#zoloft side effects first two weeks
motheyes · 2 years
like before addy they tried putting me on strattera and that bitch literally made me have the worst paranoid breakdown of my life HELLLOOOO
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she-is-ovarit · 7 months
Reddit hasn't been helpful so I'm turning to Tumblr. Have any women here been on Prozac or Lexapro to treat an anxiety disorder? How did they effect you?
I'm on day 2 of Prozac after not surviving Zoloft side effects and feel extremely internalized and emotionally blunted. Additionally I'm having really severe memory issues. However I've heard the first week or two of being on SSRIs are the worst as your body adjusts. Lexapro is the next one the nurse practitioner suggests trying if Prozac falls through. I'm trying to decide whether to stay with it or not, and it's been difficult to find research on how Lexapro vs. Prozac has specifically effected women.
What were these medications like for you?
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my-strange-attraction · 3 months
I can't believe how close I can to never knowing I could be a sexual being (let alone knowing I like girls). Lately I've been in a good enough place to finally go to therapy and psychiatry and I've been testing out a few different SSRIs for anxiety, and one of the main side effects is lowered libido.
I'm going to be talking about libido and the effects that the meds have had on me in that way in this post, so it's not quite sfw but also I'm not going to get too TMI. Just a head's up.
The first I tried (Lexapro) took it away from me entirely, before I even got beyond a starter dose, and the one I'm on now (Zoloft) seems to have made the highs and lows of my cycle WAY more apparent (though I've only been on it for just over a month so it's hard to tell if that's exactly what it's doing, but whereas my libido was pretty one-note before with the occasional Horny Day, in this past month it went away completely around the two weeks surrounding my period and now, just as I noticed I was ovulating, it is back more intensely than before).
And in the times when it's been gone, I've felt... confused, to say the least. Discovering my individual sexuality was the main part of what helped me figure out my sexuality relating to others just over a year ago, and without that to fall back on, it's felt like I was ace again (disclaimer that theres obviously nothing inherently bad or disappointing about not being attracted to others sexually, it's just disappointing for ME PERSONALLY because I am not ace and the idea that I won't be attracted to anyone is disappointing in a kind of intrinsic way that I can't really explain fully. It makes me understand why amatonormativity exists, although obviously it's dumb as hell because different people have different wants and values and experiences and just because something is intrinsic to me does not make it intrinsic to every human being)
Anyways. Sorry, I keep tangent-ing. If my mental health had been good enough any earlier for me to start working on my mental health (oh the paradox of mental health services) I may not have ever known I had a libido, full stop. Lexapro OBLITERATED it, before I even got past 10mg (and even during the first week when I was only on 5mg it lowered significantly). I wasn't even enjoying reading fanfic as much anymore, it made me disinterested in romance as a whole. I've been OBSESSED with romance since I was 11 (puberty oop).
I just can't believe my religious upbringing had me so far in the closet with myself that I may have missed out on this entirely. This is exactly why abstinence only education is bad and does not work (AMONG OTHER REASONS, I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS THE ONLY REASON IT SUCKS) and why we need to combat the stigma for masturbation early, especially in people with a vulva. Self exploration is so so necessary to feeling like your most realized self, and it's so easy to miss entirely when you're never taught how to look for it, when you're taught to look away until "the right time." And my religious upbringing was on the tamer side, too. Education about sexual topics is so important, and adults treating it like taboo only ever hurt me.
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In med school and also preparing for my exam. I have to learn a whole course about antidepressants so here it goes I guess !
Hi! I'm sure that the majority of this will be pretty basic review but let's talk about it!
The first generation of antidepressants were monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). They were originally invented to treat tuberculosis but in 1953 Iproniazid was developed and patients taking it showed improvements in their depression symptoms. As their name suggests, they function by inhibiting the breakdown of monoamine neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, ect) by the enzyme monoamine oxidase, and this leaves more neurotransmitters available for synapse. The problem with this method is that there are monoamines in our food. Patients taking MAOIs have to be careful eating foods that contain lots of tyramine because it can't be broken down. High levels of tyramine can cause sudden increases in blood pressure and even cerebral hemorrhage! Understandably, MAOIs aren't prescribed very often anymore.
The next generation of antidepressants, known as tricyclic antidepressants, was developed in the late 50s. These work by inhibiting both serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake. They are also antagonists for postsynaptic adrenergic α1 and α2 receptors, muscarinic receptors, and histamine H1 receptors. Reuptake inhibition is the mechanism found in a lot of our current antidepressants, but they're a little bit more focused.
In the late 80s, Fluoxetine was finally approved by the FDA and SSRIs continue to dominate the antidepressant landscape. SSRI stands for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, and they do what their name suggests, inhibiting the serotonin transporter (SERT) at the presynaptic axon terminal. This leaves more serotonin (5-HT) available for synapse. Additionally, SSRIs target the 5-HT1A autoreceptors. This seems counter productive at first, because the autoreceptor activation slows 5-HT production and release. But over time, this builds autoreceptor tolerance. Generally, autoreceptors can shut off signaling when there's too much and is a main contributor to building drug tolerance. But since the autoreceptor is now being activated, that shut off function loses efficacy and the extra 5-HT in the synapse from SERT inhibition doesn't cause tolerance to be built up (as much). This is why it takes SSRIs weeks to kick in because the two processes do cancel each other out until the autoreceptors have gotten tolerant. There is variety within SSRIs. Fluoxetine (Prozac) has a half life much longer than Sertraline (Zoloft) and takes longer to get peak plasma concentration.
Serotonin-Noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors work very similarly, they just also inhibit norepinephrine reuptake. (Say what you will about anti-depressants, at least they're named straightforwardly lol). Some patients respond better to SSRIs, some respond better to SNRIs. Unfortunately, a lot of patients don't respond well to either and they can come with difficult side effects.
Moving on from depression, let's talk a little about anxiety and anxiolytics. One of the key brain changes in general anxiety is reduced PFC inhibitory control, associated with reduced GABA(A) receptors. This is coupled with amygdala overactivity. Benzodiazepines help regulate anxiety by increasing GABA control. They do so without nearly as many side effects as the previous barbiturates, and took off in the 1960s. But because they act on GABA, mixing benzodiazepines with alchohol (also acts on GABA) creates lots of abuse potential (think of the Valium + martini housewife). The positive side to this is that benzodiazepines can be used to help someone with alcohol withdrawal, which is otherwise very dangerous. Second generation anxiolytics are partial agonists for 5-HT1A receptors. Moving away from GABA reduces the abuse potential, but also makea the drugs less effective. Generally, SSRIs are prescribed for anxiety before other classes of drugs.
Hope that was a good basic review!
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jacquesthepigeon · 1 year
Anyone here take Zoloft? I need advice since I’m on Day 4 trying it, is it normal to feel worse at first? And to develop nausea/acid reflux? 😭
Apparently nausea is a fairly common side effect but it improves after a week or two. I recommend contacting your doctor if it’s making your condition worse though. Meds are mess to figure out and if they’re not working like they’re supposed to then it’s best to tend to it ASAP.
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broomchickabroom · 3 months
Ten Good Things in 2023
Thanks @lantur !
Book Clubs! I was (am) part of a truly absurd number of book clubs this year—two for work (my department and the larger corporate group), and one with a couple of friends from high school who are VORACIOUS readers and regularly are like “we can read three books this month!” With a couple of exceptions, I read ALL of the books for all of these book clubs, and ended up having consumed significantly more nonfiction than I usually do. I read about social justice, a significant amount about mental health, team building, and self improvement. Oh, and AIDS—I read a 600 page (densely printed) book about the AIDS crisis, and feel like I took an entire class on it—I understand so much more about that era in American (and global) history. 
Marriage! Alex and I both really enjoyed the influx of loved ones that the leadup to the wedding produced. I had a SPECTACULAR time at my bachelorette party, and the wedding day was so much fun. It feels like my love for Alex has just grown—it happened once when he first moved in, and then just being “husband” and “wife” didn’t change day to day life, but it feels so much more settled in love—like—secure and kind. I am very happy.
Meds.  I have been on Zoloft for nearly a whole year, and was able to reduce my prescription to a half dose this year, which removed some of the side effects that I didn’t like much. It feels great to be equalizing emotionally, and I keep hitting goalposts that remind me of how far I’ve come like “hey, in January of last year I felt AWFUL when we had no sun for a whole week and this year it only bothered me in passing!”
Mom getting a MN condo.  Right before the wedding, my mom bough a condo in Minnesota which seems like such a ridiculous extravagance, but it’s made it a lot easier to have out-of-town guests (including my mom). People can stay longer and have their own space which makes for such a fun visit!
Making clothes! I got really into making clothes from scratch this year, and while I’m not very good at it yet, I really enjoy the process—from picking fabric and patterns to the small successes while I’m working on new things!
Friends, beloved friends! I was able to spend a lot of really quality time with friends this year and enjoyed every minute of it!
Intentional downtime. I picked up two TV shows that I’m watching independently at my pace and have really been enjoying—it’s nice to feel like I’m taking charge of the feeling that I’m always behind all of the pop culture that everyone else is experiencing! 
Getting more comfortable being alone. Before my current household setup, I spent a lot more time with my roommates, and was basically never alone or far from the action which I really liked. Now my husband and roommate spend most of their time upstairs during evening downtime which has been a hard transition for me, and resulted in some bad self talk and feeling lonely. I’m not totally adjusted yet, but I’ve been working really hard on being okay with the alone time, and practicing looking forward to it rather than letting it feel sad!
Less scrolling. I cut out about 50% of the time that I used to spend scrolling on Tumblr, fanfiction sites, and social media sites (thus the month later response to Lantur’s prompt :)). I still get plenty, but it’s nice to realize that I haven’t really been on the computer/phone outside of work in a couple of days now and then. 
Taking out all of the tools I need before I start a project. Lol, right? Right. I am 3x as quick and productive if I do all of the walking around and gathering tools before I start something, and having the correct tools makes a project so much easier. This is a small part of a larger personal project where I force myself to plan more than I ever have before—i.e., less winging it. Most of the time. I still get to wing it sometimes, as a treat. :)
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undoneandtipsy · 5 months
Starting this because I need to remember how it is to exist off of meds.
Alright so I've been off of my medication (Sertreline Zoloft) for 6 months now. I initially got off of it because of the sexual side effects and because the constant brain zaps were not worth it.
After getting of of Zoloft the brain zaps have stopped but I've had crippling anxiety and lost most of my connections with my friends because of it, 3 months unmedicated i started going its these weird zone-out bouts where i feel like im playing myself in a video game and nothing's real. I'm also very very paranoid but I was like that when I was on meds too
Anyway, obviously ik i'm not supposed to be off meds because its miserable so I've been trying to get an appointment with a psychiatrist for a very long time. I was finally able to get one after talking to my dad, I asked him what meds I should look into (He works in pharmaceutics) and he suggested Viibryd because he sells a medication called Trintillix, and Viibryd is their competitor but it has always worked from what he's seen. (He said it's because Viibryd is cheaper and works the same but I think he wants to see if the company he's competing against is selling a product that works as well as his) I spoke with the doctor and told him what was going on, he just kinda listened and offered me Viibryd because I mentioned I was looking at it.
So I start Viibryd soon and I'm very nervous. I have the pills now but looking online, the first like two days of side effects are pretty bad so I decided to take them Saturday morning so I have Saturday and Sunday to get used to them before going to work. (plus i don't wanna feel sick for my birthday tomorrow, I'm not doing anything but I'd still prefer not to feel like shit) I've researched a bit and got some testimonies, what it looks like is that the first like two weeks to a month are hell with nausea and GI issues occasionally but when you get past that its really beneficial and had overall positive results. I'm really really worried because It seems like this medication is used to treat depression and bipolar - from what I can tell I just have really bad anxiety- but I might as well try it because theirs a chance I might be normal again. What I'm most worried about is sleep paralysis and brain zaps, some people say they got those on Viibryd.
Overall I'm suuuper fucking worried and kinda paranoid about this but ig that's what I'm taking it to fix.
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ecrivainsolitaire · 11 months
Zoloft day 12
I had a 14 hour long panic attack last night
So it turns out zoloft isn't a magical pill that solves all your problems.
Apparently, having in the span of two weeks a pregnancy scare, an existential crisis about fatherhood, abandonment PTSD, family arguments, a dead cat, paranoia about the other cat dying, indigestion, an unstable diet, financial hardships, a heartbreak and functional impotence with the worry about being unable to have a relationship isn't the most conducive environment for emotional healing, even with SSRIs. Who knew.
It was still miles better than usual, as I normally had five or six panic attacks a day, only manageable by being high off my ass, and this time I only experienced the physical symptoms and could manage to drive off the intrusive thoughts with some meditation, playing with my remaining cat and working on the advertising I had pending. This is actually the first time I complete my ads days before they have to launch, which is a good sign.
I've been feeling tempted to drop the pills but this last panic attack reminded me how I feel without them, and it's not worth it.
I have to think about the long term. The side effects will wean down, hopefully.
I feel fucking exhausted though.
I need a hug.
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ratscabies · 4 years
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angelicgarnet · 5 years
i started a higher dose of zoloft and im going through the side effects all over again hhhhhhhjfgh 
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beenovel · 3 years
So I have been trying to decide whether or not to share any of this on tumblr, but I decided that I would while I was on my trip.
It was really hard for me to write this, I cried several times while doing so. It's very hard for me to be open and honest about how I'm feeling, so this is kind of a big step for me.
The really simple version is that I've been diagnosed with anxiety and depression and will be starting new medication tomorrow. If I go off the radar for a while it's likely because I'm trying to focus more on the external world and less on screens.
There's a more detailed explanation under the cut.
TW: anxiety, depression, thoughts about death, suicidal thoughts/attempts (attempted cutting and trying to jump out of a car, just mentioned as a past difficulty, not a current thing) under the cut
For about a year now I've been struggling with anxiety and depression. Normally this kind of stuff comes and goes for me (and it's normally mainly centered around my period) but for a year now there's been no break, just constant worst-case-scenario thinking mixed with "no one would miss me" and "being dead would be so much easier" and "I just screw everything up, I'm useless" type thinking. I mean I can't even mess up a little, this morning I was making a cream cheese filling for our crepes and I made it too liquidy and my first thought was "Oh god, I'm so useless".
I've struggled with suicidal tendencies for a long time since I was 6 or 7.
When I was 8 or 9 I would try to throw myself out of the car on the highway or I would hold a knife and really consider cutting myself (I never actually did, I got help before it got to that).
I went to therapy and was doing better for while, but it got bad again in middle school. My mom had to hide all the pill bottles.
I was doing better again until last summer. I didn't do anything, but I got scared of myself enough that I had my mom hide the knives for a month or two.
I thought I was better, but I think it was mostly just that I got used to those kinds of thoughts. My brain would tell me "it would be easier to die" and I'd go "yeah, probably" then go back to my knitting.
I've always had anxiety and it's hardly ever even lessened, whereas the depression has. I don't think I even know what it's like to not be anxious about something.
Currently, I'm not having any suicidal thoughts, just thoughts about death (if you need me to explain the difference just ask, I am more than willing to do that).
I had a doctor's appointment about two weeks ago and was officially diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I start my medication tomorrow.
I'm a little nervous about the medication (it's Zoloft and it has a couple scary side effects), but I'm really also hoping it helps. However almost everyone I've spoken to in the past has said you hardly ever find the correct medication and/or dosage the first time around, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up.
My doctor wants me to go to a therapist, but I've been on waiting lists for several therapists for about 3 or 4 years now and I'm no closer. We're praying that I'll get an appointment but it's looking super unlikely at this point. Part of the reason it's so hard to find a therapist is we're trying to find someone that at least has a history with autism and that is really hard in Oklahoma (really anywhere in the middle and south of the country tbh).
Just wanted to keep you guys updated. I have no idea how active I'll be on this blog because I'm trying to focus more of my energy on the external world. The computer/music has become a way for me to disassociate and distance myself from the pain, and that's not healthy.
If you made it this far, thanks for listening, and know that I love you <3
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theparadoxmachine · 3 years
Happy Birthday to Me!
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**Sugar daddies pls dni. I do not want to do sexy RP with you. I want to eat cake and watch Reanimator, okay?**
I meant to make this post back in March but things got screwed up so I’m doing it now. 
***TW Surgery mention***
For those of you who don’t know, I have a condition called chiari malformation, which basically means that my brain doesn’t fit in my skull correctly, which created a lot of pressure in my brain and some spinal herniation as my brain was being slowly squeezed into my spinal space. I have chronic migraines, balance problems, and issues with my fine motor skills. On March 9, 2020, I had surgery on my brain and cervical spine. I had a craniectomy, in which part of my skull was removed and replaced with surgical mesh in order to relieve the pressure. It took me about 3 months to recover, as I experienced a cerebral spinal leak that set me back a bit. I then spent months in physical therapy to help me get back on track with my balance and heal from a couple unrelated injuries. 
***Okay gross stuff over***
***Oh crap CW depression/suicide mention***
I’ve also been struggling with mental problems all my life. But I mentioned it -finally- to my neurologist. I’ve been taking zoloft for a while now, and a few weeks ago, I realized that I can’t remember the last time I was stuck in a low with suicidal thoughts. And I know that I will probably experience mental low tide again, but this is major on a level I never thought I’d reach. I’ve been really lucky that my side effects have been fairly minimal. My size has changed a bit, and I don’t’ feel great about it. I have a lot of body image issues. But ultimately if going up a size is the price I have to pay for not wanting to kill myself, then so be it. I know how much better off I am right now. 
I’m still tired a lot. I still have nightmares. I still have a long way to go. But I have made so much progress in the last two years. 
I got a little ceramic tray today while buying groceries that says “Be your own kind of beautiful” and I love that. I’m trying to live that. I’m here. I’m alive. It’s like Sophia Petrillo says, “Every year without a headstone is a milestone.”
I’ve been putting this off because my state of mind has been in flux. But today, I feel good. I’ve got my dog on my right, Nebula on my left, Horatio nearby, and my mom’s coming over tomorrow. I think, for now, I want to stop worrying about the future. Too long I’ve spent looking toward the future and being disappointed when it becomes the present and it doesn’t live up to my hopes, and blaming myself when that happens. The world is a mess, and my health is finally getting untangled, and it takes time. I get it. I don’t know what the world will look like tomorrow. 
But I know I look like a snack in overalls. Who knew? I’ve got nice eyes, nice cheekbones, wi-fi, and a dog and two cats who love me.
This is the first birthday in a long time where I’ve felt legitimately happy. It feels weird. It feels nice. I know there are darker times coming. But for now, I’m going to savor this feeling. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to do that before.  I don’t want to miss it. 
So yeah, Happy Birthday, ME. You survived. Congratulations. 
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mrsroryhuntzberger · 3 years
For everyone who commented when I asked about sertraline/zoloft I have updates!!
I’ve been taking it for a little more than 2 weeks and the first few days were rough (unrelated sleep issues and my period started on day 3) but I’m happy to say it’s been super super helpful!!
I can’t say how much it’s done for my anxiety specifically but I haven’t cried in two weeks and I used to cry every few days. I’ve been in a better mood in general and am just feeling a lot more mentally stable and healthy. For example, something went wrong at work today and pre-med me would have freaked out and would’ve felt sick. Post-Med me was concerned because stuff going wrong sucks (and means I work overtime for better or for worse) but had a normal amount of stress and concern.
I had some GI related side effects but that has mostly gone away. It does make me feel more “activated” I guess (that’s how my therapist described it) but not in a bad way. I have energy which is really helpful.
I’m really thankful for everyone who commented even those I didn’t reply to (which was everyone bc I suck st replying it’s not personal). Thank you all so so much!!
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wyrdify · 3 years
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I have news to share! For once, it is good news. One relates directly to me, and the other relates to my husband.
So, first thing: it’s no secret that I’m an epileptic. I have JME (Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy), and that’s been true since early 2007. I’ve been on a few different medications to treat the seizures, and only two of them worked without causing an allergic reaction: Keppra and Zonegran. Since I started getting treatment for epilepsy, Keppra has been the drug I’ve been on, and I’m on a relatively low dose.
And it makes me miserable.
Not only does Keppra make my chronic headache worse, but it also worsens my depression, and it makes me generally feel heavier (physically). It is not a fun drug, but hey, it works. Zonegran was a medication I tried after spending five years on Keppra, and I found that it not only worked, but I didn’t have as many side-effects. Also, when I finally had an anti-depressant that my body responded to, I had energy again. My depression wasn’t gone, but I felt like I had a vantage point. It was fantastic. But, Keppra was the safer one to be on because Zonegran causes issues for certain stuff that I was trying for... so I ended up switching back.
That certain stuff is no longer applicable to me, so I played some phone tag with my neurologist to see if I can get back on Zonegran. I managed to talk to her today, and she approved of me going back on it! I get to start making the med switch as soon as the pharmacy tells me it’s ready! Y’all, I am getting my life back. My Zoloft will be allowed to work again, and I no longer have to take this nasty awful medication.
Okay, enough about me. Onto part two of the good news: my husband has a second interview scheduled for next week. He’s been without a job since the end of July, and things have been scary for us. Originally, the second interview was scheduled for the beginning of November, but the company asked him tonight if he could do it sooner. We are really, really hopeful for this.
If you’re so inclined, please send good vibes to my husband. Him getting this job would be life-changing since the job market sucks right now.
Anyway, that’s all.
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