thomasheimbrand · 3 years
What are employee engagement surveys and their benefits?
An employee engagement survey is one way of measuring the performance of a leader.
High numbers in disengagement will generate high turnover. People will come and go, and a lot of money is spent on the recruitment process. You join a company, but you leave the leader.
In an average company, 29 % of the employees are engaged at work. 24% are actively disengaged and hate their boss. Imagine what damage these negative people will do to the company.
Another interesting fact is that a one percent increase of engagement index will increase the profitability by 20% in a company.
So what can the leader do to increase the employees' engagement? Naturally, one way is by using the result of the engagement survey.
A good way to start is by analyzing the result and involve the employees in the process. The leader has to be open to some negative feedback and have the will to change.
Let the employees talk about what is working instead of what is not working. Often the outcome of the engagement survey is a result of the working circumstances for many years. Therefore the employees are experts at finding negative things because that is what they are focusing on.
Instead, break their pattern by letting them focus on the great things at the workplace together with the outcome of the survey.
However, the negative stuff can be harder for the employees to solve without the leader's help.
High levels of stress, difficulties in prioritization, high workload, etc., are often symptoms of something else. Here it is the lack of leadership skills that creates these negative outcomes.
An employee engagement survey can help you find areas for improvement in your leadership skills. However, you have to study leadership to learn more in-depth what makes people motivated and engaged at work.
Read more about how you can improve motivation and boost engagement at work here. Good luck!
Your friend
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
How to reduce turnover in your company, if you are the leader.
You join a company, but you leave the leader.
Four years ago, I took over a large division of people >200 employees. The turnover was then about 9% annually. In less than 2 years we went down to <4%, which is more common for any other industry. (And this was before the Corona-pandemic)
A high turnover will always affect your business negatively. Depending on who is leaving the company, it will always be challenging to recruit and replace good people. The organizational memory will go down when experienced people are leaving.
In summary, the overall efficiency of the company is affected negatively by a high turnover.
What can you do as the leader to turn things around, then?
Start by communicating the message that everyone is important. You want leaders to see their coworkers and value them. Set up the expectations of what values your division wants to be known for.
Help everyone understand what they can do to help the group, unit, division, and company to succeed. Everyone has to know they are part of something larger than themselves.
Replace the managers that are not focusing on their people. Usually, these specialists don´t trust others to do the job correctly, and therefore there won´t be a leveraging effect for that group. It could also be the managers who think more about themselves than how their co-workers are doing. Some managers might not be interested in the company´s overall performance as long as their group is performing well.
Make sure that the leaders are focusing on their employees' development. If the people are not growing, they will be unhappy, eventually, leave, or display bad behavior.
Leaders have to address bad behavior on time. Sometimes there are strong informal leaders in the organization, and it is the leader's job to win them over or correct them.
If you create a strong management team, all these areas will be your common mission. However, you have to evaluate your management team first, and sometimes you wait too long to replace some of them because you want to give everyone a chance to change.
In essence, you cannot motivate people to stay with money or other attributes. However, you can inspire people to find their own motivation by developing the leaders around them. Leaders who see them, appreciate them, value them, develop them and make everyone feel part of something larger than themselves.
Of course, there could be other circumstances for other companies, depending on what kind of people you are leading. These tips are universal and will help you create a high-performance culture. As a bi-product of that, you will measure a low number of people who leave the company and a high engagement index among your employees.
Learn more about leadership development and personal growth here at my site. You could also subscribe to my E-course in leadership development here. I have gathered all my personal experiences regarding leadership practice together with countless hours of reading and seminars about leadership development.
Your friend
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
The greatness in Management
When comparing Management and Leadership, you have probably heard the question: Is he/she a leader or a manager? Sometimes Management has got a rather low reputation in the cooperate world.
I believe that the best organizations need to have both leaders and managers.
One definition that I often use is that managers are like thermometers; they measure the temperature in the organization. Leaders, on the other hand, are like thermostats. They turn up the heat, meaning that they improve productivity and increases profitability in the company.
As an example, studies have shown that a 1% increase in engagement increases profitability by 20%. Leaders have more skills when it comes to increasing engagement than managers do.
Usually, there is a lack of leaders in an organization. However, managers can develop themselves to become leaders if they are willing to train their leadership muscles.
If you are a leader surrounded by managers, it is easy to take the leadership role in all situations. You want to share your knowledge with the managers because you know that leadership skills create better results, following the thermostat principle.
I have stepped into that box as a leader. However, you must sometimes show that you can speak and act like a manager. Almost every leader knows how to do this because they have all started their leadership journey as managers.
When you show others that you possess management skills, your leadership skills will become even stronger. I learned this from a professor in psychology, and it is called the “Expanding oneself”-effect.
You create rapport with the managers, and they are going to listen to you when you are sharing your leadership skills.
Once you have the managers with you, the combination of your leadership skills and their managing skills will be highly useful for the company when it comes to creating results.
How to be a good manager
A good manager knows how to delegate effectively. He makes sure that the person performing the task has got the right skills and knowledge.
The excellent manager communicates clearly what to do and why. There is always enough time for questions.
The How is up to the person performing the task to figure out. There are always different ways to do a job, and you might lose accountability if you both say what to do and how to do it.
Telling someone what to do and how to do it is called micromanaging. It can be hard for some managers to avoid.
Delegating by E-mail hardly never works. There have been numerous times where I needed to clarify what I meant through my e-mail. Instead, the excellent manager takes a short meeting with the person when delegating.
After the delegation, you must follow up. This shows that you care and that you haven´t forgotten about the task. It also sets an expectation that the job is essential.
The frequency for the follow-up can vary as long as you do it until the end of the task.
If several persons are working from different departments together with a delegated task, it can be beneficial to write a delegating document to be extra clear about the purpose, expectations, time to delivery, etc.
The downside of having too many managers in an organization is that soon every task is going to be followed up. The consequence is that productivity goes down. The reason is that people stop taking personal responsibility because the employees perceive the follow-up as a lack of trust.
The overall objective can be lost, and silos-based thinking start occurring more frequently.
There has to be a balance between trust and follow-up. Based on my experience, you need more follow-up when you have an immature group of people.
A good manager also knows how to be a great planner. He makes sure that the job gets done on time and plans proactively. It can be precious for the company because reliability builds trust. Read more about the Trust equation here.
Managers and leaders excel together.
A good manager can be the leader’s best asset. Planning, organizing, following up, and making sure that the company delivers according to plan is essential. The leader can then concentrate on the things he/she does best by influencing, inspiring, building people and new leaders, etc.
The best companies have both the best leaders and the best managers because, in a relatively large organization, you have a variety of people with different needs.
The trick is to place the right leader/manager in the right groups according to their needs. When managers grow themselves with new leadership skills, they will develop the people, and the people will improve the organization.
If you want to learn more about how to develop leadership skills you can visit my site or subscribe to my courses.
Your friend
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
How you set yourself apart from other leaders.
Always try to radiate positive energy. It boosts morale, and people will like you and trust you more. You have to be aware of the law of the shadow. The law of the shadow says that your emotions amplify as long as you are the leader. When team morale is high, productivity is going to be high as well.
No one wants their leader to be angry or grumpy. You cannot have a bad attitude and encourage others at the same time. So, therefore show hope for the future because it gives power to the present.
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Prepare yourself for the future
Be proactive and prepare yourself for the things to come. You will be able to be more present at the moment if you have done your homework. You can also handle unforeseen situations in a smoother way.
You build your success, and the better prepared you are, the better the result is going to be. By growing yourself continuously as a leader, you will outperform everyone else eventually.
If you don´t like to be a leader, it is because you don´t have the right skills. The better you are, the more fun your work will become.
Your relations determine how far you go.
Your relations stands for 80% of your results. Be approachable and help others to succeed. By serving others, you lay a foundation for others to help you. Remember that one is too small of a number to achieve greatness.
Value yourself and value others regardless of what they do or what position they have. You never know who is going to be there for you when you need it.
Increase your value by reading and studying the best. You will save time on your personal development journey.
Share your knowledge with others. Not only will you internalize your experience better, but you also add value to others. That value will come back to you according to the law of cause and effect. Contributing is also one of the essential traits that every person needs i.e.; you will feel good about yourself by sharing.
Be a good listener and help others to believe in themselves.
Work on the organizational culture
Momentum is your best friend, and when you create a positive high performing culture, you will stand out as a leader. When people are engaged and working together towards a common goal, everyone benefits.
When everyone feels talented new people that come in will automatically perform in the sense of “This is the way we do things around here.”
Cultural change takes time, and you have to make sure you have the right leaders around you. Also, make sure to create “Cultural warriors” in the organization that will help you change the culture.
Eventually, the cultural shift will take place, and the result will amaze everyone.
Be the change you what to see
To gain trust, you have to be credible. Walk the talk and set an example by the things you do. People don´t do what you tell them to do; they will do what you are doing. Others will follow your example.
The importance of taking action
Leaders take action and don´t sit around and wait for things to happen. Fear of failing is not in the great leader´s vocabulary. They are instead purpose-driven and sees failure as a learning experience. They are also good at thinking outside of the box and will find a way no matter what.
Be persistent and work on the things you can control, such as your attitude, habits, skills, emotions, personal growth, and progress.
See yourself as a winner, and once you understand that you can and will become your thoughts, your life will never be the same.
Work on yourself every day.
Every day work on yourself. Train your mind by reading, meditating, and using positive affirmations. Tell yourself what you would like to see, even though you sometimes are in doubt. Eventually, your thoughts become your reality.
The most potent fraise you can you is “I am…” and then you can fill in whatever you want (Confident, enough, loved, strong, healthy, grateful, etc.)
Your body is your temple and treat it with respect and give it what it needs such as plenty of water, sleep, exercise (oxygen), healthy food, etc. and you will be able to be more focused and have higher endurance than others.
Are you interested in learning more about leadership growth you can visit my site or subscribe to my courses.
Your friend
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
Time management tips for better results
Why is it that some people get more done than others? Do they have more time, or do they have extra help? One thing is for sure, though, that time is a scarce commodity and that you only have 1440 seconds per day. What you do with it matters, and here are some tips for you to be more productive during the day.
What is my most important task?
Identify your Most Important Task (MIT) and make sure it gets done first.
My MIT is the time I spend on personal development, and I always find room for it. The best investment you can make is in yourself. You become more valuable to the marketplace, and It also makes you feel alive and happy.
Sometimes your most important task is something you don't like to be doing. It could be to have a tough conversation with an associate or a person close to you, or it could be something you find annoying. At these times, I use to think about Zig Ziglar's statement about the frog.
If you're going to have to swallow a frog, you don't want to have to look at that sucker too long!
Leverage is the magic word.
When you have identified your MIT for the day, evaluate the other tasks you have in your mind and see if some are necessary for you to do or if someone can do them for you. Delegate, eliminate, or change the prioritization of the task. Changing the priority of the job doesn't mean that you are procrastinating; it merely means that you will do it after you have done your most valuable tasks first.
Often people put up a lot of "shoulds" on their To-do lists. Half of them don't get you closer to your goals and are often a result of others' opinions, not yours. Question your "shoulds" and remove them from your calendar.
It is when your "shoulds" is changed to a must when the magic happens. When you tell yourself that you must do a task, you will do it.
Think of the things you can delegate to others. If you believe that you do everything by yourself, you are on thin ice. One is too small of a number to achieve greatness.
Throw your To-Do list away
Use your calendar instead of your To-do lists. By using your calendar, you are scheduling your most important task ahead. Clarity is power, and If you can't measure it, you can't improve it.
Set up your goals on a one-page plan for the year to come. Break them down into quarterly sub-goals and put into your calendar what needs to happen to reach your goals.
Be in charge and avoid procrastination.
Why is it that the smaller tasks that are only going to take you a few minutes to complete tend not to be done? Sometimes it could take a month before you follow through on one task. Most probably, it is your mind that tells you that it is not essential. Still, your subconscious mind will remember that you didn't complete them, and the stress level will increase.
Decide to gather all these smaller tasks on a piece of paper and dedicate one weekend to handle all the smaller tasks at once. You will feel much better afterward.
Be grateful and enjoy the journey.
Even though life is an array of things you have to do, you can still enjoy the ride. Finding your purpose in life and appreciation for the things you have will help you be more present and not see growth as a competition and a race towards the end goals.
Life is not what is happening to you; it is what is happening for you. Change your expectations for your appreciation at I promise you that the ride is going to be awesome.
When you reach your goals, make sure you celebrate. Find the ways that suit you best. It could be a nice dinner, a massage, a fishing trip, etc., whatever you enjoy doing.
Learn to say no.
When you say yes to things, you are saying no to other things. These other things might have been essential for you to reach your goals. So be aware of when you say Yes.
Be aware of the things that are distracting you. If you want to achieve the results that only 5% make, you have to think, produce, and behave like only 5% of the people on the planet. And the best people in the world don't spend their most valuable time on television or other distracting media.
Social media today is preventing you from being efficient. Some people are slaves under their social media apps. Every time a new message or event occurs, they have to see what it is. By changing focus, your brain will have to readjust, which lowers your ability to utilize the brain's full capacity.
Focus on one thing at a time and only allow yourself to check your emails or social media a few times during the day.
Routinely use early mornings to strengthen your mind, body, and spirit.
It is your daily routine that determines your outcome in the long run. Make sure to use your mornings effectively. Studies have shown that you are most productive for a few hours in the mornings.
Eat healthy, exercise, meditate, appreciate, and do your daily affirmations to set you off to a good start of the day. You will be more productive during the day if you charge yourself with these positive powers.
Write down the things that you learn.
Every day you should read, file, and reflect. Sometimes during the day, you come across something valuable. It could be a good meeting, a great quote, or some other kind of learning. By writing it down right away, it will be more likely that you remember it later.
Highly successful people carry a notebook with them to write down the golden nuggets that they might collect during the day.
Apply these time management tips, and I promise you that your productivity level will increase. As you have seen, it is not about working harder; it is about working smarter. Continue to develop yourself and believe in your ability to grow. Stay hungry, and you will have an extraordinary life.
If you want to check out my course on personal development, you can read more about it here, or if you wish to check out my latest golden nugget Ebooks about Training your mind or How to become a better leader.
I wish you the best!
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
Why leadership is important during adversity
How you view things is how you do things. If you see yourself as a confident, strong leader, you will act like one. Your thoughts become your reality.
As a leader, you have to believe that every adversity has something good to offer. When you know that there is a sun behind every cloud, you begin to act more encouragingly and positively.
During adversity, everyone looks at the leader for guidance. It is essential to be decisive and clear. The leader is the one who sets the course and takes everyone through the “storm.”
The importance of being real.
It is essential to see things as they are, not better or worse. Many people tend to exaggerate the overall situation during adversity. Life is always going to be a mixture of lightness and darkness. Positive and negative things are going to happen, regardless if you like it or not.
Be aware of the situation you are in and take action immediately if you find it necessary. During the Tsunami in Asia 2004, some people stood still in the water even though the big wave was coming right towards them. Underestimation is a significant threat during adversity.
Why the crisis reveals the true leader
During an emergency, the real leader will show himself. When you squeeze an orange, you get orange juice. When you press a leader, good and evil are coming out. For you to learn more about yourself as a leader, you can deliberately put yourself through a crisis to see how you react.
I don´t mean that you should sail around the world without food or water. What I mean, though, is that you could go camping, travel, or do things out of the ordinary to challenge your comfort zone.
In that way, you will find out if you are a quitter or a whiner if things start to get tough. When you command yourself to jump into cold water, you are telling your body and mind that you are in charge. Do this every morning by taking a cold shower, for example.
During adversity, your problem-solving skills increase, and you get the habit of doing the work first and resting or celebrating afterward. Most people relax first and say that they will do the job later, which most likely never happens.
Take action during adversity.
Take action and lead by example. During adversity, this is more important than ever. Be credible and “walk the talk.” If you ask for everyone´s help, you have to serve and help others first.
It is better to do something. At least you can adapt and change if you are not getting the result you want.
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How can you grow during adversity?
During adversity, you can grow. You build your confidence during tough times. After every difficulty that I have experienced in my life, I have always come out stronger in the end. The more scars you have, the more you grow. Not only do you build confidence by prevailing the adversity, but you will also be more humble and thankful for what you´ve got and who you are as a person afterward.
Use your team during adversity.
All of us are smarter than just one of us. Utilize the team around you to get leverage. Delegate and be clear on the roles and expectations of the others. Don´t try to solve everything by yourself. Multiply your result and engage the team early in the scenario even if things seem to be under control. Proactive measures can save you a lot of effort later on.
Why is it important to be flexible during adversity?
Use your judgment and set out a clear strategy with short term and long term goals. Be adaptable to new circumstances and adjust your actions if necessary.
If you analyze things for a long time, the situation might go out of hand, and you will lose momentum. Make sure to be persistent and secure your endurance over time. Your discipline will help you get through any obstacle along the way.
Why is executive presence significant during adversity?
During a crisis, fear will travel faster than a virus. Negativity will cause people to lose focus and act upon feelings rather than logic. Leaders help people get back on track. Leaders help others to get rid of their negative emotions. A good leadership trait during a crisis is to give hope, security, and encouragement.
The best leader is the one with the most “scars.” The Coronavirus is just another scare, and now is the time to step up and show the world that you are the leader you say you are.
Do you want to learn more about personal development and leadership skills visit my site here.
Your friend
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
Why is storytelling one of the vital skills for leaders?
People will remember stories better than plain facts. A story makes the facts come to life. Practice your storytelling skills, and you will be better off when you cast your vision or chart the company's course.
Here is a story that I often tell when it comes to housekeeping in our Power Plant and that everybody needs to help out to obtain a high standard.
-There was a plant manager at a Power plant who wanted to raise the standards regarding housekeeping. He took a trash bin, wrote the words World Class on it, and went out into the plant.
When he had filled the bin, he went into the main Control room and emptied the bin into a larger trash canister. He did this without saying a word. This procedure went on for a couple of weeks, and after a while, new trash bins with the same word, World Class, were placed inside the plant.
Eventually, the overall housekeeping status was improved, without even the Plant manager saying a single word.
As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see.”
Your friend
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
Guiding principles towards personal success
Do you want to be in charge of your life? Do you want to feel happy all the time? Do you want to have enough money to quit your job? Do you want to have the relationship of your dreams?
How you define your success or freedom is up to you, but whatever you want, you can get. The question is, however; Are you willing to work for it?
Set goals towards your success
Many people don´t know what they want. For example, if you say that you want more money, your subconscious mind cannot interpret what that means. Instead, you have to be more specific. Put down a particular number on a piece of paper together with a time frame. Your mind will then more clearly start working in your favor.
Apply this clarity for every goal you want to achieve, and I promise you that you will reach them sooner than later.
Grant Cardone talks about the 10X -rule. He says that you should take your goals and multiply them by 10 — that way, your mind has to work harder even to comprehend the goal. At first, you might say that it is impossible, but when you start to ask the right questions, your mind will eventually take you there as long as you don´t give up.
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Know your purpose for your success.
Your subconscious mind is so powerful that it will help you develop ways and actions even if you cannot see them right away, as long as your purpose is clear. Your mind will also work for you while you sleep.
If you want to make, your subconscious mind working in your favor and towards your goals, you can use a mind board. Paste images and words of the things you want, and your mind will start gravitating towards your desires.
Feed your mind with the things you want to see happen rather than what you don´t want to happen.
Take massive action towards your success.
Successful people have most likely failed more than others. If you dare to fail, you will have the opportunity to learn and grow more. John C Maxwell says, “Jump and build your wings on your way down.” There are no failures, only learning experiences.
You have to take massive action to create an enormous result.
Work harder on yourself than you do at work. If you work hard at work, you will make a living. If you work harder on yourself, you will make a fortune. You grow yourself into opportunity.
Where you are today is the result of all the actions you have taken in the past. One thing is for sure that past actions won´t make you where you want to go. You have to take massive steps continuously. If you don´t, it will be like cutting the grass in your garden. Eventually, you have to take more action when the grass grows.
When people don´t take massive action, the first tendency is to lower the expectations of their goals. My recommendation, however, is never to lower your standards because you will then settle for average. You will be working for others and probably struggle for the rest of your life, unhappy.
Everything in life grows, and If we don´t grow, we die. My ultimate failure would be to meet myself in 20 years and see what I could have been if I made an effort and put in massive action.
Work on yourself
You are in charge of your mind. Therefore, you can control your thoughts and feelings. Since your emotions determine your actions or non-action, your success needs to start working on yourself to be more aware of your thoughts.
Sadhguru says that your mind is like a sharp sword. If you don´t have a steady hand, you will cut yourself and perhaps even others with it. Your worst critic is yourself, and why beat yourself with your inner negative thoughts. Start loving yourself and tell yourself all the things you would like to be, have, and give.
Your mind is a single track. Fill it with positive thoughts all the time, and the negative thoughts will not have room to be there.
If you want to be happy all of the time, you need to look for happiness. Children are masters of living in the moment, and when they see a puddle, they jump right in with a smile on their faces. Happiness is living in the moment.
Start appreciating the little things in life. Small items such as the morning coffee, the sunlight on your forehead, or the birds in the sky are examples of things to appreciate in life. Just by noticing these things, you take the first steps to become more present.
When you learn to love the little things, you will enjoy the bigger things more intensely.
Too many people postpone their happiness for the next holiday. They might also condition their happiness to outer circumstances such as when I get rich or when I get married, and then I will be happy. By doing so, you are only telling your mind that happiness is out there and for you to obtain only occasionally.
Start now, and don´t wait for perfection. No one was perfect in the beginning. Procrastination will kill your efforts. The reason is that you have a belief that you are not good enough. Instead of empowering yourself, you sabotage your efforts by saying that you could, should, or would, and procrastination is a fact.
Just do it!
Believe in yourself. If no one else does, you have to believe you can do it. People will doubt your efforts because your progress will make others feel less fulfilled, and their disbelief in you is most often a reflection of their own inability to reach their goals.
Focus on yourself and see yourself succeeding before you even reach your goals. Don´t compare yourself with others. There is always room for more successful people.
Ask better questions to reach your success.
Your mind will answer your questions. Therefore, the better questions you ask yourself, the better the answer is going to be.
Here are some of the questions that I ask myself regularly for me to reach my goals.
What needs to happen for me to reach my goals?
What has gone well, and why on my journey to reaching my goals?
If I would know what the next step would be for me to reach my goal, what would it be?
Who can I ask for advice?
Focus on a few things and do them well, and you will reach your goals.
Don´t overwhelm yourself with 1000 tasks. As long as they don´t correlate with each other, you will make little progress towards your goal. The reason is that you don´t become great in one area. Instead, focus on the things you are good at and let others compensate you in the areas you are not so good at.
Decision-making will help you with your success.
Successful people make decisions fast, but they stick with them for a longer time than others. This persistent way of keeping an eye on the ball has proven to be a winning concept throughout history.
Many quits before the compounding effect have kicked in, and they miss out on the positive outcome. Personal growth, physical training or meditation, saving money, etc., are only a few areas where a healthy strategy and massive action will take you to the top.
I hope some of these guiding principles will help you with your success and remember that you are the Captain of your own life.
Are you interested to learn more about personal development or leadership growth check out my courses, or visit my site here.
Your friend
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
How to use push and pull in a powerful way
I had a boss once who had the ability to demand more from others than they demanded from themselves. He pushed the organization by setting high expectations and was educated and knowledgeable enough to get the authority.
People listened to him, and he saw opportunities where others doubted. You can say that he was good at stretching the organization.
I remembered one time when he said a job could be carried out in less time than suggested, and he made the workers go back and rethink and come back with an optimized plan. Three times he did the same thing, and eventually, the time needed to complete the task was significantly shortened.
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Reducing outage time at a Power plant saves a lot of money because getting back on the electrical grid is the main purpose.
An organization has a remarkable way of adapting to new situations if it´s done correctly. There is always room for improvement.
However, done in the wrong way, people will lose trust and engagement.  If you push too hard. the targets will come across as unreachable and unrealistic.
Instead of being innovated and proactive organizations turn towards more managing leadership.  More efforts are put into measuring things instead of addressing the root causes. The root causes are the lack of leadership and the ability to turn up the heat in the organizations. Leadership is like a thermostat versus managing is measuring the temperature.  
When you only recognize the people who fix problems, you will anchor that behavior and proactivity will be lost. I often say that it is good to fix problems, but my heroes are the ones that prevent problem from occurring.
When you only fix problems you will never be better than you were before. If your best was average, then the average is always going to be your best.
To become the best, you need leadership and work with the culture, people, and the things that create leverage. In leadership, this is often referred to as soft skills. More than 80 % of your result is determined by your relations.
My experience is that culture eats structure for breakfast. Still, you need some structure to make sure you are heading in the right direction that the things you plan are get carried out.
The combination of push and pull is powerful, and it is through an evaluated experience you learn when and how you shall apply them.
The important thing to remember though is not overusing, either of them.
Your can read more about leadership skills here at my site.
Your friend
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
Team development strategies
Trust is the foundation of leadership. Any winning team has worked and established trust towards each other and the teams' ability to accomplish results. Your result as a leader is in direct proportion to your skills in creating strong, collaborating teams:
To illustrate the power of teamwork in a five-member team:
10+ 10+ 10+ 10+ 10 = 50                                   (Not working together)
10* 10* 10* 10* 10 = 100 000                            (Working together)
You will go from an additive to a multiplicative team, and the difference is huge. Studies have shown that a team's ability to solve complex problems increases with openness and trust in a group.
This is especially essential when It comes to putting together and developing your management team.
There are numerous ways you can develop a strong management team, and here are some tips.
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Do a check-in
Introduce a check-in at some meetings where everyone can talk for 5-10 min about basically anything (personal life, work, expectations, how is everything working out for you, etc.)
This enables each and everyone to feel listened and also allows everyone to get a better understanding of where specific behaviors are coming from.
The power of Why
Are you building a brick wall, or are you making a cathedral? It is essential to explain why to the team members.
A leader is the one how sees things in the future before others do. That is why they are the leaders. They paint a brighter future for each and everyone once the team reaches the destination.
The leaders make everyone committed and generate the common understanding that if the team wins, everybody wins.
Invest time and money in teambuilding
If you are new in building teams, I recommend you hire a coach. As the leader, you need to introduce guidance and direction, and the person you are hiring can provide the tools. However, it is not possible to let someone else totally develop your team. You still have to lead them and give direction, but a team building coach can help you along the way.
Practice your visionary leadership
Visionary leadership is often the most effective one. Taking people to a place where they haven't been before, and helping them to be part of something larger than themselves is very fulfilling.
Aim for the stars, and you will at least end up at the treetops.  However, if the team is unwilling to pay the price, the team will lose.
How the leader's emotions affects the team
The emotions of the leader affect the rest of the team and how they feel. The leader is the team's emotional guide. It can affect team spirit and morale.
You can choose to be in a positive mode more than in a negative one. However, if you are too optimistic, no one will take you seriously.
The number one reason for conflicts in an organization is that their leaders express criticism towards different stakeholders.
Be aware of the amplifying effect that your emotions can have on the team if you are the leader. That is why it is best to show different emotions, as long as you aren't overdoing it.
You can be tough and demanding as long as the team members know that you have their best interests.
"People don't care what you know until they know how much you care."
Use humor and see your team excel.
The shortest distance between two people is laughter. Humor and a pleasant atmosphere increases collaboration and generates a better result.
The most significant difference between high and low-performing CEOs was that the top performers were using humor more often.
Use your emotional intelligence (EQ)
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is as essential as being in the right mode as a leader
A leader that is in resonance with his coworkers can put himself in their shoes. To be able to do that, you need to be present and practice active listening.
Emotions are what people can relate to the most. They will not necessarily remember everything you say to them, but what they most likely will remember is their emotions the experienced during your conversations together.
You can use this to your advantage as a leader. Use metaphors and stories that convey a message together with emotions.
Have the right members on the team
If there are members in your management that are not contributing to the team result, they need to change, or they have to go.
Here are some questions you can ask if you have a team member that is not contributing:
Is the weak link out of their comfort zone? How can you create a comfort zone for them?
Is the weak link in the wrong position?
Has the weak link not understood its role?
Has the weak link not the right competence for the job?
In the end, you have to remember that they are responsible for their development. You can only ignite their fire.
The person not contributing to the team result could also be a high performing individual.
Then you will have to use different tactics.
It is like when Michael Jordan (great basketball player) was put on the bench, and he came up to the coach and asked:
"I am the best player on the team, why do I have to sit on the bench."
The coach responded:
"Yes, you are the best player on the team, but don't make the team better."
That was when Michael understood that he needed to make the team better to become and win more.
Establish a servanthood leadership.
The best leaders put their team members before themselves. They know that the team's results will always be better than their own.
"One is too small of a number to achieve greatness."
The focused servant leader eats last and helps others to succeed before they rest.
Chinese proverb
If you want happiness for
One h – take a nap
One day- Go fishing
One month- Marry
One year- inherit a fortune
Establish a growth mindset
Let the group understand that the result for everyone as individuals is dependent on the growth of the team. Therefore everyone needs to develop and contribute to the teams' growth.
If you are number one, you should work as if you were number two.
Work with values
Have the team understand and work according to the team and the corporate values. If you value your DNA, it won't make a difference if one or two players quit or are replaced by others. The values will remain because they are deeply imprinted in the others.
With strong values, the feeling of "This is the way we do things around here" will also be solid.
Live your values
Leadership is visual. You cannot expect coworkers to cooperate if the management team cannot assist. People do what people see.
For you to be congruent (Walk the talk), you have to do precisely that and walk the talk. If you say that it is essential to be on time, you are the first to show up. If you say that it is vital to help others, you are the one who can reach a helping hand.
Give each other feedback.
Feedback and self-reflection are the foundation for learning. To have an open and trustful environment will foster an influential feedback culture.
One vigorous exercise you can do is having the group talk about what is talkable, what is nearly talkable, and what is not talkable in the group. The trick is by talking about what's not talkable; it will become talkable if you understand what I mean.
Create a feeling of belonging
In high performing sports clubs, the feeling of belonging is solid. From the club owner down to the janitor, everyone has the clubs' best interests in mind. When you interview people that belong in a high performing team, they might things like:
Instead of unity, we say community. We accept differences and different opinions because we agree that we value each other. We want the best ides to come forward.
Get to know the teams' different colors.
We are all different when it comes to personalities. Assess to see your team colleges' strengths and blind spots. Have the team apperceive and focus on each other strengths rather than one other shortcoming.
Various assessments can be used. One famous is the DISC model.
Do something fun together.
Do something with the team outside of work and get to know each other more. Learn more about the person and what their interests are. The cooperation will increase.
Here you can do everything from cocking, go on a sailboat, bowling, etc. You understand what I mean.
Work on building trust, and you will see amazing results.
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
Lead yourself before you lead others
What is a success, and who defines it? Is it how much money you have, or is it your job title? According to the norms of society, these could all be attributes for success. It is so easy to be part of "the rat race."
For me and many others, success is how to find inner peace.
I recently listen to Wane Dyer, and here are some of his findings to find inner peace and success.
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1..Be open to everything and attached to nothing. Love people for what they are and not for what you think they should be. What you think about becomes your reality. Many people limit their world with the thoughts they have or what others think about them.
The best thing you can say to a child is:
-Do whatever you would like to do. You can become whoever you want. You have greatness in you, and you are enough, and as your father/mother, I will always love you, no matter what.
There are so many people with limiting beliefs that they received from childhood.
2. .Grow to your potential. Become an everyday student. When you learn new things and apply them, you'll feel more happy and alive. Find your passion in life and follow your dream. Know that you are in charge and don't listen to what others say about you.
3. Handle the small things in life to be able to handle the more important things. When you practice self-discipline, your self-esteem and confidence grow. You start to trust yourself, and that is the first step in trusting others. You cannot give what you don't have.
4. Make sure someone's opinion of you doesn't become your reality. Listen more to yourself and what your thoughts tell you. Don't let anyone take that away from you. You are in control of your thoughts and chose them wisely. What you think about expands. Every day, fill your mind with the words you want to become.
5. Let the past be past. You are not defined by what other people tell you. Neither are you defined by your history. Yes, you are where you are today because of your past. However, that doesn't mean that you are stuck in your current situation. Past successes or losses won't last forever. If you wish your life should change, you need to change.
6. Live in the moment. Close your eyes and listen to the silence. Focus on your breathing and feel how calm and at ease your body becomes. Nature is fantastic when it comes to recharging your batteries. Sit down by the ocean and meditate for a moment. After a bit of training, you will experience that you are part of something larger than yourself. There is no right or wrong in meditation, relaxation, and focus on your breathing for at least 5 minutes.
7. Stop blaming others for your misery. Once you take responsibility for your situation, it is the first step to change it. You cannot change others, but you can change yourself and your beliefs about your outer circumstances.
Often people get frustrated when they are stuck in traffic. Traffic doesn't care about your frustration. Consider every frustrating moment as a test and decide to be in harmony and calm instead.
8. Avoid resentment; it will only disempower you. If you want inner peace, you have to stop being right or respond to criticism. Depersonalize the message and only accept it if you wish. If someone gives you a present, but you don't take it, who has got the gift?
You don't die from a snake bite; it is the venom that kills you. If you hold on to resentment or other negative thought too long, they will harm you both physically and psychologically.
Another useful metaphor will come out if you squeeze an orange- orange juice, of course. But if someone presses you, what will come out is what you have inside. It could be anger, resentment, blame, etc.
When you have reached a higher awareness, you know that retaliation will only live an unhappy feeling inside you. Respond with kindness or with love and forgive the ones who have harmed you. Only with forgiveness, you can let go of resentment.
9. First, say to yourself what you want to be and then do what you have to do. When you start to think like a winner, you will become a winner. The thought you fill your mind with will eventually become your reality.
10. Understand that you are a creation of a divine miracle. Every breath you take, and every heartbeat you experience is in sync with the universe and the world. Be grateful for every moment, and be humble for everything around you. Everything is in perfect harmony.
Be your hero. If you need approval always, you depend on others for your happiness. The exciting thing is that people who don't crave approval receive it even more.
I hope these golden nuggets will help you on your way to happiness and fulfillment. Grow to your potential and define success according to your principles, not according to others' definitions.
Read more about personal development and leadership growth here.
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
How to create rock-solid motivation
There are no short cuts in life. Progress takes time. And when I say time, I mean it will take years before you notice any change. I love the quote, “-The elevator to success is broken, but the stairs are always available.”
There are so many who have given up too soon, unaware that they were so close to a breakthrough.
Most people are impatient and want short term payoffs. The ones who wait will always be the winners in the long run. People who graduate from college often think that they have a ticket to success. I usually say that that is when the journey starts.
You have to make a brand of yourself, and that takes years. Trust and respect are nothing you can demand; you have to earn it.
Massive action, together with evaluated experiences, is the road to success. It has nothing to do with how smart you are or what background you have.
It is how many hours you are willing to put in. If you love what you do, you won´t consider it as work as it is your passion.
How to overcome distractions?
Still, you can be distracted, and your focus can be elsewhere for a while. We are humans, and that is natural. Nevertheless, the important thing is to get back on track and continue your success and happiness journey.
I am writing this particular blog post right now because I need to walk the talk myself. Practice what I teach if you know what I mean. During the summer holidays, I have to admit that I haven´t written as regularly as before.
I have to remind myself how much I appreciate to write about happiness and personal success and share my learning.
Contribution and personal growth are both two essential factors in my life. Progress is also one of the keys to happiness.
Go back to your Why, when you notice that you procrastinate. What results are you seeking?
Then revisit your reasons. Reasons come first, action second. “See it in your head, and you can hold it in your hand,” is another great quote.
Some people argue that actions come first, and reason comes second. It doesn´t matter as long as you are persistent with your efforts.
Look at your vision board and strengthen your daily affirmations of how the future will look for you. When your mind and emotions align with the image of your future, your thoughts and subconscious mind will take you there.
I really can recommend that you listen to Dr. Joe Dispenza, who talks about how the mind and body interact together. You can manifest anything in your life if you train yourself through meditation so that your mind and heart are coherent with each other.
If you are unfamiliar with meditation, listen to this clip on YouTube, and you´ll get a good start. After a while, you´ll be able to do it by yourself. I promise you; it is going to change your life as long as you continue doing it.
As you see yourself, so you shall become. The most potent force in human psychology is to be consistent with how you see yourself. If you see yourself as an athlete, you will grow into an athlete and do the training that it takes.
You are born with greatness within you.
Les Brown says that you have greatness within you. He often tells the story that the wealthiest place on earth is the cemeteries. So many people have died with the music still in them.
Imagine that the spirits of the gifts that you could have had were standing around your deathbed. They are standing there and saying to you that only you could have made us come alive.
What dreams have you postponed? What gifts do you possess that you haven´t explored yet?
Tony Robbins says that “When would now be a good time to start?”
It is never too late to start. I have seen people in their eightieth who regularly ran the marathon, and they began training when they were around fifty.
It isn’t over until you win.
If you fall, make sure to land on your back because you can get up if you can look up. When you are committed to succeeding, nothing will stop you.
Set your expectations of yourself as high as you can and believe in your abilities.
Be hungry for what you want. If you are competitive, think of how many hours others have to put in, knowing how many hours you put into your dream every day.
The best thing, however, is to stop comparing yourself with others. It is your life, and it is your tree that is growing, and how high is it going to grow?
As high as it can!
If you want to read more about personal development and leadership growth, visit my site here.
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
How self-care creates self-worth
Are you in charge of your life or a victim of your circumstances? Do you have your own will? One of the ingredients to live a happy and abundant life is to decide what you want. When you try to please everyone, you always end up unhappy.
If you, in some way, were abandoned as a child, you might have grown up with the assumption that you have to please everyone so that they won´t leave you again. This false perception is, of course, not accurate but can be very real to that person.
Perhaps you had a parent that was absent most of the time during your upbringing, or one of them had an alcohol problem.
Your need for unconditional love wasn´t met, and now in your adult years, you are trying to make up for it by trying to please everyone so they will like you, love you, and stay with you.
That is why self-care is so important, and when you start valuing yourself, you will notice that people still will care for you, even though you might think that you are being selfish.
On the contrary, they will find you confident and respect you more.
By showing yourself that you are essential and that you deserve attention, you are strengthening your self-worth.
A symptom that you can observe in people with low self-esteem is that they often rely on social media. They condition their happiness and how many likes they can get. Eventually, they are posting all kinds of things to receive that short-term self-esteem boost.
You already have all the joy and happiness within you, regardless of what happens on the outside. I once heard a guy say that “It is what it is, and that is the way it is.” Talk about being a victim.
I tell you that you cannot change your outside world but can change your inside world.
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Fact is truth; perception is your reality.
Fear of being abandoned or the feeling of not being enough is two of the most substantial concerns. It takes tons of effort and practice to get rid of it since it is a childhood experience.
One excellent definition of Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Your thoughts will become your reality. That is why you have to face your fears and show yourself that they sometimes aren´t real.
Strengthening your self-worth
How you handle positive compliments or criticism is a measurement of your self-esteem. Can you accept positive feedback without saying that it wasn’t a big thing?
To the other person, it perhaps was. Therefore, just say Thank you, and allow yourself to receive positive feedback.
Show yourself that you matter. Set boundaries, and let others know that your voice counts. Follow throw on your promises to yourself. Finish the things you start. Thereby you are showing your subconscious mind that you matter.
Spend time alone and experience the happiness you can generate within yourself without the help of others. Write down those things that you have done for yourself. By doing so, it reinforces the feeling of self-worth.
We are taught not to be selfish. However, if your focus is entirely on others, you expect that others will give you an equal amount of attention, which is also selfish.
Self-care strengthening your servant leadership skills
You know what they say in an airplane before you take off. “In case of an emergency, make sure to put on your oxygen mask first before you help another person.”
Always take care of yourself first. If you don’t value yourself, you cannot appreciate anyone else. If you don´t love yourself, you will have a hard time liking anyone else. You might also have a hard time allowing others to love you.
Use daily affirmations and say to yourself that you are good enough, that you are lovable. Look in the mirror and say that you are fantastic. All the happiness you want is within you. Say it as you mean it, and say it with energy. Speak to yourself and feed your mind, and your doubts will starve to death.
Find the places and moments where you know that you are happy. Once you start to practice the art of gratitude, you´ll find out that it expands. What you seek, you shall find. Soon you experience gratitude everywhere, and disappointments hardly ever show up in your life anymore.
You have one life and why not live it to the fullest. Choose a positive attitude and work on your self-worth. Practice makes perfect, and I promise you that you will notice a positive change once you get started.
If you want to read more about personal development, leadership skills and happiness visit my site here.
Your friend
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
How to attract more money
Your current economic situation is in direct proportion to how you view the concept of money. If you say that money is not everything, you´re probably broke.
How can I say that? Well, the reason is that if you value other things more than money, your focus is elsewhere and not on cash. What you focus on expands.
Another thing that might influence your money situation is your blueprint. Your blueprint is the same as your belief about money.
If you see yourself as a millionaire, you will eventually become one; I can promise you that. The same is true if you see yourself as a struggling single parent with debt and an ever-increasing pile of invoices every month.
You can achieve what you focus on if you have enough reasons and take action towards your goal.
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The importance of taking action
Without massive action, you will not get the result.
It is essential to know that everything takes time, and it is necessary to have perseverance and passion. Without a resilient purpose-driven mindset, you will never reach your economic freedom.
Tell yourself every day that you have a million-dollar mindset and that you see opportunities wherever you go.
To get at different results, you have to stop doing the things you have done up till now.
How you see rich people
If you want to become a millionaire, you have to change the view of how you see rich people. Instead of feeling envious of them, you have to admire them.
If you consider rich people to be greedy and not trustworthy, you will never become wealthy. Your subconscious mind will protect and prevent you from becoming the same thing you recently.
Feel worthy of receiving money
Another essential trait to possess is to feel worthy of the money. It is your mind that sets the boundaries of how much money you will have.
If you don´t consider yourself worthy, you will spend your money eventually, one way or the other.
That is why most lottery-winners spent their money within three years because they don´t know how to keep it.
Avoid the urge to buy more expensive stuff when you get rich.
There is a common correlation between how the money you have and the things you buy. The more money you have, the more expensive stuff you buy. To get rich, you have to avoid buying more expensive property.
Instead, invest a certain amount of your income every month. When your income increases, you put more money away. That way, you allow yourself to spend an equal amount of money every month regardless of your income level. You are building a money machine, and with this principle, it will get stronger and stronger over the years.
Invest wisely
Remember, when you invest your money, place them in an index fund with low risk and low fees. You want to think long-term and not expose your savings to the fluctuations of the market.
With your consistency in investing every month together with the compounding effect and the lower fees, you will have a winning strategy and see some fantastic results.
It is not the short-term deals that will make you rich. It is the long-term strategy and consistency that will.
Have multiple sources of income
If you want to get rich, you cannot only really on a monthly salary. It would be best if you had at least a couple of more income streams.
Trading your time for money is not going to make you rich. Passive income is the difference-maker.
Use the internet for marketing your content. Make sure to create value, though. Remember that the value you put into the marketplace is in direct proportion to your income level.
Keep growing yourself and learn something new every day. Model the best and read books on how others have succeeded.
Challenge your fears
Many people are afraid of quitting their job and see if they are valuable enough to the marketplace. That is why so few become rich.
If you are going to take the Island, you have to burn the boats.
But what if I make a mistake and something goes wrong, you might say.
Well, I can promise you that you will experience setbacks. As long as you see them as learning experiences and keep going, you have nothing to fear.
You have all the power you need within you, and I believe in you. Start by believing in yourself.
If you want to read more about personal development and leadership skills visit my site here.
Your friend
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
Discipline is your best friend.
When would now be a good time to start? That is a question that many should ask themselves. We often have different excuses for not starting our journey.
My advice to you is to start. No one is perfect in the beginning. If you are committed and determined to succeed, nothing will stop you. To take the Island, you have to burn the boats.
The most important thing though is to continue no matter what.
One of my strengths is my committed daily habits. Ever since I went to university and considered my studies as a job, I cracked the code of daily hard work and positive results.
Success is not built in a day; it is built daily.
Haven't you felt excellent about yourself after a hard day's work, knowing that you have added value to yourself or something else? Sitting down on the sofa with a cup of coffee after a cold shower is an incredible feeling. (Why cold shower, you ask. Getting your circulation going and knowing that you also give you the immune system a boost is my reason.)
Experience the tremendous power of the compounding effect.
People tend to overestimate what they can do for a short period and underestimate what they can do for a longer time. Many people are neither willing to do what it takes every day for several years to achieve what they want.
I will tell you a secret; there are no shortcuts to success. I love the quote from Zig Ziglar:
-The elevator to success is broken, but the stairs are always available.
For instance, if you listen to an E-book 60 minutes every day in your car while commuting to work, you will have an equal amount of knowledge as a college degree in that subject after four years.
Your result has nothing to do with how smart you are. Everything rises and falls with how many hours you are willing to undertake.
If you swing your ax 10 minutes every day at the tree, it is going to fall. The question is only when.
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Find motivation in your reasons.
People have different reasons why they take massive action towards their goals. One common denominator, though, is that we all move away from fear or towards pleasure.
If we start with fear, it is a powerful motivator. Fear is often an imaginary thing in your head.
FEAR- False Evidence Appearing Real
The only way to get rid of your fear is to challenge it and use it to your advantage. If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger.
All the adversity in my life has made me the person I am today. Even though we hope for a comfortable and joyful life, adversity will come whether you like it or not. When it does, you can calm yourself that you will get through and grow along the way.
Put yourself deliberately in some adversity consciously, and you will be able to handle real trouble better.
When it comes to pleasure, you have to be before you can do and do before you can have. What do I mean by that? Well, first of all, you have to see it in your head before you can hold it in your hand?
If you don't see yourself as a millionaire, you won't be able to become one. If you see yourself as a millionaire, you will read the books like a millionaire, invest like a millionaire, behave like a millionaire, etc. You get the picture.
Discipline increases your self-confidence.
If you handle the big things in life, you have to start taking care of the smaller things first. Start by making your bed every morning.
Going to bed, knowing that you are well prepared for tomorrow, is a great feeling. If you are a competitive person, it might also be stimulating to learn that your opponents have to do as much work as you have done to be better than you.
In the end, try to focus on yourself instead of others. You have greatness within you and prove to yourself that you can unleash your superpowers over time. You don't have to have others' approval to be successful. The only person you have to prove yourself to is you.
Make sure to enjoy the ride.
Success is not an end station; it is a journey. The more you know, the more you realize that there is another horizon up ahead. When you have reached a short-term target, however, make sure to celebrate. Pad yourself on the back and say a good job.
At the beginning of my career, I thought that the result was the target—good grades, money, luck in love, etc. Nevertheless, true happiness comes from within. Money won't make you happy, but it sure will make your life easier.
Money is not everything, but it ranks right up there with oxygen, -Zig Ziglar
Read more about personal development and how to increase your leadership skills here.
Your friend
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
The law of attraction
In your body, you have an inner and outer awareness. Your brain and your neurons are the command center of your body.
This command center has helped humans to survive during the evolution by protecting us from tigers and other dangerous animals. When we see a threat, our body releases adrenaline and prepares us for a fight or flight mode.
What you see and hear creates a feeling. That feeling triggers an action or inaction.
In today’s society, there aren´t as many dangerous animals around anymore to be afraid of. Instead, there might be other fears that trigger the same reaction.
Many of your fears today aren´t real. They are only made up in your head, such as fear of failure, fear of not being enough, or not being loved.
Knowing that your body is there to protect you, you can start learning how to control your feelings and get a better outcome.
Many of us experience that our response is bigger than the problem? Learn to control your emotions and you will have a big advantage.
Your brain is triggering chemicals.
Your brain is creating different chemicals in various situations but I want you to know that you are in control and can learn how to make the best of it when they appear.
Take adrenaline, for example. In certain situations, you want a higher stress level to perform at your best.
On the other hand, if you have too much adrenaline in your body over time, your body will shut down, and you will catch a disease or be extremely tired.
You cannot eliminate these chemicals from appearing; however, you can limit the occurrence and the outcome of their appearance.
Work on your inner self
Often I talk about the importance of leading yourself before you can lead others. The best leaders have made an inner journey and figured out their strengths and blind spots.
An example is what I call “Executive presence,” where you don´t let your emotions dictate your outcome.
Another one is the way you see yourself is the way you see others. If you believe and trust yourself, you are going to believe and trust others. I call this the mirror effect.
You can read more about how to lead yourself here.
You become your thoughts.
Your life is a manifestation of the conversation going on in your head.
Everything starts with your thoughts, and your emotions will follow. You will find evidence in the physical world that confirms your thoughts and feelings.
What you think about you will attract (The Law of attraction). If you haven´t seen the movie “The Secret”- I highly recommend that you do.
Start by asking yourself what you want. See it in your head. Experience the feeling in your mind. Practice and meditate on it every day, and you will eventually receive the things you want from the universe.
Whatever you focus on expands. You most probably don´t know what you need to do to achieve your goal, but you will figure it out along the way. If you set a goal and know how to get it, it’s probably not a perfect goal.
A lot of people focus on what they don´t want instead of what they want. “What you seek, you will find”.
As long as you keep going and trying, you will eventually get to where you want to go.
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Boost yourself and be happier with a growth mindset.
The ambition to live is tied to your release of Dopamine. It is what makes you move forward.
How can you then increase your dopamine levels?
Well, be in pursuit of something (set a goal) and celebrate the effort more than the end goal. An often misunderstood concept is that people often think that they will be happy when they get what they want. Instead, it is the pursuit of your goals that make you happy.
Your body will reward you with more Dopamine during your efforts than you will actually get once you reach your goal. That is why many say that the journey is more important than the destination.
That is also a reason why it is so important to grow to your potential. You can be, do and have whatever you want in life. Continuous learning is necessary for a happier life.
The contribution makes you happier.
Another way of increasing your well-being is by contributing. The secret to life is giving, and the more you give, the happier you´ll get. Writing this blog and sharing my insights with you makes me happy.
Another reward system is linked to gratitude. The chemical released in this case is called Serotonin and helps your body to relax and loosen up.
Gratitude is a good way of increasing your serotonin level. Serotonin is the opposite of Dopamine. Without Serotonin and only Dopamine, you will not experience enough pleasure, even though you reach your goal.
“Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure”.
Relaxation and breathing make you happier.
Another way of increasing the serotonin levels is to sleep and recover well. Meditation can also help you to find inner peace.
An effective way of relaxing yourself is to do a double inhale followed by a long exhale. The explanation behind this is like when you´re trying to blow air into a balloon. You are not able to expand the balloon with one exhale. The same is valid for the aviol sacks in your lungs.
When you engage in this breathing technique you actually improve your ventilation of carbon dioxide from your lungs and you will feel much more energized
Learn faster with a positive state.
If you want to learn something faster, you must be focused and create positive emotions during the learning experience. That is the reason why you learn faster if you are in a positive state. You can also chunk the learning time into smaller portions. It is better to take short breaks and repeat the learning sessions.
Repetition is the mother of learning. When you have done something repeatedly so that it becomes second nature to you, the brain has built new neuron pathways that will be there for a longer time.
That is why I recommend that you read great books more than once.
I hope these tips will serve you well and I would be glad to share more of my knowledge in personal development and leadership training at my site here.
Your friend
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thomasheimbrand · 3 years
Don´t give up on the person you´re becoming.
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