catchandelier · 18 minutes
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catchandelier · 46 minutes
You better watch out, buddy – I have extremely unusual life experiences which I mistakenly believe are universal, and I'm about to misinterpret your post in ways you can't even imagine.
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catchandelier · 1 hour
Reasons Why Bruce Wayne Refuses to Take a Break:
1. Why should he?
2. Because fuck you, that's why.
3. He's scared that if he ever actually stops to take a break, completely relax, and fully drop his guard, something horrible will happen to Gotham and/or the people he cares about and he won't be able to stop it because he wasn't prepared OR the years and years of burn out and physical/emotional pain will finally catch up to him (because he stopped running from it) and it'll hit him so hard that he'll finally have to face the trauma he endured as a child when he saw his parents die (which he is not physically capable of coping with, because the event fractured his identity into Batman, a man with childish morals and an inability to make exceptions [such as not killing a petty crook OR a mass murderer and thinking they should be dealt with the same way] and a childish sense of justice that cannot exist without him blocking out his trauma [so if he had to face that trauma his very identity would cease to exist]) therefore his mental health would be destroyed to such an extent that he'd be unable to even pretend he was alright, which in turn will make the people he cares about worry about him, and because he hates when people worry about him it'll cause him to lash out which will further isolate him from the world and from any form of human connection, leaving him sitting broken at an empty table in an empty mansion on an empty island just like he did when he was a mere, insignificant, hurt, orphaned eight year old who hadn't yet made his mark on the world-
4. He doesn't wanna >:[
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catchandelier · 2 hours
I have never in my life had a kitten react this negatively to swaddling. Fully feral 8 week olds tolerate it better than this 10 day old kitten. Warning: he is LOUD and sounds like he's being tortured.
You can imagine how much fun tube feeding him is right now....
This is the same baby that was growling at me so it appears to be a native personality thing. He's going to be a delightful adult cat at the vet.... Maybe I should change his name to "eternal gabapentin"
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catchandelier · 2 hours
Weird peeve time. Calling lab grown gemstones “fake” is stupid because it’s the same shit just not formed naturally. An artificially grown diamond is the same shit as a natural diamond it is the exact same material bro it’s all fuckign carbon
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catchandelier · 3 hours
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catchandelier · 3 hours
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I think about this so often
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catchandelier · 4 hours
Hi, I have a question about the Untamed, and you're the only person I know whose watched it. Are Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji canon? I can't get a straight answer from the internet.
China's censorship laws are really anti-gay so they do as much as they can to imply it in the show without being able to outright state it, but also
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catchandelier · 4 hours
cast iron? yeah thats a pretty common spell to learn
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catchandelier · 4 hours
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catchandelier · 4 hours
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local scrumptious cake population reduced by one
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catchandelier · 4 hours
Wow I just found an old note in my phone and some fucker me from the past wrote a really cool story based on a dream. I was reading it being like wow this is cool what happens next but it turns out I didn’t write the ending.
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catchandelier · 4 hours
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Izuku and Inko
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catchandelier · 4 hours
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catchandelier · 5 hours
the borat voice my wife that exists in the popular imagination is not actually that close to the borat voice my wife as seen in the actual movie. it's a purely oral tradition, and I fear if its not recorded future generations will not have access to it
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catchandelier · 5 hours
I can’t get over the fact you can play a Dragonborn that’s also a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer of a completely different color lol
I can’t take it seriously because all I can think of when I try is this post
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catchandelier · 5 hours
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Bothersome creature
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