the-tharns-speak · 4 days
hi abnur, i hope you're having a lovely day 💕
I- well.
I am having a much better day now. Kind of you to stop by.
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the-tharns-speak · 9 days
How are the moth priests doing, does the government control them?
Moth priests are doing fine, they filled in a form for a partial tax refund for the last year - actually a very sensible motion on their side, given the impromptu crater in their backyard.
Does the government control them? Not any more than any other citizen of the Empire. The Council has a very limited influence on the going-ons of the officially recognised churches within the Empire. Technically the Emperor counts as “the high priest of any of the Eight Divines you need in the moment”, but practically it gets used only for ceremonies.
However, legally speaking, the Cult of the Ancestor Moth is a sect (also known as: cult) - a religious body with nothing enough following to be actually recognised by the Imperial Council as an official church whose faith citizen can follow.
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the-tharns-speak · 10 days
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the-tharns-speak · 15 days
Last question got me curious: what’s the most unique/interesting assassination you’ve heard of/been witness to?
Most unique, although not the most intersting or intricate was through poisoned bathwater. The slow-acting poison was absorbed through the skin, and the woman was found dead in the morning in her bed.
Ah, fun time that.
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the-tharns-speak · 1 month
On Earth we remember March 15, which would be the 15th of First Seed, for the death of Julius Caesar, an ancient Roman general and dictator who was assassinated by his friends in the Roman government with large pointy knives. Has anyone met such a fate in Tamriel?
So I've just returned from the archive, because I wanted to give you the exact names and dates, but I gave up after two shelves.
Suffice to say that if I had a drake for every general and/or dictator that got assassinated by his friends with stabbing implements, I could buy myself enough alcohol to give myself considerable brain damage, and that's just the two shelves I bothered to check.
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the-tharns-speak · 1 month
Wow, I somehow made it above Zamarak. That's impressive.
Tier list of cooking skills among your friends and family
Ms. Martha Cook gra-Anvil (or maybe gra-Whitestrake?)
Mirabelle, the Illustrious Demiprince of Pastries.
Everyone else
Zamarak, whose boiled potatoes classify as "charcoal".
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the-tharns-speak · 1 month
Tier list of cooking skills among your friends and family
Ms. Martha Cook gra-Anvil (or maybe gra-Whitestrake?)
Mirabelle, the Illustrious Demiprince of Pastries.
Everyone else
Zamarak, whose boiled potatoes classify as "charcoal".
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the-tharns-speak · 1 month
Does Tamriel have a version of the sitar?
I believe that the Tamrielic version of "sitar" is called sitar. Do try asking more along Morrowind, I've only seen it a few times.
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the-tharns-speak · 1 month
You mentioned that your less than sensible relatives had lost a significant portion of your families artifacts; which losses were negligible, and which one's were the most alarming (I can only assumed those ones are in the upper half your priorities list at the moment)?
Well unsurprisingly there were many weapons of daedric origin. A lot of them weren't that dangerous on their own but they served for ritual purposes. Somewhere out there is that set of flesh-sculpting blades, just out in the wild. I am loosing a lot of sleep over that one.
Another one rather concerning list comes from the library. The books which were just valuable but powerless, well, those I can get over with. But the Burning Mastery of Demiplanes? Living History of Fargrave? Damned Anthology Exitium? Those could - and will, mark my words - be a serious problem in the future, especially if they find their way into the hands of someone who does not know what they are.
Things that I am not worried about? Well, there also were two Black Books, those are a problem that self-regulates, really. There was a countless of summoning instruments and portal-makers. There was a Wild Hunt pelt, I think that whoever put that one on regrets it now... if they are still mentally capable of regret. There was the Jode's Wrath spear, which I would be worried about if I hadn't seen it with the Riverhold Militia a few years back.
And of course I am not worried about anything that we've managed to recover during the rather overdue pruning of the family tree after the Planemeld ended.
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the-tharns-speak · 1 month
On the topic of ruins and loot, what was/is the standard policy regarding artifacts looted/acquired (either while adventuring or wartime), and what are some of the more noteworthy artifacts you and the other Companions have come across (aside from the Amulet of Kings, of course)? (And on that note, may I be so bold as to inquire what sort of family artifacts the Tharn family has/had?)
It's seen as a common courtesy to leave behind some dort of information about the relic you've taken: What it was, how you found it, vague outline of your plans with it, where to find you in case the person who came here next needs to contact you about it. Write in standard Cyrodillic, or if you have a brush and the time and will, in Daedric alphabet if you feel it is appropriate.
If the artifact is obviously cursed, it's nice to leave behind some blood splatters as a warning. It does not have to be your blood. If you are raiding into a Dwemer ruin, flip the switches and turn the valves back the way they were on your way out. You don't want that hot steam that was spewing into the corridor to build up somewhere deeper beneath in a boiler and blow the place up.
When it comes to handling the looted found relics, it's mostly case-by-case custom approach. I like to wash what I've found first, cold water, a bit of distilled alcohol to disinfect it. Not advisable for some crystals and most fine Dwemer machinery, though. Cleaning is a good step, though, it let's you see the details beneath the grime, and significantly lowers your chance of contracting some nasty disease when you cut yourself on it.
(Not so fun story, shortly I was estabilished as the Imperial Battlemage, the Guardians of the Vault brought to me a cursed crescent, the foul hex on it had already killed three of them in a a rather ugly and painful manner. After we cleansed it of rust, I gave the remaining five a very long talk about tetanus prevention and since then the only other curse that befell the Battlespire was from a werebat. The curse was rabies.)
As a rule of thumb, do not eat your artifact. Don't put it in your mouth either. If it is a drinking vessel, don't drink from it. If it is a cooking utensil or a piece fo silverware, contact a Daedric expert (an actual expert, not just self-proclaimed); almost all of us know the Haskill This Is An Emergecy message spell.
As for the artifacts and relics out family has obtained over the course of the years vast majority of them has been... Well, I suppose the polite term would be "repossessed". Not that long after the Soulburst I was netly shooed off the main stage and my less sensible relatives and progeny managed to missplace a lot of the family's posession.
Still, what remains and is of note
A set of daedric crescents. Honestly, I am still dumbstruck as to why Mannimarco let me keep them on my person during my stay in the Castle of the Worm. The staff is unparalleled. I've managed to fit it with a new handle, since the last one just shattered in my face a couple of years ago, and by the Eight, how did I manage to go without it for so long?
The Spoon of Repulsion. From Sheogorath's domain, I don't know if he already had it or if I am that special, but it was entrusted to my care to propel bad anons out of this blog's very inbox at high velocity. Not much goot as an actuall spoon, since it throws your meal across the room and through the wall.
A couple of Azura's crystals. Some of them are full, and I forgot with hwom and I am not eager to find out.
A blood-drinking longsword that melts with the wielder's flash if used for long enough. Probably the artifact that's been in our posession for the longest... and one that's seen the least use.
Mallion-Canae, a ring made of petrified flame. Not sure what it's good for besides as a pocket warmer.
Three sets of armor made of dragon bone. I am not sure if it counts as an artifact, since they are extremely new. Apparently the Rimmen Armory is running out of space, and since I caused it in the first place...
Two Tablets of Silk, the devices that allow access to the internet.
The Fang of Barbas, which to my knowledge does not actually come from Barbas, and while held it does not allow you to speak a lie. Less helpful than it sounds. Banned from the courts of Cyrodill.
A vial of what's supposed to be Namira's blood, although it has the physical properties of oil rather than blood. A viscous substance with no known antivenom. So toxic that looking at it with unshielded eyes kills.
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the-tharns-speak · 2 months
While Ayleid ruins dot the landscape of Cyrodiil, I’m curious to know if there are any near the tharn estate(s) that’ve given you and/or your family trouble (Sometimes, it seems like all it takes is for some random moron to wander into one of them and accidentally unleash some sort of horrific curse upon the land (or perhaps I’m confusing the Ayleid with some other long extinct race))
There are two ruins in the woods but they've nevrr been trouble. The family crypt has alwasy been more of a problem than them. Then again, the crypt is full of Tharns. The ruin closer to the household is full of "get smashed between the floor and the ceiling, you idiot", traps, the one further into the forest had been looted clean before I was born and we have to routinely vander in and charge rent from whichever cult has decided to settle in.
There is also one which has its entrance from our wine cellar. It's been sealed for as long as anyone in this family can remember. One day when I want to do something so monumentally stupid that it beats the Elsweyr dragon fiasco... I am going to poke whatever it is inside. Which is going to require unsealing the door. And that will take time, because those are Ayleid wards.
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the-tharns-speak · 2 months
Vampires that look young do not count. Neither does Teldryn. Or Mannimarco.
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the-tharns-speak · 2 months
More alcohol
is there a spell for curing hangovers
None that I know of. There are potions, though. (But honestly, they all taste so bad that the moment
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the-tharns-speak · 2 months
is there a spell for curing hangovers
None that I know of. There are potions, though. (But honestly, they all taste so bad that the moment
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the-tharns-speak · 2 months
We don't support art theft in this house.
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Hi my beloveds, just a heads up that someone on French Amazon stole my Abnur Tharn art and is trying to sell merch with it :/ I have zero idea what to do about it, especially considering that I am located in Russia of all places, but maybe some awareness might help!
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the-tharns-speak · 3 months
Why is there a flap over Second Era trousers? I have... contacts... who are interested in recreating those historical styles. - Marcus
I am not entirely sure where it originally came from, though I think it is originally from the High Rock area. In Cyrodill teh fashion spreaded during Durcorach's reign. The false pocket flap gives the semblance of sensible "trousers with pockets" style, while the wearer - a Reachman - doesn't have to bother himself with pockets which he isn't used to having.
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the-tharns-speak · 3 months
Good day, Lord Chancellor. I do trust you and your family are doing well. A traditional little question I have for you. As the Imperial City was rebuilt from ruins did you use this chance to upgrade your city systems? In what way if I might adk?
I have managd to pass through a motion to replace the majrity of the city staircases with something more cart and horse friendly. It was three days of talking to get that!
I am still incredibly disappointed that we are keeping the walls between the districts, though. I admit tjhat they are good for containing fires, sure but literally for nothing else. Traffic? Stuck. Evacuating the city? Don't even try. Not to mention dramatic suicides. I do nto know, Aaron, you would have thought that Men taking the city from the Ayleids, they'd want to improve it.
Oh, and there's also been talk of rebuilding the sewer systems under the city and make them into something more manageable. But that's just talk; such attemps had already been made in the past and nobody had ever seen the architects who ventured into there.
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