diminuel · 6 hours
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I was asked to draw a teen Crocodile from my AU.
I'm not sold on this design, but this would be a teen version of the Kuja Empress Crocodile comics.
(Stinky Child AU is probably set in the same AU though.)
I might try something different later. I didn't know whether I should try to go for more similarities between Crocodile and Luffy. The way I'm drawing Luffy seems to generally take after his dad, maybe with a bit more delicate facial features...
I have my ears open for suggestions~
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diminuel · 10 hours
Luffy wouldn't have abandonment issues in the Stinky Child Au, my boy would be even happier
Though I wonder if having his parents around all the time and then gradually seeing them less and less might give him some fears about losing them? I don't know!
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diminuel · 11 hours
It sounded like you needed a distraction and based in your comments section, for chaotic mini Garp.
How much trouble do you think a Luffy raised by Dragon and Crocodile would be?
Not significantly less trouble than a Luffy that grew up how we does in the manga I think!
Would he be even more trouble? Maybe? He could have connections in the Grand Line, but I don't really see him making use of that, since he just wants to adventure and see the world. He'll make these connections based on his own merit, never stopping to say "hey, by the way. The guy you say is trying to take over your country? That's my dad." X'D
In the Stinky Child AU he does still end up spending a lot of time with Ace and Sabo since both of his parents have "jobs" that take them away from home for long stretches of time. I imagine that Dragon and Crocodile are trying their best to coordinate so that Luffy's never without either of them, but it gets trickier when Crocodile relocates to Alabasta. So that means his brothers, Garp, Dadan and Makino - and later Shanks - are his points of reference.
He just has more parental supervision and parents who adore him and want the best for him (and also try to communicate that, somewhat successfully) but how normal can his childhood really be? Let's be honest, how much do Dragon and Crocodile know about a normal childhood?
Dragon might say Garp's unreasonable training is fine and Crocodile (if we also go for Kuja Crocodile) grew up on an island with no shortness of dangers (and a culture based in fighting and strength). Garp can take him to the mountain, after Luffy has done his homework though.
(I'm exaggerating, I don't think they'd want for him to be in danger, be scared or hurt. Garp has to go over his training methods.)
The values that they might instill in Luffy would generally still be the same he ends up having now. Luffy's a silly guy, but can be insightful and smart, even though he's just a teenager.
His parents probably tried to make him (and Ace and Sabo) go to school, maybe both with different hopes for the kid's future, but if your dads are clearly spending a lot of time on sea having adventures (he doesn't know what they do) AND then you meet Shanks, who's having a lot of fun and could take you to the Grand Line where your parents are... Well... The island isn't going to keep him forever.
The whole reason Dragon and Crocodile raised him the way they did was to give him the freedom to forge his own path in life. And he will do that, unerringly. They just hoped that he might be a bit smarter going about it... X3
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diminuel · 11 hours
I absolutely love you crocodad art ! May I ask for some HC about crocodile and baby luffy ? Or a little sketch ?
Thanks for all your marvelous art 💕
Sorry it took a lot because I wanted to draw something too! In the end I decided to do both 😊 hcs + sketch!
Thank you! ❤️ It always makes me so happy knowing my crocodad art is loved 🥹
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For the hcs, I’ll expose the ones from my revolutionary croc au:
-Is Croc the one that stays the most with baby Luffy. It was his decision. Dragon is pretty busy, since is the supreme leader.
-They have a really deep and special bond, since the day Luffy was born.
-Croc gave a cute babanawani plush to Luffy and he can’t sleep without it!
-Croc never wears his hook when is around Luffy, he doesn’t wanna risk to hurt his baby.
-Croc built sand castles and other sand objects or animals just for Luffy entrainment. He uses in general his power for his kid, also for saving him sometimes… Luffy loves risky things.
-Due to their bond, Croc always understands his baby needs.
-Luffy can be exhausting, but Croc can’t be tired of him. Nothing will ever change his love for him 💞
-Croc doesn’t have milk, so he uses a baby feeding bottle. And is better for Croc, Luffy’s appetite is extreme even as a little baby!!
-Be nice around Luffy, or Croc will do everything for destroying you 😳
If I’ll remember/create something more, I’ll add it in another post!
Thanks again for the ask, you were so kind dear anon❤️
Remember i love asks and you can ask for anything!
I also accept art suggestions, and if i like the idea, I’ll draw it. But they must be about Crocodile, Dragon, and their family in general pls (also other revolutionaries can be present, or Luffy’s siblings (ace/sabo or my ocs)
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diminuel · 12 hours
I have made it home! *lies on floor*
Thanks for entertaining me, I get anxious when things don't go according to plan. >w<;
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diminuel · 14 hours
My train home is delayed by 10 minutes so I‘ll be standing here (and probably standing in the train) for another 20 minutes ;w;
Wah, I have to leave the house for an appointment...!
Please, someone talk to me about Dean/Cas or Dragon/Crocodile so I have something to think about while on the bus/ train/ tram >w<
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diminuel · 16 hours
What's your favorite dragdillie headcanon?
I think the headcanon that they did in fact meet and make a baby is my favourite head canon!
Other than that… I love the idea that they still love each other, maybe kept an eye on each other even in a canon compliant version where they did not raise their child (where Crocodile didn‘t even know the kid‘s name.)
I like to imagine that they have the same goals too and both go to great lengths to achieve them, sacrificing things they want in order to achieve them.
Once the world knows that Luffy is Dragon‘s kid, Crocodile probably hunts Dragon down. Maybe to shout at him but then also to kiss him. It‘s not like he wants the world to know that he‘s connected to Dragon so they‘ll be secretive about it but they are getting back together~
(And have more kids.)
So yeah. „They‘re in love“ & „Luffy is their kid“ are my favourite headcanons! 💕
What about you?
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diminuel · 16 hours
Wah, I have to leave the house for an appointment...!
Please, someone talk to me about Dean/Cas or Dragon/Crocodile so I have something to think about while on the bus/ train/ tram >w<
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diminuel · 21 hours
I assume in your dragodile au luffy isn’t on the exact same path as he is in canon. But I just think the idea of luffy beating the shit out of his dad unknowingly is funny. Also crocs later realization that “shit that was my kid! I STABBED HIM!!”
Depends on which one! :D I can still imagine scenarios where that would happen!
It's unlikely that in the Stinky Child AU they wouldn't recognize each other. They most definitely would and Luffy might have an idea who this guy trying to steal Vivi's country is but he's approaching it with a "wait and see, meanwhile adventure awaits" attitude. (And of course not telling anyone about it.)
(Meanwhile, Crocodile is starting to sweat when he hears about a pirate in a straw hat. Dragon failed to mention that he saw him - and let him! - enter the Grand Line. At 17! They agreed that he can start sailing the East Blue at 17, nobody said anything about the Grand Line!!)
They'd probably still clash, more ideologically than physically, and Crocodile's might still end up in Impel Down in the Stinky Child AU, though how exactly he gets there I'm not sure.
(But generally, I am a great fan of "shit that was my kid! I STABBED HIM" realizations! Delicious scenario.)
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diminuel · 21 hours
I love yout dragoncroco fanarts. I'm so hard for crocomon. I have two headcannons
1- Doflamingo hates dragon because crocodile loves him instead of Mingo.
2-crocodile still loves dragon, even not adimiting it.
Thank you~
The flamingo is jealous~
But would Crocodile, who is a very secretive person, have told Doflamingo that there's any connection between him and Dragon? I assume Crocodile would have tried hard to cover his tracks, depending on what kind of setting/ scenario we're thinking of! :O
I am totally on board with the idea that Crocodile still loves Dragon~
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diminuel · 1 day
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Pregnant Cas and Meg chibis
Prompt by @autisticandroids :3
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diminuel · 1 day
Dragodile family for pride month 💞
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Since we are following the theme, I’ll share some hcs:
Dragon is pan/demi
Croc is trans (afab) & homoromantic/bisexual
And Luffy will discover he’s aroace
Yes the sketch is incomplete, but idc haha
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diminuel · 1 day
Can you show us what Crocodile looked like as a teen in your AU, please 👉👈 ? I'm curious to see what Luffy inherited from him
For the Stinky Child AU? :D
I can! Though I think Stinky Child AU is a continuation of the Kuja Empress Crocodile comics so that would impact how teen Crocodile looks.
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diminuel · 1 day
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They did NOT see this coming.
A possible follow up of this comic! There are many different ways that I can imagine this going but I went for a "shit, what now?" kind of reaction!
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diminuel · 1 day
i know you do art requests sometimes so i'm gonna say one and then you can answer whenever or not. whatever you're feeling: chibi cas and meg BOTH pregnant.
Yeah, why not! X'D
Any particular thoughts about what they're doing while I'm trying to pull my mind back from the One Piece pit.
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diminuel · 1 day
thank you so much for the dragodile / crocomom art!! i love all of it!!
Wah! ♥ ;w;
I'm happy you like it!!
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diminuel · 2 days
I need to know for my Dragon reacting to the pregnancy reveal comics:
Tattoo or no tattoo? Canonically, I think, we don't know if he already had it when he was 35/36...
Any preferences around?
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