animentality · 5 hours
some dragons hoard treasure.
I hoard my AO3 bookmarks.
it's my precious stash.
I sit on it all day and admire it.
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animentality · 6 hours
The amount of people who feel the need to claim there was no antisemitism in palestine pre nakba/still isnt any are just rewriting history but also not seeing these people as humans because they can’t grapple with condemning genocide if they don’t paint them as magic perfect Arabs that for some reason never had the same issues all of their neighboring countries have + the entire world has (there is not a place with no antisemitism. That doesn’t exist.) you shouldn’t need to paint an entire group of people as morally pure to think they shouldn’t be occupied and slaughtered. People do this same shit with native Americans and pre slavery Africa as well where they will literally claim they lived perfect lives and had no issues before colonialism. Which ironically is just another way you’re erasing their history
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animentality · 6 hours
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animentality · 7 hours
immortan joe is funny to me because he's nasty in every way... except for his gorgeous L'Oreal Lucius Malfoy hair.
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Like omg what's your routine
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animentality · 7 hours
I saw furiosa and was once again reminded of how fascinating the dystopian future of Mad Max is from an anthropological standpoint.
Post apocalyptic world that seems like pure chaos but actually has a rigid hierarchy and structure.
Bulletown, Gastown, and the Citadel are interesting in terms of how they cement power in the region to the more organized group, as opposed to the loose scattering of alternative factions.
A form of law in a lawless world that is autocratic by necessity.
Disposable male warriors in a death cult, women treated as breeding stock, and this ethos of adrenaline and glory seeking in a barren world with nothing else to live for.
It's really unique, and it certainly helps that it just has this awesome, one of a kind aesthetic.
I absolutely love the cars and the strange but menacing drip of everyone in the series.
Like there's this colorful grit to it.
Also I will never ever not love car based action antics in a fucking desert.
They're great. Anything to do with rigs and trucks and people paragliding with explosive javelins, man. Solid shit.
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animentality · 8 hours
Balthazar: I saw Gortash had a claw mark in his face and the Dark Urge has a limp. Did they try to kill each other?
Ketheric (internally screaming): I fucking wish.
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animentality · 10 hours
I kin with Excalibur from Soul Eater because I am also very loud, annoying, weird looking, and everyone hates hearing me talk, but I'm also extremely powerful and no one can handle me because they're too weak.
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animentality · 11 hours
I hate fanservice in anime, I hate when 13 year old girls get up skirt shots, I hate excessive and disgusting fetishization of teenagers and pervert characters who are treated as lovable goofballs.
But I object to the absolute fucking morons.
who say that creepy anime is the "same" as child porn.
it's not.
someone drawing something creepy is not and never ever will be as disgusting or wrong as downloading/making actual child porn with actual children.
get off fucking line.
I don't think it should be illegal to make creepy art either. I'm sorry but anyone could draw a fucking pair of tits right now, and it wouldn't be sexually assaulting women.
hell you could fill a whole notebook of fucking Patrick Bateman ass drawings of women- doesn't fucking matter, as long as you never bother real women.
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animentality · 13 hours
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Raina x Gortash, oh how I love thee.
Not me choosing poses where I can skip faces 👀. I'm still getting the hang of style. We'll see where it leads ♥️.
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animentality · 13 hours
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animentality · 13 hours
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Senshi sleepover!
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animentality · 13 hours
*hands you a comically large water pistol* You know, uh, go kill yourself? *checks notes* Yeah I’m stepping up. Gotta complete the checklist
waffle you can't hand me a water gun, you won't make it out alive either.
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animentality · 13 hours
Whats your favourite fishe....
the majestic and graceful barracuda
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animentality · 13 hours
you're my favorite faggot terrorist, you should kill... your haters 😌 mwah mwah
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animentality · 14 hours
TikTok is fucking wild man.
Literally just saw a Black Butler clip dripping with the usual sexual tension between Sebastian and Ciel, because that's just like, par for the course for that series, and the OP literally said, "this scene was so hot, I need Sebastian to do this to me."
but then the comments were literally people saying omg father son dynamic-
like Jesus Mary and Joseph I hope your father isn't holding your face and stroking you like that.
Call CPS.
it's just funny because the OP literally implied it was sexual because they were thirsting over Sebastian but one comment was like "omg are they together" and op was like EW GROSS NO.
Like for real...?
You want him to stroke you, but you're pretending it's... familial?
and that's more normal than just thirsting for Sebaciel?
TikTok is so fucking weird about fictional ships.
That's not a father son relationship.
I don't even like Sebaciel or black butler, it is like, not appealing to me in any way at all, but who the hell watches it and says omg father son goals-
you fucking weirdos.
I gotta assume it's cuz TikTok is all teenagers who don't understand that it's fucking fake.
Ciel is a series of pixels and line art and Sebastian is not real nor could he ever be real.
Watch literally any other story out there for normal non gay non shota con bullshit.
Like no one's forcing you to be here, or to have any form of media literacy, but you're making a fool of yourself.
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animentality · 14 hours
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animentality · 14 hours
I love when the entire fandom unanimously decides that this male character has a pussy, no ifs ands or buts.
like fuck yeah, bro. make love not war.
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