hands on my Tumblr historyđŸ€Ł
Oh I’m certain we’re all going straight to the Malebolge! I’m kind of hoping there’s a room reserved for us in hell so that at the end of days we can all meet up and discuss exactly what our turning point was 😂
No amount of repenting can make up for the filth in my mind. See you in hell my love đŸ–€
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