#yeah im using lots of tags to try to let pagans know
Holiday fic
I know that a lot of characters don’t have canon religion, and I also know that it’s a possibility of either being Jewish or just not celebrating Christmas, so I am writing a fic that’s more for the holiday season that Christmas. As a Christian, I have come to acknowledge that Christmas didn’t even belong to Christians to begin with (it originated with Pagans celebrating the winter solstice and was practiced before the birth of Jesus and Jesus wasn't born in winter) so when I celebrate Christmas, I celebrate as a time to spend with family and friends (and I get gifts so...) and not as Jesus’ birthday, so when I write this, I am writing this as them trading gifts and spending time together. I don’t think it’s best to describe this as a “Christmas fic” since the characters are very diverse, so “Holiday Fic” seems more fitting.
Please let me know what you think.
This story is featuring, or at least mentioning, all of my OCs, and I had to update my Tumblr OC list because I forgot that my descriptions for Damien and Rich were on AO3 first and I had forgotten how I described them and had to fix it so here is the 100% accurate updated version. And I tried adding as many characters as I could, but it’s so hard and I was under pressure, so please don’t hate me. I am ageing the characters up to 18+ for reasons. And I made Dragon Fly (me essentially) Albert’s cousin because I can bend canon however I want.
It sucks, and it’s everywhere, but I wanted to get something out for the holidays. And I added a surprise at the end so you would hate me less. Please bear with me.
Featured ships: Relmer (I had to); Spalbert (for Alexa); Jatherine (they’re cute and they’re both raging bisexuals fight me); Blush; Finch/Buttons
Era: Modern
Warnings: none
Word count: 1315 (I think that’s a record)
Also, I’ve been struggling with this for a week. Please go easy on me.
Jack was grateful that Jacobi let them rent the place out for the annual Holiday Party Extravaganza. They picked a day and time in December that worked for everyone’s schedule and did “Secret Santa” so everyone would get a gift. Usually, the party was at Jack’s house, but the group grew over the year, and his tiny apartment would not be able to hold everyone.
Everyone helped to move tables so the center of the floor would be cleared. Race hooked up his phone to a loudspeaker, courtesy of Albert, and played showtunes to “set the mood” for the party. Everyone dropped the presents they brought on the counter.
“Can I get everyone’s attention?” Jack was standing in the middle of the room. “First, I would like to thank Jacobi for letting us use his place to have our party.” He waited for everyone to quiet down before continuing. “I would also like to thank our new friends who joined the group this year. Hopefully we haven’t weirded you out too much.” He looked at everyone in the room. “And thank you guys for making this year the best.”
“Encore!” Sarah yelled.
Jack rolled his eyes and walked back to Katherine and kissed her cheek. “I’m excited. This is the biggest party we’ve had.”
“Yeah,” Katherine agreed. “It was nice for Jacobi to let us have it here.”
Davey joined the two and brought them both a cup of punch. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many people in a room together before.”
“Same here,” Jack said. “I just hope that it doesn’t go horribly and end with Jacobi banning us.”
“Jacobi will never ban us.” Katherine laughed at her boyfriend. “He loves us.” She pointed to the table with Race, Elmer, Spot, and Albert. “They’re acting like it’s a double date.”
“Leave them alone,” Davey joked. “Let them have fun. It’s a party.”
Spot wrapped his arm around Albert’s shoulders. “I feel like this party will be the best one yet.”
Albert looked at his boyfriend. “And why is that?”
“I don’t know. Just a thought.”
“Just a thought?” Race asked. “That’s the lamest thing I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth.”
Spot mocked laughter. “It’s not as lame as your life.”
Race pretended to be offended. “I know my life is lame, but hey!”
Romeo turned to August. "Have you ever thought about dyeing your hair?"
August shrugged their shoulders. "I never thought about it. I don't know what color would look okay."
"I think any color would suit you."
"Really?" August asked. "I don't think I would look good with any color. Green wouldn’t look good at all."
Romeo laughed. "Not green. Maybe something pastel, like lavender or a pale blue."
"Lavender? Really?"
"I can see it," a voice said from behind Romeo. Mush looked over the booth at August.
"What are you doing, Mush?" Romeo asked.
"Listening to you guys obliviously flirting with each other." He had a smirk on his face.
"We aren't flirting," August said. "Please leave."
"Kay." Mush walked off laughing and went to find Kid Blink. When he found him, he wrapped his arms around his waist from behind. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
"Yeah." Kid Blink turned around and kissed his boyfriend on the top of his head. "Go have fun. It's a party."
"Says the person sulking in the corner."
"I am not sulking. I am brooding. There's a difference."
"Brooding?" Mush asked. "What are you? Batman?"
Race and Elmer quickly shared a kiss, which was over as soon as it started. It caused some of the others to boo.
"That was boring!" Romeo yelled.
"Where was the passion?" River asked.
"My dead grandma kisses hotter than that!" Finch called out from the other side of the room. 
"Grow up, guys," Race said. He and Elmer sat back down with Spot and Albert. “Hey, Albert. I know that your cousin prefers to go by her nickname, but what’s her real name?”
Albert leaned in very slowly, trying to reach Race’s ear. When Race moved his ear, closer, Albert blew into it. “I’m not telling you.”
“You’re boring,” Race said, trying to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling of Albert’s warm breath in his ear.
Dragon Fly was in the corner with Katherine and Sarah, updating each other about their lives.
"How’s college, Dragon Fly?" Katherine asked. "I know that you're going for writing."
Dragon Fly quickly pulled her cup up to her mouth. "It's...college." She took a long sip from her punch. "God, college makes me want to become an alcoholic.”
Sarah held her cup out. “I’ll cheer to that.”
Liberty passed by them. “I will cheer to that as well.”
“Do you even know what we’re cheering to?” Katherine asked.
“No,” Liberty said. “But, I heard Sarah say she was cheering to something and I didn’t want to be alone.”
Dragon Fly pointed to Max, Damien, and Rich in the corner. “Go talk to them. They look really bored.”
Liberty groaned. “Fine.”
“Time for presents!” Jack called. He passed out the gifts to everyone and sat next to Katherine. “This may be our best party ever.”
She smiled at him. “I may have to agree with you on that.”
“Who got me an empty box?” Finch asked loudly. 
“You haven’t even opened it,” Buttons replied.
“It weighs nothing.” Finch shook the box in his boyfriend’s face. “Nothing.” 
“If you’re so sure it’s nothing, then open it.”
Finch rolled his eyes and ripped the wrapping paper. He opened the box and looked inside. “There’s an envelope taped to the bottom.” He pulled the envelope out and turned it over. He found text and read it to himself. “I know we’ve been dating for five years, but I just want to say....” He opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper. When he opened it, glitter fell into his lap. He read the paper. “The amount of time we’ve been dating isn’t important to this gift. I just wanted to mislead you into opening a glitter bomb. I love you.” He turned to Buttons. “Cute. Where’s my real gift?”
Buttons smiled. “Behind the counter. I’ll go get it.”
“That was the best fake gift I’ve ever seen,” Henry said. 
“You’re telling me,” Sniper replied.
“Hey, Finch,” Buttons said, “I need you back here real quick. You’re present is too big to move by myself.”
Finch got up, brushed glitter off of himself, and walked to where Buttons was. When he walked behind the counter, he stopped. “Buttons?”
Buttons was on the floor behind the counter, kneeling with a ring in his hand. “Finch, I know that we’re only 21, but from the first moment I met you, I knew that you were the perfect person for me. I’ve been trying for the past few months, but I couldn't find the right time. When I drew your name for Secret Santa, I knew that this was a sign. I knew that it was meant to be now. Just like I knew that we would be together. You are my best friend, my life, and my soulmate. I love you so much. Will you, Patrick Cortes, do me the honor of marrying me?”
Finch stood speechless. He was frozen with his hand over his mouth. “Is this for real?”
“It’s as real as the glitter that will not wash off for the rest of your life.”
Finch let out a small laugh, trying to hold back tears. “Yes.” He let Buttons slide the ring onto his finger and hugged him tightly. “You’ve always been dramatic.”
Mush grabbed the mistletoe and held it over Finch and Buttons. “You have to kiss now!”
Buttons pulled Finch into a kiss and rested his forehead on Finch’s. “If you thought this was dramatic, wait for the wedding.”
I needed something cute and I was like “huh, maybe a Secret Santa proposal would be cute” so I did it and I hope it makes up for the crappiness. Thanks for reading. 
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