thehijabimd · 2 years
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thehijabimd · 2 years
I’m the type of person who would leave work once I’v finished everything. I often don’t notify anyone about my arrival or if I’m about to leave because I grew up that way. I was forced to think and act like an adult at such a young age because I’m the eldest among my siblings.
And for a 10 year old girl, I thought being independent was cool, I thought that was normal. I thought showing emotions is a sign of weakness. I thought that it’s okay to look after others and take care of them while ignoring your own struggles. I thought asking for help was a weakness and people will look down on you. I thought crying and sharing my inner thoughts will make people hate me. I thought by acting tough all the time and showing everyone that you got everything figured out was the ultimate goal everyday.
Now that I’m an adult, I realized that my childhood was practically robbed from me. I’m now struggling to make connections with other people and too scared that I might show my vulnerability to them. I once read that hyper independence is a trauma response.
And just like that I’m a woman in my twenties struggling with managing my emotions because decade ago, I was taught to think and act like an adult because I was the eldest and my siblings would look up to me. And when I fail, they’ll all fail too.
To the people who are the eldest or was forced to act like a parent/adult for others, may Allāh grant us ease and comfort.
Seek help when you need to.
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thehijabimd · 3 years
Tired. How will you comfort a tired mind?
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thehijabimd · 3 years
I’m going through something that I can’t really share much on here and I was really looking for something to calm myself.
Then I came across an instagram live about someone who was suddenly diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. For context purposes, stage 4 cancer is the last stage, meaning there’s no cure and the goal for management is just to minimize pain and increase quality of life. And subhana Allāh, he explained how he responded when the doctors told him that he only has few days to live. And he emphasized that He doesn’t really believe on what the doctors say (ie days left) but he believes in Allāh. Which is true, doctors are just vessels of healing but the Healer is only Allāhu taala.
He then explained that everything is temporary, every test is just a way for us to go back to Allāh. Whenever we are struck with a test, our immediate response should always be ‘what did I do wrong?” Meaning contemplate immediately what sinned may have caused this. Because everything that Allāh gives will always be about healing and Mercy. The person then further advised that we must focus on our prayers, our charity, and our deeds because this is the only way for us to be ready to meet Allāh.
Indeed our time is very limited number of days, so it’s befitting that we should always think of ways on how we can contribute goodness to our family, friends, and our community.
May Allāh ease our pain, and grant us always the ability to see goodness in everything. Amīn.
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thehijabimd · 3 years
When you look at a person, any person, remember that everyone has a story.
Everyone has gone through something that’s inadvertently changed them and forced them to grow.
Everyone you meet has struggled, and continues to struggle in some way, and to them, it’s just as hard as what you’re going through.
Yes, every passing face on the street represents a story every bit as captivating, complicated and crazy as yours.
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thehijabimd · 3 years
Yes, your boundaries are still necessary even with people who do nice things for you or are really nice to you. I know sometimes when someone is really kind to you or you feel like you don't deserve the kindness you get from someone, it makes you want to violate your own boundaries out of gratitude for them or because you're afraid it will make them treat you differently. But in the long-term, this is only more harmful. Your boundaries are not an act of unkindness and are always relevant. And people treating you with respect and kindness is the bare minimum you deserve from others. Don't let someone's kindness or favours or respectful treatment make you abandon your self-worth and your needs to please them.
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thehijabimd · 3 years
Your skin is just a layer. Sometimes it stretches, sometimes it scars. But regardless of its transformation over the years, it will be meaningless if the soul that’s within refuses to learn and grow likewise. Be brave, you'll get better than you were yesterday.
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thehijabimd · 3 years
It's difficult when you get to that point in your life where you need to start trusting your own thoughts and your own instincts. All your life it’s been "listen to this and remember that". And what’s conflicting is that you’ll realize how the people you’ve been looking up to this whole time are just humans too.
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thehijabimd · 3 years
It is reported that ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib – Allāh be pleased with him – said:
"Blessings arrive with gratitude [to Allāh], and gratitude is connected with more [blessings], and the two are tied together: more blessings from Allāh will never stop unless gratitude from the servant stops."
[Ibn Abī Al-Dunyā, Al-Shukr article 18.]
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thehijabimd · 3 years
It is reported that Imâm Al-Shâfi’î – Allâh have mercy on him – said:
If you fear becoming deluded and impressed by your deeds then remember whose pleasure you are seeking, and the joy (Paradise) in which you want to be, and what punishment you fear. Whoever thinks about these things will diminish his deeds.
[Al-Dhahabî, Siyar A’lâm Al-Nubalâ` 10:42.]
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thehijabimd · 3 years
Maybe you’re going through some hard times right now because you’re being pushed into bigger and better things.
You just don’t know it yet. Accept what’s given and understand it later.
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thehijabimd · 3 years
Never put yourself wanting to be in someone else's life because you never know what they are going through behind the social media facade.
Perhaps behind that one photo or few seconds video is a life that you wouldn’t be able to handle if your were put in it. Practice gratefulness at all times because that is what Allāh gave you and the best for you at the moment. I am not saying that you should settle for something and not make effort, No, that is not Islam. But be content with whatever outcome you have after doing your part (ie work, school etc).
And be careful of sharing your life in the social media because evil eye is real. Be mindful and be sensitive before your post anything here. Subhana Allāh, we are still in a time when people are struggling in different aspects of life and not all are in good state, some are struggling with job, some are struggling with health, and some are struggling with relationships.
Let’s be mindful with anything we share be it in online or offline, always check if it’s of benefit to us and if it’ll be good for our scroll of deeds. This is a reminder for myself first.
May we always have hearts that is content and grateful. Amīn. 🍃💭
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thehijabimd · 3 years
It is reported that Al-Hasan Al-Basrī – Allāh have mercy on him – said:
Verily, Allāh lets [a person] enjoy a blessing for as long as He wills. But when He is no longer thanked for it, He turns it into a punishment.
[Ibn Abī Al-Dunyā, Kitāb Al-Shukr article 17]
Verily, the most difficult test is the trial of ease, wealth, and comfort. May Allah protect us. May Allah make us amongst the grateful ones whatever the circumstances may be. Ameen. ❤️
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thehijabimd · 3 years
Just recently watched a documentary about how rampant the business in plastic surgery is — both legally and illegally. And how people are willing to go under the knife just to get that perfect “look”, but more often they don’t get satisfied with the results and ends up getting too much.
The fact that there are so many ways to change our looks just shows how insecure we're made to feel and how artificial the standard of beauty is in our society.
It also shows that until the source of your confidence is from within, you will always need to fill some sort of void externally.
May Allāh forgive us and protect us. Wallāhi it’s a scary time to live in.
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thehijabimd · 3 years
Be happy with the little that you have. There are people with nothing who still manage to smile. 🍃
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thehijabimd · 3 years
It’s scary how some couple that you barely know that has been posting a lot about their marriage in every social media application, then one day you just find out that they had deleted majority of their pictures with that significant other. And few weeks later, you’ll get a news that they separated apparently for different reasons but mostly because of cheating.
Subhana Allāh, protect what you have and keep on making Du’a for them. Evil eye is no joke.
It ruins everything.
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thehijabimd · 3 years
Whenever you intend to do something, always make Dua' that if it's good for you then may Allāh make it easy but if it's not then may Allāh distance it further away from you and replace it with something better.
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