whereisnardo · 1 year
Does ... does Kensei know about Mashiro's sister? Is he aware of her existence? Because seriously the headaches - oh GOD the headaches - my man will need some aspirin ...
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I know you didn't specifically ask for a fic but I had a blast imagining this. Poor Kensei... 😂
Characters: Kensei Muguruma, Mashiro Kuna, Shuhei Hisagi, Niko Kuna (mentioned)
Contents: not strictly x reader, sfw
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Kensei Muguruma
It was such an innocuous comment that shattered Kensei Muguruma's sense of reality, and it wasn't even aimed at him. He'd been minding his own damn business, leafing through a draft for next year's budget proposals. This wasn't the kind of thing he could leave Hisagi to do on his own. It would dictate how much funding the Ninth Division and the Seireitei Communication received next year. His fukutaicho were jabbering in the background, but he was tuning them out, until—
"Jeez, you complain even more than my sister," Mashiro complained.
She was sprawled out across a couch she'd had brought in at some point. Kensei didn't even remember when. Her orange go-go boots dangled over the arm. She had a bag of some seaweed snack tucked into the crook of her arm, and was steadily spraying crumbs everywhere as she pointed a finger at Hisagi, accusing.
"Who's the Super Lieutenant?" she asked, before jabbing a finger at herself. "Me! That means you work and I supervise. Duh!"
"We're co­­-lieutenants," Hisagi reminded her, for what felt like the thousandth time. "That means we divide the responsibilities equally."
"Yeah, I'm taking supervising duty, and you're doing paperwork duty," Mashiro scoffed, as if that should be obvious. She took a bite of seaweed chip, pleased with her argument.
"That's not—"
Hisagi sighed and gave up. It wasn't worth the headache. Truthfully, she'd cause less trouble if she thought she was in charge, anyway. Mashiro would get bored of "supervising" him in a little under an hour and either fall asleep or go find someone else to bother.
At a slight remove from this familiar workplace drama, Kensei Muguruma had gone very, very still. The pen he'd been using to scratch down notes on the budget draft had fallen from his nerveless fingers and lay abandoned, dripping a little tear of ink. Forgotten.
Kensei's gaze was fixed upon the tuft of lime green hair he could see sticking up over the back of the couch. A whole herd of Hollows could have crashed in right then and he wouldn't have noticed.
"SISTER?" he barked.
Hisagi flinched, turning to look at his superior. Muguruma-taicho couldn't have looked more shocked if someone had whacked him over the back of the head with a plank of wood. Mashiro's head popped up over the couch to frown at him.
"Yeah?" she asked, rolling her eyes. "Like a brother but a girl. Jeez, Kensei, you're so dumb…"
"THERE ARE TWO OF YOU?!" Kensei demanded.
Veins stood out in his neck, his reiatsu spiking until every shinigami in a mile radius was was rubbing their arms and looking over their shoulders for the danger. He shot to his feet, sending his chair toppling backward.
It couldn't be true. There couldn't be two of those infuriating brats in the world. It went against everything he'd ever heard about the balance between the three realms. It would be like having two Soul Kings or something. Mashiro was an absolute. There couldn't be anyone else as annoying as her in the rest of the universe.
Hisagi looked between his internally-detonating taicho and Mashiro, confusion and alarm warring within him.
Mashiro laughed, flopping back.
"Kensei, you're such an idiot," she sighed, stuffing another chip in her mouth and talking through the crumbs. "There's no one like me! Niko's just a little nerd."
Hisagi chipped in, a little more helpfully. "Uh, she's right, sir. Niko Kuna works for the Twelfth Division in the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, with Akon. She's quite different to Kuna-san."
Kensei's fists met the top of the desk, making his pen pot rattle. He braced himself on his fists, slowly leaning down, his face obscured. He seemed to be breathing hard, like he'd run a marathon. His voice came out low and strianed.
"Why didn't you say anything, you damn brat? I've known you how many centuries?"
If he'd had some warning, he might not have had a miniature heart attack just now. He'd been picturing a second, smaller Mashiro, like a green-haired version of that little hellion Kenpachi kept around like a pet.
"Why would I tell you that?" Mashiro scoffed. "It's not like it's that important. She and I don't hang out much. Stay outta my business. You're such a nosy jerk, Kensei!"
Kensei straightened up slowly, like he was in physical pain. He dragged a large hand over his face, wiping the cold sweat from his face.
"Hisagi, finish the budget report," he said, hoarse. "I'm…I'm going for a drink."
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whereisnardo · 2 years
Friendly reminder that this blog is pro-choice and if you don’t think everyone should have full control of their own body, then kindly unfollow me right now and go to hell
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whereisnardo · 2 years
Why were they banned from tinder?? (It’s easier than u think)
Sasuke: bullying matches after they turned him down
Sakura: bullying matches after they turned her down and relentlessly stalking them after
Kiba: overly sexual messages, making his matches uncomfortable
Deidara: profile reported for being fake, it wasn’t.
Orochimaru: profile reported for being fake, it was.
Hinata: profile reported for being fake because she never answers messages.
Ino: See Deidara
Naruto: deleted tinder after realizing he wouldn’t build meaningful relationships with people, constantly disappointed no one would even want to remain friends.
Rock Lee: his enthusiasm scared people
Kisame: reported for being scary :( he was sad about it
Neji: deleted it after he realized how embarassing it would be to see people he knew.
Kakashi: deleted it after a student mentioned seeing his profile. He insisted it was fake. It wasn’t.
Tenten: she deleted tinder after receiving one too many bad pick up lines.
Kankuro: he was banned from tinder after sending one too many bad pick of lines 🤔
Temari: Kankuro reported her account.
Gaara: Kankuro and Temari reported his account.
Choji: never had a tinder in the first place
Shikamaru: reported by one of his sneaky links after being a jerk.
Genma: pissed off the wrong woman with his lies.
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whereisnardo · 2 years
Who passes the vibe check?
Passes, immaculate vibes: Naruto, Kakashi, Gaara, Choji, Minato, Temari, Hashirama, Rock Lee, Killer B, Gai, Yahiko, Konan, Deidara, Kisame
Passes, good vibes: Hinata, Asuma, Shikamaru, Shizune, Kurenai, Raido, Itachi, Nagato, Kushina, Iruka
Questionable Vibes: Jirya, Kiba, Neji, Shino, Sakura, Ino, Tsunade, Genma, C, Sasori, Obito, White Zetsu
Does not pass, Bad Vibes: Hiruzen, Sasuke, Tobirama, A, Pein, Kakazu
This dude is a serial killer: Kabuto, Orochimaru, Madara, Rasa, Black Zetsu, Hidan
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whereisnardo · 3 years
Naruto boyfriends, best to worst:
Asuma: he’s dedicated, loyal, and there’s a romantic side underneath all that manliness. He’s soft for his S/O and students, but that’s IT. Also gives best cuddles.
Gaara: such a soft boi. He’s doting and sweet, but he’s a bit lost on romantics, having no real experience. He’s willing to learn and communicate with his S/O to make their relationship work. Overall, very healthy relationship.
Naruto: Naruto does everything with his whole heart, that means his relationships too. If he loves you, he loves you. And he tells you everyday. Perhaps the one downside of dating Naruto is that it can become too much, so he is not well suited to S/Os that tend to feel smothered by overly affectionate partners. But he’s not embarrassed of his feelings and will always communicate with his S/O.
Raido: an emotionally stable, giant buff man? Is this real life? The downfall of dating Raido truly lies in his work schedule. He’s a busy homage guard, however he does have a safer post than most. So peace of mind is due to the loss of quality time. This can cause tension in his relationships, especially because romance isn’t something that comes to him naturally. But he is a great communicator and makes sure his S/O know that they are loved.
Kakashi: he’s a bit emotionally constipated. And communicating with his partner is definitely and area where he falls short. He can be distant, and may disappear for a time when feeling overwhelmed. Though he’d never cheat on his partner, his habit of self isolating can fill a partner with doubts. Dating Kakashi takes work, and lots of time. But when he finally lets his walls down the relationship flourishes.
Shikamaru: he’s lazy and low maintenance. If that’s not your cup of tea, then Shika isn’t for you. He is well attuned enough to know when he fucked up and isn’t beneath apologizing though, so relationships are relatively fight free.
Genma: listen, baby, he’s a hoe. I know, I love him too. But unless he’s really in love, he’s gonna play you. Now if he’s fully committed, he’s a great partner; but his partner may find it a struggle to trust him given his… history.
Kiba: he’s hard to tie down because he does enjoy his hoe life. Because of this he’s relatively inexperienced with relationships and it shows. He gradually gets better with age.
Kankuro: he’s a hoe.
Sasuke: idc what his stans think, thru the entirety of the series he has shown no qualities associated with being a good partner. He’s distant, very rarely affirms his partner of his feelings, and he’s emotionally conatipated. Controversial opinion, but he might be the cheating type 👀
Orochimaru: listen bb, he only had one priority. And that’s himself. He’s probably just keeping you around for the devotion. And maybe an experiment, but it’s highly unlikely he’s genuinely concerned for your happiness or safety.
Kabuto: listen he’s probably just using u as an experiment. Leave baby, before it’s too late.
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whereisnardo · 3 years
Hetalia rated as boyfriends best to worst:
Germany-hes doting, but still serious. A good communicator. His SO lucked out. He’s not good at romance, but he tries. And he gets better. Not to mention he’s incredibly loyal to the one who holds his heart.
Japan: If you ever get to the stage with Kiki, he’s a great partner. Level headed and responsible, though he isn’t to keen on gift giving and will often just get stuff you need.
Prussia: listen once y’all get past his insecurities and build a solid relationship, he is a dream boyfriend. Is prone to feelings of unworthiness though, so he needs a partner that can reassure him.
Lovino: Once you get over the first couple of months, and he finally trusts you, he’s a Perfect Partner™️. He’s doting, romantic, and he can cook!! Anything for his SO! He, like Gil, is prone to insecurity though. So he needs reassurance from his partner.
China: he has plenty of life experience and he’s a great communicator. He’s also down to earth and loyal to his partner. He’s had plenty of time and learned communication is key to successful endeavors. The only downfall is he fails in the romance category. He makes up for it by providing an incredibly healthy and stable environment for his partner.
America: he can be immature and that can take a toll on a partner. But he’s incredibly loyal, and does his best to keep the romance alive. Not all of his plans are well executed, but he always puts in his best effort. He can tend to be clingy, while also not understanding a clingy partner. But once he’s in it, he’s committed. Very doting.
Sweden: he’s upfront and honest, however is also a bit of a cynic. This can make dating him difficult. He’s also not great at talking about his feelings, and doesn’t do well with romance. But he does communicate with his partner well after enough time has passed and he’s settled into the role.
England: more mature than America, but arguably more emotionally constipated. Arthur has a habit of sabotaging his own relationships. And even though he’s in love, he struggles to verbalize his feelings. Often leaving his partner at a loss.
France: He loves to love, and he loves to be loved. He’s a doting partner and full of romance. However his relationships tend to be the flash in a pan type, and he gets bored before inevitably moving on to someone new. It’s fun while it lasts.
Switzerland: he’s just not a great bf okay?? He’s crotchety, and he won’t so much as buy you a chocolate. Not that money is everything but when there isn’t give and take in a relationship it leaves one party feeling used. He also doesn’t make his SO feel particularly wanted.
Italy: He’s charming and sweet but good fkn lord does this man cheat. It’s like lovino got all the loyal genes and Italy was left with all of Grandpa Rome’s hoe genetics. Do not date.
Spain: listen. Tony is a hoe. Baby he’s lying to you, leave that man. You know what Spain rhymes with? Pain. Yeah I said it.
Greece: He’s a lazy hoe. At least Tony puts in some effort and romance.
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whereisnardo · 3 years
why is this my most popular post
Naruto Characters in a Horror Movie
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Dies First: Choji, Tobi, Shizune, Izumo
Fully armed (still dies): Tenten, Asuma, Kisame, Genma, Rasa, Kushina, Kiba, Killer Bee
Dies because they tried to save everyone (in vain): Shisui, Naruto, Yahiko, Minato, Rock Lee
Sacrificial Virgin: Sai, Gaara, Sakura, Rin, Nagato, Neji
Dies because they were having sex: Jiraiya, Deidara, Kankuro, Kotetsu, Hidan
Trips and dies: Ino, Hashirama, Tsunade (those damn shoes...)
Tries to warn everyone to stay together: Temari, Iruka, Kakashi, Raido, Aoba, Kurenai, Hinata, Might Gai
Wanders off from the group alone: Sasori, Tobirama, Kakashi, Kakazu, Pein
Survivor(s): Temari, Shikamaru, Itachi, Konan, Aoba, Shino
Deduced who the killer was: Shikamaru, Itachi, Temari, Shino, Sakura, Minato, Tobirama, Kakashi
The villain/murder: Sasuke, Orochimaru, Kabuto, Hidan, Obito, Zetsu
Fakes their death: Kakashi
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whereisnardo · 3 years
uni is putting me on the verge of a mental breakdown so here’s the naruto cast as types of students
Itachi: studious, has assignments done early, organized, might know more about his subjects than the prof. Straight A’s.
Shisui: organized chaos. He gets everything done and turned in but—good lord—he has no idea how. Doesn’t procrastinate too much, works best under pressure. Leader of all group projects. A/A- average.
Naruto: massive procrastinator. Not a surprise, he still tries his best, but often puts assignments off until the night (or hour before they’re due). C Average.
Sasuke: tries to emulate Itachi, but can’t be as organized or ahead of the game. Still in the top 5% of his class, but that’s not enough for him. Often his stubbornness inhibits his ability to succeed. B+/A- average.
Sakura: Studious, organized, every teachers dream. She works hard to understand material because not all subjects come naturally to her. Works hard for her 4.0.
Deidara: a dumpster fire. Mass procrastination. Often doesn’t turn in assignments unless he deems them perfect—causes many late assignments. Stubborn. C+ average.
Kiba: Excels in classes he loves, can’t be assed to try in classes he isn’t interested in. Also procrastinates ALL THE TIME. Has cramming sessions with Naruto. C- average.
Hinata: less studious than her peers assume. Crushing expectations from family. Does not work well under pressure. Solid B average.
Neji: people think he’s naturally gifted, but he actually just does his readings. Not to say he isn’t smart, he’s just worked for it. Works better under pressure than Hinata. A average.
Rock Lee: tends to be lost the entire course but makes up for it in pure enthusiasm. He works hard to understand the material, but still falls short sometimes—not recognizing a break is just as important as learning. Gets a solid B/B+ average.
Kisame: doesn’t care much for school, is more into sports. Keeps his grades high enough to play but isnt interested in going above and beyond unless he really likes a subject. C-/C average.
Ino: naturally good at school but hides it for fear of looking like a nerd. More interested in boys than learning (she grows out of it later). A average.
Shino: good student, everyone’s go to for help since he’s usually just kinda quiet and not too standoffish. He studies occasionally, usually can just learn the material thru the homework. A student.
Choji: tries hard but there are some subjects he just can’t understand. That doesn’t deter him from trying tho. Seeks help when he needs it. B- average.
Shikamaru: the genius of his generation. Need I say more? But really, his grades suffer simply because he’s unmotivated and doesn’t turn in (or do) homework. Because of that his gpa suffers. Also a B-/B average.
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whereisnardo · 3 years
Renji: I would let you ruin my life.
Rukia: I'm busy ruining my own you'll have to wait.
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whereisnardo · 3 years
Naruto zodiacs based purely on the vibe they give off
Aries ♈️: Tsunade, Shizune, Kushina, Sakura
Taurus ♉️: Choji, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Ino, Temari, Kakazu
Gemini ♊️: Deidara, Sasuke
Cancer ♋️: Naruto, Tenten, Minato
Leo ♌️: Genma, Hidan, Yahiko
Virgo ♍️: Gai, Lee, Kisame
Libra ♎️: Asuma, Hashirama, Shisui, Konan
Scorpio ♏️: orochimaru, sasori, Madara
Sagittarius ♐️: Shikamaru, Itachi, Kurenai
Capricorn ♑️: Kiba, Kankuro
Aquarius ♒️: Tobirama, Kabuto, Neji
Pisces ♓️: Hinata, Iruka, Gaara, Nagato
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whereisnardo · 3 years
There’s only two otps here.
Reader x Nation
Nations x Therapy
exactly, all the other ships can go home.
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whereisnardo · 3 years
This is so sweet 🥺
Good morning/afternoon/night wherever you are! What would dating Prussia include?
Hello, Lovely~ This is a topic I wish I was an expert in, but alas a gal can only daydream. Hope you enjoy!
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He's very much an early riser, always up before the sun. Depending on your own sleep schedule, he'll make breakfast, feed the pets, and, come winter, sometimes have the whole sidewalk shoveled before you're awake.
Despite his inability to sleep past 5 am, is is next to impossible for him to get to sleep any earlier than midnight.
Speaking of which, there may be nights when you'll have to coax him to bed. He gets caught up easily in books, paperwork, and writing, and sometimes he will forego sleep altogether by accident.
He's very meticulous when it comes to cleaning, and very mindful that everything is in its proper place.
You can't, for the life of you, figure out how his shirts always come out so soft when he uses the exact same cleaning products as you, not that you're complaining. It does annoy you though, and the fact he knows it annoys you somehow makes the whole thing even worse.
He'll sometimes intentionally drive like a maniac just to annoy you.
His feet are usually cold to the touch, much to your chagrin. Your annoyance, naturally, stems from his overly irritating habit to shove them against your back when you're laying in bed. "You're so warm, Schaz~" "I will find a way to murder you. Brutally."
Honestly one of his favourite pastimes is annoying you. He absolutely thrives off of that one specific expression you make every time he does.
Even if you've been together for ages, he can still be ridiculously timid when it comes to showing affection in public. In private, he has no reservations whatsoever.
He tries his hardest to plan dates that you'll enjoy, even if it's something that he's never really tried himself before.
Personally, he'd rather quieter dates, allowing more time for just the two of you. His preference is more in some of maybe your more frequent haunts, museums, or exploring a new park.
It's very important to him that your main circles can sort of mesh together, and he made sure that within the first month or so of being "official" to at least sort of introduce himself to your closest friends and family, and make sure you were introduced to... essentially everyone. (Felice, bless his heart, can't always tell what's supposed to stay a secret.)
He was, surprisingly, more nervous about introducing you to his group than he was meeting yours.
He was a bit self-conscious really, caught somewhere between this weird dread and jealousy that somehow Tonio or Francy would steal you away from him versus the abject horror upon reaching the realization that Køhler and Kirkland would take absolute delight in regaling you with stories of all the embarrassing shit he's ever done.
Oddly enough, he was only excited when it had come to introducing you to Friedy and Ludbug, though that excitement was mildly diminished when Ludvig, in all seriousness, offered you his sympathies, only for a rare grin to break out on the youngest Beilschmidt's face when you played along with the teasing.
When it came to meeting your family, he unintentionally reverted back to his more courtly mannerisms, only relaxing when you squeezed his hand and whispered some joke in his ear that had him bark in laughter, much to his embarrassment and your delighted cackling.
He would never admit it, but he has a journal dedicated especially to the things you did that made him smile. It's filling up quickly.
It was a bit of a gradual fall into your relationship, but still a relatively fast one. It only took about a week or so for you two to want more than the half-whispered debates about movies while sitting on a bench waiting for your respective busses, both of you gradually realizing that you were enjoying the bond forming between you.
Frankly, he would have been completely fine with just friendship, back then.
Now, he couldn't imagine how he could cope with anything less than this- both of you on the floor beneath a haphazardly made blanket fort, some anime he can't pronounce paused on your tablet as you doze off on his lap, mumbling something about peaches and zebras.
That'll be going in the journal, too.
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Thank you so much for the ask, Lovely~
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whereisnardo · 3 years
Hetalia Characters as infomercials
China: LifeAlert—we all know why.
America: George Foreman Grill—what’s better than burgers?
Other options:
Oxiclean—he has the gusto
Magic Bullet—emphasis on bullet
Shake Weight/Nutrisystem—he’s unhealthy and wants to change but with minimal effort.
Prussia: Shamwow—it’s a meme, Gil loves memes. And who else can match that energy?
N. Italy: Chia Pet—cute and almost useless.
Belarus: One of those knife sharpeners—it’s very in her lane, and she has a use for it.
Germany: Flex Seal/Tape—he just wants to fix everything man, physical and emotional. He’s almost always the tape holding things together.
Romano: Total gym—he’s not buff, but he wants to be.
Russia: The clapper—he genuinely loves its concept and he’s innocent looking enough it endears people to buy it.
Spain: Scrub Daddy—it’s an effective tool and it has daddy in the name 😏
Canada: Snuggie—it’s cold up north, and it’s arguably one of the more practical on the list.
England: Magic Bullet—emphasis on magic.
Japan: Slap Chop—it can be handy, but it’s also a way to let out pent up aggression.
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whereisnardo · 3 years
✨Naruto Characters as Luxury Brands ✨
Naruto: Gucci—kind of basic, lots of hype, most obvious choice
Sasuke: Versace—slightly less basic than Gucci, arguably their most obvious rival, more low key than Gucci but still just as obvious.
Itachi: Rolex—well known, popular, timeless.
Shisui: Balenciaga—they can still be kinda goofy (the shoes??), and we know Shisui can be a bit of a clown and he’s definitely a little bit of a hype beast. Not as classy as Itachi.
Kiba: Supreme—is this even luxury?? It’s lowkey, and not very sophisticated or high brow.
Temari: Hermès—beautiful, yet understated. Not as in your face as some other brands, but still classy.
Genma: Burberry—practical, elegant, not to flashy or obvious.
Kankuro: Off-white—again, is this even luxury? Does hype beast really count as luxury clothing.
Sasori: Prada—pretentious and they know it.
Deidara: Valentino—also pretentious, but perhaps a smidgen less
Hinata: Chanel—classy, feminine, timeless.
Ino: Dior—Chanel, but on steroids.
Kushina: Le Creuset—listen luxury clothes are okay, but have you ever had beautiful, luxury cookware?
Minato: Hugo Boss—it’s simple and elegant, nothing to crazy.
Kakashi: Shun—like Kushina, have you ever had really good quality knives? Who needs clothes!
Tsunade: Dom Pérignon—would you expect anything less?
Sakura: Givenchy—it’s in the middle of the pack, somewhat well known, but not as hype as Gucci. Clothes can be more lowkey.
Jiraiya: Calvin Klein—more sophisticated, but still has the potential to look young. Not as luxury as some other brands, but still pricey. And they sell underwear ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
Orochimaru: YSL—they think their above Gucci, but a lot of the designs are ugly and their fan base is just as ridiculous.
Gai & Rock Lee: Nike—what do you mean it isn’t luxury?
Kisame: Fendi—it can be a little basic, and it’s rather well know. The clothes are just alright and tend to be overshadowed by other brands.
Kabuto: Yeezy—we all know this brand is for posers.
Konan: Cartier—a classic, beautiful and never out of style.
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whereisnardo · 3 years
Love Languages: Bleach Karakura Gang (kinda) & Arrancar
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Ichigo: He’s still a bit easily embarrassed, but he will never tell his s/o that, lest it upset them. He’s not super big into gifts, and he’s honestly not great at giving them. He show you he loves you through physical touch, he just wants to touch his partner. I would also argue that he exhibits his love for people through acts of service, specifically through protecting them.
Orihime: Orihime can be a bit oblivious when it comes to some more nuanced things, she’ll be appreciative but may also attribute it to being friendly. She best shows love to her partner through words of affirmation and quality time. She highly values quality time with her partner, it makes her feel special that they would make time just for her.
Uryu: Despite his standoffishness, he is quite in tune with his and his partners feelings. He's a bit of a stickler about PDA, but he is still understanding if that is how his partner expresses their care for him. He'll just opt for a compromise, defining what he is and is not comfortable with in public. Uryu's love language is acts of service, he appreciates when those he cares about do something helpful to him, and he likes repaying the favor.
Kisuke: God Kisuke can be such an ass. He’s a bit too guarded to be outright with his feelings, and he’s cheap so gifts are out of the question. When he really wants to show he cares, he does so through acts of service, though they can be unconventional. He also feels loved/expresses love through physical touch. But mostly in private.
Yoruichi: She is loud and proud about her feelings. She’s just so sure about you that she can’t bring herself to hide it; so her primary love language is words of affirmation and she does like hearing them back. Secondarily, she loves to touch and be touched, this can be innocently or otherwise.
Grimmjow: You cannot convince me that this man communicates through any means other than physical touch. He’s abrasive with words, and he’s too selfish to actively think about acts of service or gifts. Quality time is on his terms, not his lovers, so I wouldn’t consider that his love language. The only way Grimm feels comfortable expressing his affection for his partner is through soft touches, where no prying eyes can see.
Coyote Starrk: He’s a simple man. He doesn’t want many things in life, and what could be better than curling up with his lover? All Starrk truly wants is to spend time with the one he loves, and also to cuddle up with them.
Isshin: If this man were to ever pursue someone, it would become clear that his love language is words of affirmation, although it can be overboard. He practically worships the ground his s/o walks on, and he isn't afraid to tell them! He doesn't do well with s/o's who like sentimental gifts, as he just always seems to miss the mark...
Ulquiorra: Pro tip: if you don’t want to teach him everything about dating and relationships, and probably have your feelings hurt quite frequently in the process, do not engage. Ulquiorra questions everything, including your feelings, actions (within the relationship), and desires. He can often be cold with his assumptions and remarks as well. It will take a long time, but when he comes around he will offer his partner words of affirmation. But they can be rather lackluster. Just know it took a lot of internal growth for him to tell you: I appreciate your company.
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whereisnardo · 3 years
Love Languages: Kage, Sannin, and Sensei’s
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Tsunade: After Dan, Tsunade has struggled to open up to those she cares about. She isn't the most articulate with her words, and she often expresses her fondess for someone by either teasing, or being overly critical/protective. Her love language is physical touch, she really only lets those truly close to her, touch her (and she only engages in physical contact w/ those she loves).
Kakashi: Jfc he's almost as emotionally stunted as Sasuke. Kakashi struggles with himself, because often feels as though he is unworthy of love--but he won't ever voice this. He receives words of affirmation well, but he rarely gives them. He expresses his love for someone through physical touch, and quality time. If he's ever just laying on the couch with you with his head in your lap, he really loves you.
Minato: Oh, this precious ball of sunshine. Don't let his boyish-innocence fool you, he's actually a quite mature individual. His love languages are a mix of words of affirmation and acts of service. Despite the duties that come with being Hokage, Minato has managed to retain his innocence regarding emotions. He doesn't let the horrors of the shinobi world change how he loves those around him; if anything, it makes him cherish the ones he loves even more.
Mei: Honestly, Mei might be the most well adjusted on on this list (except perhaps equal to Asuma and Kurenai). She knows how to communicate and use her words, and this explains why her fundamental love language is words of affirmation. She also appreciates receiving heartfelt gifts from her partner.
A (fourth Raikage): A is very proud, and this can get in the way of him communicating openly and honestly with his partner. He also doesn't always absorb the things that are said to him. He best expresses his feelings through physical touch. He's a busy guy, so quality time can be limited, but he frees up all the time for his partner that he can.
Jiraiya: It may be a surprise, but Jiraiya's dominate love language is not physical touch. Sure he likes being touched, but it isn't something that feels intimate to him. His love language is actually acts of service. And these acts of service can be pretty grandiose, and may even be detrimental to his character or health. You know... like monitoring the akatsuki.... or infiltrating the village hidden in the rain...
Asuma: One of the better adjusted on the list, Asuma is honest about his feelings and doesn't suffer from that weird 'feelings are wEaK' thing. He really expresses his adoration for someone through giving gifts. He loves to spoil his s/o, he also often uses words of affirmation to express himself. He likes to hear affirming words in return; he decided a while ago that shinobi life was to unpredictable to be bothered by the 'unmanliness' associated with feelings. He firmly believes that you should tell the people that you love that you love them while they're still here.
Kurenai: She's is also better adjusted than a majority of shinobi, she likes to think it's because she actually uses her brain. Even though she is well spoken, she strongly prefers quality time over words of affirmation. She likes her partner to follow through with their actions, so words mean little to her, until they are properly backed by her partners behaviour.
Gai: Omfg this man. He wants to spend every second, of every day, with you. He doesn't understand the meaning of personal space. You will not convince me that his love language is anything other that quality time (ahem, the constant 'battles' with Kakashi). There is nothing he wants more than to spend his time with his love. You would have to carefully explain (because it will hurt his feelings) that even though you love him, you still need time alone. Be gentle, please. He will quickly get over it if you give him a couple kisses.
Iruka: He still struggles over the deaths of his parents, and comrades. So he can be distant at times, and because of that quality time isn't always something he feels that he can fulfil. But he does express his love for you through gift giving and acts of service. He does these things so that you know he still cares about you, even in times where he may need more personal space.
C: Because he is so involved in his work, quality time can be few and far between. He's also a bit stingy with personal affection... and he sucks with words. He can be tricky for a partner, because he often comes across as aloof or disinterested. He knows that he can be a shitty partner, but he just can't verbalise it; his pride often gets in the way. The one way you can really tell that he cares is when he nags you; he nags you to eat better, get more sleep, train more, etc. He nags because he cares, this will often turn into acts of service because well... if you aren't going to eat better, then he's going to make your meals. If you aren't sleeping enough, guess what? He's coming over and you're both going to sleep. He's a mother hen, albeit a grumpy one, but he does care. He just doesn't know how to show it.
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whereisnardo · 3 years
Love Languages: Bleach Lieutenants
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Izuru: He’s probably one of the better adjusted for a relationship, and he’s pretty good at articulating his feelings. He thinks is more efficient to offer words of affirmation to his partner than rely on more nuanced forms of affection. He does also appreciate physical touch, more so than quality time. He finds he can become to overwhelmed if he isn’t getting enough time to himself.
Renji: Heaven help this emotionally stunted man. He’s simultaneously confident and insecure about his affections. Confident because he knows that he loves you ofc, but insecure that he may be judged, brushed off, or rejected. It is because of this that he craves words of affirmation. He wants you to tell him exactly how you feel; however he is not great with words himself. So when expressing his love, he tends to rely on acts of service.
Shuhei: Oh this sweet summer child. He just loves to love. His no. 1 love language is quality time. Any time he can spend with you, is time well spent according to him. He also loves to be reassured, so he especially likes words of affirmation from his love. He’d be bigger on physical touch, but ya never know when his nose is going to cut that short. Touching is reserved for home.
Rangiku: She likes all kinds of attention, and she has many suitors to provide it. But when she really loves someone, she craves quality time with them. Just the two of them, alone. Plenty of people will shower her in gifts, but it’s really special when someone takes time out of their day just to spend time with her—innocently. Just her, her partner, and maybe a book. They don’t have to be doing anything, she just likes being in their presence.
Ikkaku: This man is 100% about physical touch. He expresses all of his feelings for his partner thru touching them. And he wants you to touch him too damn it. He doesn’t really respond well to receiving gifts. Like he doesn’t dislike or reject them or anything, he just doesn’t really get it. If you give him a heartfelt gift he’ll just shrug it off and be like: oh thanks, that’s cool. And then go about his day.
Yumichika: Heaven help whoever dates Yumi. He’s more high maintenance than Rangiku—and he takes pride in that. But that aside, Yumichika feels the most loved when receiving acts of service. Especially if it’s something he’s never mentioned, or only mentioned in passing. It really shows him that you care about him when you do something to make his day a little better, even if it was an inconvenience to you. However, because he can be quite selfish, he never thinks to do acts of service for his partner (or it happens rarely). He often spends time picking out unique gifts for his partner, just to remind them that he cares and they are frequently on his mind.
Nemu: She’s not particularly versed in relationships... or affection. It might surprise her partner, but her love language is words of affirmation. She’s just not that good at giving them. The things she says can tend to sound clinical, and she often struggles with more nuanced forms of communication. So although her words may seem formal, she does mean everything she says, and she means well. She’ll get more accustomed to a relationship over time.
Rukia: She may be a bit too much like Byakuya for her own good. She’s quite aloof at times, and can tend to be tsundere. Because of this, words of affirmation aren’t her strong suit. She can buy most things that she wants, so gifts can be tricky. However she does greatly appreciate acts of service, and especially values spending quality time with her partner.
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