bats-and-birds-24 · 2 days
Guys please I need fan content for the WarHammer 40k fanfic Messages for Dad.
Damien Curze my baby.
Also, what is it with my favs always being somewhat bat related?
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bats-and-birds-24 · 2 days
Yeah I know we all want to see the bat get Batshit when he learns that Tim lost a spleen but have you ever considered he just having a big dad sight™ closing his eyes and saying:
"... Of course he did." while he holds the bridge of his nose and following up with. "Let me see the scar."
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bats-and-birds-24 · 2 days
Yay Gege confirmed a headcanon of mine!
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gege said yuuji will grow taller than his peers so that means both of them will survive right, right??
(Or they’re all just 6 ft under that’s why yuuji is taller I see how gege works now)
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bats-and-birds-24 · 3 days
Marked AU Masterpost:
Marked Introduction:
Tim Drake Acquires Siblings:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Jason Todd's Bad Day:
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bats-and-birds-24 · 3 days
Can you make a masterpost for your marked au 👉👈
Sure! There's only 3 posts so far, although I do plan on writing more fics for this AU.
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bats-and-birds-24 · 3 days
Chapter 8:
Tim woke up actually feeling refreshed for once. Looking around the room he once again realized that he was in the league of assassins. Leave it to him to somehow manage to get a good night's sleep in the enemy's guest room, but not in his own bed.
He gets up and notices that he was wearing a delicate silk green and gold pajama set, something he distinctly remembers not going to sleep in. His stomach churned uncomfortably, the league probably changed him while he was unconscious, meaning that they now knew all the tools he had in his utility belt.
Tim grimaced as he hobbled over to the table where his uniform, now clean, neatly sat. Rummaging through his utility belt, he couldn't help but notice that all his tools had been cleaned and neatly arranged. Some had even been replaced with better league versions. 
He sighed, Talia must have had the servants go through everything. He wanted to say something, but decides that it would be safer to bite his tongue while being a guest at one of the best assassin groups in the world.
Noticing a bathroom in the corner of his eye, he figures that he may as well clean up, along with checking that scar on his abdomen. 
He grabs a towel and his now clean uniform and heads inside.
"What the fuck Bruce." Dick's tone was flat, monotone, but inside, he was seething.
Bruce noticing his eldest, grimaced for the argument that was to come, "I'm not going to defend myself-"
"You better not," Dick cuts in, "what's all this about losing Tim?"
Bruce rubs his face, "Tim's tracker turned off at the league of shadows base on Sullivan Island."
Dick released a breath he didn't know he was holding in. It was typical for either he or Tim to turn off the tracker when they felt that B was becoming too overbearing. 
"B, Tim probably just turned off the tracker on his phone because he knew that you would get all paranoid." He replies, rubbing at his temples.
Bruce was getting frustrated now, "Not the tracker in his phone Dick, I'm talking about the one in the soles of his boots. He doesn't know about that one yet."
Dick could feel his blood pressure rise at this, "I'm sorry, are you telling me that you secretly chipped Tim?" 
Bruce's tension was increasing now as well, "That's not the biggest issue here-"
Only to be cut off by Dick muttering, "Of course it isn't." under his breath.
Bruce took a deep breath to calm himself,and through gritted teeth, he replies, "Because, Tim may have gotten himself kidnapped."
Everything was silent for a moment as a Dick digested that piece of information. His rage began to come back in full force. 
How could he push away another Robin, had he learned nothing after Jason's passing? However, he pushed all of that information aside to focus on the bigger picture, they needed to get Tim back, and fast, if Bruce was correct. The league of shadows were considered high threat level villains for a reason after all.
Dick lets out a sigh and rubs his eyes, "I'll suit up and head to the base, you get the DNA kit and meet me there."
The two separated to do what needs to be done.
Jason was having a fairly normal day with Cass and Damian when he noticed Talia enter the room. She looked tired. She was still as put together as ever, but the weariness in her eyes gave it away.
Cass looked at him, she must have noticed it as well. She nodded at him and scoops Damian up in her arms, ignoring his protests, and leaves for the training grounds, leaving him and Talia alone.
Jason starts, "Alright Talia, what's going on?"
Talia looks away, "Nothing you need to worry about." 
"I refuse to accept that." Talia could see the glint in his eyes which showed that he won't be backing down anytime soon.
Might as well get this over with.
"The current Robin, Tim Drake, has come to look for you in the league." 
The ground seemed to sway beneath his feet. Jason stumbled over to the nearest chair and flopped down. His mind was going a mile a minute. What would the kid who replaced him want to see him for?
Bruce had to be behind this, he must have known that he came back to life. He wasn't ready to meet Batman again, his father again.
"I want to meet the kid." It came out as a hoarse whisper, but Talia could hear the conviction behind it.
She looks at him and replies, "Alright then, you two will meet tomorrow evening." Jason simply nods.
As she turned and left the room, she couldn't help but think that this was good, they were always bound to meet, but at the very least, she would now have control over how.
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bats-and-birds-24 · 3 days
Jason can't stay alive or stay dead apparently.
this is what I'm getting from the DC fandom right now
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bats-and-birds-24 · 4 days
He is so baby
Everybody moved on, I stayed there
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bats-and-birds-24 · 4 days
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bats-and-birds-24 · 5 days
One of my absolute favourite characters of all time!
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Saiki's pocket ripped! What a disaster!!!!!
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bats-and-birds-24 · 7 days
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A baby kick surely is a weird feeling
This comic is based on a specific part on a Guilliman x Fem preg reader fic by @moodymisty hope you like it🌸
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bats-and-birds-24 · 8 days
Headcanon that Gotham has some of the best mental healthcare facilities in the world, unfortunately, Gotham also has some of the most insane people in the world and the lunatics are currently winning.
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bats-and-birds-24 · 8 days
i've been thinking about chapter 261 for a long time now and i'm still not sure how i feel. i've been comparing the feelings i've had from rewatching the prison realm episode to the 261 reveal and i think part of why i just don't feel as emotional is because geto was the last person to see gojo as his own person. the reason why it was so tragic to watch gojo hesitate in front of kenjaku IS because it was geto. the only people who could have seen gojo as more than a weapon is gone, and the other one has no choice in the matter because the only way she can help people is through RCT. it's honestly less tragic and more unsettling knowing that there wasn't really much of a choice. i hate what has happened but honestly narrative wise? i think my current opinion is that i can't be annoyed? i can't argue that gege evoked emotions out of me that i don't think i've felt from a manga before, in a very uncomfortable way
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bats-and-birds-24 · 8 days
He's a baby.
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Too Sweet? I think so, too
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bats-and-birds-24 · 8 days
This is it. I hate when people oversimplify complex characters because they feel uncomfortable or because it doesn't fit their worldview.
Gojo Satoru
I said once in my sukuna vs gojo post, that he doesn't prioritise personal connection, but it's more nuanced than that, so very badly worded from my part.
Gojo very much understood personal connections and relationships.
Gojo however loves being the strongest, he loves his strength, revels in it infact and wouldn't give up on it for anything, even if it caused him loneliness and that's why his dehumanisation comes from HIMSELF too. He is fine being a tool and being lonely if it means he can have his strength. Yes, his mindset is fucked up, that's the point.
That's why I never subscribed to all the "bring back nerfed" theories because chapter 236 made it ever clear.
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Sukuna calls him (and kashimo) greedy, because unlike sukuna who thinks "love" is worthless, gojo very much wants both connections AND strength.
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It wasn't that people were not reaching out to him, it's just that, he wouldn't stoop to their level, he wanted them to become stronger so that they can become as strong as him, so no one is lonely, so that strength doesn't isolate them like it did with him.
He pushes away people while at the same time craves attachment and understanding, but since he would NEVER give up on his strength, that results into largening the gap/distance even more. He causes his own misery and is ready to live with it.
The recent chapter was pretty much very consistent with his portrayal, he fully committed to his role by becoming the monster he was stopping himself from being all these year, for his students. Even in this chapter yuta very much reached out to him, in a way gojo couldn't to geto during that kfc meet, but it's gojo who again decided that it's his burden to bear alone. His was being reached out, it's HIM who didn't close the gap.
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People are not ok with him just being treated like a tool and just being seen for his strength, but my point is, when has he ever had any identity beyond being "The strongest," not to imply he doesn’t have any other identity at all, but everyone always prioritized his identity as the strongest, EVEN he himself.
That's the reason why he loved his youth so much and considered it the best time of his life, because then, he had BOTH, strength and a equal buddy (geto), that's why that friendship lasted such huge impact on him. (Also imma just say here, people both underestimate and overestimate his relationship with geto, it's very funny to watch)
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People were complaining about characters seeing him as a tool, but they were quite unironically doing the very same thing. Putting him on pedestal, using him to continue being in series for their own happiness and enjoyment of the series, not respecting his wishes from chapter 236, and treating him the same way characters within the story do with him.
Also, you can dislike the way he was treated, that's precisely the point, but don't go around claiming the gege assassinated his own writing because your dislike ≠ bad writing. People are using morality of their real life within a story where everything is being questioned, the so called "good guys" of the story keep repeating that they are not heros, most of them are murderers themselves.
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The curses are showing humanity, everything related to normal human morality is being questioned.
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So the "he would be happy powerless" doesn't work because thats what YOUR morality tells you (its fine to feel that way), but he most likely wouldn't be happy with it, he isn't a real person either lol. Dude has nasty aspects to him, it’s one of them, they add more to his character, he is selfish (and selfless too), and let him be like that.
In the very end, Gojo very much managed to raise a bunch of students who will carry his will, he is alive in them.
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Peace out ✌️
Pretty much my rant after this chapter because of the discourse going around is creating wayyy too many misinterpretations. Also I don't care what you think of the series as long as you just stop forcing your beliefs on others and saying its bad writing, when it's not. I don't think a character can exist outside of the narrative or story he was created in, gojo is amazing because of jujutsu kaisen story, outside of it, who is he?
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bats-and-birds-24 · 8 days
I think Gojo doesn't want his body used as a weapon anymore, and he doesn't want Yuuta to go through with this plan.
Yet, some part of him is thankful that Yuuta noticed him having to always be the monster and being willing to take on the burden.
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i'll be the heir to all your sorrow and all of your pain.
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bats-and-birds-24 · 8 days
Literally what's going on with the comic
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I saw this post and haven't known peace since
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