brainfuzz · 6 hours
I know we all JUST agreed that Zane is a himbo, but to be fair, so is Ty.
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brainfuzz · 6 hours
You are on anti-depressants for a reason. Yes, you feel better now. No, you should not stop taking them now that you "no longer need them"
But if you must give it a try, please please please let your provider know so they can A) help you come off them safely, and B) check in on you because if you don't keep feeling better (and you probably won't) Depression Lies and you may think you don't need them anyway.
I started using Head and Shoulders ten years ago for itchy scalp and dandruff, and then for ten years I have not had itchy scalp and dandruff, so I thought “why do I still buy shampoo to combat itchy scalp and dandruff when I do not have itchy scalp and dandruff,” so I stopped buying the shampoo for itchy scalp and dandruff and can you guess I have now? Can you predict what currently afflicts me? It’s alright if you can’t because apparently I fuckin couldn’t either
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brainfuzz · 9 hours
i am very curious about this because i only remembered this is an option like yesterday so i have to ask
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brainfuzz · 9 hours
I turn 30 next month so here’s what I learned in my 20s:
—don’t work for startups, they’re always one ‘innovative idea’ away adding ‘sell your kidneys on the black market’ to your job description.
—keeping a collection of basic OTC medicine on you will save your life one day. I recommend Advil, Imodium, and TUMS.
—those little single-use glasses cleaning wipes are 1000% worth the money
—overly self-depreciating jokes just make people uncomfortable, wean yourself off of them
—you can buy dehydrated mini marshmallows in bulk online and they’re a godsend for hot cocoa
—people don’t care if you have fidget toys on your desk they just want to play with them
—try to go to bed BEFORE the existential ennui kicks in
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brainfuzz · 9 hours
I really think everyone needs to truly internalize this:
Fictional characters are objects.
They are not people. You cannot "objectify" them, because they have no personhood to be deprived of. They have no humanity to be erased. You cannot "disrespect" them, because they are not real.
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brainfuzz · 13 hours
*sidles up to you* hey, whatcha readin?
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brainfuzz · 1 day
@accal1a - I think they may be relevant to your interests
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brainfuzz · 1 day
You really just can't unsee it once you see it though, can you?
Sam starts blaming Dean for what he's going to do (work with Ruby) way back in 3.09 because Dean isn't going to be around to be Sam's mommy, which is going to force Sam's hand.
After Dean comes back, Sam actually blames Dean for him working with Ruby by saying Dean wasn't there to protect him (4.04).
Dean repeatedly begs Sam not to work with Ruby and is ignored repeatedly (3.03, 3.04, 3.09, 3.16, 4.01-4.04, 4.12-4.22).
After telling Dean to open up to him and trust him (4.08), Sam calls Dean weak and pathetic for being traumatized by hell and says Dean is holding him back and therefore deserves to be lied to because he can't be of use (4.14) Sam says it's not what he really thinks when they both know it is (and Sam repeats it to other characters in 4.16, and 4.18) and then he admits it's the truth again to Dean's face in 4.21.
Sam accuses Dean of not trusting him enough (4.21).
Bobby blows up at Dean for not supporting Sam enough and calls him a pansy after Sam strangled Dean near unconscious, and tells him family is supposed to make you miserable (4.22).
Dean tries to reach out to Sam and Zachariah and Cas actively prevent him from doing so (Cas only at first) (4.22)
Zachariah (5.01) and Cas (5.02) both tell Dean the apocalypse is his fault because Dean didn't reach Sam in time to stop him from killing Lilith.
Dean says Sam hurt him, Sam is the one Dean depended on the most and Sam hurt him in ways he can't even voice (5.01). Sam apologizes, but then in the very next episode, shoves Dean into a wall for not trusting him like Dean is crazy and irrational when Sam doesn't even trust himself (5.02).
Sam says he thinks they should go their separate ways and is shocked when Dean agrees easily. Dean says that he spends more time worrying about Sam than he does doing the job right and time apart would be good. Sam reiterates that he's sorry and Dean gently says he knows Sam is (5.02).
Cas asks Dean if he's okay even without his brother, and Dean says "Especially without my brother. I mean, I spent so much time worrying about the son of a bitch. I mean, I’ve had more fun with you in the past twenty-four hours than I’ve had with Sam in years, and you’re not that much fun. It’s funny, you know, I’ve been so chained to my family, but now that I’m alone, hell, I’m happy." (5.03)
Sam says he wants back in. Dean objects, on the basis that he thinks they're stronger apart. Dean says they're each other's weaknesses and it's being used against them (5.04, but the weakness line is repeated from 3.03 and 3.16).
Zachariah pushes Dean into a future 2014 where Dean never met up with Sam again, and as a result, Sam said "Yes" to Lucifer, and billions of people died. All because Dean didn't want to be around Sam after being hurt and never reconnected with him (5.04).
Dean reconnects with Sam (5.04) even though he clearly doesn't want to, because the first case we see them on again, Dean struggles to trust Sam and leaves to go drink alone because he doesn't want to be around Sam (5.05).
Sam says part of the reason he went off with Ruby was to get away from Dean, because Dean is smothering. Dean is the problem in the relationship, because Sam feels inferior compared to him. Dean apologizes for being too smothering (5.05).
What does all of this tell you? Dean can't win. Dean will always be the bad guy in the family. He loves too much, or he isn't loving enough. Sam needs him and Dean wasn't there for him and so Sam went down the wrong path, but also Dean is smothering and Dean being smothering is the reason Sam went down the wrong path. Sam is not a trustworthy person, but Dean doesn't trust him enough. Sam not being trustworthy is Dean's fault. Dean doesn't deserve trust, but Sam deserves Dean's trust no matter what and not giving Sam his trust is the worst possible thing in the entire world and also again makes him smothering. The apocalypse is Dean's fault. Every single thing Sam does every single mistake he might ever make in his life is always at least partly Dean's fault and Dean's responsibility.
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brainfuzz · 1 day
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brainfuzz · 1 day
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Happy Pride Month for you all and for our most beloved gay angel Castiel 🌈
May our spn family grow and continue to support each other.
(Prints and more in my redbubble shop, see my pinned post for the link)
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brainfuzz · 1 day
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brainfuzz · 1 day
you headcanon that trapper didn’t write a note because he didn’t care . i headcanon that trapper didn’t write a note because he genuinely believed that hawk would be back in time . i believe that he paced the swamp and checked his watch every ten seconds and ran out of the door whenever he heard a jeep only to swear because not once did it turn out to be hawkeye . i believe that as his time of departure grew closer that trapper cursed his luck because of course hawkeye is always hanging around and being annoying when he doesn’t have to but the one time trapper needs him he’s nowhere to be found . i believe that radar practically had to force him into the jeep ( and that’s when trap gave him the kiss to give hawkeye ) and even as it was pulling away trapper watched intently for any jeep pulling in while he was pulling out . he doesn’t even think about leaving a note until he’s in the chopper and he kicks himself for it because how could he have not thought of leaving a lousy note ? we are not the same
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brainfuzz · 1 day
Did someone say merlin bbc fanfic????
There you go
Merlin/Lancelot/Gwaine, 2k, Hurt and Comfort
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brainfuzz · 2 days
Also, sometimes it can be difficult to tell skin tone (not that that should be your only clue) from a black and white photo. For example Marsha P Johnson is obviously black, while Stormé Delariverie appears to be white. Additionally, skin tone is a piss-poor marker of ethnicity. My brother in law is white, but good Lord does he get dark in the sun, and I've worked with a Hispanic woman who is as pale as Wonderbread, but was born in Mexico City to Mexican parents and immigrated to the US as an adult. Both of these people would appear to be a difference race than they actually are in a black and white photo.
Don't assume that because people appear to be white they actually are, and don't assume every POC has the same skin tone; that's racist.
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The first PRIDE was a riot
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brainfuzz · 3 days
If any part of your plan involves the words "nobody could be that stupid", please be prepared to be proven wrong at any minute at a moment's notice. Pay in mind that the person determined to prove you wrong may already be aware of this assumption, and is already approaching your current location at an alarming speed.
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brainfuzz · 3 days
"average president is convicted of .74 felonies" factoid actualy just statistical error. average president is convicted of 0 felonies. Felonies Georg, who lives in Mar-a-Lago & was convicted of 34 felonies, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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brainfuzz · 3 days
Someone who's reading this is saying there's no way anybody is stupid enough to pour water on a laptop to cool it down.
Let me tell you a story.
One of my kid's friends, who was about 22 at the time, spilled water on his gamin laptop. He turned it off immediately, and then consulted his phone to see what to do to fix it. Everything he found was about how to dry out a phone, but he figured phone/laptop, same difference. The two big things he saw were to put your phone in rice. Now a laptop is quite a bit bigger than a phone, so it would require a lot of rice and therefore that wasn't a reasonable solution.
One site he found said to put your phone in the oven*, on the lowest setting, and let it dry out there. So he did that. Except, he also used Stupid White Male logic and figured if it dried out in 10 minutes at 170F, then it would dry out a lot faster at a higher temp. It did, I guess, but by the time he thought it was dry, it was also a melted chunk of plastic and metal.
It was at that point he decided to call my kid, so he could ask me, a person who works with computers, what to do.
Nothing. After a trip through the oven, the answer is nothing, go buy a new laptop. *Do not do put your phone in an oven at any temp, it will also melt before it dries.
laptop overheating?? pour water on it to cool it down!
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