#yes this is because i sat with water running for two full minutes waiting for it to get hot when i had the cold side turned on
bumblesimagines · 1 year
When Fire Meets Fate
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Part 3
Request: Yes or No
these are much shorter than I’d like them to be but I’m trying to be strategic about pacing
Stepping into the nursery, his eyes immediately found his sister. Her fingers drummed against her swollen belly, head turned toward the open window as a light breeze came in. Alicent stared outside at the sky, lips pulled into a small frown and eyes heavy with longing. Hearing soft babbling, (Y/N) looked toward his nephew as a maid gently bounced him in her arms. Aegon, they'd named him. A true Targaryen with a head full of silver hair and pale skin. Just looking at him made (Y/N)'s stomach churn. Aegons' mere existence meant his sister was forever tied to her husband.
"My Lord!" The maid gasped and bowed her head upon noticing him, the other maids turning and following suit. Alicent turned her head and smiled, attempting to rise from the chair by herself but wobbling in the process. The maids quickly flocked to her side, helping her to her no doubt tired feet. (Y/N) grimaced as she took a few steps forward but Alicent smiled, albeit tiredly, and nodded toward her firstborn. 
"Would you like to hold him? I know you haven't since his birth." Alicent chuckled, one hand moving to rest at her back, supporting her stance. The maid stepped toward him and Aegon turned his head, pulling his chubby fingers out of his mouth and reaching toward his uncle with glee. (Y/N) looked down at his little hand for a moment and shook his head, turning back toward his sister. Aegon whined and (Y/N) ignored him.
"What did you need me for, Alicent?" Alicent frowned at his lack of affection for his nephew and sighed, stepping toward her son and stroking his head. 
"As you know, today is Aegon's second name day. I wish for you to join us for the Royal Hunt... and for you to perhaps convince Rhaenyra to come as well. I've noticed the two of you have gotten closer in the past years. It would please me considerably for all of us to spend time together as a family." Alicent explained.
"I've never cared for hunting, you know this. If that is all-"
"I am asking you as your sister, not as Queen Alicent, but as the girl who came out of the womb minutes after you. I have sensed us growing apart and I wish for our relationship to be repaired, (Y/N). I miss you." Alicent pleaded, reaching out to take his hands in hers, eyes watering in desperation. As much as the marriage had disappointed him, (Y/N) couldn't say no to his sister's tears. Not when she'd put her body through such pain to birth her son and would continue to do so until King Viserys could no longer impregnate her. Such had been the fate their father had coaxed her into.
Inhaling softly, he glanced at the chubby prince in the maids' arms and nodded. "I suppose some time away wouldn't hurt. I'll see what I can do about Rhaenyra, but I can't promise she'll listen." Alicent beamed and wobbled forward, barely able to wrap her arms around him. Stepping back, Alicent rubbed her belly and smiled.
"You know, I cannot wait to see your children, (Y/N)."
"I have no plans to marry or have children, Alicent." (Y/N) reminded her, eyeing Aegon as the maid sat down and set him on her lap. 
"You say that because of Father... But, I'm sure when you find a lady of your choosing, you'll be more than happy to have your own brood. I expect you'll have many sons, as they seem to run heavily in our family." Alicent smiled fondly, eyes twinkling at the thought of her brother having his own family. More excited than she seemed about her own growing family.
"If I were to have children, I'd prefer a girl." (Y/N) admitted and Alicents' brows raised. "I'd be able to give her Mothers' belongings... Perhaps she'd even get Mother's name." 
Alicent smiled sadly and hummed. "That'd be lovely... Mother would've loved to hear you say so." 
Leaning over to kiss her temple, (Y/N) rubbed her back before stepping back and leaving the nursery. Aegon's second name day brought him no joy but if he could at least make his sister feel more comfortable given the circumstances, he'd tolerate the festivities. But he knew his new friend wouldn't be as easy to convince. She'd been stone cold during the wedding, and even more so when Alicent showed signs of pregnancy the following year. King Viserys and Alicent had given her space, per Ottos' advice, and Rhaenyra had used that space to build a wall between them and her. 
Hearing a soft voice singing caught his attention and he stepped out into the Godswood, spotting Rhaenyra settling down on some pillows propped against the roots of the weirwood tree. She placed a large book on her lap and flipped it open, studying its contents whilst the minstrel strummed his instrument and sang a familiar song. Heading down the stairs and stepping onto the short grass, (Y/N) quietly approached him, raising his hand to stop the minstrel from standing up to greet him.
"No feast for you, I gather?" He called out with a grin. Rhaenyra snapped her head in his direction and a wide smile broke out on her face.
"I'm afraid I've already eaten." She responded, watching him move closer. "I take it you've done the same?"
"Perhaps." (Y/N) responded and lightly shrugged, leaning down to pull a pillow out from underneath her and plopping it on the spot beside her. He settled on it and exhaled, tilting his head toward the sky. The dark red leaves of the tree brushed against each other as the branches rustled with the gentle breeze. Feeling something land on his lap, he looked down.
"I know your love for histories so, I got you some books," Rhaenyra explained, leaning over to bump her shoulder against his. Humming, (Y/N) looked over the leather covers. Rhaenyra eyed his reaction for a moment, chest puffing out in pride before she reached over to the tray beside her, picking up what appeared to be a journal, and offering it to him. (Y/N) glanced between the journal and her, brows furrowing in question as he took it from her pale hands.
Rhaenyra cleared her throat. "I know you've been wanting to learn High Valyrian for some time now." Opening the journal, (Y/N) chuckled, looking over the words and their meanings. Pages upon pages in Rhaenyras' familiar handwriting. The princess had taken time out just to write him a little book and it warmed his heart. 
"Thank you, Princess." 
"It was nothing." Rhaenyra dismissed with a shake of her head and looked back down at her book with the smallest of smiles. (Y/N) continued to flip through the pages until he reached the last page and ran his thumb over the single sentence written in the middle signed by Rhaenyra.
Avy jorrāelan, (Y/N).
"I'll have to translate this myself, I assume?" (Y/N) turned his head to look at her. Rhaenyra glanced at the page and grinned, nodding as the tips of her ears turned a light red. (Y/N) flipped back to the first page and began reading, listening to the minstrel sing. 
Reading with Rhaenyra had turned into a common practice during long, dull days. When the septas gave her things to read and memorize, she'd find her way to (Y/N) and settle down with him, sometimes reading aloud or listening to him read. Sometimes they'd find their own books and sit in each others' presence. The silence never grew awkward or uncomfortable, and most knew to leave them be. Though, Rhaenyra occasionally studied other things. She'd watch (Y/N)s' concentrated face, brows sometimes raising or falling when he read something particularly surprising or confusing. The corners of his lips would pull into the smallest of smirks when he found the contents of his books amusing. Rhaenyra found it pleasing when he'd rest his temple against his fist, eyes fluttering close every few minutes until his breathing slowed and his eyes remained closed. 
Looking away from her book and back at the Hightower, she smiled. She'd spent so many years wondering what it'd take to get (Y/N) to trust her, to like her. Now, he actively sought out her company without being asked to. Her smile fell as her gaze shifted to the figure dressed in red watching them. Alicent slowly made her way toward them, her pregnant state making it harder for her to walk without growing exhausted. A state Rhaenyra prayed she never found herself in.
Upon seeing their queen, the minstrel scrambled to his feet and bowed. "Your Grace," He called out in greeting and Alicent smiled warmly in return.
"Did I say to stop?" Rhaenyra asked, returning to her book as (Y/N) turned his head to look at his sister. Clicking her tongue, she sighed. "From the beginning." She ordered and after a moment of hesitance, the minstrel lowered himself onto the ground and began singing once more.
Swallowing, Alicents' gaze flickered toward her brother before she called out to the princess. "Rhaenyra?"
"Yes, My Queen?"
"Your presence is wanted in the outer courtyard. The royal hunt readies to depart." Alicent explained, rubbing the side of her belly as she watched her former friend. 
"I've decided to remain here and read with (Y/N) instead," Rhaenyra replied, and (Y/N) sighed, closing the journal and collecting the other two books Rhaenyra had gifted him. Rising from his spot, Rhaenyra peered up at him curiously, brows furrowing.
"You may go, Samwell." Alicent dismissed the minstrel and he rose from his spot, reading to depart.
"You are to stay by order of the Princess," Rhaenyra ordered, though her eyes remained trained on (Y/N), almost as if ordering him as well. The minstrel glanced between Rhaenyra and Alicent, nervously shuffling his feet as he debated whose orders to follow and whose to disobey. Looking at the poor conflicted man, (Y/N) nodded.
"Go, Samwell." The minstrel swallowed, clutching his instrument close to his chest and glancing at Rhaenyra one last time. He bowed and cleared his throat, quickly leaving the weirwood tree to avoid further conflict between the two girls. Rhaenyra huffed in annoyance, looking back down at her book. Alicent gave her brother a thankful look and stepped closer to the tree.
"The King wishes for you to join us." 
"The King has much to celebrate. He does not need me."
"He wants for all of us to be together. And perhaps... the hunt could be... fun." Alicent attempted, fingers curling atop her belly. Rhaenyra avoided her gaze and clenched her jaw, the words of her former friend barely coaxing her into considering it. Licking his lips, (Y/N) reached down and grazed his fingers along the top of Rhaenyras' head. 
"I'll be going as well, Rhaenyra. You might enjoy watching the men make a fool of themselves to impress your father." (Y/N) murmured and Rhaenyra looked up at him and sighed, fingers tightening around the edge of her book. 
"Is it the King's command?" She questioned.
"Yes, but-" 
"Then at once, Your Grace." Slamming the book shut, she took (Y/N)s' offered hand and pulled herself up, tossing the book onto the pillows below. (Y/N) met her irritated gaze and quirked a brow, getting a soft huff in return. Rhaenyra released his hand and stepped over the roots, ignoring Alicent.
"But it needn't be. None of it needs to be this way in truth, Rhaenyra!" Alicent pointed out, face falling when Rhaenyra continued walking without glancing her way. She exhaled and pressed her lips together, watching Rhaenyra disappear down a hall. She shook her head, gazing down at her belly.
"She'll never forgive me." She whispered.
"There's still a chance she will, Alicent. But it is ultimately up to her. It cannot be forced." (Y/N) stepped toward his sister and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, letting her lean against him as they walked back inside, making their way to the outer courtyard where carriages awaited them. Alicent squeezed (Y/N)s arm before she climbed inside the royal carriage after Viserys'. Rhaenyra casted a glance toward him and begrudgingly entered the carriage as well.
Sighing, (Y/N) turned toward his father and followed him to their carriage, entering and sitting across from him. Neither (Y/N) nor Otto attempted to break the silence as the carriage began moving, taking them through the streets of Kings Landing and beyond its walls. The two men glanced at each other every so often but otherwise kept to themselves until Otto cleared his throat, hands folding in his lap.
"I've looked over some ladies I'd like you to meet, (Y/N)." He began. "Ladies from good families that already reside here in court. If you could make time to-"
"I'd rather not." (Y/N) muttered, hand falling down to the cushioned seat in an attempt to steady himself as the carriage traversed on a bumpy road. 
"A marriage to a powerful family-"
"You already got that with Alicent, did you not?"
"What will come of you, (Y/N)? You refuse to engage with the other men your age, you refuse to marry, you've decided against knighthood. Do you wish to drink and fuck your youthful years away? It'll only be so long before one of the maids appears with a babe in hand. Bastards you'll saddle this family with. Alicent has done something for this family whilst you go against my every wish. I advised you to pursue Princess Rhaenyra, to comfort her during her time of mourning and secure a place by her side." Otto ranted, waving his hands around as he spoke.
"You wished for me to seduce Rhaenyra. You wanted me to taint her so we'd be forced to marry when I'd likely be killed by King Viserys himself for daring to touch his daughter in such a manner!"
"You're smart, (Y/N). You wouldn't have tainted her." Otto clicked his tongue and shook his head. "You're a Hightower, you're my very flesh and blood. I would never do anything to put you in harm's way. Heavens, if I did your mother would rise from her grave."
(Y/N) scoffed, fingers digging into the bright red cushion. "You've already brought harm upon Alicent. All she'll be doing these following years is have child after child. She'll be destroying herself, her body, her well-being...  Is that what Mother would've wanted? For you to use her daughter? When you retire you should open a brothel, you've proven you got what it takes to run one."
"If you had been more cooperative then perhaps you'd be married to Princess Rhaenyra by now and Alicent could be courted by a man of her liking. Your sister made sacrifices you were too stubborn to make. Your mother would be sorely disappointed at how you failed to protect your own sister!" Otto sneered, jabbing a finger in his direction. The carriage fell silent afterward, neither party daring to utter another word, for it would surely evoke another argument. (Y/N) crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat, turning his head away from Otto. 
Hearing the sound of people shouting outside, (Y/N) felt the carriage slow down and relief flooded his veins. Otto adjusted his clothes and sighed, lifting his dark gaze to look at his son. "I did not mean to raise my voice-"
"I don't wish to speak of this for the rest of the day, Father." (Y/N) interrupted, scooting closer to the door and standing once it opened. Upon stepping out, he was greeted by cheering faces, though they mainly cheered and clapped for King Viserys as he stepped out of his carriage and greeted his people. Otto slapped his hand over (Y/N)s shoulder, giving it a hard squeeze before he walked toward the tent. (Y/N) watched him go, jaw clenching hard enough for his teeth to hurt. His eyes scanned the crowd until he spotted horses, feet taking him toward them. He easily mounted one, tugging on the reins and encouraging the horse forward toward the treeline. 
"I'd like some time alone, Uncle." (Y/N) clicked his tongue and the horse quickened its pace into a jog. (Y/N) kept going until the chatter had been replaced by singing birds. Until he felt the weight of his surname lifted off his shoulders. Until he could finally breathe without feeling suffocated. The sounds of the forest offered him peace and signaled the lack of humans, something (Y/N) desperately needed to shake off the last of his anger. He slowed his horse down to a slower pace and continued his trek through the forest, coming across a slow-moving river. His fingers released the reins, falling onto the saddle and tracing the wrinkles in the leather. 
The Kingswood had always been a beautiful place, though (Y/N) rarely visited for royal hunts. While his father reminded that the food they ate had to come from somewhere, (Y/N) had never been keen on listening to the squeals and cries of a panicked animal or watching the blood soak the earth and the clothes of everyone who got near it. He'd rather see the animal once it'd been cooked and served up. But, King Viserys enjoyed hunting, even if he rarely had a part in the actual tracking and capturing, and wherever he went, the Hand followed. And (Y/N) had the pleasure of being the son of the Hand.
"Princess! Slow down!" Ser Cristons' familiar voice echoed through the forest along with the sound of horses galloping. 
"Peace is so fleeting." (Y/N) sighed, reaching over to rub the side of his horses' neck as it moved around anxiously in response to the sudden commotion. It didn't take long for him to spot a white horse with a silver-haired rider being followed by a knight on a dark horse. Rhaenyra slowed her horse down, forcing Ser Criston to move off to the side to avoid a collision. His horse breezed past (Y/N), nearly barreling into the murky water. 
"My father wishes to sell me off to Jason Lannister!" Rhaenyra exclaimed, pulling on the reins once she was close to (Y/N), eyes flickering toward the panting knight. 
"Out of all men..." (Y/N) crinkled his nose. He'd had the displeasure of meeting said Lannister. A woefully arrogant man who only seemed capable of speaking about himself. 
"Tell me, (Y/N)," Rhaenyra breathed, fingers pushing strands of straight hair away from her face. "Would you build a dragonpit for me?"
"He offered that? As if he wouldn't piss himself upon seeing a dragon up close." His words brought a smile to Rhaenyras' face, replacing the bitter look she had on previously. 
"May I ask what you were doing out here alone, M'Lord?" Ser Criston asked, slipping off his helmet and running his fingers through his long hair. 
"Enjoying some peace and quiet. But, it seems the royal family has a knack for finding Hightowers." (Y/N) grinned teasingly and Rhaenyra rolled her eyes, skin turning a light shade of red as she looked away from him.
"Mere coincidence."
"Yes, I'm sure." (Y/N) chuckled. "Regardless, I should head back before I anger my beloved family. I'll see the both of you back in camp."
                    ✶        ✶       ✶       ✶       ✶       ✶
The Royal Hunt had proven more interesting than the previous years; the white stag had eluded the hunters and Rhaenyra had returned to camp the following hour drenched in boar blood. The latter had been the more interesting part, of course. But the amusement of it all had vanished as soon as they left Kingswood and (Y/N) was forced back into a carriage with his father. This time, however, they both bit their tongues and enjoyed the silence for the next hour or so until they reached King's Landing and went their separate ways, much to Alicents' dismay. 
Sliding his rings off his fingers, he glanced in the mirror as the doors to his bedroom opened. Rhaenyra entered, waiting for the doors to close before sighing and taking a seat by the fireplace. (Y/N) hummed, looking at the princess over his shoulder.
"Did you not enjoy being covered in blood, Princess?"
"Hilarious." Rhaenyra scoffed softly. "But, I came here for something else, (Y/N)."
"What is it?" (Y/N) ran his finger over the journal she'd given him before turning around and leaning back against the desk. He nodded for her to continue, noting her fidgeting. Rhaenyra toyed with her own rings, teeth gently digging into the flesh of her bottom lip. 
"What if... What if we were to marry?"
"Why would we?"
Rhaenyra blinked, lifting her gaze to look at him. "I believe it'd help us both. Neither of us wishes to be pushed into the duty of marriage. We enjoy each other's company and while our marriage could be... loveless... Most marriages in the realm are. I know our fathers have spoken about it, even our mothers before their passings." 
Pushing himself away from the desk, (Y/N) approached her. "You are heir to the throne, Rhaenyra. A throne I've resented for years... I care for you, you and I know that well enough. But I would not be happy as a king consort, not if it means tying myself to that throne." He spoke softly, standing in front of her and lifting one hand to cup her cheek. Rhaenyra leaned into his touch.
"Many men would die for the opportunity-"
"And those very men have sent letter after letter to your father in hopes of gaining an audience and winning your hand in marriage. If you had been a Dornish princess or a lady born to another family, I would've accepted this proposal. But I am not my sister. I will not sacrifice my happiness and wishes for the sake of another. I am certain you'll find a husband to keep you company, or a lover to warm your bed when your husband does not. I'll be by your side. As a friend and ally."
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killmongerskeeper · 1 year
Crashing Waves // Chapter 5 // Namor
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Pairing: Namor x POC Reader
Warning: Spoilers
Chapter 4 // Chapter 6
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Namora stood before me with a scowl. "Do we have a problem or something? Every time we're in the same proximity you have this scowl on your face." You asked her in confidence and she scoffed. 
"No problem. I'm not about to let K'uk'ulkan become bewitched. Take that as a warning surface dweller." She said with malice in her voice and I crossed my arms.
"It's Y/N. And why would I bewitch him, when it was you guys that brought me down here, fish head." You spat and she stepped towards you.
"You don't want to do that missy." You warned as a green hue engulfed your hand ready to defend yourself if need be. At that moment she readied her spear before dashing towards you and you deflected her attack with a manifested shield. You quickly threw some energy spheres at her but she was quick to dodge them all. You eventually manifested a dagger in which the two of you fought for at least 5 more minutes. 
"He shouldn't have brought you here! You should've died with the rest of them." She sneered as the blade of her spear caught your cheek. You could feel the blood running from the wound before you shot a full blast at her and she flew backwards. She broke a couple of icicles on impact but your stance never faltered. The big guy from earlier walked into the room before holding Namora back. 
"Relax Namora. This one is no weakling." He said to her before turning to me. "I am Attuma. Apologies for Namora. We just want what's best for K'uk'ulkan. The surface world hasn't been too kind." 
You frowned as you wiped the blood off of your cheek and turned away. They left soon after and you took the chance to reach out to Shuri. Closing your eyes, you did your best to clear your mind as you thought of the princess. When you reached her you felt sadness and guilt. She sat with the queen on the shoreline in front of a fire. You saw them both clear as day. 
"My brother is dead. He is not in the wind. It's just your imagination to help you cope, mother." She said to the queen and you sighed. 
"Shuri-" You mumbled and her head snapped up. She glanced around the river with wide eyes. Unsure where your voice is coming from, she stood from her spot still searching.
"I'm here princess." You called out again and she gave a small smile. 
"Y/N?" She called out again to make sure you were really there.
"Yes I'm here." You smiled as she stretched to stand. 
"Where are you? Why are you not here?" She questioned as you frowned.
"Listen to me Shuri. Someone is coming to you. Through the river border." You informed her and she shook her head.
"It's sealed, no way anyone is getting through there." She debunked as you sighed.
"Shuri you don't understand. He travels through water. Unseen by the surface eye. His army is like no other. A military rig got attacked because they found vibranium out at sea and they are blaming Wakanda for it." You stated as you felt his energy grow closer to the two women.
"Wait what are you-" 
She stood with her mother as the animals began to run out of the water. And I knew Namor had reached them. They held their battle stance as he stepped out of the water looking around in amazement. 
"Stop right there! How did you get in here?" The queen questioned but Namor paid her no mind. 
"It's beautiful here. And the air is so crisp. I've heard stories about how amazing this place was." He pondered aloud until he was completely out of the water. 
"I am not a woman who likes to repeat herself. Who are you?!" She began to grow impatient as the underwater king introduced himself. 
"My enemies know me as Namor. I stopped a military operation from recovering Vibranium out in the Atlantic."
"Atlantic?! Impossible, vibranium only exists here! In Wakanda!" The queen said with anger across her face. 
"Mother look at him, he's covered in it!" Shuri stated and he nodded.
"The surface world had a machine built by a scientist. One that tracks down vibranium on land and in the ocean. I've come to offer an alliance. To burn down the outside world before they come to you. All you have to do is bring me the scientist."
"We do not need any help with our affairs. Leave at once!" She shouted and he frowned. 
"I have an army larger than you can imagine. You don't want to pick a fight with me." He warned the two women who refused to stand down.
"So I've been told." Shuri said in a low voice.
"So the little one is listening." He said with a grin and you froze. He knew? How could he have known? 
"Where is she? What have you done to Y/N?" She asked and he ran a hand through his hair.
"She's alive for now. That's all you need to know." He told her and Ramonda pushed Shuri behind her.
"Here's a better proposition for you, bring me the scientist that built the machine and I won't bring my army to Wakanda. That shell there, use it to call out to me and I will come shortly after." He left without another word but not before the machine used to locate vibranium appeared behind the wakandans. Confused by what just occurred, Shuri put down her spear as she and her mother ran out of there. 
"Y/N! Can you hear me?" She shouted out loud.
"I'm here but not for long. He will soon return here."
"Where is here? Where are you?
"Somewhere underwater. How deep I don't know but I have to go now. I'll stay in touch."
"Wait Y/N-" You cut off communication with her before Namora and Attuma walked into your space. You had a feeling they weren’t here to share water breathing tips.
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Taglist: @missdragon-1 @zooni92802 @22carolina08 @bonnapple @arcaerin @bontensbabygirl @simpingfor-wakasa @secretpostts @gardenof-venus @batfam-sitcom @caldodemazapangourmet @naiomiwinchester @moneteguiza @gnkkstarz @aut0matic-supers0nic @historygeekqueen @violet-19999 @euphoricsirens @emberfulclass @pixiest1ckz @randomtumblerusersblog @tired-hungry-angry @aykxz98 @yepimthatperson @hangesbaee @aeilani @juicyj28 @astrospunutt @natalia-rmnva @stitchattacks @xxmusic13luverxx @usernamelotus @euphrosyn3
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ariadne-mouse · 11 months
For the combination of two prompts:
"headache relief" and "a truly abysmal cup of tea"
Shadowgast, rated G, hurt/comfort, 833 words
Essek's visits to Caleb's cottage in Rexxentrum were brief, and precious; despite their shared expertise in dunamancy, there never seemed to be enough time. And so when Essek arrived one windy spring morning, but could not concentrate on their shared research, and shied away with a wince from the meager light filtering through the shuttered windows, Caleb felt even more urgency to remedy whatever ailed him. Not just so that Essek would be well, but because these narrow hours were all they had to express the full spectrum of anything and everything they might have to say to each other.
There was Sending, yes, and Essek was talented in layering many things into few words.  But Caleb found he yearned to make and share space, and to see the gallery of Essek’s expressions play across his sharp-toothed mouth, his elegant brows, his clever eyes.
This pained, stubborn expression was a new one on his dear friend, and Caleb cataloged it feverishly in his memory even as he sought its antidote.
"It's nothing," Essek demurred, when Caleb pressed. "A slight headache." 
"Do you need to rest? You are very welcome to--" 
"I did not come here to sleep," Essek cut him off, then shook his head at the suggestive implication, waving it away as if it was a bothersome fly, then winced at both sudden motions. "I am here so we can revise the second runic config-" he broke off with a hiss and rubbed his temple. 
"Essek," Caleb half-chided, half-pleaded. "What can I do? I have healing potions. Or do you need Jester?" 
"Oh, no — please, no."
In fairness, he was probably right.  Despite her capacity for healing, Jester might very well simultaneously increase the headache in some other way, bright and loud and well-intentioned. 
Essek reached for a quill and a spare parchment from their research and jotted down a list, and a set of notes, his eyes squinting, his shoulders a scrunched line of weary tension. He offered this to Caleb, ink still wet, letters running rudely together. "If you can procure these herbs and prepare them as written, that would be a great help. This... issue... has a particular root cause, and a particular solution." 
Caleb burned two teleportations and ten minutes in the city, and another ten minutes in his small kitchen fussing with hot water and dead plants. While he'd been gone, Essek had curled up in an armchair with his feet tucked childishly under himself and his forehead resting on the upholstered arm, eyes closed, breathing slowly and deliberately, flinching when the metal pot clanged on the stove. 
The resulting brew was enough to fill one of his homely porcelain teacups, and dark enough to look like it might leave a stain. The smell was cloying, bitter. Essek looked at it with a combination of relief and revulsion. After cooling the steam off it with a curtly-gestured prestidigitation, he lifted it to his lips — markedly hesitated — then downed the whole thing in a few rapid gulps. 
"Water, please." He thrust the cup back at Caleb, his face an open snarl of disgust. 
The water, quickly procured, vanished with the same hurry and lack of decorum as the tea. Essek slouched back into the overstuffed armchair like he’d just fought a battle. His expression twitched a few more times, nose wrinkling and lips smacking, aftershocks of the taste of the tea. 
"And now?" Caleb pitched his voice low.  Essek sighed, eyes closing once more. "I wait for it to kick in. Always slower than I would like." 
Caleb said nothing, only waited there, his continued presence itself the question. 
One of Essek's eyes cracked open, a sliver of violet picking up the dim light. After regarding Caleb blearily, he extended his arm off the edge of the armchair, palm-up and limp, like it was not attached to him. "Press your thumbs to the heel of my hand, if you like." 
A simple task for a clever man. Caleb sat leaned forward in his chair with his elbows on his knees, Essek's hand in his, making gentle pressure points and soothing circles, over and over. Over the next quarter hour, the tension in Essek's shoulders and neck eased, and his breathing slowed, and the wrinkle between his brows ebbed away like a ripple of cloud erased by the wind. At some point Caleb moved his ministrations to Essek's other hand, as gentle as the first.  It was quiet in the cottage.
"Stop," Essek finally said. "That's enough." 
Caleb stopped. "Better?" 
"Yes. A bit." Essek sat up, very disheveled still.  He did not untuck his feet.  He was a cozy lump on the armchair, like a cat woken from a nap.
"Gut,” Caleb smiled.  There was a faint imprint of the upholstery on Essek’s cheekbone.  “Now, how would you like a cup of tea that doesn't smell like an alchemical mistake?  I have many offerings, courtesy of our friend Caduceus." 
"Yes," Essek replied, with a ghost of humor returning. "Please."
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(i found this in my drafts from last year, so. here you go :p)
sooo. today i had to give a urine sample...
woke up at noon, thinking my appointment was at 1pm. got up, got ready, and... realized i should skip my morning pee, since i'll need SOMETHING in me to give them... an hour isnt really enough time for me to get full enough for a good sample, right? especially since i hadnt dranken much that morning.
i get in my car and head off, planning on getting there a little early. right before i get there, i realized that my appointment is actually at 2pm. oops...
so i did some shopping! while i was at the store, i got the urge to go. i only realized after i got into a stall that, um. i realized i shouldnt let myself pee yet, since my appointment is in 45 minutes! if i go now, i definitely wont have enough for a sample... so i left the bathroom (begrudgingly) and finished up my shopping.
of course, i got to the office way too early. had to sit in my car for 40 minutes before i got the text that i could go in. by the time i got called up to the desk, i was getting constant pangs to gogogogooo... which makes sense, since id been holding my morning pee for more than two hours. AND i drank a bottle or two of water running errands... probably close to 40oz, in total, on top of whatever i had in me from the night before.
after i filled out my paperwork -which took a little longer than i was hoping - the technician asked me, "are you able to use the bathroom?" and i think i said "yes" a little too fast. i mean, im SURE she sees plenty of people for urine tests who've been holding for longer than i had been, but... its still embarrassing to have someone KNOW you gotta go.......
she brought me into a room with supplies, got a cup for me, and then got stopped by another technician for a minute... meanwhile, there's a bathroom RIGHT THERE, door open, toilet waiting patiently for me... as she was talking, she flipped on the light and the fan, and i was trying my best not to fidget. she didnt SAY i could use that bathroom yet, so i just waited for her instructions.
finally, she handed me the cup. and then guided me to the bathroom on the OTHER side of the building. THAT bathroom was for the next patient coming in, not for me! silly. luckily, it wasnt actually that long of a walk. it just felt like it because i was thinking with my bladder
she showed me where to leave my cup when i was done, and then left me alone. i locked myself in the bathroom so fast lol... now all i had to do was, um. figure out where to set down my water bottle, papers, and phone. no table, no flat surfaces... i ended up setting them on the sink, scrambling over to the toilet, and... i did NOT pee on my own hand like i did last time! or on the outside of the cup! it was pure torture having to stop as soon as the cup was full, and then capping it... settling it in the receptacle...
when i finally sat back down on the toilet, i kept peeing for a solid minute after that... it was so nice to be empty after so long! i hadnt been close to leaking or anything... sure, it'd been a while since i had to hold it, but my bladder wasnt THAT weak.
it was kinda fun, though, even if it wasnt an intentional hold :p gotta love incidental omo situations!
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moronic-validity · 6 months
The Ball pt 1
Surprise guys!!!! We've got a two-parter for this chapter because I spliced it weird!
18+ because the rest of the DWU is, but let's dive right in!
Simon rolled over in bed and kissed Winter’s head before getting up and dressing for the day. He knew he’d be representing, again, and had to mentally prepare himself for it.
Winter had been like this for weeks. 
He had become a ghost of himself; refusing meals, spending his days in bed, and his nights locked in his study. He would crawl into bed and lay there unable to sleep, unable to clear his head, unable to find peace. 
“Will you try to join me for lunch today?” Simon called over his shoulder as he buttoned his shirt.
Winter didn’t respond.
Simon turned and looked at the man in bed.
“Is there anything I can get you? Some water? Snacks?” 
Again, no response. 
He had expected this, but he was going to keep trying until he responded. 
Simon put on his jacket and passed by the table full of water cups and uneaten food. 
He had gotten used to the lack of responses and the untouched food. It was the pattern Winter fell into after Marceline had left. He had been second-guessing if he had pushed him too hard to let her go. 
It was weird being alone in the throne room. 
The Ice Scouts weren’t bad company, in fact, they were even funny from time to time, but they weren’t Winter. 
He refused to sit on the throne, he had attempted to at first, but it felt wrong, instead, he sat at the small table that had become his station. 
He flipped through the letters the castle had received and stopped when he found Doctor Princess’s messy handwriting. 
He tore the letter open and read it excitedly. 
I hope this letter has found you well, seeing as I haven’t heard from you in a month.’
He snickered at her passive aggressiveness before continuing. 
‘I know the king is probably keeping you busy with your advisory duties, but I hope you haven’t forgotten your friends. I’m reaching out, not only to hear from you but to find out why I wasn’t invited to last month’s ball. Did you tell him I don’t enjoy them? 
Hope to hear from you soon,
D. Princess’
Simon set the letter down and did some mental math.
He hadn’t realized the ball had been missed, nor was he particularly hurt by it. 
He slipped through the rest of the letters and realized they were all from Ooo royalty, and after reading them, he realized they were all about the missing ball. 
Simon picked up his pen and wrote back to Doctor Princess before figuring out how to address the other letters.
‘Doctor Princess,
I do apologize for the absence of my letters. I’m afraid Winter has been going through a bit of a rough patch and was bedbound on the date of the last ball. He doesn’t know you don’t like them unless you told him yourself. I will include my phone number at the end of this letter so you may have an easier time contacting me. These letters are very easy to lose track of!
S. Petrikov’
Minutes after he sent the letter away, his phone rang. 
“What do you mean he’s bedbound?” Doctor Princess yelled into the phone.
“Good morning Doctor,” he laughed at her urgency, “Winter has been struggling as of late, so I’ve been doing my best to run the kingdom myself. I didn’t think the ball was the most urgent thing to deal with.”
He could feel her rolling her eyes through the phone.
“Siiiimon, of course the balls matter, they give these royals a place to handle business and build kingdom relations without the stress or pressure of a formal meeting! Do you know how many wars have been avoided through these dances?”
“Wait, wars?”
“Yes, wars!” Doctor Princess sighed before continuing, “I’m coming to the castle. Best case scenario, I can help whatever has Winter bedbound, worst case, we’re throwing this month’s ball.” 
“I’m not sure that’s a good ide-” he heard the click of the call disconnecting. 
Simon pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. This was the first, and only, time he found himself actively wishing there was a property dispute to settle. 
He sat and waited, made small talk with the Ice Scouts about their new training program and how it was going, and looked through all the letters inquiring about the missed ball. 
Doctor Princess walked into the throne room, smiled, and opened her arms.
“Honey, I’m home!” She called in a sing-song voice. 
Simon stood from his desk and walked to the door, hugging his friend. He was so tired, he went limp in her arms.
“Whoa dude, I thought you said Winter was the one bed-bound?” She said, holding up the weight of the larger man. 
“He is,” came the muffled reply.
“Well, what are we waiting for, where is he? What are his symptoms?” 
“Doc, I know what’s wrong with him,” Simon stepped away and sighed, “We struggled with depression a fair bit when we were younger; frankly speaking, we still do. I’m not sure I’ve ever been this bad, but it looks like…with him having a more amplified version of my personality…even the depressive episodes have intensified.”
“Okay, so what worked for you?” 
“Simon, that’s going to be a bit of an issue,” She rubbed the back of her neck, thinking through all the medications she had worked with over the years, “I haven’t even heard of Prozac before.”
“Yeah, it’s a relic from before the war. I went through hell when I ran out,” Simon chuckled, remembering how bad it had been, “I had the worst migraine of my life, and at the end of the world no less…though it did make me realize how bad I felt when I was on it. I forgot that I wasn’t supposed to feel nauseous all the time, or that my hands weren’t supposed to shake.” 
Doctor Princess’s jaw dropped.
“Dude, that sounds like it was making you feel worse.”
“Yeah well, medicine was just…like that back in my day. It would fix some of your issues, but then cause new ones, which meant more medications,” Simon shrugged, “It was cyclical.”
“There is so much to unpack with that, but not right now,” She walked past Simon and sat at the table Winter kept set up for meetings, “Right now though, we have bigger fish to fry.”
Simon took Winter’s usual place, facing Doctor Princess.
There was an air of seriousness and urgency in their party planning that made it feel more like they were discussing battle plans. 
“Ice Scouts?” Simon called, the two came rushing to his side. 
“Yes, Advisor Simon?” the one on the right answered for them.
“You guys can just call me Simon, ummmm…okay, I’m going to call you Amanda,” he pointed to the one who spoke, “and you Beatrice,” he pointed to the other, “that’ll make it so much easier to assign tasks.”
“Actually, my name is Zima,” ‘Amanda’ corrected, “and their name is Heilo.” 
Simon blinked a few times, processing the new information.
“You…you guys have names?”
“I don’t know why you’re shocked, you have a name, don’t you?” Heilo chimed in, putting a hand on their hip.
Simon looked to Doctor Princess, who shrugged. 
“That is a very good point…Heilo…Would you be able to organize the refreshment table?” As soon as Simon issued the request, they skated off. 
“Zima, I have a different task for you,” Simon shuffled his papers and handed the Ice Scout one of them, “Could you run this by the tailor? I know it’s rather late for a project of this size, but I really need this done by tonight.”
“Simon, I’m not one to judge, but is now the time for a new outfit?” Doctor Princess chimed in, resting her head on her hand. 
“It’s not for me,” Simon laughed, as Zima left with the paper, “it’s a present and a bribe.”
“A bribe? You’re going to bribe the king? With a new outfit from his own tailor?” 
“He really likes new clothes.” 
They gathered their sketches and made their way to the ballroom.
“Simon, do you have a plan to get this place decorated? Winter usually does ice sculptures or that thing with the lights.” Doctor Princess did a spin, taking in the barren room.
“Honestly, I do not. Not at all. I haven’t even sent out the invitations yet.” 
She turned to face him.
“Are you serious dude?” 
“As a heart attack.”
“Simon, focus on sending out the invites, I’ll figure out the decorations.” She walked him to one of the tables in the far corner and sat him down. 
Simon made himself comfortable and began sending out the default invitation that Winter had on standby.
He sent them out as he wrote them, barely paying attention to the names of recipients.
Simon saved the most important one for last.
The only one he needed to write himself.
He got up from the table and stretched.
“Hey old man, you almost done?” Doctor Princess called from across the room.
“Yeah, everything is sent out and I’m hoping we’ll have a good turn ou-,” Simon cut himself off as he looked around the room, “How did you get all of this done so quickly?”
The room was covered in paper streamers and snowflakes.
“It wasn’t that hard,” she laughed, climbing down her tower of ice chairs, “The worst part was the climb up!” She jumped down the last few feet, dusted herself off, and made her way to stand by Simon, “So what do we have left?” 
“Well, we’re waiting on Heilo to get back with the refreshments, then I guess we just have to wait for everyone to show up,” Simon sighed, “It’s going to be nothing like Winter’s parties, do you think anyone is going to show up?”
Doctor Princess grabbed him by the shoulders and made him face her.
“Have you not heard a word I said?” She gave him a joking shake, “Simon, there parties are important. They’ll come.”
Winter was staring at the wall, trying his best to find sleep, when he was startled by a knock at his door.
Simon never knocked.
He wrapped his blanket around himself as he dragged himself to the door of his room. 
No one was there, just a suit bag with a note attached. 
He grabbed both off the door and shut himself back in his room. 
As he scanned over the note, his expression softened. 
My dearest Winter,
There is a ball occurring tonight and I would love for you to be my date.
I know things haven’t been easy lately. I won’t pretend they haven’t been.
Knowing this, I will not hold it against you if you reject my invitation. 
Though I would love to see you there.
My heart,
S. Petrikov
Winter set the note on his bedside table and opened the suit bag. It was a deeper blue than his favorite suit, the jacket was longer than usual, the tail appeared as if it would land just behind his knees. The pants were more tapered than he usually wore, a cut he had always wanted to try, but had never gotten around to.
He sighed and looked at the suit. It was gorgeous. He loved it.
He knew if he put it on, he’d have to entertain an entire ballroom of people who would be falling over themselves to dance with him. 
Usually, that was his idea of a perfect night, but now he just didn’t know if he had it in him to leave his room. 
Everyone Simon invited showed up.
They didn’t seem to mind the paper decorations or the band that Simon had found last minute to handle the music.
They were mingling amongst themselves, dancing, and enjoying themselves at the makeshift ball. 
Winter adjusted his crown. 
He knew he didn’t look the best. His hair was greasy and he had seen how bad his dark circles had gotten. His only hope was that no one would comment on his state of disrepair. 
He entered the ballroom and was shocked to find Simon the center of attention, dancing with Old Lady Princess as a band of his citizens played out of tune. 
He smiled and went to leave, happy with the knowledge that his partner was having a good time and had the event under control.
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
hello!! how are you doing? im interested with your writing and i want to request if you don't mind!! also, im sorry if this goes against the rules :"(
can i ask for any character from twst (you can choose the character freely!) x reader, that very insecure about their artwork? and they always feel like they're not good enough, and always push themselves. because lately I've been struggling with it. tysm!! have a lovely day/night, and don't forget to drink water!! i love your writing so much, keep going <3
Hey you okay anon? Also I totally get it and absolutely yes I can fulfill this. I hope you have an excellent day/night too, and don’t forget to take a break buddy. This one took a while because i think there’s a lot of characters who, in a sense, “have a lot to say to you” also, since you didn’t specify what kind of art you meant, I kept it kind of vague
F*****’ Perfect
Characters: Riddle, Silver, Deuce, Jade, Floyd, Azul, Idia, Lilia
CW// low self esteem, bad self talk, depression, anxiety, mental health discussion, food, angst, hurt/comfort, potential out of character behavior
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Azul blinked owlishly for a moment at you before coughing and adjusting his glasses to recompose himself. Even the twins hovering in the doorway seemed to be shocked at your admission, though untrained eye would never have noticed.
As you stared at him, face set in a way that made it clear you weren’t joking, Azul began to feel something he hadn’t in a long, long time. Guilt.
“Prefect, surely you jest?” He said, voice lilting upward in what may have sounded like a question, but was more so a suggestion, “It seems as though you would have nothing to gain from that.”
People in the halls were beginning to watch because - well, Azul almost never said no to a deal, even one that fucked someone else over. Especially one that that fucked someone over.
“I don’t want it anymore, Azul. I can’t - it’s never good enough. I’ll never be good enough at it, so better to give it up now, right? Besides, you’re crafty, I’m sure you could use it somehow.”
“Keobi-Chan…” Floyd began, leaning toward you, eyes astonishingly sympathetic.
“Ah, right,” you laughed, a tired and desolate sound, “I almost forgot. ‘I don’t have any exceptional talents. No beautiful singing voice, no magic, the only thing I have to offer is Ramshakle’…” you trailed off, looking away from the trio, “Disregard what I said, then. I won’t bother you anymore.”
As you began to walk away, it was Jade who grabbed your wrist to pull you back, “Prefect, wait a moment, please.”
Azul and Floyd both looked at him in surprise. He rarely went to touch anyone, much less to pull them to him.
You turned to look back at him before relenting, inching back toward the group.
Jade paused, mouth opening and closing as he thought of what to say. The entire hall of people had their eyes trained on you two, and he finally settled on, “Why don’t the four of us take this somewhere private?”
When you shrugged and mumbled an ‘alright’, Floyd practically snatched you into his arms and began running toward Octavinelle, causing Jade and Azul to follow at a somewhat quick pace (Azul refuses to run, Jade refuses to chase Floyd in public)
As you and Floyd were the first to arrive, he busted into Mostro Lounge, grip still firm on you, and plopped you down into a booth seat by the window wall.
“You look sad, Shrimpy. Imma get you something to snack on.”
And with that, he gave you a head pat and wandered away to the kitchen.
Floyd is a terrifyingly fast runner, which means that even though he was gone for a full five minutes, Jade and Azul still hadn’t arrived. This wasn’t a problem, though, because Floyd came back with a specialty butterfly pea iced tea and some onigiri, plated with a drawing of a happy eel made with sriracha.
He sat down across from you, plucking one onigiri ball off the plate while staring at you expectantly. When you hesitated to take one, he nudged the plate at you with a firm expression, “Eat.” As you took the rice ball and bit into it, he finally smiled and leaned back, “So…you wanna trade your art talent over to Azul? Why?”
For a moment you had convinced yourself that maybe he wouldn’t ask, but it was clear that you wouldn’t be so lucky.
“I’m tired of it. It just makes me feel shitty. I’m…everything I do isn’t good enough. I’m not good enough. So, if I can’t use it, and other people seem to like it, why not give it to someone who wants it?”
He watched you for a moment as he chewed. Once he swallowed he hummed, “That’s kinda stupid, Y/N.”
Jesus, has he never heard of sugarcoating?
“If other people like it, then maybe it’s because you’re good at it. And if you think it’s worth trading, then clearly you know that somewhere too.”
You stared at the eel for a moment, who stared back looking completely serious. He grabbed another onigiri and began to eat that one too.
“You don’t think you’re good enough?” Came a voice from behind, and, oh yeah, those two were coming too.
Jade sat beside you, forcing you to scoot over as Azul sat beside Floyd, and based off his raised eyebrow it seemed he was the one who asked.
Neither Jade nor Azul took the food, but Jade did scoot your drink toward you with a somewhat worried look, and rested a hand on the booth seat, nestled between the two of you.
“‘M not good enough,” you mumbled around the food, “No matter what I do, the picture in my head won’t come out when I try and make it. And - I’m just so sloppy with my tools, ‘n it just feels like nothing I do will make me better at it. Besides, it’s not like people think it’s good.”
Azul’s façade faltered, eyes brimming with mercy. He whispered, “I think it’s good, Y/N.”
Every one of them looked genuinely concerned when you laughed, putting down your food. You took a sip of the drink Floyd made you, trying to choke down tears welling up. “You don’t have to flatter me.”
The twins looked to Azul with a severe look. The leaders eyes flicked between Jade and Floyd as he said with a surprisingly amount of confidence, “I was wrong about you, Y/N. You aren’t talentless, I simply hadn’t paid much attention to you prior to our meeting. Now, after knowing you, I’m able to see just how wrong I was.” He looked away, toward the water for a moment before Floyd nudged him lightly with his elbow, prompting him to keep talking. Azul sighed softly before looking back to you.
When you locked eyes, he was startled a moment before he began talking again. “I…I understand your pain. I may not be an artist-“
“‘Cept a con artist!” Floyd helpfully supplied, eliciting a giggle from you.
Azul smiled fondly at your reaction, even though it was at his expense, before he continued, “I may not be an artist, but I do know what it’s like to feel…inadequate.” He looked at you, then to Jade, who nodded at him to keep going. “As you know, when I was younger, I was…well, I…” he looked at a loss, “When I was younger, I was bullied. Back at home. I’m where I am now because I forced myself to work five times as hard as everyone else…”
Floyd nudged him again, then butted in, “What he’s trying to say is that you two are the same, ‘cause you both don’t think you’re good enough.”
Jade hummed, “And much like Azul, you’re actually quite competent in your craft, prefect.”
You looked to the sudden comment at your side and found Jade smiling at you.
“You’re both quite talented. It would be a shame for you to give your gifts up to Azul before you’ve had time to, ah - blossom, so to speak. You’re still quite young. And even if you weren’t so, the human lifespan is around…hmm, 80 years?”
“Yeah! So you could become the best ever at like, 79! But you can’t be the best old person artist ever if you give up now, Keobi-Chan!” Floyd chirped.
Azul seemed to gather himself and nod in agreement, “My friend,” he began. Both eels gave him a surprised look. He waved it away, “My friend, I can’t rob you of something so precious. It would take away your very essence, and I quite like you the way you are.”
As tears began to shed from your eyes, and a sob threatened to escape your throat, it was Jade who leaned over to pull you close, letting you cry into his jacket’s lapels as you broke down.
Evidently, the octatrio was having a very surprising day, but it’s not every day when your emotional support Shrimpy breaks down.
When Jade noticed you finally calmed down, he tilted your head up, only to find you asleep against him. He let out a sigh and lifted you in a bridal carry, “They appear to be asleep. Shall I take them to Ramshackle?”
Azul hummed and shook his head, “We have spare rooms. I’d rather keep them close, for now. I don’t think they should be alone.”
Floyd bounded behind Jade, “I’ll go get baby seal! We can have them in one of those land sleepovers!”
Azul walked with Jade to deposit you in a spare room.
“I’m surprised you’re being so kind today, Jade.”
“I could say the same of you, Azul. I’m quite surprised you opened up so to them.”
“It’s hard to stay closed off with them.” He murmured, unlocking the door and stepping inside, holding it open to let Jade inside. “They just have something about them…”
Jade nodded as Azul hurried to the bed to pull back the covers. “I feel quite the same way. They are truly fascinating, aren’t they?”
Azul chuckled a little as Jade laid you down, quickly removing your shoes before readjusting you to lay in the bed properly.
As Floyd bounded in holding a disgruntled Grim, he grinned, “”m glad we finally get to keep Shrimpy for a bit.”
“Oya~? And why’s that?”
“‘Cause eel’s gotta protect their shrimps, remember?” He grinned, letting grim down on the bed who was quiet due to the fact he was allowed to have your leftover Onigiri.
Jade laughed softly, “yes, yes we do.”
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A pristine white piece of paper rests on Riddle’s desk, ink penned perfectly into cursive swirls.
To my dearest friend,
I am not good with talking about issues such as these, but I believe it is important to speak about. Lest my tongue betray me and hurt you, I’ve written this down, to save both you and I trouble.
Your dedication to your craft is admirable in every regard, but I worry over you. It seems as though no matter the masterpiece you create, you are unsatisfied with the result, and rather than appreciating the skills and a talent you have cultivated and the artistry of your work, you are upset with any shortcomings.
An awareness of one’s weaknesses is necessary for improvement, but I believe you have stepped over the line, so to speak, and have instead become deluded that it is all weakness.
I remember a time when I believed the same of myself, and you were the one to show me how harmful it was to myself and others. Please, allow me to do the same for you.
As you know I do not sugarcoat my words, nor do I have appraisal for work I do not find to be good. Believe me when I say this, with all sincerity - you may be one of the most artistically talented people I have ever met, and ever will meet. I look forward to seeing you cultivate and refine your skills further, but please, my friend, you have time. Do not burn out over such things so young. A candlelight snuffed out before the night is a tragedy to the matchbox.
With well wishes and care, your loyal friend,
Riddle Rosehearts
He sat at the desk for a moment, rereading his letter nearly twice as much as he rereads his notes, before neatly folding into thirds.
His chair makes a scuffing sound as he pushes himself back from the desk slightly in order to reach a draw beside him. In he reaches, pulling out a small box containing a tea light, a spoon, wax beads, dried flowers, and a small stamp with a rose design embedded.
He carefully snaps his fingers, calling on a small amount of fire magic to light his candle, letting it get hot before changing tasks to fill the spoon with wax beads. He focuses on his breathing as he holds the spoon carefully above the fire, watching it slowly begin to melt. His hands are shaky from nerves, his mind a flutter with everything he wanted to say, tongue moving silently in his mouth as if opening his lips would let every thought would pour out from him.
When the wax appeared to be melted all the way, he blew out the candle and reached into the box, pulling out a dried sprig of forget-me-nots. He carefully pressed the letter shut, then rested the flowers across them before pouring the hot wax down onto it. He raised his stamp, closing his eyes and huffing a breath before pressing it down firmly into the red wax pool, holding the pressure firmly as it cooled. When he was sure it was no longer tacky, he removed the stamp to reveal his signet, accidentally turned slightly to the right.
His fingers itched to rip off the seal and try again before he remembered exactly what it was attached to, and who it was for.
He left it, smiling a little. Perhaps something imperfect from him was the perfect example for you. Besides, he reasoned, it seemed you loved the world the less perfect it was.
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It’s been a long day of work, hunched over a table in the cafeteria. It’s a rainy Saturday and there’s nothing better to do then snack and let creativity do it’s thing.
Hours have gone by and you seemed completely dead to the world, working and reworking tirelessly to get the product you intended, and it seemed almost completely fruitless.
This piece has been months in the making, all of the planning and plotting and working out kinks, and now that it’s almost done it, it seems to you like it’s all wrong.
You looked up and rubbed at your eyes, only to make eye contact with the campus cryptic himself.
Idia looked nervous, holding his tablet with a delicate grasp as he stared at you. A moment later he yelped, eyes going wide.
“A-ah, Y/N, I’m sorry, I just- Ortho came through here earlier? And I-I, I, um…” the tips of his hair began to blush like pink as his eyes darted everywhere but your face.
A moment of staring at him too long made him look ready to run before you snapped out of it. “It’s alright. Idia, right?”
He looked slightly more panicked, “Uh- uh, yeah, I am. You know me?”
You nodded with a light smile, “I know we haven’t met in person before, but I hear a lot about you from Ortho. You know me?”
He hummed, tight and high, and nodded jerkily, “You fought the overblots, everyone knows about you.”
You smiled easily, though there was a bit of sadness, “A shame. I’m sure you’ve heard terrible things about me.” You teased.
“Only good! I promise.” He said slightly too loud before sitting down across the cafeteria table from you. “I hope you don’t m…mind. Ortho told me that there was someone doing art over here and- I, uh, I wanted to know more.” He finally broke into a soft smile, though he was overall very stiff.
You laughed and shrugged, “I wouldn’t say it’s art, but you’re welcome to watch. This has been taking me forever and it just looks…awful.”
Idia looked between you and your work for a moment, “I think it looks nice.” He said earnestly.
You laughed a little, but when you looked to him it died. “Really?”
He nodded eagerly, “Yeah! I mean, I watch a lot of anime, a-and I have a really strong, uh, appreciation for stuff like this, yknow?” He said nervously, fiddling with his tablet.
He looked nervous s you admitted, “I don’t like it. It’s…wrong. I as going for a different vibe and it just…missed its mark.”
You smiled as he typed at lighting speed and the tablet spoke for him, launching into a passionate soliloquy about art in all forms
“No matter what, art is really important. I think all art is important, good or bad. Picasso’s art was kinda shit, yknow? But it spawned a whole art movement, so clearly it’s worth something to someone. So everything has its place. I really like gothic cyberpunk art but there’s people out there that like minimalism, so I guess…” Idia looked up from his tablet, thinking, “You might think your art is bad, but maybe you’re looking at it wrong. Maybe the boundaries you’re setting on yourself is the issue, not the art.”
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Lilia and Silver
Silver rested under a tree next to you as Lilia say behind you, braiding flowers into a flower crown, occasionally holding it up to your head to make sure it would fit.
“You have to rest,” they said, “You can’t keep burning the candle at both ends.”
Lilia hummed a song he heard a lifetime ago as he worked, being careful not to tug your hair or get too loud as he smoothed your hair and gently placed the flower crown on your head. It was relaxing like this, even when your hands itched to get back to work.
Lilia must have noticed, leaning down to guide your fingers from where they were fidgeting to lay them flat in the grass.
“Y/N, it’s time to rest. You can work when we get back, but you must take a break.”
You frowned and turned to face him, “I don’t want to take a break, I want to finish this project.”
He tutted and shook his head, “Raise your chin and look around. Tell me what you see.”
You sighed and looked around, beginning to list everything you could see, “I see trees, the sky, clouds, grass, Silver sleeping under a tree, some flowers-“
Lilia began to laugh heartily, “You don’t need to tell me, I can see too.”
You huffed, “So what do you want me to do then?”
He sighed, “You’re running yourself ragged. Humans don’t live long, how will you enjoy your time alive if you spent it tucked away on your lonesome?”
You shrugged, “I’m not exactly enjoying a lot now.”
Lilia pet your hair, “That seems to be the issue, my dear. Now, look around again if you’re so persistent to work,” he leaned forward, resting his head on your shoulder, “What do you see?”
“I already told you,” your groaned, exasperated.
“What does the world look like right now?”
You sighed and began to contemplate it.
It’s a lovely 68 degrees (Fahrenheit) with a light chill that stung the face slightly. The sun was shedding golden rays that danced through the treetops, tiptoeing playfully along the long, reedy grass. Soft moss grew up the side of the tree Silver was (previously) sleeping under, cradling his head like an earthy pillow. Several patches of grass were flattened into circles that were surely made by an animal, but looked like the soft fur of the forest herself. Ravens above head cawed as they took flight. The cicadas buzzed their merry tune as ants carried away pocket crumbs. A deer was just on the edge of the clearing, watching while munching on some shrubbery.
The flowers that surrounded them were stunning. Growing freely were dandelions, clover, chickweed, violets, black eyed Susan’s, Queen Anne’s lace, wildflowers, chicory, buttercups, and milkweed. Nearby were cattails, elderberries, wild strawberries, button mushrooms, and alliums of all kinds. The air was sweet with the scent of honey and fresh air.
As you took a deep breath, you turned to find Lilia and Silver smiling at you.
“Back to twisted wonderland?”
You smiled and nodded, “Yeah, thanks Lilia.”
He nodded and the three of you sat there for longer, chatting about random everyday nothings, eventually falling into comfortable silence as you watched the sun begin to disappear and night begin to fall.
“It’s time we get back,” Silver stated, “It’ll be easy to get lost in the dark.”
You nodded and began to pack up everything (which was like, a blanket and some snacks) and make your way back to campus.
“Hey,” Silver said softly, wrapping a protective arm around your back, “I know what you’ve been feeling.”
“Hmm?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I often feel like I’m not doing good enough. Like I should be able to do more. But it’s a lot like Lilia said, you can’t get caught up in the ‘should’s. Be proud of what you can do, Y/N. You’re insanely creative and massively talented. You’ve persevered through so much. And aside from that, you can’t improve if your well-being is put to the wayside. It’s like…” he paused, “it’s like asking a horse to race when it hasn’t been fed in a while. It may be able to do it, but it could also simply harm the animal, and it’s unlikely they will do well regardless. Take care of yourself.”
You looked at him with tears in your eyes before nodding, and tugged him into a side hug. “Thanks, Silver. You always know just what to say.”
He nodded and gave a little smile as you walked back to campus. Lilia trailed behind quietly, proud of both of you.
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“Prefect! Look!” Deuce yelled as he ran up to you excitedly, tugging you along toward a throng of students.
“What’s going on?” You asked, trying to keep up with Deuce.
“Test rankings are up, I’m so excited.”
You hummed as you made your at through the crowd to where you could see the results.
43rd on the list with 87% was Deuce Spade.
He cheered wildly, grinning at you, “Look! I’m on the list!”
You smiled back, only to hear some snobby comment about how “it’s not even that high up, dude.”
You turned to face the person, ready to light into him when Deuce grabbed your shoulder and pulled you away.
“Don’t.” He said softly, “it’s not a big deal.”
“Of course it’s a big deal!” You argued, “nobody gets to talk shit about my friend and get away with it.”
He shrugged and gave you a smile, “it doesn’t matter to me. I’m happy I made it in top 50. I can’t wait to tell my mom!”
You looked confused for a moment, “it…it doesn’t bother you that you’re not higher up?”
He looked confused in turn, “No? This is higher than I thought I would be. I’m just glad to know I’m improving.”
You hummed and thought for a moment, leaning in to hug him.
He accepted it happily, though still confused, and hugged back tight, “Prefect, what’s up with this? Not that I’m complaining, but…”
You shrugged, “I think I just…I’m always thinking about what other people want from me. It makes me miserable. But to see you so happy about just getting what you want…” you looked back toward the list, “sorry if that sounded insulting, I meant it genuinely.”
He shrugged, “It’s good. But yeah, you just gotta block out those guys. I remember when I thought it was cool to be an asshole and tear down other people and just hate everything and…it really didn’t make me happy. But I thought that’s what you’re supposed to do. And then I stopped, and I went for something I want. Something I can be proud of, and I can make my mom proud of too. It’s not easy, always, but…it makes me happy. So I think it’s worth it.”
You stared at him and nodded, “yeah, that sounds nice. I wanna try some of that.”
He laughed, “want me to tutor you? I’d be glad to.”
“I think my study is gonna take a long time, but, it’ll be worth it. Especially if you’re there to help.”
He looked a little surprised before grinning, bumping your shoulders together, “We can be study buddies! Start a club. The ‘getting better together’ club.”
“Sounds perfect.”
128 notes · View notes
ms-erin-kallus · 9 months
I Can’t Destroy What Isn’t There
Chapter 8
AO3 link ~ https://archiveofourown.org/works/44541196/chapters/122272963
Agent Kallus woke groggily and rubbed hard at his tired hazel eyes as he slowly looked around into the unknown darkness that surrounded him. The meteorite that sat above him had long faded into nothing more than a simple stone, and so left the only light afforded him to come from the small chrono at his bedside. 
Panic quickly set in as he realized that he was in <em>his</em> bed before he shot up and scanned the room with sudden focus. How did I get here, he thought as he racked his brain for memories that wouldn’t come.
Wait, who put me into these clothes?
At the foot of his bed sat bottles of water, a few small foil packets, and a couple of protein bars. There was also a note, stay off of it for a few days, please.
He stared at it for a few confused seconds before he finally managed to bring himself to look at his bedside chrono, 1430.
At least it’s not too late in the day, he thought before the date made his eyes go wide in shock. It had been a full rotation and a half. His mind began to reel with excuses for his unauthorized absence; that was, until he remembered that no one had probably even noticed, or cared that he was gone. There would be no surprise either way. 
A tangle of hair caught in his fingers as he tried to run them through the disheveled mess on his head and he could only sigh before he carefully moved to sit on the edge of his bed. The deep ache in his leg felt substantially better than it had before as he carefully kneaded his fingers deep into the muscle. 
As he placed his feet onto the cold floor, his toes stretched back and forth as he tried to recall and categorize his last memories into some semblance of a memory of what might have happened prior. 
Ambush. Bahryn. Orrelios.
His face fell forward and he stared blankly at a wall that offered no answers before he managed to clumsily push himself up to standing.
Before he could realize what was happening, a bright blue light suddenly filled the room as an electrical current came hurtling toward him.
R3 unexpectedly charged up to him from the dark corner by his door, “what does the note say, stupid human?”
“What the hell?” Kallus yelled as he threw himself back into the corner behind him to avoid the droid’s rage. “You are definitely her droid,” he scoffed loudly when he realized who his attacker was. He gingerly scooted back to the edge of the bed and glared at an annoyed R3 before pain suddenly shot down to his toes and reminded him of his real problem.
“What are you even doing here anyway, don’t you have someone else to torture?”
Kallus placed his feet on the floor again and the droid increased the current and pointed it directly at him. “Okay, okay, the cold feels good on my feet,” he conceded with his hands up at his sides in surrender, “calm down.”
Definitely her droid.
“Seriously. Why are you here?”
“I don’t know why she cares about you after everything you’ve put her through, or how she can overlook that you’re going to get her killed, but she told me to keep an eye on you because she had to go back to Lothal before you woke up,” R3 beeped.
Kallus shook his head, “back?”
“You don’t remember? Probably best. She’s too good for you and I despise you,” R3 beeped at him in a way that Kallus knew was hate filled sarcasm. “She dragged you to medical because you were seriously hurt and wouldn’t go on your own.” They backed up and took one of the packets from the table, “I will give you two every eight hours and monitor your progress.”
“How long do you plan on staying here?” Kallus almost yelled in literal horror. The few minutes they had been together were already too many. Entire rotations would end with either the angry little machine in the compactor or a very annoyed Kallus back in medical, or a corpse floating through space.
“The medical droid said to keep you off of your feet for at least three rotations. It has been one and a half. So, I’m here for another one and a half rotations.”
“You are absolutely not going to sit here and babysit m-,” Kallus started before the room lit up a bright blue again.
“I absolutely am.”
Kallus sighed hard as he realized that he had no choice. The droid was as stubborn as he was and had obviously been programmed to accommodate the fact, “where is Rhoan now? It would be nice-”
“Like I said, she’s on planet, not far enough away from you in my opinion. Her work here is done so she had to go back this morning.”
Dammit, he thought as he opened the packet. “What is this?”
“I’m hoping fatal, but they’re probably just painkillers.”
“You don’t have to be such an asshole,” Kallus retorted harshly as he tried to determine how to get a restraining bolt inconspicuously delivered to his room.
The droid just sat silently.
Kallus tore open the packet. “Maybe I’ll have to tell her?”
“Do it. Who do you think she’ll believe, the dangerous Imp or her faithful little droid? The droid that she loves.”
Kallus narrowed his eyes and glared at the machine with a jealousy he didn’t expect. “Sure, a droid can understand complex human emotions?”
“Probably better than you can.”
Kallus breathed in slowly to keep himself from reinjury while attempting to break the hateful and angery machine in front of him. Rhoan may have been able to put the things he had done in the past but he knew that she would end his future if he did anything to her protective little companion. “Fine. My datapad is in the drawer at the end of the bed. Will you get it for me since I’m apparently bedridden,” he asked nicely out of feigned defeat. 
Kallus watched the droid turn away before he quickly and quietly stood up.
The R3 unit turned and threw the datapad at him on sight as it rolled over, arm aglow again.
“Stop,” he yelled as he put his hands out in front of him. “You can’t shock me because I might reinjure myself and th-,” he protested.
The current surged twice before R3 warned him, “that’s your problem, not mine. I can stay here for weeks if that’s what you really want.”
“That is the last thing I want.”
“Then, sit down,” the droid threatened as it rolled over to the dark corner from where it came. “Find something stupid humans do and leave me alone.”
Kallus did find something to do; he researched Geonosis.
I never asked questions.
The next two rotations were spent relentlessly digging through anything and everything he could get his hands on regarding the planet and what could have happened to cause its population to completely disappear. He had a feeling that he couldn’t shake, and much to his horror, it was for good reason.
He had initially hoped that perhaps it had been a planet wide exodus due to some sort of mass extinction event. They already lived underground due to prior events that caused the surface to become uninhabitable; perhaps something new had happened that drove them completely off world. Something he somehow had never heard about. Or, possibly, it was a full-scale re-colonization. The Empire had a habit of confiscating entire planets to bleed dry their natural resources if said resources were of value, or even simply if its location was beneficial. 
But, he knew deep down that the Empire wouldn’t waste those kinds of funds, not on civilians.
He also knew neither scenario was correct.
Judging by what he had found, along with what he had seen in orbit around the planet, the population had basically been enslaved to build some sort of Imperial project. Whatever the project was, it was massive and a pretty well-kept secret.
He felt sick. Apparently, once they were of no use, they were simply eradicated. It was the only plausible explanation. It was genocide. It was one hundred million souls gone without hesitation.
By association, it was his fault.
Kallus wiped any traces of his investigation from his datapad and tossed it to the foot of his bed. Everything that he had been trained and conditioned to believe throughout his entire career was authoritarianism, plain and simple. He couldn’t believe that he was too stupid to never see it for what it was.
The ISB’s brainwashing techniques were impressively and terrifyingly effective.
The small green machine that had spent their time slowly tormenting him was gone when Kallus woke on the third rotation of his droid mandated medical leave. The small red light, the one that he knew was some sort of warning beacon, was replaced by darkness and his newly found freedom. 
Things could’ve gone much worse, R3 mostly left him alone unless it was time for medication or food. Unfortunately, the one thing he wasn’t allowed to do was shower. They were afraid he would slip and fall, and Kallus would never admit it out loud, but he was too. The refresher alone was a difficult task at first. 
An encrypted message of physical therapy stretches was sent to him before he even woke up from his procedure. The need for encryption was puzzling but the gesture was appreciated nonetheless. Most of that night was a blur of fuzzy or straight up missing memories, so he was sure there was a good reason for it that he just couldn’t put together.
The painkillers prescribed didn’t help any. He didn’t even know how he got back to the dome from the star destroyer he was on.
Though he was sure that his absence had gone unnoticed, it was time for him to at least make some sort of appearance before he could disappear into his office until summoned for some sort of task or mission that he couldn’t just delegate to a subordinate. 
The residual emotions from his cold reception lingered in his mind with their claws dug deep and refused to let go. That was assuming they ever even would.
It felt like they were a parsec away as he walked as nondescriptly as he could to the communal showers at the end of the hall before someone could notice his still unsure gait. Empathy was hard to find in the military, but gossip was not. A few sideways glances quickly reminded him of that adage.
He could’ve spent the entire cycle under the hot water that relaxed his sore and tired muscles as he tried diligently to work the knots from his shoulders and relieve the strain on his knee. A sudden thought jarred through his mind and he immediately turned the water off and grabbed a towel. 
A few minutes later he stood in front of an empty cooler while seriously considering leaving the base to go to a market and find fresh fruit. He would have done it too, but his datapad chirped something about a stowaway rebel and a defected droid that included a report that he needed to read and a search party that needed to be formed to look into the matter.
That overachiever will probably thank me, he thought as he immediately forwarded the message and transferred the assignment to Lieutenant Lyste. Aside from the menial task, he didn’t want much to do with any of their targeted missions or operations, and knew he wouldn’t for awhile.
However, the correspondence was a sign that people were aware that he was available again and so his fruit fiasco was put on an unwanted hold. A caf and one of the better-quality protein bars would have to suffice.
Kallus hummed mindlessly to himself as the lift began its descent into the depths of the dome. The reverberations went all the way down into his chest as he tapped out an erratic rhythm on the side of the cup he held. There was an ease about him that he rarely felt and it was a welcomed respite from the recent hell that he found himself, and her, thrust into. 
Small echoes carried down the hallway with each step and he let them fall in line with the rhythm of his fingers. He almost let himself make up the lyrics to a verse but remembered that he had a reputation to uphold and ‘the singing ISB Agent’ didn’t carry the same bravado of his typical character.
However, the second he rounded the corner and made eye contact, a suffocating tension filled the air with an almost choking heaviness and uneasy warning.
It was more than obvious that the woman standing at the counter with her back to Kallus felt it because she took a small, obvious step backward the instant Rhoan’s gaze hardened. Their transaction continued in a loud whisper until R3 came out from behind the counter to pull a dysfunctional droid back into her work area, and did so without acknowledging him at all. 
The woman’s face immediately fell to the floor when she turned and saw one of the last people she thought she would see there before she scurried away silently into the safety of wherever it was she was going.
“Okay then,” he mumbled to himself as he looked up to a face he didn’t expect. He cleared his throat quietly before he set his offering on the counter, “I assumed that you probably didn’t eat.”
Rhoan sat silent, but he could see that her mind was racing as she tried her best to decide her next words or her best course of action; he assumed it was most likely both. 
Kallus felt his throat go dry.
The hinged door of the counter slammed loudly before Rhoan grabbed his hand and began to literally drag him toward the farthest wall of her work area.
“What is going-” he started but the look on her face when she turned back to him stopped him from finishing. “Rhoan, I can’t move that quickly yet,” he pleaded.
She didn’t stop but she did slow substantially as they came around the last row of shelving and toward a small door at the end of it. It hissed open quickly and she practically shoved him into it before she put her fingers up to her lips.
Be quiet.
The door closed behind her and Kallus was left standing alone in what appeared to be a small utility closet. What felt like an eternity later, she finally reappeared with a small micro ion pulse mine and activated it. His eyebrow raised at the suspicious move as a soft, blue glow illuminated the concern on her face. 
For a long, few seconds the only sound between them was the soft hum of the apparatus at their side, “Rhoan?” he asked carefully.
She began to say something but no words came. Her mouth closed and she thought hard before she finally spoke.
“You can’t be here.”
She shook her head mostly to herself, “the droids didn’t record but if there was a malfunction in any of them,” her whisper trailed off as she looked at the floor in contemplation of possibilities that he didn’t know what were.
“What is going on? You are beginning to seriously worry me,” he asked with quiet concern, unsure as to whether or not he could speak normally as the smell of the grease on her clothes blended subtly with the faint scent of the Imperial issue shampoo in her hair. It was a unique mix, but then, she was as well. He liked that about her, that he never knew what he was about to get. Except this time was an exception.
“What do you remember from that night? When you went to medical.” she snapped as his stomach immediately fell to the floor with the force of a seismic charge. “All of it. Everything. Tell me.”
“I, um,” he looked at her and she cocked her head to the side as if to tell him to both hurry and also be as thorough as he could. “I remember the hallway, kind of.”
I remember that you wanted to run from me.
“And after the hallway?” she asked, ignoring her own demand of everything.
“Not much. There was a needle.” He let out a nervous laugh that she disregarded.
“This part is important,” she reiterated with raised eyebrows, “do you remember anything you said?”
Kallus could barely breathe through the thick suddenly stagnant air, what did you do?
“I don’t,” he wasn’t sure what to say. Apparently he remembered less than he thought and her behavior wasn’t helping his memory in the slightest. “I feel like I-”
“You said some stupid shit, Kallus,” she told him with a quiet waver in her voice.
 Call me Alex.
The sound of stretching leather reverberated through the brutal silence.
She looked back down at the ground, “you really don’t remember anything,” 
“Feel free to let me in on the mystery,” he said, his temper beginning to rise out of confused desperation. If he put either of them in danger then she was wasting time. He would need to run damage control as soon and quickly as was possible. 
“You said something,” she took in a long breath and nodded slightly as if summoning the courage to keep looking at him, “something that bordered on sedition.” 
Her last word echoed loudly through his mind.
“You said you hated the Empire.” Rhoan’s brow furrowed and she looked at the device on the counter, “they have executed people for much less, and considering I didn’t go straight to command with this, it looks like complicity on my part.”
She was right. He had just spent almost two days learning about how they carried out the literal extermination of a species for no good reason. Killing one ISB Commander gone rogue would be nothing. A lieutenant on an outer rim planet that heard some words would easily be less.
“Look, I didn’t think that anyone was going to come looking for me out there, and I was just still upset about it. I was heavily sedated and emotional,” he said carefully. It wasn’t a complete lie; he was actually pretty pissed about the cold reception upon his return.
“I guess that makes sense.” She looked down to her side, “You’ve been nothing but a good and loyal agent of the ISB. I knew better than to think that way of you.”
“You’re also a loyal and outstanding servant to the Empire, which begs the question, are you going to inform anyone anyway," he asked cautiously, his heart pounded in his ears so hard he could barely hear what he said to her. Command could know whatever they wanted as long as it didn’t include her.  
“I can’t now. Not without incriminating myself,” she said with an abrupt tinge of hostility.
He could tell that she was angry with herself for that, for not only risking her career but possibly her life. He was angry with himself for putting her in such a situation. Again.
“Fixing this is all contingent on one thing.” She looked him dead in the eye, “this infatuation of yours has to stop. There is no reciprocity and you need to accept that already,” she said pointedly. “This is the third time that you have put me in a precarious situation. Two of them could’ve gotten me killed. One still may.”
She was stern in the delivery of her verdict, her resolve unrelenting, and it shattered him into a million invisible pieces held loosely only by a fleeting hope. 
“Rhoan, I-“
The low hum of the device went silent and the cold, blue light went dark when she reached over and turned it off, “no, you need to go now.”
 Please don’t. 
She looked down as she reached over and opened the door. 
There was the sudden sound of wheels racing away; R3 had obviously been listening in. 
When he didn’t move, she looked out subtly to let him know that it was, in fact, time for him to leave her.
He looked down at her, desperate for eye contact, for her to see that she was making a mistake. “You don’t want to do this. I know you don’t.” 
He felt her anxiety skyrocket as her body instantly went stiff, but still she didn’t look away from the door. “I have to,” there was a graveness in her voice that caught him off guard and he was finally forced to come to the realization that there was nothing left for him there anymore. There was nothing in the Empire and certainly nothing in that closet.
His shoulders fell at her words and he reluctantly turned away from the only decent thing that had happened to him in as long as he could remember. Even if it was merely infatuation, it gave him something to look forward to that wasn’t saturated in war. And yet, once again, war was all he had, except now it was in two theaters instead of one.
“Alright,” he said quietly as he began to walk out. 
He had given her no reason to trust him but every reason to fear him.
The door quickly whirred shut behind him and like that, he was alone. Again. 
He walked to the end of the row of shelves and looked back one last time before he scolded himself. “What did you really expect?”
Deep inside of him he knew that to protect her from the impending wrath of the Empire that would eventually fall over him was to forget that she ever existed. It was the only way that he couldn’t risk putting her in danger again.
Her nonexistence was his new reality.
With that, his head fell and he slowly made his way back to the lift, giving her time to change a mind that he knew was already set. 
Disappointment is built on false hope.
Unlike before, every step he took down the suddenly long hallway sounded like a seismic charge in his ears. His feet dragged heavily as if the floor had become a thick swamp that he could only try to free himself from. He knew total escape itself would be impossible no matter how hard he tried.
175…174 the lift chimed in front of him with every level it passed. Kallus could barely wait to get to his office where he could try to decompress some.
And most likely break something.
That wasn’t going to happen.
Konstantine’s voice unexpectedly grated against his ears.
“Ah, Agent Kallus, just who I was looking for,”   
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inmydeepestdreams · 2 years
I was considering sending Matthew a sneaking public nude when I felt it, my bladder’s fifth? Warning, one of them, I was having trouble keeping count.
It was the middle of the workday, the sun was high in July over our city, and I got to leave the restaurant early. “Early” after working close to eight hours. Still, I was relieved. But when I sat down on the bus, I felt my bladder, that I was only vaguely aware of, bring itself to my full attention.
Matthew was at work, he worked in an office and he sent me a picture of his hard dick through his professional work pants, and it got me all flustered, so of course I responded. We started sexting the whole way home.
Matthew: i might just have to come home early, I need that pussy.
Me: why don’t you just disappear into your nice, fancy work bathroom and record yourself getting off for me?
I was feeling usually demanding, maybe because I wasn’t right in front of him. Still, Matthew seemed to like it, even if I hadn’t convinced him to do what I asked.
Matthew: Just unbutton those tight little pants and sneak your phone in their for me baby, no one will see. And if they do see, they’ll understand that you’re just someone’s plaything and you’re doing the only thing you’re supposed to do!
The idea of unbuttoning my pants surely was tempting, just to relieve some pressure. I squirmed in my seat and kept them as they were.
It was hot, the heatwave was brutal. The bus did have air conditioning, but it didn’t matter. I was still sweating in my clothes from working on the patio and standing in the sun. Now from holding my bladder.
I felt my head begin to clear. I knew, distantly, that this was my regular commute and I shouldn’t piss myself on this bus, but all I could think of was how good it would feel to release it all, seats be damned.
Me: I’m stuck on the bus and I think I might lose control.
Adrien: lose control? in what way?
Adrien, I think anyway, was the only one home. I daydreamed about running into his arms, him squeezing me tight as I pissed both our pants on our living room floor.
Me: you know what way, it’s really bad!
The typing bubbles came up several times and it felt like I was waiting an eternity.
Adrien: how close are you to home
Me: twenty ish minutes
Adrien: oh no, is the baby going to have an accident? You’ve really lost control these last few months
Me: I’m sorry, I don’t want to.
I haven’t resorted to holding myself yet. I’m in the back, but there are people two seats up talking to each other across the aisle, what if they looked back?
Adrien: yes you do. or else you wouldn’t be texting me, you’d get off at the next stop and run into a store. You want this, like you always do.
He’s right, of course. He usually is, the bastard.
Adrien: hold it until you’re home. I’ll be here for you baby
A minute or so later, Adrien sent me a voice memo with instructions to listen to it with headphones. I blushed and dug my earbuds out of my purse.
When I played it to my horror I realized it was not a voice memo but rather a recording of him pissing into the toilet at home, the sound of it hitting the water made me lost control almost instantaneously. I felt my piss hit my undies with incredible force.
I dropped my phone on my lap and ripped out my earbuds, shoving a hand between my legs. I managed to stop it pretty fast, but I still lost a lot. I could feel the front of my black work pants soaked.
Matthew: I need you, I’m coming home.
No, no! God, two many things are happening right now. I tried to focus on not embarrassing myself in public for the rest of the drive, bent over with my hands shoved between my thighs, squeezing with everything in me.
But my stop came eventually, which meant I had to let go.
I let go. My piss was waiting for me, but it stayed where I needed it to. I hobbled to the door. When my phone beeped again.
Matthew: stuck in traffic, due to the heat I will be fucking you in my air conditioned room, please be ready.
I ignored him, hoping he wouldn’t be too rough with me because of it.
The bus stop was around the corner from our building, which was on the top floor. I made it into our elevator without trouble, glaring at the camera in the corner while I did not touch myself.
I did that first time I came home after a long shift, bladder so full it swelled in front of me. I did everything but jump up and down because I was in an elevator, but they saw it all.
When I got to our floor I did grab myself, because as soon as I stepped into the hall, I lost more piss into my jeans.
I unlocked the door screaming, not caring if Emilio was in.
Adrien’s strong arms pulled me out of nowhere, hooking around my bladder only furthering my accident. He hauled me into the bathroom, I saw white tiles, then he dropped me in the bathtub.
“Im peeing! I’m peeing!” I said all the while, unable to get any relief because I was afraid I’d get it on him.
“Sick of these black pants,” he muttered to himself, unbuttoning them fast and before I knew it, they were between my ankles and Adrien was staring intently at my rapidly darkening pink panties.
“Cute,” he muttered, staring at my accident.
I was breathing hard, sweating, swearing, I could barely stand I was shaking so bad.
When it was over, Adrien quickly ripped my clothes off and turned on the water.
All the while I was horny, of course. I wanted to touch myself but thought better if it. Now though I was home, I moved down to my clit and began to rub.
Adrien slapped my hand out of the way. He gave me a quick rinse with the retractable shower head, soaking my legs and my hair. It wasn’t enough, I’d have to shower later. Then he carried me bridal style into his room.
I felt a bit useless, I couldn’t do much else but lay there, I felt weak and vulnerable, and I needed him to touch me.
Adrien did, faster than usual and deep, kissing me all the while. He was finished as soon as matthew slammed the front door, calling for me.
“Do you want him?“ Adrien whispered. I nodded.
“Shes in here,” he called.
Matthew walked in and laughed at my state naked and wet, cum dripping out of me.
“I can’t believe you let someone else fuck that neediness before me.”
“You know there’s plenty left for everyone,” I said.
“Take her to your room, Matt. No fucking on my bed.”
Matthew helped me up, my legs were shaking. He chuckled something I didn’t understand. When we got to his room I felt bone tired. He pushed me face down on the bed and took me from behind.
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solace-seekers · 3 years
Will forgets what side of the faucet turns on the hot water daily, despite it always being the same side
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lys1 · 3 years
This is an Asra x fem!reader. NSFW for sure, porn WITH plot <3 this is my first post on tumblr so feedback appreciated.
You walk through the dusty streets of the Market towards the palace. Hundreds of stalls loom up on either side, alive and vibrant with colors, smells, and tastes. It feels good to be back in the heart of Vesuvia.
You turn to look at Asra beside you, keeping your exhausted pace. It had been 8 days since Nadia had asked Asra and yourself to go check out some mysterious magic happenings on the outskirts of the city. You scoff to yourself, mysterious indeed, it took half the time to even track down the little pixie creatures causing ruckus and mayhem. Eventually, after some exhaustive spell casting and careful teamwork the two of you had managed to return the troublesome pixies to the proper magic realm they escaped from.
You yawn tiredly, loosening the emerald colored traveling scarf from around your neck. It was afternoon now, and the sun was beating down.
"Almost there now," Asra spoke up, breaking the silence. He looked fondly over at you, a smile lighting up his sun kissed face. Even so, you could see that the time away from home had taken its toll on him too. You were both more than ready to hit the hay.
You nod slightly, keeping back another yawn. "I hope Nadia has food for us, I'm starved." The villagers in the towns you had visited were kind and generous, but nothing could beat the delectable food that the palace prepared.
Asra chuckled, "I'm sure that right after we fill her in on the successful pixie management she'll immediately be tending to us like a mother hen. You know how she is, she loves to provide." He pushed back his curls from his face to wipe his brow of sweat, smiling as he too imagined the delicious array of food that was about to be offered. He picked up his pace at the thought, making you jog a bit to keep up.
The Palace gates soon loomed over the two of you, sparkling and gold in the summer sun. The guards at the gate looked up as you approached.
"Ah, the magicians! I trust everything went alright?" One asked, clearly recognizing the famous duo. He smiled warmly, maybe a little starstruck.
Asra returned his smile, "it was simply magical."
You rolled your eyes at the terribly overused pun as the guard gave a hearty laugh. The two of you were waved in and informed that the countess was waiting for you in the dining room.
"Oh even better," you groaned in appreciation. "We get to eat while we talk. I love Nadia." Your stomach growls in agreement. Asra flashes you a beautiful smile as his feet climb the stairs alongside yours.
"And clearly," he adds, "she loves us back!" He was particularly looking forward to some blue tongued skink, Nadia knew it was his favorite.
It only took a couple minutes to reach the dining hall. One of the servers was bustling out the moment You and Asra rounded the corner to the door.
"Oh, hello!" They said, giving a small polite now. "The countess is expecting you! Please, come right in." They moved aside, holding the large ornate door open with one of their hands.
You wink and whisper your thanks as the two of you make your way in. Immediately your mouth fills with saliva at the smell that filled the room. The table was large and being filled with platters of many foods of different origins. The gold dinnerware twinkled delightedly up at you and the red wine glimmered deep and inviting.
"Welcome, friends." Nadia opens her arms, rising from her chair. She had just been sipping on some pre-dinner tea while waiting for her guests. She was smiling, and looking absolutely magnificent in her shining purple and gold robes.
"Hello Nadi," Asra said, joining you and her in a quick hug before seating himself at the table. You follow, sitting beside him as Nadia resumes her seat. The servants bring the last platter of steaming dumplings out at that moment.
You sigh contentedly. "This looks amazing Nadia, I feel spoiled."
Nadia smiles, the faintest blush on her high cheeks. "Anything for my favorite magicians, willing to travel far and wide in aid of Vesuvians in need." She adores, raising her wine glass. "To my dear friends, what I would do without you, I wouldn't know."
You and Asra raise your glasses with her, each of your own cheeks now a healthy pink. Nadia declares the meal to begin and you all dig in.
"Oh my, what troublemakers!" Nadia declares, after hearing the story about the pixies. The food was being relished amongst every plate and the wine was flowing steadily. "I can't believe such tricky little creatures exists." She continues, eyes sparkling as she pours another cup of wine.
"Yes, well, the magic world is something else entirely." Asra laughs, relaxed and feeling full. He was lounging comfortably, one hand gripping your thigh, another holding his gold goblet. His skin was warm and aglow.
You had your own hand comfortably nestled in his snowy white locks, massaging slow circles into his scalp. It had been a long 8 days and you were both happy to finally be able to relax into each other while having pleasant conversation.
"You should have seen the way they caused mischief," you add. “Oh I felt terrible for that village. So many upside down cows to turn over." Asra smiles as you tell the story, closing his eyes and leaning into your gentle touch. It was, to put it simply, the best feeling he could imagine. Well, almost.
Nadia chuckles again. "Well, I'm just glad that they are gone and we can laugh about this." She says, sighing in slight relief. "Vesuvia is fortunate to have two talented magicians like yourself. I am fortunate to have you as my friends. Your well deserved payment is in your guest room."
Asra blinks, "oh, you're offering us a place to stay tonight?" He asked, the gratefulness clear in his tone. You couldn't help but agree, walking back to the shop did not really sound like something either of you wanted to do. Especially, you muse, lifting your glass to your lips, after how many wine jugs the three of you had emptied.
"Why of course," Nadia looks surprised that we even had to ask. "And," she continued, "use of my personal bath this evening. You two more than deserve some relaxation and.. fun." She ends her sentence after a slight pause, giving you both a side glance full of humor.
You feel your cheeks go slightly hotter at the obvious suggestion. However, embarrassment aside, nothing else sounded better right now. You look down at your lover who was now lounging against your lap and smile. Oh how far too long it had been, the pixies had been relentless and had not offered much down time.
Asra chuckles, clearly more comfortable with the suggestion. He always had been a bit more confident when it came to discussing your private life. You found it quite endearing.
"Oh Nadi," he smiles. "You just made this evening even better somehow. I can't wait to take my love there and-"
Nadia waves her hand, laughing at your horrified face. "Please, please, I certainly don't need to know details." She grins, "just go, and take the wine."
Asra didn't need more encouragement and sat up promptly. He looks down at you, a shadow of hunger in his lilac eyes, offering you his hand. You take it, biting your lip as his gaze continues to rake over your body in the sort of way that makes you squirm.
"Thank you, Nadia." You say breathlessly, and a little sheepishly.
Nadia smiles, "anytime." She says, laughter still ringing in her voice. "Now go, before Asra here makes love to you on this table."
Your eyes open wide, shocked to hear her say such dirty words before ducking your head down in embarrassment.
Asra rests his hand on your shoulder and leans down to whisper in your ear, "you heard the lady." His voice is sultry and thick with want. "The table is looking awfully inviting right now."
Quickly, you turn and head out the door, Asra following close behind. The bath is not far down the hall and the two of you make great time. Asra's hand is at your waist, pressing in such a way that you know means desire. You hadn't realized how badly he had been missing you.
You make it to the door and turn to look back at your lover. You gulp at the hot scene behind you. Asra's eyes are half-lidded, purple irises cloudy with lust. His shirt is already half unbuttoned, revealing his delicious golden tan skin, smooth and beautiful. He's looking at you in a way that makes you think he hasn't eaten in a week and you are a five course meal.
He closes in, pushing you against the door and reaching for the handle. "You're terribly slow," he says, voice already rough, desire prominent. He pushes the handle and the latch clicks, the door swings in behind you.
The two of you tumble into the sweet smelling room. Obviously Nadia informed a servant ahead of time of the use of this room because the bath was already filled and steaming. On top of the water pink rose petals float, filling the area with a soft floral scent.
Asra closes the door with a soft click and looks over his shoulder at you. "Oh my dear," he murmurs, taking the couple strides to wrap you up in his strong arms. "I've missed hearing you cry my name, kissing those lips, and feeling your skin." His fingers travel up your waist and over your stomach. They linger, just a moment at the swell under your breast before finally cupping your face in his hands.
You tremble under his touch, body suddenly aching with need. You bring your own hands up to his chest and splay your fingers out so you can feel his heart beating. It's fast and erratic, excited to be close to you.
"Sweetheart," Asra whispers, voice heady. It's intoxicating to hear him talk to you in such a way. You look up at him and catch him licking his lips. You bring your own up to meet his, tongue out to capture his. He groans, melting into the kiss, gripping your hair so tightly it's almost painful.
You gasp, mouth opening and he runs his tongue along your lips, tasting the wine you both had shared. "Delicious," he says against your skin, tasting more and more. His hot open mouth kisses travel from your lips to your cheek, jaw, and finally resting on your neck. Asra loves to leave marks, and he takes your skin between his teeth intending to do exactly that.
Your moan comes out hoarse and you feel heat starting to pool between your legs. They feel shaky and weak, unable to withstand such torment.
Asra steadies you and pulls back briefly, cheeks flushed hot, want written all over his face. "We," he states, "are wearing far too many clothes for a bath."
You laugh and take his shirt in your hands. "I agree," you say, pulling at the remaining buttons. They come free easily and soon a glorious, shirtless Asra is standing before you. You drink in the sight unashamedly, totally enthralled with your lover. Gradually, though slowed by each other's groping hands, you both end up undressed.
Asra grabs your thighs and hoists you up onto his hips. You wrap your arms around his neck and press your breasts into his soft skin. He groans appreciatively, nuzzling his face into your chest breathing deeply, and walks the two of you over to the edge of the bath.
The water is still very warm as it licks your skin. You jump in surprise and moan slightly as it overtakes your aching folds and up over your ass. "Ahh-" you sigh, slumping into the crook of Asra's neck. "This is so good."
Asra hums his agreement before taking your chin between his fingers and directing you too look at him. His eyes are swimming with love, need, and an absolute desire to ravish you. You swallow hard, unable to look away.
"I want you." He says simply, barely above a whisper. He maneuvers your body so your back is against his chest. You lean your head back into him and relax in the fragrant water. Asra snakes his left arm around your waist and trails his fingers from your belly button downwards.
You bite back a squeal as his trained fingers circle the small nub at the top of your slit. He adds pressure, rubbing you in a manner that makes you crazy. Your hips wiggle back and you feel him, hard and straining, pressing into your ass. His breath hitches only for a second before he leans down to pepper soft kisses on your neck and shoulders.
His other hand makes it’s way up to your right breast and he expertly rolls your perked nipples between two fingers. Your whole body shudders in response to his actions.
“Ah, fuck Asra,” you choke out, moving your hips to meet his fingers as he slides them down your slick towards your now dripping hole. He wastes no time plunging two in, enjoying the feeling of your walls tightening around him.
Asra lifts his lips from your skin and brings his mouth to your ear. “You’re so ready for me, aren’t you. Pretty and wet for my fingers, aching to be filled.” He curls them as he says that, relishing in the soft gasps that fall from your trembling lips.
You groan as he licks the shell of your ear, hot breath teasing on the sensitive skin. “You,” your voice falters a second as Asra’s fingers continue to explore your insides in a way that makes you grip his strong thighs on either side of you. “You are ready for me too.” You finally gasp out, finding the strength to grind back against Asra’s swollen cock. You knew if you could see it, it would be an angry red and leaking precum, desperate to be buried to the hilt inside of you.
Asra’s breath comes out in a short gasp that makes you smirk in satisfaction. At least you still have a little control left. That thought flies out your brain a second later when Asra pinches your nipple hard then twists, making you cry out in painful pleasure.
“Watch yourself, my love.” He coos playfully, no remorse in his words. You grit your teeth, taking in the torture that both of his skilled hands are laying upon you. You know what he wants, and it is oh so tempting to give in. You’re almost at war with yourself as your back arches on its own accord in rapt pleasure.
“Oh please, please.” You finally break, body shaking. You reach your arms back and thread your fingers through Asra’s fluffy locks before gripping hard. “Asra please fuck me already.” You plead, unable to care anymore that you were begging.
You feel Asra’s fingers slow to a stop inside you and then remove themselves. You almost groan in disappointment but you know better.
Asra flips your body around so you’re straddling his hips. You gasp when suddenly you’re faced to face with your beautiful lover. He looks positively stunning, the soft moonlight coming in from the high windows bathing him in a pearlescent light. His skin is glowing with a cool sheen, and his breath is leaving parted lips shallowly. Not to mention, his hard cock straining against your stomach, just begging for attention.
You bring your hand down and rest your index finger lightly on the slit. Asra shudders at the touch, but certainly not complaining. He’s slick, just as you expected, and you lightly circle his tip.
“You go on and on about how ready I am.” You tease, “but look at you, practically cumming into my hand already.” You lift your fingers and bring them to your mouth, tasting his salty sweetness. Asra’s diet is rich with fruit and vitamins, and oh how you loved how he tasted as a result.
Watching you lick your fingers coyly has Asra’s eyes drooping with lust. “My dear, oh my love,” he whispers. “How I am going to fuck you until I fill you with that cum you love so much. Because it’s true, you love it don’t you.” He says, voice sugar sweet, expecting an answer.
You blush, despite your best efforts. You look at him, but he only blinks in return, waiting.
“Yes,” you whisper, voice thicker with need than you realized. You give up trying to be bashful. “Yes, yes. I love your cum, how it tastes, how it feels when you fill me up. I want it so bad.” You beg, looping your arms around his neck so your lips are just inches apart. “You have my heart, soul, and body.” The words tumble out naturally, “and gods, do I need you now.”
Asra bites your bottom lip harshly before fully overtaking your mouth with his. He’s moaning, almost desperately, into you. “I love you, my dearest one.” He pants, gripping your ass with his hands. You feel your hips being lifted up and your body quakes knowing what’s coming.
You feel the tip of Asra on the heat of your slit and you sigh deeply, “I love you too, Asra.” You say, bending your neck so your head rests on his muscular shoulder. Your lips find a sweet spot on his neck, an anchor, as he lowers you down onto him. It’s tantalizingly slow, allowing you to feel every inch as you sink lower in the water until he’s fully sheathed in you.
“Oh gods,” Asra groans, both from feeling you pulse around him and from your playful lips on his neck. “You are a gift to me.” He says, breathless from the feelings.
You smile, in delight from your lovers sweet words. Slowly and carefully you lift your hips up, at the same time dragging your tongue up his smooth neck to his ear. You suck and nibble on the lobe as you find your rhythm, bouncing steadily on the thick shaft. He feels absolutely amazing in you, filling you perfectly.
Asra grips your butt underwater with his strong hands and leans his head to the side, giving you better access. He guides your hips to a steady pace, humming appreciatively when you comply. “It has been far too long since I’ve felt your sweet pussy squeezing me like this.” He says, without skipping a beat.
You don’t have time to blush before he picks up the pace, leaving you moaning loudly into his ear as he hits the spot that makes you crazy. “Ah fuck, I agree, I do agree.” You manage, finally finding the words.
The water sloshes around your two bodies, stirring the rosy scent into the air. It’s smells amazing and makes you dizzy with pleasure as every sense seems to be met. Asra huffs gently next to your ear, holding you tightly against his body.
You savor the feelings of your chests sliding against each other, the feeling sleek from the warm water and sweat mixing. Your hips meet his, snapping against each other with quick splashes, making you see stars as he hits every time the spot that has you go wild.
The muscles in your lower stomach tighten and you know it’s only a matter of time before you’re screaming Asra’s name for the whole palace to hear. “Baby,” you say breathlessly, kissing any skin you can reach. His cheek, the corner of his eye, his plump lips. “I’m going to cum.” You whisper into his mouth. He swallows your delicious words and licks your lips in response.
“I love when you do that,” he says, a slight chuckle in his words. He wraps his arms tightly around your middles before bringing his hands up to your shoulder blades and raking his nails down your spine. You shudder at the erotic feeling and arch your back against his hands. He sighs happily when you give him access to this gorgeous view, stretched out before him, stomach and tits shining gloriously in front of him. He puts his mouth on your bellybutton and licks up to the cavity between your breasts.
“Oh mmm,” he hums, pleased with the sweet taste of your skin. “You are a delicacy amongst gods.”
You flush looking down at his lustful face, sucking on your skin, leaving marks where only he will see. He latches on to one of your nipples, moaning in immense pleasure at the feel of it in his mouth. When he nips at the sensitive skin you jolt, a small disruption in the steady bounce of your bodies.
“Damn,” you curse, words choking in your throat. Your nails dig into Asra’s shoulders as he re-establishes the torturing rhythm that has you shaking desperately against him.
“Let go for me,” he suggests in a sultry whisper that has you reeling with a feverish desire. The pressure in your core is building at an alarming rate as Asra thrusts into you, filling you every time to the point where you can barely hang on.
“I-“ you falter, eyes rolling as you feel that familiar tingle across all your limbs. Oh gods, you can’t stop it now. “Asra, oh fuck, ASRA-!” You scream head thrown back. Your walls clench, and the knot comes undone. It’s amazing, you almost want to laugh in pleasure at the feeling of coming around Asra’s cock. It’s so good you almost forget to breath.
Asra curses under his own breath as he fucks you through your high, barely holding on himself. You bring your head back down and kiss him deeply, tongue joining his. It’s a short lived battle to hang on and in a flurry of short gasps you feel him cumming inside you, unable to stop himself from the uncontrollable waves of pleasure that come from your hot walls clenching around him.
You both continue to kiss each other lovingly, slowing down gradually until you’re sitting on his lap. Eventually, you pull away a couple of inches, looking into your beloved’s eyes.
“Hello,” you say, smiling at your favorite magician. Asra’s eyes crinkle as he smiles, looking at you through hazy eyes. He kisses you again, gently, pleasantly.
“Hello,” he returns, after a minute. He runs his hands up your back, massaging as he goes. “You,” he adds lovingly, “are so beautiful.”
You smile adoringly. “Thank you, Asra.” You remove yourself from his lap and wade through the water towards the collection of bottles on the wooden shelf nearby. You grab a few that you felt suited the two of you best and turned to your lover. Asra had lifted his arms to rest on the sides of the bath and was looking at you with admiration.
“May I wash your hair?” You ask setting down the bottles, but keeping a lilac scented shampoo for Asra. He smiled at you, his face soft and kind.
“That would be amazing, my love.” He said, leaning his head back into the water to dampen it. You squeezed some of the lovely smelling shampoo into your hand and waited. Asra emerged a moment later and kissed you adoringly on the nose.
“Thank you,” he breathed. “For always taking care of me.”
You kissed him back, a peck, before turning him so his back was facing you. You rub your hands into a lather before working them into Asra’s soft hair.
“I always will, forever.” You say softly, happier than ever.
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Shark Bait | JJ Maybank x reader
Requested by anon / Summary: You have an accident and have to go to the hospital. 
A/N: hope you like it! xx 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Go follow my fic rec blog! ---> @imaginationgonewild0912
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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! Warning: talks of blood, injury detail, hospital 
You and Kie were currently laid out on your surfboards, floating along with the waves. The waves hadn’t been the best this morning and the water was calm. Your fingers ran along the surface of the water and you squinted at Kie, the sun’s rays on full display. 
“Maybe we should just head in? I’m starving.” You moan. 
Kie looks out to the horizon, “Just a few more minutes. There has to be a good wave coming. I can feel it.” 
You let out a loud and obnoxious groan, splashing Kie with the water, “You said that 30 minutes ago!!” 
She laughs, splashing you in return, “I mean it this time! I promise I’ll buy you breakfast after this.” 
“I can’t believe you dragged me out of bed at sunrise to surf and then there’s no waves.” You sat up, balancing on the board. 
“The sunrise was gorgeous this morning though.” 
“Okay fine. Yes it was. But, I like my sleep. I wanted to sleep in. JJ and I have plans tonight and I-” 
Unbeknownst to you and Kie relaxing on your surf boards, there was a shark lurking below you. It had swam around a couple times, rounding the two of you from beneath the surface and calculating his next move. And his next move happened to be your leg, floating in the water. 
You’d screamed, the motion of the shark taking a nip of your leg knocked you off your board into the water. The water surrounding you began to turn red. Kie was screaming nearby. You sputtered the water, grabbing at your board and hauled yourself up the best you could. Your eyes scanned frantically, looking for any sign of the shark, but he’d already retreated when he’d realized his mistake. 
Your leg burned profusely and you glanced down, wanting to vomit and pass out at the sight. 
“Shit shit.” Kie says, “We gotta get to shore,” 
You nodded weakly. 
As the two of you made it to shore, Kie had to pull you onto the sand. You’d used all your strength paddling to the beach. 
“Towels.. we need towels.” Kie’s hands go to the bite on your leg, putting pressure on the wound. “Help! Someone help!” Kie screams. 
“Kie...” You whimper. 
“I know I know.” Her hand goes to your cheek, “I have to get my phone and call 911.” 
“Please please don’t leave me!” Your eyes go wide at her. 
“I have to call 911 y/n.” She stands and runs off toward the car, leaving you alone on the sandy beach. 
Your eyes stare up at the blue sky, panic setting in. You could feel yourself wanting to sleep. Yeah sleep sounds good. Your eyes flutter closed and the last thought on your mind is JJ. 
Kie had called John B and Pope first. She was dreading the last call to JJ. John B and Pope arrive soon after, running like mad men into the waiting area. 
“What the hell happened!” John B says, “where’s JJ?” 
“I haven’t called him yet. I’m about to.” Kie says, moving her bag so John B and Pope can sit down. “The shark came out of nowhere. It took a chunk of her calf.” Kie’s eyes filled with tears. “She passed out before I could get back to her. I thought she was dead.” 
Pope brings her into his arms, “It was a freak accident.” 
“I’ll call JJ.” John B mutters, pulling out his phone and dialing JJ’s number. He answered on the third ring. He could hear the sound of a machine in the background. He was working at the mechanic shop in town. 
“what’s up?” JJ says.
John B takes a deep breath, “JJ there’s been an accident.” 
JJ rushed to the hospital in record time. He’d dropped everything at the shop, getting on his bike and leaving without another word. He’s grateful to have not ran into any cops because he was most definitely speeding. 
He ran into the room, covered in grease and went straight to his friends, “Where is she? Is she okay?” 
“We haven’t heard anything yet.” John B tells him, “It took a chunk of her calf and she passed out on the beach after it happened.” 
JJ runs his hands through his hair, looking at Kie, “Why the hell would you surf Tucker’s point in the first place?! You know they’ve had sightings!” 
“I didn’t think they would be out in the early morning. I thought it was a safe time to go!” 
“Obviously not Kie!” JJ argues back, “y/n got attacked!” 
“Okay okay.” Pope says, stepping between the two. “Settle down. Both of you. This yelling and putting blame on someone isn’t going to help the situation. We should hear something soon so how about we take a breather and sit down?” Pope suggests to JJ, pointing to the chair next to John B. 
It was a hour later when they finally heard something about your condition. JJ had spent the entire hour pacing the floor and didn’t listen to Pope’s suggestion. 
The nurse led the pogues to your room, JJ’s face was the first one you saw and you bursted into tears, glad to see his handsome face. Even if there were a few grease stains on his brows and chin. 
“oh baby.” He wraps his arm around you, kissing your head, “It’s okay. You’re okay.” 
“It was scary.” You sobbed into his chest. 
“I know, shhh..” He pulled away, wiping your tears, “I was worried to death. They made us wait a damn hour before telling us anything.” 
“JJ paced a hole in the floor.” Pope says. 
“Like a literal hole.” John B makes a large hole with his hands. 
You laugh through your tears. 
JJ kisses the side of your head again, “god damn it, you scared me.” 
“You scared all of us.” Kie says, poking her head around John B. She was scared you’d be mad at her, “I thought you were dead on the beach.” 
“I told you not to leave me.” You tease, earning a laugh from her. 
“Excuse me I needed to call 911 to save your life.”Kie hugs you and John B and Pope are next. JJ doesn’t leave your side. 
“I hope you know its the law. we have to call you shark bait.” John B says. The pogues take a seat in the nearby chairs. 
“We can’t call my girlfriend shark bait.” JJ says, comfortable at your side in the bed. 
“It’s the perfect nickname.” Pope adds. 
You didn’t care about your new nickname. The only thing on your mind was food. You never got your promised breakfast. 
You pouted, “I never got my promised breakfast.” 
“You just got attacked by a shark and you’re worried about missing breakfast?” JJ asks, looking down at you with a smile on his face. God, he loved you. He’d give you all the damn breakfast you wanted. When he’d gotten the call from John B his mind went to the worst, but here you were, alive, well and worried about your promised breakfast. 
comments, likes and reblogs greatly appreciated xx 
**I think I’ve added everyone who has asked to be on these taglists the last few weeks. If I missed someone, I’m sorry, message me and I’ll add you!
Obx taglist: @poguestyleskye​ , @alexa-playafricabytoto , @kaelyn-lobrutto24​ , @prejudic3 , @turtlee-says-rawr​ , @outrbanks​ , @k-k0129​ , @annedub​ , @rockyyc77​ , @ilovejjmaybank​ , @treestarrrrrrrr​​ , @thedarkqueenofavalon​ , @write-from-the-heart​ , @lasnaro , @ircnwitch, @normatural​ , @kaylinfayezink​ , @lordsagittarius , @moose-squirrel-asstiel​ , @thelovelydreamer17​ , @chasefreakinstokes​ , @fanficscuziranout​ , @diverrdown​ , @tregua-oca​ , @junkiemuppettxx​ , @afterglowsb-tch13​ , @hardyxlove​ , @cinnamon-roll-seth​ , @copper-boom​ , @dpaccione​ , @themaddies-obx , @ocean-breezq​ , @localserotonindealer​ , @dpaccione​ , @weasleysbitch2​ 
JJ Maybank // Rudy Pankow taglist: @thatweirdblondesword​ ,  @saltwatercowb0y , @popcrone818​ , @thee-sex , @coni-martina​ , @pm-my-hubbies​ , @timotaychalabae , @katiaw2​ , @maybebanks​ , @sataninsatin , @obx-beach​ , @fangirlvoice​ , @lolitstiana , @teamnick​ , @danicarosaline​ , @losers-club6​ , @bananasfromtarget​ , @rudypankowswife​ , @fratboystark​ , @notmcchkn​  , @ifilwtmfc​ , @mk15x , @bibliophilewednesday​ , @irdkwhatimdoinghere​ , @maybankbby​ , @halobaby​ , @lilsiswinchester , @iccyyyybitch​ , @http-cherries​ , @tovvaa​ , @lemur46​ , @goneawaytogallifrey​
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep , @obxrafejjwhore​ , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​ , @liliannna​
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imtooscaredforthis · 3 years
Unknown Caller
Ghostface x Reader Smut
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Summary: Late at night, you start getting texts from the serial killer and your stalker, Ghostface.
Mentions of: Threats, Death, Stabbing, Sexting, Phone sex, Knife play, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Recording w/out Consent and Danny being super horny
Word Count: 2.4K
With an exhausted groan, you collapsed back onto your bed, letting the mattress suck you in. It had been yet another long, shitty work day, leaving you mentally drained and wanting to sleep.
The only thing that kept you from sleeping was how gross, sticky, and sweaty you felt from walking around in that shitty waitress uniform. It was a summer day in Florida, after all. Of course you would be burning your ass off. And somehow, the urge to take a shower overpowered your fatigue.
So after an extra moment or two of laying down, you got up, grabbing your phone and a towel, heading into the bathroom and locking the door behind you, just in case any unwelcome visitors came in. You knew exactly who that visitor was.
You tried to shake the thought of the masked murderer, not even daring to think his name. The last thing you needed tonight was having him come around. Maybe he would just give you a break for once and leave you alone. Maybe…
Sighing, you tapped at your phone, playing some music and stripping down. Stepping into the shower, you turned the heat all the way up, letting the hot water pour down onto your skin until it turned red. You washed off all the stress and trouble from the day, finally being able to relax.
Once you got out of the shower, you slipped on a black lacy bra with matching panties, using a robe to cover it up. You had grown used to spending the nights alone, with no one to take home, no friends to speak with.
You lost them all, since they all thought you were being crazy and paranoid about being stalked by Ghostface. Even after one of your dear friends died, (the only one who believed you) they still thought you were crazy. In fact, they thought you killed him. And the cops were no help either, thinking all the threats were just some prankster or copycat.
So now, here you sat on your bed, scrolling through social media, when you got a text.
Unknown: Evening, gorgeous
You stared at the message blankly, feeling your heart drop in your stomach. It was him.
You cast a protective glance over at your bedroom window, which had the curtains drawn and the blinds shut, as an attempt of giving yourself some sort of privacy from the stalker. Was he out there? Waiting outside the window to peek, or behind your door to jump out at you. Even though he’s been doing this for a while, you’d still never get used to it.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you began to type up a message to respond to him. You learned the hard way to answer his texts and calls.
(Y/N): What do you want to torture me with now?
Even though you were still quite afraid of the killer, there were times where you found him a complete nuisance, and got the guts to told him. This was one of those times.
Unknown: C’mon, don’t be like that. I have fun with the games we play. But I want to try something different tonight.
(Y/N): Like what?
Unknown: Like how I can see what you’re wearing and can’t help but wonder if you put all of that on just for me
You felt your face go a bright red, looking around and grabbing the hem over your robe, moving it over, attempting to cover up your body.
Unknown: There’s no use in covering it up now, I’ve already seen everything and it’s gotten me so hard
Looking at the text, you blinked a few times, making sure this was real. Maybe it was just some weird sex dream. You pinched yourself. Nope. This was real. The feared serial killer of Roseville was sexting you.
Unknown: You look so cute like that, all surprised and scared, it makes me want to cut you up and fuck you until you can’t walk.
Unknown: You’d like that, wouldn’t you?
Your mouth went dry as you tried to think of something to text him back with, your body running hot with arousal. You can’t believe this is turning you on. It really shouldn’t be.
Unknown: There’s no need to be so shy, (y/n). You know we can be honest with each other.
(Y/N): Yes I would
Unknown: Good girl
Unknown: My cock is just throbbing thinking about how nice and tight you would be, how good you would squeeze me, how I’d love to fill you up with my cum. And you’d love every second of it, wouldn’t you, baby?
(Y/N): Fuck yes
You rubbed your thighs together, feeling how drenched you were getting, a silent moan leaving your lips, not even realizing he was paying attention to every little detail.
Unknown: Shit, that was so hot. I’m really turning you on, aren’t I?
Unknown: You want to touch yourself don’t you? Want to get off on the dirty things I’m telling you? Well you can’t. Not unless you beg for it like a good girl.
You would object, but you knew you were too far in to stop yourself. It had been quite a long time since you had done something like this, and a part of you felt desperate. So, you did it. You begged.
(Y/N): Please, Ghostface. Please let me touch myself.
Unknown: Good. Go ahead, but take off that robe. You won’t be needing it.
Moving your arm out, you shrugged the robe off your shoulders, spreading your legs ever so slightly. Might as well give him a show.
You ran your hand down your stomach, moving it down to your hips, and then your thigh, while your other hand stayed high on your chest, running your finger over your clothed nipple. After a moment or two, you dipped your finger under the fabric, running it up and down your drenched slit. You played with your clit, leaning back and moaning softly.
Unknown: Fuck, I just want to run my knife all over the curves of your body
Unknown: Put two fingers in
You did as told, pushing two fingers into your opening, thrusting them in slowly. You didn’t even notice the distant flash of a camera recording you peeking out from behind your window.
You shut your eyes, biting your lip and arching your back, as you began to pick up the pace. The sound of your phone chiming managed to make you open your eyes, and snap out of your little fantasy, looking down at your phone.
Unknown: You look so fucking hot right now, I want to come in there and ruin you
(Y/N): Why don’t you?
Unknown: It’s tempting, but I need to do one thing first.
Unknown Number is calling…
You picked up, slowing your fingers. “Why’d you- why’d you stop?” He questioned between groans, his voice strained. So he was touching himself too.
“I didn’t know if you wanted me to-”
“Keep on going. Don’t stop. Add a finger.” He instructed.
An image of Ghostface stroking himself popped into your mind, making you pick up the pace. A string of mewls and whimpers left your mouth as you went even faster, feeling yourself grow close.
“You sound- shit, so nice babe. Makes me want to- even more-”
“Fuck, I’m g-going to- ah” Your body froze up, feeling yourself clench around your fingers.
It seemed like he was close too, considering how much he was panting, low groans and grunts. There was a brief silence on the other line, and you wondered if he hung up on you. But then, he spoke. “I’m coming in.”
He ended the call and you felt your heart leap in excitement, calming down from your high, and preparing for him to come in. You looked from the window to the door, wondering where he’d be entering.
A few minutes went by, and he still hadn’t shown up. A part of you wondered if this was some sort of sick game to humiliate you. If he was just going to leave you all alone.
“Miss me?” A familiar voice whispered into your ear, making you jump.
“Jesus don’t scare me like that.” You muttered, turning to face him.
“Why so grumpy? Is it because I kept you waiting? So impatient, so needy. I love it.” He grasped your chin, tilting your head and making you look up at him. He ran a gloved finger over your lips, tracing your cupid’s bow.
You felt your body grow hot at the contact, your thighs clenching together. He noticed, moving his hand away to finally give you what you so desperately craved. Grabbing your shoulders, he pushed you down on the bed, straddling you.
Slowly, he ran his knife over your skin, tracing it from your throat, down to your collar bones, and to your chest. It seemed he was being merciful tonight, because you could barely feel the blade against your skin, only a light tickle.
Moving his weapon to the middle of your chest, Ghostface sliced open your brassiere, splitting it in half and revealing your breasts. Well, there went your good underwear.
He ran his finger over your nipple, watching it harden under his touch, pinching it softly. The killer studied your expressions closely, taking in every single detail. The way your lips parted slightly, the way your cheeks heated up, and the way your eyebrows knitted together. God, you were so adorable.
Ghostface shifted his attention to your panties, cutting them off on the side, and pulling them down to your ankles slowly. He moved his hand back up to your opening, running his finger up your wet slit, feeling how soaked it was.
“So wet, all for me? I must’ve really left you waiting. Guess I better get to it then, huh?” His voice was smug, low, and full of mischief. You knew he was playing with you.
He rutted against his hips against you, making you whimper slightly. You knew he wouldn’t do anything, until you said it. “Please, fuck me, Ghostface.”
You felt your eyes widen at his words. “What?”
“Call me Danny.” In all the time that you had known him, you never got a name out of him. But he was telling you it now. Why? Why was he doing this?
You were too busy processing what just happened to notice the sound of his buckle clicking, and his knife dropping onto the floor, while he was now holding his phone instead. The flash of a camera burned into your eyes, making you look up at him and snap out of your thoughts.
“What’re you doing?” You asked, squinting at the light and covering your eyes with one hand trying to hide the glare.
“Makin a little movie.” He grabbed your hands with his free one, moving them from your face and pinning them above your head. “And you’re the star. Aren’t you excited?”
“I- shit-” Before you could even respond to what he was saying, you felt his cock press up against your soaked folds.
He moved his camera down to your breasts, watching your chest heave, before moving it back up to your face. “Now what’s the magic word? C’mon, you know what to say. You’ve been saying it all night.”
“Please, Danny.” You begged, bucking your hips up against his hardened member. “Please what?”
“Please just fuck me.” You rolled your head against the pillow. He was driving you crazy at this point with how much he was teasing you and making you beg.
Finally, he gave you what you had grown desperate for, entering you with a rough thrust. It was painful at first, the killer not showing any mercy, but you forced yourself to grow used to it.
You moaned out, the feeling of fulfillment overcoming your already sensitive hole. You arched your back, grabbing onto his forearm, digging your nails into his muscle under his robe.
Tears began to stream down your face as you babbled, incoherent words slipping from your lips. It was too good, and you couldn’t think of something, anything, to say to describe it. He was fucking you stupid.
He zoomed in on your tears, watching as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. “Damn, baby. Is it really that good? Do you love getting fucked by my cock that much?”
You didn’t speak, not even sure if you could. He pinched your nipple, making you yelp. “Y-yes! Its- it’s so g-good.”
Danny moved his free hand to your clit, thrusting even deeper, until he hit just at the right spot. You cried out, clenching around him. Moaning out for him to please never stop, to keep going.
“Oh baby, you think I could stop? Not with the way you’re clenching around and calling out my name, begging for- shit.” He grunted, feeling your walls begin to massage him, you were getting close. And so was he.
He nestled his head into the crook of your neck and shoulder, pulling his mask up his face, and biting down, breaking your skin and drawing your blood, his movements growing even harsher. While you dug your nails into his back, reaching your orgasm, Danny not too far behind.
The half-masked killer wiped the blood from his lips, grinning down at you. “There, I marked you as mine. You’re my little slut, got it? Say it.”
You nodded, eyes still shut, your mouth open with only moans and gasps escaping. You forced yourself to speak, voice all hoarse and raw. “I’m your slut, Ghostface- Danny- whatever, I’m all yours.”
“That’s it. Such a good girl. Fuck-” His thrusts grew sloppy, and he rubbed at your clit even harder, making you climax once again with him. He pulled out, releasing on your stomach, and ending the video.
He pressed a rough kiss to your lips, before readjusting his mask, cleaning himself off, and fixing his clothes up. All the while you laid there, nude, panting, and coming down from the intense high you just had. You felt another flash blind your eyes, and the sound of a camera clicking, knowing he just took another picture.
Moving aside your curtains and blinds, Ghostface unlocked your window, pulling it up and stepping through. “This was fun. Let’s do it again sometime. See you soon.”
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earlgreydream · 3 years
another minute.
| James potter x reader | fluff | smut |
subby james, because I can’t get enough
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Your book rested against one bent knee, propped up so you could view the white pages. The story sucked you in, consuming hours of your time, making you forget you were lounged on James’ bed, instead of lost in a mythical world. Worlds of ethereal angels sucked you into a far-away reality, creating visions in your mind that distracted you from the looming anxiety of O.W.L.S. and James’ stress.
You were broken out of your trance when the door opened, the exhausted boy returning from quidditch practice. You frowned when you noticed how defeated his expression was, exhaustion making him weary. Your boyfriend rarely looked sullen, and the sight made you sad.
“James, how was it, love?” you dared to ask.
“It was a total shitshow.”
His voice had a distinct whine to it, alerting you of his disappointment and neediness. You sighed, reaching out your hand, squeezing his, deciding to let his profanity slide instead of scolding him. 
“Go shower, James, and I’ll help make it up to you,” you instructed softly, knowing what James wanted from you.
“Yes, ma’am,” he whispered softly, disappearing into the bathroom.
You listened to the water run, setting your novel aside. You stripped down while you waited for him, residing yourself to lie naked on the bed. 
James was beyond frustrated with how the practice had gone. Tournaments were coming up, and Gryffindor was nowhere near prepared to beat Slytherin in the championship. He’d spent the entire semester coaching the team, but they weren’t as good as the cunning house, and the frustration was wearing on James.
He was tired of being in control, being responsible and ordering around the other students. It exhausted him, and all he wanted was to melt into a submissive headspace around you, and let you take care of him. You loved to do it, you adored your sweet, mostly well-behaved, subby boyfriend. 
James let the hot water and soap wash away the dirt, rain, and sweat, leaving him clean for you. He spent a little too long in the shower, enjoying the water until it ran cold. He appreciated your patience, thankful he wasn’t being rushed. 
When he walked out of the bathroom, he immediately started to harden at the sight of your nude form stretched out on crimson sheets. You looked divine, and he stood and stared at you for a moment, taking in the sight.
You smiled, running your fingers up his warm torso as he walked over to you. The towel fell from his waist, and he knelt over you on the bed.
“What do you need, my love?” You brushed black hair from his face, and he leaned into your touch. You gently tilted his face up, thick, dark lashes parting to reveal emerald green eyes.
“Need you,” he whined, sinking down to lay between your legs.
“You can have whatever you want,” you promised, willing to give the gorgeous boy anything.
A muscular arm hooked under your waist, and his lips wrapped around one of your nipples, sending a shudder through you. You allowed yourself to relax, dripping onto the sheets as his tongue swirled around the sensitive peak, sucking on it while his fingers toyed with the other.
James encouraged a sigh from you, gazing up with gentle green eyes. Your fingers combed through his hair, feeling the soft locks under your touch.
He rutted onto the bed innocently, and you wondered why he didn’t fuck you, only focusing on your chest. You were beginning to ache with need, and if he wasn’t going to fill you, you wanted to be eaten out.
“Jamesie, love, why don’t you touch my pussy?” You asked, your voice coming out in a slightly higher pitch.
“Wanna play with your tits,” James whined, smearing his lips over your skin as he spoke.
“I know, baby, but I need to be touched properly. Please, can you be sweet for me?” You pleaded, starting to regret your promise to let him do whatever he wanted.
Above all, James wanted to please you, and be your sweet boy. A small sigh escaped his lips, and he pried himself from your chest.
“Okay,” he relented, pecking your lips before sitting back on his heels.
He let himself admire you for a moment, your skin flushed from teasing, and the puffy red area between your legs glistening. He bit back a smile, amused by how aroused you got from having your tits played with, even though you complained.
“Will you ride me?”
You almost missed the question. James’ voice was so low and soft, it barely registered. You didn’t understand how he could possibly be shy, asking, but he still somehow surprised you.
You sat up and James grinned, falling onto his back on the red sheets, his waves fanning around his head in a dark halo. He was ethereal, with his warm, tanned skin, and bright eyes.
You moved to straddle his lap, kneeling over your boyfriend. James’ hands came to your hips, helping to guide your movements and take some of the pressure.
Your hand reached below you, gently wrapping around him. You jerked him off a couple times, preparing to ride him. James watched you silently as you sank down, his cock disappearing inside of you. Your eyes squeezed shut and one hand reached out to grab the headboard for balance.
“James, fuck!” You moaned as your hips met his, entirely filled with him.
Your head dropped forward, both hands gripping the oak headboard. James leaned up slightly, pulling your nipple into his mouth while you were bent over him. A cry left your lips from the stimulation, and you rolled your hips, beginning to build a rhythm of fucking yourself on James.
He was heavy and thick, enough to make you feel as though you were being split open every time your hips came down on his. The burn was delicious, spreading heat through your abdomen and slowly building pressure.
James loved the way you felt around him. You were so tight and warm, enveloping him and shocking him by how deep you could take it. He loved the way your tiny veins strained as you gripped the headboard, your face scrunched up in pleasure.
He snapped his hips up into yours, forcing himself against your cervix. A scream tumbled from your lips, your clit grinding against his pubic bone. The stimulation sent you over the edge, orgasming violently.
Your hands came down to his chest as you struggled to hold yourself up, hot fire burning through your veins as you pulsed around him. James pulled you down fully, spilling into you as he came. You squealed at the sensation, gripping his shoulders as the thick, white liquid leaked out of you.
“Oh my god, James,” you breathed, throwing your head back as he throbbed inside of you, continuing to paint your cunt with white ribbons.
He was loud. Moans fell from James’ gorgeous, full lips as he fucked up into you, drawing out both of your orgasms until you were so weak you nearly collapsed on him.
He caught you, arms snaking around your waist to hold you against his chest. James rested his chin on top of your head, letting you bury your face in his neck. Fingertips skimmed up and down your back, tracing delicate shapes on your skin.
You relaxed, not caring about the mess, settling down with him still sheathed inside of you. He hummed softly, soothing you with a familiar melody.
You pressed tiny kisses to his throat, making the boy smile.
“You trying to rile me, honey?” James teased, nudging your head.
“No, just loving on you.”
His heart softened, and he kissed the top of your head, tightening his arm around you.
“We gotta clean up soon.”
“I know, but let me have another minute.”
James obliged your wishes, never objecting to being warmed by you. When you began to squirm, he decided it was time to clean up, his hands going under your legs.
An apology was whispered as he eased out of you, earning a pathetic whimper. You felt raw and sleepy, and you detested the feeling of James pulling out and leaving you empty. He tilted your chin up, delivering a kiss to your lips, trying to distract you.
He waved his wand, cleaning you both— and the sheets. Your arms draped over his back as you were carried to a shower, hot water pouring over the two of you.
James carefully set you down, making sure you were steady on your feet. You gently pushed his shoulder, smiling as James knelt in front of you.
His forehead rested against your thigh as you massaged shampoo through his hair. He didn’t mind showering a second time, cherishing the intimacy with you. All the tension he held dissipated, relaxing as you showered together.
He washed your body gently, minding the tender areas. You giggled as he murmured a spell, making the bubbles change colors.
“Thank you,” James said, snuggled beside you in bed.
“For what?” You looked up, meeting a gentle emerald gaze.
“For helping me cheer up,” he answered, brushing his fingers over your cheek. Your face broke into a smile, leaning back into his chest.
You pulled your knees up, curling tighter into a ball against him.
“I’m happy to. I’m sorry that your day was hard, though.”
“You more than made up for it. I’m so lucky to be yours,” he kissed your cheek, earning a grin. You reached up, tangling your fingers into his hair.
“I’m the lucky one.”
He laughed and pulled you onto his lap, squeezing you and littering kisses all over your face.
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Like Glass
Alcina Dimitrescu x female reader 
Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenburg
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu almost looses you and becomes even more protective than ever before. 
Warnings/tags:abduction, being held captive/against your will, being held for ransom, being starved, severe bodily harm, mentions of torture, trauma, night terrors, angst, hurt/comfort, protective Heisenburg, protective Dimitrescu daughters, upset Alcina, protective Alcina, vulnerable Alcina 
y/n= your name 
y/L/n=your lycan’s name 
Alcina Dimitrescu had always been protective of you. Even when you were simply her “pet,” her “toy,” her “human play-thing.” Her protection had doubled when she had confessed her feelings for you and had taken you as her lover. It had then tripled when she asked for your hand in marriage, you now being her wife AND step-mother to her girls.
You and Alcina had been careful in hiding your relationship because as pure as your love was it was dangerous. You could very well have been used a ransom bargaining chip to hand over Castle Dimitrescu to an enemy family. So Lady Dimitrescu kept you close and safe...that was until one winter night. You had  ventured out into the grounds that night to watch the snow fall and as you enjoyed the peace of the snowfall you had been taken by an enemy house. The word has slipped, unbeknownst how, but it had slipped just the same. You had screamed and fought as best as you could but the ones that took you were by far stronger than you. By the time Alcina had heard the screams and had gone racing out of the castle, her daughters leading the charge, there was no sign of you except for the signs of a struggle in the snow.
As expected, two days after you had been captured a note was left at the castle doors demanding Castle Dimitrescu be handed over in exchange for you safe return. The letter stated they had three days to comply or else the next thing that would be showing up the doors would be your dismembered body.
During the next two days Alcina, the girls, Heisenburg (who had grown fond of you) and your lycan (a wedding present from Heisenburg) were tearing the countryside apart looking for you. The troop barely stopped to rest and when they would Alcina could be heard muttering; “Alcina you fool, you should have turned her when you had the chance...you idiot...she could have fought them off if she was turned...you should have been watching her...Alcina you idiot...” she went on and on. Your captors had been very thorough in covering their scent and their headquarters was extremely well hidden.
It was close to sunset on the third day and Alcina had collapsed on her fours sobbing into the grass, “I’VE KILLED HER! LUBIREA MEA I’M SO SORRY!” I’VE FAILED YOU MY POOR DRAGA MEA!” The girls surrounded their mother holding onto her crying on her shoulder, even Heisenburg knelt down and placed a comforting hand on his sister’s back. Their moment of despair was interrupted by y/L/n howling and barking down a lone well about 50 feet away. The group rushed over peering down into the well which had no water at the bottom.
“Call the pack y/L/n! She’s down there and we are going to destroy every single one them! They fucked with the wrong family!” Heisenburg commanded y/L/n who immediately turned tail.The girls and Heisenburg quickly descended down the well leaving Alcina, who couldn’t fit down the narrow entrance.
“There’s a tunnel mother! We’re coming y/n!” Daniela screamed as she, Cassandra, Bela and Heisenburg surged forward.
“Be careful my doves!” Alcina called down after them. Lady Dimitrescu stood over the well for five minutes...fifteen minutes...it felt like an eternity for her. She strained her ears for the slightest sound of anything she could hear. In the distance she heard the lycan pack fast approaching. Y/L/n arrived at the well and sat waiting with the rest of the pack behind them. Some more time passed when finally Alcina heard frantic running.
“Hurry Cassandra! Dammit don’t drop her! I should have carried her!” Daniela screeched.
“Hurry, hurry, hurry...you guys stop arguing! She’s lost so much blood we need to hurry!” Bela screamed her voice choked with tears. Alcina’s heart dropped to her feet as she saw the girls and Heisenburg at the bottom of the well you draped over Cassandra’s shoulder. The girls and Heisenburg made quick work of ascending the well passing you into Alcina’s arms. Lady Dimitrescu let out a combination of what sounded like a scream, a sob and a wail. 
“MY DOVE! CEL MIC WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU?!” Alcina wailed at the sight of her lover. You were absolutely battered within an inch of your life and covered in blood. There were deep chain marks around your wrists and your protruding ribs indicated you had been starved by your captors. 
“Come lycans! Tonight we will taste blood as we ruin a family line forever!” Heisenburg dropped down into the well again as the lycans followed suit one by one leaving the girls with their mother and you. 
Alcina was broken from her despair by the girls tugging at her dress. 
“Come mother! We must get her back home!” All three of them yelled in unison. And with that the Dimitrescus made a mad dash back to their castle while you lay limp in your lover’s arms. 
It had been several weeks since you were abducted and you were back to your normal self....well as normal as you could be now that you had suffered severe trauma. You woke up every night screaming and thrashing. In your night terrors you were captured over and over. You were beaten and starved over and over. Alcina would always hold you in her arms comforting you as you sobbed eventually falling back asleep. You had gotten the run down of what had happened a few days after your return; Heisenburg, y/L/n and the pack had absolutely decimated the underground home of the rival family. They had weened out the few directly responsible for taking and beating you. They still resided in the basement being tortured every day by the girls and Alcina. It was safe to say they wouldn’t be bothering any you ever again.
Ever since your abduction Alcina had been insanely protective of you and it was starting to become ridiculous. She didn’t let you outside unless supervised by the girls or herself. You hadn’t been alone for more than five minutes and Alcina had a death grip on you every night. She wouldn’t even let you walk down the stairs for fear you would “trip and break your neck.” Although Alcina had lamented not turning you when you were gone she still hadn’t done it because she was so preoccupied with keeping you “safe” and of course the normal commotions with Mother Miranda. You knew she was acting like this because you were taken but it was annoying you and not helping you in your recovery. One night you snapped.
“Alcina, drag mea, I know you want to keep me safe but you can’t treat me like I’m made of glass for the rest of my life!” you sighed pushing the log you were going to put onto the fire until Alcina had grabbed your waist pulling you back from the fire asking if you had burned yourself when you hadn’t even been close to the flames.
“I won’t apologize for keeping you safe cel mic it’s my JOB,” she stated gesturing for you to come back and sit on her lap where you had been. She furrowed her brows when you didn’t move.
“Look Alcina my love, I know that incident was a close call but I’m fine now and nothing has happened since,” you finished snapping your head around to look at your wife. Her whole body tensed. 
“Nothing yet...it is my job to protect you y/n.You’re my wife and the step-mother to my daughters and you will NEVER be away from me or hurt like that ever again!” Alcina was now yelling her eyes filling with tears. She let out a sigh resting her elbows on her knees placing her head in her hands. You couldn’t see but you knew she was crying. You strode forward quickly kneeling down so you could look up at her. You took her hands in yours leaning up to place a kiss on her chin.
“Alcina I-“
“I will never get that image of you out of my head!” Alcina sobbed taking your face in her hands. “You looked dead! I thought you were dead! We almost didn’t make it in time! And even when we did I couldn’t come get you myself! You wake up every night screaming and in tears because I failed to protect you! I should have turned you before we were wed and even now I STILL haven’t gone through with it! I’m a monster who almost lost the one person I have ever loved!” She finished her sobs racking through the room pulling you up into her lap. You went without protest wrapping your arms around her neck as she sobbed into yours. You two had never really addressed what had happened. The only time you did was when you first woke after being passed out for almost an entire day after you were returned safely to the castle. Lady Dimitrescu had not left your side the entire time you were recovering.
“Then let’s do it draga mea...” you whispered, “I think it is time. I’m ready to spend eternity with you and the girls.” As you said this Alcina lifted her head looking into your eyes and a smile stretched across her face. 
“Ok my sweet dove, we shall then,” sniffled Alcina as you wiped her eyes with your sleeve. “There is a full moon tomorrow? Does that seem right?” You let out an amused laugh and she did too. 
“Yes lubirea mea, that sounds simply perfect,” you agreed pressing your lips to hers. You were ready to become like her and the girls. You were ready to shatter your human form and embrace your new body. 
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hard day ~ pete davidson
word count: 2057
request?: yes!
“Hey can I request a Pete Davidson imagine where the reader has had a long hard day at set and dealing with papparazzi and Pete pampers her. Maybe ending in smut to make her feel special?”
description: after a hard day of filming, followed by an overwhelming run in with paparazzi, he decides to help her relax
pairing: pete davidson x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut
masterlist (one, two)
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The sound of the door slamming alerted Pete that his girlfriend was finally arriving home. She had texted him a few hours earlier to say she was being kept late on set, but neither one of them thought that she meant she’d be this late.
Pete craned his neck to peak around the doorway of the living room as he watched (Y/N) stomp up the stairs towards their shared room. He cringed as he heard that door slam shut as well. He knew this meant that (Y/N) wanted to be left alone, but he hated to leave her alone while she was so angry. So, he paused his show and got up to make his way to their room.
Instead of barging in, Pete stood outside their shared bedroom door and knocked. When there was no answer, he tried again.
“Fuck off,” came a groan.
“Hard day baby?” Pete asked her.
“Fuck off for a bit, Pete. I don’t wanna snap at you.”
Pete sighed and decided to leave her be. He knew it was best to let her blow off steam however she felt she had to, but it was hard when all he wanted was to take her in his arms and hold her until the bad went away.
An idea popped into his head. He moved from their bedroom to the bathroom down the hall. He began to run the bath and put some of (Y/N)’s favorite bubble bath in. He watched as the bubble rose so high that she would definitely disappear into them. While waiting for the hot water to cool down just enough that she could get in comfortably, Pete went down to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses.
Once his de-stressing scene was all set up, he went back to their bedroom. Instead of knocking, Pete just walked in. He found his girlfriend laying face down on the bed. She was still completely dressed in her clothes from the day, which made him feel a slight twinge of sadness for her.
(Y/N) lifted her head just enough to look at Pete before letting it drop back down to the bed. “Go away.”
“I have a bath ready for you.”
(Y/N) rolled over onto her back and looked over at him. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I think I did, actually. You seem very upset, and we both know how much you love a good bath to help calm down.”
(Y/N) looked at him for a moment longer. She had to admit he was right on that front. She loved to take a nice hot bath after a long, stressful day in order to calm down. But tonight she just felt extra stressed and frustrated to a point where it felt like even a bath wasn’t going to help her.
She couldn’t hold back her giggles as Pete lifted her into his arms and started carrying her towards the bathroom. He played her on the counter and began to strip her of her clothes.
“I think I know how to get undressed, Pete,” she joked.
“But it’s my favorite thing to do!” Pete responded, a goofy smile on her face as he pulled her pants and panties down her legs at the same time, leaving her completely naked in front of him.
“You do light up like a child on Christmas when I take my bra off,” she teased him, noticing his eyes lingering on her chest.
“Your tits are my favorite gifts,” he agreed, tweaking her nipple just once to satisfy the urge inside of him. (Y/N)’s legs tightened a little at the gesture. Pete noticed, but decided not to say anything just yet.
He helped her into the tub and poured her a glass of the wine.
“Aren’t you joining me?” she asked as she took the glass from him.
“I’ll join you in a nice glass of this expensive wine we have,” he said. “But this is your de-stressing bath. I’ll just sit here and watch and drink for a while.”
“That’s romantic,” she said, sarcastically. “I take a nice hot bubble bath all by myself, while my boyfriend sits on the toilet.”
“Hey, could be worse. I could also be naked while I’m sitting here. Imagine how weird that would be.”
(Y/N) crinkled her nose before she started to giggle. Pete smiled as well, feeling a sense of pride in making her laugh.
They both sat together for a while, just sipping their wine. (Y/N) felt her body relaxing in the hot water as she laid her head back against the wall behind her. This really was what she needed after such a long day, whether her more frustrated self wanted to admit it or not.
“What had you so worked up in the first place, babe?” Pete asked as he filled her wine glass.
(Y/N) groaned. “You’re ruining the mood, Pete.”
He chuckled. “Okay, sorry. Just asking is all.”
(Y/N) sighed and lifted her head again to look at him. “Remember how I texted you to tell you I was asked to stay a bit later in order to finish a scene? Well, that ‘a bit later’ turned into three hours later because the director kept making me film the scene over and over and over until he finally decided it was okay. Not perfect, not even great! Just okay. He put us through hours of reshooting just to decide he was going to go with the okay take! Fucking bastard!”
“What was his problem?”
(Y/N) shrugged. “Beats me! Apparently nothing was good enough for him. Wasted three fucking hours filming just to get an okay scene. Then, when I left, I was tired but I wanted to spend at least an hour with you, so I decided to go get coffee. The minute I stepped out of my vehicle I was swarmed by paparazzi. I don’t know how they figured out where I went, but they would not leave me alone. I ended up not even going into the coffee place cause I could not get around at all.”
Pete reached out and took hold of one of (Y/N) bubbly, wet hands. “I’m so sorry, babe. I do get how much the paparazzi shit sucks, but on top of an already bad day? That fucking sucks so much?”
(Y/N) sighed and ran her thumb over Pete’s knuckles. “It does suck. I have to go back to set tomorrow morning and I’m dreading it so much. How am I supposed to go back there after spending so long filming that last scene today? I’ll kill the director the moment I see him.”
“You wouldn’t even hurt a fly baby, let’s not pretend here.”
(Y/N) chuckled. “You’re right, I can’t.”
The silence washed over them again. (Y/N)’s eyes trailed to Pete’s hand. She looked at it for a while, just lost in her own world as she absentmindedly ran her thumb over his knuckles. Then, she started thinking about his long fingers inside of her, curling just right to hit that spot inside of her that drove her over the edge every time. She felt a heat growing between her legs, and if she wasn’t in the bath already she was certain she’d be soaked.
“What are you thinking?” Pete asked, breaking her out of her trance. She looked up at him suddenly, eyes wide with the shock of being caught.
“Uh...” she said, trying to think of something to say. She didn’t want to tell Pete she had been having sexual daydreams, but then she realized what was the harm of telling him? They had been together for quite some time, it’s not like she’d scare him off by telling him anything. “I was thinking about your fingers inside of me.”
Pete’s pants grew a bit tighter at this. “Really? Pretty specific thing to be thinking about.”
“Well, I’m here holding your hand. I’m thinking about things that relax me. Your fingers definitely cause me to relax a lot when they’re down there.”
Pete placed his wine glass on the counter next to him and pulled his shirt over his head. (Y/N) watched in slight confusion, before realization washed over her when Pete’s hand disappeared under the water. He nudged her legs open and slowly ran two fingers up and down her slit, teasingly.
“You feel so wet already baby,” he joked, a smile on his face.
(Y/N) couldn’t contain her own smile and giggles. “You’re such a fucking do - ”
Her playful insult was silenced as Pete pushed two fingers deep inside of her. (Y/N) gasped, her head falling back against the wall behind her again. Pete started pumping in and out of her very slowly, making sure he wasn’t hurting her with what he was doing.
“Is this what you were thinking about baby?” he asked her.
“Fuck Pete,” she breathed. “Fuck yes this feels so good.”
Pete curled his fingers in a way that made it easier for him to hit the right spots. (Y/N) let out a moan and tried to buck her hips against his fingers, but he used his other hand to ease her back down.
“Just sit back and let me take care of you baby,” he said. “I’ll take all your stress away.”
Pete’s erection was becoming nearly unbearable as he watched (Y/N) coming undone in front of him, and felt her warmth wrapped around his fingers. He wanted nothing more than to take her right there, to really fuck any stress left out of her. But at the same time, he didn’t want that. He just wanted to make her feel good, to wipe the memories of he day away.
(Y/N)’s free hand wrapped around Pete’s bicep. Her nails dug so deep into his arm that Pete knew there would be marks there once she pulled away, maybe even full on scratches or blood, but he’d wear the marks with pride. He usually did whenever she left them on him.
He began to speed up his pumping. He felt (Y/N)’s thighs clenching around his hand, as if she were trying to hold him there. Breathy moans were escaping from her lips as he body began to tremble.
“Fuck Pete,” she breathed. “Fuck, I’m starting to feel close.”
“Yeah?” Pete asked. “Are you gonna cum all over my fingers baby?”
In response, (Y/N) moaned again. Pete picked up his pace a little more, causing her moans to become screams of pleasure. He could feel the tension building up in her as he body prepared to let go.
Pete leaned forward to kiss (Y/N) gently on her lips. “Cum for me, princess. Let me feel you.”
With those words, (Y/N) came completely undone. She screamed Pete’s name so loud he was sure the neighbors would hear her. He felt her clenching around his fingers and he wished he could actually feel her wetness and not just that of the water in the tub.
(Y/N) was breathing heavily when Pete was finally able to pull away from her. He stood and grabbed a nearby hand towel to begin drying his hands. (Y/N) watched him, a cloud of lustful fog still blocking her as she tried to recover from her high. Her eyes shifted down to Pete’s crotch area, where she noticed the evergrowing buldge.
“Do you want me to return the favor?” she asked, a lazy smile on her face.
Pete smiled back at her and leaned down to kiss her again. “That’s okay babe. You enjoy your bath until it gets cold.”
(Y/N)’s brows furrowed together. “You don’t want me to do anything for you?”
“Well I didn’t say that,” Pete said. “But for now I just want you to unwind. We can fuck later on. I’ll make you forget your entire day then, maybe even your own name if you’re lucky.”
(Y/N) giggled. “I hope I’ll be lucky then.”
She smiled as she watched Pete leave the room to change his clothes. Despite her teasing words, she felt like she was already the luckiest girl in the world to have such an amazing man by her side.
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loveaffaire · 3 years
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings/tags: a bit of angst, fluff, cheating (not by Peter/reader), Pete being a hopeless romantic as always
Word Count: 1.3k, I swear these blurb requests are turning into full one shots because I love Peter being completely whipped by the reader :(
A/N: @spiderholland101 I’ll be honest, I’ve never heard any of those songs so I picked a bunch of lyrics and built a story around it, just 1.3k words of Peter being desperately in love with the reader! Enjoy <3
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Summer - Heaven help a fool who falls in love
Peter tried not to stare at you but it was hard when you were sitting two seats away from him in chemistry class. Your skin looked as soft as cotton, lips plump and covered in strawberry chapstick, hair softly shining in the sunlight coming through the window.
His heart would beat a little faster every time you’d laugh, his breath would hitch each time you’d run to him in a crowded room, a smile would find its way on his lips the second his phone would light up with a text message from you.
It’s gonna get messy so don’t fall in love with your best friend, you fool, he’d tell himself.
❥ ‑‑‑‑
Autumn - You've been on my mind girl like a drug
Peter stood still in the middle of the school entrance as he watched you kiss Harry, his hands in your hands, a smile on your lips. It was like getting shot in the head and no, he wasn’t exaggerating, that is exactly how it felt to see your best friend that you are in love with be in love with someone else.
He pulled himself out of his daydream of repeatedly punching Harry in the face and rushed towards you. You pulled away from your boyfriend as soon as you heard footsteps approaching you, a smile settled on your lips when you saw Peter.
“Ready to go?” Peter asked, completely ignoring Harry and you nodded. To his dismay, Harry didn’t let go of your hand without giving you a very steamy kiss right in front of him.
You made small talk on the way to his house and Peter tried to focus on anything other than the kiss you and Harry shared just a few minutes ago. And when you sat on his bed, eyebrows frowned in concentration over chemistry, Peter’s eyebrows were frowned for a whole other reason. Thoughts of you getting too busy in your love life and forgetting him creeped up on his mind and you noticed.
“What’s wrong, Pete?”
“Uh… can’t understand this question”
“You weren’t even looking at the question, you were looking at me” your voice low as you scanned his face, “did I do something?”
Peter’s eyes widened, “no, y-you didn’t do anything, nothing”
“Okay so what is it?”
Peter sighed, biting on his lip because he was nervous and too afraid to say something wrong but he decided to be honest, “just scared you’ll get too busy with Harry and stop hanging out with me, it’s just a thought”
You were taken by surprise by this but soon, the sound of your soft laughter filled the room, “forget about you? We’ve been friends since forever, no boy is ever going to come between us Peter”
Peter’s eyes glimmered at your words, his cheeks turning rosy as he processed your words.
“Anyway, I’m too scared that you’ll forget about me because I saw you hanging out with all those smart science kids earlier today” you teased, your forefinger wiggling in his face as he shook his head, smiling.
How can I forget about you when you’ve been on my mind like a drug, he thought to himself.
❥ ‑‑‑‑
Winter - I wonder what it's like to be loved by you
The cold came and the days turned ugly, one text message to Peter and he was running to your house in the middle of the night.
You saw Peter through your window and opened the door, running into his arms. The impact was so hard that he almost fell back as your hands clutched on his jacket.
“He cheated on me” you cried, voice strained from the previous screaming match with Harry over call.
Peter held you close, walking back inside your house and closing the door behind. As soon as he let go of you, you fell down to your knees and he got down right in front of you as he wiped your tears with his sleeves.
“He doesn’t deserve you, Y/N” he said sincerely. His hands holding the back of your head to make you look at him and he almost kissed you that night. But he didn’t because what if you push him away, one heartbreak was enough for tonight anyway.
As he watched you weep on his shoulder for a boy who clearly didn’t deserve you, he wondered how it felt to be loved by you and if he’ll ever get to be loved by you at all.
❥ ‑‑‑‑
Spring - Wouldn't it be nice to live inside a world that isn't black and white
The colours were a bit brighter than before, the leaves and the flowers blooming again in the soft spring wind. Just like them, you were blooming too. You were the old Y/N again, the same old Y/N who was there before Harry came along and ruined it.
The glow in your eyes was visible, your smile felt more real now and you felt more comfortable in your skin than you did 2 months ago. Peter even helped you pack a box of all the things that your ex-boyfriend left at your place and you later sold those things at a thrift store.
Peter started seeing more of you, he would either be at your place after school or you’d be at his and sometimes, you’d go to the ice cream place near his place on a hot day.
As he watched you munch on your ice cream cone, the vanilla on your lip looked a bit more appetising then it did when it was on the cone and he almost leaned in to have a taste.
“Is there something on my face”
“Why are you staring then?” you smiled and raised your eyebrows at him.
“Oh, shut up” he rolled his eyes, “come on, let me walk you home before it gets dark”
With you walking by his side and the way your knuckles gently brushed against his made him realise how much brighter his world looked now. How wonderful it was to live in a world which wasn’t black and white anymore and it was all because of you.
❥ ‑‑‑‑
Summer - Honey I love you
The sun was setting, both of you returning from the summer fair and he finally gained the courage to hold your hand on the way back home. The hot weather was making your palm sweaty but Peter couldn’t care less. You were literally here, holding his hand in yours and he didn’t want to let go.
“Will you say it?”
Peter frowned in confusion, “say what?”
“You know what” you bit your lips, a bit of sadness in your eyes.
“I- I don’t know what you’re talking about” Peter stuttered.
Peter was clueless. For a straight A grade student, he was pretty dumb when it came to love and you.
“So you will just never tell me that you are in love with me?”
Peter halted in his step and that halted you in yours. His hand slightly loosened its hold on yours in horror but you were quick to tighten your hold on his hand, even tugging him closer to yourself so you both were face to face.
“You know?” He finally spoke up, voice in a whisper and mouth agape in shock.
“It’s hard to miss when you’re right there staring at me with your big brown doe eyes” you softly giggled, feeling a bit shy now, “and how you get flustered when I compliment you, how you always have my back and how you always pick me up, it’s obvious that it’s more than just… friendship”
Yes, you knew. You have been waiting for him to say something, anything at all to show you that he loved you but as time passed and still no word from Peter, you finally took matters in your own hands.
Peter was speechless and you have had enough, you sighed and let go of his hand. Peter almost collapsed when you placed your hands on either side of his face and pulled him in.
You filled the gap between you both as you pressed a soft peck to his lips and his eyes fluttered like butterfly wings, savouring in the feeling of the airy kiss. Your lips felt like a light feather, barely there but just enough to make him feel lightheaded for a second.
You pulled away quickly but then pressed your forehead to his and closed your eyes tightly, “honey, I love you”
You said it like a promise, your chest felt a little lighter when the words were finally out and Peter’s heart started racing in his chest again. When he finally processed what had happened, he didn’t waste another moment as he pulled you back in for a kiss.
“I love you” he whispered, words muffled with his lips never leaving yours, “I love you, Y/N”
He repeated the words multiple times, telling you ‘I love you’ for every single time he couldn’t in the past and your eyes watered at the intensity of emotions soaring in your chest.
As he stood there kissing you, his mind went back to last winter and how he wondered how it would feel to be loved by you but now he didn’t have to wonder anymore. He knew how it felt to be loved by you and it felt like heaven.
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Anyway, hopeless romantic Peter, my beloved🥰
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