thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
Sachet charm to get the job you want 🍀✨
I went ahead and experimented this on myself and I got an email back about my dream job position the same day! So, I would say it’s been moderately successful so far!
Carry this sachet charm with you when applying for jobs, looking for jobs or opportunities, internships, or trying to have some fiscal luck!!
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A sachet or small bag
A green adventurine crystal - for prosperity, wealth, and comfort
3 Cloves - for money, and more importantly, protection, banishing hostility, and can also cleanse your aura! (protection of your money!)
A whole cinnamon stick - attracts money and adds a whole lotta potency!
Something to signify your intent: for me, I made a oven-bake clay “coin” that I painted gold, and wrote my intent on it, in this case, “I will get the job I want”. You can also write it on a piece of paper or dollar bill, or, just use a nice shiny coin!
🌒🌕🌘 Work during a moon in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn
Or, you could simply work during a full moon for abundancy!
Now, ground yourself and really focus on your intent. Remember, there are two parts to any successful spell; the will, and the word. Focus on you walking out of the interview room proudly, after recieving the job you want. Focus on your bank account being abundant and full of money. Focus on yourself being successful.
Now, add each item to the sachet, either thinking or speaking out your intent: “I will get the job I want” and repeat it with stronger and stronger conviction until you are satisfied and visualize your words going into the sachet, or your intent filling the sachet.
Finally, close it if it has drawstrings and knot them three times, each time saying, “As I will it, so it will be” with each knot.
Carry it with you when going for an interview, job search, or when you just want to attract money and opportunities to you!
Happy Witching!
From @creepy-witchy-af on Tumblr
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
💫 spell for continuous, stable prosperity and luck with job promotions and opportunities; like to charge reblog to cast! 💫
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
Lord, I need a job: Jar spell
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I made this spell jar for my boyfriend, right now he is having a hard time finding a job and I wanted to help him is some way.
Moon cycle: New/Full
Day: Thursday
List of items:
Orange: Luck
Cinnamon: Success
Ginger: Power
Pecan: Employment
Bay Leaf: Wish
Green Wax/Ribbon
White Wax/Ribbon
St. Cajetan medal
Cleans and charge all of your items before the spell and write down what time the new or full moon comes out. Draw the Chi Rho light the candles and chant:
Oh Lord my God, I offer you these items in your name. May they help you in your work to make this spell come to pass.
In your name I pray, Amen.
Say each ingredient out loud and what it’s for in the spell, once you place everything in the jar seal it with the white and green wax the lip of jar. When the wax has harden tie the ribbons around the jar with with medal of St. Cajetan. Then offer the complete spell jar again to God and chant:
Oh God and St. Cajetan, You know my desire for a job, for work I enjoy doing, for the next step in my career to present itself. I pray that you would guide me as I continue on this job hunting journey. May I focus first on your will for my life, putting your desires and your plan above my own wishes and wants. Please open doors to new opportunities that you desire for me, equip me with the skills, knowledge, and wisdom to take steps forward in this process. As I craft my resume, write cover letters, submit my applications, connect with potential employers, and go on interviews. Give me the words to speak and the courage to share who I am and what I can do. Give me confidence that can only come from you, and give me humility too. I trust you, Lord the with your help and Cajetan – my life is in your hands. Let your will be done, thank you for being near to me every step of the way and thank you for always providing for my every need. May this all be for your glory.
Sealed it with a kiss and leave it in the moon light. Have fun and good luck with the job huntting!
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
If you are feeling unsure about your job, I hope this spread can be helpful !
1. What is the outcome of leaving this job?
2. What is the outcome of staying at this job?
3. What should I focus on?
4. What kind of career/job should I pursue right now?
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
EMOJI SPELL - like & reblog to cast
🔥 💵 💫 🗓 ✨ 📇 ☄️
to keep money flowing, to put your resume in front of people, to get on the schedule, to turn the fire into flames that get you where you want to be
This WORKS!! Seriously.
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
“Fast Employment” Job Spell
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i made this spell yesterday and the results were unbelievably fast. yesterday, i got a call from one location setting up an interview for thursday and then today another job i applied to hired me on the spot by the end of the interview. seasonal hiring is approaching and i know this has been a rough time for everyone, so hopefully this spell can give a kick to you all because it certainly gave a good kick for me!
💸 gather: jar or other kind of container, green tea leaves, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, 1 rose petal (red or green works fine), a few fluffy dandelion seeds, full moon water, 1 malachite stone 💸 optional: if you don’t have malachite, clear quartz would be a great replacement stone
💸 sprinkle in your green tea leaves into your jar to act as a catalyst and energy amplifier to the rest of your ingredients. then add cayenne pepper for speedy action and speedy reply from jobs you’ve already applied to.
💸 proceed to sprinkle in your cinnamon for prosperity and fortune and wealth, then tear your rose petal into tiny pieces for additional prosperity. add dandelion seeds for wishes, your wish being that you quickly get a job
💸 stir clockwise and channel your intent. you’ve applied to jobs, whether a few or many, the urgency in requiring these jobs replying and setting an interview with you, and how quickly you need them to respond. (i specifically said on the day i cast this spell that i wanted to get the responses that day or tomorrow (today that i am posting this) at latest)
💸 close jar with its top and soak it in the full moon water to utilize its correspondences to manifest and bring those manifestations to fruition. take out your jar and let it dry and charge, once completely dry set your malachite stone, which also acts as an amplifier to spells and magical energy, on top of it
💸 dismantle spell once you have a definitive new job
*you can’t cast a job spell and expect a job to suddenly land in your lap if you’re not actively looking for work. make sure you actually submit some job applications, i made this spell to ensure a speedy reply from jobs i had already applied to
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
I’m very thankful I woke up to 7 job requests today. For personal reasons, 7, 777, and 700 are my personal lucky numbers. That being said, here is an emoji spell for job offers and interviews to come your way
May you be financially blessed!
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
My tried-and-true coffin hex.
For anyone looking to come here with the three fold rule, you're in the wrong place. Not everyone believes in it. Take it somewhere else.
Not all magick is light and fuzzy and cute. To quote a film that every witch should know, True magick, is neither black nor white. It's both because nature is both. Loving and cruel, all at the same time. The only good or bad lies within the heart of the witch.
This is reserved for use against those who have committed serious, egregious acts of harm against you or someone you know. This is not a ritual I suggest for beginners, and this is not one to invite others to participate in unless they are a victim.
I typically only practice such magick in defense of myself or another. Why? It requires too much preparation, planning and work, and relying solely on spells is not in my belief system, magnificent though they may be. So, here is my coffin hex. It is far from an original of mine, as it's been passed around for many many years. I have simply tweaked it for my own needs.
Things you will need:
Basic sewing knowledge.
Time. This ritual took me 2-3hrs, and I did it on a rare occasion when there was a thunderstorm on a full moon. (Yes, the full moon still counts, even if you cannot see it).
Cloth of your choosing.
Thread & a needle.
A method of cleansing a ritual space.
Something to use for rope.
A piece of paper and a pen.
A decently sized box with a lid that will accommodate a poppet and various ingredients.
A red candle and a black candle, be mindful of the time you will need it to burn.
A small knife. I used my athame for this.
Stuffing or extra cloth.
A fireproof plate or cauldron.
A small bowl of water.
Herbs. I used various peppers, cloves, and rue.
Optional suggested ingredients: Dead wasps, graveyard dirt, old rusted nails, storm water, salt.
A note about graveyard dirt: Be very careful if you choose to use this ingredient. It is not as simple as going to a grave, taking dirt, and leaving. Do your research. There are spirits you need to be mindful of. You cannot always get something for nothing. I built up a relationship and left offerings at my familial graveyard, and I happened to take the dirt from the grave of a beloved family member that would've severely punished my intended target were she alive. Be aware of what you are doing and do not go into this willy nilly.
Make sure that you will not be disturbed while doing this. Once you begin, follow it through until it's conclusion. Collect all of the materials necessary to do this and make sure you have them within reach. You will be casting a circle and you do not need to continuously leave when performing this. Consider taking a bath to cleanse yourself. If you have trouble getting into the appropriate mindset, meditate, perhaps throw on some sinister music... whatever it takes to remind yourself of the harm done and the goal intended. Focus is critical and key. If you are doubting this in any way, do not proceed. Be sure of what you are doing and the necessity behind it. Understand your power and your ability to make this work, and have absolute faith in it. If you are working with the assistance of a deity or just a spirit (you do not have to), make sure you have an offering prepared, make sure you have a relationship with this deity/spirit and know their involvement would be welcome to them. You do not want to invite wrath because you did not do your due diligence. You do not want the first time you work with your chosen deity or spirit to be the time you do this hex. Establish a relationship first. You do not begin relationships by asking for large favors. Show respect and humility. Once you can safely check all of these boxes, you're ready to begin.
Performing the hex:
Feel free to dim the lights, you do not need to be distracted by shiny things in your house. Find a decently sized area on your floor, or somewhere safe outside. With your materials gathered, cast a circle around yourself large enough for a good work space. If you do not know how to cast a circle, you do not need to be performing this ritual in the first place. Cleanse your space carefully and thoroughly.
Meditate on your goal and then center and ground yourself. This ritual requires an immense amount of energy, and if you do not prepare yourself, you will be completely wiped out for some time.
Carve the name of your target and as much identifying information as you can into the black candle. Keep their face in your mind as you do so. Take the red candle and carve your own into it, or the person you are doing this for.
Begin crafting what will be your poppet. This will represent the person you are performing this against. It does not need to be perfect, it simply needs to have a basic form of a figure. Feel free to get creative. Give it eyes if you need, whatever you feel is right and whatever your intuition urges you to do. You can stuff this poppet with stuffing or spare cloth. If you feel you should put herbs or peppers inside of it, do so. There is no right or wrong way to do this step. When you feel it is done, it is done.
Baptize your poppet in the small bowl of water (you can use storm water here if you so chose), thereby bringing it to "life." Say the following to the poppet as you are baptizing it: "I hereby declare that from here on, you are (target's name). Whatever I say to you, I say to ___, whatever I do to you will also be done to ___."
Should you feel the need to bind your target (typically reserved for violent, dangerous targets), you can use the rope for this step, wrapping it around the poppet until you feel it is secure, and then tying it and cutting off the excess.
A simple binding chant could be: "I bind you, ___. Your power is useless, your venom is weak. You cannot harm yourself and you cannot harm others."
Take your pen and paper or give it to the victim. Write down, in detail, the hurt and harm you've experienced. Write what you expect to happen in the aftermath of this ritual, what you feel is just and right, and what you want your target to experience. Do keep in mind that the goal is not to cause mortal peril. You need only to achieve a certain goal and to be repaid for the harm inflicted. Seek justice above all else. Pour as much of yourself into this note as you can, make your hurt and anger known. Feel it, let it flow through you. Release it into the words on the page. Set aside your note once you are done.
Use your pins to dictate specific effects of the ritual. Do you want them to never SA someone? Consider placing a pin in the groin and stating this. Are their words poisonous? Place a pin in the mouth and dictate that they will be mindful of their words, that their word's harm will hold no weight, or that they will never forget the horrible things they've said until they become a better person. Be mindful, creative and thorough. Let your heart and mind drive you and instruct you.
Place your poppet into the box and say the following:
"I condemn you to this coffin, ___. You will not escape, you will not outrun this. This is your punishment. Should you change your evil ways, you will be released from this prison. Refuse to do so, and you will endure this punishment until the sands of time run dry."
After placing the poppet into the coffin, take your note and place the tip of it in the red candle's flame. Allow the note to burn until all that remains are ashes. Know that your will has been heard by the universe, and the smoke has carried it to where it needs to be. Take the ashes (once cooled) and sprinkle them over the poppet, saying:
"You will not hide from my will, from my pain and suffering. You will not forget it, and you will not move on from it. Now it will fall upon you as rain from the heavens."
Scatter your herbs on and around the poppet. Imagine the effects desired taking place as you do so.
Should you choose to use the graveyard dirt, begin scattering it slowly, saying, "___ (the deceased) knows my pain, my sorrow, the evil inflicted upon me. I implore them to ensure your punishment is swift and just."
If you do not use the dirt, but instead choose to enlist the aid of a deity, you can ask for their assistance here, lifting your offering as a sign of your request and gratitude. Do not gloss over this part. Deity or deceased, they are a large component in this working and deserve the proper respect.
Carefully drip the wax from the red candle over the poppet, saying:
"Scorching flame, my will is known. My true pain, to them is shown. I encase you in these things you've done, never to rest, never to run."
Close the lid of the box, and after the ritual, place the coffin in a dark, undisturbed area of your home. When you feel change has been made and the working is no longer necessary, you can take the poppet out, declare it free from its punishment, and dispose of it as you see fit. There is no time limit, when and if you feel it is done, you will know it.
If you want, you can scatter salt around the poppet to ensure these effects harm no one near them, but it is not a necessary step.
Give thanks to any spirit or God/dess that may have assisted you, cleanse your area, and open your circle. Place your offering on your altar or a safe place, and allow the black candle to burn out naturally. If you need it to be blown out (if you're going to bed or leaving) please snuff it out, do not blow it out or douse it with water. You can return to it later and light it again and let it burn as often as necessary until it is fully burnt.
Note: It is not 100% necessary to follow each chant word-for-word... you can paraphrase or let yourself be led and say what feels right in the moment. Do not disrupt the flow of the ritual to review notes.. don't disrupt things in a strive for perfection. Let it go naturally. It will be fine. You can also tweak this as needed.
And there it is. Not simple by any means, but it is effective. Feel free to contact me with questions you may have about this working and I will help as much as I can.
As for my own experience with this ritual..
This is your trigger warning right here. Read no further if you are sensitive to assault/abuse/mental illness.
When I was much younger, I was horrifically sexually abused for years. It caused me to develop crippling PTSD and severe depression that I still struggle with. When it came time to seek legal action against this person in the not too distant past, I performed this. On February 8th 2021, they plead guilty, and I finally got justice. In the time leading up to this plea, they lost their job and a specific dream of theirs crumbled to dust. I released them from their punishment after they plead guilty, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
I enlisted the help of many amazing people to help me in my fight, but magick also helped. Magick should not be the only thing we try, but it can be a wonderful assistant. As of April 2021, I am in the best shape of my life mentally, and I can breathe again. The nightmares have stopped, and I am on the road to full healing with the help of my Goddess and therapist. There is always help out there, and it comes in many forms. You deserve justice, and you are always worth it. In the end, that is what this working ensures. Use it wisely, and it will serve you well.
Blessed Be, my wonderful little witches.
My inbox is always open if you need to vent or need advice following this or any other working. I will always try to help!
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
Instant Magic: Using Prepackaged Spice Mixes
Adobo Seasoning Mix: Adobo is a traditional Mexican spice mix containing paprika, black pepper, onion pepper, oregano, cumin, hot chilies, and garlic powder. Magical uses include protection, banishing, or hex breaking. Combine half a jar of adobo seasoning mix with two cups of corn flour. Sprinkle around the outside of your home to get rid of negative energies.
Apple Pie Spice: A combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and cardamom, apple pie spice is the perfect mix for spicing things up with your partner! Dress a red candle in grape-seed or olive oil- avoiding the wick- and roll it in apple pie spice. Burn while spending time with your lover. Or sprinkle this mix over a self-lighting charcoal instead.
Cajun Seasoning Mix: Generally a blend of paprika, salt, black and white peppers, garlic, onion powder, thyme, and cayenne, Cajun seasoning is perfect for strong protection. Use this mix to form circles when doing important works. Sprinkle just a pinch in the hoes of someone who needs a little watching over.
Chili Powder: Made with salt, hot chilies, onion, oregano, and garlic, chili powder is great for keeping away illness. Leave out tiny bowls of chili powder- out of reach of pets and children- during cold and flu season to help ward off illness.
Chinese Five-Spice Powder: Chinese Five-Spice Powder is an amazing blend of star anise, fennel seed, cinnamon, hot peppers, cloves, ginger, and licorice root. This mix lends itself to several kinds of herbal magic, including love spells, spells for igniting passion, and even spells for retaining information.
Cinnamon Sugar: With sugar sweetening a person or situation and cinnamon speeding up a spell, the two work great together when you need to get someone on your side quickly. Serve cinnamon toast to someone who could use some convincing. Sprinkling a little of the mix where you know a person will walk might influence them to look more kindly on your situation.
Curry Powder: Curry powder recipes can vary greatly brand to brand, so it’s helpful that the mix already has some traditional uses! Turn to curry powder for protection, memory retention, and fertility spells.
Montreal Steak Seasoning: A combination of paprika, black and red peppers, garlic, salt, onion, dill, and coriander, this spice mix contains many of the individual ingredients you’d need to protect yourself or your home from ghosts or other negative energies. Create four small cloth pouches, fill them with this blend, and hang one in each of the farthest corners of your home.
Pickling Spice: Pickling spice can contain a wide variety of herbs and spices, but most are a mix of mustard seed, coriander, black pepper, dill, fennel seed, celery seed, and bay leaf. This combination can be used for many different intents, such as protection from ghosts or luck, lust, and wish magic.
Pumpkin Pie Spice: Pumpkin pie spice is one of my all-time favorite blends. I usually carry a small container of this mixture of cinnamon, ground ginger, nutmeg, and allspice in my on-the-go kit to add to almost any spell to “speed it up.” It’s also a great blend for business ventures, money draw, and simple healing spells.
Found in: Mrs. B’s Guide to Household Witchery by Kris Bradley
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
Morning/Night Prayers to Theoi
Morning Prayer
My beloved Theoi,
Hear me as I give you my thanks
For this new day filled with endless opportunities
And I pray that you
Will keep me basking in your glorious light
Night Prayer
My dearest Theoi,
As the sunset and this day comes to a close
I share with you my boundless gratitude
For another blessed day filled with your radiance
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
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Sappho was one of the greatest poets of the ancient world. Here she reads a poem to her lover Atthis in one of my paintings "As a wind in the mountains assaults an oak, Love shook my breast."
Sappho was widely celebrated in the Classical world as one of the greatest poets who ever lived. She was bisexual, and many of her poems celebrate love for both women and beautiful youths. She taught poetry and song at a school for young women on the island of Lesbos, and in fact, the word "lesbian" derives from her fame and the beauty of her poems celebrating same-sex desire.
¨Again love, the limb-loosener, rattles me, bittersweet, irresistible, a crawling beast.¨
You can find my painting as a print in my Etsy shop. Just click here.
below, two paintings by Alma Tadema and Simeon Solomon of Sappho.
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
anyway now that we’re all talking about britain i want everyone to read this article and educate themselves on how fucked up the class divide in my country is
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
Regarding NSFR (Not safe for Ramadan)
Just to let you guys know, there is no reason to make a NSFR tag for the food stuff you reblog. Ramadan is a month of patience and blessings, it is a literal test from God to restrain ourselves from all sorts of temptation. To shy away from the temptations of the world is counterproductive and eliminates the purpose of fasting. It’s kind of an antithesis to the whole point of fasting, because the whole purpose of Ramadan – besides seeking spiritual nearness to God – is to practice self-restraint, not by making people do it for you. It is your personal struggle and so you have no right to dictate people to make it easier for you.
A non-Muslim is not obliged to comply with the desires of a Muslim to avoid something the latter may find tempting. It is, in fact, much better for a Muslim to practice patience. This month will be challenging for a lot of us, and we must struggle to attain religious perfection by our own means.
Fasting doesn’t grant you any sort of privilege, its purpose is to have your privileges taken away from you, so that you may show empathy for those who are less fortunate.
Do not feel obliged on tagging your food stuff as NSFR.
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
Friendly reminder that LGBTQ+, Queer, and LGBT+ are the preferred terms for the community (x).
Friendly reminder that Queer is approved by 72.9% of the people, and the groups who don’t prefer it’s use as an umbrella term are straight people, exclusionists, transmeds, truscums, sex-negative people, and sex work critical people (x).
Friendly reminder that aros and aces are excluded only 9.2% / 8.1% of the time respectively while being included  78.9% / 81.2% of the time (x)
Friendly reminder that exclusionists are in the minority and aro/ace people are included in the LGBTQ+ community by the people within the community.
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
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thewitchoftheforest ~ Instagram
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thehoneyybeewitch · 3 years
Spring is coming, and first flower turtles will wake up soon 🌱
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