#yes i am watching voltron. it is because of my younger siblings.
kasienda · 2 years
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@steelblaidd - yes! For a whole second nursing session!! :)
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Previously answered here.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Umm... I tried, but it didn't come out all that funny imo.
I did pull off a humorous story in Sailor Moon, but it's not to the level of crack.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Previously answered here, but here's a second take.
If Alya could give me a lot of things that I need, I think I could give Kagami a lot of things that she needs. Someone who can listen, loves the bluntness, lots of patience, cooing over her art, just acceptance for exactly who she is, and we can geek out over manga together and how stupid everyone else is over boys!
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
There's a lot of adorable friendships in this fandom. The characters are just so human and wholesome. And the development of the miracu-class is one of the neatest things. Like watch origins or dark cupid and you can see they pick on each other, don't get involved, have their own cliques, etc. And then fast forward to like Guilt Trip. And they're just THERE for each other. There's adorable group hugs and love it any time they have a party of the Couffaine boat. I just love them as a community that grew into a really tight knit group.
The friendship I get most excited to see developed is still Adrien&Nino though, followed closely by Alya&Marinette and the four of them in general. And I also love the chaos of Marinette&Kagami.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
I don't know about die to defend, but here's a few.
I hate the Luka & Juleka sibling retcon making them twins. I very much want them to be half siblings because their mom is into flings and not stable relationships. That moment when Juleka was filming Luka crying over his break up with Marinette, and doing nothing to make him feel better??? CLASSIC younger sibling!! LOVE IT!! Give it to me.
Similarly, with the huge spread of age differences in Alya's siblings, I need some of them to be step or half siblings. I headcanon Nora as a Alya's step sibling, and the twins as Alya's half siblings. I figure Nora is the daughter of her dad's second wife, and the siblings are the product of her mother's second husband.
I very much see Adrien as asexual or demisexual, especially when his love/attraction/admiration for Ladybug is contrasted with Marinette drooling over an ad. Haha! He could also be autistic, but he also doesn't necessarily have to be, but I enjoy reading autistic Adrien a lot.
Hardly unique to my head, but Marinette definitely reads as ADHD.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
More than a few!
Fandoms that I am a fan of, but do not consider myself to have ever been IN the fandom and often love to see running across my dash and will even read fic for: ATLA, SpyxFamily, The Owl House, Dragon Prince, Good Omens, Harry Potter, Zelda - BotW
Fandoms that I have consumed at least some of the source material, but haven't been able to get into, but still often enjoy seeing art and reading discourse for: SheRa, Star Wars, Korra, Voltron, FF7, Batman, Superman, Invader Zim, Steven Universe
Fandoms that I am ONLY familiar with BECAUSE of tumblr: Dracula, Bat Fam, Julie and the Phantoms, Supernatural
I'm sure there are others in each category that I'm missing, especially that last one as I don't always remember the name of those ones.
This was fun ya'll! Thank you for all the asks!
Fandom Ask Game
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This is Part of a Plance fanfic series that I have been writing. Matt, Pidge, and Lance are going to play some Killbot Phantasm in this one.
Chapter 7: An Evening with the Holts
Lance and Pidge descended the staircase and returned to the dining room. Matt was there with the pizza, and Colleen had reheated the leftovers from lunch. After everyone settled down to eat dinner, there was a lengthy discussion of the Defenders project, most of it too technical for Lance to understand, but he still followed the gist of it. Pidge had taught him a great deal about science and technology over the years, so Lance wasn’t completely lost, and he was greatful for that fact.
There was also much reminiscing about their shared fondness for Shiro. Matt told stories of his involvement with the Rebellion, and Lance and Pidge told tales of the Paladins’ many adventures. Sam even had some interesting stories to tell about Pre-Kerebos space missions, and about life at the Garrison in Sam and Colleen’s younger days. Apparently when they were cadets, they knew of several different ways to sneak out of the Garrison Academy to have little mischievous escapades with their friends and not get caught.
“Oh, so that’s where Pidge gets it from,” said Matt, giving his sister a knowing look.
“Well, if you think of it, that’s how our adventures really got started,” Pidge replied. “I used to go out into the desert with the scanning equipment that I built in order to listen to top secret radio communication signals.”
“Which is illegal,” Sam added.
“Yeah, But Hunk and I caught her doing that one night.” Lance smirked.
“Oh, goodness! Did you turn her in?” Colleen asked.
“Of course not,” said Pidge. “Lance was always sneaking out of the dorms to go into town in search of pizza, girls, and astronauts, and not necessarily in that order. That’s probably what he was doing that night, am I right?”
Lance looked guiltily at her. “Well, yes, but I decided to follow you instead...”
Matt interrupted him, “And look where that led you.”
“We became Paladins of Voltron that night,” Pidge said.
“Oh. I was thinking more in terms of pizza, girls, and astronauts,” Matt said, and they laughed at his remark.
“Well, I am having pizza with these two lovely ladies and two genuine astronauts right now, so you can’t blame a man for living his dream,” Lance quipped. There was more laughter.
“That was the night of the U.F.O. crash. Shiro had returned to earth in a stolen Galra ship,” Pidge explained.
“Hunk wanted to go back inside before we got caught,” Lance added.
“But I wanted a closer look,” Pidge said.
“And I ran after her, of course. Hunk thought we were both insane, but he followed us anyway.”
“Hunk still thinks that both of you are insane,” Matt remarked. “But I’m glad he followed you. Someone had to keep you two out of trouble.”
“According to Shiro, that’s practically impossible,” Sam said with a chuckle.
Pidge smiled. “We actually met Shiro that night. Keith was trying to rescue him.”
“Hey, I was trying to rescue him too!” Lance said, unconvincingly. “Everything was going great until we all got on Keith’s hover bike and he drove us off the side of a cliff.”
Sam and Matt thought this was very funny.
“Who taught Keith how to drive that thing?” Matt asked.
“Shiro, of course!” Sam chortled.
Colleen looked horrified. “You all could have been killed!” She turned to her daughter. “Young lady, I should have grounded you even longer.”
After supper, Matt, Lance, and Pidge volunteered to clean up the dining room and feed Bae Bae while Sam was watching a favorite television program in the living room. Colleen went to check on the laundry. As they were finishing up, Pidge asked Matt if he wanted to play Killbot Phantasm with them.
“Neither of you has made it to level 36 yet, so you want my help, don’t you?” Matt asked, already knowing the answer.
“Maybe,” said Pidge.
When Pidge had finally convinced her brother to play the game with them, Lance grabbed the white bag from the sideboard and some cold drinks before following Pidge and Matt upstairs. He then helped Pidge set up the Mercury Gameflux II while Matt said in the chair by his sister’s desk.
“How many times have you two played that game?”
“Hundreds,” said Lance.
“You’ve had hundreds of video game dates with my sister? Alone in your room in your pajamas with my baby sister?”
“Matt—“ Pidge sounded annoyed.
“It was perfectly innocent,” Lance reassured him.
“Then why exactly do they call you Loverboy Lance? How many girls have you seduced in those Paladin Pajamas?” Matt asked.
“Matt, stop it!” Pidge was beginning to get really annoyed.
Just then, Colleen came upstairs with a basket of laundry.
“Matt, is this one of yours, sweetheart? Your father says it isn’t his.” She held up a light blue button-down dress shirt. Lance couldn’t hide his telltale blush.
“That’s Lance’s, Mom.” Pidge explained, a bit pink-cheeked. “There was a stain on it, so I put it in the wash for him.” Well, that wasn’t exactly a lie.
“Thanks, Mrs. Holt.” Lance said. He took off his sweater and began buttoning up his freshly-laundered shirt over his T-shirt. Colleen left, but not without raising her eyebrows and exchanging glances with Matt in such a way that said keep an eye on those two.
Matt looked at Katie’s bed. “Your covers are a bit wrinkled. What exactly were you two doing up here unchaperoned?”
“We had chaperones. Bae Bae and my trash nebula pets were with us.” The green and blue trash floofs trilled as if to affirm that statement.
“I was playing the guitar,” Lance said, pulling his sweater back on, “Pidge and I were singing a song that I’ve been working on.” Lance’s guitar was still leaning against one wall.
“Trying to serenade her, huh? Pretty slick. Loverboy is trying to put the moves on you, Katie.”
Pidge looked furious. “Matt, stop it! Lance wrote a song for me, and we were singing it together, and it was actually quite beautiful. Mom and Dad even came up here to listen and they loved it.”
“Okay, okay. Truce. I am sorry that you are so easy to tease.”
Pidge made a face at her brother, then turned to her boyfriend. “Lance, I hope you don’t have to deal with this sort of thing back home.”
“Well, I do have four older siblings instead of just one, so it’s actually much, much worse,” Lance confessed.
Matt cackled. “Well, that makes me look forward to meeting my future in-laws even more. When are you two getting married?”
Pidge glared at her brother. “I should have left you in space.”
“Yeah, But then you wouldn’t be getting these cheat codes. You are both up to level 34, right?”
Pidge sighed. “Yes.”
“Okay, well, you each get a turn to play against me. If I win, you have to answer a few very personal questions for me, and I will give you one of the codes as a reward.”
“Is this some kind of fiendish torture you learned as a Galra prisoner?” Pidge asked.
Lance moaned. “He’s worse than Veronica.”
Matt grimaced like the maniacal host of Garfle Warfle Snick. “Let the game begin!”
Pidge went first. There were some very intense moments in which she nearly beat her brother, and Lance cheered her on the entire time. In the end, however, Matt won. Pidge groaned.
Matt grimaced. “Okay, it is my understanding that you have owned those two fuzzy trash parasites since you were fifteen years old, but you have never revealed their names to anyone. My question is this: what are the secret names of your two trash nebula pets?”
Pidge covered her face. “No, Matt.” She was blushing.
“I’ve actually been wondering about that myself,” Lance admitted.
“Answer the question if you want those cheat codes.”
“Fine. The green one is named Pidgeon.”
“You named a trash parasite after yourself?” Lance couldn’t contain his laughter. “I’m beginning to like this game.”
“But what’s the blue one’s name?” Matt insisted.
“Let’s play another round.”
“Answer the question, Pidge. You want to get to level 36, don’t you?”
She sighed. “Okay, fine. His name is....” She would not make eye contact with either of them. “Lancelot.”
Lance and Matt erupted in a fit of laughter. Lance wiped away a tear, “Aw...that’s so sweet...I’ve never had a garbage poof named after me before.”
“Garbage poof?!” Matt laughed so hard that he nearly fell off of his chair.
“Hey! He’s a cute little garbage poof,” said Lance, giving the creature a little pat. It trilled happily.
“I hate you both.”
“And we both know that’s not true. Your turn, Loverboy.”
Matt made quick and easy work out of beating Lance, much to his embarrassment. But Lance dreaded what came next even more.
“Okay. Your question is this: what exactly are your intentions toward my little sister? Because if you are trying to seduce her and make her just another one of your conquests...”
“Matt, stop it! You have gone to far!”
“No, I’ll answer the question.” Lance said. “First of all, Even though I have flirted with a lot of girls, I don’t have any ‘conquests’ to speak of, and I have never thought of women in such a degrading way. Secondly, Pidge and I have been Paladins and best friends for three years, and I have the highest amount of love and respect for her.” Pidge smiled at him proudly. “Thirdly, both of us are in our first serious relationship, but we know that we are totally committed to each other and have even discussed our future together. A future that will hopefully include marriage and a children of our own, who I am sorry to say, won’t be named Pidgeon or Lancelot.” Pidge began to smirk. Matt was having a hard time keeping a straight face.
“I don’t think we’ll name any of them Kaltenecker either.” was Pidge’s deadpan addition.
“Aw, I thought Lance Kaltenecker McClain, Jr. would make a great name for our first child.”
“Sorry to disappoint you,” Pidge said before she finally collapsed in a fit of giggles.
Matt roared with laughter. He gave them all of the cheat codes after that.
Then Matt was finally silent, smiling to himself as they made it to level 36 to beat the final boss. They took on the challenge together, working together exactly as Paladins of Voltron should. As when operating the giant mecha’s right and left arm, the sword and shield of Voltron, they were unbeatable. When it was over, they high-fived each other.
“Team Plance does it again!” Lance kissed her.
Matt cheered. “We should celebrate.”
“I have already thought of that.” Lance said as he opened the white bag.
“Peanut butter cookies! I knew it!” Pidge exclaimed.
“Hunk’s special recipe.”
“I owe you both an apology,” Matt admitted. “I was just being an overprotective big brother, and I was really wrong about you, Lance.”
“No hard feelings. If I had a little sister as awesome as yours I would probably be overprotective as well.”
“A toast, then, to the garbage poofs! Or maybe to my sister and future-brother-in-law!” Matt proclaimed. “Here’s to Pidgeon and Lancelot!”
They clinked their bottles together, and then Pidge said, “We are definitely naming one of them after you.”
“One of your future kids?” Matt asked, flattered.
“No, the next garbage poof I decide to adopt.”
Lance nearly choked on his peanut butter cookie.
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sparklebitch · 5 years
Lance was a mercenary (or something somewhat similar) before he became a paladin
A/N: Just FYI I am currently accepting prompts again! P.S. Me, an idiot (who's surprise tho) forgot that assassin and mercenary are not the same thing sooo I done messed up again. 
Trigger warnings are listed in the tags.
Pidge noticed something strange as they walked through the streets. Voltron had just liberated their planet, people were celebrating in the streets, but the moment that walked by some people began cowering. Some ran and hid, others bolted their doors. Pidge didn't understand why. They had just saved their planet, why were they afraid?
Pidge lagged behind the others and observed the scene carefully. She watched as Allura and Coran led the way, confidently moving through the crowd as bystanders yelled out their praises. Then came Shiro,  Keith, and Hunk, who modestly waved at the citizens who were all waving back excitedly.  After them, the mood shifted. Lance walked meekly, his head held down as he trailed behind his teammates. When the people's attention turned to him, their faces changed to one of fear. They hid their children behind them, as they retreated, disappearing in the shadows. Judging by the look on Lance's face, Pidge guesses that Lance knew exactly why they had this reaction.
"So what do you all think?" Allura asked as Pidge caught up with the others. "Shall we stay the night?" One of the Yinnoi leaders was standing behind Allura with a hopeful look in her eye.  These people so desperately wanted to do something to repay Voltron for all that they had done for them.
"We would love to" Shiro said with a kind smile. Pidge could visibly see Lance tense beside her. He had his eyes downcast and he was continually reached up to fix his hair or scratched his neck so that part of his face was concealed. Pidge jammed her elbow into Lance's side and shot him a look. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and frowned.
'What?' he mouthed.
"What the hell are you doing?" she whispered as the group followed the Yinnoi leader to the large building down the road. Lance pinched his lips and shook his head.
"Not now" he pleaded. Pidge shrugged at him and then followed the others into the building.
~   ~
"Spill" It was hours later. As it turns out, the Yinnoi people were partiers. The paladins were exhausted and after thanking the leaders for the celebration, they excused themselves. They were shown to extravagantly decorated rooms and told to stay as long as they wanted.
Lance's hands flexed involuntarily against his thighs as he turned away from Pidge. "I... don't know what you're talking about" he said smoothly. Pidge raised her eyebrows and strode further into the blue paladin's room.
"Don't play stupid. You know I noticed" Lance's face hardened.
"I seriously have no idea--" Pidge stopped a few feet away from Lance and crossed her arms. She hadn't seen Lance at the party at all, aside from when they first walked in and he darted to a table in the corner of the room.
"Lance. Cut the bullshit. Why were those people so afraid of you?"  
"Drop it" Lance said firmly. Pidge stepped forward dangerously.
"You know I won't" she said stubbornly. Lance clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white. "Tell me. What could you possibly be hiding?" A vein throbbed in Lance's neck.
"You don't want to know" his voice was quiet, cold. He spoke slowly, like he wanted to be doubly sure what he was saying before he said it. Pidge had never seen this side of Lance before. His face was devoid of any emotion and if it wasn't for the anxious bouncing of his knee she would've thought that he was completely calm.
"Oh, actually I do" she argued. "I saw the way they were all looking at you. How do they even know who you are?" Lance didn't respond. "Fine, if you're not going to answer then I'll just have to guess" Again, Lance said nothing. "Based on the terrified looks that the people gave you, and the fact that they were hiding their children I can assume that they know you, and it's not for something good. This is an alien planet, so for them to know you specifically and to be this afraid of you I have to assume that you currently or at one time posed a threat to them directly, meaning that you either have been here since joining Voltron or... you've been to space long before now" Lance swallowed thickly but didn't otherwise react.
Pidge began pacing across the room, her hand on her chin as she mused. "I'm going to assume that you've been to space before Voltron, seeing as we've had little time to even sleep since being flung through a wormhole in space. Am I on the right track so far?" Lance crossed his legs and stared blankly at the wall behind Pidge. "Hmph fine, don't give me any clues. I got all night pal."
"Now, the question is WHY were you in space before Voltron? Not only that, but why were you all the way out here? Unless of course you weren't born on Earth, and since we don't really know that much about your family or anything about you before you came to the garrison maybe you were born out here... Maybe you were born on this planet..." Lance pound his fists on the bedside table, startling Pidge out of her thoughts.
"Oh for FUCKS SAKE, Pidge, can't you just let it go!?" Lance's outburst only served to intensify Pidge's curiosity. "Why do you have to butt into business that clearly isn't yours!" Pidge turned to face Lance, not intimidated in the slightest.
"I thought we were supposed to be a family, Lance. That's what you said. Voltron is out family now, and families don't keep huge secrets. Especially ones that might prove to get us in trouble with people in our alliance! Just tell me what you're hiding!" Lance shot up and swiftly crossed the room to the window that overlooked the glimmering gold lake behind the building. He rubbed his face with the palms of his hands before dropping them and focusing on the water.
"It was a long time ago" he said softly. Pidge inched closer so that she could hear him. "I- It's not who I am anymore. I didn't tell anyone because... I don't want you guys to think differently of me" Lance lapsed into silence.
"I would never judge you for anything, Lance" Lance closed his eyes and touched his forehead to the cool window.
"Don't be so quick to say that" he said with a humorless laugh. He took a deep breath and then began. "Before I attended the garrison, I was... a rough kid. Really rough. I grew up being bounced around from place to place because of my dad's job. We never really had a lot of money, sometimes we didn't even have enough money to buy food for weeks on end. It... it was really hard. I had three younger siblings and my mama tried so hard to take care of us the best way that she could but that was had with what we had" Pidge leaned up against the dresser next to the window and listened intently to Lance's story.
"When I was at the grocery store one day I saw this flier on the bulletin board by the door. It was advertising this military type school that children fifteen years and older could attend to learn leadership skills and discipline. There were scholarships for those who qualified, along with a monthly check that got sent to them for the work that they would be doing. I begged my mama to let me go. I told her that I wanted to help the family, and this was the only way how. Unfortunately, I wasn't old enough. I was only twelve at the time, but I looked really grown up for my age" Lance shrugged. "Anyhow, my parents both told me no. But I couldn't let it go. Everyday I had to watch my parents struggle to keep us from being thrown out on the streets. I had to watch my siblings cry because they didn't have milk or a single piece of bread to eat. My family was wasting away, and I knew that there was a way for me to help them. There was no way that I could just forget about it"
Pidge watched Lance's face. It was dark as he spoke. She had no idea about any of that. From what Lance had told her before about his family, she assumed that they were just a normal happy family. "So you ran away?" Pidge asked when Lance paused.
"Yeah. I packed up what few things I had and left a note for my parents. I went to the address on the flier and wrote out my application for the school. I lied about my age and a few other things, forged my parents signatures and voila. I was gone"
"Yeah. Turns out the whole school was bullshit. It was a ploy to steal children and ship them off to some intergalactic mercenary training school on the planet Tabradus and--" Pidge waved her hands.
"Whoa whoa whoa. You mean the Tabradus!?" THe so called 'school' on that planet had been shut down after years of turning children into trained killers, using them to kill people at their command until they were 18, when they were subsequently turned loose into the world to wreak havoc. It was a messed up place. And to think that Lance had gone there so that he could send money home to his family?
"Yeah" he said simply.
"Wow" Pidge said in shock. "So... when those people saw your face... they were scared because--"
"I was sent here to kill the previous Yinnoi leader. Publicly. I made... a lot of money" he said hollowly. "My parents were able to rent a nice apartment for a few months after I wired the money to them"
"Holy shit" Pidge sunk down until she was sitting on the ground. She couldn't even fathom what Lance had been through at that school, or what he had done after leaving there.
"Before you even ask, I yes it was just as terrible as you're imagining and no I'm not going to tell you about it. Like I said, that's in the past now. That's not who I am. It was something that I was forced into, and I was too naive to realize how truly deplorable the things that I was doing were. It's something I have to live with every day"
"How did you get out?" Pidge asked after trying to process the information for a few moments.
"An ex-member of the school ended up joining the Blade of Marmora. He snuck into the school and helped a lot of kids escape. He gave us a place to stay and offered to take us back to our home planets. But... I just couldn't go home. Not after what I had done to those people. I couldn't face them. So he told me about the garrison. He told me that it would be good for me, and that I could get a weekend job working there so that I could continue to send money home to my parents. He helped my get enrolled. He... he saved my life" Lance said.
The air hung heavy in the room as Lance concluded his story. Pidge didn't know what to say. She had no idea that Lance was carrying this around with him. How long had he been struggling with the memories of this? Being with Voltron in the middle of this war couldn't have helped. He was only a child when he was taught to kill people. The effect that that has to have on a person...
Pidge stood and in an instant her arms were wrapped around Lance's middle. Lance froze in surprise. The last thing that he expected after telling his story was for Pidge to hug him.
"Wha-" Lance stuttered, his eyes wide. He didn't know what to do with his arms. Pidge's face was buried in Lance's shirt. "Why are you hugging me?"
"I don't know. It feels like the right thing to do right now" she mumbled. "I'm sorry for pushing"
"I should've told everyone a long time ago" Lance said numbly.
"Lance I'll keep it a secret if you don't feel comfortable telling the others" she said, still clinging to Lance. Lance began to relax at Pidge's touch.
"Oh. Thank you" His fingers brushed against the back of Pidge's shirt. "I will tell them. It's just..."
"Hard" Pidge supplied. Lance nodded. "Don't feel pressured at all. Tell them when you're ready to tell them" Lance looked down at the smaller paladin attached to him and his face softened. He was confused. After hearing a story like that any normal person would be horrified. They would be weird and probably wouldn't want to be around him anymore.
But then again, Pidge wasn't really a normal girl.
Lance finally moved his arms and hugged Pidge back, closing his eyes. For the first time in a long time, he cracked a small smile.
~   ~   ~
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wethesoc-i-ety-blog · 4 years
List of LGBTQ+ Media
Feel free to add on to this! Please, if you do, put the name of the source down, and if you want, where you can find it, and some thoughts on it! To clarify, I’m listing pieces of media with:
- Healthy representation - please, no 2018 LeFou. No-one needs that.  - ‘Real’ representation - i.e. not queer-baiting (which is why Voltron should not be added to this list) - Present representation - no gay side characters who are solely present for the purpose of being gay and providing writers with a chance to look diverse, in hard quotations. 
The Politician (2019)
I binged this on a Tuesday, and I’m an IB Student, so you know it’s gotta be good. 
Starring Ben Platt, the former star of the revolt of a musical Dear Evan Hansen, and his co-star Laura Dreyfuss, this show is absolutely magnificent representation in the sense that it is completely normalising, in a way that made me tear up and laugh and feel deeply inspired throughout and after I was done with it. This show is gorgeous, with a rich colour pallet and a deeply intense sense of fashion; if that’s not enough to make you watch it, it’s basically a run of a US election scaled down to a high school, and at this point (October 26th, 2019) scaled up to a localised senate election, which it does hugely well at representing. 
When I talk about the show being normalising, I mean this: you know character tropes? Twisting, turning plot lines of romances that are usually confined to straight folks? This show throws forth multiple fleshed-out, informed, refined romantic and non-romantic relationships between queer characters, never parading its LGBTQ+ themes for the media but nonetheless including them in a way that I have never seen so whole-heartedly done before and I was deeply impressed by. I won’t spoil too much, but here’s the thing: a wlw relationship, a mlm relationship and a relationship between a non-binary character and female character are all included, and all of them are well fleshed out, meshing well with the story and not just ‘there for the sake of it’, as I know can become an issue. There’s an LGBTQ+ person of colour, too. And I know this shouldn’t be something I have to say, but all the queer characters are played by queer people, and that’s pretty great for media repping. 
I love this show, can you tell? No spoilers - but the first song is a miracle. 
Steven Universe (2013)
She says, running away.
Steven Universe follows, funnily enough, Steven Universe, on his quest to develop the powers he derives from the magical gem on his bellybutton, in order to become a better help to and eventual member of the Crystal Gems, a group of gems taking human forms who fight against the gems of Homeworld, the gem home planet, to defend the Earth, an organisation set up by Steven’s mother, Rose Quartz, whose gem he now possesses. Wild, I know. It gets wilder.
This show started airing in 2013, a relatively-early time for LGBTQ+ media with proper representation of healthy relationships as well as unhealthy ones. It is a kids’ show, fundamentally, so some issues are oversimplified, but in my experience, growing up with this show was fundamental not only to normalising my own sexuality for myself but to understanding what constitutes a healthy relationship. The show is very much central around this concept; what is ‘healthy’, and in turn, what represents ‘unhealthy’ relationship dynamics? On top of that, it also deals with a traditionally feminine protagonist who is male and, from what we understand, straight, combatting masculinity stereotypes which are particularly damaging. A great show to hand your kids or younger siblings, because it’s got a huge plot line, and now that the show’s finished, it lacks the issues of upload schedules which it had had before when new episodes were constantly being produced.
The gems are all ‘feminine’ (though they avoid some criticism, I think, because they’re literal rocks and therefore cannot be gendered) and are referred to as she/her for the length of the series; they undergo a process called fusion by which they can combine their bodies to create a product larger than both their parts, an oversimplified but useful framing of a relationship. These fusions can be forced - unhealthy - or desired - healthy. In this way, gems commonly match up, giving good representation, even if it is slightly forfeited by the fact that they’re not human, to wlw relationships, and in ways that address unhealthy dynamics as well as healthy ones that can also apply to straight relationships. 
The show is heavily left-wing, so if that’s not exactly your thing, be wary. I’m not here to argue about what’s right and wrong about the show - just to say that it’s got good representation, and if you’re down for a little suspension of belief, this is the way to go. 
Love, Simon (2017)
One of the most mature pieces of coming-out story fiction I’ve ever seen. It gets flack because it’s popular, but it’s popular for a reason, and many many many of my friends have had a personal experience with themselves in watching this film. Simon is a teenager struggling with an undercover mlm relationship and with coming to terms with his sexuality while also being a high school student. When word gets out about his sexuality at school, he has to deal with that on top of everything else, too.
If you’re going to watch a teen movie, this is the one to take a stab at. The material is sensitively handed; the show deals with a troublesome parental situation in terms of Simon’s eventual coming out, as well, which is unusual for these types of movies. Usually it’s either radically ‘you’re gay so we want you out of our home’ or ‘you’re gay and we accept you’ but here there’s a good balance between the two that still resolves itself non-problematically, with a great conclusion to the undercover relationship that will appeal to theatrics. This movie also deals with the issue of outing, which is something that surprisingly few people understand well, in a context that is terrifying for the protagonist. He is not prepared to come out, and deals with positive and negative consequences; the movie does a good job at giving both sides equal time, and at producing resolutions to those situations that aren’t unbelievable.
Adventure Time
I have to confess that I stopped watching AT in the same religious sense that I did as a child early on, but I resumed my watching when I reached that queer milestone of recognising characters as gay and seeing Marceline and Bubblegum, as I think they were always intended to be, as those two lesbians we can all relate to. I don’t feel like this is a spoiler because most people know already, and because there are hints from the beginning - it’s just a question of whether or not it’ll be properly fulfilled.I love how they finished the series, because it wasn’t a Voltron ending where the ‘will they or won’t they’ ends in ‘they won’t, because of our producers’, as opposed to ‘they will, because we’re finishing what we started’. No spoilers, but there’s gayPDA, which is important, especially in kids’ shows, because it shows that yes, we do kiss each other, and yes, it is possible. Our faces don’t repel like opposite sides of a magnet.The queer characters are archetyped stereotypically as goth and geek and not as the typical butch and prep thing you see with lesbian representation, which is great because the show is focusing on the people themselves and recognising the LGBTQ+ part of those characters as factions of their personalities, not the other way around, the best way to normalise. Great times.
Thomas Sanders
I, I think like many other older viewers, started watching Thomas Sanders because of his web series, Sanders Sides (which is a whole other boat of representation for mental health considerations, but we won’t get into that), and fell in to his other contact like a little queer magpie clicking on rainbows. 
His video on Pride discusses a lot of useful stuff, in a lowkey fashion, for people all over the spectrum and for those not really sure what the spectrum is. How can I stress that he needs to be shown in schools to groups of young people? He’s all about positivity, respect and being openly proud, not just LGBTQ+-wise but also generally - and his channel features a very diverse group of invested people, so if you’re looking for down-to-earth, unstrained representation, this is where it is. 
Basically a big ???
Hosting such great video titles as REACTING TO ANTI-GAY COMMERCIALS BECAUSE I’M GAY, Mack is one of those Youtubers you watch when you’re comfortable with yourself and just want to enjoy some gay shit. You can’t go anywhere on his channel without seeing a rainbow flag. If nothing else, he’s great because he is so openly embracing of his sexuality without even needing to state that he is; it’s so evident in how often and how well he talks about it that he’s comfortable and it sets a great example of where you should want to be in terms of yourself, especially if you’re young and uncertain of where you are on the spectrum. 
Miles McKenna
Miles started his (now completed) transition (ftm) in early 2017, with a video entitled ‘So I’m Trans’, having previously identified as female and a lesbian. I started watching Miles, then Amanda, early on in 2015 because he was deeply constructive as an image of a lesbian role model for me, when I thought I identified the same way; since then, there have been a few changes and I now watch him as a queer icon and as an excellent educational tool.
Miles posted this great video in April of 2018, I AM MILES, showing snapshot clips of his transition over the year since he started T, and it’s honestly deeply emotional, personal and, critically, a great demonstration of transitioning, its struggles, and its benefits for the person going about it. I have learned a lot from Miles - generally and also about myself - and I would recommend his channel to anyone off the bat. There’s some good stuff in there - including a classic ‘things get better’ scenario, because his deeply religious mother, who had rejected him for years on the basis of his sexuality and then transition, has recently started participating in Miles’ videos. 
Eugene Lee Yang (another Youtuber, attached to the Try Guys)
Watch I’m Gay by Eugene. I’m serious. That video didn’t change my life, but it changed my perception of what I needed from queer media icons, and this fulfilled some part of me never touched before.
Eugene is openly gay, and has been for some time; his videos have also centred around his experience as a drag queen, which is a very rarely well-represented field and should be exposed more by people accessing young audiences. Go, watch. He’s good for the soul. 
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Benjamin Alire Sáenz
My favourite book. I actually picked this up because a Youtuber I used to watch, John Green (who wrote Will Grayson, Will Grayson, another LGBTQ+ staple which I haven’t personally read yet but intend to) recommended it in a video list. It follows Aristotle (Ari) and his life in Mexico in friendship with a boy he meets at a swimming pool, Dante. They bond over their unusual names and Dante’s proclivity for reading, poetry and swimming; the book follows their friendship’s progress after he moves to Chicago and has to write rather than talk to Ari.
Without spoilers: Aristotle and Dante is this tremendous achievement because it describes a person’s struggle with their sexuality in the frame of international content and masculinity, two things which pose a huge threat in some circumstances to a person’s journey with their sexuality. Both of the titular characters witness a sharp, studied detailing of their progress into accepting themselves, in the context of their lives and stories, in a way that is deeply touching and, on your first time reading it, so cleverly executing that when the moment comes it’s genuinely surprising. I lay down and thought about my life for a few hours after finishing it in one go. It’s not a difficult read - Sáenz writes beautifully - but it is emotionally challenging, so watch yourself.
Please go read it!
Simon versus the Homo Sapiens Agenda, Becky Albertalli
This is the origin story for Love, Simon, so everything I said about her applies the same for this one. I have to betray my book-loving instincts and say that I didn’t actually enjoy the book all that much, at least not as much as I adored the movie - by the time I finished this one, I had already read all the other books on this list and come to the conclusion that I was sated with representation for a while, so I wasn’t really wowed until the movie came out. That being said, if you’re not a fan of movies, the book is just as well-written as the others on here, and honestly provides you with a better-developed story just simply because of the fact that it’s a book. 
They Both Die at the End, Adam Silvera
Before Aristotle and Dante, this was my go-to recommendation for queer reading. Adam Silvera is a beautiful person and writes a lot of good LGBTQ+ stuff, but They Both Die in the End has that quality of life-ending-ness and inevitability about it that makes it devastating to you as you’re reading up to the end, because, obviously, you already know what’s going to happen.
How do I describe this book? Two boys meet each other on their death day, something predicted by a mysterious agency who can’t tell you when, where, or how, except that you will die within the next 24 hours, and it could be in 30 minutes or in 23.5 hours. It isn’t the type of book I’d normally read, and it also isn’t the type of book that has what I like to call ‘the queer outset’, which is nice, because Silvera isn’t baiting his readers. It was this pleasant surprise in the end when you uncover the LGBTQ+ part of it that justifies its classification under the LGBTQ+ shelf at Waterstones. 
It changed my life completely outside the realm of LGBTQ+ stuff, just because I consider every moment more precious, now - but in truth the representation of a mlm relationship here is excellent, and I was and am struck to the core by it.
* I want to put C. N. Adichie’s wonderful (hah) book, Americanah, down. The first use of LGBTQ+ characterisation is in a character from Nigeria connecting a gay man she meets at an event to witnessing the beating of a gay boy at her school in her youth. This is said in passing, but it can be triggering. There is more representation as the book goes on - I include it because it is one of those rare novels where LGBTQ+ people are side characters, but in a way that is incredibly normalising, and not for that ‘diversity’ factor. 
Shows and Theatre:
Everybody’s Talking About Jamie
I have to confess, I haven’t seen this show. I’m asking for tickets for my eighteenth.
That aside, I heard from my friend, who recently transitioned, that it was great. The show follows an aspiring drag queen, Jamie, in a British state school - that in itself is great for us Brits, who don’t often have that LGBTQ+ representation in our media except for if its transitioned over from the States, but drag queens don’t get much representation in the media either, especially few cases that are healthy and constructive. 
History Boys, Alan Bennett
I put this play on last year with a group of English Literature students who read the play and loved it; unsurprisingly, all those students are now a part of SOC(I)ETY, my school’s GSA, which speaks to the nature of the text. It follows a group of state school students in the UK (again, go Brit representation!) who are applying to Oxbridge for History and return to school for a seventh term after their A-Levels to be coached on how to pass the exams. The boys are strung between the new substitute Oxbridge tutor, Irwin, who is regimentally focused on pass marks, and Hector, their longtime English teacher, with a more nebulous style of teaching. The boys progress through the preparation time taking sides with these teachers. 
Here’s the thing. There are four queer characters in this play: Posner, a young Jewish (!) boy who is openly gay for Dakin; Dakin, another student, arrogant and who is later revealed to be attracted to (although this can be challenged) Irwin; Irwin, who exhibits a level of attraction towards Dakin but is morally resolute-ish; and Hector, a homosexual and arguably a paedophile, who gropes the boys when he brings them home on his motorcycle, which they take with a good-natured grain of salt. 
These characters are not necessarily healthy characters in terms of representation. Dakin represents at least a bisexual character, which is great, and Posner a relatively unproblematic Jewish LGBTQ+ figurehead; but Irwin and Hector openly discuss potential relations with the boys in one of the final scenes, and although nothing ever happens, there is the sense that it would have done had it not been for a major event in the play.
Read it if you can stomach the material. It never gets explicit physically; but there are a lot of swear words, so if that’s not your thing, be careful.
Some further ones that aren’t really great for representation, but for one reason or another deserve a spot:
High School Musical
I know this is meme’d to high hell at this point, but Chad and Ryan and I Don’t Dance are seminal moments in LGBTQ+ media representation, and quite frankly, at least in my opinion, considering when it was made, one of the best shots at introducing LGBTQ+ related concepts to young children that didn’t threaten its widespread takedown in the early days of the 2000s. As a young queer I watched every High School Musical movie the week it came out, once on the actual day and once on the weekend with my family. Looking back on it, it’s pretty insane to see how we all missed that one and yet still learned a lesson from it.
For those who haven’t heard, the song I Don’t Dance has been reconsidered recently because it hints heavily at something (loosely-defined) going on between Ryan and Chad. The main thesis of the song is this: Chad, a stereotypical high school basketball player, wreathed in typical attitudes, is confronted with Ryan, one of those early ‘meant to be LGBTQ+ characters’ from a time when it was more acceptable to represent gay men as pink-wearing, song-singing musical theatre people, and assumes that Ryan is not able to play baseball, his sport of choice at this time. Ryan smashes it, of course (we stan a queen), over the course of the song, proving him wrong while also doubling back on the idea that Chad himself says that he doesn’t dance. 
Note the wording here: not I Can’t Dance, it’s I Don’t Dance. The implications here are clear. The song, at the very least, works with defeating stereotypes associated with masculinity, which is a hugely-pressing issue to this day and deserves more appreciation like this in the media; but the undertones of LGBTQ+ presence in both of these characters is there and important. Ryan himself is one of the less offensive, at least in my opinion, versions of this ‘flamboyant man’ archetype and therefore has some credit as a character for introducing that concept to young kids anyway, but Chad hits differently. Because he’s a jock. Because he’s a high schooler, a sports player, and, clearly, was intended to be LGBTQ+. And don’t we need more representation like that?
Lil Nas X
Please follow this man’s Twitter. That is all.
As I said, please do add to this! I hope you all indulge. 
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Nibbles and Arguments
This wasn’t how I was expecting to go about this one??? But then the muse hit me and I just had to. Requested by @kwaiipootato. 
Klance: Ticklish Keith, Ticklish Lance
Keith hummed softly as he continued to stroke Lance’s clothed arm. Long claws tracing up and down the silky material rather softly in an attempt to sooth the other male’s nerves. Keith had trained harder than he’s ever trained before, and due to this he currently had claws, yellow eyes, cat ears, and a few patches of fur hear and there. As soon as Lance had seen him he went quiet, refusing to even talk to Keith. It wasn’t that he hated Keith in his Galra form, he loved it! The soft fur, the more intense purring, the ticklish toe beans, etc. However he hated why Keith’s half Galra side comes out. Rather than listening to his boyfriend’s words Keith had over did it and was now facing the consequences.
“Lance I’m sorry, please don’t be mad,” Keith pouted. His head was resting on Lance’s shoulder as the other leaned back against him. They were on Keith’s bed. Lance sat with his legs crossed, leaning back against Keith who’s legs laid on either side of the younger male. “Your not sorry, you never are,” Lance muttered. He was fed up with this, the guy was going to get hurt and it was going to be his own fault. Lance was done. Keith’s ears went down a bit. He was sorry… only because Lance was mad at him. After a few more moments of silence Keith moved his head up. “Lean forward,” he ordered softly. “Why,” Lance stayed still, which was really awkward as his slant was no longer supported. “Back tracing,” Keith asked softly. “Not in the mood,” Keith felt tears form at his eyes.
“A-Alright,” Lance knew that tone all to well. He swore his boyfriend was a child sometimes. Leaning forward with a dramatic sigh he gave Keith access to his body.  “No Lance, you don--,” Lance simply took his hand and placed it on his back. Keith went back to being quiet before gently tracing the tips of his claws on the other’s back. Lance bit his lip, this is why he didn’t want Keith to do this. It tickled! Not that he minded, he found tickling to be pretty fun. However he was upset and Keith needed to take this seriously. He gasped softly as Keith moved his shirt up to trace along the sun kissed skin. “Kheith no,” he giggled softly, sitting up straight. “That tickles, stop,” Keith just smirked before tracing by his lower sides. “Heheh! Stop it Kheith. I’m mad,” Lance said trying to move away from the other.
Keith’s reflexes were quicker. Pulling Lance back onto the bed he roughly ( he didn’t mean for it to be rough) pinned the Cuban boy to the bed. “Ow! Keith stop it, let me up! Now,” he glared. “Why are you so mad? I’m fine,” Keith sighed. “Your not fine Keith! You over stimulate your self almost nightly now so you can be stronger! Your pushing it because your too impatient to get there healthily and gradually,” he sighed and crossed his arms. “You know what? Whatever. I’m going in my roo-- h-hey,” Lance’s pulled his arms apart and grabbed onto Keith’s arms. Keith had started trailing little kisses all over his neck. “Aha! Keith I’m serious,” Lance hissed trying his best to not laugh. The kisses didn’t let up. They were light, delicate, soft, and oh so tickly. “Nahaha,” he finally gave in.
“Hehehe! K-Keith I’m trying to be shhehehrious here,” Lance was pushing on the other’s shoulders until he felt something sharp glide against his neck. “D-Do you have fangs,” he pulled away, forcing the other up with his arms. Keith opened his mouth, pulling his lips back. “Y-You do,”Lance said with a rather amazed tone. He gently traced over each of the four kanines in his boyfriend’s mouth. “Keith you’ve never had these before,” blue’s eyes darted up to meet yellow. “How much did you over do it tonight,” he was even more pissed. He had started to calm down but now… now he was furious. “Not that bad,” Keith’s words were odd as Lance still had his finger on the teeth, keeping Keith’s mouth open. “Not too bad? Bulshit! Keith I swear,” he grumbled pulling his finger away.
“You know what? I’m done. You don’t want to help yourself, fine. Tear yourself apart and destroy Voltron,” Lance said trying to move out from under the other. “Lance,” Keith had tears in his eyes. “I don’t mean what I’m saying, I’m just really mad Keith. I’m sorry,” Lance lay back as Keith curled up into his chest. “I’m sorry,” Keith mumbled tracing his claws across Lance’s clothed abdomen mindlessly. “But your not. I know your not Keith. You can stop apologizing,” he closed his eyes. His fingers scratching lovingly into the thick mullet. Purrs replaced sorrow. “I love you,” Keith purred out. “I love you too. Can you please stop tickling me now,” Keith opened his eyes. Lance had one of his hands over his mouth, the other in his hair. His face was slightly reqd, and his eyebrows were curved upwards slightly.
Looking down Keith noticed he had managed to move Lance’s shirt up and was delicately tracing the sun kissed skin. “Seriously tonight’s not the-- ehehe,” Lance pulled his hand into his mouth once more, eyes half lidded as he watched his boyfriend start to tickle him. “I think tonight would be a great night though,” Keith argued letting his nails glide like skaters on the rink. Random circles, directions, shapes, etc. Lance giggled helplessly, he wanted to stop Keith but he also loved the bonding this brought. He loved being tickled! He loved when his siblings would tickle him, his mom, his dad, his family in general. It was just so much fun to him. It meant people were happy, everything was okay. It was safe. Maybe that’s why he wasn’t stopping the exhausted half Galra. “Hey! No not there,” he threw his head back as keith really started to tickle him, right above his briefs. He laughed even more so when Keith started to leave kisses along his abdomen, lifting more of his shirt.
“Nohoho! Pull my shirt bahahck down,” Lance whined. However his one arm was currently laying across his eyes, as the other gripped the sheet. “Hmmm…. I think not,” Keith purred after a while of silence. Lance bucked gently when he felt something else touch his sensitive tummy. “Are you biting me,” he uncovered his face to look his lover in the eye. They were still yellow, but starting to fade. “No…. just testing out these new fangs,” his ears went back as an evil smirk crept onto his face. “No, Keith-- ehe! Hahhaaha,” Lance threw his head back and giggled helplessly. Keith had wrapped his arms around Lance’s torso, pulling him up slightly like a rag doll. His teeth gently brushing against the soft, smooth skin. The nibbling was so ticklish! Lance was in disbelief. How could something like teeth tickle so bad? “Hehehaha! N-No Keith sthap,” Keith rolled his eyes.
Clearly the blue paladin didn’t want him to stop, so what would happen if he did? Keith released the giggling body and just sat there, smirking. Leaning forward he sprawled out slightly on Lance’s, now, bare chest. His arms crossed, head laying on them. His butt was hoisted in the air a bit, for both him and Lance a quite… different vibe was taking over the room compared to earlier. Lance had to be strong! He couldn’t just give into his desires, not when he needed to get a point across. But how often was it Keith was playful like this? ‘No, no. Business first, then pleasure,’ he thought. “So… I stopped. Now what,” Keith challenged. “Now you get off me and let me leave,” well that backfired. Keith felt a bit hurt but pushed the feeling away. “Really? Lance,” Keith whined sitting up. He yelped as Lance rolled him over.
“No Keith. I’m going to get my point across to you. One way or another,” he yelped when Keith pulled him down on top of him. “Laaannnce,” Keith whined sounding utterly childish. He didn’t want to sleep alone. Lance had gotten him so used to affection, and touching, and cuddles. Damnit, the boy needed his cuddles! If space dad couldn’t give them to him, then his boyfriend would sure as hell be! “Keith no, I’m serious. Doesn’t this hurt,” His head was above Keith’s. He was awkwardly laying like an easy to tip blank balancing on a railing. “No… but does this,” Lance squealed before scrunching his shoulder to his chin. Or, well, trying to.
“Nhohoho sthahp biting me,” he kicked his legs slightly. It hurt a bit, but Keith ignored the pain. Biting? These little nibbles had nothing on biting. Biting is what Lance would do and it hurt, but if Lance was into it Keith would try to compromise. “Sthap! Sthap! Oh my gosh! Ehehehe,” they were such light tickles! Lance could feel butterflies start to swarm in his tummy, along with a blush creeping onto his face. Keith just purred, enjoying the moment. After about thirty more seconds of neck nibbles Keith brought his hands down and started playing with Lance’s sides. “Ehehhahaha! Okay! Okay! I’m not mad,” Lance struggled weakly. “Lemme go! Kheheith,” Keith rolled his eyes. Bull crap, like he wanted to be let go. Keith rolled him over and continued to nibble his neck. Now he gently clawed at the soft, smooth, hairless hollows.
“No! Baby thahat tickles,” Lance couldn’t help it. Yes he was still mad at Keith but he wanted to enjoy this. It felt so great! They were so close. “Hope so,” Keith’s words were muffled. ‘Keith, please,” after a while longer Lance decided they should be serious once more. “I reheheally nehehd you to stop,” that was new. Stopping instantly Keith rolled to the side of Lance, staring and waiting for instructions on what to do next. Lance huffed a bit, panting. He sat up and turned to face the almost normal Keith. “You okay,” Keith asked. Lance nodded. “I am… but you won’t be if you keep doing this to yourself,” he frowned. “Keith I know I’m not Shiro, I’m not related to you, and I know I have no say in what you do. But please, please, promise me you’ll take it easy from now on. Cheat days, or just days off in general. Pace yourself, but enjoy it,” Keith sighed and laid his head back. “I promise, alright? Stop woryi-- hey! Ahaha,” Keith giggled as Lance started to tickle his somewhat purple tummy.  Mix of purrs strung together with the laughter.
“No! Not the thhahaummy,” Keith giggled softly. “Oh yes the tummy,” Lance teased pushing Keith down slightly while playing with the firm skin. “Ah coochie, coochie, coo! Who’s my ticklish little Galra? You are,” Keith blushed. The hell was that? Nevertheless he blushed and giggled a bit harder. “Mmmm! Lance,” Keith squirmed a bit harder trying to move Lance’s hands somewhere else. “I wonder,” Lance pondered leaning down. “Let me know if this tickles dear, though I’m sure you will anyway,” he winked at a flustered Keith before nibbling gently on the skin. It didn’t really tickle. it kind of hurt. Keith whimpered and tried to move his tummy away. “So.. yes,” Lance asked. “Ow,” Keith mumbled softly. “Oh… okay. I’m sorry,” Lance said brining his head up to Keith’s and giving him tinny hisses while tickling his ribs. “Ehehaha! Oh god! Lhahahance quit it,” he purred a bit softer now. Lance was in love all over again.
“Wait,” Lance pulled back. A smile on his face filled Keith was fear. “What,” Keith asked softly. Turning around Lance moved down. “Toe beans,” he exclaimed. They were his favorite part about Keith’s Galra form. “W-Whoa! Wait Lan-- not there,” he screamed when Lance started tickling the soft little pads. They were so ticklish and Lance knew it. “Too much! Too much,” Keith yelled through his laughter. Lance huffed but dropped the foot he was holding. “Fine, fine, not my fault the big bad emo can’t take some little, innocent, tickles,” Lance was laying back on Keith, he booped his nose for good measure. Keith glared, un amused. “And it’s not my fault the annoying boy can’t stand having his tummy nibbled,” Lance blushed at the statement. “I-- I so can,” he declared. “More than you anyway! Ow? Really? Or did it just tickle,” keith rolled his almost purple eyes. “Not a competition Lance,” he groaned rolling them over. “However,” he smirked. Needless to say the night was filled with giggles and purrs as the two made up for their argument.
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babe-in-red · 6 years
Fic Prompt/Request: Subtle ways that indicate to the rest of the group that something shifted between Shiro and Keith post-S6. Sitting more closely next to each other on the couch while watching TV, for example. Subtle enough not to scandalize the other paladins, but different enough that they start asking what has changed. (Bonus if Lance actually GETS IT)
Canon Lance is always better than fanon. Trust me.
It was pretty funny, Lance thought. Watching as Keith’s trying to sneak out after Shiro. No, he was no more the ninja or samurai as he used to call Keith. Something very careless possessed the actions of the future Black Paladin. No more of secretive looks, no blinking and smiling behind the palm. Keith looked to be more open than before. 
Lance was maybe a bit slow when it came to the relationship, and he needed time to understand what was going on in his heart and mind, but observing other’s bond was his specialty. He always understood, always knew that Keith’s feeling was deeper and smoother when it came to Shiro. Now, Lance couldn’t even call it sneaking. It looked old-fashioned - the look in Keith’s eyes like Shiro’s his everything like he needs to battle his approach through all the noble knights in his way to save his Prince in the cursed tower. But thinking about Keith as an adventurer made Lance roll his eyes. How in the Earth Keith always got the coolest characterization and position. That was beyond him. 
Right now the Paladins were staying at Garrison. The talk with commander Iverson was very awkward. Not that he was glaring at Keith all the time, but Keith didn’t say a word. He only stood in the corner of the office, his arms crossed and protectively, he watched Shiro’s back. Of course, any from these gestures were new for Lance. Obvious Keith was like the breakfast - quick to swallow. 
Yes, Shiro meant everything to Keith, but what about the other way around? Lance still couldn’t get into Shiro’s head and understand. He spent some time in the Blue lion, thinking and talking with her. You should try to understand people before you start to judge them. Said Krolia once. She was like the space mom everybody needed. 
“Lance are you in there?” Pidge knocked on the metal leg of Blue. “It’s dinner time! Shiro wants us all to be there!” 
“Give me five minutes!” He called and rubbed his forehead. 
This evening the cafeteria was reserved only for the Paladins and the royals. Allura still couldn’t hide her enthusiasm about Earth and Coran did everything wrong. It was actually Hunk who tried to teach him that here, on Earth are mustaches very common and that people even dedicated the whole of November to it. 
Iverson looked old and heavy, and when he sat there behind the table, Lance couldn’t push away his worry. They were gone too long to understand what was happening on Earth. He wanted to go home and tell his siblings that even though he’s not the best pilot he’s one of the Paladins and he helped to save the Earth. 
“I’m glad we’re here.” Shiro slowly sank on his chair. It was visible that his side was still giving him trouble. But of course, Keith was there, watching and prepared to step in if Shiro needed help. 
“So impossible.” Lance shook his head.
“What?” Pidge leaned closer, “you are weird these past days.” 
“I am just trying to figure out some things about me. It’s nothing.” He murmured and waved his hand. 
“As you know,” Shiro started, “unfortunately, I’m not capable of piloting right now.” 
Shiro massaged his temple. He looked tired. It was too soon for him to talk about the future of Voltron. Even if everybody understood the importance of moving forward, Lance couldn’t surpass the feeling that Shiro’s just too tired. 
“But, Coran and Kolivan promised to come up with a brand new arm for you.” Hunk said carefully. “I understand you need to rest, Shiro, that’s what we all need, and you need it the most, but don’t cut yourself like this, man. We are here for you. One for all, all for one.” 
“I’m not sure if I want a new tech arm, Hunk.” 
But at least Keith didn’t look surprised. That was the only stage of their relationship that they were not able to hide: best friends. Damn, what was going on between the two? Lance wanted to understand before he would come with a conclusion so wrong that he would hurt somebody again. 
“It takes time,” Keith spoke suddenly, “just let it go for now. It just takes time.” 
That was the word Keith didn’t want to say aloud, and Lance knew it. He was not blind, slow? Maybe, but not deaf.
The easiest way how to finally find out what is going on between his two friends, was ask and be that guy who’s humble and curious in the right direction. Lance bit his tongue; he tried not to attack Keith because of the bond between him and Shiro. His attempt to be closer to Shiro failed. The man closed his doors, built his walls so high that Lance couldn’t even see where they end.
“Fuck.” Lance kicked off his duvet and jumped from the bed. Not that only these two idiots occupied his mind during the day, but now he couldn’t even sleep.
He stormed right into Keith room, but the door was locked. He tried Shiro’s, but he met the same resistance. Maybe they locked themselves, god knows, but he didn’t want to punch the doors and wake up all the cadets.
“Common room.” Pidge sighed, “they’re in the common room, Lance.”
“What are you doing here?”
Pidge leaned heavily against the wall, “I was watching a movie with them, when I fell asleep. I am on my way to my room.”
“They’re not doing weird things?”
“What weird things?”
“Nothing?” Lance nervously shifted from the door, “I’m just gonna check them. You know? I can’t sleep.”
Grumbling under his nose, Lance reached his destination. The room was at the very end of the corridor of ubication. The room had no doors so he couldn’t hide effectively to spy on the two. Lance pressed his back against the wall and tilted his head only to see that the tv was lightning up the room and the two figures who watched it.
“You’re falling asleep,” Keith said softly.
“I  like it.”
“Giving me the dead shoulder is what you like in nowadays?” Keith replied jokingly.
“I generally like your shoulders.”
“It’s firm. You’re gonna end up with neck cramps.”  
“We all have to pay the price for our comfort.” Shiro chuckled, “stop worrying about me. I know what I need.”
“I know what you need.”
Lance blinked. An ordinary conversation, indeed. He really was not deaf to not see that they both had a very close relationship. A brotherly one? Well, his siblings often rest on his shoulder. They used to watch movies together and fall asleep.
Yes, but Shiro and Keith weren’t siblings. And he didn’t want to judge before he would understand. That was a new motto in Lance’s life. Observe first.
“Well, then, what do I need?” Shiro asked curiously.
“I know you won’t dare to say no to my long fingers.” Keith jiggled happily, “Just take off your shirt and let me do the magic.”
“I’ll take off my shirt if you take off your shirt.”
“You should stop asking me to take off my shirt. People are gonna say you’re gay.”
Shiro laughed. He straightened himself and with such an easy he pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it on the side. “That’s the fun, isn’t it? People who assume things when they’re clearly wrong.”
Are they? Lance was now glaring at them. He almost choked on his saliva when he heard Keith say the word gay. There was absolutely nothing wrong with being a bit different, he just couldn’t put two and two together without starting to see them differently. When Lance was thinking about it, he was jealous of something he could never have.
The name from Keith’s mouth floated in the air like a flower scent. All the kindness and softness Keith reserved for the older man. They didn’t have to kiss in front of Lance’s eyes so he could understand.
Shiro turned his head surprised, “why aren’t you sleeping?”
“Can’t.” Lance entered the common room and sat right next to them, “so what are you two doing exactly?”
“Massaging Shiro’s sore neck.” Keith replied immediately, “he’s like a baby. Never listens to me.”
“Sounds like someone who’s sitting right next to me.” Shiro chuckled.
“I am not.”
“Yeah, sometimes you are.” Shiro agreed in amusement.
“Shiro, I have your neck between my fingers.”
“I feel very triggered.”
“Sarcasm is not gonna save ya.”
Lance found a better position on the couch. He rested his legs on the small table and satisfied he only nodded and turned his attention to the TV.
“You’re not gonna stop me from calling you baby.”
Lance held his breath. When Keith bowed his head and fought Shiro’s hands so he couldn’t see his blushing face, he burst out laughing. So obvious, so freaking obvious.
The two men gave him puzzled looks. Shiro stopped to fight his way to Keith’s face, while the younger man only stared at Lance prepared to attack if something stupid would fall from his mouth.
But Lance didn’t say a word. He ended up satisfied with his discovery and let the two men only stare at him. It was a lovely evening, and he had a comedy to watch.  
Understand first, then judge. 
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Tagged by @crazyanime3 and it’s been a long time, so why not!!
A - Age: old B - Birthplace: America C - Current Time: 9:50 PM D - Drink You Last Had: Tea E - Easiest people to talk to: hmmmm, close friends and my cat. F - Favorite Song: What kind of question is that?? Who picks just one??? G - Grossest Memory: I was wrong. Sharing is not always caring. H - Horror yes or Horror no: I like horror quite a bit as a genre. I - In love?: Nah, bro. J - Jealous of people?: That requires too much time and energy, when I could be plotting other things. K - Killed Someone?: What I do, I do for JUSTICE. I kid. I can barely kill an insect without wanting to free it out into the great wide world. L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: I’m sorry, the moon was in my eyes. I was supposed to see what now? M - Middle Name: Marie. N - # of siblings: 2. O - One Wish: … I don’t even know. If I ever met a genie or something, I’d probably be too stunned and blurt out something silly like, “I wish I had known genies actually existed back when I was younger!” And there goes my one wish. Of course child me would believe in genies. P - Person You Called Last: My Dad. Q - Question you are always asked: Are you ok? R - Reason to Smile: Amazing friends, my kitty and doggie, the fact that it was a beautiful day outside, and much more! S - Song You Last Sang: You Are My Sunshine T - Time You Woke Up: 6:00 AM U - Underwear color: what even V - Vacation destination: I don’t make plans anymore xD I go where the wind takes me and so be it. W - Worst Habit: Getting too many ideas and not knowing what to do with ‘em all. Not knowing how to properly emote. X - X-rays: I’ve only had x-rays done twice to check nothing was dislocated in my back. And that shit you have to drink is disgusting, so pls never again. Y - Your Favorite Food: Dessert. I love sweets. Especially something light and fluffy like angel food cake. Z- Zodiac Sign: Virgo!
And on to the next one -
Rules: Answer all 30 questions and tag 20 people you want to get to know better:
Nickname: Nothing cute, I assure you. But hey, Chaos seems to have stuck! Gender: Female  Sign: Virgo  Height: 5′8“ Time: 10:18 PM Favorite Bands: Not too picky with music. Fav solo artist: I … can’t think of one off the top of my head. Song stuck in my head: Pulsation to Tomorrow Last Movie I Saw: Howl’s Moving Castle Last Show I Watched: Voltron When did I create me blog: … avast, me hearties, yo ho! Ok, joking aside … a little less than two years ago?? I think, don’t remember the exact day. What do I post: Anime, video games, fanart from awesome peeps, fanfic thingies from time to time, cute animals, etc.  Last thing I googled: “trails of cold steel i opening” lol Do I get asks: once upon a time xD Why do I choose my URL: because I’m wonderfully chaotic. And I still love katekyo hitman reborn <3 Following: 150ish, apparently Followed by: …. 200ish? o.o well then, hi there people! Average hours of sleep: I average about 7ish lately when I get to sleep on time. But most of the time it’s anywhere from 5 to 6. Lucky number: I like the #7, does that count?? Instruments: I used to play the trumpet. But I really like the flute and violin - oh, and piano!! Dream job: Writing in a little cabin by the sea. Dream trip: Italy, Japan (Fox Island!!), and anywhere on a cruise. Fav food: Sweet things. Nationality: American. Fav song: can they all be my favorite, why just one Last book I read: Does fanfic count??? Because For Want of a Nail was awesome, from the Tales of Vesperia fandom. If not, The Rule of Thoughts by James Dashner. Virtual reality shenanigans ftw. Top three fictional universes I want to live in: …. Definitely not any of the Tales of games. I’d be one of the NPCs that ends up, ya know, dead. But hmmm, as random a world as it was, the Reborn! universe seemed like a lot of fun. And you get to light yourself on fire and not actually die, so that’s a bonus. Maybe … a Disney universe of some sort, like Peter Pan’s Neverland. For the last one, this is me being really old: but as a kid, I loved the Neverending Story. So … Fantasia xD
Done! As for tagging. Anyone who wants to do it =) *throws confetti*
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skaylanphear · 7 years
What are you favorite Voltron ships?
Hmmmm, well this is a hard question. I love a lot of ships in Voltron, so… Well, I’ll divide this answer into two sections. The ships I would like to see in canon and the ships I am just generally fond of, lol. 
Ships I’d be happy to see in canon (but I wouldn’t honestly be broken up if they didn’t happen. I don’t watch this show for the ships). These are mostly based on my own headcanons and are probably ships that most people don’t even think of, except for the first one. 
Klance: I think everyone who follows me knows I love Klance, lol. Especially in the advent of season 3. They work so well together and they’re growing so much in tandem. I think they could have really natural romantic development that starts from a place of deep friendship and trust. From rivals to partners to friends to best friends to lovers. I love it. I can’t get enough of them to be honest. They learn so much from each other and work so well as a team.  
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Pigtor (or Lotidge, I just learned): Yes. You read that right. I don’t even think this ship has a name? I may have just coined it, hahaha (I’m probably the only person that ships it)! But if it has a name, feel free to tell me. In any case, it’s Pidge and Lotor. “But Skay… what the fuck?” Just HEAR ME OUT, OKAY?! I already think that at some point Lotor is going to switch sides. It’ll be difficult, but I do hope he’ll come over to team Voltron, maybe as a result of something traumatic or learning the truth about his parents addiction, etc, etc. And no, I don’t ship them at the ages they are now–Pidge is 15, c’mon. And Lotor is clearly older. BUT in the future, I have a headcanon that as Lotor tries to rebuild the war-ravaged Galra kingdom, which has fallen apart as a result of no longer being an empire, Pidge is around being the green lion and generally doing genius things. She’s inventing things, working on nature/quintessence research, being awesome. Anyway, she and Lotor see each other once in a while and somehow maybe end up working together. Lotor has always had a deep respect for her intelligence and passion for what she’s doing, and as he watches her, he begins to fall for her. Pidge reminds me a lot of Honerva and I kind of like the idea of their story mirroring hers and Zarkon’s. But unlike Zarkon, Lotor has more self-awareness and sees when Pidge might be getting a little out of control. He loves her passion, but with any resource in the universe at her disposal, she begins to get lost in her work. Lotor could encourage her, but when he sees that she’s dabbling in the dangerous parts of quintessence work, he pulls her back. His own parents were destroyed by such things and he won’t allow that path to be repeated. Pidge and Lotor have formed a pretty close friendship at this point and she sees his point, realizing her own errors. It’s probably a very dramatic part in their story, but yeah. From there things maybe develop more romantically. And then Pidge becomes Queen of the Galra and she and Lotor kind of become everything Zarkon and Honerva could have been, leading their people and doing great things with their research, but knowing from Zarkon and Honerva when something is going too far. This is a huge development for Pidge because, as she is in the show now, I’m sure she’s of the opinion that learning anything and everything is what’s right, similar to how Honerva felt. But I think that, through Lotor, she’d realize that while knowledge is powerful and should be exposed for all, there are also some things that are, perhaps, best left unknown. I also headcanon that Lotor is the only one that calls her Katherine (because I want that to be her full first name) because he thinks it’s a beautiful name. When they were younger, it annoyed the crap out of Pidge, but as they got older, she didn’t mind. Honestly, I love this ship so much. YOU CAN’T STOP ME! PIGTOR FOREVER!  
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Hallura: I read a fic where Hunk and Allura were together and I was like, “huh, that’s interesting…” And from there the ship just got better and better for me. And now that they’re both legs, I’m like “okay, so let’s have some Hunk and Allura development where Hunk is like ‘and this is how you do this move.’” And I just kinda want them to become friends because I think Hunk will become more calm and levelheaded as he gets older, and that he’ll be a good, steady presence for Allura as she continues her diplomatic stuff. Like, she’ll get back from a meeting and Hunk will just be there, ready to comfort her and de-stress her and I just really love them, OKAY?! Like, Allura being upset about her people and her planet and Hunk is just there beside her, saying nothing but being there and just… letting her grieve. I also think his sense of humor would be really good for her. I need Hunk and Allura development so bad…
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Shiro/Romelle: Romelle doesn’t actually exist in the show yet, but I’m hoping that when the rebels get introduced, she’ll, like, be their leader or something. She’s from planet Pollux in the original Voltron, and I think was Allura’s cousin? Anyway, maybe the Polluxians are related to the Alteans, or maybe she is altean and is descended down from the lines of what few Alteans weren’t on Altea when it was destroyed. I don’t know. I just want her to be a badass rebel that saves Shiro and they fall in love. Maybe she’s a lot like Allura, but has a more battle-worn maturity about her, and maybe she and Shiro bond over that. 
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Sibling/Platonic!Sheith: I love sibling relationships, probably because I have a lot of siblings, lol. I love the idea of Keith and Shiro being half-brothers (which would make Shiro and Acxa half-siblings too, if she and Keith are twins, which I hope they are). I just… love the idea of them being brothers so much. And Keith finding his family, and having parts of that family on top of his Voltron family. I NEED IT! 
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Those are the ship I like best when related to what canon we have at the moment. But I also like all these ships to. 
Shallura: They’re both so mature and have their own demons, I think they’d be really beautiful together and balance each other out. They’d be the support the other needs in hard times and I think it’s just a really… bitter-sweetly beautiful ship. They’d become each other’s strength. 
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Hunk/Acxa: I basically like Hunk and Acxa together for the same reasons I like Hunk and Allura together, lol. I also think that Acxa probably has a lot of the same displacement issues that Keith does (if they are brother and sister, which I like to think they are), and that Hunk would be a really steady presence for her to come back to.
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Shance: I love a good “you’re my idol and I might be falling in love with you, but you’re so amazing I’m too scared to say anything” trope, lol. 
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Allura/Acxa: I dunno I just really like them. 
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Allurance: I like the idea of Lance having liked Allura, but then he kind of grows out it. But then Allura develops feelings for him, but doesn’t feel it’s appropriate to act on them. So it’s this long, drawn out back and forth that gets resolved when they’re older and fall in love again, this time at the same time.  
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Um… I think that’s all the ship that kind inspire me creatively? With the exception of a few, I like most Voltron ships, but I think these are the ones I like the best from a creative, personal standpoint, lol. 
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EDIT: I forgot the most important one!
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Sven and Slav XD
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felthief · 6 years
all of them
anyways phew here goes
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Definitely Spotify
is your room messy or clean? Usually it’s fairly clean, not spotless or anything, but i never let it get too dirty.
what color are your eyes? Brown
do you like your name? why? I literally hate my name, it doesn’t fit me at all. ;(
what is your relationship status? Taken :U
describe your personality in 3 words or less Tired, Objective, Worry-wart
what color hair do you have? Brown
what kind of car do you drive? color? lmao i can’t drive 8)
where do you shop? Walmart mostly
how would you describe your style? Comfortable – I wear pajamas and t shirts a lot.
favorite social media account this one?? i guess
what size bed do you have? A Queen :3c
any siblings? I have an older half brother, an older half sister, a twin sister, and a little brother
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Honestly I would probably pick any big city that’s LGBT friendly. I can’t live in a rural setting or i’ll die
favorite snapchat filter? they change all the time, i just like looking at the new ones
favorite makeup brand(s) i don’t wear makeup
how many times a week do you shower? Three, usually
favorite tv show? UUUH. Stranger Things. 8) Or Voltron. Fcuk. I can’t pick.
shoe size? 6…:(
how tall are you? 5′6″
sandals or sneakers? Sneakers, I’m a clumsy fuck so i gotta protect my toes
do you go to the gym? can’t afford that shit
describe your dream date *ALARM NOISES*
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? Uhhh I have a 15$ walmart gift card and a 5$ starbucks gift card and that is literally it
what color socks are you wearing? I ain’t wearing socks, my feet are naked and free AS THEY SHOULD BE
how many pillows do you sleep with? Two. I used to sleep with three but I’ve had to suck it up and stop that cuz it was killing my neck. Now I just hug the 3rd one at night
do you have a job? what do you do? I am a comic artist which is kind of a job? 
how many friends do you have? Uhhh..so many.. I just never talk to them becuase I’m a shit and don’t know how to maintain relationships
whats the worst thing you have ever done? I cut a friend out of my life and blocked her on everything because she was manipulating the fuck out of me and tbh to this day i still feel guilty but I think I’m better off
whats your favorite candle scent? Oh man. Danna has this candle that’s called like peach Bellini and I want to rub the wax all over my naked body
3 favorite boy names Oliver, Aiden, Zieke
3 favorite girl names Jade, Aria, Victoria
favorite actor? Thomas Dekker 
favorite actress? Abigail Breslin
who is your celebrity crush? I don’t really have one tbh though I DID have a huge crush on Thomas Dekker until I was like 20
favorite movie? PACIFIC RIM
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Hell i haven’t read in years, but I loved The False Prince (I’m reading the sequel now)
money or brains? what is the context? If it’s in dating then usually I would choose neither cuz money isn’t important beyond being able to live semi-comfortably and brains isn’t something I look for cuz I’m dumb as shit and don’t like it when I’m around people who make me intimately aware of it
do you have a nickname? what is it? I have. So many. 8) Lucifer, Lucifene, Lou, Lee, Lucinfeff, Lucinfeffer and that’s really just the tip of the fucking iceberg
how many times have you been to the hospital? at least 10
top 10 favorite songs pretty much anything by Motion City Soundtrack, Issues, Carlie Rae Jepsen, or Troye Sivan tbh
do you take any medications daily? Antidepressants and Anti-anxiety medications
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Oily as sin
what is your biggest fear? Being alone
how many kids do you want? I want one. Sometimes. Other times I want none. I feel like I will regret not having one when I’m too old to consider it any more.
whats your go to hair style? Cropped I guess? It’s usually about ¾ of an inch long
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) A small apartment with a weird layout and a kitchen the size of a shoebox
who is your role model? i aint got one of those
what was the last compliment you received? An older lady I go to group therapy said I look like a cute boyfriend she had when she was younger
what was the last text you sent? I texted my dad telling him his tracfone was going straight to voicemail
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Probably around 10, I don’t really remember
what is your dream car? i don’t know anything about cars :D Something modern and colorful with lots of room inside and gets good gas mileage
opinion on smoking? You shouldn’t do it and I’m a hypocrite
do you go to college? I used to but it was too expensive
what is your dream job? Something low-impact where I don’t have to talk to a lot of people. Data Entry I guess?
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs for sure I would die out in the country
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? hell yeah I do
do you have freckles? I have some, up by my eyes, but they don’t show much unless I get some sun
do you smile for pictures? Sometimes :U
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 174
have you ever peed in the woods? Nah
do you still watch cartoons? Yep. All the time. Why not?
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? MCDONALDS FOR SURE I WOULD DIE FOR THOSE CRISPY GOLD NUGGETS
Favorite dipping sauce? Sweet n Sour
what do you wear to bed? Underwear and a T-shirt
have you ever won a spelling bee? I’ve never even been in a spellin bee
what are your hobbies? Drawing and sleeping
can you draw? yes
do you play an instrument? I used to play the Flute in middle school band until my bandmates stole it and hid it so I’d get kicked out. They told me to leave and I wouldn’t so I guess they took matters into their own hands ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
what was the last concert you saw? I’ve never been to a concert, that shit’s for rich people
tea or coffee? Coffee
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? I’ve never had Dunkin Donuts so I guess Starbucks
do you want to get married? no lmfao why would I saddle someone with my shit credit score and $50k of debt
what is your crush’s first and last initial? what is this crush shit u talkin bout
are you going to change your last name when you get married? i aint gettin married, damn
what color looks best on you? red? blue? black? i dunno man
do you miss anyone right now? a few people yeh
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Both
do you believe in ghosts? I have seen some shit so I’m gonna go with yes
what is your biggest pet peeve? loud chewing noises
last person you called I tried to call a hospital in Indianapolis but it went to voicemail B(
favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla cuz I’m a boring fuck
regular oreos or golden oreos? I don’t actually like Oreos 
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Sprinkles are fucking awful and I will never consume them
what shirt are you wearing? It’s a black t-shirt with a dripping poisonous looking smiley face on it
what is your phone background? It’s just the background that came with my theme. It’s dark blue and futuristic lookin
are you outgoing or shy? Shy as fuck
do you like it when people play with your hair? i barely have hair but Yessss touch my fucking head and I am yours to command for eternity
do you like your neighbors? i don’t have any neighbors
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? I wash it in the morning sometimes if it’s visibly oily
have you ever been high? a few times yeah. Not really my thing tbh
have you ever been drunk? Also a few times and boy howdy I have a good time but everyone else has recommended I maybe don’t do it
last thing you ate? Some bread
favorite lyrics right now nnnnnnnnah
summer or winter? Summer
day or night? Day 
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk chocolate if i had to pick one
favorite month? OCTOBER cuz its my birthday and also spooky
what is your zodiac sign all of em
who was the last person you cried in front of? probably faewild lmao
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the-grape-bowl · 7 years
Tagged by the fantastic @future-struggling-musician !
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you would like to know better 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair (jury’s out - I’m ginger too?)
I have brown eyes
I have short hair (does an almost-bob count?)
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces 
I love meeting new people (depends on who I’m meeting!)
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges (ha! no)
I enjoy mental challenges (depends? riddles can be fun?)
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (bro...)
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well (eeeeeh, jury’s out here too)
I can play an instrument (I wish)
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw (shameless self-promotion) (also on Instagram) (and I have a personal with art on if you want it)
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head (depends on the maths!)
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (I’m learning!)
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months 
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing (planning for Nano atm because I’m not signing up for it, but I will do it - at some point)
I do or have done martial arts (I did sixth months of karate and it went as well as expected)
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (Voltron? QI?)
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day (nope! I like to draw out my suffering!)
I have visited another country (literally went to one yesterday)
I have been to one of my favourite band’s choir’s concerts
I’m in a relationship 
I have a crush on a celebrity 
I have a crush on someone I know (not at the moment! I’m free!)
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship (unfortunately, to my friends the Yr7 relationship counts so)
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them (lmao who does that? superheros?)
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year 
I have been in a relationship for at least a year (again, see the Yr7 relationship)
I have had feelings for a friend (and it sucked and I sucked and 10/10 would not recommend)
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” (I’m not a lone wolf, I’m just bad at having close friends - see above section)
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling (younger, cooler, taller - she has it all)
I live in the United States (nope, but where I live is just as bad)
There is snow right now where I live (I wish)
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs (and not all of them are musicals so!)
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail (maybe? who knows, I don’t really pay enough attention)
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life (eh, I think?)
I speak at least 2 languages (speak? yes. know? well...)
I have made a new friend in the past year
And now to tag people! I don’t know 9 people on this hellsite well enough so: @mari-annawheelan @fellowshipofmarauders @derekpegacornglitterpuke @demi--boy--god @i-survived-twist-and-shout and anyone else who wants to do it!
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eldunea · 5 years
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have this voltron/pokémon masters crossover story event that i wrote for funsies bc holy shit i’m obsessed
[player name] was walking down Pasio’s sunny beach one morning, when s/he comes across his/her friends!
Shiro: It’s a great day for Training, isn’t it? Hunk: (punches hand into the air) Totally! (yawns) It’s a bit early for us to be out here, but that means the beach is near-empty! Pidge: So, when should we begin? Shiro: Now’s as good a time as any to start. Go, Aggr— ???: Hold it RIGHT THERE! (Three Team Break grunts come running onscreen.) Shiro: Who are you? Pidge: You mean you’ve never met Team Break before? Team Break punk girl: That’s right. We’re Team Break. And this island is ours. Hunk: It’s not yours to take. And neither are our companions! Punk Girl: Fufufufufu…We’ll see about that! Hand over your Pokémon!
(battle ensues)
Punk Girl: I-impossible! I thought I would win for sure! Shiro: Your impatience yields a lack of focus. Pidge: That’s what you get for trying to take what’s rightfully ours! Hunk: Yeah! Go cry to all your little friends about it! Get out of here! Punk Girl: Oh, I have friends all right. (turns around and yells to Team Break grunts in the back) Hey! You! Get on over here and beat these clowns! Team Break Ace Trainer (male): Well, well, well… Shiro: (folds his arms) Don’t bother. [player name] can handle you. Ace Trainer: Look at that white hair of yours. No way I’m losing to an old man and his grandkids!
(battle ensues)
Ace Trainer: What? I lost? How could this happen? Shiro: Overconfidence is the mother of loss. Hunk: Awwwww, looks like someone’s sad. Why don’t you run back to your big daddy admins? ???: Why would he need to run? I’m right here. (Two Team Break admins appear, one with a Zoroark by his side.) Team Break admin 1: And who might you be? New victims? (laughs) Pidge: None of your goons could take my Pokémon away from me. What makes you think you can? Admin 1: I’m on another level, sweetheart. I can do much more damage to you than my hired hands. I’ll give you one chance to give me your Pokémon peacefully…or else. Shiro: Mm…we’ll take the “or else,” thanks. Team Break admin 1: Hehehe…suit yourself. Your Pokémon are practically ASKING to be stolen!
(battle ensues)
Admin 1: (looking down, not speaking) Pidge: We beat you. It’s over. Go home. Admin 1: (laughs audibly) Aha…ahahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! You really thought I was done there? (takes out three more Poké Balls) Pidge: WHAT? But you’re only allowed to have one! Admin 1: Simple child. Do you really think that an admin of Team Break would play by the rules? Hunk: Our team can’t take much more fighting. What are we gonna do, what are we gonna do— Admin 2: (grabs Admin 1’s arm while Zoroark grabs the other arm) Not so fast! Admin 1: HUH?! (Admin 2’s illusion drops, and he transforms into Lotor!) Lotor: You thought I was one of you, didn’t you? Admin 1: But…b-but…but I saw you training new recruits just yesterday! How could you be somebody ELSE?! Lotor: I impersonated one of your colleagues to gather information about your operations. I thought I’d let my friends here handle you on their own, but now that you’ve threatened to exceed their capacities, I figured it was time to step in. Admin 1: Th—then I’ll fight you too! Three of my Pokémon against your one! How do you like that? Lotor: I’m a Hall of Famer in more than four different Leagues. I took down some Elite Four members’ teams with this Zoroark alone. I’ve watched you fight. We both know you’re nothing special. Do you really think three of your Pokémon are the equal of one of mine? Admin 1: ……… (stammering) Admin 1: You won’t get away with this! (runs away)
Hunk: Lotor! You saved us! Lotor: (smiling) It takes a great intellect to weave a convincing illusion, and an even greater intellect to see past it. And seeing as I’m fairly certain no member of Team Break is more intelligent than me… Pidge: Oh, har har. Shiro: That was impressive, disguising yourself like that. How did you manage to do it for so long? Lotor: As a scholar of strategy as well as science, I pride myself on my ability to research and look into the hearts and minds of my enemies. Once I knew enough about Team Break and how they acted and operated, pretending to be one of their admins was all too easy. Shiro: Hm. Hunk: ? Shiro: That does seem to be a fine explanation on its own. But I have younger siblings, and I always knew when they were hiding something from me. I think you’re hiding something from us, Lotor. What is it? Lotor: You wouldn’t want to hear it. Hunk: Of course you can tell us. No judgment. We’re your friends! Lotor: I…know too much about the folks like Team Break. I know too much about how to plan a covert operation. I suppose you could say—I was once part of an evil Team myself. (All characters look shocked.) Hunk and Pidge: Huh?! Lotor: When I was younger, still learning the ways of the world, I…used to be a spy for Team Galactic. I joined because I thought this world was rotten, and Cyrus was the only person in existence who could fix it. He seemed to know so much about the universe and how it worked, and I learned a lot from him about science, mythology, and history—knowledge that I still cherish to this day. He seemed to know everything about everything, and that was my ideal for someone who wanted to rule a new world. But… Hunk: He turned out to be a big meanie, didn’t he? Lotor: Why, yes, he was, as you say—a “big meanie.” I was blinded. I was lied to. He didn’t even care about anything he taught me. He cares about knowledge insofar as it makes him look more intelligent, not because one can explore its mysteries or use it to better the world around us. What’s worse, he didn’t even care about his Pokémon. And I thought—if he sees his Pokémon like expendable toys, how does he see the rest of humankind? Was he making the new world for humanity’s sake, or for his own? (sigh) Shiro: I see… Lotor: Being in Galactic was why I didn’t go back to school. Leaving behind my past in Galactic was why I stopped Training. You want to know the real reason why I went to study with my mom? The real reason I didn’t want to join the PML? I thought that after what I had done, I didn’t deserve to be a Trainer. Someone who commands their Pokémon to do great harm in the world shouldn’t battle with Pokémon at all. Hunk: Don’t say that about yourself! Pidge: It was brave of you to leave. Shiro: I agree. It can’t have been easy. Hunk: Yeah! Our side needs more people like you on it! Lotor: You…really think so? All: (characters nod their heads enthusiastically) Yes! Lotor: Th…thank you. From the bottom of my heart… Shiro: Everyone has things in their past that they regret. It’s the truest sign of character to be able to admit that you’re wrong and move on from it. You are a fine Trainer, one that people all over Pasio—no, all of the world—should look up to. And we’ll always be there for you when you need us. Lotor: You’re too kind. Truly. I am in your debt.
0 notes
ravengrangergirl · 7 years
Voltron College Au: Finding Blue
This is part of a series of Voltron college au one shots (see ‘A Magician Never Reveals’ and ‘Sleep...Isn’t For the Weak’). I’ve been working alongside @allorana and @quietdeerfan on the Voltron college au for quite some time. For clarification, in this au, Shiro and Allura are engaged (@allorana’s headcannon), but there are no ships between the rest of the Voltron gang. This is a platonic fic (except Shallura). Please do not tag with other ship tags!  
Shiro turned around when he heard his apartment door open and close. A dripping Lance stood there, his brown hair plastered to his face. For some reason, his customary jacket was in his arms instead of actually on his body, leaving him in only his blue and white shirt, the white of the shirt practically see through.
“Lance! You’re dripping wet, why aren’t you wearing your jacket?” Allura said, half accusing, half laughing.
Lance shot them a rather awkward version of his brilliant grin. “I, uh, was hot and I…wanted to fully experience the rain?”
Which would have been an acceptable reason, with Lance being Lance, except the fact that Lance didn’t sound totally convinced.
“You’re lying,” Pidge and Keith said in unison. Pidge hadn’t bothered to look up from her laptop but Keith was watching Lance, apparently wanting to see if Lance would get into trouble for something from unofficial mom Allura and unofficial dad Shiro.  
The jacket in Lance’s hands started moving around, and was that…meowing coming from it?
Yep, the kid was definitely hiding something.
“Lance…” said Shiro, folding his arms.
Lance wilted a little. He dropped to his knees and unwrapped his jacket to reveal a skinny black and white cat, drenched from the rain.
Everyone jumped or screeched a little.
“Why the heck do you have a CAT?”
“Why did you bring it in the apartment? NO PETS.”
Lance pulled the cat into his lap, and hugged it protectively. “Guys, it’s the stray that has been wandering around campus for like a month, and it was sitting out in the rain and he looked so miserable that I just had to rescue him, I mean, how do you say no to these eyes?”
The cat, who seemed rather calm for someone who had just been kidnapped by a crazy college kid and wrapped in a wet jacket, stared at the group with large yellow eyes.
“I could.” said Keith.
“Lance,” Shiro tried to remain calm. “The cat might have an owner. And even if it is a stray, you can’t keep it in an apartment, and especially not MY apartment. The landlord doesn’t even allow fish for pets.” He couldn’t believe he was having this discussion with a twenty one year old man.
“Blue doesn’t HAVE an owner,” Lance insisted. “And even if he did, that person is a SORRY EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING if he leaves his cat alone in the RAIN.”
“Wait, Blue?” Shiro asked. “You named it?”
“Why Blue?” Pidge asked, peeking over the couch. “Why not Yellow, or Black, or White even?”
“Blue’s my favorite color.” Lance said simply, petting the cat. “We have to let him stay!”
“Not adopting a cat, Lance.” Shiro said firmly. Allura nodded.
“Well, I’ll just bring Blue to my apar-“
Hunk was violently shaking his head. “No, Lance. Uh uh. You know our contract strictly says no pets allowed, and I am NOT getting thrown out of our apartment for a cat.”
“We’ll hide him!”
“Cleaning checks are TOMORROW, Lance. How would we even hide a cat? No, no, no.”
“Look at how cute he is, you wouldn’t let an innocent cat go out into the rain, would you?” Lance lifted the cat up like he was trying to Raffki it, while giving the most innocent, pleading expression he could with eyes that were the color of the cat’s name.
Hunk looked at the cat, and Shiro could tell that he was starting to weaken, just a little. “The cat is cute…”
“NO.” Shiro said, loudly. “None of you are adopting a cat. And even if your apartment did let you, animals cost a ton of money to take care of, and…for heaven’s sake, you’re a college student, Lance! Why do I even have to explain this?”
Lance cuddled Blue still closer. The cat seemed remarkably tame for a stray, appearing very comfortable in Lance’s arms. He was even beginning to knead his paws into Lance’s shirt.
“You sure it’s a stray?” Pidge asked, adjusting her glasses. “He’s acting remarkably docile for a feral cat.”
“YES.” Lance said defensively. “I asked around to see if anyone knew who Blue belonged to. Everyone I talked to said that they’d seen him just wandering around both day AND night, so he’s not going home to anyone. And look how skinny he is!”
“Look, we can drive Blue out to a shelter.” Allura said reasonably. “That way if he has an owner, the owner can come pick him up. If he doesn’t, well, he’ll have a safe place to stay and might even get adopted.”
Shiro breathed a sigh of relief, immensely grateful to his fiancé for coming up with a practical solution.
“A SHELTER?” Lance practically screeched, momentarily startling the cat in his lap. “No way! What if Blue doesn’t get adopted? They’ll put him to sleep!”
“I’ll-I’ll claim him as an emotional support animal! Or-pretend to be blind and he’ll be my guide cat!”
“I’m not letting anything happen to Blue! He trusts me!”
Shiro was torn between wanting to smack Lance upside the head and wanting to give him a hug.
Blue was kneading into Lance’s chest, a deep rumbling purr sounding from him. Apparently the cat had a great liking for Lance. And Lance, for some bizarre reason, had apparently fallen completely in love with this cat.
“You can’t keep a cat, Lance.” Keith insisted.
“I’m not talking to you, cat hater.”
 The next day, two cat dishes, a bag of cat food, a small litter box, and several cat toys were all sitting in Shiro’s apartment. After Hunk, Keith, Pidge and Allura had flat out refused to harbor Blue in any of their apartments, Shiro had eventually agreed to let Blue stay ONE night, but had refused to return to the apartment after his classes that day, saying he wouldn’t return until Blue had a home elsewhere.  
Keith, Lance, Pidge and Matt were the only ones in Shiro and Matt’s apartment. Allura was at her TA job, Hunk was frantically cleaning his and Lance’s apartment for the cleaning check, and Shiro was apparently hiding at the library. 
Lance dangled a toy mouse for Blue, giggling like a six year old as Blue batted at it.
Matt walked back into the living room, holding a cell phone and fidgeting with the large glasses that were identical to Pidge’s. “Another dead end. Mom and Dad say they can’t take him, not to mention Pidge.” Matt shot a look at Pidge.  
“Bruno would eat him alive.” Pidge said, buried in her laptop again.
Lance pulled Blue into his lap, holding him close. Instead of crawling away, the cat stayed in his arms, blinking slowly and appearing to enjoy the attention. The joyous expression slowly disappeared from Lance’s face.“We can’t hide him here forever, and Hunk is going to make me live in the street if I try to bring him to my apartment. Nobody I’ve talked to can take him.”
“Take the cat to the shelter already,” groaned Keith. “They’ll be some family that would love to take it, Lance, it’ll be fine. You can’t keep it.”
“JUST BECAUSE-wait…family...Yes! Maybe there is a way I can keep Blue!”
 Lance ignored the question. After carefully lifting Blue off,  he ran to his backpack in the corner, and pulled out his laptop. He sat on the couch, staring at his laptop. “YES! They’re online!”
Lance turned to look at Blue. “Ok Blue, listen to me. This is going to be the performance of your life. Think cute, and adorable, and loving, okay? If this works, you’ve got a home.”
The sound of a Skype dialing call sounded through the room, and Pidge and Matt looked over, intent of listening into the conversation.
“Hello, mihijo! How are you?” Lance’s mom said.
There was a flurry of other voices, some asking in English how school was going, etc., while a few asked presumably the same questions in Spanish. 
(Don’t want to try to write this conversation in Spanish, so the conversation takes place in English) 
“I’m good! Hey, is everyone there! Sweet. I uh, have a question. You guys still coming to visit me in a couple days?”
“Yes, of course!” Lance’s mom said.
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Lance’s dad said.
“How would you feel about having someone to take home with you?”
“What do you mean?” Lance’s mom sounded confused.
Lance bent down and picked Blue off the floor, and placed him in his lap. “This is Blue.”
A lot of “Awwws,” sounding rather like Lance’s younger siblings, came from the screen. Lance launched into an explanation. “He’s a stray that wanders around campus, and he’s been really hungry and cold and alone-“
“Lance! For goodness sake! NO!”
“He’s so cute, look!”
As if following Lance’s earlier instructions, Blue laid curled up in his lap, his eyes looking huge, piercing, and very adorable.
“He can be my birthday present, and Christmas present, for the next twenty years of my life! I’ll pay for him to fly home, and for any medical needs he has. I’ll put in some more hours at the store. It should only be for a couple of years, and then I’ll take him when I graduate and get my own place! Please???”
“Lance, we already have-oh my goodness, I thought this would END when you got to college!” Lance’s mom cried out, sounding very exasperated.
‘You’re not winning this time, Lance, we can’t take him.”
Lance moved the cat off his lap, and, standing up, placed the laptop on the couch, turning it to face him. Lance then got to his knees, grabbing Blue and putting his paws together into a pleading gesture. “Please, mama? Please papa? You’ll be saving the life of an innocent kitty! And mine, because otherwise I’ll die of a broken heart! And he’s so tame, he’ll make a wonderful pet!”
“He really is well behaved,” Matt broke in. “Quiet, knows how to use the litter box, and he obviously loves Lance.”
Lance shot a quick grin at Matt, then turned back to his family gathered on screen. “Maria, Anton, you like him, don’t you? Isn’t he cute? Don’t you guys want a gato in the family?”
Once Lance involved the little kids, it was all over. Their begging and pleading matched Lance’s in persistence and adorableness, and eventually the mom and dad had to coincide defeat.
“Okay, Lance. If you pay for half of the cost, including the flight AND medical costs, then we will take him home with us.”
“YES!” Lance fist pumped. “Gracias, madre y padre! Gracias!”
“This is the absolute last time we are doing this, understand? I don’t care if the next thing is an orphan with Disney movie eyes, we are NOT taking it in.”
After many cries of thankfulness from Lance, Lance chatted with his family for a while longer; making plans for when his family visited, making accommodations for Blue for the flight home, and promising his family AND Keith AND Pidge to call the nearest kennel right away for Blue to stay in until his family could take him home. The same promise he would have to swear to both Shiro and Hunk when they came to the apartment.
Halfway through the Skype conversation, Pidge and Matt crowded next to Lance, and even Keith joined in as well.
Blue purred comfortably on Lance’s lap the entire time.
(Note: this was written before the reveal that Lance is the youngest, and I didn’t have the heart to take out the younger sibs.)
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patchworktail · 7 years
ITS 4:30 AM AND I DONT FEEL LIKE SLEEPING so I’m gonna do this meme that i got tagged for twiCE and totally forgot to do til now!!!! (i had 2 dig through your blogs to find them omg)
ANYWAY i was tagged by both @mooitstimdrake​ and @cynessie​ (I MISS U BOTH BTW ❤)
RULES: Share 11 facts about yourself, answer 11 questions provided by the tagger, tag 11 awesome people and leave 11 questions for them to answer!
(I’m gonna skip tagging people/asking 11 questions - 1) because I’m lazy 2) because a lot of people who I would tag either have already been tagged or woN’T DO IT and 3) I have to answer two sets of 11 questions anyway so I’ll let one of those sets take the place of my 11 questions!!)
11 Facts
I was supposed to leave to move into my college 3 days ago but since my college is in Savannah they pushed off move-in/orientation for a weEK BECAUSE OF HURRICANE IRMA AND I’M STILL UPSET/DISAPPOINTED
That being said I’m about to start as a college freshman at art school, planning on majoring in animation! :D
I binged all of Buzzfeed Unsolved in like 2 days and I fuckin LOVE IT
Also BNHA is like my current main obsession???? I fell in love w that anime and uhhhh I’d Die For My Kids
I almost never use skype anymore - I’m always on Discord now (mutuals may add me just message me if you want my tag :3c)
I loooove creating OCs and my main OC is a forest elf named Rally and he’s precious and I LOVE HIM AND COULD TALK ABOUT HIM FOR HOURS (also my best friend @/harpxer and I have a huge ongoing rp with him and her mountain elf oc, Kahl!! they’re really gay)
Hmmm fun fact I guess I’ve been involved with internet communities since I was 10 years old and I made my very first internet friend when I was 10 and we’re still great friends and talk p much every day to this day (hi @/fiishr)
I want a tattoo super bad but idk what I’d geT
I worked at a jewelry engraving stand at an amusement park this summer and one night I accidentally gave myself a 1st degree burn on my finger from the hot glue gun and it hurt So Bad
I had my graduation party this July and it was really fun but the best part was when 14 of us played this giant game of spoons and it got really intense, made worse by people randomly screaming during it, and then we collectively decided to blast hardcore rap music from the speakers and Let Me Tell You i have not been involved in a more stressful card game in my LIFE
I’ll always always always fall for the hero/happy character/protagonist basically....idk what it is about me but I’m so Predictable...I love cute optimistic brave characters who just wanna do Right.....I don’t cARE IF PEOPLE THINK THEY’RE BORING I THINK THEY’RE PERFECT AND AMAZIGN AND I LOVE THEM
@mooitstimdrake​‘s Questions:
If you were to make a new blog dedicated to one single thing (fandom, hobby/activity, etc) what would it be? Honestly, right at the moment probably BNHA!!!! it’s legit my most recent big obsession and I love it?? so much???
If you could have any kind of animal as a pet, what would you have? A RACCOON!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM SOSOSOSOSOS MUCH and some people actually do have them as pets! They can be difficult though but WORTH IT
Who was your favorite teacher and why were they your favorite? OH BOY......I’m gonna say it’s a tie between my AP studio art teacher and my AP US government teacher from this past year, my senior year! My AP art teacher because our class was super tiny, 12 kids, and it really felt like a family?? She was a-okay with letting us all goof around and say weird shit, she was really chill and funny and like. part teacher, part friend, which was always nice. As for my AP gov teacher, he was SO. FUCKING. FUNNY. OH MAN. NOT EVEN ON PURPOSE he just like? put up with SO MUCH? we had some real character kids in that class and my teacher’s reactions were HILARIOUS. he had a sarcastic streak too so his responses were equally as funny when someone did something weird. He would say the funniest stuff just ask @/harpxer I would tell her so many stories from that class sohboshrb. Aside from the humor that class was really interesting, and he’s a really good, invested teacher - he wanted us to learn, he’s super passionate about government and history, and he always started off each class with 2 current events which was really nice and helped me learn more about things happening in the world too!!! overall that was like my fav non-art class I’ve ever taken!!!!
What’s your guilty pleasure (and I’m challenging you not to say some kind of food)? HMMMMM. Honestly I’m gonna go ahead and say really cheesy or lame movies/shows (like, Disney channel movies, dumb shows - like the one summer I watched all of Glee LOL, stuff like that). Like yeah I know 90% of it is terRIBLE but it’s still amusing/lighthearted stuff that makes me happy KLSDJVLSDHB
Favorite pizza topping? EXTRA CHEESE IF THAT COUNTS, if not then pepperoni!!
What’s the last thing you bought (that wasn’t food)? I’ve actually been buying a lot the past few weeks in prep for college/spending a little money for ONCE since I worked all summer. I got a bunch of boring stuff but the things I’m most excited about are: two posters I got for my dorm (The Office is one and one is Lord Huron), a giant wall tapestry (it’s Up themed!!!), tWO BNHA/POKEMON CHARMS THAT CAME TODAY AND EVERY TIME I LOOK AT THEM I START CRYING BC THEYRE SO CUTE, and oh my GOD I BOUGHT THIS GIANT PILLOW FROM TARGET AND IT IS THE SINGLE SOFTEST THING I’VE EVER FELT AND IT’S HUGE AND IT IMMEDIATELY BECAME MY #1 COMFORT OBJECT AND TOP FIVE FAV THINGS IVE EVER BOUGHT!!!!!! I guess MOST recently though I just bought Clip Studio Paint online today (art program) since it’s on sale for 50% off and I’ve heard great things about it!
What upcoming movies/tv shows are you looking forward to? UHHHHH as for movies... justice league part 1, the incredibles 2, kingsman 2, the neW POKEMON MOVIE I CHOOSE YOU, probably a lot more I can’t remember rn. AS FOR SHOWS HMMM I’m...excited for the next season of the good place and izombie, and oh I’m excited for the punisher netflix show!! and the next season of voltron of COURSE!!! and next season of stranger things!! probably more I’m forgetting too tbh
Any recommendations (this could be anything just throw your best pitch at me)? JFISDJKLBJ I DON’T KNOW OMG tbh rachel you watch a lot of the same things I do already LMAOOO
What’s your favorite thing to wear that you own? OH FUCK I DUNNO HMMM I really like wearing my various leggings and scarves, but as like a Single Item....I like wearing....uhhhh I have this giANT sweater like it’s WAY too big for me but it’s so COMFY and I love it. I also love wearing my Star Labs sweatshirt bc it’s soft and comfortable
What was your first pet? my cat!!! we took her in as a stray kitten living in our backyard when I was like. 2 or 3 and so we’ve basically had her my whole life!!
If you could learn any language, what would it be? UHHHHHH honestly probably spanish - I took it 4 straight years and was okay at it in class but one year went by with me not taking it and I forgot everything LOOOL I’m...bad....at languages....
@cynessie‘s Questions:
Where is the coolest place you’ve ever been? I haven’t been many cool places :( I guess the coolest isssss I dunno it depends? Lake George is where I go on vacation every year, I LOVE NYC, I love Savannah too and it’s where I’m gonna be for college so?? ?? ?  ? I’VE NEVER BEEN OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND I’M SAD BUT I’M POOR AND CAN’T AFFORD IT
What was the first thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up? veterinarian!! 
Look to your right. What do you see? a dirty plate on my desk, my bed just past that, and my CHARMS THAT CAME TODAY THAT ARE SO CUTE I CRY EVERY TIME I SEE THEM
What are you procrastinating on? ajkldjboidj lik e 4 art commissions,,,, and 7 MAP parts,,,, and my pre-work for 2 of my classes,,,,,,,and cleaning my room,,,, and sending thank-you notes to relatives,,, SOMEONE KICK MY ASS AND MAKE ME DO SHIT
Which family member are you closest too and what is their name? UHHHH.... I guess my younger brother Luke? or maybe my mom? I’m not on bad terms with anyone though, I love both my older brothers too and we all have a good sibling relationship I just talk more with my younger bro I think - second closest would be with my second older brother Connor!
What’s the last song you listened to? I’m listening to Ultralife by Oh Wonder right now :3c I’ve been on a huUUGE Oh Wonder kick lately!!
What do you generally carry in your bag/pockets when you go out? my wallet (w my license and money and debit card and all), travel size lotion, phone, and chap stick!!
Do you believe in ghosts? I’m gonna hesitantly say YES but I’m not 100% convinced I don’t think
What is a skill you want to learn? MAYBE THIS IS WEIRD but I think learning how to act would be kinda neat. On a more realistic note I wish I could learn to exercise without dying
Tell me a joke. I’M BAD AT JOKES DON’T DO THIS TO ME NESSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO YEAH THAT’S ALL FOLKS it’s 5am now...Nice..... :’) I love my ability to stay up obscenely late while also getting Nothing Done JLSDNVDHAGHVDLAK
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seiya-starsniper · 7 years
RULES: Tag 7 followers you want to get to know better. Repost, not reblog. tagged by @iamaprincessallgirlsare
NAME/NICKNAME: Seiya. lol Kelli knows my real name but I’m rather fond of this alias. HOGWARTS HOUSE: Slytherin  FAVOURITE COLOUR: Lavendar FICTIONAL CHARACTER I’D LIKE AS A SIBLING: Oh my god there’s so many of them. Jax from Legends, Yuri P from Yuri on Ice, Yugi from Yugioh, Pidge from Voltron, basically give me all the cinnamon buns and make them my younger siblings? Yes. NUMBER OF BLANKETS I SLEEP WITH: Two! DREAM VACATION: So right now I’m anime trash and I’m really wanting to go to Japan again. Not even just for the anime aspect, but because it’s such a lovely country and my friend just got back from there and it looked amazing.  WHAT I AM CURRENTLY WEARING: Jeans and a blouse. Normal work attire. WHAT I POST: If it’s on my Fandoms page, I regularly post about it. I’m also hailing from the United States of Fuck You so politics stuff crops up from time to time. It’s gonna be a long four years. Also female empowerment and photos/videos of animals. DO I GET ASKS ON A REGULAR BASIS: Not regularly but some days are more busy than others. I love getting them though! For like any reason. Come screech at me about a ship we both love, or if you’re bored and want someone to talk to, you can DM me. For someone who spends a large amount of time on Tumblr, I’m ridiculous extroverted. AESTHETIC: Fall/Halloween/Christmas/Sunset/Stars/Forest. At any given time you’ll see me reblogging a massive amount of aesthetic photos on these. LAST THING GOOGLED: ODAAT.  A lot of people have been posting about it lately and I was like “what does this acronym mean” and “what is it about”. Now I have a new show on my To Watch list. FAVOURITE MUSIC ARTIST: Muse/Panic At the Disco/Fall Out Boy. WHY DID I CHOOSE MY URL: Online Alias + Gamer tag AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 5-6 and I honestly need more but I keep reading fanfic til 2am FAVOURITE CHARACTER: Okay I’m defaulting to whoever I list in my Fandoms page as my faves in each show/movie hahahaha. DREAM JOB: Something that involves travel, but not like, travel every other week. Maybe once a month or once every other month. I’m kind of halfway there what with working in an international corporation and all that.  FOLLOWING: I wasn’t sure if this mean how many I was following or who was following me but it’s a little over 400 on each side anyway. 
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