whorecruxxxx · 3 years
if harry potter was gen z
voldemort : the boy who lived, come to die!
harry : bruh
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
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He said fiercely, though the effort of standing upright was draining him of still more color and he swayed slightly as he spoke. HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN | 1999
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
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Draco Malfoy was standing with his back to the door, his hands clutching either side of the sink, his white-blond head bowed.  “Don’t,” crooned Moaning Myrtle’s voice from one of the cubicles. “Don’t… tell me what’s wrong… I can help you…”  “No one can help me,” said Malfoy. His whole body was shaking. “I can’t do it… I can’t… It won’t work… and unless I do it soon… he says he’ll kill me" And Harry realized, with a shock so huge it seemed to root him to the spot, that Malfoy was crying — actually crying — tears streaming down his pale face into the grimy basin. ”
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
Random student: Honestly, I’m a little scared of Remus.
James: He wouldn’t hurt a fly!
Student: That’s reassuring.
James: He’d kill a man though. 
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
Minerva isn't sure she can protect Remus Lupin any longer now a student has been injured the night of the full moon. Especially when Walburga Black is demanding repercussions for her son, after what was clearly a Werewolf attack. Sirius Black, however, tells a very different story.
Lupine Lawlessness
“This is outrageous!” Walburga Black immediately rounds on Minerva the moment the woman strides into the Hospital Wing, her voluminous robes billowing behind her.
Minerva notices Mrs Black barely spares her injured son in the bed a glance. She also notices how the boy slightly shrinks in on himself as he hears her voice. Then, Mrs Black is standing in front of her, and all her attention is directed at being on the receiving end of Walburga Black’s fury.
“I knew you and that old fool would be the ruin of this school. It’s one thing that the place is infested with Halfbloods and Mudbloods, but harbouring a Dark Creature?”
“Mrs Black,” Minerva says politely. “I understand this must be very distressing for you as a mother, and I’m very sorry indeed, but we are yet to establish what happened.”
“Do you take me for a fool?” Mrs Black spits. “That type of claw marks, on which Healing Magic has no effect, while yesterday was a full moon? It’s very clear what has attacked him, and that thing had no business being on school grounds.”
Minerva herself has put two and two together as well. It was easier for her, as she’s aware there’s a student infected with Lycanthropy attending Hogwarts. A student who also happens to have been a close friend of Sirius Black.
Oh, she had really thought they were going to pull it off. They had come so far. She had been sceptical at first. A Lycanthrope attending seven years of Hogwarts without any incidents, without anyone finding out? It appeared unlikely, but she had agreed to try. And then she met Remus Lupin, and she had been very glad she did so. The boy was sweet, modest, hardworking and clever, and he deserved to have a proper education, but also to be around peers, make friends, and have fun. Now, when she had really started to believe it was going to be alright, the worst had happened. A student had been attacked.
It’s not difficult to reason out what must’ve happened. Sirius Black must’ve seen his friend disappear into the tunnel below the Whomping Willow, and had decided to go after him, only to end up face-to-face with a full-grown werewolf.
Minerva’s first reaction had been relief. Relief that Sirius Black was going to be okay. Some nasty injuries that would leave some nasty scars, but no permanent damage, which is quite a miracle. It could’ve been much, much worse.
But relief had quickly been replaced with worry. While the headmaster and herself can get in serious trouble for allowing a Lycanthrope in the vicinity of children, her worry was mostly for Remus Lupin. The world is unfairly cruel to Lycanthropes. Graduated from Hogwarts, with his formidable grades and excellent recommendations from his teachers, the boy would’ve at least had a chance, but being expelled from Hogwarts... His only option might be The Werewolf Camps in the mountains, where Lycanthropes go if they have nowhere else to go, which, regrettably, is often. Stories about those camps make your stomach churn, and it’s not a place for a boy like Remus Lupin to be.
Sirius Black must surely know it was Remus Lupin who did this, and he has every right to be angry. School is supposed to be a safe place, not a place where an unsuspecting student can suddenly be mauled by a Werewolf. Minerva doesn’t know if, or how, she can protect Remus Lupin from the consequences.
“The House of Black is a highly esteemed family,” Mrs Black goes on. “A Black being attacked by such an inferior creature without any repercussions would be an insult to our family name. It’s already a great show of disrespect that you even allowed this to happen, and we do not tolerate disrespect.”
“I truly regret the situation,” Minerva says, hoping to sooth the other woman. “At Hogwarts, any student should be safe from any kind of danger-”
“But this was not just any student or any kind of danger,” Mrs Black interrupts. “This was the Noble Blood of Black being spilled by a filthy monster that should be removed from society!”
“Really, Mrs Black, we are yet to determine-”
Once again, Minerva is interrupted, this time by the arrival of a man.
“Lady Black, my apologies for my tardiness, but I came as you requested,” he says, ignoring Minerva in favour of focusing all his attention on Mrs Black. The man is short, with sharp eyes and a pointy face, and he looks at Mrs Black with reverence.
Mrs Black scoffs. “Quit wasting time then and get to work.”
The man starts opening his briefcase, taking out a quill and parchment.
“What is the meaning of this?” Minerva demands. “Who are you? What business do you have here?”
“Mr Hesner is from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures,” Mrs Black replies. “And he’s here at my request to make a report of the situation.”
The colour drains from Minerva’s face. Being expelled is bad, but nothing compared to an official Ministry report. If a Lycanthrope is reported to have somehow been involved in an attack on a witch or wizard, the Lycanthrope will get the annotation ‘Feral’ in the Registry. All hopes of ever finding a job or a place to live will be lost. The Lycanthrope will have to report at the Ministry at frequent and irregular times, and any failure to report will lead to the Lycanthrope immediately being locked away. The Lycanthrope will be out on the streets without any money or prospects, and even the smallest transgression will lead to being locked up. Almost every Lycanthrope with the ‘Feral’ annotation will be either locked up, or forced to flee to the mountains within a year. Remus Lupin certainly does not deserve such a fate.
“Is... is that really necessary?” Minerva asks.
“Very necessary indeed,” Mr Hesner replies. “If you had any sense of morality, you would’ve contacted us yourself, Ms McGonagall. Luckily, we could count on Mrs Black to do the right thing,” he says, with a grovelling smile in her direction.
“Can you imagine if that beast would’ve bitten him?” Mrs Black shudders. “What a stain on the family tree that would’ve been, to have a Lycanthrope in the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black!”
To make sure no one will make the mistake of confusing her fear for shame on the Black family name with fear for her son’s well-being, she doesn’t mention that her son might not have survived the bite, or that he would’ve had to live with an extremely painful, chronic condition for the rest of his life. She probably would’ve burnt the boy off the family tree herself, and sent him to go live in the mountains.
“That would’ve been such a waste,” Mr Hesner agrees, before turning to Sirius Black. “Well, young Mr Black, I need an official statement containing your description of the events.”
Sirius Black looks thoughtful for a moment. “I was... attacked. By some kind of creature.”
“Describe the attack please,” Mr Hesner instructs without looking up from his parchment, quill at the ready.
“Oh, the creature was... round.” Mr Hesner’s eyes snap up, but Sirius Black continues. “Like pumpkin-shaped. But huge. Like a huge pumpkin. Only covered in bright yellow feathers. With bulging eyes in between. And two glittering horns on top of its head.”
“You’re treating this like some kind of a joke!” Mr Hesner says accusingly, pointing his quill in Sirius Black’s direction.
“Why, sir,” Sirius Black says, pretending to be shocked. “I protest. I would never!”
“If you can’t be serious...” Mr Hesner says, gritting his teeth.
Sirius Black blinks innocently at him. “Ask anyone, Mr Hesner, and I’m sure they’ll all tell you that I’m always Sirius.”
“I’ve dealt with Magical Creatures for longer than you have lived, boy,” Mr Hesner spits. “And I know such a creature as you described does not exist.”
Sirius Black shrugs. “Who knows what creatures the Forbidden Forest hides?”
“Did the attack meddle with his brain?” Mrs Black demands.
Minerva shakes her head. “Madam Pomfrey has assured me that his mental state is unaltered.”
“So I have to believe he was attacked by a horned ball of yellow feathers?” Mrs Black snarls.
“Who knows what creatures the Forbidden Forrest hides?” Minerva repeats Sirius Black’s exact words. Sirius Black gives her a pleased smile, which she gladly returns.
Mrs Black, on the other hand, gives her a nasty glare, and then switches her attention to Mr Hesner, who shrinks in on himself. “His chest is covered in Werewolf marks the day after a full moon. It’s obvious what happened even without his statement.”
Mr Hesner gulps. “I... I’m sorry, lady Black. I’m not allowed to report an attack without an official statement from the victim. I mean, only if the victim had died I could’ve...” He trails off.
Mrs Black now directs her glare at her son, like she regrets the last isn’t the case. “I’ll make you pay for this.”
Sirius Black becomes even more pale, but he continues to defiantly meet his mother’s gaze.
“I do not tolerate anyone threatening my students,” Minerva speaks.
Mrs Black turns her head to her. “He’s my son. I can do whatever I want when it concerns him.”
Minerva takes a step forward. Her eyes are like stone and her voice is like ice. “Not in my school.”
To her great satisfaction, Mrs Black takes a step back and swallow. She quickly recovers though, and pulls her cloak tighter around herself. She gives Sirius Black a quick glance and hisses “I’ll see you this summer,” before walking out of the room in quick strides, Mr Hesner having to dribble to keep up, her robes billowing behind her in that way only purebloods ever seem to manage.
“Are you quite done?”
Minerva turns around to see Poppy standing behind her, her arms crossed over her chest. “Really, you don’t have to be a professional to know that a recovering patient needs rest, not all this uproar and noise. That goes for you too, Minerva. You might run this school after Albus, but I run the Hospital Wing. Now leave. My patient needs to sleep.”
A few days later, Minerva makes her way over to the Hospital Wing. Sirius Black has had some days to recover, and luckily, his recovery is going well. She hopes he has also been able to process everything that happened.
A difficult conversation still needs to be had.
She’s immensely glad Sirius Black hadn’t wanted to report Remus Lupin at the Ministry, but still, he could’ve been killed, and she can’t imagine he’ll be okay with there being no repercussions at all. She thinks she might be able to talk him out of demanding Remus Lupin to be expelled, and in the best case scenario, she can convince him to keep it quiet.
It’s not that she thinks Sirius Black is in any way cruel or anything like his family, not at all. She has a very high opinion of the boy. It’s just that Lycanthropy prejudice is very strong throughout the Wizarding World. Even the best person has some negative thoughts regarding Werewolves. The sentiment is especially strong among the pureblood community, and Sirius was raised with their norms and values. Regardless, she can’t imagine anyone would be okay with finding out a person they thought they knew is a Lycanthrope. Remus Lupin will definitely have to move out of the boys’ dormitory, maybe even to a private room. No one would be willing to keep sharing a dorm with someone that tried to kill them. Maybe she can-
Minerva stops in her tracks as she reaches the Hospital Wing, all thoughts of appeasing Sirius Black disappearing from her head.
Sirius Black isn’t alone. Remus Lupin is with him. Like actually with him on the bed. Remus Lupin is curled up at Sirius Black’s side, his hands gripping Sirius Black’s robes and his head resting on Sirius Black’s chest. Sirius Black has one arm firmly wrapped around Remus Lupin, and with his other hand he’s gently threading his fingers through Remus Lupin’s hair. The boys haven’t noticed her presence.
“I am so, so, so sorry,” Remus says, and probably not for the first time.
Sirius rolls his eyes. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“I did it.”
“You can’t control it.”
“I could’ve stayed away from you,” Remus argues. “I can control that. A filthy monster that should be removed from society.”
Sirius huffs. “That’s just a bunch of pureblood bollocks only stuck-up twats with half a brain still living in the Middle Ages actually believe.”
“Your mother thinks so.”
“I rest my case.”
Remus chuckles and presses his face closer to Sirius’ chest. “I can barely believe you’re real. I don’t deserve you.”
“Moony,” Sirius says with a sigh. “I told you, The Wolf wasn’t even trying to hurt The Dog. You weren’t feral! The Wolf wanted to play, and didn’t know his own strength, and kind of forgot dogs aren’t as strong as Werewolves. Even transformed, you never meant to hurt me.”
The Dog? An absurd thought enters Minerva’s mind, a thought that surely sheds a different light on what may have happened. Absurd for sure, but also... plausible? And if anyone can do it...
No. Minerva firmly pushes the thought away. It might be true, or it might not be. Either way, she doesn’t need to know. After all, what you don’t know, you can’t report to The Ministry.
“And even if The Wolf fancied himself some Padfoot for breakfast,” Sirius continues. “I still wouldn’t have blamed you. It’s not you.”
“You’re going to have a scars for the rest of your life,” Remus murmurs against Sirius’ chest.
Sirius gently tilts his head up. “Then it’s a good thing I think scars are sexy,” he says with a wink, making Minerva wonder whether it might be more than just close friendship she’s looking at.
A faint blush spreads across Remus’ cheeks, and he slightly shakes his head. “You can’t accept my apologies that easily.”
“Oh no, Moony. Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Sirius says, tapping his finger fondly against Remus’ nose, which again makes Minerva question their level of intimacy. “I have, in fact, not accepted your apologies, as I refuse to accept an apology for something someone could’ve done nothing about.”
Remus scrunches up his nose. “You’re stubborn as a mule.”
Sirius chuckles. “I could teach mules in stubbornness. But if you insist on making it up to me, I suppose you can help me win the bet.”
“The bet?”
“I’ve made a bet with Prongs that I can make at least half of the Gryffindors believe I was attacked by a pumpkin-shaped yellow feather ball, while Prongs says I won’t even make ten.”
Remus shakes his head. “You’re an idiot,” he says, though it sounds fond.
Sirius grins. “But you love me.”
Remus leans forward and presses a kiss against Sirius’ lips, making Minerva blink, but confirming her doubt. There must be something more between those boys for sure.
Remus pulls back, but gently rests his forehead against Sirius’. “Merlin, I do love you, Sirius Black.”
“I love you too, Remus Lupin.”
Minerva smiles to herself. There’s no need to worry after all. If one thing is stronger than prejudice, it’s love.
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
Mixtape : Kpop is gay!
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Track 1 : intro : k-pop is gay!
Don’t worry, we can already hear the groans. “Why are you talking about k-pop? Those guys look gay. They look like girls.”
This is exactly why we’re talking about it. There’s a large, very harmful stigma attached to the whole industry, and it feeds into so many problematic conceptions and ideologies.
Back in 1992, the k-pop group Seo Taiji and The Boys debuted, bringing with them the softer, more gentle aesthetic that most k-pop boy bands today follow. This changed the outlook that the South Korean society had of men, and male beauty standards, and paved the way for the concept of kkonminam (꽃미남), which roughly translates to ‘beautiful man’, a.k.a, a man who is concerned with his physical appearance and its constant upkeep. These men use beauty products, have lengthy skin care routines, and pay close attention to the way they dress. Male k-pop idols also follow this, both on stage with dramatic make-up, and off stage, with more natural make-up.
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Top left - Monsta x, Bottom left - Stray Kids, Right - Ateez
People in South Korea, at large, are also pretty physically affectionate with each other. Two men holding hands while walking down the street isn’t considered taboo; it’s normal. The society over there doesn’t look down upon male with male skinship.
Track 2 : regional masculinity and toxic masculinity
Understandably, this comes as a cultural shock to people who have different standards of male beauty and physical affection. However, the common reaction to Korean standards, notably from men of other cultures, seems to be almost unanimously hatred and degrading outlash. Why are Korean standards so threatening to other men?
In Western culture, and therefore some formerly colonized countries’ cultures, skinship and platonic physical affection is something that is socially limited to women, and is considered ‘feminine’. So when men do something that is traditionally considered ‘feminine’, they are automatically perceived as ‘less manly’. Men are expected to be stoic and strong, and the only emotion that they are socially accepted to feel is anger. These are only a few facets of toxic masculinity that men are expected to follow. Things like feelings and emotions are uselessly gendered. These are human reactions that reasonably everybody feels, on some level. Yet when men express these very same emotions, they are labelled ‘feminine’. And somehow, when confronted with k-pop idols who wear makeup or dress a certain way, a lot of men feel like their masculinity is threatened.
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Here is an example of two men. Chris Hemsworth who typically fits the western standard of masculinity, and Hyunjin from the group Stray Kids whose looks have been praised by many as he fits Korea's "masculinity".
All of this stems from a lot of deep-rooted misogyny, and how anything remotely perceived as ‘feminine’ is instantly considered inferior. There is also a fair share of racism, because those who don’t fit in each respective culture’s idea of gender are instantly shunned.
Track 3 : gender is a social construct
But before we truly dive into this topic, we wanted to establish that the entire concept of gender is a social construct. This means that gender refers to certain characteristics, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, a man, a boy or a girl, as well as the relationships with one another that have been created by society.
One theory of ours is that it's human nature to categorise similar things in order to understand them, and in this case it's genitalia. There are three types - male, female, and intersex genitalia, with male and female being the predominant ones. People tend to group those with the same genitalia and term it as a certain 'gender', which in our society, are broadly classified as male and female. Through this, society has then created certain behaviours and stereotypes linked to each gender, which one must abide by in order to be socially accepted.
These stereotypes like women being empathetic, affectionate and emotional and men being more stoic, less emotional, and more aggressive, are so harmful, as they’ve pushed on how each gender is supposed to behave. They say that inherently, a man or a woman acts in a certain way and has certain features. Physically and biologically, one can agree that there are differences between the two, but behaviorally, not as much. The concept of Tabula Rasa in psychology states that the human mind when born is a clean slate, and one can be conditioned to behave a certain way from a young age. These stereotypes are so deep-rooted with our society that one fails to realise it.
Track 4 : problematic much? (misogyny and homophobia)
When people call Korean idols feminine or that they look like girls, it is taken in the context of an insult. This is so incredibly misogynistic, as it implies that if k-pop idols look feminine, it is a downgrade of their masculinity. Thus it indirectly suggests that masculinity is better than femininity.
By referring to them as “gay” or “looking gay”, one is suggesting that being a straight man is the best thing to be, and that everyone else is a downgrade from there.
Another major factor to be considered is that the fanbase of male k-pop bands has a majority of female fans. There is a long standing custom of considering women’s, especially teenage girls’, interests as frivolous. This has happened before, when Frank Sinatra had a large female fan following, and even The Beatles, who are now considered the pioneers of certain genres of music, were once not taken seriously solely because of their female fanbase. Even the world famous Justin Bieber and One Direction have had their fair share of people calling them ‘gay’ or ‘girls’. However, there is a certain hypocrisy in this stereotyping. Men who have a large female fanbase are considered gay, yet sports players, who have predominantly male fanbases, are not.
As for the LGBTQIA+ community, this is a community that has already been shunned and ostracised for centuries. Assuming someone’s sexuality is never okay, whether they are assumed to be straight or gay or anything else. Labelling k-pop idols as ‘gay’ based on the way they present themselves and their physical appearance is incredibly toxic and harmful, as this feeds into stereotypes that have been created by cisgender heterosexual white males in media.
A relationship between a man and a woman is what is considered traditionally “natural”. So when one sees two men or two women in a relationship, it is automatically, and incorrectly, assumed that one male takes up the female part of the relationship, and one female takes up the male part of the relationship. See the toxicity?
A man could tick of every single checkbox in the western standard of masculinity, and be gay. One’s gender identity and sexuality has nothing to do with their outward appearance, or the beauty products they choose to use. Plenty of performing artists use make-up regularly because it looks better on stage, under the cameras and the extravagant lighting set-up. But that doesn't automatically make every dancer, or every actor gay. As soon as a man shows interest in something that is considered to be feminine, he is automatically assumed as gay. The whole concept of presenting oneself as the western standards of masculinity to appear as a straight man should be done away with.
Track 5 : i just kinda wish you were gay - billie eilish
Fans of k-pop boy bands also feed into this culture, knowingly or unknowingly, brought about by shipping members of bands. Shipping is the desire of fans for two or more people to be in a relationship with each other. This is widespread among all fanbases of k-pop bands. One of the most popular ships is Jungkook and V from BTS. Unfortunately, this shipping happens to the extent of becoming uncomfortable for the idols, and is detrimental to the actual relationship they have with other members.
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Videos like these that over- analyse interactions between two members of a certain group (here it is Jungkook and Taehyung from BTS). The large viewing audience feed into their borderline creepy behaviour. This also may cause rifts among the members as they may become uncomfortable.
These kind of fans can be broadly divided into two spectrums- cisgender, straight women, and the queer community. When cisgender-heterosexual women aggressively promote their ‘OTP’ (One True Pairing), it’s mostly stemming from their delusions. They know that there is next to no chance of them ever being romantically involved with their idols, and thus if their idols are gay, it makes the rejection easier to bear. They would rather see their idols with another man rather than another woman.
One more potential reason for cisgender-heterosexual women to aggressively ship two male idols is simply because they also abide by certain societal stereotypes and know masculinity as what the western standard is. So when two idols are more physically affectionate and look “softer” they also term them as gay. These girls or women may not call them “gay” in the context of an insult, but unknowingly they are pushing on a harmful stereotype of queer men.
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However, with most queer fans, they use shipping as a projection of themselves or their community, and use it as a coping mechanism. In a world where it’s hard to openly be a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, queer fans find some amount of release in identifying with queer idol ships, whether they be real or not. It helps them come to terms with their own identity, and goes a long way in allowing them to accept themselves.
Some amount of shipping, by both queer and non-queer fans, is acceptable as long as it’s harmless. But when it is taken to the extreme, to the point that the idols themselves are made uncomfortable, it can be extremely problematic and sends the wrong message to non-fans as well. That’s when non-fans say, "hey, you guys are their fans and you’re calling them gay, so I’m going to do it too, but in a derogatory way."
Track 6 : hAhA SHINee gay
This also brings the point of fan service. Fan service is propagated by the k-pop companies themselves, where idols show physical affection on stage for the satisfaction of the fans. But this is taken in the wrong vein at times, and it can be incredibly harmful to everyone. A prominent example is when SHINee, a very popular k-pop boy group, performed a cover of a song called Internet War, originally by Seo Taiji. The song was meant to raise awareness about pedophilia and the grooming of young children by adults. Kim Jonghyun and Lee Taemin, the two members of SHINee who performed the song, did a wonderful job of trying to portray the actual meaning of the song. But because Jonghyun was shirtless, half of the fandom proclaimed it as fanservice, and the other half lashed out at Jonghyun for making the performance too "gay" and demanded his resignation from SHINee. None of them gave a second thought to the actual message that the band was trying to put across.
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Track 7 : we <3 our hypocritical fans
Here’s the icing on the cake- a lot of the fans are incredibly hypocritical as well. They push their OTP onto everyone, they make their idols being gay as their whole personality, but the moment an idol actually comes out as gay, the fans waste no time in turning around and being homophobic.
Holland, the first openly gay k-pop idol who debuted in early 2018, is still not accepted in the majority of his own country.
Hidden track - is Sana gay?
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Okay, we got that male idols are subject to being labelled ‘gay’ just for looking effiminate. But what about the female idols? Women universally are pretty physically affectionate with each other, without being assumed as gay. So female idols doing the same isn’t very revolutionary in terms of the gender norms that are followed worldwide. [Sana and Jeongyeon from Twice]
The ships between female idols that do exist, for example Moonbyul and Solar from Mamamoo, are generally propagated by female queer fans.
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Left - Solar and Moonbyul from Mamamoo, Right - Lisa and Jennie from Blackpink
Track 8 : outro : conclusion
Whether we are fans of a certain person or not, it isn’t our place to assume their sexuality, straight, gay, or anything else. In k=pop, people are fans of the idols for their music and their performance. Their sexuality doesn’t even come into the question. On the same note, if one doesn’t like k-pop, why is there the need to use derogatory terms? The point can be made just by saying that they don’t like k-pop. Insulting the idols, labelling them ‘gay’ for not fitting into certain standards of masculinity and belittling their appearance is incredibly harmful to almost everybody. It’s about time to broaden the outlook of what society considers ‘manly’ and not, and try to make a world that's more inclusive to everyone.
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
Remus: So, how did babysitting go?
Sirius: Harry wanted ice cream for breakfast and when I told him he couldn’t, he said I wasn’t his best friend anymore so we made a compromise.
Remus: Which is?
Sirius: He’s on his second bowl of ice cream and now I’m his best friend in the whole universe.
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
one morning remus finds a dog at his doorstep with no place to go so as the sweetheart he is, he brings him in and feeds him because "you're too thin to walk anymore."
two months later and he still hasn't attempted to search for the original owner because oh my god the fur and the cuddling and the games.
one day, late at night, the dog licks remus' face and by habit, he says "stop it padfoot." and then his eyes opened wide and he shot up, panting, forcing himself to stay calm.
"sirius is a traitor. a traitor." he murmurs while he rocks himself. "a traitor. a traitor. stop loving him stop loving him. a traitor a traitor a traitor."
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
i didn't know eggs were this expensive ? it's time to lay my own, i fear.
- sirius black at some point
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
james potter and lily evans are the same as flynn rider and rapunzel.
no i will not elaborate
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
sirius black dying during pride month is HOMOPHOBIC
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
deleting my dating apps because i want to meet someone the old fashioned way (getting sold to one direction)
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
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Padfoot has nightmares sometimes
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
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44K notes · View notes
whorecruxxxx · 3 years
Remus: We need to get through this locked door. James give me your credit card.
James: Here.
Remus, pocketing it: Sirius, break down the door.
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whorecruxxxx · 3 years
genie : alright you get 14 wishes
sirius : i thought it was just 3?
genie : it is but *waves hand at sirius* there are lots of issues here
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