thewordszone · 10 months
Is it just me or yet to see
Through eyes wide open
So crystal clear
The landscape of scope
That brings us hope
One would think
A dream?
What I don’t want
What do I want?
What scares me
And who to be
The one to one
Wait for the sign
Not yet not you maybe perhaps
This email will find you well
I am tired of trying waiting of lying
To be the second half open
Is it just me or what I see
Is a landscape of fear and nonsense?
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thewordszone · 1 year
Life is verifying life
We only have one
And we often live it
We meet
Never ready
to say
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thewordszone · 1 year
I have this feeling
That you won’t see
The one that flies
And therefore leaves
It comes and goes
Up to the sky
And back to the ground
Smiles and mourns
Sound and profound
Silent and loud
On repeat
Along the heartbeat
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thewordszone · 1 year
There was so much life around and within me, that I could barely comprehend it. I didn’t know whether I was gonna be a mother, a wife, a partner to anyone. I didn’t know whether I was ever gonna be needed in someone’s life and made anyone feel more complete to complete myself. None of this was important. I wanted to thank you for all the romantic endeavors. I regret nothing and I believe it all came at the right time. The time that doesn’t fly by, it flies through me.
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thewordszone · 1 year
You are the one that
I’m talking to
The one that
Knows where
The truth
Where I rest
And who I lean on
You are like
The sand
I’m building my castle on
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thewordszone · 1 year
I usually write when I’m tipsy somehow it has become so difficult to find motivation and inspiration when sober.
I love this and that and him and her, and yet nobody seems to stay. I let them go and throw them away, I keep and push and pull and play.
I sleep and don’t, hold and miss, kiss and sometimes…loneliness embraces me at night.
What a wonderful sign, the stars, the moon, I want to travel and see it all, be free and careless. I don’t care at all.
Ambivalence is what I feel, until I see you and I suddenly, I live.
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thewordszone · 1 year
I just wondered if you ever felt like
You wanted to
Buy you just couldn’t
somewhere inside
Just held you from
And within
and more than that
You were not
In the now
Only floating in between
Us on that day
And us
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thewordszone · 1 year
I touched both
Your sorrow
And mine
Just not at
Right time
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thewordszone · 1 year
Talk to me
Through sorrows
Mourned a while ago
To here and from
The annoying
Innocence of those
Who remain
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thewordszone · 1 year
Hedonism has many names
In the sights you reject
In the feelings
That selfishly
In the reality
You project
Your own happiness
Built on their expense
Hedonism has many names
You name whatever
You can
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thewordszone · 2 years
Here in the south
we speak
The language
we don’t understand
We eat the foods
that we cannot digest
We laugh the laughs
We move the hips
And hear the foreign sounds
Here in the south
we cry the tears
That the north
will not
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thewordszone · 2 years
Moaning in the laziness
Of the daylight
Striking the dawn
Stretching to the rhythm of
My Dear
Sings a song for you
Please don’t let it
In the whisper
I’m not enough
Because you know
Do you?
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thewordszone · 2 years
Some stories are only told at night
To the beats of our hearts
When you don’t hold on to
And recklessly
My life is not a myth
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thewordszone · 2 years
Rozgryzaliśmy prawdy życiowe niczym orzechy włoskie
Cud, że się żeby ostały
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thewordszone · 2 years
Blast from the past
One of my favourite ones 
The convenient lovers
Their hands and lips met at the very right place
Yet, their eyes were lost in the very wrong moment
They were holding each other
Not wanting to lose one another
Sharing their bodies
But protecting their souls
Not wanting to lose themselves
To one another
No explanation needed
Carpe diem at its best
Protecting themselves from too much
And nothing
Trying to keep the balance
Mutual respect was established already
And yet, the silence was still uncomfortable
Trying to make noise
But the rules were simple:
We come and go
And we do not settle
With nobody else
Nor with each other
Knowing the safe place is dangerous
It is hardly ever within your comfort zone
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thewordszone · 2 years
proza gorzki ma smak
W pewnych momentach życia sama nie wiedziałam czy to ja się mylę, czy pozostali próbują mnie przekonać do pewnych schematów, które według nich maja sens, albo sami sobie wmawiają, ze im więcej wysiłku włożą w przekazywanie ich kolejnym pokoleniom, tym bardziej realna będzie ich wyimaginowana rzeczywistość. Łatwo jest się zgubić w tym wszystkim. Z jednej strony mówią Ci, ze masz być szczęśliwa, z drugiej wszędzie widzisz zakompleksionych ludzi, którzy za grosz szczęścia w swoim życiu nie maja. Za grosz nie kupią tez szacunku, najczęściej tego do samych siebie. Zaczynasz się zastanawiać, gruba chuda, brzydka ładna, zamężna singielka, która ma łatwiej, która lepiej sobie radzi, kredyt czy za gotówkę. Pewne rachunki nigdy nie zostaną spłacone a długi same sobie nalicza odsetki. 
Po wielu latach nieudanych prób wpasowania się w schemat dom, dziecko, rodzina, okazjonalnie volvo w leasingu Incognito, postanowiłam rzucić grochem o ścianę tak, żeby przebił się na druga stronę i po cichutku postanowiłam rozpłynąć się w powietrzu. W pewnym wieku przestaje nam już zależeć czy lubią, czy nie. Ten wiek nadszedł jednak dużo szybciej niż się spodziewałam. Mogłabym równie dobrze usadowić się wygodnie w bujanym fotelu z butelka whiskey w ręce, udawać ze umiem dziergać i ze mi smakuje. Choc prawda jest taka, ze po którymś łyku, smak faktycznie nie jest już tak odstręczający. Ciekawym zjawiskiem jest, ze alkohole wchodzą lepiej, ludzie natomiast, stają się coraz bardziej zgorzkniali. 
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thewordszone · 2 years
Forgetting is in the lines
in between
What we had and where we stand
The golden mean and white lies
Forgetting is to be done
Once upon a time
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