#you either tell prue first or you tell paige first
phoebehalliwell · 5 months
hi how does the power situation work with all the next gen? i've been trying to figure this out for ages and i found your next gen fic and figured you'd have a general idea (or one that i like best). i know wyatt's twice blessed so he has a lot of stuff but chris seems to have prue's abilities and then paige's twins have piper's abilities split up between then. did the cupitches get any halliwell powers and what's melinda's power? (by power i mean like... special power, yknow, how the twins got piper's abilities split up) i know they're all capable of basic witch stuff of course
BASICALLY. i think i'm asking for a rundown on how powers work for the nine of them (henry's power is being real to me u don't have to explain that one)
okay so basically in my writings Wyatt has been stripped of the twice blessed destiny (which, akin to having The Source, is a power battery that augments and enhances and like boosts a witch's powers) making him now as powerful as a first born warren witch (read: hella powerful) but not a god, and then Melinda is also a proper true to form witchlighter -- leo was/is still in my writings a whitelighter so melinda is a proper halfling. i think those are my only major divergences from canon so okay!!
WYATT had the powers for telekinesis, telekinetic orbing, orbing, & healing but his main power is Projection, which is manipulation of everything that isn't. essentially, the ability to create something out of nothing. this includes energy blasts, which can be used to vanquish demons. this also means he can create things like, yes, dragons, or any other monster if he felt inclined, a full building, you name it. BUT. he has to have a full concept of how it works to make it so to speak. So Like. wyatt could make a car. but as he is not an automotive shop, he can't super make a working car. if he studied it and understood exactly how cars work he could, but he's not a car guy. if he were to make a car, it would run entirely off magic, meaning for long as it exists / has to run, he is being tapped into it and drained. so like he could create a monster or even a dog or whatever, but as he doesn't fully understand innards and the creation of life and souls and all that, they just wouldn't be real. eventually they would fade if wyatt himself does not release the projection
CHRIS is just your basic telekinetic he also has orbing and telekinetic orbing. he is an incredible gifted witch and a very strong telekinetic. right now, he strength lies in brute force -- he weight trains as a telekinetic, i wouldn't be surprised is he was able to lift gram's marble statue from witch prue is it anyway. i don't think he could throw it across the room (yet) but the point is he's stronger than your average telekinetic. his aim (magical) is also decent because his aim (normal people) is kinda dogshit so he usually has to use telekinesis to guide things he throws (e.g. potion vials). he's not exceptional as minute movements (yet) such as like stopping someone's heart from the inside, but that's just because he doesn't train like that
MELINDA is our third witchlighter and can orb, telekinetically orb, she's an empath, and she's a telekinetic. technically. the way her empathy fuses with her telekinesis actually makes her much more adjacent with a psychokinetic than a technical telekinetic (a place where i think prues powers could have easily developed had she not died). the main difference between melinda's telekinesis vs her brothers is her brothers move things they send out lil telekinetic blasts but it's all v external. melinda can actually use her telekinesis to touch/feel an item. it's not technically proper psychokinesis either because she still has to be in the location to get a vibe she can't sit in the parking lot and tell you where the light switches are in the back room of the building but she can sit in the manor living room and feel whether there are flowers in a vase in the foyer, she can tell you if there's a textured rug in the sunroom. It's kind of like echolocation, her telekinesis lays a blanket over the area she's in. If she's pinned behind a rock in the underworld, she can feel where the demon is (that one's extra easy bc her empathy gives her extra strong clarity when the thing she's feeling is experiencing strong emotions). and then, of course, her empathy is just kinda is empathy it's not super strong atm she has to be in the same room as, ideally within six or so feet of, anybody to get a really solid reading. touch is a main way she channels the power. if she really focuses, she can extend her power to about the size of an full american football stadium (lots of people), or, if they're hella spaced out, about one suburb block, but this is a major extension (nigh overextension) of her powers. with, of course, the caveat that strong emotions augmented by magic (like the demon of rage, demon of anarchy, shit like that) stands out to her quite loudly, she's v attuned to that.
TAMORA&KAT have a psychic connection to each other. that is specifically because they are both twins and witchlighters (tho that -light part is getting kinda distant). all of sets of siblings have some vague type of connection, like they would have able to tell if their immediate sibling is like mortally injured/dying (probably... like. in the same sense the original charmed ones are able to in the show), but since tam and kat are literally identical twins like one being split into two in utero like. they can communicate with each other psychically. this involves both like communicating thoughts (across any distance) and the ability to astral project their sister to them, provided that the sister is already open to being called (asleep, unconscious). the caveat with this link is it's only intact when the girls are at their standard chemistry. so, if their brain is altered by caffeine, alcohol, potions, medication, anything, their communication is thrown off. neither of them are on anything prescription, but if one of them were, there would be a brief period where the twins would struggle to communicate, lasting roughly four(ish??) months or so, until the link had reached it's new stable plateau if you get what i'm saying.
on top of that TAMORA has piper's blasting power and the whitelighter healing power. between her and her twin, they kind of have a sun/moon dynamic going on with their powers which is kind of funny bc in this said dynamic, tamora is actually the sun, even tho her irl personality really does not reflect that at all (yet). so her powers are all very like warm/hot/burning + a development soon be be related to light. so right now her powers are blasting and healing, which are loosely related in my mind because healing is inherently warm in my mind. she was able to practice molecular acceleration when she was a youngin but now she only has molecular combustion as that was what her power has evolved to by the time they were unbound again so that was the only part of that power she trained.
KAT is on the "moon" side of this spectrum, her powers are more for the activities shrouded in shadow (#tome). both freezing, orbing, and even her omnilingualism are all this kind of secretive powers, they're made to blend in and hide from detection, which, kind of like tamora's, sit counter to her current personality. also like her sister, while theoretically she possesses the capability for molecular deceleration, that is not a power she knows how to access at all. kat's strength by far is her freezing radius. she can freeze a lot of things, she can freeze very powerful things (not upper level demons quite yet but eventually probably), however, she is shit at the minutia of freezing. she cannot unfreeze people, much less body parts. she also cannot "hold" a freeze while moving someone's body (e.g. moving their arm so the gunshot misses would immediately unfreeze someone due to agitation of the hold/freeze). if she's fighting and henry is there she fully has to orb him somewhere else (usually magic school)
HENRY is a g
PJ&PARKER&PEYTON have some shared cupid-witch (cupitch) powers. the first is beaming, the cupitch variant of orbing. orbing is more thought based, beaming is emotion based. both are teleportation powers. since the sisters are all a) sisters and b) of the same hybrid species, they can sense each other in a manner akin to a whitelighter's charge sensing. they can get a loose read on their sister's emotions and the vibes of their surroundings if they really try. this limited empathy also grants them "cupid vision," giving them the ability to see both love and sexual attraction. love is a gauzy, hazy, fuzzy type pink aura that reaches out to others. If two people are in love with each other and in the same room, they will see one singular aura encompassing the two. sexuality is a purple-y electrical connection. If two people are both sexually attracted to each other, they will form their own sort of circuit. if a person is horny but not attracted to anyone in the room, electricity will just travel over them. the caveat with these abilities is due to the refractive (?? i feel like that's the right word?) nature of these auras you can never see an aura travel towards you bc it is heading directly towards you. the cupitches struggle to see love connections for any of their sisters because they all love each other so much they just have one strong linked aura between them. they can see if someone finds their sister hot, but quite frankly they don't like to check bc it feels weirdly invasive!! the girls can slip into cupid vision as easy as unblurring thir eyes, but if they want to see the auras more clearly/for longer periods of time they need assistance from their cupid rings. their personal cupid rings can also act as a small battery (akin to the twice blessed augmentation but way smaller. think aaa battery vs. car battery) and strengthen their powers if they really try to tap into the power of the ring.
PJ has her personal witch powers of levitation and astral projection. i liked their connection bc they are widely considered the prue/phoebe powers to be switched, so to speak, and i liked that juxtaposition between her mother and her namesake. levitation is levitation idk it's just what it sounds like. astral projection is similar to what we see in the show but since pj is no prue (yet) she cannot maintain limited conscious as prue could (her head down but stay standing state). pj has to fully conk out. her mysterious bruise games leaves everyone else in the dust.
PARKER has the sole with power of premonitions. she has no active power (kinda. beaming is debatably an active power.) she is the only one of the next gen to lack an active (witch) power. however, she has trained her premonitions well, she can get a premonition almost on command, she can recall premonitions by essentially using the emotional scar they leave on her to retrigger it. so like, it's not a permanently stored thing, but she can bring back a premonition usually for the present case she's working on. she can almost subconsciously uses premonitions in her hand to hand combat skills by anticipating her opponent's next move. since parker converted her cupid ring into a cupid athame it functions slightly differently. she can beam it to/from her. when she has not physically beamed her athame to her, it actually ceases to exist. it becomes a physical item once she beams it to her; it will continue to exist until she beams it away. when she beams it away, it actually become a part of her aura. technically speaking! this makes her a stronger witch that either of her sisters because she is (now) permanently tapped in her cupid's ring. but you and me are the only ones that know that shh.
PEYTON has telekinesis as her only active power. she's good. nothing to write home about, but not only is she the youngest of the generations, she's also just like, hella young in general. her powers have yet to grown in any way that marks serious deviation from the standard
thanks for the question! i love answering questions about the next gen they are so much fun ❤️.
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theredpharaoah · 12 days
Phoebe would’ve been way better at using Leo’s powers, or even Prue. Piper is the most selfish of all three sisters. And before you all rally the troops - it’s not in the way you think. Piper’s selfishness is relative to her sisters’. She’d still be quite a cut above the majority of people in the selfless category. Piper will ALWAYS put the family first. That’s her first priority always. Prue and Phoebe are always the first ones to do the whole “protect the innocent” spiel and stuff. And I think the Power of Three is designed that way on purpose. Piper understands she has a duty, but she also understands that she’s a human being with wants, fears, and a life of her own as well. Piper is vital because Phoebe and Prue don’t have any self preservation when it comes to doing their job. If Piper was like them they would’ve died by like the 6th episode. It matches her power too; she slows things down for them and grounds everyone. Phoebe’s the passion and wonder of the three. Prue is the discipline and protector of the three. And this extends to how they deal with innocent under their protection too. Piper will be the first to tell people to be real and that they’re being melodramatic. Phoebe is the one who brings that spark back in people’s lives and makes them see the good again. Prue is the one who will defend and support people no matter what. She lets them know they’ve always got someone in their corner. In almost a maternal sense, she takes people under her wing. I feel like we lose this sort of layered storytelling after season 4. It seems like they just move Piper to the Defender role, Phoebe to the grounding role, and Paige to the passion role, but it doesn’t really make sense because it doesn’t fit their personalities. Paige can do the passion but I don’t think Piper or Phoebe switch drives in their character. Even if the actions the show makes them take match those drives. It’s clear that The Power of Three and the entire Charmed lore seemed to have been specifically fitted to the first three sisters. Constance could’ve probably fixed it, but Kern fucked it all up. And I really wish Alyssa and Shannon could’ve either worked it out or just kept it professional. And it’s sad cuz I really do love Paige. Maybe they could’ve had her be their white lighter and Leo lose his wings to become Piper’s husband? But Leo without powers is such a chore…
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sulietsexual · 11 months
when i say a hole in her life i don't mean that as her parents being inadequate or her not loving them she clearly loves them and when interacting with penny she has a hard time seeing her as her grandmother because she grew up with grandparents and penny is a stranger to her at first and getting close to her feels like a betrayal of the grandparents she did have.
but it's not as though meeting patty meant nothing to her like something didn't click then. it's about knowing her origins getting answers as to why she was abandoned. that she was taken in and loved doesn't negate the fact that out there there were two people who had her and didn't want her and she didn't know why. obviously that's not what happened but paige didn't know that for half her life i think it's pretty reasonable to think that would affect her
Obviously meeting Patty wouldn't have meant nothing to Paige, but I don't agree with the interpretation that Paige was affected that deeply by being given up for adoption. As I've said before, I'm an adopted child myself and this fact has never really affected me or left me with any deep longing or issues. And while obviously every adopted kid is different, media portrayals of adoption do tend to lean more towards the dramatic, so I am always happy when a show doesn't lean into that, and Charmed never did. Paige was a happy adopted kid with the natural curiosity about her biological parents but no deeper issues, at least IMO.
otherwise that makes her lashing out to her adoptive parents for no reason when she a teen senseless and cruel because there's a teen can rebel without being dismissive and callous to the people around them the way paige was and if she wasn't hurting and taking it out on them because she couldn't handle her pain then she's just a bratty ass of a teenage girl and that's far less interesting to me.
And that's fine and your interpretation is valid, it's just not one I share :) Especially since Paige herself never really alludes to that being the reason behind her rebellion.
dk as someone who also watched btvs there's a distinct difference between dawn's attitude before knowing she's the key and after. before she's just a bit a bratty teenage and afterwards she starts doing a bunch of reckless shit that endangers her life, she betrays people who love her (stealing from giles's shop) and before she's just mouthy and defiant. she's rebelling too except one is just being a normal teen and the other is a traumatized girl lashing out
Kind of a different circumstance here, plus Paige always knew she was adopted, so there was never any pre/post issues like there were with Dawn pre/post Key revelation.
and if either paige or phoebe was supposed to be read as just a normal teen girl rebelling for kicks then why all these flashback episodes like i've been told these girls were rebellious why the show and tell unless it's to explore the why's and how's of it all?
To be fair, we only got one flashback ep each per girl, neither of which really explored the reasons behind their rebellion. As fans we can fill in the blanks, which you have, but this means we'll all end up with different interpretations. Again, which is fine!
perhaps prue got to sacrifice more than piper but prue settled into a protector role and piper a caretaker role that she resented in adulthood and she was also expected to play mediator between phoebe and prue. the pilot opens and you can tell she's resigned to it. if patty had lived and victor had stayed prue wouldn't have had to fill anyone's shoes and her relationship with phoebe would have been a regular sisterly bond but she didn't get to and piper had to be the bridge between them
I get the feeling Piper always would have been a bridge between Phoebe and Prue, regardless of circumstances, because she's the middle child and she can mediate the others' more fiery personalities.
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hurrems · 3 years
Phoebe and Coop only got together because the show couldn't end with Phoebe single 🙊 (sorry I saw your tags and I couldn't resist, I mean Coop is leagues better than Cole, but the first cupid guy that showed up was waaay better)
it's true though!! they threw in a last minute endgame when they could have been building up to it since season 6
I mean that's when Phoebe realized she wanted kids and family and all that, and I'm not against that at all, I'm not against her ending up married if that's what she truly wants. I want her to have what she wants! (although I do wish more female characters could end up single and have that be portrayed as a totally normal and okay, but imo the one who should have ended single is Paige. but that's a different story) I just don't like how they went about it when, again, they could have introduced her endgame love interest back in season 6, but at the VERY LEAST in season 7. Hell, Coop didn't even appear until 8.16 which is OVER HALF THE SEASON. It's like.... tell me you don't care without actually telling me you don't care.
I just have so many issues with it and I'm more against the way it was handled than the idea/dynamic itself. I actually like the idea of a cupid and what it would have meant for their relationship if it had been explored more. I might have actually liked them if he was introduced back in season 7 but we'll never know. And I say this as someone who doesn't like Phoebe & Cole either (which is apparently rare, I think most people like at least one of those pairings)
I do agree that Coop was better for Phoebe and obviously a better person in general, but I would argue that Cole was a better character. Sure, he was pretty much ruined in season 5, but he had the foundations at least. And that's another issue I have with Phoebe & Coop is that I just feel like Coop had almost no personality, he was extremely one dimensional, even more so than Henry, so it's like... why should I care? Why should I care about him or his relationship with Phoebe? I'm glad Phoebe got the happy ending she wanted but that's about it. You could have literally replaced him with a totally different person and character, and nothing would have changed.
Also you're right, the first cupid WAS BETTER AND HE WAS ONLY IN ONE EPISODE. Like how do you do that honestly.... I don't remember if he ever got a name but imagine if they brought him back in season 7. He's a character we already know, he had a connection with Phoebe, he had a meaningful conversation with her.... (He also met Prue which would have been interesting, idk. He obviously didn't really know her but he met her and saw the sisters together, and it could have been interesting to have him and Phoebe talk about Prue and how her death affected her... but again, that's a different issue.) Anyway, I think it would have worked!! Like even if you can't get that same actor, he was only here for one episode, just get someone else who looks like him and call it a day. It would have worked and I wish they did that.
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holyhalliwells · 3 years
imo, the show was often unilaterally focused on Piper, but only on what she could do for others (Piper the wife and Piper the mother) rather than who she was as a person. Piper's individual characterization was lost sometime around s5 as soon as she got pregnant, and being a mother and wife pretty much became her sole defining characteristic for the rest of the series. I would be very interested to hear what you define as Piper's mental issues/trauma, bc as you say it doesn't get said enough
this has been in my inbox forever and i’m just getting around to it so my apologies.
but okay. so. yes. i think a lot of tv shows fall into this weird place where like. all of their characters begin with these kinda vague personalities because you’re just getting to know them. and as the show goes on, you pick up more pieces and stuff . and that’s great. that’s interesting and entertaining and it takes you on a journey and all. but often what happens is many shows fall into this pit where writers either get lazy, they change, or whatever, and the actors are tired of playing the part or whatever . and like. the characters become like. caricatures of themselves. and it just gets exhausting to watch because they’re not like. real people anymore.
Piper's individual characterization
so now for the charmed thing. so from the beginning. i have loved piper. like she’s the middle sister, overlooked, quiet, reserved, pessimistic but also realistic, gentle, thoughtful, all that. we see right away that she loves to cook .. she’s so happy her family is back together. she kept in touch with phoebe behind prue’s back. but she’s loyal to the both of them. her first idea was to have a reunion dinner when phoebe came home. she’s literally so cute n she deserves a hug. but no like. as we go on, we see that she wants to be good, she wants a stable life with no more loss, she Loves Love !! like. she wants to just be happy , open her own restaurant n just cook. she’s also so shy .. definitely panicky and anxious. and she doesn’t trust herself. she’s skeptical of everything, and she’s very thoughtful when it comes to big situations. even in the early days with leo and into season 2, she mentioned a few things about like “i’ve been thinking a lot about this...” and you can see she’s good at communicating with people. she’s also got these other dimensions to her like . she is interested in lots of cuisine types, she loves to read (and is a camus fan !!) , she drives a jeep (which i wanna know how she got bc i have questions), when she found out she was a witch her first thought was just . i need to go and see if i am still a good person . and she went to church. prue was surprised to learn that piper enjoys knitting. in the early seasons (especially mid-late season 3) we saw her with her plants and all. she’s just this natural peacekeeper. but like. we literally got a crying scene in the second episode because she was so conflicted about this. and she’s such a deep and complex character that i fell in love with so fast . and like . literally my favourite fictional character to exist . genuinely holly breathed so much life into piper . anyway . so. here’s the thing.
being a mother and wife pretty much became her sole defining characteristic for the rest of the series
like. piper was who i described above. and like . i kinda think . a bit. that like . the writers . especially in s4 . were like . hmm well  . she’s just lost prue, she’s gonna be grieving . and like we need more for her. so. she’s been married to leo for the better part of a year, been with him for like . 3 years. so. let’s maybe consider giving them a kid but not just yet . just Content kinda stuff. so anyway they drop little hints in here and there starting in like . 4x07 i think? which . brain drain really paid the rent . fully just. holly did so well. but like. that ep was just. a neat way of looking into her mind and seeing the horrors of manipulation and gaslighting and everything . and of course holly knocked it out of the park. but at that point, they were kinda like . hmm . kids ? and they started toying with the idea, having piper and leo consider it, talk about it, they had paige and phoebe ask about it , all of that good stuff. as you do. made for some funny tv at some points. and like . i really, really Get It . when piper’s like . ahh the baby wouldn’t be safe around here !!!! like. Girl, Valid . your sister just died and like . you went on forever about how she was The Most Powerful One . The Strongest One . and yet she still died . so she’s like ??? am i next ?? and like obv it doesn’t make sense for her to jump on this train of like . i’m gonna have a kid !!!! so she’s really valid in her thought process there. and like. after having wyatt . i think the writers really . idk. couldn’t do waaay too much with her character anymore because i feel like . to an extent, anything she does will be scrutinized bc i’m not just . saying this . i rlly feel like sometimes piper’s the easiest to hate. like idk why but i loved her. but anyway. if she stays at home with wyatt and doesn’t wanna fight demons n all . then she’s selfish towards her sisters n she’s awful n prue wouldn’t have let her do that !!!! etc . but if she fought demons it’s like . uh sweetie you have a child . really ??? why put yourself in a situation that might have you ending up like patty 2.0 ... bc i could do a Whole post on how patty’s situation messed piper up the most. but anyway.
it’s the way i’m fully rambling so if you’re reading this . i love you . anyway okay . so . i think in a tv show you’ve gotta kinda check boxes. the best tv shows have characters you see yourself in . you relate to them. you hear them and understand their decisions and actions and thoughts. the things they do just makes sense 2 you. so like. with prue, anyone married to their job could relate to her. any oldest sibling could see themselves in her, you know ? she was hard-working, committed, logical, protective. and with phoebe, anyone who couldn’t “settle down” in their early 20s related 2 her, anyone who felt like the outcast of the family, the “screw-up” .. right. makes sense. she was so kind, caring, had-your-back kinda girl. we all love those. paige was like . the new kid, trying to fit in, creative, curious, and definitely a lifelong learner. and then there’s piper who was shy, resistant, really just wanted to be normal. and loved. and i think everyone could kinda identify with at least one of the sisters regardless of where you stood in your own family. so as the show went on, it’s like . they still want you to keep watching and keep being able to identify with them because it’s not like they’re humans with normal lives so they’ve already kinda lowkey got that going against them . so their more “human” and normal lives... we’ve gotta be able to identify with them to be able to invest time. so they had prue always working, having trouble balancing love and work, looking out for her family. we had phoebe kinda living her life, getting her career going, then kinda wanting a family. we had paige learning magic and being super interested and involved and then getting married. and we had piper who had her career pretty early on, got married, and had kids. like. i think the big thing is the marriage and kids. and when you’re a mother . the only mother really in the show, the show lowkey centres around you . like. for starters, the show usually is in the manor, and if you’re a mother, you’re very likely at home, esp with young kids. so i think that alone kinda was like . huh yeah . won’t see piper out waaay too much anymore i guess !!! but no like . there’s That. that’s kinda. the thing that really can’t change with the show . like. piper’s got kids now and a husband and very, very likely . her life will be centred around her home. which. listen she’s wanted that i think - the stability . she’s wanted that forever. and this is the form it came in. but i should stop rambling here and cut to the point .
Piper's mental issues/trauma
disclaimer: i’m not diagnosing her, i’m just speculating based off of my own experiences with mental health
so. okay. very early on. we saw that anxiety. like. yes . she was nervous about like a whole new life experience . or whatever we’re gonna call it when you figure out you’re a witch . but like she was Anxious . like. crying in the attic over being a bad person . needing phoebe to talk her down by telling her she’s such a caring person, she’s always doing things for other people . and then there’s the whole anxiety that comes with. my family’s falling apart because my sisters are fighting so i use really awkward methods of getting out of things . like using humour as a coping mechanism !!! which. gave us some iconic one-liners. but that’s beside the point . anyway. point is. early on, that anxiety was there. there’s an ep in season 1 where she’s literally entering a panic attack in her kitchen and phoebe’s using a menu to cool her down. like. Yikes! and then she’s just. her awkward self around everyone but that’s endearing and is just part of her personality . and i think a lot of the anxiety stemmed from childhood. we heard a few times about how prue and phoebe had boyfriends growing up, were always pretty and popular and all. phoebe was popular, too, just, in the other crowd. but nonetheless, piper faded into the background, doing well in math - well enough to go off and be a banker . and like. she sacrificed a lot for grams. she stayed in san francisco ... we all know the girl had the marks for stanford or something . like. though . still, i think she liked the stability of home and prob would’ve stayed . but in 3x17 she’s all !!! grams !!! the doctor said no caffeine !!! and when grams was taking the pic of them outside and she had an episode , piper was all !!!! shallow breaths !!! like. it was clear piper was the one taking her to the appointments and footing the bill. like. she literally became a banker just bc it had benefits n stuff. like. poor girl really thought . anyway that’s a whole spiral. but no. like she really sacrificed The Most for her family and everyone still thought she was selfish for wanting to move out . when like back then grams was literally ... sick ... and prue was out here moving out and phoebe was nowhere to be found . so. that . definitely would have added to her anxiety about even wanting to do anything for herself because she’ll be perceived as selfish in a heartbeat. even if it’s not Mean . it’s just. she’d never risk it. but there’s the anxiety. there are a few lil things here n there about how she gets nervous n stuff, she represses things (3x07 i think was where phoebe said piper represses her anger n just sucks it up n does whatever) . she literally cancelled her doctor’s appointment Twice . anyway. it still angers me. then in season 7 . patty and victor were like . oh she had night terrors that were so bad we took her to the doctor ! and i just ... honey . baby. she thought she caused the divorce. at 4? 5? she watched victor leave on her 5th birthday, watched a demon attack her, grams, and victor. prue said she didn’t cry at patty’s funeral and i’ll make a safe bet that piper did. and i think growing up without patty was strange for sure. prue had more memories and phoebe had none. and piper had fragments of this person everyone loved . and she was stuck between knowing her and not knowing her. and when patty was sent to her for her wedding day, (as well as in 1x17) . both times when patty hugged them . prue and phoebe hugged her, eyes closed n all. while piper was on the outside, eyes open . looking numb as all hell . and you know. i rlly think she was Giving Them That because phoebe didn’t get her and prue kinda . in a way. lost more of her . if that makes sense ?? and i just. patty really was like . they sent me to You. and 5 seconds later . piper’s like . they sent mom to Us !!! and it’s that idea of sacrifice and never having anything for yourself because she was never just . given anything for herself . everything in her life has been a sacrifice and as a mother, that’s perpetuated. she can assume that role with more of a purpose . like. people won’t really feel sorry for her now as the “forgotten” sister, they won’t try and coddle her or anything. and another thing. control. piper craved stability and control. i think while cooking was something she loved, it also gave her a lot of control . she could control her whole kitchen . even in season 8 .. maybe vaya con leos actually . leo mentioned how much piper craves control. and the control motif makes sense with her powers too. like. piper craved control so much that her powers allowed her to control things down to the atom. so there’s the whole anxiety and needing to control things to ease her anxiety and all. there’s That whole thing.
and then we get to the infamous season 5 fearless spell . ms girl really sat in the attic just writing everything on the wall and it’s the way i screenshotted it and like . zoomed in and tried deciphering it . and like . there’s words like “stop” and i think “sister” is in there a few times, so is “loss” or “lost”. when i watch it next i’ll grab a cap because it’s . disturbing. girl was so scared . literally was writing a spell to get rid of her fears . she also writes Fear . as in. capital F . and like. yeah that’s deep but i do it too like i emphasize words with a capital letter . and like holly marie combs might just have quirky n fun writing but like ... capital F . for Fear. for real . that’s . trauma !!! and she also was having panic attacks at the beginning of season 5. let’s not forget those. which ... we should’ve gotten more of an explanation for . i hope that girl is getting help bc she was Going Through It . and in season 7 when zankou reads her diary . firstly. we Knew this girl kept a diary like . for Sure . she did. and just that little excerpt of when prue died . oops. i’d pay big money to see the rest because again i just think she’s got such a complex mind and like. i’d be so interested to read that. and i think everything re: prue is just Awful for her. like . idk if this is just something quirky i noticed but obv we know prue died in may 2001 . but at the end of 4x03, when piper goes 2 paige’s work 2 bring her muffins !! soft !!! the calendar on one of the desks reads july 2001 ... and i really just. ms girl. i Know they prob just filmed the ep in july but it honestly tracks that she’d be so awfully upset about everything and just . barely able to do anything but cook . for 2 months. like. honey. baby. i wanted 2 just cuddle her bc she was so sad. and like. she tells paige she’s having “good hours” and “not so good hours” . she’s going by the Hour . by the Hour . just. need i say more . i’m so . but no like. if anything like i could see her having like . depression where she’s high-functioning and like just . walking depression i guess ?? like . not even after prue. i think in general. like . she definitely has a melancholic temperament and a type 6 enneagram (the skeptic). that’s For Sure . but i think. just. she’s always just had time to think bc she’s always alone, reading, knitting, cooking, tending to her plants, all that. and i just . think. she has issues. and i think prue knew that. of all people. and i think her knowing that . and then dying. destroyed piper. she lost the last person that was truly a constant in her life . like they shared a roof over their heads forever. and then she was just . gone . and piper was suddenly left to pick up the pieces . and become the oldest sister . and i’m So glad she didn’t fully assume her personality. i’m glad she stayed as piper . just. she’s more cynical and snarky and defensive and cold and that’s okay. she’s hurting. she’s always gonna hurt . and i think it makes her human . she’s pessimistic and sad and has a short fuse at times . but just. again. i love her to bits and i think those issues make her more relatable for me. because while many like to say she became selfish and a negative person and just . awful to be around . i’d say the opposite . i won’t sit and apologize or justify things. also i don’t think piper’s done anything wrong . i just think she’s hurt. she’s been wronged so many times. and she’s .... scared. i think she’s scared . and in season 5 “sympathy for the demon” we learn her true biggest fear is her happiness being stolen away. and like . it’s not that she’s scared she won’t be happy. she’s scared all of the good she’s got will be taken from her . and that’s . terrifying . so . i see why she’s so snarky and bitter and tired and all . she’s terrified of things being taken from her like they have been her whole life. and as i watch the show i really like to just keep that in mind as i get further and further in because yes. she did become a mother and a wife and we saw her arguing with leo a lot and their marriage falling apart and That Whole Era . we saw how it kind of took over her life but i think it happens . i think she even said at one point . i’ve been so many things to so many people, i don’t know who i am anymore . and i think it sums her up perfectly. she doesn’t know who she is because she’s someone to everyone . she’s just. nobody to herself except this scared little girl who just wants Something . Anything . to make sense . some Stability . and her babies, her husband, and her sisters . are all she has for that idea of stability to make sense in her mind. and it was an easy hole to fall into - the Mother - but i think she jumped in. because at the Very Least . nobody could take that title away from her . regardless of how hard they tried .
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laufire · 3 years
Original Charmed or Charmed reboot? (I am trying to ask some not so predictable questions xDD)
I only watched s1 of the reboot and what you tell me about s2 sounds promising. And as you know, the original’s pathos/moral lessons annoyed me quite a lot LOL. And let’s not discuss things like what happened with Prue, or Paige’s mostly wasteful love interests (all except Kyle, WHY), or how I happened to be bored by its choice of focus...
The reboot so far is better in a lot of those territories, although I still had complaints about s1: Mel’s first love interest was meh, the second gone too quickly; Maggie’s love interest was Diet Cole; I’m still on the fence about Harry, but I do like him a lot more than Leo, who I only enjoyed in s6 lmao; it didn’t stick the landing in a lot of things either. And most of all, I’m still annoyed about what happened to Galvin.
OTOH, I found all three sisters engaging and charming, and the show in general pretty entertaining to watch, and none of the above was ultimately a dealbreaker.
The reboot has potential but it has yet to grab me, basically. While the original annoyed me on maaaaany levels, but still has its claws on me (rewatching s3-s7 is fun! At parts!). And for now, I still like Paige (and a few other things like Cole/Phoebe) more than anyone in the reboot. Talk to me again if/when I watch s2, because what you tell me about Mel makes me think she has Fave Potential, and so did Macy in s1.
So for now, I’m tentatively saying the original, BUT depending on how the reboot goes, that could change.
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theericardo · 3 years
·          Alyssa Milano as Phoebe  Halliwell
·          Rose McGowan as Paige  Matthews Mitchell
·          with Holly  Marie Combs Ryan as Piper Halliwell
·          and Shannen  Doherty as Prue Halliwell
Co – Staring
·          Brian Krause as Leo Wyatt
·          Jacob Tremblay as Wyatt  Halliwell
·          Sunny Suljic as Chris  Halliwell
·          Brooklynn Prince as Melinda  Halliwell
·          Dafne Keen as Coop Halliwell
·          Ivan Sergei as Henry Michell
·          Iain Armitage as Henry  Michell, Jr.
·          Dafne Keen as Hayley Michell
·          Dorian Gregory as Darryl  Morris
·          Victor  Webster as Coop Halliwell
Guest – Starting
·          LeToya  Luckett as Eloise Gannibal
·          Lovie  Simone as Eloise Gannibal’s sister
·          Paul  Giamatti as William Alford
·          Reese  Witherspoon as Miss. Alford
·          Keith  David as Slave #1
·          Uncredited  Baby as Letitia Gannibal
·          Tyrel  Jackson Williams as Zygon
·          Sandra Prosper as Sheila Morris
·          Ken Page as Adair
·          Ian Abercrombie as Aramis
·          Christopher Cazenove as Thrask
·          Jon Stewart as Crill
·          Oded Fehr as Zankou
·          Charisma Carpenter as Kyra
[Scene: flashback to February 27th, 1670 – Salem Village, Massachusetts Alford’s plantation – Eloise Gannibal and William Alford.]
(Elosie was a “House N***er” at that time to slaver owner to William Alford and his missis.)
(With Eloise being a “House Nigger,” she did not have to work outside like the rest of the slaves did.)
(That night, William came home, drunk.)
(Him and the misses got into an argument.)
(The two argued back and forwards with each other.)
(Miss. Alford stormed off, leaving the dazed but drunk William there with Elosie, who happens to have overheard the whole argument.)
(William bolted towards and manhandled Elosie.)
Elosie: *screaming* “Let me go Missa!”
William: “Quiet N***er!”
(William dragged Elosie outside to the side of the house where he raped her tell she stared to bleed.)
(Slave #1 and Elosie’s sister found Elosie laying there.)
Elosie’s sister: *crying* “Elosie.” “Elosie, sweetie wake up.”
(Little did they know, Miss. Alford was watching from the widows’ view.)
[Scene: still in flashback but to February 28th, 1670
– Salem Village, Massachusetts – Eloise Gannibal and William Alford on the Alford’s plantation.]
(Miss. Alford demand for Elosie to not step foot back into their house.)
(Since then, Elosie has been working inside.)
[Scene: still in flashback but to October 31st, 1670 – Birth of Letitia Gannibal on the plantation.]  
(It was raining hail with high gusty winds at the midnight of 31st of October,1670.)
(Eloise along with every other slave was wearing “N**ro Clothing.”)
Eloise’s sister: “Keep pushing Eloise, she’s almost here!
Eloise: *grunts*
Eloise’s sister: “She’s here Eloise!” “She’s here!”
*baby starts crying*
Eloise: *crying, tears of joy * “She’s adorable.”
Slave #1: “What are you going to name her, Elosie?”
Eloise: “Letitia…” “Letitia Gannibal”
[Scene: September 22nd, 2017 – 11:00 pm. Living Quarters at Magic School with Chris, Melinda, Henry Jr., and Hayley.]
(Chris, Henry Jr., and Hayley are chatting among each other)
Henry Jr.: “So you’re telling me, Wyatt tried to kill you?”
Hayley: “Like, kill – kill you?”
Chris: “Yea, he actually did.” *looks over to Wyatt* “I can’t stand him sometimes, but he’s my brother, and I still love him.”
Melinda: *reads Wyatt’s mind* “He’s thinking the same thing Chris.”          
Chris: “Didn’t mom tell you stop reading people mind?”
Henry Jr.: “Yo, you can read minds Mel?” “That’s sick!”
Hayley: “Neither me nor Henry didn’t come into our powers till we were 10-years-old!”  
Henry Jr.: “You’re like 2, right?”
Melinda: *gives Henry Jr. a dirty look. * “Just because my birthday is on a Leap Day, doesn’t mean I’m 2-years-old stupid!”
(Chris and Hayley laughs at Melinda’s clapback at Henry Jr.)
[Scene: Still in Magic school, but with Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Wyatt, and Leo.]
(Wyatt sitting alone from the rest of the kids.)
(Paige orbs in with Piper and Phoebe)
Piper: “Wyatt Matthews Halliwell, get your butt over here now, mister!”
(Wyatt walks over slowly.)
(Wyatt approaches Piper with his head slumped down.)
Piper: “You sir, have gotten out of hand!”  “You used magic in public, that one!” “You used magic on your father, that two!” “You used magic-”
(Leo steps in and cuts Piper off.)
Leo: “Piper, let him catch a break”
Piper: *exhale* “You’re grounded, for 2 weeks!” “No magic, no video games, no hanging out afterschool for anything!”
Wyatt: “But Chris u-”
Piper: “Don’t you BUT me mister!” “I mean it!”
(Piper starts chanting)
Piper: “I don’t think he comprehend.”
“He uses magic to depend”
“Child lock them for two weeks, till then”
(White orbs form centers around Wyatt.)
(The orbs shift into a form of a lock and magically goes into Wyatt.)
Piper: “When I meant no magic, I meant it.”
(Wyatt walks away.)
Phoebe: “Piper sweetie, I don’t think that was a smart idea.”
Piper: “Whenever that” *points to Phoebe’s pregnant stomach* “comes into his powers, then you can do whatever you want to do with him and his powers.”
Paige: “Uhm, I have kids.” “Matter-of-fact, they developed powers similar to yours Piper.” “Honey, I feel like you did the wrong thing.”
(Piper sits down in a chair.)
(She fixes her long-layered bangs and crosses her legs.)
Piper: “What's done is done.” “I didn’t strip him of his powers, I just put a child lock on them so he can’t use them freely.”
[Scene: Still in Magic school, cuts back to Chris, Henry Jr, Hayley, and Melinda.]
(Chris, Henry Jr, Hayley, and Melinda are still chatting among each other.)
(Wyatt walks over.)
Wyatt: “Chris, can I talk to you?”
Chris: “Yes.”
(Chris and Wyatt walk over to the side from everyone else.)
Wyatt: “You know, I never had the attendance to harm you.” “I never should have used magic on you in the first place.”
Chris: “I never should have cut you off or be an asshole to you, or even st-.”
Wyatt: “Stop it Chris.” “I was in the wrong also.” “For god shakes, I almost killed you!”
Chris: “Can we agree, not to kill each other?”
Wyatt: “I can’t make any promises.” *laughs*
(Wyatt and Chris hug.)
Henry: “Ok kids, it’s time to go to school go to bed.”
(Every child heads to a room to sleep.)
(Henry Jr puts up a biker with Henry.)
Henry Jr.: “But dad, its Friday?”
Henry: “Bed, now Jr.”
Henry Jr.: “Fine!”
(Henry Jr. walks to bed.)
[Scene: September23rd, 2017 – 8:25 am In the Underworld with Prue.]
(Prue is now out of her outfit that was covered in dust “death outfit”.)
(She is now wearing a sheer-black tank top, black high waisted pants, and Yuko-40 platform heels.)
(Prue is sitting at The Source’s throne.)
(Demon shimmers into the underworld.)
Demon with shimmering power: “Prue Halliwell.” “What the hell are you doing here?”
Prue: “Haven’t you heard,” (hopes down from the throne.) “I’m here to run this place.” *flips hair* “And you are?”
Zygon: “Zygon.” “I’ve heard about you.”
Prue: “Ahh, do tell.”
(Zygon walks up to Prue.)
Zygon: *walking circles around Prue* “The Charmed One.” “The Power of Three.” “A trio, well quartet, of sister witches.” “Destined to serve the good and good only.”
Prue: *nods her head* “Stop.” “For starts,” *flips hair* “I’m not a good witch.” “I don’t do good.”
Zygon: “Oh, Honey, do you even remember yourself?” “You’re one of them.” “But something is different about you.”
(Zygon stare into Prue’s eyes.)
Zygon: “You’re newly empowered.”
Prue: “What does that even means?”
Zygon: *still circling walking around Prue* “The Window of Opportunity, my dear.”
“Prue: “What does that mean?”
Zyon: “You, can easily be persuaded to be either good or evil.” “By the looks of it, you’re already chosen that path.”
(Prue folds her arms.)
Prue: “I got to get my hands on that book.”
Zygon: “What book.” “Are you referring to The Grimoire?”
Prue: *little smirk*“No, stupid” “It’s this book, that I keep having flashes about.” “Ritch-violet, red cover, with the named engraved into it, kind of on the smaller side.”  
Zygon: “Never heard of it.”
Prue: “Maybe those women who called me their ‘sisters’ have it.”
Zygon: “Might I say, I could be some help.”
(Prue uses telekinesis tosses Zygon into a wall.)
(Prue then uses telekinesis to pin him down on the floor.)
Prue: “Thanks for the offer, but I got this.” “I’m going to look for that book.” “Regardless of what I have to do.”
(Prue gives Zygon a wink as she astral teleports out from the underworld.)
[Scene: 9:00 am – Split screen phone conversation between Darry, who is at the San Francisco Police Department. Paige, who is at Magic School.]
*cellphone rings* Darryl: “Go for Morris.” *clutches his mobile with phone with shoulder* *Paige explaining to Darryl about Prue* “Say what now!?”
Paige: *abbreviating herself* “Prue, is alive.”
Darryl: “But ho- how?”
(Paige explains to Darryl how Prue came back in further details.)
Paige: “Can you put an IP out for her?” “Just in case she shows up?”
Darryl: “Sure, Paige.”
Paige: “Thank you.”
(Paige hangs up the phone with Darryl.)
(Darryl walks out his office.)
Darryl *in a loud voice*: “Alright, we are putting IP out for a ‘Jane Doe’.” “Caucasian, black hair, green eyes, mid-to late 40’s.”
Female Detective: “Does she have any medical conditions?”
Darryl: “She, doesn’t remember herself.”
[Scene: 9:20 am- Living Quarters at Magic School with Paige, Phoebe, and Coop.]
(Paige hangs up the phone with Darryl.)
Phoebe: “So, what did he say?”
Paige: “Well, he placed an IP out for her, just in case she decides to resurface back on the Earth place.”
Phoebe: “Maybe I could sense her to see if she did.”
Coop: “Phoebe, I don’t think it would be good to use your powers to the distinctive level.” “It might induce your labor.”
Phoebe: This is my sister for god shakes, I at least have to try.”
(Paige pulls Coop to the side.)
Paige: “Piper, Leo and I are going to speak The Tribunal.”
Coop: “The Tribunal?” “Why?”
Paige *bobbing her head*: “For starters, we don’t know, hell, nobody from ‘Up there,’ knows about the book.” “Maybe The Tribunal could help.”
Coop: “Last time you all went there for help, they stripped Phoebe of her powers.” “We don’t know what they might do to Piper for finding the book, let alone for Wyatt for casting a spell.”
(Piper walks in.)
Piper: “That’s a risk I’m willing to take.” “We are all willing to take.” *walks closer to Paige and Coop* “We need answers, and we need them now.” “Even if that requires a consequence of having are powers striped, goddamnit, I’m willing to do so.”
(Leo walks in.)
Paige: “Are you ready?”
Piper and Leo: “Yes.”
(Piper and Leo hold on to Paige and orbs out, leaving Coop with Phoebe.)
[Scene: 9:48 am- Still in Living Quarters at Magic School with Phoebe, and Coop.]
(Phoebe gets into a mediation position.)
Phoebe: “I need complete quietness, please.”
(Phoebe closes her eyes and starts of sensing for Prue)
Phoebe: “I can’t sense her.”
Coop: “Phoebe, I think you should stop.”
Phoebe: “Instead of me sensing her like any other normal person, I’m going to try sensing her through are blood relationship.”
(Phoebe was able to sense her.)
(Phoebe starts to levitate)
Coop *with panic in his voice*: “Phoebe, stop.” “You’re scarring me.”
Phoebe: “I can sense her.” “She’s not in The Underworld, but where?”
(Phoebe’s eyes turn pure white as her premonition power kicks to get a glace of the area.)
(*flashes* The San Francisco Police Department.)
(*flashes* Prue walking into the station.)
(*astral premonition in an invisible form*)
Darryl: “Prue, you don’t have to do this.”
Prue: “Oh, but I do.” “If you’re going to put an IP on me,” *punches Darryl* “leave a women age out of it!” “Oh look, I got blood on your white shirt.” “To bad.”
(Darryl passes out.)
(Prue hears astral Phoebe’s thoughts.)
(Prue starts to chant.)
Prue: “What is not seen”
       “Make seen”
(astral Phoebe visibly fades into a corporal form.)
(Prue gives an evil smirk.)
astral Phoebe: “How can yo-”
Prue: “- You read thoughts?” “I guess my powers are growing also.” “I don’t know where you and your *air quotes* sisters hiding, I will get you.” “I will get that book.” “And I will be the new Queen of the Underworld.” “LEAVE!”
(Premonition ends.)
(Phoebe flops back down to the grown from levitating.)
(Phoebe’s water’s breaks.)
Coop: “I told you that you should have stop, Phoebe!”
Phoebe: “Would you shut up for one second and get me to the infirmary!”
[Scene: 10:00 am- At The Tribunal’s meeting area with Leo, Piper, and Paige.]
(Paige orbs in with Piper and Leo.)
(Piper and Paige starts chanting.)
Piper and Paige: Di! Ecce hora! Uxor mea me necabit!
(The Tribunal appears)
Tribunal all together: “How may we help you this time, The Halliwells?”
Piper: “Well, I found this book while having work done at the manor and I came across this book with the title Book of Damned.’”
(All the Tribunal have a puzzled look on their face.)
(Start to whisper among each other.)
Piper: “Helllo people, we still need answer?”
Crill: “Book of Damned goes back to Salm Witch times.”
Paige: “That is why we seen Melinda Warren in Phoebe’s vision.”
Thrask: “As long as nobody cast a spell from that book, we should be fine.”
(Piper, Paige, Leo give each other a startled look.)
Leo: “Why not?”
Adair: “That book is magically linked to Letitia Gannibal.”
Piper: “I’m sorry who again?”
Crill: “Letitia Gannibal” “Just like how the Warren- Halliwell bloodline stared, the Gannibal-Bennett line started.” “She’s was the first of her bloodline to earn magic also.”
Thrask: “Instead of using her magic for good, she used it for evil.” “Starting the mythological of The Window of Opportunity.”
Paige: “What would happen if such casts a spell from the Book of Damned?
Adair: “If anyone casts a spell out of that book, will awaken Letitia herself!”
Leo: “Well we have a problem.”
Piper: “Wyatt cased a resurrecting spell, which brought back Prue from the dead.” “She doesn’t remember her and she’s using magic for evil acts.”
Adair: “Prue is going through the Window of Opportunity, meaning that she has 48 hours to choose a side to align with.”
Piper: “What the hell you mean the Window of Opportunity, she was already a good witch!”
Thrask: “By the looks of it, she self-choice evil.” “She has time to algin with good if she pleases.”
(The Tribunal looks among each other.)
Crill: “As for Wyatt, he will be held accountable for his acts for using forbidden magic.”
(The Tribunal summons Wyatt present.)
Wyatt: “Why am I here?”
Thrask: “Wyatt Halliwell, you are charged with using forbidden magic, by awaking a force of evil.”
Wyatt *with range in his voice*: “How the hell I suppose to know it was an evil book.” “Bullshit!”
Piper: “Language, mister!”
Wyatt: “I want a trial!” “I demand a trail now!”
Thrask: “Piper, Paige, I’ve just been informed that Phoebe just had her baby.”
Piper: “Paige you go back and check up on Phoebe, I’m staying her.” “There is no way in hell they are going to strip Wyatt of his powers.”
Adair: Actually Ms. Halliwell, we prefer Leo to stay while you and Paige go back to aid your sister.
(Piper rolls her eyes.)
Paige: Piper sweetie, just come on.
Piper: “Fine!” “Leo, let me know what happens.” Don’t leave any details ou—”
(Paige orbs her and Piper out before Piper gets to finish her word.)
Crill: “Let the trail begin.”
Adair: “For the plaintiff side, we have Zankou”
Leo: “Zankou!?”
(Zankou is summoned in flames)
Zankou: “Miss me?”
Thrask: For the dependent side we have Kyra.”
(Kyra is summoned in white orbs.)
Kyra*with a big smile on her face*: “I guy!”
Leo: “Kyra, I haven’t seen you since- ”
Kyra: “Since I was vanquished.” “I know.”
The Tribunal: “Let us begin!”
[Scene: 1:20 pm- Magic School’s infirmary with Phoebe, Coop, Piper, and Paige.]
(Paige orbs in with Piper.)
(Phoebe is swaddling her newborn.)
Piper: “Phoebe.” “Phoebe, are you ok.”
Phoebe: “I’m fine Piper.” “Everything is fine.”
Coop: “I want everyone to meet Ryan Victor Halliwell.”
Piper *with a smile in her face and tears forming in her eyes *: “Victor.”
Phoebe *smiling, crying*: “Dedicated after are father Victor.”
Coop: “He weighted a whooping 9 pounds.”
Paige: “Well, we know he was going to be healthy because Phoebe kept her mouth stuffed with food.”
Phoebe: “Hello, right here!”
(Everyone busted into laughter.)
Phoebe: “We got to get Prue, because she has Darryl in the Underworld.”
Piper: “That’s it.”
Paige: “What Piper.”
Piper: “She has to go.” “Paige orb me to the manor to get the book to from the attic.” “
Paige: “Piper, she’s are sister.” “You just can’t vanquish her like any other demon.”
Piper: “Are Prue died in 2001.” *in tears* “Are Prue would never attack a friend, yet alone an innocent.” *wipes tears* “She needs to be vanquished.”
Phoebe: “Hey, we are not vanquishing our sister Piper.”
(Phoebe climbs out the bed.)
Phoebe: “I got an idea.” *wipes the tears off of Piper’s face* “It requires the Book of Shadows and Sheila.”
[Scene: 2:50 pm- In the Underworld with Prue, Darryl, and Zygon.]
(Prue has Darryl pinned down in a chair.)
Zygon: “Why do you have this mortal in The Underworld.”
(Prue is sitting in The Source’s throne)
Prue: “Have you heard of touch your goddamnit nose.” *crosses her legs* “He’s leverage.”
Zygon: “Ahh, for what?”
Prue: “the Book of Damned, dip-shit.” *sighs* “I read your mind when I first meet you and know you was slow.” “But good god, I didn’t know you was this god damn slow.”
(Darryl wakes up dazed)
Darryl: “Pru- Prue?”
Prue *mimicking Darryl*: “Pru- Prue?” “Stop calling my name like that!” You wouldn’t like for me to call your name like that.” “Da- Darryl.”
Darryl: “Why can’t I move?”
Prue: “Because, I’m using my powers to tame you.”
Darryl: “What do you want from me?”
Prue: “It’s not what I want from you” “It’s what I want to trade you for.”
(Darryl brakes loose from Prue’s telepathic withholding.)
(Zygon used his powers to melt Darryl’s shoes in spot.)
Prue*walks up to Darryl*: “Poor Darryl.” now you don’t have any shoes.” “Now, shut up and SITT!”
(Darryl flops to the ground.)
[Scene: 2:45 pm Magic School’s with Phoebe, Piper, Paige, and Sheila.]
(Paige orbs back into Magic school with Piper and Sheila)
Sheila: “So let me get this straight.” *tilts her head at Paige* “You want me to roam free in The Underworld, just to use me as bait?”
Paige: “Yep, that’s the plan.” “But, trust us, we will be right there behind you.”
Piper: “Phoebe what did you want with the book?”
Phoebe: “I’m looking at the binding potion in the book.” “Something had me thinking, what if we tinker with the potion.
Piper: “Go on.”
Phoebe: “Instead of binding with Prue’s powers, we remove them, hoping it would break her from The Window of Opportunity.”  
Paige: “That might actually work.”
(Ryan, who is in his bassinet, starting crying.)
Phoebe: “Oh is little Ryan hungry?” “Oh yes he is, Oh yes he is.”
(Sheila walks over to the bassinet.)
Shelia: “He looks just like Coop.”
Phoebe *bottle feeding*: “He really does.”
(Phoebe stops bottle feeding Ryan.)
(She takes him out the bassinet, burps him a couple of times, and places him back in.)
Phoebe *walks over to Coop in the other room*: “Ryan has been feed and sleep.” “I’ve pumped milk just incase he wakes back up.”
Coop: “Phoebe-”
Phoebe: “Be safe, I know.”
(Coop kisses Phoebe on her forehead.)
(Paige, who has already made the revamped binding potion, approaches Phoebe and Coop.)
Paige: “Ready, Phoebe?”
Phoebe *nods*: “Ready”
(Phoebe, Piper, and Shelia holds on to Paige as she orbs them into The Underworld.)
[Scene: 3:00 pm- The Underworld with Phoebe, Piper, and Paige, and Sheila where Prue was with Darryl.]
(Phoebe, Piper, Shelia, and Paige orbed into The Underworld.)
Shelia *running over to Darryl*: “Darryl, oh honey, are you ok?”
(Darryl mouth was shut and he was still.)
Shelia: “Honey what’s wrong?’
Prue *struts out the shadows* *mimicking Shelia*: ““Darryl, oh honey, are you ok?” “No, he’s not.” “He’s under my control.”
(Prue uses advanced telekinesis to throw Shelia.)
(Paige catches Shelia using telekinetic orbing, placing her back on the ground.)
Paige: “I don’t think that’s nice, Prue.”
Prue: “You’re right dear, let me pick on someone my own size.”
(Prue uses advanced telekinesis to create a telekinetic energy ball, and chucks it at Piper, Phoebe, and Paige.)
(Piper explodes it, midway.)
Piper: “Nice try.”
Prue: “I’m going to ask one more time, where is the book!?”
Phoebe*pulls out the Book of Damned*: “This book?”
Prue: “Yep, now be a gem and hand it over, or Darryl here will be a vegetable for the rest of his living, breathing live.”
Piper: “Now!”
(Paige throws the potion as Phoebe opens up the corked glass bottle so that she would be able to capture Prue’s powers.”
Prue: “No!”
(Prue uses advanced telekinesis to have the bottle bust before traveling her way.)
(This causes the bottle to burst in front of Piper instead.)
(The potion working biding every sister power, but Phoebe, that makes them Charmed - Piper’s Molecular Immobilization, Prue’s Telekinesis, and Paige’s Telekinetic Orbing.)
(The bottle then magically teleports back to magic school.)
Prue: “I’ve had it with the games!” *tries to use telekinesis but does not works*
Phoebe: “You know what Prue, me to.”
(Phoebe’s lounges herself using levitation at Prue.)
Phoebe: “Feel this, bitch!”
(Phoebe uses her Empath and Premonition power to make Prue see her childhood and make her experience the emotions that occurred during that time period.)
(It was enough to knock Prue out, releasing Darryl her Telepathic hold.)
(Shelia and Phoebe walks over to help Darryl)
Paige: “Ok, Let’s go now!”
(Paige orbs all of them out of there back to Magic School.)
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charmed1998fan · 4 years
If you could create an AU which incorporated all four Charmed sisters, how would the story go? And how would it affect their powers?
Hi! Sorry it took me a week to answer yourquestion. And sorry about this, but while I was writing the answer, my handsslipped on the keyboard and I accidentallywrote a ramble that has 3K words… Oops?
TL;DR: Most of the show’s plots would be pretty muchthe same if I was too lazy to do more than incorporate the fourth sister intoeach episode—or very different if I was self-indulgent and decided to fixeverything I don’t like about the show while I’m at it. :D The girls wouldeither grow up together, or they’d learn about Paige’s existence as adults (Ithink the best time for this would either be the pilot episode or P3 H2O).Paige would be the only one who might have different powers (lots of optionshere), Prue, Piper and Phoebe would have the same ones.
Truth be told, this is not a topic I’ve thoughtabout too much before. Currently, most of my fanfic-daydreaming revolves arounda different fandom. At the height of my love for Charmed, most of myfanfic-daydreams focused on either A) my own season 9, or B) anythingChris-centric (had a huge crush on him back in the day).
Now here’s the thing: my season 9 was actuallya Power of Four story, but I’m reluctant to call it an AU because I was tryingto make it canon-complaint (albeit with a twist). It’s a sequel, not a rewrite.To be clear, when I say this story is canon-compliant, I’m only talking aboutthe show, not the comics. I actually started writing it a year before the firstCharmed comic was published. I never finished writing it, though. Iwrote three episodes and then abandoned it. :D
Although I didn’t really get around toexploring this in the fanfic, I still remember how I planned on explaining whythe Charmed Ones became the Power of Four rather than the Power of Three.Here’s where the canon-twisting comes in. Let me tell you the story I had inmind:
In AllHalliwell’s Eve, when Cole and the Charmed Ones time-traveled to the 1600s,they unintentionally altered history without realizing it (butterfly effect andall that). After they returned to the present, Angels of Destiny sensed thedisturbance, and they foresaw a powerful evil rising to power and taking overthe world in just a few years. Because this was not meant to happen and wentagainst the grand design they were protecting, they decided to interfere—bygiving the Charmed Ones, the most powerful good witches ever, even more powerso that they could defeat this evil being. How did they give them more power?By turning the Power of Three™ into the Power of Four™. But because P4 wassomething that also went against the grand design, turning P3 into it wasn’tthat simple. They had to work step by step:
Step 1: Magically create* Paige, a love childof Patty and Sam. Give her a telekinetic power like Prue has (albeit with aWhitelighter-y spin) so that she can replace the oldest and most powerfulsister of the trio.
Step 2: Make sure that Prue dies and that Piperand Phoebe meet Paige, creating a new version of P3.
Step 3: Wait a few years to give the new trioenough time to really consolidate this new Power of Three and reach the strengthand bond level that the first trio had.
Step 4: Make sure that Prue is revived. SincePiper and Phoebe now have an equally strong bond with Prue as well as Paige,the two P3s merge and become P4.
Step 5: Wait another couple of years to give P4a chance to consolidate, to give Prue and Paige a chance to form the samestrong bond they have with Piper and Phoebe.
Step 6: Now is the time when the evil tries totake over the world. Make sure the Power of Four™ find out about it, then stepaside and let them handle it.
Step 7: Congratulations! The over-powered P4managed to defeat the evil. Though the existence of P4 does go against thegrand design, it is not as bad as it would have been had the evil won, so justshrug that off and live with it. Things may not be exactly as meant to, but hey, good enough. Go back to wherever it isthat Angels of Destiny live, and relax. Your job is done.
* My original idea for how the Angels ofDestiny created Paige was that they time-traveled to November 1976. There they performedsome kind of magic that caused Patty to conceive a baby the next time she andSam… you know. I called this canon-compliant because everything we saw on theshow really did happen, the twist is just that the reason it happened is becausethe Angels altered history. I have to admit, though, now that I’m thinkingabout this, I can’t figure out why they would bother with a convoluted planlike this if they could have just time-traveled to the 1600s instead andchanged the thing that started the butterfly effect. I don’t remember if I hadthis thought-out back then or not, though I’m guessing I didn’t.
An alternative way of creating Paige that Ithought of now: the Angels of Destiny pulled a “last Thursdayism” on Paige.When you’re playing The Sims 2, you can’t turn back time, but you can alwayscreate a new sim, an adult sim, and that sim will have memories even thoughthey’re brand new in the game. The Angels of Destiny couldn’t time-travel, butthey could create Paige. So they did,and they gave her and the people she would’ve had relationships with fakememories as if she were alive the whole time and not a brand new person.
Leaving aside the sequel, if I were to rewritethe show with the Power of Four™, if I were to make an AU that starts from thebeginning, how would the story of the show go? Let’s talk about how the wholething would begin, how P4 would get established. Like I said, I haven’t giventhis much thought before, so allow me to brainstorm here and see what I cancome up with.
Version 1: Witch/Whitelighter relationshipsare not forbidden. Patty and Sam don’t have to hide their relationship, so theyget married and Sam becomes the step-father of Prue, Piper and Phoebe. ThenPatty gets pregnant and gives birth to Paige, who they don’t have to give away,so they raise the four girls together. Of course, not too long after Paige’sbirth, Patty dies.
Version 1A: After Patty’s death, Sam clips hiswings but stays with the family. He raises the girls along with Penny. Ofcourse, since the girls had their powers bound and Patty and Penny decided tohide magic from them until they are old enough, the girls don’t know that Samis a former Whitelighter. When their powers are unbound after Penny’s death in1998, Sam tells them the truth and becomes their guide as they learn tonavigate their lives as witches.
Version 1B: After Patty’s death, Sam ends uppulling a Victor and abandons the girls (poor Prue gets double Daddy issues).He tries to watch over them from afar, but doesn’t get too involved in theirlives, making only scarce guest appearances on the show like Victor does.
Version 1C: Sam dies with Patty. Or at somepoint after Patty, who cares? The point is he’s gone, the girls are raised solelyby Penny and there is only one Victor on the show.
Either way, in this version, all four girlsgrow up together. When Phoebe finds the Book in the attic in the first episode,they all get their powers together. They are all in the story from thebeginning to the end.
Version 2:Witch/Whitelighter relationships areforbidden, but Patty decides to keep the baby anyway. She knows the Elders aredumb and useless, so she doesn’t worry about anything happening to Paige. If the Elders ever notice that Patty’spregnant or has a newborn, she just tells them the baby is Victor’s (says theyhad a one-night-stand or something), and they fall for it, so no problemo.
In this version, the girls grow up together aswell, just like in version 1, but there is one difference: Paige doesn’t knowthat Victor is not her father, doesn’t know that she’s only a half-sister ofPrue, Piper and Phoebe.
Version 2A:Paige doesn’t develop Whitelighter powers at the beginning, she only has awitch power. She starts developing Whitelighter powers later on and is veryconfused by it, until…
Version 2B:Paige has Whitelighter powers from the beginning, but none of the sisters haveany idea what a Whitelighter is at that time.
Version 2Ba: Later,the sisters meet Leo. They discover that he is something called a Whitelighterand that he has the same powers that Paige has. They’re all very confused byit, until…
Version 2Bb:Leo enters the story later on (or never?), or he enters early but the sisters don’tfind out that he’s a Whitelighter until later on. The Charmed Ones are notaware that Whitelighters are a thing until…
…the sisters learn about Sam, Patty’s Whitelighterfrom before she died. This is where Paige discovers that Victor is not herbiological father, and that she is her sisters’ half-sister. Cue some Paigeangst here.
Version 3:Patty and Sam give Paige up for adoption like they did in canon. In the firstepisode of the show, Prue, Piper and Phoebe meet Paige, who has discovered thattheir mother was her biological mother. It’s like in the reboot, when Mel andMaggie met Macy in the first episode. Of course, Prue, Piper and Phoebe arereluctant to believe Paige at first, but later that night Phoebe finds the Bookof Shadows in the attic. She reads aloud a spell to unbind the powers of the“four sisters,” and she reads about Melinda Warren’s “Power of Four” prophecy.When all four of them start performing magical tricks the next day, Prue, Piperand Phoebe realize Paige might have been right. Cue them getting to know eachother and forming the P4 together.
Version 4: Pattyand Sam give Paige up for adoption like they did in canon. Prue, Piper andPhoebe do not meet Paige right from the beginning. All the spells thatmentioned “three” in canon don’t mention any number in this version. MelindaWarren’s prophecy was some vague crap about three sisters (each with one of herthree powers) finding the light and together becoming the strongest witchesever. As it later turns out, this “light” is the half-WhitelighterPaige. But the sisters don’t know that yet at the beginning of the story.
At the beginning, the sisters feel that they’renot reaching their full potential. The spells meant to be cast by the CharmedOnes together aren’t fully effective. For instance, Charmed vanquishing spellsonly wound the demons; this is enough to let the sisters finish the demons offotherwise (like, with athames and offensive potions and stuff), but still, thespells are not strong enough to actually vanquish the demons as they’re meantto. However, the girls attribute this purely to the fact that they are new atthe craft. They figure they’ll get better in time, as they learn to controltheir powers better and get more practice.
Then surprise! Later on (I think the best timefor this would be the episode P3 H2O—ornot quite P3 H2O ’cause I didn’t likethat episode, but instead some good episode that also introduces Sam, Patty’sformer Whitelighter and lover), they discover that their mother had a baby withher Whitelighter, who she had to give up for adoption because it was aforbidden baby. This baby, now a young adult, is a fourth sister, who’s ahalf-Whitelighter. Prue, Piper and Phoebe look for her and find Paige Matthews.When Paige joins them, they can suddenly perform much more powerful magic thanbefore. Vanquishing spells actually kill the demons, etc. The Charmed Ones nowrealize what the prophecy really meant.
Version 5:Patty and Sam give Paige up for adoption like they did in canon. Similarly to version4, Prue, Piper and Phoebe do not meet Paige right from the beginning. However,they don’t lack full power here, because in this version the Charmed Ones onlyhave the Power of Three. The Power of Four does not and cannot exist. MelindaWarren’s prophecy wasn’t vague, the P3 spells all work as intended, etc.
When the Charmed Ones learn about Paige in P3 H2O, she doesn’t add to the group andsuddenly make them stronger. Instead, what they discover is that Paige has theability to replace any of the sisters in the Power of Three. You can read moreabout how this works below, in the section Powers: version 4.
Okay, I think that’s all the ideas I can comeup with now. If I were to choose just one of these versions… I don’t know, Imight go with Version 3, or maybe Version 1C.
Now we’ve established how the story wouldstart—but how would the story go?
All right, if P3→P4 were the only change madeto the series, I imagine the story would go pretty much the same way, exceptthere’d be four sisters reciting spells together rather than three. :DObviously, one sister dying and getting replaced wouldn’t happen in thisversion, but I feel like in most plots there wouldn’t be a problem withincorporating the fourth sister into them, and it wouldn’t be necessary tochange them too much.
Of course, you could change how the storylineswould play out if you wanted to. For instance, when Cole becomes the Source inseason 4, I feel like Prue would also notice that he was acting weird, maybeeven sooner than Paige did. So then Prue and Paige could team up, and togetherthey could find some concrete evidence, which would convince Piper and Phoebethat Cole was evil (again). Then they could either A) vanquish Cole sooner,before Phoebe has a chance to get pregnant and join him as the Queen of theUnderworld, or B) save Cole before it’s too late, turning him into a mortal (again).
But I don’t think it would be necessary to makechanges like these. The storylines could play out more or less in the same way.For instance, Piper and Phoebe disregarded Prue’s concerns in season 3—whywouldn’t they do it again in season 4? I do think that, with Prue being alivethe whole time, Piper would keep more of her early-seasons personality lateron. Which means that when Phoebe becomes Queen of the Underworld, Prue wouldmore likely take the role that Piper played in that episode. Piper herselfcould be more of a hopeful peacemaker with Paige—or she could do her own thing,she could get tired of playing the peacemaker and try to stay on the sidelinesof this conflict, be all “I’m tired of getting stuck in the middle of your crapmy whole life, leave me out of this.” But this wouldn’t affect the storyline’sturn-out much. In the end, Phoebe would still vanquish Cole and he would comeback and they would vanquish him again and all that.
I could see it going either way, different orthe same. So now the question is this: if I’m creating this AU, do I want to tryand keep the show as it is, keep all the same storylines, with the only big differencebeing that all four sisters are there at all times (which would be the easierway to do this)—or do I want to take this opportunity to self-indulge and putin the work and change every single thing I don’t like about the show while I’mat it? :D I love Charmed, it’s been one of my favorite TV shows for thelast 15 years or so, but let’s be real, it ain’t perfect.
One thing I’d like to address before I move on tothe final section, the powers, is the question of Prue’s love life. If shedoesn’t die mere two years after Andy, that means something has to change.Obviously, Prue can’t end up marrying anyone other than Andy, which means thatA) Andy wouldn’t die in this story, B) Andy would die but would later bebrought back to life, or C) Prue would take a vow of celibacy and prove thatyou don’t need romance in your life to be fulfilled. Well, I feel like C) wouldbe out of character for her, so I guess it’s either A) or B). Either one worksfor me, just as long as the two of them get their happily ever after togetherand get married and have babies and stuff. :)
Now, in terms of powers, I see fourpossibilities.
Version 1: (This option applies to Backstory: version1, 2 and 4.) All the sisters have the same powers they had on the show. TheCharmed Ones were prophesized to be siblings who are descendants of MelindaWarren and who, as a group, have each of Melinda’s three powers. P4 meet thecriteria, which makes them the Charmed Ones.
Version 2: (This option applies to Backstory: version1, 2 and 3.) Melinda had four powers, not three. The Charmed Ones wereprophesized to be four sisters with the Power of Four. Paige, as the fourthsister, has the fourth power that Melinda had. This fourth power could reallybe anything: invisibility, telepathy, icy breath (like Prue’s past life), youname it. There’s countless possibilities here.
Version 3: (This option applies to Backstory: version1, 2B and 4.) Paige only has Whitelighter powers. Of course, she is ahalf-witch, she is part of the Power of Four™, she can cast spells with hersisters and stuff, but she didn’t inherit any of the three Warren powers thather sisters have. She doesn’t mind, though, ’cause she has enough powers as aWhitelighter.
Version 4: (This option applies to Backstory: version1, 2 and 5.) The prophesized sisterhood is a trio, not a quartet. There canonly be the Power of Three, not the Power of Four. Paige is an extra fourthsister. If she were to recite a spell along with Prue, Piper and Phoebe, theeffect would be exactly the same as it would be if only Prue, Piper and Phoebesaid it. Paige can’t add to the Power of Three—but she can intercept it andform the Power of Three with any two of her sisters.
In this version, Paige possesses all threeWarren powers: telekinesis, freezing, and negligib— I mean, premonitions.However, she can’t use them whenever she wants to. She also has Whitelighterpowers, which she can use at any time, but the Warren powers she can only useunder certain conditions. To give an example of the conditions I have in mind:
Let’s say Paige wants to use telekinesis. Inorder to do that, the distance between Prue and all three of her sisters has tobe bigger than the distance between Paige and Piper/Phoebe. Plus, it can’t justbe a centimeter bigger (that would be a total chaos), it has to be at least, say,100 meters bigger, or something like that, IDK. Therefore, if all four sistersare in a room together, Paige can only use her Whitelighter powers and shecan’t cast any Power of Three spells. If Prue goes on a vacation to anothercountry and Piper, Phoebe and Paige stay in San Francisco, Paige can usetelekinesis and cast P3 spells to her heart’s desire.
One more condition could be that, since thePower of Three was meant for Prue, Paige can only use telekinesis if Prue isn’tusing it at the same time, regardless of the distance. If Prue on her vacationdecided to move a bottle of water to herself from across the room, Paige wouldnot be able to use telekinesis in that moment. Alternatively, it could be thatthis condition doesn’t apply, but what happens is that Prue loses her powerwhen Paige is tapping into her place in the Power of Three. If Prue is away ona vacation, she can’t move the bottle of water across the room magically; shehas to get up and walk for it like a normal person.
These rules also apply with freezing/premonitions,wherein Paige replaces Piper/Phoebe in the Power of Three.
An exception to these rules would be unrelatedpower losses. If, say, a demon took away Prue’s powers through apower-stripping potion, Paige would be able to use telekinesis even if she werestanding right next to Prue. However, if two or all three of her sisters losetheir powers, Paige can’t use any of her witchy abilities. She can only betapping into the Power of Three from one side at a time, not two or all three.
Does this make any sense? I hope so, but I’mnot sure.
Anyway, I’m done rambling now. Sorry for allthis. I’ll try to answer questions more concisely next time.
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hightidelowmood · 3 years
Of course I have an exam on Monday and should be studying but here we are procrastinating because I love to self-sabotage. ...
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tamayokny · 5 years
Name ten favourite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) then tag ten people
This was extremely difficult to do. The first two were easy, since they are my ride or die, but choosing 10 different characters? From ten different things? I don’t know if I even like 10 different things, but I found some loopholes, lol.
tagged by @bpdanakins <3
1. Lara Croft - Tomb Raider
Lara Croft has been one of my idols since I was a small child. My mom had bought Tomb Raider: Starring Lara Croft and Tomb Raider: Adventures of Lara Croft for my sister on the PlayStation. I remember watching my sister play it, and then sometimes I was allowed to play it. I continued the Tomb Raider legacy throughout the years.
Lara Croft is just. Amazing. I love every version of her. Classic Lara deflected the life her parents had wanted her to have, and paid the price for it. Did that stop her? No, it did not! She was able to make her own mark in the world. LAU!Lara wanted to find out what happened to her mother, and honestly I love Keeley Hawes as Lara. She was witty and funny, and Legend is one of my favorite TR games. And Reboot!Lara? I love her. I honestly don’t care what people say, Reboot!Lara is great! Her first game is also fun to play. Each version of Lara Croft offers something different, and I love it. While many of Lara’s core values are in each incarnation (adventurous, ambitious, brave, etc.), each brings a new perspective which I enjoy!
Fun fact: my irl best friend and Lara share the same zodiac sign!
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2. Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) - Marvel
I LOVE WANDA MAXIMOFF WITH ALL MY HEART!!! She’s a huge comfort character for me. She’s one of the most powerful mutants (yes, I am ignoring the retcon), and she’s complex. Wanda first appeared in X-Men #4 alongside her brother, Pietro, as members of Magneto’s Brotherhood. Eventually, the twins become heroes and join the Avengers.
Wanda’s mutation is magic; probability, to put it at best. She can warp reality. While she is strong, she is also human. Many remember her best as having a mental breakdown and creates House of M (influenced by her beloved brother). After this, she goes off the radar for a few years before her reincarnated sons find her.
I love Wanda because she has heart, courage, and cares for others. She’s intuitive and sensitive and, in many ways, reminds me of myself. I genuinely love Wanda with all my heart. She remains to be my number one favorite superhero. I wish more people knew her--the real her. The MCU does not do her (or her brother) justice. At all. (At least AOU kind of got their “reluctant villains to heroes” origin story well enough?)
Also: fuck you Marvel for retconning Magneto as the Maximoffs’ father. It’s been 5 years but I still elect to ignore that.
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3. Phoebe Halliwell - Charmed
Growing up, Charmed was one of my favorite TV shows. To sum it up, it’s about a group of sisters who discover that they’re witches. Specifically, they’re the Charmed Ones and they protect the innocent. For awhile, I’ve said that Piper is my favorite sister but after my last rewatch, I say that Phoebe is my favorite.
At the beginning of the series, Phoebe was the youngest and the rebel of the family. Before the pilot, Phoebe was living in New York but we see her move back in. We also see that she has a strained relationship with her eldest sister, Prue, due to her scummy fiancé. Phoebe is also the reason why their magic was unlocked. (As children, their powers were bounded in order to keep them safe.)
Over time, we see Phoebe mature more. However, there are a few things that never changes with Phoebe. She’s kind and caring for others, always wanting to help them no matter what. (She shares this trait with the youngest sister, Paige.) She is deeply connected with her emotions (which causes her to gain the power of empathy in season 6). Phoebe has also had rough luck with love (see: Cole the demon, etc.) but no matter how much she gets hurt, Phoebe still has hope. She still has love in her heart. No matter how much she gets knocked down, she finds a way of getting back up, and I admire her a lot for it.
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4. Catelyn Stark - A Song of Ice and Fire
Family. Duty. Honor. This is House Tully’s family motto, which is deeply embedded into Catelyn. Catelyn was married to Ned Stark during Robert’s Rebellion, after her former betrothed was murdered in King’s Landing (who, ironically, was Ned’s older brother). Their wedding night resulted in the birth of their firstborn: Robb Stark, heir to Winterfell and King in the North.
Catelyn Stark is the mother of the wolves, and her love for her family is no doubt a core of her character. However, Catelyn is clever and if you mess with her, you will certainly gain her wrath. Her eldest values her for her wisdom, and will turn to her for help. She will do anything for her family, such as freeing Jaime Lannister to get her girls back, or offering herself to save her eldest during the horrific events of the Red Wedding.
Catelyn is murdered, along with majority of the Stark party, at the Red Wedding. However, she is resurrected and becomes Lady Stoneheart. Stoneheart is out for vengeance, because she believes all of her children are gone; taken by the enemy. Stoneheart murders Frey or Lannister alike--whoever is associated with them. She holds no mercy.
There is so much more to Catelyn that I could go on, but I will stop here. (Besides, I need to reread the books again!) I will say this: fuck you, D&D.
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5. Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) - Marvel
Erik Lehnsherr was a young boy when World War II happened and because he was Jewish, he was sent to Auschwitz. His family did not survive, but Erik did. Depending on what you follow on, Erik either A) escaped with Magda (who is the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver’s mother) and started a life with her or B) he hunted down the men who worked for Sebastian Shaw (movie universe).
Anyway, Erik had been a mutant since around the time he was sent to the camps and after the horror and trauma he’s faced, Erik decided that mutants would never be accepted by “their less evolved kin”. So, he became Magneto, a protector for mutants and enemy for humans.
Magneto is only one side of the coin, however. Charles Xavier is a longtime frenemy of sorts, both having different perspectives in life. Xavier believes in coexistence, but Magneto believes otherwise. He had seen what humanity is capable of, and he never wants that to happen again. If he must be a villain, than so be it.
Magneto is beautifully complex. He has done some questionable things (I’m thinking of the comics for this one), but he has also done great things for his people. “Never again,” he says. He fights to keep it that way. Magneto is sympathetic at best, and I certainly understand where he comes from. Tell me this: if you were Magneto, what would you have done?
Also: while Michael Fassbender is not Jewish in any way, he did one hell of a job portraying this amazing character.
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6. Kira Yukimura - Teen Wolf
I wasn’t planning on adding Teen Wolf to the list, but here I am.
Kira was introduced to us in season 3b, written as a “new love interest” for Scott McCall. I remember a lot of fans of a certain ship were pissed, but whatever. I’m not here to talk about romance.
So, in 3b Kira was a new student, with her dad as the new history teacher at Beacon Hills High School. She’s of both Korean and Japanese descent, and she ends up playing an important role in the story arc. We find out that she’s a Kitsune, thanks to her mother who explains how a Kitsune and a werewolf must come together to defeat the Nogitsune, who happens to be possessing the loveable Stiles Stilinski.
After this, Kira becomes a part of the McCall Pack and Scott’s girlfriend. In my opinion, they’re cute together but many people hate them together. Oh well. Kira also becomes a badass in her own right, as her abilities evolve. However, in season 5, the creators put her on the shelf, as she trains with Skinwalkers and is never seen again. I am so fucking MAD about that.
Like many characters on this list, Kira has heart and courage. She’s a bit of an introvert but she is loyal, and cares for her pack. She’s cute and a bit goofy. She is skilled and deadly. Kira is one of the coolest characters Teen Wolf had, and the way they treated her was disappointed. (Even though after her death, Allison was always mentioned/connected in some way. I like Allison, don’t get me wrong but all I can say is: interesting...)
Fun fact: Arden Cho, the actress, is the VA for Sam Nishimura in Tomb Raider (2013)!
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7. Lois Wilkerson - Malcolm in the Middle
The mother of four boys, the matriarch of the Wilkerson household is not one to push around.
Lois has had a rather rough life. Her parents were not the best, and everyone tries to push her down. However, Lois fights back and is not afraid to stand up for what is right. Francis, her oldest, describes her as an absolute menace and while her sons and husband fear her, they also admire her for her strength and courage. Lois is tough as nails, but she can also break, too. However, her family--the family she and Hal created, no one else--is there for her. Lois is incredibly strong willed no matter what, and I love her so much.
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8. Theon Greyjoy - A Song of Ice and Fire
No words can describe on how much I love this fashionable war criminal.
Before the start of the series, Theon is a hostage/ward of Lord Stark, as a result of his father’s failed rebellion. Theon was a reminder that if Balon Greyjoy pulled something again, his last (male) heir would get the chopping block. Pretty brutal for a young child, right?
Now, at the start of the series, Theon is nineteen and is seemingly best friends with Robb Stark, the heir to Winterfell and the North. He shows loyalty to Robb and the Starks, claiming that Lord Stark was like a father to him. He’s also skilled with archery and, like I mentioned earlier, fashion.
Then A Clash of Kings occur, and we began to see how Theon Greyjoy is.
Robb Stark has been proclaimed as King of the North, and sends Theon to the Iron Islands in hopes to gain allies with Balon Greyjoy. However, this does not occur. Old Greyjoy says “fuck that and if you’re [Theon] aren’t with us, then you‘re against us.” We see Theon conflicted, but we also see how strained his relationship with his father is. In the end, Theon joins the Greyjoys, and promptly sacks Winterfell. However, that is not the end. Theon is tricked by Ramsay Bolton and this vile man takes Winterfell. I believe while he took the women and children captive, the men were killed...save for Theon, of course.
Theon is held captive by Ramsay Bolton, and is tortured quite brutally. Theon goes through a lot in this time. His appearance had changed drastically: black hair turned white and brittle, he becomes skin and bones, and loses a few fingers and toes. Theon is no longer Theon. He became Reek. The new Reek.
Then, Jeyne Poole (or Sansa; I hate you D&D) arrives, under the guise that she is Arya Stark and she is to wed Ramsay Bolton. Jeyne begged Theon to help her, but he is in no position of power. He is a completely broken man. Time flies by. Jeyne is in absolute misery but with the help of Mance and some spearwives, Theon is able to escape Winterfell with Jeyne during a winter storm. Currently, in the books, Theon is set to be executed by Stannis Baratheon, who is currently holding him captive.
Theon Greyjoy may be a fuckup, but to me he is such an amazing character. He holds much conflict, from being a hostage/ward to Prince to prisoner. Theon Greyjoy may have done a lot of shit, but he is also a survivor. Everything he has been put through, he somehow lives to see another day. Despite holding negative feelings to Lord Stark and everyone around, claiming he owed no one anything (fair enough), he loved Robb. When Theon had found out he was murdered at the Red Wedding, you know what he thought?
I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him.
Theon is far from perfect, but that is what makes him great. He has come so far, and I hope his journey does not end any time soon.
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9. Suki - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Zuko may have the best redemption arc (or does he? See above.), but Suki holds a special place in my heart.
We first meet Suki season one, on Kyoshi Island. She is the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, and effectively puts Sokka in his place. However, when Sokka requests a few lessons, Suki is happy to help...as long as he followed the guidelines.
Suki is a certified badass. Although a non-bender, Suki has incredible skill and event went against Azula. However, Suki and the others surrendered (so that Appa would not be captured), leading to her imprisonment at Boiling Rock. Eventually, Sokka and Zuko free her (with the help of Mai). After this, Suki joined the Gaang in ceasing the 100 Year War.
Suki is strong but like many other characters in this list, she has heart. She is an effective leader and fighter, offering her help whenever she can. Too bad she was never mentioned in The Legend of Korra. Suki is underrated and she deserves more love and respect.
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10. Max Mayfield - Stranger Things
We first meet Max in season 2 as the new girl in Hawkins. She seems like your average girl but she quickly gets tied into the party after Lucas begs her to show her what has happened with him and the rest of the party. However, there’s a lot more to Max.
Max moved to Hawkins with her mother, stepfather, and stepbrother. It’s easy to see that Max and Billy, her stepbrother, do not get along. Billy is outright mean to her, lashing out at practically every chance he gets. Max fights back, however...especially when he threatens her friends.
In season 3, we finally get to see Max and El bond. (Thank God we didn’t have to put up with the “jealousy” tidbit. I would have--) El believes that Mike is lying and Max is like, “Well yeah. Come on let’s go to the mall!” and the girls have a blast together. I was so happy to see the two bond and have fun. I was so happy that El was spending time with someone other than Mike. I was so happy the girls were having fun by themselves. Honestly, the best part of season 3 was them becoming friends.
I love Max because she is confident and is not afraid to speak her mind. She’s funny and in many ways, we are alike. (Especially with our attitudes on boys and relationships.) However, Max is also vulnerable. We see this with her stepbrother, especially in season 3 I think. Their relationship was drastically different in season 3 and while many didn’t like it (myself included)...I also thought about Max. She’s a young girl and no matter how much bad blood was in between them, it will be traumatizing to see a transformation like this to someone you know quite well. It would be scary.
Anyway, I love Max.
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Honorable mentions: Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat), Ororo Munroe (Storm), Jean Grey (Phoenix), Anna Marie (Rogue), Sam Nishimura, Malia Tate, all of House Martell, Dustin Henderson...
Thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoyed reading this. Tell me, do I have a certain type of character that I’m attracted to? Also, I’m not sure who has all done this, so if you haven’t it: who are your top 10 favorite characters? Let me know!
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witchofinterest · 4 years
Hello again! How would describe Poppy’s relationship with the sister? Which is she closes to?
Hi, I can absolutely go into poppy’s relationships with her sisters.
Prue - prue always felt the need to look after her sisters, even when the age difference was between 2-5 years, and poppy is no different. Also prue’s 15 when poppy is adopted so I feel like she’s been getting more and more independent so she wants to help more with poppy then phoebe or piper. Also prue remembers poppy’s mom has been around since patty died, and trying to help, so when she dies prue kinda feels obligated, but it quickly grows into more. Poppy’s like 4 or 5 when prue goes to college, but when she gets back is when they really start to be sisters. Odviously prue and piper move out, but their closer this time around, and still see eachother. At the start of the series, I would put them as pretty close, but poppy still definitely views prue as an adult to listen to on everything, and prue views poppy as a kid who can’t make her decisions. So they have some issues to work through, but they love eachother a lot, and will have an amazing relationship going forward.
Piper- I would put piper as the sister who stays, mostly. Piper went to school close to home, so she’s always been there. Piper was kinda unsure about a baby as a sister when she was like, in middle school, but baby poppy quickly won her over. Piper likes to cook, and poppy learned a lot from watching piper and grams, and piper was always willing to let poppy help, even when she was 5 or 6. Poppy and piper are both more on the introverted sides, and used to helping mediate fights with prue and phoebe. They don’t really have any issues to work through, but they help eachother work their personal issues, and get closer through that.
Phoebe - the closest in age to poppy, I’m pretty sure she was in elementary school when poppy was adopted, so around a normal age to get a sister. She doesn’t really remember much before poppy was adopted unlike piper and prue, so she adjusts the easiest. At first she was a little jealous, but that’s normal for any kid. She gets over it. Their pretty much partners in crime as soon as poppy is old enough. At first it’s harmless prank stuff, then when phoebe starts her shoplifting phase, she’s a little different and poppy can tell. Poppy’s definitely worried, but can’t do much about it. It’s definerly a tense household before grams dies. It’s the most tense when their all their, and it gets a little better when prue and piper move out, but not much. Then grams dies, and it’s really not easy on poppy, let alone anyone else. Phoebe leaves to New York, and she and poppy actually regularly talk. Phoebe sent poppy a ukulele she won in a poker game to poppy for her birthday, and poppy has a pretty glittery card for phoebes. Their dynamic is pretty okay when the show starts, but they both need to work on stopping overlooking the other’s faults. But their definitely a good dynamic. Poppy goes with phoebe to the attic to get their powers in the first episode, and Phoebe lets poppy borrow a necklace for her first day of high school.
Paige - I’m not sure if I’m going to write Paige in the story (I want to, I’m just not sure how it’s gonna work out), but she and poppy will have a great dynamic. I’m not sure if I’m killing prue (spoilers I guess) but even if I don’t she and Paige are still great. Their both adopted, and love their adoptive families more than anything. It’s a really interesting that poppy was raised with Paige’s biological family. Anyway, poppy is definitely a lot insecure when Paige enters. She’s for starters, a biological sister. Second she’s got her life in order. Poppy more than a little jealous. Paige is definerly jealous too though. Poppy was raised with the halliwells, and is considered family. So they definetly have issues, but once they work through them, their actually great. Paige wants to learn about being a witch and poppy can teach her, and Paige could help poppy more with the normal life thing in the beginning. I’m not sure either jealousy will ever go away, but they learn to love eachother despite it. Also poppy taught Paige how to make chocolate chip cookies, the only thing Paige can now make.
Thank you! I would probably say she’s closest to phoebe.
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
bestie for pride month… please give the gays what we want: HEADCANONS OF YOUR Prue is given up at birth Piper dies!AU. please, I beg thee 🙏
lmaoooooo. okay. this is for the gays. [post for reference]
patty and sam's affair happens first before she ever meets victor then she gets knocked up grams almost has a hernia it's decided that even tho patty and sam love each other this is too much of a risk, their proximity to one another, and they need to separate in order to stay off the elders radar
patty gives birth to prue and then immediately gives her up at birth, she is taken in by the matthews family
patty later marries victor and has three daughters: piper, phoebe, and paige, but you could say it just wasn't meant to be, because patty and victor do ultimately get divorced
patty still drowns at the lake but in this specific au, she takes the water demon down with her
so there's no demon left in the lake
so when prue finds herself drawn to the lake whenever the matthews family goes camping, she really is at no risk
she'll just lie an the dock and talk, she says to herself, but that's not quite true
but idk it would just sound weird to say she's talking to the lake itself
meanwhile back at the manor piper is definitely very firm and very stern in her role as eldest sister but she's not as rigid as prue
like. bc phoebe and paige are a handful and a half. and piper tells them she tells them don't go out don't fucking do it but of course they do anyways. she doesn't bother to snitch to grams either and she'll still make them a full hangover breakfast the next morning but it always comes with a healthy dose of i told you so
one night paige and phoebe are tearing it up and paige is driving completely shitfaced and she crashes the car and phoebe, who was not buckled, goes flying through the windshield
that was the only time she ever really saw piper lose her shit, she was fucking furious, phoebe was in the hospital and piper came busting into the waiting room already screaming paige's name
but once she saw how broken her sister already was she just sat down and cried with her
that was the event that triggered paige's journey towards sobriety
it definitely also put a damper on phoebe's party spirit but grams's energy after than incident was so suffocating phoebe couldn't take it anymore and moved to new york
paige got her job in social services, piper got her job at quake, prue was working as a photographer, phoebe was a jack of all trades
after grams's death phoebe moved back in and the girls became charmed
their whitelighter in this is actually sam and he becomes something of a father figure to them
then piper bites it
this almost triggers a backslide in paige's sobriety, her & phoebe really lean on each other in this time, it's very heavy, very emotional, very intuitive
so naturally pragmatic prue matthews sticks out like a sore goddamn thumb
but still, there's something about piper's death that feels eerily familiar to her
it reminds her of how her long time boyfriend, a private investigator, andy died
and that scares her
she doesn't really want to go in on this witch stuff
however, the source has clocked her, and in an attempt to kill her, burns her house down or something, killing her parents, but, miraculous, she survived
she shouldn't have
the exits were sealed, they were pounding against the door, desperately trying to escape
there was no way she could have gotten out of the house
(unless she orbed)
so now she has nowhere to go
except for the manor
paige and phoebe really pull themselves together for this bc they were totally content to let themselves wallow their way out of existence over piper's death, but seeing prue
phoebe and paige have lost before. they've lost their mom and they've lost their grandma and they've lost their sister
it stings, but they know what it feels like to have a loved one die and they know they can make it through it
prue does not know that
she does not know how to grieve
she wants to
she doesn't even know
she wants to go to the lake
for piper, phoebe, and paige, how their mom died has always been a mystery
she didn't tell grams where she was going, only that she'd be back for dinner
prue, noting how they're all in mourning and all need the tranquility the lake offers, bring phoebe and paige with her
and they meet patty
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hurrems · 5 years
charmed & desperate housewives
the first character i ever fell in love with: prue, she was literally my idol when i was 6
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i don’t think there’s anyone... i guess i liked paige during my rewatch a bit less than i remembered liking her but i still liked her so i mean
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: ohhhh phoebe/cole!! i loved them as a kid but when i rewatched it this year, i was so underwhelmed by their whole relationship, especially post s3 (s3 was kinda decent for them but i didn’t care after that, even when cole was still a good guy)
my ultimate favorite character™: piper! but prue is very close
prettiest character: definitely piper
my most hated character: honestly probably christie, she was just really annoying
my OTP: piper/leo ofc
my NOTP: i don’t really have a notp in the classic sense but i disliked piper/dan and phoebe/coop the most. piper/dan was just unnecessary and phoebe/coop was astonishingly badly written, change my mind
favorite episode: im gonna go with the season 5 finale.... iconic
saddest death: prue, of corse
favorite season: probably season 3
least favorite season: season 8. i didn’t hate it or anything but it was just... underwhelming in many ways
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: no one?? i honestly don’t even hate a lot of characters to begin with, like pretty much just christie, dan, and that one annoying fbi lady from season 7
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: cole turner lmao. i may not like phoebe/cole but i did still like cole, what can i say
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: prue obviously :( also drake! he wasn’t a cinnamon roll but he honestly deserved better imo. the phoebe endgame we deserved tbh.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: ehhh..... prue/cole. i honestly ship them so much idc.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: i guess paige/henry. i do wish they were developed more but yeah, they were sweet. also prue/andy too.
desperate housewives
the first character i ever fell in love with: god i wish i remembered... it was either bree or gaby but it was so long ago i really don’t know
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: hmm i guess orson? he was ok until he became a kleptomaniac and started blackmailing bree lmao
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: again i guess bree/orson. i never really cared that much but they were ok. i don’t have anyone else agfgfdgf
my ultimate favorite character™: bree with lynette a close second
prettiest character: i’m biased to say bree because i love redheads. but also gaby and katherine.
my most hated character: susan mayer, she can choke
my OTP: from canon ships lynette/tom were always my favorite but i also love bree/katherine as an au ship
my NOTP: susan/mike just because i fucking detest susan. bree/rex were also horrible tbh.
favorite episode: i really loved the tornado episode and the one with the supermarket shooting. idk honestly, binge watching it made all the episodes kind of blur together but these two came to mind.
saddest death: im probably gonna say edie but i thought mike’s was sad too
favorite season: im gonna say season 4 purely because that focused on katherine and i am such a huge katherine stan. she’s literally my favorite after bree and lynette.
least favorite season: eh season 7. idk nothing about that season’s storyline grabbed me. i did enjoy seeing paul back because i actually like his character but the whole storyline just didn’t work for me that much, and the housewives’ storylines were kinda meh too
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: honestly i only hate susan and as far as i know many people dislike her too so?
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: edie? lbr everyone on this show is kinda problematic 
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: katherine mayfair
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: i don’t really have one 
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: carlos/gaby
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
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p3-lies-here · 7 years
Charmed Opinions
Okay, so I’ve been rewatching some Charmed recently, and I kind of want to voice my opinions on some things because… well, why not? This is Tumblr, and that’s what Tumblr is for.  
I’m gonna try to divide this little essay up into headings like “stories I wish were told” and “my thoughts on (insert topic here)” just to make it easier to follow. Starting with:
My Thoughts on Cole Turner and Chris Halliwell
So, the reason I’m picking on these two characters specifically is because they are my two very favorite characters, aside from the sisters. I’ve got a lot to say about their potential and what could’ve/should’ve been done with them. Let’s start with Chris.
Chris Halliwell
I think it’s safe to say that Chris is a fairly beloved character amongst the fandom, which is no surprise. He was a brilliant addition to the cast. Every bit of Chris Halliwell, from the actor to his interactions with the rest of the cast, made him undoubtedly memorable. There were just a few things involving his character that I would have enjoyed seeing.
While I don’t think Chris should’ve been on the show for longer than a season, it does feel like his time on Charmed was cut short. It could be that a lot of his episodes put him into a Whitelighter role, which wasn’t what the majority of his character was about. Rather than episodes of him being a sort of background piece, it could’ve been nice to have Chris’s role be more restricted to his mission of saving Wyatt. However, seeing him struggle to maintain his cover while also acting as the Whitelighter for the Charmed Ones is something I wouldn’t trade for the world. Still, I wish we’d had more time with him.
Namely, after the entire family had found out Chris’s secret of being Piper and Leo’s son. It would’ve been amazing to see Chris spend more time with Piper or hash out his differences with Leo or even just hang out with his aunts. Although, I do understand that this probably wasn’t written in for lack of time in the season, or maybe it was excluded so we didn’t receive too much information about the future. Nonetheless, I wish we’d seen Chris interact more with his family.
On the topic of the future, it would’ve been nice to see more glimpses of it. We got some nice flashbacks in “Chris-Crossed,” but those memories were isolated to Chris since the episode was focused on him. It would’ve been cool to see a broader scope of what the world became without Paige, Phoebe, and Piper there to save it. On that note, I really wish we’d gotten more of Chris and Wyatt being enemies. Maybe Chris could’ve gone back to the future for an episode to see if it changed, or Wyatt could’ve come back to keep Chris from saving him. Something like that would’ve been amazing. Well, that’s enough on Chris. I think it’s time we move on.
Cole Turner
Cole was probably the best decision this show ever made (give or take bringing Paige into the mix). The chemistry this man had with each and every character was amazing. I feel like most people in the fandom either love or hate Cole, and if they hate him, it usually has something to do with the fact that they don’t like his relationship with Phoebe. If that’s you, you’re not going to enjoy this section, so… maybe skip?
I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s ridiculous how well Cole fit into the show. It’s naturally a combination of great acting and great writing, but seriously. Not only with the sisters, but with Leo and Darryl as well. I’ve said this probably a thousand times by now, but it’s not difficult to picture Cole in a relationship with any of the Charmed Ones. Honestly, just picture it for a second:
If Cole had been with Prue, it would’ve been constant disagreements, all the time. The strong-willed nature of both of them would frequently bring them to a boiling point, often compromising whatever mission they were currently working on. But when they weren’t fighting, they were saving people. Constantly. It was the one thing that kept them together. A power couple for the history books.
If it’d been Piper, it would involve Piper worrying over Cole’s safety and not being afraid to kick a little ass to save his. Her nurturing nature would rival his risk-taking nature in the best way. There’d be a lot of compromises and a lot of discussions about how to make it all work, a Charmed One and a demon. She’d make the potions and he’d tell her what battle they’d be fighting that day. At the end of the day, they’d just be happy to have a quiet moment.
Now, Paige and Cole… well, that’d be nonstop magic. Paige would learn something new and be so excited to tell Cole about it. Cole would take her to the Underworld to kill demons. They’d talk about everything from Paige’s job to the rush Cole gets when he takes down a demon. There would never be a still moment or a dull day. All the time they’d be seeking out some adventure together.
But I didn’t come here to talk about alternate timelines where these things could’ve been possible. I came here to talk about the way Cole’s story ended.
All in all, I understand why the writers opted to end Cole’s story the way it started—with him being evil—but I still have a fire in me when it comes to Phoebe and Cole. I adore Coop. I think Phoebe, the girl who falls in love far too easily, ending up with a Cupid is very poetic. But it didn’t seem much like a whirlwind romance to me. I’m so happy that Phoebe found a life with someone, but I don’t think that would’ve been Coop if Cole had never been taken over by the Source.
I’ve always felt that Cole was done a real injustice toward the end of his time on the show. Phoebe completely stopped sympathizing with him, which is completely unlike her character. Hell, Paige sympathized with him more than Phoebe did in season 5. Not to mention, a lot of the actions Cole carried out during his time as the Source were compelled by the original Source. So, a lot of that time wasn’t entirely Cole’s fault. It’s was completely possible for Cole to be redeemed in season 5 so that he and Phoebe could end up together, or at the very least, so that he could die with dignity. I do get that the writers were trying to bring it full circle, but what they ended up doing to Cole’s character was a real shame.
Paige Matthews’ Story
A big thing I will forever be bitter about is the way Paige’s character was downsized in comparison to the other three sisters. Sure, she didn’t grow up with Piper and Phoebe, but that shouldn’t have been an excuse not to further her character development. Paige never got the spotlight like Prue, Piper, and Phoebe did, and that’s very sad because her character had so much potential. The focal plots she did have where usually limited to an episode, unlike the other three sisters’ series long plots.
Prue was typically a main focus for a number of reasons: she was the strongest, she was the most stubborn (thus the most likely to put herself into dangerous situations), and she was the oldest. That lent itself to storylines involving Patty (as Prue remembered her the best) or storylines involving new characters (as she was the overly protective older sister) or, really, any plot they could’ve written.
Piper always had Leo, from the jump, because Piper’s underlying characteristic is that of a nurturer. So, she always had a place in the story for nurturing her relationship or her children or her family.
Phoebe had her troubles with love, which seemed to push her to the front of every storyline, no matter what it was. Her relationships constantly put her in the spotlight because she either had forbidden loves (like with Cole) or she had complicated loves (like with Jason). Beyond that, due to her lack of active powers, Phoebe was often the character throwing out ideas or plans. She wasn’t ever a background cog in the system.
But, for some reason, Paige never got an overarching plot like this. The closest she ever came was in season 8 when she met Henry, and that wasn’t even an entire season’s worth of story. I’ve seen people mention that she could’ve had an issue with her returning drinking problem. I think it would’ve been cool to actually see her be a Whitelighter rather than just hear about it, maybe even seeing more of her relationship to the supernatural world and how she worked with them (like the leprechauns). Her role at Magic School would’ve also been interesting. Really anything would’ve sufficed.
This isn’t to say that I’m angry about Prue, Piper, and Phoebe having series long storylines, I’m just angry that Paige didn’t get at least one to go along with her sisters’. It just feels like wasted potential of a really strong character.
While we’re on the topic of Paige, let discuss my feelings about the goddess that was chosen for her in “Oh My Goddess.”
I… don’t get it. Like, I want to… and I’ve tried to… but I don’t get it.
I don’t know much about Greek mythology, so I won’t pretend that I do, but the Goddess of War? Phoebe and Piper’s goddesses make sense, and I basically explained why in the above section, but Paige’s? Paige is half-pacifist! And when has she ever gotten into a hand-to-hand fight, aside from the times she absolutely had to? I assume they stuck her with the Goddess of War because of the powers they could elicit from that to supplement the episode. Although, Piper’s powers were the ones shown the most as well as the ones used to take down the Titans, and Phoebe’s powers were hardly used at all, so there’s another reason Goddess of War makes zero sense for Paige.
Might I put forth the Goddess of Retribution or the Goddess of Youth for Paige? The former makes a certain amount of sense because of Paige’s passion for righting the wrongs done by others (which can be seen often during her job as a social worker), and the second makes sense because Paige is a beacon of liveliness and fun. I don’t know how either of these would translate into powers, but I imagine the first one’s powers would be similar to the Goddess of War’s. All in all, I think they wanted to use “popular” goddesses for the sisters. I just think the one Paige got stuck with doesn’t fit. Maybe it does for Prue, though…
Meetings I Wish Would’ve Happened
This is going to be a short list, but there were a few characters I always imagined getting to meet that never got to because their stints on the show didn’t overlap.
Paige and Prue – I mean, of course, right? I personally don’t think Prue would’ve accepted Paige right away. In fact, I think she would’ve been slower to accept her than Piper was (although, if Prue hadn’t died and the show had become about four sisters, Piper probably would’ve accepted her readily). It probably would’ve been similar to Phoebe and Prue’s relationship in season 1. However, Prue would’ve eventually warmed up to her, and probably would’ve taken Paige under her wing. It’s honestly really difficult for me to imagine, but I will forever be sad that they didn’t get to meet (on the show, at least; I don’t read the comics).
Chris and Cole – Don’t ask, I just love thinking about the chemistry they’d have together. I’m, of course, talking about future Chris. Now, baby Chris…
Cole and Piper’s sons – Obviously I wouldn’t want evil-demon-power-grab-bag-crazy-douche-Cole to have any kind of contact with Piper’s babies, but good-guy-Cole would’ve looked so cute holding his little nephews-in-law.
Prue and Chris – Again, this is another one I can’t really explain. I just love to think about Prue teaching her nephew to properly use the power they share. Or even Chris summoning Prue in the future to learn from her.
If you couldn’t tell by this list, I’m mad that Prue wasn’t a part of the series finale. I don’t know what was going on with the people involved at the time, but they should’ve made it happen somehow.
Relationships I Love
This’ll be another short list. There were just a few relationships I wanted to highlight my love for. And I’m gonna keep couples out of it because those are obvious (i.e. no Prue and Andy, no Piper and Leo, no Phoebe and Cole, no Paige and Henry).
Piper and Paige – This is another one of those things I’ve said a million times already. I especially love these two in season 4 when Paige is adjusting to being a witch a Piper is adjusting to Paige. I do wish we’d seen more of Piper assuring Paige that she didn’t expect her to be Prue, but their relationship was always amazing to me.
Paige and Chris – No doubt, this is my favorite Chris + another character combination. I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “What! What about Chris and Piper or Chris and Phoebe? Chris and Leo!” Look, I’m sorry, but I just adore the way Paige interacts with Chris. There was a mention in “Spin City” that Chris and Paige had a strong relationship in the future, and I wish we’d gotten to see it. I imagine that Phoebe is the go-to aunt for Wyatt and Paige is the go-to aunt for Chris, and maybe Melinda is strictly a mama’s/daddy’s girl? Paige and Chris make a lot of sense, not only because of their blood, but because of their inferiority complexes with their older siblings. I imagine they bond over a lot of things. It’s just super cute, okay!
Cole and Piper – It’s hard to isolate which sister relationship with Cole is my favorite, but I think I’ve got to choose Piper. She’s like the perfect combination of Paige and Prue’s sass toward Cole and Phoebe’s respect of Cole. It makes for some awesome interactions, I’m telling you.
Stories I Wish Had Been Told
Oh man, I could talk about this for the rest of my life. So, I’m just going to talk about one specific story I wish we’d seen play out. Well… we did see it play out… but not the way I wanted it to.
So, here’s my idea: a power swap between, either Piper and Paige, or Piper, Paige, and Phoebe (in which Piper gets Phoebe’s powers, Phoebe gets Paige’s, and Paige gets Piper’s).
The reason I’m drawn to the first option is because Piper and Paige are my two favorite sisters, but we’ve seen Piper with Whitelighter abilities, so it wouldn’t be much different on her end.
That’s why I propose a swap between all three sisters. I think it would be amazing to see Piper having premonitions, Phoebe orbing, and Paige blowing shit up. It happened with Phoebe and Prue as well as Piper and Leo, and I think it was referred to as a “supernatural Freaky Friday.”
Okay, to conclude this massive wall-of-words post, I just want to say I love this show. At the end of the day, it can do no wrong in my book. I invite everyone that took the time to read this to tell me your opinions on my opinions, or even just send me some opinions of your own. I love discussing the things I love, and Charmed is definitely one of those things.
Anyway, thanks for reading, and have a lovely day!
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chris-crossed · 7 years
@bluestar22x replied to your post “Chris question”
Yep it made more sense the way things turned out.
I am definitely very glad they made him Wyatt’s brother instead. 
@adorableville replied to your post “Hey how are you? As a fellow Chris halliwell fan (Whw I re-watch...”
i was doing my s6 rewatch yesterday and noticed Chris looked a lot like Paige. But Drew was also perfect casting choice becuz he does look like he could be piper and leo's son :)
Yes, I agree!! He has Piper’s dark hair and Leo’s eyes. It truly was perfect casting. He doesn’t look like baby Wyatt at all, Wes on the other hand, he was perfect casting too. Both Drew’s and Wes’ eyes are pretty much identical to Brian’s, it’s amazing.
@adorableville replied to your post “In the DVD extras, Curtis Kheel and Brad Kern said Chris was meant to...”
in the s5 finale there was no way to tell who he could be..So it worked out great that they changed their mind. But in season 6 from the beginning i really think he meant to be wyatt's brother and thank god for that. Im so glad they decided to change that :) xxxx
Yes, definitely. I probably wouldn’t have loved Chris so much if he had turned out to be Wyatt, and that possibility hurts my heart. Not to say that I don’t like Wyatt, but Chris is Chris.
@whitewolfofwinterfell replied to your post “Hey how are you? As a fellow Chris halliwell fan (Whw I re-watch...”
Ive never understood the connection people make between Prue and Chris either. I agree that the only similarities I see is they both had telekinesis. I actually don't see any obvious or immediate similarities between Chris and any of the sisters.
I mean, I wouldn’t say that what I see are similarities, but Chris is pretty neurotic which reminds me of Piper, at least Piper from the first couple of seasons. I think the writers did that intentionally, but apart from that I can’t say I see any resemblances or similarities either.
It says this on the Charmed wiki: “Chris shares many traits with his late aunt Prue. They both have dark hair and green eyes as well as the power of telekinesis. They were born in October and they also have similar personalities; they're both serious, business-like, stubborn and care greatly for their family's well-being. Also, they both have encountered the Angel of Death sometime before their deaths.”
I don’t know if I agree with that, he could just as easily have gotten those traits from his parents, which is more likely. I think people just want to see similarities with Prue because they want to keep her alive. Which is fine, but it feels like a bit of a stretch.
Also, it’s like 10 years too late to realise this now but Chris was born in 2004, which makes me older than him. My life is a lie.
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theericardo · 3 years
*Part 1: “Something Wicca This Way Comes... Again” *WRITTEN BY: PAUL (ME) *DIRECTED BY:  ALYSSA MILANO *SEASON 1, EPISODE 01
· Alyssa Milano as Phoebe Halliwell
· Rose McGowan as Paige Matthews Mitchell
· with Holly Marie Combs Ryan as Piper Halliwell
· and Shannen Doherty as Prue Halliwell
Co – Staring
· Brian Krause as Leo Wyatt
· Jacob Tremblay as Wyatt Halliwell
· Sunny Suljic as Chris Halliwell
· Nicolas Bechtel as Rafael Vázquez
· Brooklynn Prince as Melinda Halliwell
· Alex Black as Tyler Michaels
· Dafne Keen as Coop Halliwell
· Ivan Sergei as Henry Michell
· Iain Armitage as Henry Michell, Jr.
· Dafne Keen as Hayley Michell
· Nicholas Hamilton as Jesse Housley
[Scene: September 22nd, 2017 - 7:30 a.m. Starts with Piper getting the kids ready for school]
Piper: "Wyatt honey, did you wake up Chris and Melinda?”
Wyatt: “Why is it my job to do so?” “Chris doesn’t like me, and whatever Chris does and says, Melinda follows suit.”
(Leo rushes through before the portal for Magic School opens.)
Leo: “Wyatt, can do what your mom says, please?”
Wyatt: “Whatever, dude!”
(Wyatt orbs out the dining room.)
Piper: “I swear he gets that from you, Leo.”
Leo: “Oh really?”
Piper: “Yes!”
(The portal opens for magic school.)
Leo: “This is the first day of magic school being open since regaining it from evil,” “I don’t want to be late.”
(Leo and Piper give each other a distinctive stare.)
(Leo sprints towards the portal.)
Piper: “We are not done mister!”
(Chris and Melinda makes their way downstairs.)
Chris: “Mom, when do I get to move out of the room with Wyatt,” “He really pushing my buttons.”
Piper: “The last of the renovations should be finished whenever you get home.”
[Scene: 8:10 am – Phoebe at The Bay Mirror]
(Phone rings.)
Tyler: “Bay Manor, Tyler Michaels speaking.” “Looking for Phoebe Halliwell, please hold.”
(Tyler transfer the call to Phoebe.)
Phoebe: “Hello, Phoebe speaking.”
(Coop beams in.)
Phoebe: “Yes, I would like to meet you on Monday following my upcoming novel.”
Coop: whispers “Phoebe, you got a doctor appointment that day.”
Phoebe: “Oh shoot, Tyler, can you call them back to reschedule my interview for me please?”
Tyler: “Sure, Ms. Halliwell.”
Phoebe: “I still have to get ready for delivery next month, then plan the blessing…”
(Coop walks over to comfy Phoebe.)
Coop: “Just relax, Phoebe.”
Phoebe: “I will Coop, I will.”
[Scene: 8:56 am – Back at the Manor with Piper]
(The kids are at school and the renovators have arrived and have been working for 56 minutes)
Construction Worker #1: “Ms. Halliwell, we seem to come across a problem.” “We tried to knock down the shelves in the space you are converting into a bedroom…”
Piper: “Well, let me take a look at it.”
(Piper and the other construction worker walked over to the space were shelves.)
(The other construction worker is knocked out.)
Piper: “Omg, what the hell happened?”
Construction Worker: “Jonathan?”
(Piper and The Construction worker aids Jonathan.)
Construction Worker: “Sorry Ms. Halliwell, we can’t finish constru- “
(Piper freezes both construction workers.)
Piper: “If you can’t, I will.”
(Piper, tries to blow the shelves, but it did not work.)
Piper: “This wall is going come down one way or another.”
(With full force, Piper blow the shelves down, revealing a book.)
(She wipes the dust off the cover.)
Piper: “The Book of Damned?”
(Puzzled, Piper placed The Book of Damned in the room over and rushed back into the room with the construction workers.)
(Piper unfreezes the construction workers.)
Construction Worker: “-ction here…, wow, Ms. Halliwell, how did you do that?”
Piper: “Well you know, with a little elbow grease, and this sledgehammer.” “Maybe you guys should do some more lifting.”
Construction Worker: “Well we will finish the rest before the end of today Ms. Halliwell.”
Piper: “Ha-ha, Great!” “I will be around the house if you need me.”
[Scene: 9:33 am – At Paige and Henry’s apartment]
Henry: “Paige, I’m headed to work.” “I love you.”
Paige: “I love you too.”
Henry: “Thank you for breakfast.”
Paige: “You are welcome.”
(Paige climbs back into bed.)
Paige: “The twins are at school, Henry has gone it work, and I can get some more shut-eye.”
(Paige’s phone starts to ring.)
Paige: using telekinesis orbing “Silence!”
*” Paige” *
(Piper Calling Paige.)
*” Paige Matthews, get your butt here pronto!” *
Paige: “Fine!”
(Paige Orbs to the Manor.)
Paige: “Hey honey, how may I help you?”
(Piper and Paige examines The Book of Damned.)
(They flip through the book.)
Piper: “To remove someone from time and space?”
Paige: “To vanquished someone’s sprit?”
Piper and Paige: “To revert a being’s powers?”
(Piper hands the book to Paige.)
Piper: “Here you take it.” “Take it home with you”
(Paige looks at Piper puzzled.)
Paige: “Umm, no, thank you.”
Piper: “Wyatt has been kind of rebellious with his magic, so I do not need him getting any ideas.”
Paige: “Honey, yea-no, neither one of us knows what mojo comes along with that book, so peace out!”
(Paige orbs out)
Piper: “Uh, FINE!”
[Scene: 11:45 am – At the doctors with Phoebe and Coop]
Doctor: “Mr. and Ms. Halliwell, you are 38 weeks.” “You can pop any day now.”
Phoebe: “Any day!?” “I thought I had another month or at least a few more weeks.”
Coop: “Relax Phoebe, everything is prepared back at the condo.”
Phoebe: sighs “You are right.” “Thank you, Dr. Vera.” “Coop let’s go.”
Coop: Phoebe, are you ok?”
Phoebe: “Yes I’m fine, I just got to get to condo and summon Grams and let her know”
[Scene: 12:45 pm – Wyatt during lunch period at Frank Lanterman School]
(Wyatt is trying to look for somewhere to sit.)
(Being a freshman and transferring schools, he does not know anyone.)
(Jesse wraps his arms around Wyatt)
Jesse: “Aye yo Wyatt, come sit over here with us
(Jesse Housley, senior, is the caption of the Lacrosse team)
Wyatt: “Umm sure, I guess.”
(Jesse snatches Wyatt’s lunch tray and dumps it on him)
Jesse: “Ha, you really think I like you like that preppy, now get lost!”
(Wyatt storms off into the bathroom.)
Wyatt: “I hate it here!” “I’m sick of school!” “I’m sick of life!” “I’m sick of people!” “Ahh!!”
(The bathroom stalls start to rumble.)
Rafael: “Wyatt?” “Are you ok?”
Wyatt: “What do you want?”
Rafael: “I’m just checking up on you; that’s all.” “I have a change of clothes for you.”
(Rafael walks into the bathroom and hands Wyatt the set of clothes.)
Wyatt: “Thank you…?”
Rafael: “Rafael, Rafael Vázquez”
Wyatt: “Wyatt,” tucks hair behind his ear “Wyatt Halliwell.” “Thank you for the clothes, Rafael. “I got some business take care of.”
(Wyatt dashes out of the bathroom straight back to the lunchroom.)
(He approaches the table where Jesse and his teammates are sitting.)
Wyatt: “Hey, Jesse.”
Jesse: “Back again for more preppy?”
Wyatt: “No, but you are- “
(With his hands behind his back, Wyatt orbs a lunch tray into his hand and thumps it on Jesse’s head.)
Jesse: “Ahh! I’m going to get you for this preppy!”
(Jesse grabs the nearest lunch tray and throws it at Wyatt but misses, hitting another student.)
Female Student: “Bitch!”
(The student throws her try back at Jesse but misses him, hitting a different student.)
Another student: “FOOD FIGHT!”
(Food goes flying everywhere.)
(Wyatt crawls under a table, laughing.)
(As Wyatt continues crawling, he bumps into the Vice Principal.)
The Vice Principal: “Halliwell, what are you d- “
(A lump of mashed potatoes come flying, hitting the Vice Principal right in the face.)
The Vice Principal: spits out the mashed potatoes “oing on the floor?”
[Scene: 2:45 pm – The Manor with Piper]
(The Construction Workers are finished plastering and painting the walls and moving the furniture, giving Wyatt and Chris their own room.)
(Piper and Wyatt walks in from her picking him up from school.)
Piper: “Suspended for 2 days for starting a food fight?!” “Wyatt, what has gotten into you?
Wyatt: “Why are you concerned all of a sudden?”
Piper: “Did you use magic?”
Wyatt: “Yea, why?”
Piper: “Mister, I cannot deal with you now.” “Go up to your room, and I will be telling your father as soon as he comes back from magic school.”
Wyatt: “Whatever!”
(Wyatt orbs up to his room and slams the door.)
Piper: “If I put my hands on him... ooO!”
[Scene: 5:30 pm – Split screen between Phoebe and Paige’s places while they are on the phone with each other]
(Paige is standing over the stove and cooking dinner while Henry Jr and Hayley, Paige and Henry Sr.’s twins, are finishing up homework.)
(Phoebe is stretched out with Coop giving her a food massage.)
Phoebe: “The Book of Damned?” “Never heard of it.”
Paige: “Me either.” “I even asked them up there, and they never heard of it either.”
Henry Jr.: “Mom, what’s for dinner?”
Paige: “Honey, we are having Spaghetti with Garlic bread.”
Phoebe: “So where is the book now?”
Paige: “I left it with Piper.” “I got a bad mojo from it.”
Phoebe: “Maybe I can get a Premonition off of it.”
(Phoebe scenes Paige’s emotions over the phone)
Phoebe: “Oh honey, I can feel your worry about that book.” “Don’t let it get to you.”
Paige: “Stop it!”
Phoebe: “What?” “I can’t help that my powers are expanding.”
(They both share a laugh.)
[Scene: 6:30 pm – Back at the Manor with Piper, Leo, and the kids]
Piper: “Leo, I’m headed to P3.” “Can you please keep the kids out of the attic.” “There is a book that the construction workers and I found.” “I don’t need Wyatt to get a hold of it.” “Also, talk to your son before I backhand him, please.”
Leo: “Sure honey.”
Piper: “Love you.” kisses Leo
Leo: “Love you too.”
(Piper heads out the Manor door.)
[Scene: 7:00 pm – Still at the Manor Leo and the kids in the Conservatory]
(Leo is helping the kid with their homework while catching up with them about their day.)
Leo: “So Wyatt, how was school today?”
Wyatt: “Wel – “
Chris: “Well, I signed up to try out for the soccer team – “
Leo: “Hey Wyatt, that is not how you talk to your brother.”
(Wyatt looks at Leo and blinks, orbing him out the Manor to an ally near P3.)
(Chris pins Wyatt to the wall using Telekinesis)
Chris: “Where did you orb dad!?”
Wyatt: “I’m not telling you!”
Chris: “WHERE IS HE!”
Melinda: “Guys, st – “
Chris and Wyatt: “STAY OUT OF THIS MELINDA!”
(Melinda stayed quiet, worried about where is their dad).
[Scene: 7:37 pm – In the back ally of P3 with Leo was orbed]
(Leo rushes into P3, looking for Piper.)
Leo: “Excuse me.” “Pardon me” “Excuse me.” “Piper, Piper.”
Piper: “Leo, what are you doing here?”
Leo: “The kids started bickering then they stared using magic.”
Piper: “On hell no.” “Steve, watch the club.” “I got a family emergency.
(Piper and Leo rush to the car.)
(Mid-way back Piper calls Phoebe and Paige to meet them at the Manor.)
[Scene: Cuts back to the manor]
Wyatt: *Telekinetic Orbing * “LAMP!”
Chris: Telekinetic Orbing “SHADDER!”
(Wyatt pins to Chris to the wall.)
Chris: “Are you mad because I didn’t like sharing a room with you?” “Or because mom and dad favor me more?”
Wyatt: “Shut up!”
Chris: “Or that you are gay?”
Wyatt: “Shut up!” “Shut up!” Shut up!”
(Wyatt chokes Chris using Telekinesis.)
(Chris eyes roll to the back of his head, and then he collapses.)
Wyatt: “Shit, Shit, Shit!” ‘I think I killed him!”
(Panicking, Wyatt orbs Chris and Melinda to the attic.)
(He grabs the first book, which happens to be The Book of Damned)
(He flips through the book.)
Wyatt: “The resurrect thou dead, perfect.”
“From the angles in the sky,”
“To the demons from below,”
“Resurrect thou from thou dead.”
(The Manor rumbles and lights flashes.)
(As Piper and Leo walk into the attic while Paige orbs in with Phoebe.)
(Paige rushes over to Chris and checks his pulse.)
Paige: “He’s alive.”
(Paige heals Chris.)
Piper: “Wyatt Matthew Halliwell, what in the hell have you done this time?”
Wyatt: “I – I thought I had killed Chris.” “So, I used magic to bring him back alive.”
Chris: “I wasn’t dead dummy.”
(Piper walks over to aid Chris.)
Piper: “Honey, are you ok?”
Chris: “Yea, ask the curly-haired gay son over there.”
(Everyone zooms into Wyatt in shock.)
Piper: “So, this is how all of this started?”
Melinda: “Well, I figured out Wyatt was gay because I used my powers.” “After I found out, I shared it with Chris, which lead him to do some snooping and he found gay romance novels.”
Piper: “Thank you Melinda.” “Leo, I think it’s time for Melinda to go to bed.”
(Leo escorts Melinda to bath, then to bed.)
[Scene: 8:10 pm – In the living room of the Manor]
(Piper, Paige, Phoebe, and Leo are all to processing all that has happened.)
(The kids are all in their rooms.)
Piper: “I need a drink.”
Paige: “Oh honey just take deep breaths.”
(*Phoebe senses Piper’s emotions *)
Phoebe: “Piper I know you’re angry and confused about Wyatt.” “All I can say is be there for him.” “When I sensed his emotions a few weeks back, he waas hurt, afraid of what you would say.” “What both of his parents would say.”
Leo: “Paige, you knew too?”
Paige: “Duhh, my gaydar went off long ago.”
Piper: “What are we going to do with Wyatt usi – “
(Creeps sounds from the stairs.)
(Piper, Paige, Phoebe, and Leo turns around to see Prue.)
Phoebe: “Ok, I know I’ve been seeing stuff, but do you all see what I see?”
Piper, Paige, and Phoebe: “Prue?”
Prue: “Yea, I’m Prue” “Who the hell are you?”
Piper: “We are your sisters.”
Prue: “Sisters?” “I don’t have any sisters.”
(Prue was standing there, covered in dust with the same outfit she died in.)
(Prue uses her Telekinesis to cause a Telekinetic Combustion, barely missing Phoebe, hitting the chandelier.)
Paige: “Home!” remote orbing on Phoebe
Piper: “What the hell wrong with you, Prue!?”
(Piper tries to freeze Prue.)
Prue: “Nice party trick.”
(With an evil smirk on her face, Prue astral teleports out the Manor.)
[Scene: 9:45 pm]
(Piper asks Wyatt and Chris to Orb Leo and Melinda to Magic school for safety.)
(Paige orbs herself and Piper to Phoebe’s Condo.)
Paige: “I told you that you that book was no good, Piper.”
Piper: “Yea, you did, don’t rub it in.”
Phoebe: “Did you bring the book?”
Piper: “Yes, why?”
Phoebe: “I’m trying to get a Premonition off of it.”
(Piper and Paige hold onto Phoebe’s shoulders.)
(*in the premonition * Prue in the underworld, sitting on a throne with the source and two other people.)
(flashes time setting changes to Salem Witch times - a fair skinned African woman, possibly a teenager, seen with The Book of Damned.)
(flashes time changes, still in Salem Witch times – Same women, slighter older appearance, is with Melinda Halliwell and The Book of Damned, once again.)
(flashes she turns around and faces the sisters, “GET OUT, NOW!”)
(premonition ends).
Piper: “Well we know where Prue is headed, but why?”
Paige: “Yea, but who the hell was that curly- haired woman?”
Phoebe: “And why was she with Melinda Warren?”
Paige: “Let’s meet the others at Magic School.”
(Paige orbs out with Piper and Phoebe.)
[Scene: Prue in the underworld]
(Prue astral teleports into the underworld.)
Demon: “Ma’am who the hell are you?
(Prue stares at the demon, causing him to explode and to be vanquished.)
Prue: “I’m the new owner of this hellhole.”
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