trippyenerdrugy · 3 years
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trippyenerdrugy · 3 years
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trippyenerdrugy · 3 years
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“It was when I stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself I found there were no roots more intimate than those bewteen a mind and body that have decided to be whole.”
- rupi kaur
#selflove #body #confidence #mindful #mind #soul #talk #launguage
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trippyenerdrugy · 4 years
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Explore📸 #arkansassunsets #explore #nature #bridges
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trippyenerdrugy · 4 years
“Sometimes, if a part of us breaks in two, if it fractures, it changes us as a person forever. And it’s not because we didn’t heal at all. It’s not because we healed “the wrong way”. It’s not because we failed. It’s because our body, our heart and our soul figured out a different way to grow back together. It’s because our bones found a new way to mend. Because our skin realised there was more than one manner of knitting itself back together. It’s a long way and I’m not going to lie and tell you it won’t hurt, but you’ll come out of it as someone who’s grown. Someone who has evolved. You might have changed, but so have your wounds. So has your way of coping.”
— one reminder a day #8 / n.j.
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trippyenerdrugy · 4 years
Grounding With Other Elements
Sit in a body of water, a natural one or a bath. Feel where the water touches your skin. Find the line at the surface, where it touches you. Go around your whole body. Feel weightless.
Drink a glass of water, slowly and steadily. Feel it travel down your throat and into the rest of your body. Finish the glass.
Listen to the rain, the waves, the babbling brook. Feel the sound. Let it vibrate through you until your vibrations match.
Feel the wind on your face. Let the spread-out pieces of you be picked up by the wind, and pushed back to you. Let the wind carry the unnecessary stresses away. 
Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Repeat.
Take a word, sound, or phrase. Repeat it or sing it, find that pitch and speed that feels right.
Feel the heat from a fire, let it warm your bones.
You are a candle flame. Sit or stand tall. Let the excess energy burn up and out the top of your head like smoke. Flicker as needed.
Turn off the lights, light a candle. Watch its light flicker on the walls. Melt into the room.
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trippyenerdrugy · 4 years
🌿Grounding: What is it? How do I Achieve it? 🌿
Grounding is getting in touch with your deepest energies and taking control of them. This will help you keep an organized mind. You will also have balanced emotions. I try to ground 2-3 times a day. It’s my way of connecting to myself.
This is how I do it:
I sit in a chair, with my back straight and my feet flat on the floor. I take a few deep breaths. With the last exhale I close my eyes softly. I imagine all of my energy growing roots in the ground through my feet. This is best done outside in nature. However, it does work in the house as well. I pay attention to how these roots twist and turn. Every energy represents an emotion. Think about what emotions you are feeling. Feel the strongest and thickest roots. Follow them. What thoughts do they take you to? What can you do with them? Once you have a plan open your eyes and journal. Write that plan down and stick to it. You will see the world around you change and balance.
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trippyenerdrugy · 4 years
🤍 the world is a dark place so here is some light
beautiful dresses
iced coffee
cuddles and hugs
second hand shops
the sky
cozy socks
cute notebooks
your favorite meal
cute and nice mutuals
heart shaped things
birds chirping
fairy lights
your stuffed animal
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trippyenerdrugy · 4 years
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“Add something, if you’d like”🖤💜
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trippyenerdrugy · 4 years
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trippyenerdrugy · 4 years
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