#zeth- Are you feeling any better
dog-girl-zezora · 3 years
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maple-writes · 4 years
Dissidia Week 4
The earliest I’ve gotten one of these done in the last few weeks lol 
@dissidia-writeblr thanks again for running this!
Sitara didn’t waste any time getting started, and within fifteen minutes of chatting on the couch Richard followed her into the working part of the workshop. Volt lagged behind, peering at some of the devices and books scattered on crowded tables. She didn’t stray far though, glancing back at him and Sitara frequently.
Nerves crawled their way across his skin as she started to look him over, scribbling down notes as she went, but it didn’t take long for him to start to relax. Something about the way Sitara muttered to herself as she worked, the way she her face set in hard focus and curiosity… It was a far cry from the technicians he used to know and how they wouldn’t speak to him, didn’t care to even look at him any more than they needed to do their work. She stepped away for a moment, returning with a worn looking document, flipping to some page with a scrunched eyebrow. Richard glanced down at her notes while she read. He couldn’t make out most of her scrawled handwriting, but it looked organized enough.
Hours ticked by as Sitara started to carefully investigate the interior systems, starting with his broken eye. Ventilation fans in the walls hummed softly in the background, broken by the gentle metallic clicks of her tools dissecting the mechanics. On the other end of the room Volt had taken a couple of the files, with Sitara’s permission, back to the couches. Half an hour ago she’d been reading them, but when Richard glanced in her direction the files sat stacked on the table and Volt lay curled up in a nap. He smiled. Good.
The rest of the afternoon went by quietly, and Sitara finished her inspections before dipping out to another part of the workshop to compile her notes. Richard rejoined Volt on the couch. She yawned as he sat down, rubbing at her eyes and pushing hair back out of her face.
“Done already?” Volt yawned again, slowly sitting up. “That was quick.”
 Richard grinned. “Maybe for you! I was awake the whole time. Not that I’m complaining.” He leaned back and stretched his legs out in front of him and his arms above his head. The muscles were already starting to feel stiff from holding still so long. “She seemed thorough, seemed to know what she was doing.” He dropped his arms back to his sides, let his feet settle back on the floor. “Turns out there was still debris in the eye. It’s a lot less… Sandy now anyway.”
“That’s good.” Volt said. “I meant to check out some of these,” she nodded at the files on the table. “But that didn’t exactly go as planned.”
They looked up again as Sitara joined them on the other couch. “I love the technology! It’s so interesting and intricate! I’ve never seen anything like this before. It’s fun learning more about it!” She cocked her head. “So, I noticed that some of your machines don’t work properly. Would you like me to fix them for you?”
Richard leaned forward but before he could say anything someone burst into the workshop, door banging loud against the wall. He leapt to his feet in a heartbeat, gaze locked on the tough-looking woman in the doorway.
“Sitara, they realized you found people who were summoned here.” She hurried into the room on prosthetic legs. “They’re coming.”
“Actually, they’re already here.”
She backed off and turned to face the new speaker, dropping into a defensive stance as the man entered the workshop. He stared right past her, ignoring everyone but Richard and Volt.
Sitara stomped towards him. “I found them, so they don’t belong to you. Back off.”
The man didn’t seem intimidated. He sniffed and walked right past her. Richard nudged Volt behind him as he circled the two of them, meeting his stare with every step. He widened his own stance, claws ready at his sides, auxiliary systems ready to be upregulated and muscles tensed to react if the intruder dared make a move.
The man glanced up at Sitara and the other woman. “We are currently being threatened with war.” He settled back on Richard and Volt. “We need anyone we can get to fight.”
Sitara crossed her arms. “I do not give you permission to be here. You have no legitimate reasons to be here. Get out.”
He glared at her, but seemed to think better than argue before leaving without another word. Richard watched him go all the way down the long hallway before letting his guard drop.
Sitara uncrossed her arms and turned back to them. “The leaders of Torr can’t actually force non-citizens to fight, so they have no power to take you away, no matter what they try to say.” She sighed, glancing at the other woman who had burst into the room. “This is Zeth. She’s a friend who is helping me out. I can keep you safe from the leaders of Torr, but I understand if you’d like to leave. The leaders will be more aggressive in trying to recruit you. I’ll help you get out of Torr, if that’s what you’d rather do.”
Richard turned back at Volt, her mouth pressed in a tight line. She looked like she was thinking it over, but Richard didn’t need to think long.
“I don’t think we should stay here.” He leaned back, looking down the thankfully still empty hallway. Good. That man wasn’t still lurking. “We should go.”
Volt hesitated. “I don’t know Rick,” she paused, picking her words. With a glance at Zeth she lowered her voice to keep her words between the two of them. “If we leave, who knows when we’ll have this kind of opportunity again?”
Someone powerful knew where they were, and they wanted him to join them in a war, probably Volt too once they found out what she was capable of in combat and command. He didn’t like it. It would be too easy for things to go wrong, too easy for them to be taken advantage of in this strange world.
“I don’t care.” He shook his head. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.” He didn’t want to be a tool again, just a step up above a weapon to be commanded. Even if Sitara could solve his problems, was it really worth that risk?
Volt closed her eyes a moment with a long sigh. “Are you sure you’re okay with foregoing Sitara’s help?”
“Yes.” He nodded at once. “I’d rather we both get out of this safe even if it means I… You know.”
As much as he tried to hide it, Volt knew he was only getting worse. She saw what how he was after working too hard, after exerting himself just a little too much. She knew he wouldn’t spend days in bed afterwards if nothing was wrong, if he weren’t in pain. If there wasn’t the threat of something happening to either of them before they could get back home, he’d have stayed and let Sitara work on him in a heartbeat. But they both knew dying here wasn’t an option.
“Also,” he glanced back again at the empty hall. “I didn’t like that man.”
“I didn’t care for him either,” Volt admitted. “And if you’re sure about leaving, then I agree.” She turned to Sitara and Zeth, taking a deep breath. “How soon can we get out of here?”
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sky-scribbles · 5 years
Some thoughts about how Ziost happens in my canon, since I’m throwing in the complications of a) both Zeth and Neyna being present and b) Neyna and Lana trying to work out their relationship while Vitiate is eating the planet:
- Things between Lana and Neyna have been... complicated since the letting-Theron-get-captured thing. It shook Neyna enough for them to take a step back from the almost-relationship, so once Revan’s dealt with, Lana offers Neyna a place as her right hand in Sith Intelligence. She hopes this’ll let Neyna know how much she trusts them and wants them at her side.
- Soon after, Lana wonders if she made a mistake. Neyna said they needed some space - what if she’s ignoring that by asking them to work with her so closely? So she arranges for Neyna to be given their own ship, and sends them off on several long-term missions, hoping  Neyna will realise she’s trying to give them some privacy. Of course, this just makes Neyna worried. Is Lana trying to get rid of them? Was she offended when they stepped away? (These two are so smart individually but together they’re such utter disasters, help them.)
- Ziost happens. Neyna’s on leave on Dromund Kaas when Lana contacts them, so they arrive before Zeth, who has to travel from Republic space. Since Neyna arrives so quickly, Lana doesn’t throw them into the in-game missions straight away, instead asking them to handle the immediate crisis of helping the evacuation. (This is how I justify doing all the New Adasta sidequests before starting the main story.)
-  As they’re mopping up some of Vitiate’s puppets, Zeth arrives to help. Neither of them has any misgivings about working together, and after half an hour, Lana and Theron give up trying share information with their respective contact while keeping it from the opposite faction. Zeth and Neyna are obviously telling each other everything. (‘Those two aren’t big on keeping secrets from allies, Lana. Unlike, you know, some people.’ ‘Can we please not go into that business on Rishi now?’)
- Neyna, a former spy with minor telepathic abilities, figures out that Kovach has been pretending to work for both Lana and Theron. Still, they don’t execute him when Lana asks them to - partly because Zeth is right there, making pleading eyes at them, and partly because Kovach’s explanation triggered something of an existential crisis for them. The Empire kills and enslaves billions every day, and I couldn’t sit by. 
Neyna only joined the Sith to learn how to control their abilities. They got a whole lot more: a home, people who told them they weren’t a corruption. But after all that time living on fear on Csilla, keeping their Force-sensitivity secret... they hate the thought of making anyone else live like that. Is that what they’re doing by staying with the Empire? They know how to control the Force now - should they have left long ago? Are their feelings for Lana keeping them tethered somewhere they don’t belong?
But how can they leave the life they’ve made? How can they leave Lana? 
- Zeth handles the taunting-the-Emperor business, since he’s the one with a personal rivalry with Vitiate. He’s also the one to fight Master Surro, while Neyna focuses on healing Lana and Theron after they get flung all over the place.
- Neyna says nothing while everyone argues over Surro’s fate (Zeth is absolutely not letting someone who’s had the Emperor shoved into their head be experimented on.) But afterwards, once Zeth and Theron are gone and it’s just them and Lana, they realise why they’re still with the Empire, and why they need to stay.
The people they fought to protect on Ziost are - well, people. People who need defending. Vitiate certainly won’t defend them, but Lana... Lana will, and so will Sith like her. If Lana’s never stopped believing that a better Empire is possible, then Neyna can’t stop believing it either. Because they believe in Sith values, in passion and freedom, and because Lana can’t do this alone. Their emotion and Lana’s pragmatism could balance each other perfectly. 
And Neyna once promised they’d do anything Lana needed. They’ll stand by their word.
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polarishpd · 6 years
A Month of Truth: Narrated by Lance and Pidge (Chapter 1)
Pidge Gunderson here.
This month has been freAKING HELL. It's been so confusing and hormonal that the princess and Shiro made me do this damn video documentary about it. To reflect or something.
I'm telling this from two sides of the story. Lance's and mine. I don't know when that idiot is joining me to do this, but when he does...let's just say that you'll know.
Hey, Pidge!
Oh my god, Lance, no, go away-mmphf!
You liked that.
Shut-shut up-! Okay, now, I'm making this narrative to tell the truth, and complete truth about the events happening over a single month.
Let's go!
DAY 1:
Pidge's voice is unexpectedly loud as she cleanly sweeps under the legs of a soldier, hooking his legs with her grappling hook and pulling him clean out. Lance, the intended target, breathes a sigh of relief. He dusts himself off, flashing a familiar smile Pidge's way.
It's a nice smile.
"Thanks, Pidgeon-"
Pidge, distracted, nearly doesn't notice the swinging blade aiming for Lance's neck.
"Watch out!"
Her swift hands snatch out, grabbing Lance's chest from behind and yanking him towards her, his back pressing against her chest.
Pidge kicks the solider away, electrocuting him with her bayard and grabbing Lance's hand.
"Come on!" she shouts, yanking him and taking off at breakneck speed, racing through mazes of modern looking blue-black coloured buildings, the bright pink sky casting its colour to the society below.
Pidge can't help but marvel at the sight of the technology as she runs, but saddens at the thought that Lotor and his dear ol' dad Zarkon destroying the place. Lotor and Allura had both targeted Galaxor, a famously wealthy and prosperous planet, at the same time. The difference was that one sought an alliance and the other sought invasion and takeover.
Lance grips onto her hand tight, lanky fingers clutching hers with an unexpected strength.
"I wonder how Hunk and Allura are doing," Lance muses aloud, casually slinging a shot at a wayward Galra (obviously, it's a perfect headshot) as they continue their race, taking him out with no problem.
He and Pidge were obviously going to find Lotor first. The plan was that the three pairs, the third being Shiro and Keith, would set off to locate Lotor and wait for the rest to arrive.
With someone as amazing as Pidge, how could they not get there first?
"-and I hope Shiro or Allura have already gotten there," Pidge finished, not realising that Lance was staring at her and not listening at all. He shakes his head, blinking to wake himself up.
"Nah, Pidgeon, we're going to get there first!" Lance teases. Pidge squints, curling her upper lip. Seriously, this doofus never had any humility whatsoever, did he?
"We don't even know where he is!" Pidge whisper-hisses, shooting him a glare.
Pidge tries not to stare at Lance, grinning as flirtatiously as he does to other pretty girls, most of the time. Pidge knows that to her, it is directed as a joke and a friendly tease. And yeah, she's accepted that for a long time now. It's fine.
Truthfully, she'd say Lance McClain's eyes see only the surface. Nothing else.
"Come on Pidgeon, this way!"
Pidge doesn't let Lance tug her away, rooting herself firmly to the spot.
"Why this way?" she asks, directing a finger in their (read: Lance's) desired direction of travel.
"I can smell fabulous shampoo."
"Lotor uses amazing shampoo?"
"Obviously, he seems like the kind of man. I'm guessing he has such luscious hair, but obviously not better than mine," Lance preens, nearly stuffing his hair in Pidge's face. Unyielding, Pidge smacks him away and actually starts heading in the direction, hunched back and bent legs.
"Ooh, Pidge actually-"
Pidge carefully places a finger on Lance's lips, very effectively shutting him up. He freezes, making no sound,  the only difference being the light tinge of pink on his cheeks.
Suddenly, Lance is yanked down, hidden underneath a large structure with Pidge.
"-and I'm sure Voltron will be here any minute."
Lance and Pidge share a look.
PIDGE: Shit, is that Lotor?
LANCE: I mcfuckin' knew it.
PIDGE: what?!
LANCE: Look at his goddamned hair. Man could have come straight out of a Pantene ad-
Pidge breaks the stare to get a better look at Lotor while quietly typing in commands, calling the rest of Team Voltron to the very same place. And damn, Lance was actually right, the silky white hair was astounding.
"I have a feeling they're almost here! And I can't wait to crush them in my terrifying hands!" Zethrid cheers, voice unusually exuberant. Acxa sighs, paired with giggles from Ezor.
"Zeth, that's not what we're here for," she reminds, with the calm patience is a mother. Zethrid kind of pouts, but shrugs it off apathetically.
"I could crush them with no problem, thereby destroying Voltron, but you guys never let me!"
It was chilling, because it was almost like they were being lured into a trap. But no, it couldn't have been, because now that Pidge and Lance knew what was going on, that wouldn't be the case.
Message from: Princess Allura
Message from: Keith Kogane
Lance readies his bayard, an admittedly beautiful sniper rifle, his hand accidentally covering the top of Pidge's when she reaches for hers.
Pidge, surprised, nearly freezes, Lance seeming to return the same face.
It's just the brush of a hand, something that has literally never affected her. What the hell was happening now?
She wakes up when she hears Keith and Shiro springing into battle, Shiro immediately going for Lotor and Keith fighting Acxa, the formidable general battling the paladin's ruthless attacks with cunning, clever moves. Hunk literally barrel-rolls in, firing his bayard at the feet of the generals in an attempt to knock them off their feet. Allura, determined for victory this time, slashes her iridescent whip Zethrid's way.
Lance pulls Pidge up, gripping her arm.
"Come on!"
Lance doesn't run as far in as Pidge does, Pidge immediately choosing to tackle Narti. Who better to tackle the smartest than the smartest?
Pidge needs to figure out how someone who clearly doesn't have means of vision can see so well. Maybe she's aware of her surroundings?
Quickly, she dashes towards her, slamming her grappling hook out to catch her in the stomach.
Or at least, she wanted it to catch Narti in the stomach, but more like Narti caught it and sent it back to Pidge's stomach.
"...oof," Pidge mutters, not bothering to dust herself off.
Narti may have gotten the first hit, but she sure as hell won't get the last.
The atmosphere is filled with sounds of battle, fiery raging heat, the area destroyed and plundered by missed gun shots (dammit, Lance!) and stabs of sword (dammit, Keith!).
Pidge knows that getting in too close might be a bad idea. But even seemingly-random but actually carefully-placed strikes don't deter her, and never hit her, as she blocks every single one with ease.
So instead, she aims to strike her with the hook, quickly sliding under and hooking onto her leg. Much to her disappointment, Narti doesn't fall on her goddamn face like she wanted, but it's enough, the fact that she stumbles.
All of a sudden, Narti grips her hook, violently pulling Pidge towards her. Pidge is caught between the unmakeable decision of losing her bayard or possible danger.
And then, before she can process it, a tail is wrapped around her neck and her breath cut off.
Pidge doesn't struggle, saving her breath as it is slowly squeezed out of her, looking at Narti. Where is the one place she didn't hit?
Lance expertly hits Narti's tail, causing her to drop Pidge and the bayard in surprise. In retribution, her tail snaps out, hitting Lance in the face.
Pidge pauses, nearly gawping stupidly at the sharpshooter, now clutching his mouth with one hand and sniping with the other, somehow, that may have just saved her stupid, stupid life. She has to will herself not to smile and stop at him.
Wait, what? Friendly smile. Friendly smile.
Voltron and the Generals plus Lotor break apart, the two sides pausing for a moment and staring at each other venomously.
Pidge doesn't miss the scratch on Lance's cheek.
"Come on, Pidge!"
Lance is the one grabbing her hand this time, the team accidentally separating back into pairs to flee the formidable general team. God, where the hell had Lotor found such badass, awesome generals?!
Lance and Pidge, running on adrenaline, sprint away, heart pounding, feet hitting the ground hard.
They don't follow their previous path, navigating and twisting through a city like a maze, with no way to guide themselves. Damn, they were going to have fun finding their way back later, weren't they?
Lance, watching behind them for Galra soldiers, notices Pidge squinting at him.
"What? You need better glasses?" Lance asks, leaning in to Pidge and adjusting her askew glasses for her, not noticing the gentle pink that tinges her cheeks, nor the unusually surprised expression. She frowns, brow creasing.
"Maybe. These are my brother's, so maybe they messed up my vision or something," she muses, swatting Lance's hand away. But amidst the distraction...
A swish of purple.
A spot of red.
A blur of silvery-white.
Prince Lotor and his general Ezor.
"Is this blue and green?" Lotor asks, tinge of an annoyingly amused smile on his face. Lance nearly opens his mouth to protest that, but Pidge stops him. No sense letting Lotor know more than he already does.
"Yeah, Prince Pantene," Pidge rolls her eyes, folding her hands behind her back, fingers slowly and surreptitiously closing around her bayard. Lance isn't quite as secretive, immediately aiming and shooting at Lotor.
With the speed of light, Lotor leans to the side, the bullet scraping through his hair, charring a little bit black.
"Take that, Lo-butt!" Lance howls. Pidge smacks him, whipping out her bayard and going in swinging.
Pidge swings one leg out, nearly tripping Ezor, who darts away nimbly and grins.
"Hi, sweeties!"
Ezor gracefully and powerfully swings her leg at Lance's head, which he barely dodges, leaving Pidge free to aim a hit at Lotor himself. He doesn't move, raising an eyebrow.
Goddamn the height difference.
Lotor doesn't brandish a sword, doesn't pull out a knife. Instead, he brings out a small vial of sparkling turquoise liquid, looking tiny in his large hands.
Pidge charges straight towards him, using the taser in her bayard. Lotor moves to the side, but Pidge cleverly sidesteps and jabs the bayard fiercely into Lotor's chest, sending shock waves through the Galran Prince.
Ezor stops, stunned, quickly grabbing the vial from Lotor's hand and jabbering something to him in Galran, Pidge and Lance assume. Then, she gets up, throwing the same sunny smile (perhaps hiding layers of murderous rage) to them and slowly uncorking the vial, twist by twist.
Lotor slowly gets up, smiling.
"Paladins, I didn't come here to hurt you. I don't even want to touch you, no matter how much you may want me to fight, Green Paladin," he says, voice as charming and smooth as his hair.
Pidge stands ready to fight, arm brushing Lance's, who stands slightly in front of Pidge, one arm stretched across her.
Protective, much?
Suddenly, Ezor throws out her arm, the blue-green liquid splashing Lance and Pidge in the chest, evaporating and leaving a twinkling mist behind.
Lance's heart tremors, beats, thumps. He shakes, feeling some kind of energy pulse through his body, feeling every blood vessel filled with something tingling his nerves, up to his brain. Surely Pidge must feel the same.
Hell, did Lotor just drug them, make them high? Stoned? Is this the alien version of crack?
Blinded, Lance and Pidge stumble around, arms splaying out and trying not to hit the other.
But when they open their eyes what seems like an eternity later, Lotor and Ezor are gone.
"You should be all right, as in no changes in terms of bodily parts, mental ability, and gender," Coran rambles off, squinting at a written list in his hand. "But I'm not sure what the intended effect was."
Pidge and Lance glance at each other, sitting next to each other on the sofa. Coran's medical testing didn't seem quiet professional if he wasn't sure of the effects. Pidge debated on whether to try and run her own tests. Even the rest of the team, seated in various places on the large span of sofa, look worried. It would be extremely bad timing if they decided to die.
"We just have to wait and see, then?" Lance asks.
"Maybe it'll help Lance finally be able to charm girls," Pidge cockily whispers, leaning in to Lance confidently, sipping on her juice as a show. Lance chokes on air, eyes bulging wide, turning to Pidge with an incredulous look.
"Uh, um, I get girls just fine," Lance sasses, raising one eyebrow. Keith rolls his eyes the minute he sees Lance turning to Allura, who already starts getting up and leaving at the sight. Pidge smirks happily.
Annoyed, Lance pouts, rebelliously swinging his legs onto Pidge's lap and placing his head on the sofa like he had many times before. Allura laughs, the laugh tinkling gently. She sits back down, patting Lance on the head as she does so jokingly, making the whole group burst into laughter.
"Aww, I'm sorry Lance, but we've got bigger things to worry about. Say, the spell that Lotor and Ezor cast on you?" Allura asks. "Any ideas?"
A spell? That could be a lot of things. Could be an 'act crazy in front of your group' spell, a 'lose all bodily functions' spell, could be a 'throw up every time you eat spell...' it sounds extremely cliche to Pidge, but everything is really up to time to reveal. After all, it has been a few hours since Ezor first dumped the sparkly, painful misty liquid on them, and so far nothing had happened.
Normally Pidge enjoys just sitting quietly, working while dropping the occasional snarky comment at Lance or something. But now, Pidge feels different, like she wants to talk all the time, like she has an energy flowing through her at all times.
"Maybe it's a 'get the Princess to fall for my charms' spell," Lance suggests, winking. Pidge groans inaudibly, rolling her eyes at the side and tilting her lap to slide Lance's legs off.
"Look, I know you've got sculpted and admittedly nice long legs, but I don't need them on my lap," Pidge states, brushing off her lap.
...what the hell?!
"...uh, Pidge, you do know what you just said, right?" Hunk checks in after an uncomfortably long silence, leaning in with an apprehensive and surprised face that everyone seemed to be wearing. Lance, legs dangling off the sofa now, nearly turns around to hide his face from the bunch.
Did Pidge just admit that he has nice legs?
"...yes, yes I did."
"You just said Lance has nice long legs. You never say he has nice anything."
Hunk stares at Pidge, amazed.
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking it, even if I'm not saying it." Like how I was thinking that Allura is sometimes too uptight, or how Shiro's new haircut actually looks really weird," Pidge shrugs, looking as if she has more to say.
Oh god.
Did she just admit...?
Pidge claps her hand over her mouth, tapping her toes rapidly, eyes darting to and fro from a random place to Lance, then to another random place and back to Lance.
"Lance, are you hearing this?" Allura kind of giggles, the little glint in her eye an indicator of her thoughts, not even affected by Pidge's statement.
"Of course I am. And Shiro, your eyeliner is looking a bit off today, a little thin, isn't it? Awesome though. "
Shiro self-consciously looks in a mirror.
Keith, looking between the unusually but understandably hyper stressed Pidge and the very, very flustered Lance, starts to gain an idea of what exactly was playing out.
"Lance, what are your thoughts on this?" he asks, smirking at Allura, who returns the expression. Shiro, blur, doesn't understand.
"I'm very flattered." Lance, flattered? Once in a lifetime. "I'm very flattered that a pretty girl would say that to me."
It's Pidge's turn to go red, blush, smile sheepishly, look away. What the hell was going on, she didn't know.
But then, all of a sudden, Hunk turns to Pidge with a look that she also sees in Allura and Keith, and suddenly survival instinct kicks in for the blue-green pair who immediately jet off, speeding away from thr evil perpetrators,  who are ot in pursuit.
"God, haven't we done enough running for today?" Pidge groans out, stopping outside her door, Lance right beside her.
"How do you think I got these legs?" he questions. Then, he smiles stupidly, grinning at Pidge. "Just kidding."
"Naturally, obviously." Pidge smacks herself again, groaning into her hand and sliding her back down the outside of her room door.
"I think I know what Lotor did to us," they both say in unison, eyes equally as terrified, breaths heavy, hands shaky. They laugh for a moment, rambling about jinxing, and how it's fun but stupid. Nervous rambling and laughter.
Pidge takes in a deep breath at some point, finally saying what she'd suspected since the couch.
"I think we've been hit by a truth spell."
"...well, shit."
DAY 2:
Lunch is supposed to just be lunch, not 'truth or truth'. Lance just wants to eat the goddamn food goo and go hang with Hunk and Pidge, goddammit!
"This food goo gets crappier each time I eat it," Lance muses, without even a tinge of annoyance. Coran raises an eyebrow, squinting his eyes.
"I'm sorry, young man, does it look like we have any other form of sustenance suitable for your human species?" Coran folds his lips, looking at Lance.
Pidge, quietly, mumbles "Kaltenecker."
"Sorry, what was that? I didn't hear you," Hunk asks from beside Pidge, his breakfast already finished. Pidge reddens right before screaming KALTENECKER!
"Pidge, you want to kill our baby?!" Lance clutches his heart, looking despondently at Pidge.
"It's a stupid cow, I just wanted the game."
"Well, Paladins!" Allura cuts in, smiling. "I've got some news."
"If it's another diplomatic whatever, I'm going to barf the food goo," Lance declares.
"Don't!" Hunk exclaims, instinctively moving away from Lance and away from the table. Coran looks like he's about to slam his face into the food goo.
"If you're going to puke, do it on either Keith's mullet or Shiro's new hair, because those are in dire need of destruction." Pidge doesn't even look up or try to make it sound sarcastic.
"I swear to god, this truth spell can be really funny when I manipulate it, but I'm praying that it goes away today!" Keith groans, yells, slams his face on the table.
"Damn, Keith, you're awesome and all but that's too much," Lance says, voice fluctuating with surprise.
"Wait, what did you just say? About me? Like what you think about me?" Keith checks, leaning in. Lance pales, looking like he really is going to throw up his food goo. Instead, he throws up the truth in angrily and quickly screamed words.
"YOU'RE AWESOME, LIKE IN FIGHTING AND PILOTING AND HOLY CRAP I'M ONLY ANNOYING TOWARDS YOU BECAUSE I'M PRETTY JEALOUS," Lance screams, immediately shoving his fist in his mouth immediately after. Pidge and Hunk burst out into laughter, Lance grimacing and covering his face in between them.
Pidge supposes that Keith is the catalyst to manipulating their truth spell, because all of a sudden they get bombarded with stupid questions, including the following:
"Who's the paladin you would most likely date?"
"Describe me in your opinion!"
"You're hot. And awesome. And like really cool," Lance answers. "Wear eyeliner more often, Shiro. And yeah, Keith needs more eyeliner to reflect the darkness in his heart," he adds as an afterthought. Shiro, hopeful, shoots Keith his best puppy eyes.
"Don't even think about it."
"Guys!" Allura feigns slapping her palm on the table, scaring them into effective silence. "I haven't spoken yet!"
"Well, actually, you kind of have-"
"Hunk, shh!"
"I've organised a diplomatic banquet to be held in the Castle with the citizens of Galaxor," Allura proclaims. Lance nearly opens his mouth to protest, but one look from Allura (and the fact that her hand was wrapped around a spoon laden with goo and aimed at him) was enough to shut him up.
"A ball? As in dancing, ballgowns, the like?" Hunk questions, taking Lance's goo and cheekily polishes it off.
"Yes! You all will be expected to charm the Galaxorians and persuade them to join our coalition," Allura puts in, looking way too happy about the whole thing. Maybe it was because she finally got to hold a ball again since the last disastrous one.
"Dresses? I miss wearing those," Pidge says nonchalantly, looking at Allura as if interested for once. Lance blinks, cutely tilting his head to the side as if confused.
"A dress?" he echoes. Lance's mind flies off, imagining pre-Garrison Pidge decked up and dressed up in a purple dress, long hair let down and decorated with a purple hairband. Just like the picture she kept with her, of her and Matt.
And oh god, in that moment, Lance prays Keith or Hunk doesn't give him a Pidge themed pop quiz right now, or the words he would spill out may not be completely table-appropriate.
Meanwhile, Shiro nearly has an aneurysm from the pure volume of Allura's sudden screech, high-pitched and piercing and so very not-Allura.
"Do you want a dress Pidge? Oh, I've got a few of my old ones i think you can wear? There's some purple, and some green that would match your armour," Allura rattles off, counting off her fingers, eyes trailing upwards. Pidge blanches, getting up and leaving the table.
"Wait, Pidge!" Allura calls, getting up. Lance, meanwhile, darts up and follows Pidge, who he assumes was on the trail to her room.
Damn, why is Pidge so fast? Even with those short (and nice) legs of hers, she could probably outpace the tall Lance with ease.
He knocks softly on the door. No reply. Lance slowly pushes the door open, inching in little by little.
Pidge sits in the center of her bed, hands clutching the same small portrait she always carries around like a lucky charm. Damn, Pidge was like his lucky charm. Honestly. Where she was, good things happened. How many times exactly had she saved his life today alone?
She adjusts her glasses, looking up at Lance curiously, not even a tinge annoyed or surprised at his appearance.
"What?" she asks, her eyes going back to the portrait. Lance, after a gentle nod from Pidge, sits down beside her and relaxes.
"Just checking you were okay," Lance explains, peering over Pidge's shoulder, cheek to cheek with her, just to get a decent glance at the portrait.
Pidge never looked happier than there. It kind of sucks, knowing how hard it is to make Pidge happy, but Lance doesn't care. Pidge should be happy.
"It's so uncomfortable, this whole truth spell thing. It feels like an invasion of privacy, yanno?" Pidge purses her lips, the little space between her eyebrows creasing in displeasure. Lance grimaces, patting his shoulder to let her lean on it.
They had the perfect height difference, didn't they?
"It totally is. Keith is so having fun through this thing," Lance huffs, chuckling and patting Pidge, while relaxes and breathes out at his gentle touch.
"It's only been around two days and i can't really take it anymore. I didn't want to bring up dresses, it hurts because I would wear them while Matt was around. Now...it brings back memories. And oh god, I'm ranting, i can't even choose what I want to say!"
Pidge tenses up, every part of her face scrunching up, eyebrows narrowing in annoyance. This prompts Lance for another round of patting, stroking Pidge's hair gently. It looked a little longer than the last time he'd petted it.
"We can ask Coran to give us a diagnosis at some point. He'll probably do better now that he knows what's going on," Lance soothes. It feels weird for him, being the one providing logic. Usually this whole situation was the other way around; Pidge would be left brain and Lance the right. Strange.
"Yeah..." Pidge mumbles.
"Are you sleepy? Want an afternoon nap? " Lance asks. Well, no crap, because her eyelids droop and face relaxes. Pidge nods almost imperceptibly.
"I'm not a damn kindergartener...but a nap sounds good."
Lance wraps an arm around her, letting her lie on his shoulder, soon falling asleep.
Pidge gets stressed easier than she would like to show, admittedly, and this was a case of it.
Maybe she was embarrassed that she said Lance looked good?
Oh god, Lance suddenly realises and comprehends that Pidge thinks he's attractive (in some way). Oh god.
How lucky was he, after all?
With all kind of thoughts of these sorts shifting and twisting and morphing through his head, Lance is soon subdued to sleep, the two falling back on the bed.
Lance here.
I didn't think Pidge was taking this very well on the first day, honestly. Neither was I, frankly, but it just kept spiraling worse from there for her.
Yanno, she's so good at keeping secrets and all that? She managed to hide her gender and relation to Matt and Captain Holt for how long, again?
I think this month was the first time she found herself in a place where the truth was the only option available.
And I think maybe she wanted to kill Lotor even more after this. Haha.
Lance, come back?
I'm doing the second voice-over.
Oh, okay. Want me to check over the recording?
DAY 6:
Lance, as usual seeking to make a dramatic entrance, sashays into the common room with an unusual-wait, scratch that, normal-amount of confidence.
"Whaaaaaat," Pidge groans, lying down on her stomach on the sofa. She slips her headphones off, tilting her laptop screen slightly down. Hunk, asleep on the sofa, completely ignoring Lance.
"Ask me any question that I ordinarily would not be able to answer," Lance requests loudly, puffing his chest. "Coran said the spell should be gone by now, so this is my way of testing it."
Lance wanted a question? Well, Pidge supposes that what she was going to ask would either work out really well or really terribly for her.
"Is that really a good idea, Lance?" Shiro raises an eyebrow judgmentally. "You might end up revealing something you might not want to."
Lance shrugs.
"Honesty is a virtue, right?"
So far, today, Pidge has tried her best not to talk to people and to not let them talk to her. No communication equals no revealed truths, right?
Actually, she'd been using the same strategy for the past five days; wear headphones, work on Matt's case, take off for Allura or Keith's speeches. So far, with the peace that came with their battle with Lotor on Galaxor, the strategy had been working surprisingly well.
Lance, meanwhile, had been using this as an opportunity to comment a lot more than he usually did, this time with an excuse of honesty.
"Shiro, I need eyeliner lessons. You're a goddamn queen, you know that? You'd been god-level if you go back to the undercut, though."
"Keith, I'm really sorry, but you need to change that hideous jacket."
"I'm going to be honest, you're gorgeous and awesome Allura, but you're an awesome friend so let's keep it at that."
Allura's reaction had been more of 'like I was going to change that relationship status'. Pidge had definitely been surprised at that random outburst.
Lance flirting with Allura was like half of his identity by now (in Pidge's brain, that was. The other half was Lance flirting with random alien girls and a few guys scattered across the galaxies they visited).
"Name the person you'd most like to kiss in the room," Pidge delivers to Lance, grinning snidely at him.
So what if she may have had a little, teeny crush on the boy? So what if she'd hoped before that the person would be her? A girl could dream, right?
She doesn't expect Lance to struggle with the question, looking as if he had a frog stuck in his throat. Like he can't answer. As if something is stopping it from coming out. Lance doesn't seem to know why either, which immediately draws concern from the whole team.
"I don't know," he answers. "I mean, I physically can't answer that. My throat's not letting me."
Allura side-glances at Coran, who shrugs.
"Don't look at me, I don't know!"
"What do you mean your throat's not letting you?" Pidge asks, eyebrows pushed together, leaning closer to Lance as if studying him like a scientific specimen. "Like you don't want to say it?"
"It's more like the spell isn't forcing me to say it. Which is awesome, because it means it's not working anymore!" Lance cheers, happy.
Pidge isn't so sure.
The spell seemed to still be having some effect, but what? Lance was hiding something. How could his self-diagnosis change from 'being stopped from saying it' to 'stopping himself from saying it?'
Pidge isn't so sure.
She isn't going to be dumb like Lance, parade himself in front of the team, shake Hunk awake to celebrate the return of his dishonesty and lies. Maybe Pidge is hiding disappointment, she thinks, as she folds her laptop and stands up. Maybe Pidge is disappointed that she didn't get the answer she was looking for, she thinks, as she slips her headphones on and walks out of the room in silence, comforting music drowning out all other sound.
Maybe Pidge just-just wanted to know what Lance truly thought of her. That if he didn't want even Allura, that maybe he'd want her.
So Pidge, distressed (even if she wouldn't admit it herself) heads to the library, the beautiful library of the Castle, that was definitely underused.
While she strolls amidst the sky-high maze of shelves, decked with the most amazing (and unfortunately, rather disorganised) and informative collection of books Pidge has ever seen, her mind keeps on flashing back to the Garrison. To memories.
Memories where Pidge sees Lance for the first time, immediately noticing that the loud exterior definitely wasn't all there was to him. That he was admittedly good looking, and too tall for her to take, and endearingly charming. These were facts Pidge continually built up the more time she spent with him, despite all the lies she had to throw his way during that time.
She'd liked him, kind of. Pidge prefers to think of it not as a crush, but more of admiring. His sharpshooting, though she would never admit it, was so freaking awesome; he was like a video game character, but real!
But of course,  she wasn't going to tell anyone about that little secret of hers, for so so many different reasons. Now it was definitely more plausible, but now they were in space, a habitat featuring so many people that Lance would trail after rather than her.
Not because she wasn't good, not because she wasn't good enough. It was simply that she and Lance valued different things in life.
And that is a fact Pidge still struggles to learn and accept.
"Oh?" Pidge's foot nudges a small stack of papers, fallen open on the red carpet floor before her. Pidge stoops to pick it up, curious, the leaves nearly separating and flying away. She sifts through the papyrus-like pages, eyes drawn to one small, ripped sheet.
Add petals from four-petaled clover,
Five drops of water blue,
Drop six tears of a secretive lover,
And may all lie turn true
The rest of the poem is ripped off, a bare minimum of scribblings visible on the bottom ripped edge of the paper. Pidge flips the paper over, seeing only a few miscellaneous markings that didn't seem to be in any Altean words that she knew.
"What's this?" Pidge wonders aloud, standing back up with the single poem clutched in her small hands. A spell, perhaps? The very spell they have been cursed with? How would Lotor have access to Altean spells and be able to create them?
Four petaled clover. A symbol of luck to many people. Pidge just calls it a manufacturing error.
Water wasn't even really blue, was it? Really, it is the Sun that makes the water look blue. Goddamn poets.
The tears of a secretive lover seemed a bit harsh to use as an ingredient, Pidge thinks. Was it even a secret if the tears were collected? Wouldn't it no longer be a secret if they were known and used as a secretive lover?
Spells suck in that way.
Pidge pockets the poem, only that little paper, noting it for later analysis. Maybe this would be useful.
Scratch that, it will be useful.
Lance isn't as talkative as she was expecting him to be. The conversations seem more one to one, Keith and Hunk laughing about how Voltron was actually the vintage Transformers on crack, Shiro and Allura drafting up some diplomatic affairs, and Lance just sitting alone. Pidge assumes that Coran is just manning the ship while they eat. Pidge sits down right opposite Lance, putting on a smile. After a quick round of greetings around the table from everyone, Pidge makes a quiet noise that grabs Lance's attention.
"Hey," she greets, keeping the tone casual. Lance nods, returning her smile as a reply to her greeting.
"Are you sure the truth spell is over?" Pidge asks, unable to think of any other feasible conversation topic than maybe Kaltenecker or something. Maybe he really had been minced up.
"I think so, but I'm not sure. I've been in my room for the past hours since you left," Lance admits, "so I wasn't really talking to anyone."
"Aww, did someone miss me?" Pidge teases, Lance flushing a little bit. "You could have just swung around-"
"Paladins! Allura!" Coran bursts into the room, panting, eyes full of hyperactiv. "Transmission from Prince Lotor!"
Allura ditches the meal, jumping off her seat in all her royal regalia and impractical dresses, the Paladins all following along after her to the main hangar. Sure enough, the team sees the snide face of Prince Lotor, eyes as analytical and judgemental as ever.
"Greetings, Voltron." Pidge can't get over how damn smooth his voice is, honestly. "I've called to broker a deal that may suit both of us."
"And what deal is that, exactly?" Allura questions, hands on hips and voice threatening and intimidating. Allura was in battle mode, no diplomatic fluffiness going on here.
"You stop annoying me as I take Galaxor, and I'll give you the cure to the truth spell I so conveniently brewed up for yours truly," Lotor drawls. Lance and Pidge hear the slight murmurs of...Axca, maybe a little Ezor?
"Nonsense. The truth spell has been broken. Lance himself did so," Allura proclaims, looking proud as she shoves the small victory in Lotor's snide purple face. He laughs loudly, raising his eyebrows as if unable to believe it.
"Dear, Lance, do tell me what nations have joined the coalition and what is your Voltron-related plan for the future?" Lotor's smile returns, his face a perfect blend of calmness and impassiveness. Lance shrugs.
"Well, we've got Kansilfrey, Plaxim, Ragtayron...the like, I think I can show you a list later. As for the plan, we've got allies, and we can-"
Pidge jumps on Lance,  literally on him, knocking him down and effectively shutting him up. The headphones she wore were a surprisingly good tactic to avoid the truth, but Lance seemed in dire need of assistance.
She totally doesn't end up accidentally straddling him in the corner, totally doesn't start stammering and reddening. Yep.
'We will not be taking you up on your offer," Allura replies, concernedly looking at Lance and wondering why the hell Pidge was currently swinging on Lance's lanky body. "Goodbye."
Allura shoots Coran a look, and he shuts off the transmitter, Lotor disappearing from sight, looking almost disappointed.
Allura, furious, her eyes made of molten steel, turns to glare at Lance.
"You said the spell was finished!"
"That's what I thought, don't blame me!"
Allura paces the room deep in thought, eyebrows furrowed and white hair swinging everywhere. Lance hates seeing Allura stressed, actually everyone hates seeing Allura stressed. Even as the Black Paladin (and ex-black paladin, for Shiro,) everyone still looked up to their princess for instructions. She stops pacing, turning to Lance and Pidge.
"We need to work on getting a cure. We can't have Voltron compromised for very long. Lotor is getting to us," she mutters. Pidge and Lance are not sure whether they are supposed to answer that.
The little paper in Pidge's pocket suddenly feels heavy.
She doesn't mention it.
But maybe, just maybe if she had mentioned it, she would have been able to save herself from the embarrassment and pain to come.
The Ball.
@voltronrarepairbang @mclanchez-dictionary
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istrys · 7 years
The Vinterblot Pt 9
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Rethandus stared at his frozen gauntlet, gazing at the fractured light between his fingers from the sun along the horizon. He stood away from the other able-bodied defenders of the Bloodsworn Vanguard, remaining silent as the organization hustled around him. The Death Knight had spent the better half of a year getting used to his new body, a journey once thought impossible without Zion by his side for every step of the way. His armor was forged from titansteel and elementium, fresh off the anvil like his two new runeblades; at last he was prepared to take up arms against Whitstan and the darkness he would bring.
 “I wanna fight!” Zeth squeaked at his father, grabbing the Death Knight's attention; the pouting child was standing near the back-end of a long train of wagons that were preparing to evacuate everyone unfit to defend the Bloodsworn Vanguard. His sister stood beside him, with her arms crossed and seemingly just as upset about this whole situation as he was. “I can be a hero too!”
 “Aye, I know. You're my son, after all.” Ijiro smiled, running a hand through his son’s inky black hair. “But Syrahn needs a strong hero like yourself to protect the caravan, yeah? A lot of people are counting on you to help escort them to safety.”
“Dad, come with us.” Nairi insisted, no longer capable of standing there quietly. “I don’t want you to stay! It’s too dangerous!”
 “I’ve gotta defend the Halls, you know that.” Ijiro smiled, pulling them both in for a hug. “I love you both. I love you both so very much. But this isn’t goodbye, yeah? I’m going to be fine.” The Hunter paused to smooch both of them on their foreheads, while Syrahn appeared from inside the wagon with blood on her hands and a weak smile on her lips. “Stay out of trouble, and protect each other until we reunite again.” He grabbed Zeth by the straps of his overalls and lifted him into the wagon, followed by lifting Nairi by the waist to help her up as well. “How about after all this business we go on a fishing trip. Wouldn’t that be fun, yeah?”
 “Hey.” Zion grabbed Rethandus’ attention by gently taking him by the hand. “Are you sure you’re used to your body enough for this?”
 “I’m certain.” The Death Knight quickly responded, turning to her. “But… I need you to go evacuate with the others.”
 “That’s out of the question.” She huffed, releasing his hand. “We fight our battles together now. Remember?”
 “I won’t be able to focus on killing these invaders if I have to worry about your safety.” The Death Knight moved to brush a lock of hair away from her face, but she jerked away from him in anger.
 “You won’t have to worry about my safety.” Zion insisted, narrowing her brow at him. “You trained me to use this blade. I’m more than capable of killing evil.” Rethandus gave her a weak smile before crossing his arms. “I can use this blade just as well as you can now. Or do you think your training isn’t up for the task?”
 “I don’t doubt your skill with the blade.” He started, watching her facial expressions intensely. “And I know you can cut these cultists down with ease, especially when I have your back. But these zealots and worgen filth aren’t what I’m worried about.”
 “I’m not afraid of him.” Zion sneered indignantly, seemingly prepared to slap him again. “The caravan can get to safety just fine without me. And if you get hurt, who’s going to tend to your wounds? I’m the only one who can heal you.” Her raised voice started attracting the attention of the others, but the Death Knight didn’t pay them any attention. “I’m staying right here. Beside you.”
 “The caravan isn’t going to follow the roads. They’re sticking to the cover of the trees, and who else knows this forest better than you do?” Rethandus stepped forward and approached her again, this time placing his hand firmly on her shoulder; she looked away from him, pursing her lips together to not say something she would regret. “Zion, please… I can’t risk losing you.”
 “Everyone’s accounted for. We’re leaving!” Syrahn declared, knocking on the side of the wagon with the back of her hand. The caravan started their slow retreat, leaving the Bloodsworn Vanguard one by one. Zion glanced back at them before returning her worried gaze to the Death Knight.
 “We’ll be together again soon.” Rethandus assured, letting go of her shoulder. “Once we beat these monsters back and claim Whitstan’s head as a trophy, we’ll be reunited. Maybe some of these cultists will have something valuable on them that will suit as a proper gift.” She stared into his eyes for several moments in silence, biting her lower lip while she wearily took a few steps away. “Zion, I know you want to stay, but I want you on that carav-” She muttered something under her breath while she quickly closed the gap between them, taking the Death Knight by surprise when she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down to her eye level.
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Zion pressed her dry lips against his, quickly running her hands through his frozen hair to draw him even closer. Her kiss was surprisingly soft, stunning the Death Knight while returning a nostalgic feeling he thought he had long forgotten. Before he could react she released him, gazing deep into his eyes for a split second before turning her back to the Death Knight. Rethandus stood there stunned, watching the woman sprint away to leap onto the side of the caravan; Zion glanced back at him with hesitance in her eyes, before disappearing out of his sight.
 “Ooh, a little something extra to fight for, yeah?” Ijiro laughed, nudging the Death Knight’s elbow. Rethandus shot his glare toward the Hunter, but the grimace on his face was short lived.
 “Quiet you.” the Death Knight smirked, adjusting the sheathes tied to his waist while he turned around. “We need to get our heads out of the clouds and focus on this battle. It’s going to be a rough one.”
 “True, true.” Ijiro yawned obnoxiously, stretching his arms as unnecessarily loudly as he possibly could. “Are you afraid, then? Of facing Whitstan’s frothing minions?”
 “No.” He quickly answered, flexing his fingers in his gauntlets. “You?”
 “Pfft. I’ve fought worse than this.” Ijiro rolled his shoulders while they both began walking to regroup with the others. “But uh… if I start screeching like a little girl and shit myself, do me a favor and tell my kids that I died like a hero, yeah?”
 “Heh… fair enough.” Rethandus’ smirk slowly faded upon seeing Councilor Kash’kaar standing atop the wall on the other side of the Bloodsworn Vanguard Halls; the Pyromancer’s hardened scowl wasn’t a pleasant sight- but it was a welcome one. This would be the first time the Death Knight would see him fight, and it would be something he was looking forward to.
 “There’s a good chance none of us will see the sunrise.” Zerethel shouted, already off to a fantastic start. “The Triptych is coming for us, accompanied by Gods know how many of its followers. With them are Whitstan’s worgen elite, hand-picked from the throngs of the ruined Gilneas. And lastly, we have Whitstan himself; once my closest friend, now my greatest enemy. Our greatest enemy.” He paused to wheeze, resisting the urge to clutch at his chest again. “But the Bloodsworn Vanguard doesn’t fear death. We’ve fought Whitstan’s forces before, and prevailed! The Triptych can’t hold a candle to the Cult of the Damned, and when we faced their might in Northrend, we prevailed! You all have experience in killing those that would slaughter our families and raze our homes. We are the first and last defense of Quel’thalas against Whitstan and his so-called Second Scourge. Each and every one of you will prove our might as we bathe in the blood of these wretches and their masters that birthed them! They will slam into us with everything they have, but we have faced much worse, have we not?!” The crowd around Rethandus and Ijiro raised their fists into the air and shouted as one, causing the Death Knight to glance around while his smirk partially returned.
 “Look!” one of the defenders shouted, pointing up to the sky. “Look at the sun…!” A giant disc as black as pitch slowly appeared beside the sun, gradually snuffing it out in a solar eclipse; but instead of the once blue sky turning black, it began to shimmer a sanguine red, dropping the land around them in a deep crimson.
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“She is here.” Zerethel announced, grinning fiendishly. “They plan to finish this quickly. Prepare yourselves and watch each other's backs. This battle may end in an hour, just as easily as it could last we'll into tomorrow morning.”
 “We can kill cultists…” Ijiro started, glancing around. “But what about the Triptych itself? We risk madness if we get too close.”
 “That's where I come in.” Areus spoke out, keeping his back against a wall while he took another puff of his pipe; even though his blindfold covered his eyes, he was still able to look in their general direction. Nobody dared question the mysterious magic that granted him some sort of sight, but if he was confident enough to take care of that problem himself, then they had little to worry about. “I'm going to take it down before its chosen vessel even reaches the walls. Try not to think about it.”
 “The Commander will be joining the battle soon, but he won't make himself known until after Whitstan reveals himself.” Zerethel explained, preemptively answering what would no doubt be the next of their many questions. “After all, he is their primary target. If he dies, the Bloodsworn Vanguard dies with him.” Areus didn't say another word while he sidestepped away from the defenders, vanishing in the cover of the red eclipse’s suffocating darkness.
 “What the fuck…?” Ijiro murmured, raising an open palm once he began to feel droplets hitting his face; he scrunched his nose up the moment he sniffed his hand. “Holy shit… is it raining… blood?!”
 “Seems like it.” Rethandus huffed, glancing up into the sky while others began to notice too. “Not a single cloud. This rain is definitely the Triptych’s doing. It must be trying to frighten us.”
 “How cute, it’s learned a new trick.” Zerethel waved his hand dismissively, seemingly ignoring the blood rain splattered across his face and staining his robes. “Rethandus, take some men over the wall to meet these invaders in the forest. Thin their numbers before they reach the Halls. Ijiro, take up a defensive position along the wall, and provide support. I will be in charge of defending the courtyard.” The Pyromancer wheezed hoarsely, rubbing blood away from his eyes while he glared down at the defenders; even though they had close to two hundred volunteers, he knew they were still outmatched and outnumbered. “Do not let them breach the Council Tower! Do not let them overwhelm Lord Sun’rael! And do not let Whitstan escape our wrath in one piece! For the Vanguard!”
 “FOR THE VANGUARD!” the defenders raised their weapons and shouted in unison, filling the air with their vengeful war cries. Rethandus remained silent, mentally preparing himself for the imminent battle. Forty of the Vanguard’s best men rallied behind the Death Knight while he began to make his way through the gate; but as he passed Zerethel, the Pyromancer reached out and stopped him by firmly grabbing his shoulder.
 “Andu’al.” he glowered in a hushed tone. “If you spot him in the forest… do not engage him alone.”
 “Understood.” Rethandus nodded, glancing over at him before continuing outside. The rain was at a downpour now, covering the dead grass and melting snow with slick pools of blood. The eclipse remained a constant presence in the back of the Death Knight’s mind, knowing whatever madness the Triptych planned to unleash upon the Bloodsworn Vanguard was quickly approaching. “Men of the Vanguard!” He shouted, unsheathing his glowing runeblades. The distant sound of screaming and the approaching of numerous footsteps filled his body with the thrill of combat. 
“Prepare yourselves!”
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Mentions: @areussunrael
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howaboutthetruth · 5 years
A Fracture of the Mind
20:00:39] Zeth Yorn had left the bath house, running across the snow glistened fields and darting past the trees, finally making it to the familiar house. Finally he leaped up against the building's top most window which he thought was open cause it was quite dark out when infact it was not. The glass of the window shattered as the direwolf fell into the tub with such force that him and the tub fell straight into the floor down below as a loud crash came from the living room.
[20:05:57] Alinoura had literally laid down, moments ago, she would jump up, screaming loudly from the shattering and the sudden cast-iron tub hitting the floorboards, which the wood would make sickening snaps and cracks as some of the tub broke the floor! She got up and locked her door with the dead bolt, her heart beating within her entire beating, she trembled with fear. she was not about the leave her room, she looked to her window, she moved to open it, with a soft, pathetic grunt of pain, she were still weak.. and hadnt eaten in days, as she panted a bit, she moved her hand to her stomach, as she began to cry, she had to force herself up, but she found herself crying instead.
[20:08:49] Mathias Orrin had been approaching Alinoura's house to see if she had returned from her travels... The sound of a familiar voice letting out a scream had put him on alert... What the hell was going on these past few days! He hobbled faster to the front door and pounded on the wooden structure. "Alinoura! Is everything okay!?"
[20:10:37] Zeth Yorn groaned as he moved out of the cast iron tub and wiggled himself a bit, avoiding a bit of the glass and that came from the upstairs window with him and the water that was now puddling on the floor boards "Ali is going to kill me..." he said to himself but he heard grunts of pain and crying. She was in trouble! He quickly lunged at the door,  ripping it off its hinges toward the living room "Ali?" he would say before hearing Mathias calling from the front door.
[20:16:05] Alinoura had tears rolling down her cheeks, she were shaking, she covered her small baby bump, her other hand raised, she was terrified, more so as the door came off and smacked Zeth upside the head, she scrambled to her open window forcing herself to climb into the window seal, she were making louder panicked sounds, she couldnt hear anything, she couldn't *SEE* anything. But she knew her house pretty well... For a blind woman.
[20:22:19] Mathias Orrin was still pounding the door outside. "Screw it..." he grunted as he tried to open the door... It wasn't locked... "Shit.... Alinoura!" He called again only to hear her panicked noises. He watched Zeth get thoroughly smacked by the Drow... He moved slower, slow steps, if Alinoura slapped him, something was wrong.... a pit began to grow in his stomach as he approached her he reached out with his hand slowly in an attempt to cup her hands in his. "Ali..." he called out once more
[20:25:11] Zeth Yorn had ripped off the door with too much force, causing him to get smacked in the face and fall backward onto the floor below, the door resting on him as slight annoyed whimpers came from him. "Ugggghhh..." was all he can say as he slowly started getting back up, pushing the door off him only to see Mathias enter in the house and enter the back room. "Is she ok?" he would yell toward Mathias as he slowly made his way to the room, limping a little bit as he had cuts on his back leg "Ali?"
[20:26:34] Alinoura fell back down her body shifted towards Mathias, she felt hands against her own, she only jerked back and soon fell, she scooted back against the wall, her tears still flowing from her cheeks. "No more.. No more... No more... Please.. no more.." she begged through her tears, and her gasping. She moved her hands to cover her face, she moved them from her face to her belly suddenly. " I dont.. Do.. dont want.." She mumbled a bit shaking her head, she clung to her belly.
[20:29:37] Mathias Orrin 's face soured, "Does she sound like she's alright?" He cursed, wincing from his pain. He put a  slow comforting hand on Alinoura's shoulder. "Something's definitely not right... Go... go get a healer... You'd be much faster than me at this point." He grunted at his own weakness at this point...  He'd attempt to wave his other hand in front of Alinoura's face.
[20:36:35] Zeth Yorn scrunched up his face "Where the fuck am I supposed to find a healer? I don't know this town or people. I tend to stay away from those that like to hunt me..." he growled slightly "If I was in better shape...I could sprint faster than you..." as he pulled a shard of glass out of his leg, the blood slightly seeping onto the fur and floor boards below "But..I had a crash in with a window upstairs..." he sighed a bit and look toward Ali "Ali, its me, Zeth..Please calm down..."
[20:37:36] Alinoura would be panting lightly. "Mathias?" She would whisper, her amethyst colored eyes, seemed to stare past him. "Wha-what are you doing?! What did you do!? she lifted her hand like a fist, she were speaking between her tears, her sobbing. " I.. just got home!" she shouted at him.. her head turned towards the voice of her brother. "Zeth?!" She shouted even more. "You broke what!!!!"
[20:41:56] Mathias Orrin glared at Zeth. "Go to a town... any town....." he growled at Zeth. "Ali... I heard something crash... Can you see me Ali?" He questioned completely concerned... he already knew the answer..... "What happened Ali?" He paused a hint of sadness in his voice as he tried to grip her raised fist.
[20:45:16] Zeth Yorn glared at Mathias "Do you know if she even needs a healer? We should inspect her first before deciding who or what she needs..." But as Ali asked him what he broke, he whimpered slightly as his ears pinned back "I may of thought the upstairs window was open...annnnnnnd I lept toward it...and it was dark and there was a window there..." he slightly coughed "I might of busted through the window, fell into the tub with full force that it knock the tub into your livingroom..." his tail went between his legs "So uh..yeah, I'm home!" he gave a slightly cheesey don't kill me kind of grin. He eyed all his exits just incase he had to make a quick escape to not die.
[20:46:56] Alinoura seemed to be calming a bit, as she knew who were in her house. "No.. I.. am fine! please do not go to a healer! I do not want to see anyone, not out side of you two or.. " She trailed off, she couldnt even say Azynis, she smelled.. like the minotaur. she raised her hand to wipe away her tears, she jerked her hand from Mathias. " Please do not touch me.." she said a bit softer, she began to swallow a bit. "Do not leave." she practically begged. "I do not want to be alone." she were beginning to tear up once more, her stomach growled. " Zeth.. you could have knocked... "she sounded very disappointed in him. She was blind. There was nothing she could really do to fix up her home.. she just.. seemed to stare into the void.
[20:50:25] Mathias Orrin rescinded his hand. and shuffled himself to the ground near Alinoura. "What can we do Ali?" he asked concerned... he sounded tired.... more tired than usual... Ali had seen what he'd gone through in the past after he died, he held a hand to his stomach wincing once more in pain.
[20:54:48] Zeth Yorn frowned a bit "I'm sorry Ali...I was hoping to surprise you instead of frighten you and caused all this...I will..knock next time.." he felt bad but he sighed "Ali, what has happened? Are you well?" he would ask before looking at Mathias "I actually agree with him, what can we do to help?" as he began to shift out of his direwolf form back into his Lythari. His bones cracking and shifting as he returned to his normal form.
[20:56:39] Alinoura felt.. dizzy, light headed really, starved, she grimaced, her hands moved to her belly, as she made a pained groan. "M-Mathias.. " She managed to say. " Are.. you okay?" she took in a long deep breath, she tried to handle her pains that she were having. Her ears twitching here and there, she leaned against the wall, her head loled a bit. " I am famished." She would admit.. "Mathias.. She took me again.." She whispered. " She took me again... I escaped two days ago.. I got lost.. and a.. brute of a creature kept me in his cave because of the snow storm. .. But I am here now.. "
[20:59:43] Mathias Orrin grunted, "Nothing like getting cut in half again..... Just about a day ago..." he answered Alinoura.  "I have no clue where you keep anything in this place Ali...." he answered with a sigh. "But I have some jerky.... Any idea what manner of beast absconded with you?" He'd inquire. there all manners of beasts living in the wilds to begin with.... "And are you sure you don't want a healer Ali?"
[21:06:47] Zeth Yorn finally back in his normal form looked over Ali and sighed a bit, before exiting the room and flipping over the table and looking over the potions she had on the floor, some broken, others still intact. He placed the ones in tact between his belt loops before rummaging through some of the drawers picking up a bit of the fruit. He returned placing the fruit in her lap "Food" he spoke before looking over the potions and pulling out some herbs from a pouch he had as he sat on the bed, concentrating on what he was mixing together.
[21:09:02] Alinoura continued leaning against the wall, she felt sick. "I.. Am not sure... all I remember was it were cold.. I ... think I fainted in the snow.. ?" she questioned her hand moving out in front of her. "Jerky is sustenance if you do not mind sharing. I do not feel so .. well." her head were spinning, she felt the cool air hit her, which helped with hot hot she felt, it were preventing her from passing out right then and there. " But.. what ever beast it were, it were rude, and demanding.. and man handled me.. and snorted loudly.. It... IT forced me to.." she trailed off turning her gaze away. " It had women, I could hear them crying... telling me to run. When I did try to run.. he tore my clothing from me, and told me to sit besides the fire, where it were warm.. " She wasnt going to mention the fact that the beast made her stroke him, and covered her in gross. Which the scent did stick for those with the noses to smell it. " I do NOT want a healer! I do not want to deal with anyone!" She felt.. very stressed, her hand jerked back to her belly as she cried out in pain once more. " HUNGRY!" She had a growl leave her. and suddenly fruit were set in her lap, her hands moved to the fruit, she went to grab one, she shoved it into her mouth, without hesitation. ... When Zeth sat on the bed, a strange smell of death filled the entire room. Gag worthy.
[21:19:22] Mathias Orrin listened as Alinoura told what had happened, snorting, he winced slgihtly..... he pulled the jerky from his jacket and tossed it over to Ali as well. "We're here Ali..... No healer.... I got ya...." he sighed... Honestly... where the hell was Azynis in this whole mess? His opinion on father of her future child kept getting lower and lower. He had left the note soon after Ali had been taken last time... "OH GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SMELL!?!"
[21:23:24] Zeth Yorn as was mixing the potion and herbs in, causing the potion to fizzle to life, suddenly the gagging smell came to his nostrils "BY WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS IS THAT SMELL?!" he would look around and finally under the bed and almost threw up "Alinoura!" he spoke with a bit stern voice while gagging. "This is going out now! I'll be back!" as he grasped the body and carried it over his shoulder heading to the graveyard not too far from the house.
[21:28:16] Alinoura were devouring the fruit that were given to her, if she didn't slow down she was going to puke, but she did not care, she was famished,  She was blind, she turned her head up as a bit of jerky smacked her in the forehead. " What just hit me in the face?" she were stunned, as the smell of the body .. that had been rotting there, seeped into her nostrils, immediately they flare. she turned over, as vomit erupted from her lips, and hit the floor, she just sat there. "uuuhuhnnn..." her dizziness hit her hair.
[21:30:08] Mathias Orrin winced slightly "I have no clue what you're talking about.. but the jerky is on your lap." He paused and looked away as she vomited all over the floor. "Huuuurp...." He muttered trying to hold in the urge to not throw up as well.
[21:32:12] Zeth Yorn is burying the body in the graveyard. Lots of shoveling noises and gagging sounds in the distance.
[21:34:49] Alinoura were on her knees at this point, she held her breath for a moment, she moved to stumble to her feet, she moved to try and find the door out of her room, it smelled awful in here, how could she forget the dead body!!! She leaned over and gagged, choking a bit, drool from .. a pre-vomit feeling came to her. "O-oh no-ouughh!" She would throw up once more in the doorway.
[21:36:21] Mathias Orrin called out to her as she ran, "Ali wait... there's..." but she already ran past him.
21:37:12] Zeth Yorn has finally buried the body and is now taking off his cloak and straps and burning them [21:37:30] Zeth (riguel.ilsker): ^ still in the graveyard
[21:38:23] Alinoura moved to try and step past the vomit, she stumbled a bit more, she would trip on broken wood, yelling loudly, as she fell forwards into her cast-iron tub... her forehead colliding with the side of it, she laid there, unconscious now, her arms on the sides of the tub, almost backwards, her legs bent over the side. Oops.
[21:43:08] Mathias Orrin glanced outside the room, "well I tried to warn her...." he muttered  "Zeth!" he shouted, "This your mess.! I'm going home!" He shouted... waaay too much problems today...
[21:44:07] Zeth Yorn finally after burying the corpse in the graveyard and burning his clothes cause there was no way he was getting the smell of corpse ass out of that cloak. Finally stumbling back toward the door, he opened it up "I'm right here! You didn't need to yell."
[21:45:58] Alinoura were there in the cast-iron tub, her blood, her scent filled the air, of the smell of death, and vomit. Blood were seeping in the tub now from her forehead, this were not good, and fuckin MATHIAS JUST LEFT HER THERE LIKE AN ASSHOLE. (*GIVES THE BIRD*)
[21:55:00] Zeth Yorn saw her ass up in the tub and he just sighed "Last time I saw you like this was on that on your birthday a few years back..." he rubbed his forehead and sighed as he dabbed a bit of his hand on the blood and began writing ruins upon the tub near her and sigils and a couple incantation circles. "Heal hi adaneth o hen wounds a naeg, leith hen o hen naeg a rejuvenate hen health(Heal this woman of her wounds and pain, release her of her pain and rejuvenate her health.)" he would open the vial of the elixer he had finished prior and would bring it to her lips, forcing it in her mouth.
[22:03:14] Alinoura continued to lay there, she did not move very much, for the poor dear were unconscious.. her forehead split open from hitting it so hard, she were limp, within her mind, she were playing her best memories, Azynis had been holding her close "Moxt rasvim..." echoed through her memories, each one playing like an old record, as Zeth had attempted his healing her gash, the break, a green aura filled her room, the hue of blue were with it as well, warmth filled the room, the gash slowly began to heal, as she laid there, the blood had stopped pooling in her tub, she slowly sat up moments later, the world were spinning, she could see! But.. everything were a blurr, she moved her hands to her blood soaked face, the blood were not dry as it ran down her neck against her breasts. .. No words left her, she just. Sat there.
[22:09:19] Zeth Yorn collapsed next to the tub, a bit weakened from his attempt to heal her "Hey...you ok?" he huffed a bit "I haven't restored my mana recently so I'm a little low..." he looked toward her, inspecting her body to see if the wounds had closed up.
[22:14:13] Alinoura just sat there on her knees, staring at the blood in the tub, her eyes were bright red... she reached down slowly, touching it. She felt angry... " ....." she looked up slowly to Zeth. " Mmm..." She moved her hand to rub against her eyes. " ... You.." her voice carried a bit of venom. " I should have killed you, and your filthy mother.." a slow his left her. Her Memory block! she moved to lunge at him with her poison coated claws. "I wont make that mistake now!" she shouted, she were a bit slower, she hadnt eaten in days, and she were recovering from what just happened.
22:23:47] Zeth Yorn was taken by surprise that she was attacking him as her claws sunk into his flesh as he let out a yelp "Alinoura! What the fuck?! We've been together, took you in, treated you like family?! Just what the fuck!" he tried to push her off but he couldn't, she was like stuck to him like goddamn glue and the poison wasn't helping his situation.
[22:26:22] Alinoura sat there on him, she moved her hand to his throat, as he had tried to push her off, she remained seated there. " I will never be family to a filthy elf.." She would cackle loudly, her red eyes flamed for a moment. " Ooh.." she said, moving her hand down his chest slowly.. " How.. yummy..." she couldnt help but to laugh more, she lifted her hand and began drawing a rune in the air. "You are going to wish you were dead... "
[22:28:36] Zeth Yorn could only think he was going to die if he didn't get out of there quickly he would try shove her off again, disrupting her magic and try to run out the door as quickly as possible.
[22:32:26] Alinoura continued to draw a bit more of the rune, it were for fire, her legs tightened around his sides, when he tried to push her off once more, he failed. Once more. she continued to laugh, like a maniac. " Look your gods have abandoned you, Zeth.." her voice were firm as she said this. " Vesa, my lady, I call upon you to bring harm to this poor.. poor elf." a fireball formed up above her and she moved to get off of him as it went to shoot down at him!
[22:42:19] Zeth Yorn was struggling to get up, sliding against the pools of her and his blood. Just when he was getting his footing, he got smacked in the right side of his shoulder, burning and seering the flesh as he screamed in pain. "Damn it Alinoura, you wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for me? I just saved you and that's how you repay the person who saves your life?! Regardless of my disgusting blood to you, I still saved your life and if you end mine, that blood is on your hands, you will have to live with it that you killed the one person who saved you." as he struggled to get up, he lunged at her, his hand on her chest, his tattoos glowing slightly as he held his hand there, trying to drain her of every last bit of her mana so she couldn't cast anymore temporary.
[22:46:54] Alinoura stood there, she didnt seemed phased, or seemed to care at all, about him being harmed, she looked down at him as he were nothing to her, her lips curled into a grin, ear to ear, there were something twisted about her aura, she seemed to enjoy watching him struggle to get up, she stepped off to the side as he leaned forward to try and touch her. "Do you understand, Your Alinoura is a FAKE! A weak little whore.. who got herself knocked up.. over "LOVE" I will tell you my dear... There is no such thing as love.. only misguided feelings... " a purr would leave her lips.. " Filth.. Look at you.. Weak.. " she said slowly, she moved to lift her knee, towards him, to knee him in the gut as best as she could.
[22:47:00] Mathias Orrin had returned after clearing out his stomach contents. hearing nothing but pure mayhem inside the house, "Seriously! I'm gone for a while and all shit hits the fan?" He muttered as he entered the home
[22:52:11] Zeth Yorn coughed as he fell to the floor from being kneed in the stomach, his shoulder ached from the burns, the poison was still having its effect, his magic was low and he was not doing well from the glass shard that had gashed his leg earlier. As Mathias came in "Run! Don't let her get close, she is not herself!" he would cough out as he tried to get back up, trying to escape.
[22:53:38] Mathias Orrin grunted, "Ali... I know he broke most of your shit... but that's no reason to go on a rampage..." He'd state clenching a fist and taking a swing at her face with a bare knuckled fist.
[22:56:03] Alinoura moved her hand up into the air, as the energies would shift she began channeling energy, which caused the room to shake briefly.. She was doing something bigger... her free hand began drawing another rune, flames were forming, she were suddenly struck across the face as a fist hit her square in the jaw, the energies returned to normal, she stumbled over, she leaned over spitting out a tooth or two, with some blood, she slowly looked up to Mathias, as she began to shriek at him. her eyes glowing vibrantly, she ran towards him, she lunged her poison tipped claws extended towards him, trying to scratch him!
[23:02:43] Zeth Yorn would slowly began to get back up and make his way back toward the table trying to find the potion. He knew she had one that could get him back on his feet and maybe finally able to subdue her. He'd look toward Mathias, oh good he's keeping her busy.
[23:02:51] Mathias Orrin leaned forward attempting another swing as she jumped toward him, the poisoned claw catching his shoulder as he once more took another swing at her face... the usual alinoura would kick his ass if anything happened to the baby.
[23:04:54] Alinoura lifted her hand catching his fist in her claws, she narrowed her eyes. "You... Cannot die.." she whispered, her gaze moved to the door, she moved to kick Mathias towards the couch in hopes to knock him out towards, and over it.
[23:06:50] Zeth Yorn mentally yelled fuck as he was having trouble finding it "Who even keeps bull testicle regrowth?" he muttered to himself as he kept moving past all the vials that were around and past some of the broken ones.
23:08:48] Mathias Orrin moved his body to remain in front of Alinoura, side stepping her kick he swung another strong right hook punch for her cheek.
[23:11:29] Alinoura would begin to turn, she had noticed Zeth over there, but the moment Mathias' fist hit her she stumbled, and fell against the ladder, she panted a bit, blood running down the corners of her cheek, and her nostril..  she lifted her hand, the energy began to change as she began to draw a blue rune in the air, channeling arcane energies.. What was she doing?
[23:15:46] Zeth Yorn finally found the potion, the rejuvenating potion, he quickly popped the cork and chugged the whole thing. It tasted terrible but suddenly he felt a lot better, his wounds healing, his strength returning and his magic was back at full. "Finally! I am back at full! Mathias! Stop her from doing that rune, I need to time to craft this spell to finally stop her." He grasped some of her blood from the tub and began chanting as he drew a sigil in the palm of his hand in her own blood.
[23:16:05] Mathias Orrin rushed forward toward Ali once more, both fists held at the ready as he threw one jab and punch aimed at her face once more.
[23:18:30] Alinoura would move to dodge the first punch, some how, being cornered like a rat, she hit the ladder, and it snapped beneath this, it had been a weak ladder anyways.. she sat there, her hand  remained holding the rune, she were struggling, which ads another round for casting.
[23:21:02] Mathias Orrin narrowed his eyes once more going for a knee strike to her temple and a follow up punch to the face.. "Ali... stay down!" he grunted....
[23:22:54] Zeth Yorn finished the sigil as he began to chant "Oh by the blood of the woman who's mind is corrupted, bind her in crystal, her body, mind and soul, trap her within this prism and by the blood can she be released" A dark red magic would begin to seep from the sigil, crimson as blood moving toward her in hopes to encase her.
[23:24:52] Alinoura would scoot back further into the wall, the punches just missing, as he swung so recklessly! Missing each time. She whimpered a bit. She changed one line to the rune, to a barrier rune, they both were very close to each other, she needed to go. NOW.. a magical barrier were put up as soon as Zeth had casted his spell, she held up her hand leaning against the wall, she were panting a bit. everything were blurring. she lifted her other hand, and began channeling more energy. She was drawing another rune, she was threatening to teleport away.. They needed to break the barrier.
[23:28:18] Mathias Orrin grunted as he saw the barrier appear. he grabbed the broken ladder and tried using it as a battering ram against the barrier... once, twice... three times to probably no avail.....
[23:31:52] Zeth Yorn shouted "Oh for fuck's sake!" as he moved his hand over the sigil again "By the blood of the woman who's mind is corrupted, bind her in crystal, her body, mind and soul, trap her within this prism, break forth through the barrier and trap her completely" The red magic would come out from his hand like twin serpents rushing at Alinoura's barrier.
[23:34:38] Mathias Orrin summed up the situation with one word... "Fuck"
[23:35:06] Zeth Yorn joined Mathias in unison "Fuck"
[23:35:38] Mathias Orrin glared at Zeth... "The fuck did you do?"
[23:36:11] Mathias Orrin let out a heavy sigh, "Whatever just heal me before I die again!"
[23:43] Zeth Yorn grasp the blood from the tub "Brace yourself, she's coming back, I can summon her back" as he began writing blood sigils and runes, as he begans create a circle of direction to bring her back. [23:43] Mathias Orrin stands back and watches.
[23:44] Zeth Yorn begins chanting an ancient elven verse and finally he says in a loud booming voice "ALINOURA, I SUMMON YOU"
[23:45] Mathias Orrin steps back into a fighting stance ready to strike out as soon as Alinoura appears., he took a swing at him.
23:46:45] Alinoura were stunned from the summoning spell, she  flung forward as MAthias hit her, and back towards Zeth, he would hit her too, her blood splattering against the floor, she would fall towards the blade of the dagger she held.
[23:47:45] Mathias Orrin caught Alinoura as she flew back from Zeth's punch, "Got her!" He called out, "DO YOUR GODDAMN SPELL!"
[23:52:04] Zeth Yorn finally creating the sigil once again, he brought her blood together and summoned his spell to bind her in crystal. The red energy encased her completely in crystal, freezing her in time until the crystal was broken again by magic. The crystalized Alinoura which probably got really heavy suddenly in Mathias' arms.
[23:53:04] Alinoura were unconscious in Mathias' arms, her blade fell against the ground. limp noodle, the crystal would build around her, soon she could not do anything, at all. Basically shelfed.
[23:53:22] Mathias Orrin felt the sudden increase in weight. "Seriosuly...... The fuck did you do?"
[23:56:05] Zeth Yorn sighed "I encased her in crystal so she's sealed until I can study the spell my mother used on her before to block that darkness from her memory because right now I do not remember it and the last thing we want is her to be the loose."
[23:56:49] Mathias Orrin waved it off, "Screw it... I'm going home..." He sighed as he walked out of the house.... "Sort this out or." He raised a fist up toward Zeth... "You'll be on the receiving end next."
[23:58:30] Zeth Yorn grinned "Well, make sure you stay alive so you can save my ass incase this all goes south"
[23:59:16] Mathias Orrin grunted at Zeth, "Yeah... fuck you too." he muttered leaving the house once more.
[23:59:39] Zeth Yorn waved as he chuckled
0 notes
dog-girl-zezora · 3 years
Sougo can like. Get it.
His new outfit is really, *chef's kiss* Yummy.
0 notes
dog-girl-zezora · 3 years
0 notes
sky-scribbles · 5 years
If you're still doing these: Neyna - 4, 5 (I'm wondering if they carry art supplies!) and then Zeth - 20, 24, 27?
Thanks so much for asking!
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Ziost. Up until then, Neyna was Sith only so they could learn to control their Force abilities, not because of any loyalty to the Empire. But when they watched Vitiate consume the planet, they felt rage on behalf of its citizens like nothing they’d felt before. These people deserved better. And that meant Neyna no longer felt that they could run off and leave the Empire behind - they had to stay, to protect these people, to give them the kind of leadership they deserved.
Up until then, Neyna had never given their loyalty to anything larger than themself or their close ones. Ziost flicked a switch they never even knew was there, and suddenly they could believe in a Great Cause. Without that, they might never have stuck around to join the Alliance... or to finally get together with Lana.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
They absolutely have art supplies! A small sketchbook (they pay a fortune for the luxury of paper, but it’s worth it), a pocket watercolour set, some pencils. Probably a few treats and a whistle for Indigo the kell drake too, plus a small hairbrush and spare hair ties.
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
Constantly, and both. :’D
Thanks to the constant tests and trials of being a young Jedi, and having never lived outside the order, Zeth has a fixation on being the best he can possibly be.  As a kid, he thought that if he wasn’t good enough, he’d get kicked out of the order.
So he was always judging himself against the other Padawans - that one’s so outspoken and rebellious, that means I’m doing okay, I’m a Good Obedient Padawan. But that one’s so much better at telekinesis, the masters must be so disappointed that I’m not as good as them. Am I strong enough? Are my morals good enough? Am I enough? And so on until he turned into the insecure mess he is at the beginning of the knight storyline.  He manages to grow out of this over his class story, thankfully - once he finally realises that he doesn’t have to prove himself to the entire galaxy, just to himself.
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
When it comes to trusting someone to watch his back in battle, Zeth finds that quite easy. If their goals are aligned, it just makes sense to trust them. Being hostile or suspicious is going to drive them away - but if he shows he’s willing to rely on them, they’re more likely to trust him, too. (Somewhere, Theron is tearing his hair out because can his boyfriend please be a bit more suspicious of people.)
When it comes to trusting people enough for him to relax and be emotionally vulnerable around them... that takes longer. His Jedi upbringing has made him used to not ever talking about his feelings. I think Kira and Theron are the only people in the entire galaxy he’d be comfortable trusting with absolutely anything.
27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
He’ll try to smooth things over - often in a surprisingly direct manner. If he’s involved in an argument, he’ll start asking questions, trying to get to the root of why it’s happening. Then he’ll suggest practical ways for everyone involved - including himself, if he’s at fault - to fix the issue.
He’ll be gentle about it if he can, but he’s ready to speak a little firmly if that’s what’s needed. In his mind, all confrontation is an imperfection that can be fixed, and it’s much better to sort that out - calmly, open-mindedly, and immediately. Otherwise, you get simmering rivalries all around you, and that’s just asking for trouble. (Having SCORPIO around was... a bit of a nightmare for him, since this method just never worked :’D)
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sky-scribbles · 5 years
1, 5, 16, 22, and 25 for Zeth/Theron; 3, 7, 9, 17, and 25 for Sarai/Atton! c:
Aaah, thank you so much for all these! :D
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Zeth surprises everyone, including Theron andhimself, with how freely affectionate he is once they’re together.Suddenly Theron’s day is full of unobtrusive little gestures - a swift foreheadkiss, a squeeze of his hand, being called some ul’Zabrak term of endearmentthat nobody else in the room understands. Despite all that Jedi reserve, onceZeth lets himself feel something, he lets it show.
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
Zeth, absolutely, because he is a giraffe andI’m not sure Theron would actually be able to pick him up. (Zeth 100%bridal-carried him off Nathema, his boyfriend isn’t walking anywhere afterbeing stabbed through the gut, thank you.)
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a littlelonger?
That’s a tough question for two disastrouslylarge workaholics :’D I think Theron, by a narrow margin - Zeth’s massiveself-discipline and overdeveloped sense of responsibility means that he justcan’t be too self-indulgent for long before starting to feel guilty. Anddefinitely Theron after the Zildrog fiasco - for once, his compulsion to getworking is outweighed by the need to hold Zeth for just five minutes more, justto remind himself that they’re both still there.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Neither of them cooks often, sincethey’re so constantly tangled up in Alliance work, and because… well, ‘SIS agentwho exists on caf and protein bars’ and ‘Jedi who never even learned tocook until a few years ago’ isn’t a very productive combination when it comesto the culinary arts. 
But on the rare occasions they take some timeout from the Alliance, Zeth’s more likely to give it a try - he’s been tryingto connect more with his Zabrak heritage, and part of that has been learning tomake some traditional dishes. He’s finding he rather enjoys it, and perhaps hemight actually convince himself to let himself have some more free time so hecan turn it into a hobby…
25. Who needs more assurance?
Originally, Zeth. Theron’slifestyle may not lend itself well to committed relationships, but at least hehas a vague idea of how they work. Whereas Zeth, for every new milestone intheir relationship, is wondering what’s expected of him and whether he’sgetting this right.
After Nathema, though… relieved as Theronmight be to have been forgiven and taken back, it’s hard to convince himselfthat he deserves it. Once, he was the one reassuring Zeth that it’d be okay,that they’d just take things slowly, one day at a time. Funny how these things getturned around.
(I’ll put Sarai and Atton below a readmorebecause I just know I’m going to write an essay as per usual.)
3. Most common argument?
Probably one of the following:
‘Atton, can you please give T3 a break, droidsare actually pretty great.’
‘I can’t believe I’m saying this but Kreia was rightabout Jedi relying too much on the Force, so I don’t care if you can heal yourself by waving your hand around, take some damn medpacs with you.’
‘I don’t care if we’re not part ofthe Order, learning the Force requires discipline, we are doing a solid twohours of training and we’re doing it now.’
(That last one is because Atton doesn’t knowhow often she has nightmares where he loses against Sion. How often she getslost in visions of what so very nearly might have been. How slowly andpainfully he’d have died because she didn’t help him become stronger, faster,better, how he could have died in her arms and it would have been her fault.)
7. What’s the first thing that changes whenthey realize they have feelings for the other?
It might seem obvious, but when Sarai has herepiphany on Dxun, it comes with a near-desperate desire not to be separatedfrom him. It’s not just that she wants to protect him, or that she feels so much more herself when she’s around someone who understands better than anyone what she’s been through(though that’s part of it, of course.) It’s mostly that she can feel theirForce bond growing, her connection to his emotions growing stronger andstronger until it’s constant. And before she knows it she’s bringing him withher to Onderon, even though he’s the obvious choice to lead the expedition toFreedon Nadd’s tomb. If she senses anything bad happen to him… she doesn’ttrust herself to keep her focus. 
And that warm sense of his presence gives her peace of a kind she hasn’t felt in years.
9. Who worries the most?
It’s a close-run thing, but Atton. After all,this is Atton ‘did I save you yet?’ Rand, the guy who ran across half ofNar Shaddaa to give her a bunch of antidote kits, the one who embraced thepower he ran from for years so he could help keep her safe. He knows she’s theone who has to take on the worst challenges, and the worst part is… when anysane person would at least consider running, she’s going to stand. Andthat scares the hell out of him.
17. Whosays I love you first?
If Sarai grabbing him and kissing him afterfinding him alive at the end of Malachor counts… Not that they didn’t bothalready know, Force bonds will do that, but that was the first time either ofthem made it explicit. I’m not sure what the circumstances are when it getssaid aloud, but it’ll be Sarai who says it – she’s definitely the more in touchwith her emotions, and more comfortable about expressing them (ie. it doesn’ttake her being literally dying in someone’s arms to spit it out.)
25. Whoneeds more assurance?
Probably Sarai. Second-guessing every move shemakes has become a habit since Malachor, and the dark side of being in touch with your emotions is that you feel the bad ones so verydeeply. But as it turns out, a long game of pazaak can fix a lot of things. Suddenly it’s just her and Atton, and the galaxy can’t reach her.
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