Tiny: *shows affection*
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Null: yeah- Amy: NULL!? Trixy: DAD!? Scarlet: POPS!? Cards: what in the- *oh look at that! they landed RIGHT near where Amy'n her kids were! oh dear they run outta the salon they were in!* Null: with rose- Tiny- skull- thing- meet my wife'n kids- hehe...
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Wither rose: gross.
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*9 sighs and proceeds to explain EVERYTHING- Null's suicide attempt- which created overdrive- Null regretting his actions- since they REALLY weren't his actions to start with- just- everything- Synth takes this shockingly well- * Synth: huh- so the old dolt- got some reason beat into'em- gee wish he did BEFORE building me! *she teased- before looking at Thimbleberry- * so yer my baby sis's new bff, ay? can see why, yer hella cute! *she ruffles Thimble's hair- her paw's so massive she almost takes up all of thimble's head! meanwhile Null's pulled out! covered in sewage!* Null: Wither rose- I think i'm going to be sick- *boy is Wither Rose going to be in for a shock next ask! =)*
Thimbleberry shrugs "It's a lot"
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Crystal Skullling: *picks null up*
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*9 walks down the steps wearing Rubber gloves! and a smock* 9: yeah? I just finished cleaning up the remains of those- *he stops dead in his tracks! eyes wide'n jaw (figuratively) on the floor- once he sees Synth!* Synth: oh- uh- hey uncle- ehe- *leans into Thimbleberry* LAST I saw'em he was with Ultra'n co against dad- only reason i'm not attacking him's I had an software update getting rid of that auto aggressive feature- so clearly some stuff's changed- mind FILLIN ME IN??????? *confused- *
"I didn't want to be the one filling you in, that's why I called 9 over." Thimbleberry admits
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*once flown through! Synth lets go of Thimble and lands on her living room floor! and does a stretch! * Synth: man! good to be H O M E ! five YEARS! man, never gonna get back thanks to that bone butt dunder head! thanks Thimbleberry! now where did those other three go? *meanwhile! Null, Tiny'n Wither rose's portal ended up spitting them out into the middle of the street in Null's world- more specifically- Null fell into an open man hole- Wither rose MAY want to- uh- help him out there- Tiny too- *
"9! You still here?" Thimbleberry asks, no hesitation
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Synth: nice-! give me a sec! *she unhinges her jaw which splits into four and lets out a sonic howl the waves shooting across and creating a portal! she closes up her mouth so it looks normal again!* ight! hopefully dad's not moved since I've been abducted! or someone's gonna be confused- when we show up!
Thimbleberry nods
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Null:... THAT works too- *he runs through and jumps in as the base blows up- meanwhile* Synth: yeah- Eden's a freaking nut- even his "friends" freaking hate'em- also sup- name's synth-
"Thimbleberry Cookie" Thimbleberry says
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Wither rose: *shows tiny a huge pretzel being thrown into a portal*
Tiny: *jumps after the pretzel*
Wither rose: *ontop of tiny*
What works works!
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Eden: you know what? we got what we wanted! EVACUATE! ALL HANDS TO THE BIRDS! NOW! TRANSFER EVERYTHING! *he turns around a books it to a Vertibird fallout's version of an armored helicopter! as do his men who grab EVERYTHING they can! on the way! loading the Body of Horrigan on Eden's as they start taking off!* Eden: THANKS FOR THE HELP! NULL MY BOY! DON'T WORRY! YOU'LL SEE THE FRUITS OF YER LABOR! IT'LL BE THE LAST ANY OF YOU SEE! *he shouts as it takes off! setting the base's self destruct timer as it dose!* Null: CRAP! wither rose! grab Tiny! NOW! then get back here! Thimble! Fly- Synth outta here! I'll see if I can slow that Timer-
Thimbleberry nods and grabs Synth and flies her outta there. "For a moment there the thought of snapping that guys neck passed through my head." she admits.
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Tiny: *runs into room leaving another tiny shaped hole*
Wither rose: *heals himself with the stolen life energy*
"and there goes the dog"
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*a Ding rings out from Synth her eyes now her own again! she sees a vague coredroid outline and SWINGS in a mild panic! socking Null in the face!* Null: OW! Synth: OMFG DAD!? OH GOD I'M SORRY! OPTICS ARE BARELY ONLINE AND- Null: *laughs while holding his cheek!* its ight dear! good left hook! Synth: DAD I just punched you! I could've hurt ya!- and just WHERE the hell are we!? WHO'S the hot topic chick'n the goth'n giant cake slice dog!? and what HAPPENED to ya!? ya look- NORMAL- (I'll let YOU two decide who's the hot topic'n who's the goth! XD)
"Kinda in a fight, we should save this for later." Thimbleberry says
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*Null's in shock that LITERAL Plasma shots are not hurting Tiny-* Null: JUST WHAT IS THAT DOG MADE OF!? *Eden's power drops! but! Wither rose should've gotten outta the way! and is CLOCKED right across the face! shards of it cutting their cheek! and sending them flying a ways away from Eden! who stumbles and leans against a wall!* Eden: UGH! *huff* *puff!* CHEAP SHOT! power dropped by 50%! *the enclave soldiers meanwhile are SO confused- on how to deal with Tiny one decides to open a door and pull out a slab of bramain steak* Enclave Solider: *whistles* HERE GIRL! WANT A STEAK? *he throws it into the room and ducks behind a barricade! *
Tiny's just built different XD That Jerky contest should've prepared you for that/j
"I swear that dog is a god." Thimbleberry comments. She's playing the defensive.
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Tiny: *licking all over for peanut butter and dog treats*
Wither rose: *takes life force
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*Eden pulls out a Hydraulic gauntlet device! at the end of it's a heavily modified steel block with shards of crystallized radiation producing material embedded on it! and puts it on!* Eden: MEN! FIRE AT THE MUTT! AND REDUCE IT TO FROSTING ON THE WALL! leave the cookie to me! *they all proceed to open fire at Tiny- due to the enclave's advanced tech! they have mainly laser'n PLASMA weapons! EVERY high caliber stuff- Eden charges at Wither rose! leaping in the air! power fist raised ready to strike as he comes crashing towards'em! meanwhile! Null open s the back of Synth's head and plugs in the USB!* Null: come on- COME ON- THIMBLE! *blasts several soldiers with his ring* I NEED SOME COVER OVER HERE! WHATEVER CONSTRUCTS YA CAN COOK UP PLEASE!
Thimbleberry takes a deep breath. "Unfortunately for everyone, dying ain't allowed here." she says before activating her ring and swooping over to Null.
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Wither rose: nope. Meet my friends pet.
Tiny: *breaks through wall leaving tiny sized hole* ARF! ARF! *Jumps*
"There she is." Thimbleberry comments
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