#you are like 'oh no fascism has gotten worse D:' and people are like 'you're a fascist >:('
I just realized something that seems so stupidly obvious now that I’ve thought of it. I was already fairly convinced that purity culture and cancel culture have been fanned - taking advantage of people’s good intentions, especially younger people who feel strongly about fixing injustices! - by forces that have interests in everything being called abuse or pedophilia, because when everything is abuse then nothing is, when everything is pedophilia then nothing is, and that only becomes useful to actual abusers or predators. But that also applies to the emphasis on the concept of “minors”. By essentially making “minor” a personal identification (when I was a teenager, we didn’t think of ourselves as “minors”, minor was just something we were in relation to, say, our ability to vote or drive etc) and basically fetishizing a supposed inherent innocence and vulnerability to people under 18 year old that magically disappears in “grownass adults” (apparently, anyone the instant they celebrate their 18th birthday), you are leaving in a potentially very, very vulnerable place teenagers and young adults aged 18+. If you convince a mass of teenagers that once you’re 18 you are mature enough to be automatically able to avoid predators and whatnot (and in fact you become a predator if you’re interested in someone just slightly younger!), and you cultivate a culture where being 18+ “protects” you from the dangers that minors face and instead wraps you in a supposed adult privilege, then it seems to me that kids aged 18, 19, 20 etc (heck doesn’t your brain finish maturing in your mid twenties?) are just fair game to people who want to abuse them. Mind, I’m not saying the line should be moved from 18 to 26 😅 just that the extreme stress that comes from certain directions on the minor/non-minor divide can be dangerous for some aspects. I’m for a culture of responsibility that, while acknowledging that younger people by definition lack the maturity of older people, doesn’t fetishize a suspiciously moralistic idea of immaturity and innocence, and especially doesn’t draw rigid lines.
Please treat this post with intellectual honesty and don’t misconstruct what I’ve said.
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