Isol:(running in, gun in his hand) Can't you guys fucking read?!
Yuki:I tried to tell them not to enter the room!
Hyunwoo:Well you wrote weird stuff! Who the hell puts a note in a locker that says "nosy people get fucked"!
Isol:Are you nosy?!
Yuki:Can we focus on killing that thing?
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(Yuki shows a video of the scene in Everybody Hates Chris where Jerome throws a brick inside a car in order to steal the brick in the front seat.)
Fiora:Oh, Everybody Hates Chris. Classic.
Shoichi:You know, that viralized out of context. There’s an entire generation that thinks this is from some random TV show, because no one watches it anymore.
Yuki:Don’t some cable networks still run it?
Shoichi:Like I said, no one watches it anymore.
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Nicky:What’s that brain chemical that feels nice? Acetone?
Yuki:Ha. What is it called, though? I can’t remember.
Hyunwoo:Serito... Seritomin? Seritotin?
Hyunwoo:Seritone? I don’t know!
Nicky:Then why didn’t you just say you didn’t know!
Yuki:”I don’t know! Seritomin? Seritone?”
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Yuki:(opening a “extremely slow-witted people” page) I’ve got the perfect crew for this one.
Hyunwoo:Wait, why?
Yuki:This one’s going to be good.
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Luke:And now, Isol!
Isol:Nerfed Isol. This one was going to have twenty-one dice but Luke nerfed me.
Luke:Pal, we have to balance the system to be able to play it!
Isol:Damn it.
(. . .)
Isol:-10 d6 damage, plus 13.
Yuki:Holy- and he still complains?
Luke:(checks something) You don’t have to roll it. The minimum rolls are enough to finish it off.
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Shoichi:And when we finally kill the gods, neither Heaven nor Hell will be waiting for them, because they created those to imprison us.
(Yuki stares back at him.)
Shoichi:I'm sorry. I burned my eggs and got mad.
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Yuki:I saw a post that was like "would you rather get rid of bread, rice, potato or pasta" and everyone was voting rice. Or bread.
Hyunwoo:Getting rid of bread? That's crazy. But I might get rid of rice.
Hyunwoo:I'd miss fried rice but it's not worth losing noodles and pasta.
Isol:Are you guys just discussing food right now?
Yuki:Isol. Isol. Would you get rid of bread, rice, potato or pasta, if you had to get rid of one?
Isol:Oh my god.
Hyunwoo:Rice in a heartbeat! Rice only goes well with things that are already good!
Isol:They're all versatile, that's a hard choice.
Hyunwoo:Yes, but rice is never more than rice.
Jackie:(Chainsaw blazing) Hey what are you talking about?
Hyunwoo:Funny story, I-i was talking with them and Yuki asked me if I'd rather get rid of pasta, rice, noodles, or bread- no, fuck- Yuki, what was it?
(Yuki and Isol left while they were talking.)
Hyunwoo:Thanks, guys. Bread, rice, potatoes or pasta. And I said rice.
Jackie:You didn't get rid of potatoes?
Hyunwoo:Well, the way I see it, so many ways to make potatoes good.
Jackie:I'm allergic to potatoes, do you want me to spend the rest of my life in a world with something i'm allergic to?
Hyunwoo:You're not allergic to anything else? Just potatoes?
Jackie:Yeah. Anyway.
(She pulls out the chainsaw to kill him and he dies. He wakes up in the lobby later.)
Yuki:What's like a.... a way to eat rice?
Hyunwoo:Chicken and rice.
Yuki:Oh god, I'm stuck with this. Listen, if you eat too much pasta you'll get sick, with rice you can eat so much.
Hyunwoo:No, rice will make you get sick too.
Yuki:Please try more rice meals. With braised chicken, egg, tofu-
Hyunwoo:That's all rice WITH! Nothing special in rice itself!
Yuki:Oh, are you just eating boiled pasta?!
Yuki:Ravioli with what inside?!
Hyunwoo:You get it! You're not putting shit in rice!
Yuki:What is this argument?!
Hyunwoo:You can't open rice and put stuff inside! Name one thing you can't make pasta! One thing that rice do but pasta can't!
Yuki:You're just insane.
Isol:You guys are STILL on this?
Hyunwoo:Name one thing that rice do but pasta do not.
Isol:(in a mocking tone) Name one thing that rice do but pasta do not.
Hyunwoo:You can accept I'm right.
Yuki:That would be.... im-pasta-ble.
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Hyunwoo:(playing Absurd Trolley Problems) This one’s fun, because I’d say me and Yuki are each other’s best friends. “A trolley is heading towards your best friend, you can pull the lever to divert to the other track killing five strangers, what do you do”. I could not bring myself to kill Yuki when the other people are a question mark.
Isol:I’d kill the five people. I can sleep.
Yuki:Earlier though, you said you value yourself below five people.
Hyunwoo:If you could hear me talking in this situation, and I could hear you, and you said “earlier you said you value yourself below five people” I would say “you know what?! Fair!”
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“Two other possible murderers are brothers Anthony and Nathaniel Cook. Over the course of sixteen months in the 1980s, the two brothers murdered at least nine people across Ohio, mostly young women. In 2000, as part of a plea deal with the prosecutor in Lucas County, the same county whence Cynthia disappeared, the Cook brothers confessed on tape to many homicides. Though, they denied killing Cynthia Anderson.”
Yuki:It’s embarassing to murder with your sibling.
Hyunwoo:That’s your takeaway? Embarassing to murder, yeah!
Yuki:If I went to my sister and said “I’m really angry, I’m going to murder Jang Hyunwoo”, I would hope she’d tell me to sleep on it.
Hyunwoo:Is this a recounted conversation?
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Yuki:63% of people would rather control the weather than get a million dollars.
Hyunwoo:That’s pretty cool. But it sounds kinda dangerous.
Isol:Hey, well, when it’s you, you don’t care how irresponsible it can be.
Yuki:You can use it intelligently, responsibly. Like controlling tsunamis, bringing water to places that have none.
Hyunwoo:I’m gonna get Rock in Rio to pay me to make sure it doesn’t rain.
Isol:Do you not realize this shit exists?
Isol:Cacique Cobra Coral. Exists. You need to know this now, I’m bringing in a video.
Yuki:Is it in Rio?
Isol:Yup. (He pulls out a video on this phone.)
“North-american indigenous people do rain dances, don’t they?” “Yeah, okay, and they do control the weather? Sure.” “There’s the Cobra Coral, right? The foundation in Rio de Janeiro that the government pays to make sure it doesn’t rain when a football game is gonna happen.” “You’re joking.” “I’m not joking. It’s a foundation that the government pays to do the rain dance so it doesn’t rain on football games.”
“It’s not Cobra Coral, it’s Cacique Cobra Coral.” “Yeah, that one.” “You’re serious? They pay for this?” “They pay serious money to them when there’s a big public event so it doesn’t rain.” “You’re joking, no, really? How come this isn’t on the first page of every newspaper?!”
Isol:I don’t know! It’s public money! I don’t know how!
Hyunwoo:This is fake. This has to be fake.
Isol:I fucking wish! It isn’t fake! This exists! Whether or not it works- it doesn’t, but- (He looks up a news article.) Here. “After acting in New Years’ eve, Cacique Cobra Coral is called on to make sure it doesn’t rain when Lula becomes president”.
Isol:Do you understand how intrinsic this is? It’s not one politician, it’s not one time, it’s used in all of Brazil, even today, in public events, to make sure it doesn’t rain, they pay this foundation- it’s just so absurd.
Yuki:Of all revolting things to hear about a government, like money laundering, fraud, hearing that public money is used to make sure it doesn’t rain...
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Nicky:I just want to note that Hyunwoo has 11 hp, Yuki has 13, and Eleven has 15.
Yuki:Eleven’s the tank.
Nicky:Right? She can tank more than you, what’s your character’s holdup?
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Nicky:(yelling from the stairs) DID YOU FIND ANYTHING?!
Yuki:(while Nicky speaks) I think we should just wait until they come downstairs, and join our clues together.
Rio:We should probably be quieter...
Rio:(whispering) Please stop screaming, Nathapon and Arda are sleeping!
Nicky:Oh, right. (slaps the back of her own hand) Same bed, too.
Yuki:Isol! What the hell?
Nicky:Holy fucking shit.
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Eleven:Friends, I am tired of pretending we are something we aren’t. Today, Memes for Idiots.
Yuki:I like memes and I like idiots.
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Isol:(reading out an edited meme, with an overly deep voice) “Daddy, how did you steal mom’s heart?”
Yuki:Why is that little girl’s voice so deep???
Isol:Built different.
Yuki:(with a thin, high-pitched voice) “Your mom believed in astrology-”
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Nicky:Little boys can’t play with girl dolls, that’s gay! So instead they have to like these very muscular men, of course.
Yuki:Me buying Jojo action figures.
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Yuki:(watching a meme video) Pfft.... The.
Isol:The what?
Yuki:I think we’re in an era of the internet where jokes get harder and harder to explain. Our society as a whole is evolving in a way where all logical sense of the construction of a joke has already been broken down, so we can only laugh at illogical things and it’s going to keep getting worse.
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