#yeah Vaughn just walked into the house
kaivenom · 3 days
May I request something heart break high related please?
Pool Pals
Summary: a normal afternoon with Ant ended up with you two breaking into the Hartley pool
Pairing: Anthony Vaughn x reader
Warnings: breaking into places, usual parties and alcohol, they are canonicaly 18th so it's not underage drinking.
A/N: Answering this person (the first request on this blog) i am really happy to do this and contribute to increase the little amount of fanfics that this fandom has. Of course i will write about them and i will write more from now on.
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At first, you two were hanging out on his garage, doing dumb stuff and not caring, then he said "let's break into the school's pool" and you said yes. It was exciting, just the two of you breaking the chains of your high school and like that, you were right in front of the pool. Everything would be dark if it wasn't because of the lights that came from the low of the pool.
"Oh my, we forgot swimsuits," you said slapping your forehead.
"Why we need them?" he looked at you with a smile and stripped himself into his underwear.
He threw himself onto the pool and gave you a gently hand to get into the water, with that adorable smile. You were a little self concious about entering with your underwear but at the end you did, and took his hand into the cold water.
"Are you shivering?" he asked you laughing.
"No, of course not, idiot."
You splashed him jokingly and suddently you started a water war. It was very funny, like time wasn't passing at all, each moment your bodies getting closer with the excuse of making the other one wetter.
At some point he wrapped you around his arms trying to made you stop, but neither of you could stop laughing, but his face was closer every second he twisted you with his arms. That little fight made the noise outside go unnoticed.
"What we have here?" suddently the door slammed open and an incredible amount of people entered the pool room, that voice was from Spider, "Man, you weren't answering my calls, i though you were dead, but when i tracked your phone and saw where you were i couldn't resist."
Now your relaxed oasis was full of people, drinking, partying and making noise. You didn't have the courage to get outside of the water and Ant was dragged with Spider. Now you are alone.
You spotted Amerie, Darren and the rest of your group and tried to get their attention. Once they saw you, help was provided and you finally had a towel to cover you up and went outside the pool. The next couple of hours you were with them, trying to ignore the fact that Spider ruined a beautiful moment. You couldn't talk anymore to Ant but you noticed his gaze on you.
"The police is here!!!!!" that was the sound of chaos, everyone started running and screaming.
Many people ended up on the pool trying to escape and you almost did that if it weren't for Ant's hand catching you. You two started to run and the towel fell off, you couldn't care less at that moment. The escape went for a couple of miles, until you didn't hear the sirens of the police anymore and you were sure you were alone.
That's when you realized the absence of the towel and tried to cover your body. Ant was fast thinking for once and got out his shirt to put it directly on you.
"Thanks," you said nervously.
"Nah, don't worry, it looks better on you." both of you smiled.
His hand went to you face and carresed slowly your cheek, his lips met yours in a sweet kiss.
"I've been wanting to do this all afternoon."
"Yeah, me too, but Spider..."
"Don't talk about him right now, you want to take a walk and find a nice place to seat and finish our hang out finally?"
"I would like it very much, but maybe i should go by my house before because i don't have pants right now."
"Nah, you look very good like that, but i can give you mine if you want."
His hand interlaced with yours as you two started walking down the street and laugh at Ant's jokes.
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assortedseaglass · 1 year
The Seamstress & The Sailor
Warnings: Little bit of language.
Word Count: 1.8K
Note: This is really just to introduce the characters and the tone of the piece. I hope you like this little group as much as I do!
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May, 1939
“Will you three get out of the way?” Cora Vaughn nudged her youngest sister, Dot, with her shoe as the cake in her hands slid on its plate. Dot was the first to jump up from the doorstep. Giggling, she grabbed the hands of Lois Bennett and hauled her to her feet. She, in turn, took the cake from Cora’s hands and went to place it on the table assembled in the street. Bunting was strung from a few of the lampposts, and newly laundered white tablecloths fluttered a little in the spring breeze. A few of the neighbours’ children ran by, chasing a leather football down the cobbles. The last to move was the middle of the Vaughn girls. Cigarette between her lips, she leant against the door frame, staring steely eyed across the street. Suddenly, she ran forward.
The old piano her father and Douglas Bennet were wheeling through the front door teetered. Just as her hands found the piano, another pair did the same. She looked up to see grey eyes twinkling back at her.
“Alright, Bess?”
Tom Bennett braced the piano against his shoulder.
“Alright, Tom.”
“You finished the dress then,” he nodded to her.
“Yeah, though I’m not sure on the red. Think it clashes with my hair.”
“I like it, nice to see you wearing dresses outside the dance hall,” he teased.
“Can you two stop your whispering and help?” Fergal Vaughn was going red in the face. Douglas Bennett looked ready to faint. Together the four of them manoeuvred the old upright through the door, and no sooner had it come to rest was Tom jogging to play football with the little ones. After inspecting the strings, Bess joined Cora and Lois once more on the doorstep of the Bennett’s home. Dot was bouncing around in front of them, her freshly curled hair shining in the sun.
“Yes, Dot, we know you’ve got tongs.” Cora said, clicking her teeth.
“Well it’s better than sleeping in rollers every night.” Dot retorted.
“I’d rather sleep in rollers than get up at the crack of dawn to curl my hair.”
“What time is Albie gonna be here?” Lois asked Bess, keen to stop the burgeoning argument.
“In a few minutes, I should say. Queenie Warren’s taken him for a walk around the houses.” Bess replied, watching Tom pick up one of the little boys to stop him reaching the ball. She smiled.
“Not the first time Queenie Warren’s been round the houses!” Dot laughed. Cora smacked her arm with a shush.
“Shit.” Bess threw her cigarette to the curb and ran to the piano. She played the first few chords of Happy Birthday, and the street stilled their activities to join in the song. Albie Vaughn rounded the corner, an overdressed young woman hanging off his arm. He beamed at the sight of them; his family and neighbours assembled around the table as they sang to him, and laughed brightly when Bess began a chorus of For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow. Dot swung her arm around her brother’s neck, causing Queenie Warren to stumble out of the way. Cora placed a hand on her back apologetically before kissing her brother’s cheek. Fergal hugged his son, while Douglas shook his hand and Tom clapped him on the back. Bess was the last to greet her younger brother, kissing his hand and smiling.
“My boy is twenty-one!” Fergal shouted proudly to the street. A cheer rang through the afternoon air and people settled at the table, tucking into the sandwiches and cakes that the Vaughn girls had prepared with Lois’ help. Bess lit another cigarette and resumed her place at the piano. Occasionally, while her fingers worked through ragtime and foxtrot, she glanced over the party.
Cora and Lois were laughing together about something, and it joyed Bess to see them leave their worries behind for a few hours. They had both given so much to look after their families. Fergal and Douglas, too, were laughing. A bottle of beer in each hand, their eyes crinkled in the corners as Fergal gesticulated wildly while telling some story about his life back in Cork. Albie and Dot were walking around, chatting to party guests. At the table, Queenie Warren was applying more lipstick. She leaned towards Tom and looked up at him through her lashes. To Bess’ great delight he ignored her, and instead stood to fill a plate with more food. Bess snorted. Greedy guts. She focussed her attention back on the piano, before something was placed atop it. She looked up.
Tom was leaning on the upright, eyes towards the party. When Bess didn’t speak, he looked round.
“I think we can manage without a few songs while you eat your lunch.” The plate he had placed on the piano was piled with sandwiches and a slice of Albie’s birthday cake. Bess reached for out for a sandwich and popped it in her mouth.
“Thanks,” she said through her mouthful. Tom simply smirked and sauntered back to his seat.
The afternoon carried on with much merriment. One of the old Irish dears from down the road brought out a wireless and a bottle of sherry to share with the Vaughn girls. Despite the warmth of the day, and the sherry, a chill descended with the start of the evening. Albie and Tom were sent to the pub while the girls packed away the party. They sniggered as Queenie Warren struggled to keep up with them in her heels.
By nine o’clock that evening, the Vaughns and the Bennetts were sat around the fire in the former’s kitchen. Albie had stumbled home not half an hour before and was currently asleep in the rocking chair by the hearth. Cora, Bess and Lois were washing up, while Dot looked through one of Bess’ fashion magazines. Tom was still at the pub. From the kitchen table, Fergal and Douglas watched their daughters.
Fergal was so reminded of his late wife each time he looked at his girls. Their dark, copper hair looked aflame in the firelight, and with each glimmer of their eye and hush of their voice he felt as though she were back there with them. Cora and her gentleness, Bess’ steely confidence, Dot with her joy. Thank God for his girls. He turned to Albie and pride swelled in his chest. With his dark curls and eyes, he was the image of his father. But just like his daughters, he too took after their mother.
“Twenty-one,” he said softly, causing Douglas to look up. “And Dot not long off eighteen.”
“Never thought I’d have a family after the war, let alone see them grown,” Douglas said.
“We were the lucky ones.” Fergal said sadly. They both drank to that and fell silent. After a moment, Fergal spoke again. “It does worry me, him being twenty-one.” He gestured to Albie, now snoring gently. “You know, with all this stuff going on in Poland. Sounds just like it was before.”
Douglas merely hummed. Fergal knew he was thinking of Tom.
“You want me to help you get him to bed?” Douglas asked.  
“No, me and the girls will manage.” Bess turned and rolled her eyes good naturedly.
By the time the Bennetts had said their goodbyes, and the Vaughns had collectively hauled Albie to bed, it was half past ten. Bess always liked this time of day. She loved her family, adored them, but living in a tiny house with five people left her craving solitude. She was just settling in the rocking chair with a small glass of whiskey when the door to the yard clicked open. Hair ruffled, hands in his pockets, gentle smile directed at Bess was Tom Bennett.
“Wrong house.”
He tutted. “I know,” he drew out the last word teasingly. Bess looked him over.
“Where’s Queenie?”
“How should I know?”
Bess shrugged. “She seemed pretty keen on you,”
“She’s keen on anything with a pulse,”
“You’re well suited then.” Bess slouched in the rocking chair and rested her head against its back. She heard Tom sit at the piano stool and pick a few notes at random to play. “Well, where were you?”
“Who put the pennies in you?” Tom laughed. Bess raised her eyebrows at him in question and he sighed. “Met a man down the pub who said he could get me some car parts.” Tom was used to her silence and accustomed to reading her mind. “For me to flog.”
Bess’ eyes never left his as she took a sip of her whiskey. Tom huffed. He knew she didn’t approve, but sometimes he wished she’d tell him this. Just behave like a normal girl and speak, rather than communicate with him telepathically. He didn’t realise how long their silence had lasted until Bess spoke again.
“Are you ok?”
He considered her before speaking. Tom often found himself at the Vaughn’s late in the evening with just Bess for company while the others slept. He found her quiet confidence calming. Tom imagined Lois and Cora knew that he snuck out to talk to her, but they never said anything. Tonight, though, he wasn’t sure why he was here and so simply nodded.
Bess stood and made her way to the piano and lightly played a melody. Tom copied. She did another four bars, and once again Tom followed. When she nudged his shoulder he looked up to find her warm smile.
“I think you’re the only person who understands me sometimes Bess,”
“Get yourself off to bed. Night Tom,” she rubbed his shoulder and made her way up the stairs. He watched her go, grabbed his jacket from the table and left through the front door, tucking his spare key into his trousers. Just as he went to open the door to his own home across the street, he heard the clicking of shoes on the cobbles.
“Here,” Bess thrust something into his hands as he turned around. “We’ve got plenty. Too much. Goodnight.”
Tom opened the tissue paper and found a few slices of Albie’s birthday cake. He watched Bess disappear back into their house. She didn’t look back.
Note: Things will start to pick up in the next few chapters, I promise! Expect unlikely friendships, angst, gossip, letters, maybe a little sauciness…
The Vaughn girls ages are 24 (Cora), 22 (Bess) and 17 (Dot). I’ve put Lois at the same age as Cora, and Tom at the same age as Bess.
Tags: @aemonds-wifey @multiple-fandoms-girl @jessssica1234 @babyblue711 @i-killed-ramsey @anditsmywholeheart @allthefandomtherapy @valerie977 @bookwyrmsblog @phantomontheinternett @chainsawsangel
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nerdyvocals · 10 months
A continuation of this post, more quotes from me and @look-at-those-niceass-rocks watching Pink Ladies together, this time episodes 4-7 (again shared with permission, and since the cast is in the house, @saveourpinks, please enjoy our unhinged dumbassery):
Principal Nicholson is a fuckin' weenie
(during Sorry to Distract) I am looking respectfully. I am looking SO respectfully. Their husband, distantly: I doubt that Me: *WHEEZE*
(During Carelessly) The true bisexual experience is not knowing which one of them you would rather be making out in the park with. (I am pan but I concur)
(@ Buddy) OH POOR FUCKING BABY, find purpose outside of your socially assigned tasks
Fucking of course his name is Leonard
Them: I would've gone fucking feral for this show in high school. Both of us, in sync: I'm going fucking feral for it now
Me: Anyway, rest in peace Cynthia Zdunowski, you would've loved they/them pronouns Them: *CHOKE*
Wally: I'm kinda hungry Them: Looks like she's kinda thirsty
(About Richie and Jane "needing to talk") That has spiked MY anxiety and I'm not even Jane. I would have been CHASING that little shit down.
(When Vaughn told Lydia to help Cynthia) I want a very sexually charged line reading session between the two of them and if I don't get it I Will Cry-- Levi, I don't like the way you're laughing right now
(Note I couldn't breathe for a Hot Minute, I forgot they somehow hadn't seen any spoilers for this show)
Richie: Jane's my girl, not my boss Them: YOu are wrong, she is both. I've seen the way you look at her I'm not a fuckin' idiot.
Me: Anytime I see Lydia or Cynthia I just embody that one quote- Did you ever watch Boy Meets World? Them: What, no? Me: Hang on, there's a quote from Shawn, I'll find it (Note it took me five minutes to find this clip, 2:00-2:09 if you're curious, but the quote is: Aw to heck with it, marry me! I live in a trailer park and I have no education but my hair does this!)
The entirety of Merely Players consisted of a stream of: fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
(@ Mr. Pedo Man) You deserve beige you piece of shit
(After Jane and Richie's fight) Think about the last time a boy gave her his jacket you fucking dipshit, you goddamn weenie.
(Honorable mention: Both of us replying to everything Richie said in that argument with "Yeah, it is about her, it's her life, what's wrong with her wanting an education???")
Me: I love how the most scathing insult you can think of is to call someone a weenie, are you eight? Them: It's fifties appropriate!
Vaughn: You are a revelation! Them: Yeah, she's a revelation to my fucking sexuality
Them: [Husband], they're lesbians! Husband, nowhere near the computer: I know
(Jane got more votes) HEHEHE GET FUCKED
Me: I love how quickly your opinion of this man changed from the first episode, you were ready to simp and now you hate him Them: YEAH BECAUSE i THOUGHT HE WAS NICE I WAS BAMBOOZLED AND I'M MAD ABOUT IT.
Jane and Buddy: *kiss at the end of episode 4* Them: I am going to bite his nose off
Lydia: You swallow your consonants Them: Well you were swallowing her tongue a minute ago, that probably didn't fucking help Me: *choking on drink*
(during Girl's Can't Drive): Mama I'm a Big Girl Now walked so this song could fucking RUN
Them: So when does Hazel get a jacket? Me: I have no idea what you're talking about, shut up
(After me reading them the discrepancies between the amount of Thesbians fics on AO3 to literally anything else) I am addressing this to every single person who writes in this fandom, puh-LEASE seek therapy
Me: *short rant on how I Cannot Resist a Butch in a White Tshirt* Them: I'm just obsessed with [Lydia's] robe, I wanna take it...off. [Husband]: *unintelligible* Them: THE ACTOR IS AN ADULT I CAN FIND THEM ATTRACTIVE
(after I pointed out that Lydia keeps staring out the window at the Frosty Palace like she's waiting for someone) I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE
Me: I have a fic for you Them: if it's more Potato, I'm down
Olivia: *slaps Richie* Them: She could wake me up like that, I wouldn't complain
I would be a 1950s housewife for Potato
Them: I am no longer simping for Richie Me: He's having a hard time right now Them: I know this, and I will resume simping later when he's done being stupid
T-Birds: *having a heart-to-heart* Them: *sniff* They're all coming over to my house and I'm making them soup and bread
Richie: I think I'm in love (one tear catches light) Both of us, Supernatural veterans: ~a single man-tear~ *FIVE MINUTES OF WHEEZING LAUGHTER*
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miyagifangkai · 2 years
Close Call
Tagged: @westviewsstuff
Request: can you make a Daniel x Reader oneshot but the reader has a Jules Vaughn personality their just really happy, calm and bubbly person but sometimes they easily get angry, soo Reader and Daniel were biking together till the cobras tried to mess with Daniel reader had enough and stood up for him like literally pulling out a tazer while shouting at them the cobras got terrified and left, they got home and layed down on the readers bed talking about stuff while they looked at each other then they eventually kiss??
Word count: 1.1k
!!!Not completely proofread!!!
Warnings: Lots of cussing!!, violence, and kissing?? That’s about it! Also I’ve never watched Euphoria but I tried! 😊
Couple Pairing: Young!Daniel Larusso x Reader
Characters Involved: Reader, Daniel Larusso, Johnny Lawrence (he’s an ass)
A/N: hi!!! I know you requested this so long ago.. I’m so sorry this took so long. You are so allowed to be mad at me 🤣 but anyways!! Thank you for your patience and being awesome! I hope you like it!
You were always very easy going and honestly, so was your best friend, Daniel Larusso.
You and him immediately became friends on his first day of school. You saw him getting pushed around by Johnny Lawrence and his group of minions which made you feel bad for him. After they finished their petty and, shall I say, needless bullying you approached the lanky brunette.
“Hey, need a hand?”
“Nah, I’m good. Thanks,” the brown haired boy waves you off.
“C’mon, let me at least clean this up for you,” you take out your small first aid kit and start cleaning up the small cut on Daniel’s temple.
Daniel hisses when you disinfect the wound, “Shit, sorry dude!”
“It’s okay,” Daniel slightly chuckles.
You finish up and help Daniel stand back up.
“I’m Y/N,” you reach out your hand and Daniel shakes it.
“Hey, I’m Daniel. Daniel Larusso.”
You smile, “Cool! So, Daniel, first day huh?”
“Couldn’t tell?”
“Um, no. It’s kinda blatantly obvious,” you laugh, “but already getting caught up in Lawrence and his goons probably wasn’t your best decision.”
Daniel scratches the back of his neck signaling he was feeling uncomfortable with the conversation, “Yeah, I don’t think it was either.”
You two smile at each other and you say, “Need me to show you around?”
Daniel stares at you for a second debating if he should or not. He didn’t want any more trouble with anybody.
He decides to throw all the cons out the window and answers, “Yeah! Sure!”
You two started to become closer and closer with each other with each passing month. Him going over to your house and you going over to his, that is when he wasn’t training for karate. He told you about how he was gonna beat Johnny Lawrence’s ass; you supported his decision on learning karate. He had to take up for himself sooner or later.
But whenever he had the time you two would spend time together and after awhile you felt yourself starting to develop feelings for him. You were pretty sure those feelings weren’t reciprocated because you were just friends so you stuffed your feelings deep down so you wouldn’t ruin your friendship with him.
After school one day Mr.Miyagi gave Daniel the day off so he could hang out with you and give him a break. You two decided to go bike riding and pick up some burgers. After you both ate you two were riding back home when you were cut off by Johnny and his asshole friends.
“Well, well, well,” Johnny walked up to Daniel and leans over the bike rail, “Larusso has girlfriend.”
“Leave me alone,” Daniel leans back a bit on his bike.
Johnny mocks in the best girly voice he can muster, “Leave me alone.”
“Guys, really. We’re not bothering any of you. Can we just drop this stupid rivalry for one day?” You say rolling your eyes.
Daniel looks at you with concern, “Don’t, Y/N. Go home.”
You shake your head and stand your ground.
“Oh! She speaks!” Johnny laughs and looks at his friends and then looks back at you with narrow eyes, “No.”
“Get him!” One of Johnny’s friends yells and they grab Daniel and restrain him while Johnny starts punching him.
You scream, “Let him go!”
You run up to Johnny and try to grab his wrist but in the heat of the moment Johnny elbows you square in the jaw.
“Y/N!” You hear Daniel yell.
You fall down to the ground cupping your face as you start to feeling your anger rise. You look at Johnny with pure steam coming out of your ears and run to your backpack to get your taser out.
You walk up to Johnny with heavy steps, you gather all the strength you can and grab Johnny in a chokehold, and put the taser to his neck and turn it on.
“What the fuck!” Johnny exclaims out of the surpise.
Johnny’s friends drop Daniel to the ground and Daniel lies there holding his side. You let the trigger go and the taser stops.
“I suggest you motherfuckers get the Hell out of here before I taze his ass!” You scream.
Johnny fights you off getting out of your grip, “You’re a crazy bitch!”
“Crazy? Maybe. Bitch? Absolutely not!” You turn the taser on again and start screaming at them with all your might causing the boys to get on their bikes and speed away from you.
“Y/N, holy shit! That was–that–”
You give Daniel a small smile, “You’re welcome. Let’s get you home, yeah? My house is closer so we’ll go there.”
Daniel weakly nods his head and you two ride to your complex.
You throw Daniel’s arm over your shoulder and help him into your families apartment and you two go straight to your room. You lead Daniel to the bed and he lays down groaning.
You run down stairs and get a few small ice packs and wrap them with wash cloths and hand a few to Daniel. You put one on your eye and you sit down on the bed with Daniel.
“Johnny Lawrence is such an asshole! No wonder you’re doing karate.”
Daniel laughs, “Yeah, he’s a dick. I’m so sorry he hit you,” Daniel raises his hand up and puts his on yours and you immediately get chills from his touch.
You shake your head, “No. I’m okay. Don’t worry. How are you holding up?”
Daniel raises up on the bed and slowly pulls his shirt up and your eyes grow wide, “Oh man, they got you good,” you touch his ribs softly and Daniel sucks in his breath.
“Oh–sorry,” you look away.
“It’s okay. Just hurts,” you can tell Daniel is holding back tears.
You nod your head and look down at your hands starting to pick your nails. You see Daniel’s hand caress yours to make you stop picking and you look up at him.
Daniel takes the lead and kisses you, surprised you pull away quickly.
“Oh, Dan–”
“No! I’m sorry! I just thought–”
“Y/N,” Daniel looks at you and you at him.
“I like you.”
Your eyes stare deeper into his searching for an answer but you never found one. You too afraid to tell him how you felt. For some reason you thought he’d be joking with you. You were all just a big joke to him.
You sigh throwing caution to the wind, “I like you too. I have for a long time.”
Daniel gets a big smile on his face, “Really?”
You chuckle happily, “Yeah! Really!”
Daniel leans in again and you two connect lips. You could practically feel his heart pounding and yours too as he cups your cheek. You two pull away from each other trying to catch your breath. You both smile.
You couldn’t believe that you and your best friend had just kissed. But you were so damn happy that you did.
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breezypunk · 7 months
15, 17, 20 and 21 💌
Thankie! <3
Questions here
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15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
First is Ozeanblau by Ambyion. It's my favorite song. However that song was playing when I created Vaughn, which made it important to start with. Than when I started shipping him with Goro I created a HC in which whenever Vaughn's anxiety is really bad, Goro will play the song and dance with Vaughn until his panic attacks went away. It works like a charm every time. Since than that song has been incredibly important, not only to me but to them as well.
However the #1 song that reminds me of their relationship the most is Soul of the Beautiful by The Veer Union. That's their number one ship song in my shippy playlist too, haha. This song has so much meaning to their story, one I never dabbled into too much for various reasons. In my HC when Goro had to leave Vaughn for 6 months and go back to Japan, Vaughn was devastated, but music was his cure and this was the song he dedicated to Goro while he was gone. Not to mention the lead singer is the voice claim I use for Vaughn's own singing voice, so it's like Vaughn is singing it directly to Goro.. which makes it even more special. It's been their song since the moment I heard it. :)
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17. How well do they communicate? Are they open with their feelings/thoughts or more reserved? Why?
Towards the beginning they were both fools who had no idea how to communicate. Neither of them were experienced in falling in love or real committed relationships. So they were both just disasters (hence their old ship name ehehe). It took them a while to feel comfortable opening up about certain topics, and that's not to say they didn't trust each other, because they learned very early on they could trust one another, but to express their emotions and feelings on an intimate level made them both super nervous, and made things awkward sometimes. But awkward in a cute way ;p They had so much to learn, and they've come such a long way. Now they both can't shut up about their feelings.
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20. How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
The most effective way to comfort Vaughn when he's upset is to just sit with him in silence. Don't talk, just sit. Goro learned this early on, sometimes he can't help but touch Vaughn or hug him if he's having a super bad day, but mostly Goro's presence alone is all the comfort Vaughn needs.
Goro absolutely craves touch when he's having a bad day or is upset, and Vaughn can happily oblige. Curled up on the couch or on the bed, entangled with each other and just letting the sadness fade away, sometimes they'll even end up falling asleep this way, and than Goro will wake up in a better mood.
For both, just them being there is comfort, it's home.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
Vaughn never thought the day would come when he'd say yes, but.. yes.
Having a partner you can do random everyday little things with around the house is so much fun to him. Doing laundry together? Yeah! Dishes together? You betcha!
Okay maybe not those..
But simply just walking around the apartment and giving each other little kisses on the forehead or cheek when they pass each other, or just sitting on the couch watching cringey movies, or even cleaning the apartment in detail together. Cooking dinner together is when Vaughn really knew he was enjoying the domestic life. Goro is such a huge flirt in the kitchen, and Vaughn dies every time. The small things that make them go "damn, we're really in it now.. for the long haul". Blissful feeling.
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newwwwusername · 1 year
So please do Ant/Spider
Just make it fluffy with no angst, everything else is up to you! Thanks! ^^
Please don't repost this on any other platforms. It will be posted on AO3 and Wattpad under the same username
Anthony didn't like to stay in his home all that much- It just never felt 100% safe- So he'd spend a lot of his time at Spencer's. The blonde’s parents were hardly ever home anyway, so it was never an issue.
One of these particular times, Anthony was especially tired when he arrived at his... Friend’s house. He’d had a really long day at school which had only been dragged even longer because of SLT, and God, he was just so burnt out.
“Someone’s seen better days” Spencer teased as the all-too-familiar face of Anthony Vaughn walked into his bedroom, dropped his bag by the door, and promptly collapsed onto the bean bag. Anthony rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, this one’s been a lot” he shrugged. “With sluts and everything”
“Well, my parents are out on some trip, again” Spencer rolled his eyes. “And they aren’t gonna be back till sometime next week, so if you wanna stay over you can”
“Oh, fuck” Anthony chuckled to himself. “Had I known that, I would’ve packed better” he laughed, though his voice was laced with anxiety. Spencer gave him a pat on the shoulder.
“Don’t sweat it, eh? I can just lend you some of my clothes” he offered. “We’re about the same size anyway”
“Oh, you’re so right”
“What else is new?” Spencer said with a small flex, which got a kick in the shins from the other boy. “Ow, what the fuck!?”
“Love you too, Spider!”
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em-writes-stuff · 2 years
Flufftober day 2
prompt: “You’ve told your parents?” 
characters: Emberly, Echo, Nyks, Echo’s parents
warnings: food
642 words
There was a cool breeze drifting through the house, the smell of freshly baked something filled the air and Emberly wandered in through the door. She tossed her bag onto the pile of blankets and kicked off her shoes. Her cloak fell to the floor and she took a deep breath in through her nose. 
Someone laughed from the kitchen and Emberly smiled softly. She made her way to the kitchen and smirked when she saw Nyks’ back facing her. She crept forward slowly, motioning for Echo not to point her out just yet. It rolled his eyes, but turned its attention back to the oven. 
She was just about to pounce on Nyks when someone behind her screamed. 
Nyks turned around, her hand flew to her dagger’s sheath, but when she saw who was behind her, her arm relaxed. 
“Emberly!” she exclaimed. “We weren’t expecting you back for two days!” 
Nyks pulled her into a hug and grabbed Echo’s elbow and pulled him into their hug. Emberly wrapped her arms around the two of them. 
“Umm…” someone said. 
Echo pulled away from them and cleared his throat. Emberly held onto it and finally took notice of the two other people in the house. There was an older couple standing in the archway to the kitchen. The woman was taller than the man, just barely so. They had kind faces, although at the moment they were anything but smiling. Echo linked its arm with Emberly’s and guided her forward. 
“Ma, Pa, this is Emberly,” he said. 
The woman’s scowl broke and she smiled widely, her face looking so much like Echo’s, Emberly kicked herself for not knowing who they were immediately. 
“Oh!” The woman shouted. She pulled Emberly into her arms, “We’ve heard great things about you! Thank you so much for taking such good care of our boy.” Her hold on Emberly loosened and she pulled away. 
The man nodded once and stuck his hand out towards her. She shook it firmly and he nodded again. He looked at Echo and smiled, “She’s good.” 
“Yeah, Pa. I know.” he said, feigning annoyance. 
Nyks herded Echo’s parents into the living room, whispering that she’d be right back and left the kitchen. 
“What’s cooking?” Emberly asked, opening the door to the oven and sticking her face inside. “Spinach rolls? Delicious.” she leaned against the counter and pulled Echo against her, resting her chin on his head. “Can’t believe you were making them without me.” she pouted. 
“I was planning on making more. The garden is doing really well this year. Too well, actually. I’ve barely had time enough to give everything away yet.” he said. 
She sighed tiredly. “I didn’t know you were talking to your parents.” 
“I wasn’t planning on it.” it said. “But then Nyks lost Vaughn and I decided I wanted to talk to them before it was too late. I sent a messenger to find them and bring them here and lo and behold they’re staying for a month.” 
Nyks walked back into the kitchen and leaned against Emberly, resting her head against her shoulder. “They want to know that they’ll be alright with Emberly home early.” 
“You told them?” she asked. 
“They know about both of us. Not the specifics, of course. But they had a right to know. It just kinda slipped out about yours though.��� it said. 
“You’ve told your parents about your magic?” she said. 
Echo shrugged and nodded. “Not like I can be executed anymore. Besides, since Spence left the kingdom changed quite a bit apparently. More people are fighting against the ban, I guess.” 
They fell silent for a while, just sitting in the others’ company until everything in the oven was done. 
They filed into the living room and finished the evening talking with Echo’s parents and laughing until their stomachs hurt. 
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thundermoon69 · 6 months
"I'm sure it meant nothing "
Cat said too me as I was still staring at the status beck had uploaded earlier this morning with a girl name Alyssa vhagan who's happens too be a famous model and had a famous daddy
I rolled my eye's "if it was nothing then why he caption 'the world's most beautiful girl love you glad we gotten too hang out today.'
Now see normally I don't mind beck hanging out with other girl's I'm not your jealous type the thing that gotten me piss of was the captain he put on it.
How can he love this girl?
What was so amazing about her?
Expect that she's a model
and have a rich daddy?
Him and I have been together for a year and never once have he told me he love me. But like we both said we would do it when the times right witch I didn't care.
But after that post it started something in me what if the girls at the school were saying were true
That he just felt pitty for me
That I wasn't Good enough for him?
Ughh this is why I don't fall in love cause then it ruins everything why did that damn Canadian man
Have too melt my heart.
"Y/n!" Tori yelled I jump out of my thoughts and look at her
"What?" I snapped "look he probably known her for a while"
I shurg " I don't care if he wants that he can have that" I said getting up walking out the door but then bump into the one person I didn't wanna see
I rolled my eyes
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"Hey, I was um gonna knock."
I scoft rolling my eye's "why don't you knock on Alyssa Vaughn's door"
He sighs and I stare at him so he knew I was mad.
"Look her and I are just friend's "
"And you say I love you too your friend's? "
"Y/n" he says but I cut him off
" I never hear you say I love you too any of your friends for as long as we known each other.
But if you wanna be around that then fine by me down bring me down when your doing it."
"Can you calm down for a second let me explain."
"What'd is there too explain beck?"
We were still standing outside my house and I'm sure everyone could hear so I sighed softly and walked around back and he fellow we sat on the long chair by the tree.
" if this is your way of breaking up with me. Then it's a lame move oliver." I only said his last name when I was piss mad and that was me still.
"Y/n I'm not breaking up with you, what in the world makes you think that?"
I held up my phone shown him the picture
" I don't love her the way I love you."
I scoft "Yeah... say that when I'm not mad at you"
"Your stubborn as hell you know that" I shurg
"Maybe I should hate you again..... it was easier that way."
Hopefully he didn't hear the last part but I know he did cause he tense up a bit.
But I wasn't even gonna lie yeah back before we started being friends and then dating shit was alot easier I didn't have too show my feelings worry about being jealous cause he was there no matter what
But now over a year my feelings been harder too control cause of this man who stands before me
This man who I love unconditional is making me scare at it all too fast and somehow though I found out that I am a jealous person
"Y/n I mean it I do love you, your the most important thing in my life.
I don't wanna go back with us hating each other I hated that. I fought too hard too get too you I'm not about too lose you too some sob girl."
I smirked he lift my head up and looked at me "I love you "
"I love you" I said sincerely he smiled and kiss me with passion I kiss back the same
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Warping my arms around him he bites my lips
I let out a low moan he chuckles under the kiss
"Awe look they made up" I herd tori from the window I groan annoyed 'way too ruin a moment sis' I though in my head beck had me close too him
I turn andlook toris way "Yeah now leave"
I said she looks at me confused "I live here too you know"
"So leave "
"Right, I ruin the moment "
I nodded and wave her off she headed back inside I turn towards beck who've just look at me He nudge me
"Amit it"
I raised my eyes "amit what?"
"That you were actually jealous? "
I scoft "me jealous please you could've done better then that wrench "
"Oh you were jealous and you know it.".
"Fine ok I was jealous happy." I said with a pout he chuckles and kiss me softly I kiss back and pull away
"But just for future reference you don't got nothing too get jealous of if anything I should be the one jealous. "
I raised my eyes "how come?"
"Cause she likes girls not guys"
My face went hot red from being embarrassed I Barry my head against his chest this time he laugh
"See next time let me explain."
I nodded "yeah...... I-" He cut me of by smashing his lips on mines and our lips moved in sync
0 notes
victorluvsalice · 3 years
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Day 3 of this round of Newcrest Adventures, and Eric Embers is starting to adapt to living in a haunted house! At the very least, he’s learned how to get some sleep while the specters are spectering, so. . .progress? *shrug* At any rate, he managed to top up his energy, mop up the mysterious symbols (and the water from the sink that broke -- unsure if that was just bad luck or that angry specter from last time), get some breakfast and some TV in --
And then Vaughn, a random guy he knows, just kinda -- showed up. For no reason. Eric and I were equally confused, especially when I couldn’t find the “send home” option on him. O.o Damn NPCs. . .fortunately, he wasn’t actually getting in Eric’s way either (just standing around in the living area), so I had Eric finish his food and attempt another ceremony instead of worrying about the intruder. This one went MUCH better -- sure, the lights flickered, but at least Eric’s new medium powers didn’t sputter out three-quarters of the way through! It also gave Vaughn a bit of a spook -- Eric reassured him that he was well on his way to becoming a proper Paranormal Investigator (complete with a badge -- feel like that shouldn’t unlock until you’ve got, you know, the LICENSE, but Eric was a Detective before, so maybe he just repurposed an old badge), and THEN finally got the option to tell him to shoo. XD About time. . .
After that, I ended up devoting most of Eric’s day to his own reflection -- dude had some Charisma skill to finish building up, after all! And, happily, after hours upon hours of talking, he finally did it! Level 10, maxed out, Friend of the World aspiration finally completed! :D
Just in time for Vlad AND two very angry little specter blobs to show up outside the front door! Apparently the game REALLY wanted me to do things other than just skill up. . .
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visforvengeance · 2 years
Hit a Muthafucka // Fezco
Requested by: no one :)
Notes: heyy! it's been so long and i've missed you guys. i have TWO things to let you guys read. that's a record right there. i love me some fezco and nate fawking deserved that shit. i am a jules vaughn apologist, idc. eenyway I hope you guys like this as much as did!
Warnings: like violence, swearing, slight drug use, maybe ooc?
Rue couldn’t sit still while Fez drove to the New Year’s party. Fez’s patience was long gone as Rue talked about the situation we were just in. “How the fuck are you laughing right now, Rue?” Rue mumbled something we couldn’t understand, so I spoke up for her.
“It’s the adrenaline. If you’re put in a situation that causes fear, you get an adrenaline rush. Which activates your fight or flight senses.” Fez looked at me through the rearview mirror. “How do you know that shit?” I looked away, feeling embarrassed. “I read a lot of books.” Thankfully, we’d reached the party before he could say something.
Rue had gone somewhere while Ash, Fez, and I walked towards the couch. He pulled out an already rolled blunt and lit it. I watched as he inhaled the smoke and threw his head back on the couch. He held it in for a second and then exhaled. He looked over at me, asking if I’d like to take a hit. I took the blunt and inhaled, looking around at all the people as I did so. I noticed Jules and Kat talking among themselves. Maddie was pulling some guy into the bathroom and Lexi had finally found Cassie, who looked on the edge and confused.
Fez spoke up about our previous topic on adrenaline and how I knew such information. “So you read a lot of books, huh?” I nodded, turning my attention back to him. “Yeah, my mom’s a doctor. So, you get a lot of books about shit like that. I mean I read other stuff too. It’s just when you’ve read everything in your collection, you get bored. And the next thing you know, you’re reading some shit about adrenal glands.” He laughed at my nervous ramble. “You’re fucking adorable.”
I’ve known Fez just as long as he’s known Rue. At first, he wasn’t interested in the personal lives of his customers. But, there was something about Rue that pulled him in. He became like a big brother to her. They didn’t speak on it, but the sentiment was there.
I remember the first time I came with Rue to get drugs, I was very displeased at the fact that he was selling drugs to her. But, I quickly realized that it was best she got them from someone she trusted and not some random asshole.
You didn’t see Rue without seeing me, too; she was my best friend, and we were two peas in a pod. Despite being around him a lot, I hardly spoke to him. Small talk was very common between us. Yet somehow, I developed a crush on him. Which grew as time passed.
We had gotten closer since Rue had her overdose. We both had her in common and found comfort in each other. When Rue was too busy with Jules, I was with Fez and Ash. We had gotten close enough to where I could chill with him at his house for hours. Sometimes, even sleep over.
Jules saw me and walked over. “Is Rue here?” She was nervous. They hadn’t spoken since the night Jules left. Rue was in shambles. I couldn’t say that I was mad at Jules, but I felt bad for her. Nate really dragged her into his fucked upness and what better way than to cope by using alcohol? She was nervous, though.
“Yeah, she’s in the back.” I gave her a small smile. Rue had put up a front that she was angry in the time that Jules was gone. Angry at her for leaving, angry at Nate for taking advantage of her, angry at herself for…simply falling in love with a dreamer (as Nate called her). What she described as anger was just raging sadness. I think Rue forgets that I know her like the back of my hand.
We watched as Jules talked with Rue, it didn’t look as if it were going well, so we turned away.
When I looked over at Fez, I noticed that his eyes were fixed on Nate. Fez and Nate didn’t like each other. Fez had gotten a whiff of what Nate did from Rue, which caused Fez to ooze overprotectiveness. I watched as Fezco’s mouth twitched. Whatever he was thinking, it was not good. I tried to distract him by asking if I could tell him something.
What a great way to admit I have feelings for him. I took a deep breath. “I know we’ve gotten closer since Rue’s overdose. And I’ve been kinda having feelings for you.” He smiled and chuckled. “I know.” I sat there, confused. He looked at me and laughed even more; this was fucking embarrassing.
“You know Rue can’t keep her fucking mouth shut. She told me.” I couldn’t tell from his response if I should punch or kiss Rue. I sat there, waiting to see how he felt. When he finally looked up at me, there was a shy smile on his lips. “Yeah, I like you too.”
As I processed what he said, a smile crept up on my face. His attention turned back to Nate, “yo, listen. Imma need you to go to the car with Ash. I gotta handle some business.” The look on his face was focused and serious. I’ve seen that look one other time, the night when he went out to “handle” some business. But, then he came back with blood on his clothes. I’ve learned that his idea of handling business meant violence.
I turned his head so he could look at me, “whatever you’re about to do, don”t.” His features softened for a second. He sighed, “I have to. He’s not gonna get his unless somebody gives it to ‘em. Now go to the fucking car, please.” I nodded and watched as he walked towards Nate, cup in his hand. Ash was long gone; I couldn’t just leave him here, though. So I stayed and watched as he calculated his attack.
Three 6 Mafia’s Hit a Muthafucka played in the background. The chorus timed perfectly as Fez smashed a bottle on Nate’s head. McKay rushed to pull Fez off of him as he landed punch after punch on his face. Maddy and Cassie screamed for help as blood flew from the action. It was like time slowed when Fez’s eyes met mine.The range of emotion on his features was profound. I was taken aback at the scene in front of me; people crowded around as they watched the aftermath. Fez rushed me out of the house, “yo, we gotta fucking get out of here. I told you to go to the fucking car. I ain’t want you to see none of that shit, man.”
The car ride home was silent. Fez didn’t even speak to me once we entered his house. “Yo, I think you should go check on him,” Ash spoke up. Ash knew his brother better than I ever could.
I walked into Fez’s room and stood by the door. He didn’t even look at me; my mind raced as I pondered on what I should say.
“It’s ok, you know. Nate had it coming.” He lifted his eyes to look up at me. I walked over so I was standing in front of him, my hands on his shoulders. He placed his bloodied hands on the back of my thighs, playing with the hem of my biker shorts. I bent to kiss his head, “I could never be scared of you.”
“I couldn’t let him just hurt my family and get away with that shit.” It was admirable to see the lengths he’d go to, to protect the people he cared about. “I know, baby. Nate is a fucking cunt.” He laughed, he’d never heard me say something like that. “In the last few months I’ve known you, I ain’t never heard you say no shit like that.”
I pushed his shoulders lightly and sat next to him on his bed. “Well, it’s true. As much as I loved seeing Nate get his ass beat, we have to be careful now. You know his dad has every asshole in this town in his back pocket.” He smiled and kissed my cheek. “You’re cute when you’re worried, but don’t worry, ma. I got this.”
Hopefully, Nate can keep his mouth shut for once.
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whimsicallyreading · 3 years
You Don’t Even Go Here
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Day Two for Rowaelin Month
A college AU
Aelin grins mischievously as she walks up the stairs of the men's dorm at Terresan University. The teal-blue waffle iron clutched under her arm.
Aedion didn't really need it. It had been on the fifty-percent-off rack at the supermarket, and he'd simply thrown it in the cart for good measure. Yet, when Aelin saw the box for it laying the hall, she'd seen opportunity.
It had hit her harder than she'd thought. Aedion leaving. They'd been raised like siblings but grew up something closer to best friends. It wasn't fair that he was nearly three years older and ready to leave when she wasn't prepared for him to go.
Aelin had cried the whole car ride home. Then when they finally got back to the house, she'd called him right away. He could hear how teary she was and happily obliged her call. Narrating his actions as he went about setting up his dorm room. He teased her about missing him, but she could tell that he missed her too.
So, armed with an excuse to visit him, Aelin made the hour-long drive to visit her cousin.
Aelin was halfway up the stairs but not paying too much attention to her surroundings. She was too busy repeating Aedion's room number over in her head because no matter how many times she checked her phone, it just wouldn't stick in her head. Maybe if she'd focused a little more on the things happening around her, she wouldn't have crashed into a half-naked man.
A solid and calloused hand darts out and grips her shoulder before she can go tumbling down the stairs. Its twin desperately clutching the towel wrapped around his waist.
Aelin looks up apologetically, and her jaw nearly falls to the floor. His white hair was still damp from the shower and swooped over the top of his head, and his biceps were too large for Aelin to wrap both hands around. An intricate tattoo coils elegantly from a cheekbone and down the length of his body.
He was a man indeed. Nothing like Chaol or Dorian or any of her junior friends. This was a new breed of man. The apex kind. Aelin is pretty sure she looks like a deer in the headlights, and she's too busy ogling him to understand the words he'd been repeating to her.
"Are you okay?" His eyebrows are furrowed as if he's afraid he'd literally struck her stupid. Aelin felt that wasn't far from the truth.
"Yes, sorry," she apologizes as she steps back, suddenly very aware of how in his personal space she was. "I wasn't paying attention. You just caught me by surprise."
Aelin was definitely panicking. Where was her swagger when she needed it most? Why would it choose now to abandon her?
By some miracle, he doesn't seem off-put by her awkwardness. In fact, a smile curls the edges of his lips, revealing a set of dimples that made her heart stumble.
Gods he had dimples.
"No, I ran into you. It's my fault. My name is Rowan.”
He holds out a hand, and Aelin shakes it clumsily. "I'm Aelin."
"Aelin." She loves the way her name rolls off his tongue. "I haven't seen you around before. Are you a freshman?"
Oh no. Aelin's eyes widen, but she recovers swiftly and smooths her features out. Rowan thinks she's a student. Not some crazy high schooler too emotionally dependent on her cousin.
"I'm actually a junior," Aelin laughs at his perplexed expression. "I don't go here, though. I'm just stopping by to drop off some things my cousin forgot."
White lies. What was a white lie worth? Aelin likely wouldn't ever see him again, and is it so wrong for a girl to enjoy some harmless attention? If Aelin spent more time thinking about it, she probably wouldn't like the answers she'd come up with, but that was neither here nor there.
"Is that a waffle maker?" Rowan's green eyes glint with amusement.
"My cousin loves to eat. What year are you?" Aelin crosses her fingers that he's the same age as Aedion and not a senior or something. Her cousin would murder her if he found out she flirted with a man five years older.
"Don't we all? I'm a sophomore, a bit younger than you, I suppose." Rowan drags a hand through his hair. "Listen, I know you came to see your cousin, but maybe I could get your number, and we could get a cup of coffee before you head out?"
Was this really happening? Aelin inwardly squealed with excitement. Lysandra would die when she recounted this story later. "Sure."
Just as she pulled her phone from her pocket, an all too familiar voice materialized behind her. "Aelin?"
Aedion smiles as he lays eyes on his beloved cousin. He takes a couple steps down the stairs, and that grin quickly fades as he sees the naked man.
Oops, she'd forgotten that detail.
"Rowan?" Aedion's eyes harden as they lock on Rowan. "Why the hell are you ogling my cousin with no clothes on?"
"You know him?" Aelin swears under her breath. She cannot believe her luck.
Aedion laughs coldly as he sizes up Rowan, "He's my roommate, but he's about to be a corpse. Why are you perving on my seventeen-year-old cousin?"
Rowan's looks between the bewildered. "You said you were a junior?"
Aedion laughs harshly as Aelin blushes. "I am...just in highschool. Not college. I told you I didn't go here."
"I didn't realize I was rooming with a pedophile," Aedion grabs Aelin and pulls her to his chest. "Was he bothering you?"
"Pedophile?" Rowan's dimples have disappeared, and he looks at Aedion disturbed. "I'm only nineteen!"
Aelin shoves away from Aedion's boorish grip. "The only one bothering me is you."
Rowan's cheeks are flushed red as the full impact of the situation they were found in dawns on him. Damn it if Aelin didn't find his blush endearing. He is a solid chunk of muscle. How is everything he does so cute?
"Look, I just got out of the shower, and I bumped into Aelin. It was an accident. She was just on her way to give you your waffle maker-"
"You brought my waffle maker?" Aedion cuts Rowan off, eyeing the box under her arm.
That's when Aelin sees it. The twinkle of mischief in his eye and the forced concern. Aedion was playing her. He obviously knew Rowan wasn't a creep and saw the perfect opportunity to cause chaos. Aelin scowls at him, and that spark grows brighter. It's moments like this she wonders why she ever missed her cousin in the first place.
Aedion tugs the box out of her grasp and smiles. "Wow. This is perfect timing. Vaughn and Fen were just talking about making breakfast for dinner." He looks at Aelin and forces a frown. "If I'd known you were coming, I would have invited you, but it would kind of be rude to bring a guest now."
"What?" Aelin sputters. She drove all this way, and he was really going to ditch her? It was embarrassing, but tears prickled at the edges of her eyes. He was an ass, but she obviously came because she missed him, and he didn't even care? She really thought they were closer than that.
"Yeah. Sorry, Lin." Aedion points at Rowan, who was just standing to the side, thoroughly uncomfortable. Yet, despite the awkwardness, he hadn't left. "Hey, you owe me one for creeping on my little cousin. Earn my trust back and see that she has something for dinner and gets to her car safely? She has my phone number, one bad text, and your ass is grass."
Aedion tosses her a wink, and it's all Aelin can do to keep from outright gaping. Rowan looks stunned, his eyes darting between the two Ashryvver's. They settle on Aelin for a moment too long. Some of the tension eases from his shoulders, and he smiles. "I think I can manage that."
"Good." Aedion turns back up the stairs pats the box. "Thanks for bringing it to me, Lin. I'll call you tomorrow, don't send me to voicemail."
Just like that, her cousin, a walking, talking agent-of-chaos, disappears back to wherever he came from.
"So," Rowan starts, "If you want, I know a perfect Italian place we could swing by, my treat seeing as I plowed into you."
Aelin frowns and fiddles with the end of her necklace. "You aren't upset that I lied?"
"You didn't lie." Rowan chuckles, a deep sound that sends a shiver of delight down Aelin's spine. "You don't go here."
Aelin tilts her head as if she's deeply considering the offer. "I suppose it couldn't hurt. What's good there?"
"They have an awesome kabob." Rowan tugs his towel tighter. "It's my favorite."
It's Aelin's turn to laugh. "Isn't that just meat on a stick?"
"Let's go, and I can show you how profoundly wrong you are," he moves to take a step down, but Aelin stops him with a hand to the shoulder. "What is it?"
Aelin points to his towel, "I don't think they will serve guests without pants."
The flush that Aelin loves his back full force as he scrambles the other direction up the stairs. "Shit. Give me five minutes. I'll be right back. Aedion better have not locked out or I swear-"
Rowan's embarrassed tirade quiets as he charges up to his dorm to change. Aelin smiling as he goes. She can't believe she's going out to dinner with a guy like that.
Opening her phone, she sends a quick heart emoji to her cousin. He instantly replies back with one of his own. Aedion may have moved to college, but he still had her back at the end of the day. Even if it wasn't in the most ideal way.
Rowan comes back down the stairs moments later, and she's not disappointed by what she sees. He took the time to put on a flannel shirt and comb some gel through his hair. While the view without clothes had been pleasant, Aelin could definitely appreciate this look too.
"I'm ready if you are," Rowan extends an arm to help her down the stairs.
It's such a fussy, old-man move, and she loves it.
"Let's go."
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Firecracker 3/? (Dark!Ari Levinson)
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Summary: Your friend dragged you out of the house for a girls night out until Y/F/N came across a scammer getting beaten up by some men in the mob. You knew that it wasn't any of your business but Y/F/N insisted on helping him and now you're in big trouble.
Notes: GIF is not mine, mentions of assassination, mentions of child abuse, insinuations of sexual assault, mentions of child death
Ari and you walk down the street towards the city park while you were holding hands. And for a moment, you felt like a normal couple. You reach over and fondle with the gold chain of your name was plastered on his collarbone. If he can tattoo his name on your thighs, he sure as hell can have your name on his gold chain.
You were on your way back from eating dinner and Ari didn't feel like going home just yet. "You like it?" "At least it wasn't as painful as this," you snark, smoothing a hand over your thighs. "Oh please, you know you love it." You roll your eyes and a guy bumps into you as he walked by.
"Are fucking serious? Apologize to her right now or I'll gouge your eyes out." Ari snaps, pulling away from your hand. You turn around to face the guy too and that's when your blood ran cold in your veins.
The thinning, greasy hair with wrinkles and moles litering his face. The black polo and jeans. And the disgusting musk of aged cheese.
"So this is who you're with now?" He asks. Heat creeps up the back of your neck and settled in your cheeks. "You son of a bitch. You have no fucking right to talk to me or my company."
"You run a company now? Hm, thought the only thing you were good for was laying on your back." He says.
"That's it," Ari made his way towards him and you pulled him back by his arm. "Don't," "Why not? He's just a useless waste of space," "This piece of shit is my father, and killing him would be a mercy." You say. "We're leaving," you add before turning your back on him. "Have you visited Y/B/N recently?" He asked.
You spun around and without a second thought, your fist came into contact with his jaw. Your lips twitched when you felt a crack beneath your fist. "Don't you dare say his name, you fucking murderer." You grit your teeth as you watch him fall to the floor.
You stand over him and saw your dying brother replaying in your mind. You grab your father's collar and wind your arm all the way back to punch each time. Your knuckles grew slick from his blood and your shoulder muscles were sore from the force of your punches.
"Y/N, stop. You'll kill him." Ari says, pulling you off him. You lunged forward and nearly knocked Ari off balanced. Wow, she's really worked up. Ari thinks to himself.
He huffed before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. "Vaughn, I need you to pull up to 22nd Street now. Y/N is having a fit. She just beat her father to a pulp." Ari explains.
"God, okay. I'm coming around the corner right now." The tires screeched as the car came around the corner and Ari tossed you in before hopping in the passenger seat.
"Headed home boss?" "Yeah," "What the hell was that? You were going to kill your own father," Ari scolds. "I don't expect you to understand, Ari."
"Then help me understand because if people catch wind about it then it could be bad for business." "What? And it wouldn't be bad for business if you would have socked him?" You snark. "Socking him and beating him to a pulp are two very different things."
"I'm done talking," you say, looking out the window. "The fuck you mean you're done talking? You're done when I say you're done! This is not a cute rebellious act, Y/N." Ari yells and Vaughn speaks up. "Boss, she probably doesn't want to talk with me in here. Just give her some time to diffuse." He explains.
"You're right, you're right. I've just never seen her act like that before." Ari whispers to Vaughn. The entire ride home was silent and Ari would occasionally look at you but your gaze never left the window. As soon as Vaughn pulled into your driveway, you rush out of the car and right into the house.
Ari was hot on your heels and you knelt down for your six month old puppy, Atlanta, to run into your arms. She rests her head on your shoulder and you take a deep breath. Some tears escape your eyes and Ari smooths a hand over your back.
"I'm sorry that I yelled at you, firecracker." He apologizes and you pulled away from Atlanta before standing. "I don't know what I was thinking. I was so stupid than to think that I could being your wife and somehow forget where I came from." You wipe away a few tears and Ari tries to comfort you.
"Don't," "What do you want me to do?" "I don't know, but I just need some space to think." "Come on, Atlanta." You add before walking upstairs to go to the balcony.
You finally left the balcony after you think Ari is asleep. But little did you know that Ari was wide awake in the living room scrolling through the news articles about your assault from earlier. The news sources don't know who it is because the video footage was barely legible. Good.
His attention is peaked when he hears glasses clanking. He looks over the top of the couch to see you pouring a glass of whiskey. "Okay," he says before walking into the kitchen. You down the whole drink in two gulps and move to pour more when Ari places a hand on your to stop you.
"Come on, baby. Just talk to me." He whispers, kissing your shoulder. "I'll break down if I do." You whisper back. "Then I promise to piece you back together. I'm your husband after all. It may have started out rough, but it's real to me." He explains.
You sigh and rest your arms on the counter as you bow your head in shame. Ari turns you around and lifts your chin to meet his gaze. "Ari.." you trail off when he kisses all of your face, making sure to linger on your forehead and chin.
"I love you no matter what you tell me, alright. You're perfect for me." He cups your cheeks and you sobbed softly into his chest.
He settles a hand in your hair and you wrapped your arms around him. "When I was younger.. I had a younger brother. It was just me and him against my parents. My dad would do things to me when no one else was in the house and.. my mother knew a-about it but chose not to do anything." You lifted your head away from his chest and smoothed your hands over his toned chest.
"My brother knew about it and he decided to take matters into his own hands. He tried to pull my father away from me and h-he shoved him. Oh God, I can't do this. I'm sorry." You tried to get away from him but he lifts you on the counter and pulled your face into his neck.
"Say the word, and he'll be six feet under." He says after a few moments of silence. "Like I said, killing him would be a mercy." "I could make it messy, brutal." You shake your head no and gasp when you notice your bloody knuckles.
"Oh God, what if they find out I did it?" "They didn't. The video footage was fuzzy beyond recognition. But if they find anything else, I'll handle it." "Ari, I--" "Stop blaming yourself. Your emotions are valid. Now, let's get this this blood off huh?"
You were in the middle of typing up a report when you were sent an email from an unknown user with the heading "YOU'LL BE JOINING HER SOON".
You were taught never to open any emails from anyone unknown as it could be a virus sent to invade and infiltrate sensitive information about GB from your computer.
So you decided to click out and log out of everything before going incognitio mode on your computer so your databases were under lock down from you and anybody else.
Her, they must be talking about Y/F/N. If something happened to her, you don't know what you'll do with yourself.
Your finger hovers over the mouse to click on the email and your hand started to shake. You close your eyes momentarily and you clicked on the email.
A shriek leaves your lips when your eyes settle on Y/F/N on the floor of a house with bullet holes litering her face and body. You stand up from your chair and Vaughn comes bursting into the room with her gun in his hands.
He scans the room before asking, "What happened?" You turn your face away from the gruesome images and faced the wall.
Vaughn rounds the table and tucks his gun into his holster. "My God," he says to himself. He closes the computer and gently touches your shoulder to hug when.
You wince at his touch and said, "Don't touch me. All of this wouldn't have happened if you didn't take me away from her! Protecting her is my responsibility!"
You turn around to face him with mascara running down your cheeks. "Y/N, I'm sorry. We thought she would be safe with-" "I don't care what your excuses are. I'm going home." You push passed him and grab your purse before leaving the room.
Vaughn follows you and takes your keys from your purse. "I'm driving," you scoff and jump into the car while he wiggled into the drivers seat. He spends some time using the mechanical button to extend the seat far enough for his legs to fit.
Any other day and you both would be laughing but this is not any other day. You got an incoming call from Ari and silenced your phone.
Vaughn pulled into your driveway and Ari opens the door to greet you. You push passed him and Vaughn quietly explained to him what you were emailed.
Ari wipes a hand over his face and sighed. "It had the Beauchamps written all over it, boss. But she blames us for getting Y/F/N involved with the mob in the first place." Vaughn explains. "How is she holding u-" Ari was cut off by your yells and glass shattering.
You were holding back your emotions the entire ride home and you just had to let it go. You grabbed the nearest painting and tossed it against the wall.
Ari and Vaughn burst into the room with their guns cocked. Their eyes widened as they watched you toss the heavy bed frame on its side and scatter the papers and paperweight along the floor.
"No!" You shriek and grab more paintings from the walls before shattering them against the desk. You punched through the vanity mirror and started to punch the wall with all your strength. That's when Ari and Vaughn exchanged a look before advancing towards you.
Your wrist bent the wrong way and snapped your right forearm. You yelp out, not fully feeling the pain yet because of the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
Ari holds you from behind and presses your arms to your chest, careful not to apply too much pressure. "No, let me go! You got her killed! You killed her." You croak, but the anger started to fade into sadness.
Your body goes limp against his. "Boss, I think her arm is broken. She has to go to the hospital." Vaughn says, gently taking your arm that was bent at an odd angle. "Oh God, okay. Get the car ready." Vaughn leaves the room and Ari lifts you into his arm effortlessly.
"This is all your fault," "I know, I'm sorry." You spent hours in the hospital between the x rays and waiting for the doctor to come in and put your arm in a cast. To say the entire process was painful was an understatement. It was nighttime by the time you came home from the hospital with Ari and Vaughn.
You walk up the stairs and locked yourself in one of the guest rooms. You were about to climb into bed with you heard Atlanta whining and scratching at the door.
You huff and open the door wide enough for her to come through. "Y/N," Ari starts. "I don't want to talk about it," you say before locking the door again.
Atlanta sits on the edge of the bed and waits for you to lay down on the bed. You slide underneath the covers and hugs a pillow to your chest. Burying your face into the pillow, your aching body shook as you cried. Atlanta whines and lays her head ontop of your after she licks away your tears.
Ari sits down on the ground next to your door with his back against the wall. It physically pains him to hear you cry. Especially when he knows that it takes a lot of pain to take you there. You started to cry harder into the pillow and Atlanta sniffs and licks your cast.
Ari wraps his arms around his knees and tucked his head into his lap. He didn't stop the tears from leaving his eyes. You're right. None of this would have happened if he just left you alone. If Y/F/N didn't mind her business.
But he didn't want to take it all back. He couldn't. That would mean that he wouldn't have met you. You became his world in just a few days.
And the fact that he might lose you, scares the hell out of him. "Boss," Vaughn starts and Ari shakes his head. Not now. Ari says in his head. "I'll come by tomorrow morning then,"
The days started to blur together for you and Ari. He hasn't left your side since you locked yourself in the room. You spent the entire days sleeping. You barely had the energy to get up to go to the bathroom.
The next day, you started to spiral. You made Vaughn buy you some bottles of Royal Crown tequila. The tequila made matters worse to say the least. You said plenty that you didn't mean. After a week in bed, you finally get up in the morning to make coffee.
You walk passed Ari sleeping on the couch in his black sweatpants and white tank top. His hair covers his forehead and eyes and soft snores leave his parted lips. He has a newspaper in his hand and you gently take it from him.
Your heart breaks all over again when you see that he was looking at Y/F/N's obituary. It has the date and place of her funeral in bold letters on the very bottom.
You look back at Ari and sigh deeply. You knew that he feels guilty. He tried to keep quiet but you knew he was outside the door waiting for you to come out. And now he sleeps on the couch close by. You all had a part in Y/F/N's death. You shouldn't have pinned it on all him.
You round the couch and brush his hair away from his face to press a soft kiss to his lips. His eyes had dark circles under them. When he slowly peeled them open, you saw how sunken they look. You did that to him. "Y/N," he croaks. "I'm so sorry," you whimper.
"You didn't do anything wrong. "Don't do that. Don't make me out to be the saint here. I said and did terrible things. I-" "You were greiving," he pulls you into his lap and cupped your face as you shake your head no.
"I'm sorry," you lean forward and pressed kisses all over his face, lingering on his eyes. He sighs softly and said, "I was worried you would leave me,"
He buries his face into your neck. "I'm not going anywhere. Just lay down and go back to sleep." You say, pushing on his shoulders gently. He lays back down and you follow him to lay on his chest.
The arm with your cast rests off the side of the couch as you lay your head next to his. "The funeral is in two days," he says, breaking the silence.
"I know, I read the newspaper you had." "Did you want to go?" "I don't know if I can face them. They probably blame me for not being there to protect her," tears threaten your eyes. "I doubt they think that, baby. You're human, you can't be everywhere at once." His hand smooths over the back of your head.
"She saved my life, Ari." "And you saved hers," another silence fell over the living room and Atlanta jumps off the bed in your room to sit next to the couch. "Why didn't you leave when I said those things? Anybody else would have left?"
His boiling hot body flushed against yours as another silence fell. "Because I love you," he finally says.
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lilxberry · 3 years
Preference: How You Met (Girls)
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You met through Lexi
You had a project for school to work on with Lexi and she had suggested to go over to hers.
So, one afternoon after school, you headed over to her house with your textbooks in your bag ready. You stepped towards their front door and knocked. 
The door soon opened and there she stood, looking at you quizzically as you gaped at her, suddenly losing your voice.
“Can I help you?”
“I-I uhm, yeah. Hi, I’m here to do a-uh-a project with Lexi.”
“Okaaaayyyyyy...” She drawled out her response as she side-stepped to allow you in. “She’s upstairs.”
You flashed her a goofy smile, eliciting a soft giggle from her. “T-thanks. I’ll uh-I’ll see you around?” It came out as more of a question, causing the girl to release another giggle.
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You met through your parents
Both your dads’, David and Y/D/N, work together. David Vaughn was the new employee at your dads work place. They hit it off fairly quickly, becoming really good friends. Once they found out that their kids were the same age AND attend the same school, they agreed to having dinner one night.
There was a knock at the door, your mother shouted for your father to go answer. You quickly glance down at your outfit, ensuring nothing looks odd or out of place, then soon exited your room to head downstairs.
“Y/N! This is Mr. Vaughn and his daughter...I’m sorry sweetie, what was your name again?” Your mother spoke in a sweet tone.
“Jules.” She answered your mother, giving her a tight lipped smile, clearly uncomfortable in this situation.
“Jules,” your mother repeats softly, offering the girl a comforting smile, which seemed to have worked a little.
“Uh-hey, I’m Y/N.” You smile as you offer your hand to David, trying to be polite towards the guests within your home, although, all you’ve done is keep your eyes laid upon his daughter.
Jules seemed to return your lingering stare with multiple glance at you of her own.
Throughout dinner with the Vaughns, you and Jules let your gaze fall on to each other often through out the night, ignoring the adults' conversations. But alas, the night ended and Jules and her father had to head home.
“Hey, I’ll see you in school, yeah?” Jules asked hopefully, a smile playing at her lips, as you two stood by your front door.
“Uh-ye-yeah, definitely.” Y/N replied all to eagerly. Jules sent you a beaming smile and started walking backwards towards her dads car, giving you a small wave as she walked.
You sent her a smile of your own before closing the door and leaning your forehead against the wooden material.
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You met in the cafeteria
You were enjoying your lunch in the cafeteria, midway into your sandwich, sat next to Ethan and Kat when music started to play. You looked at Kat with a confused expression as cheering erupted around you.
Then you noticed the cheerleaders gather at the bottom of the stairs, starting their routine. You placed your sandwich back down and turned your body, focusing your attention on solely on the girls in the blue and white cheer uniform.
She caught your eye almost instantly as you raked your eyes over the group of girls. The way her body moved as she preformed their choreography perfectly. 
Her eyes shifted through the crowd, basking in their reaction to the show they were putting on when her eyes met yours. Those E/C irises.
She pursed her lips and pushed out her chest more. She wanted you to notice her and she knew she was doing a good job at keeping your attention at your eyes burnt holes into her figure.
As soon as their routine showcase finished, she headed straight towards you, inwardly smirking when she seen your reaction to her doing so.
Once she reached your table, she leant over into you, purposely brushing her chest up against your arm. She grabs your phone that was previously layed face down on the table and held it out for you.
You looks at her quizzically and she rolled her eyes. “Unlock it.”
You hesitantly retrieved your phone from her grasp and did as you were told. She quickly swiped the phone back into her possession, adding her number to your contacts then handing it back to you, its rightful owner. “Here. Call me.”
And with that, she walked away, leaving you dumb founded next to a snickering Kat and Ethan.
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You met online
You were scrolling through Facebook on your phone when suddenly, a familiar face showed up under your ‘suggested friends’.
You recognised her from around school. She usually hung around people like Perez, Howard and BB whilst you prefered to stick to yourself, occasionally opting to chat with Rue, Jules or the Mckay twins, Roy and Troy.
After a small debate with yourself, you decided to tap the ‘Add Friend’ button. Without any further thought on the matter, you locked your phone and continued watching the movie playing on your laptop in bed.
Not even 5 minutes later, you had a 2 notifications shine light up your phone screen. 
‘Kat Hernandez has accepted your friend request’.
‘Message from Kat Hernandez’.
You unlocked your phone and click on her message.
Almost too quickly, you typed out a reply.
‘You go to East Highland, right?’
‘I thought I recognised you lmao’
Throughout the night, you talked to each other. You got to know each other with each question asked and learnt about each others humour as you shared memes between you. By 7am, you were both drifting into sleep as you talked.
‘It’s a good thing we don’t have school today x’
‘Too right. I wouldn’t know where tf I’m going lmao x’
‘lol. Ain’t you tired?? x’
‘A little, yeah but I don’t want to stop talking to you x’
‘I don’t wanna stop either but we can talk later after we’ve gotten some sleep?? If that’s ok with you?? x’
‘More than ok :) x’
‘Cool, talk later x’
‘Byeeeee x’
After that, you and Kat started to talk more during school and the rest is history. 
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You met in class
You walked into your communications class expecting to sit in your regular seat like usual. But upon further inspection, you realised some random asshat jacked your place. 
Internally groaning, your eyes scanned the room for free seats. Then you noticed her.
You walked over to her and simply motioned towards the chair whilst gripping your back packs strap tighter. “You mind?”
She shook her head and smiled at you in response. You flung your bag off of your shoulder and placed in on to the floor near your feet as you sat down and leant back in the chair.
“I’m Lexi.”
“Hey. I’m Y/N.”
She giggled. “I know, you usually sit in the back.”
You nodded in acknowledgement, sending her a small smile. Before you could continue the conversation further, the teacher entered and class began.
“So, what if there were five birds in a row and I decided to shoot one. How many is there left?” The teacher asked. She said that using peoples answers to certain questions can help understand how ones’ mind works, hence the dumb-ass question.
“None, they would have all flown away.” You replied, casually leant back in your chair, arms folded over your chest, Lexi beside you watching, as is everyone else.
“The answer would be 4 if you look at it from a mathematical stand point, but I like the way you think none the less.”
Your eyes narrow slightly as a hint of mischief flashes across your face. You reapply a serious expression before stating “Miss, I have a question for you?”
The teacher smiled sweetly at her, leaning back on to her desk at the front of the class, hands clasped together in front of her. “Sure.”
“There’s three women sat at a bus stop eating ice cream. One’s licking, one’s biting and one’s sucking. Which is married?” Your mouth twists into a smirk as her face falls slightly and the other students in the class snicker.
Lexi seemed to find this amusing. Exactly what you wanted.
The teacher shifted slightly, fumbling with her fingers as she hesitantly answers. “The one sucking.”
“The answer would be the one wearing the wedding ring if you look at it from a logical stand point, but I like the way you think none the less, Miss.”
Laughter erupts from the students. “Alright, settle down. Another “question” from you, Y/LN/, and you can take yourself to Principal Hayes office.
You raise your hands in front of you, feigning surrender. From the corner of you eye, you see Lexi trying to contain her giggles and it makes you smile triumphantly.
Suddenly, something bumps your left knee, enticing you to look at Lexi. She slides over a bit of scrap paper she scrawled on towards you.
‘Wanna sit together at lunch?’
You nod in reply then turn your focus back to the teacher. In your peripheral vision, you see Lexi sporting a small smile and a light pink tinge on her cheeks.
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You met in rehab
“Marissa! Baby! What’s up with you today, beautiful.” The young rehab worker rolled her eyes at your routine flirtations.
You had just woken up to another day in the centre and your favourite pass time was to annoy any and all staff ‘cause, let’s face it, you’re an asshole.
“Good morning to you too, Y/N.”
“So, what’s on the agenda today?”
Before Marissa got the chance to dignify you with a response, the doors at the end of the hall swung open, drawing your attention to them, as they revealed the new girl in a maroon jacket walking beside Dr. Jowett.
“Who is that?” You asked slowly, not removing your eyes from the girl.
Marissa, yet again, rolled her eyes at your antics. “That’s Rue, she’s a new resident. And before you even try anything, you know any form of relationship past friends is against the rules.”
“Hey! Who said I was gonna try get in her pants? Is this the result of jealousy? Did I make you jealous, Mari?” You smirked as the young girl snorted whilst shaking her head.
“You wish, Y/L/N.”
“Oh, I definitely do.” You waggled your eyebrows towards her before leaving to sit in the communal room.
As you sat at the table, you noticed the doctor and, who you now know is called Rue, stop at the entrance of the room. You watched closely as she hesitantly walked into and across the room, opting to sit alone at one of the many tables.
After no debate needed, you got up from where you sat and walked confidently over and perched yourself into the chair beside her, resting your one foot on the table and an arm over the back of the chair.
“So, newbie, how you finding the mainland of sobriety?”
She shrugged in response whilst keeping her gaze trained on you.
“Don’t worry, you can say it sucks if you want, I won’t tell.” You winked at Rue and she allowed a small smile to appear on her face. “I’m Y/N, obviously the coolest person in this place.”
“I’m Rue.”
“Oh, I know.” You smirked as you drank in her expression. “I think we’re gonna get along just dandy, Rue.”
Her face flushes a light pink as her smile conveys a soft of sweetness, very different to Marissa. There may be rules against relationships in this place but...
When have you ever listened to what people tell you?
First preference AND piece of work on Euphoria
Two in one baby!!
I honestly had a bit too much fun with these, even if the end result is kinda shitty
Although, I like some of the scenarios so much, I’m thinking of doing longer fics like imagines or one shots extending from them like the rehab one for Rue
Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Like if ya do as it will help it reach more reader
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomes and greatly appreciated :D
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manonblaqkbeak · 3 years
Group Hang
..........me again. i haven’t written in so long and it feels good to start it up again. this time it’s a human au. just fluff and aelin’s bad cooking and rowan defending her bad cooking because he actually likes it
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When Aelin had suggested a dinner at their house for the next group hangout, Rowan was more than happy to accommodate that suggestion.
The last hangout was bowling, and while Rowan excelled at many sports, bowling was strangely not one of them. He almost got banned from the local one when he started swearing his head off when his last bowl was close to becoming a strike when it veered to the side and didn't knock down a single pin.
All their friends behind him starting laughing, Aelin too, when he started going on about how the floor was uneven, the game was rigged and just had a general hissy fit that he never had in his entire adult life.
To be fair, he had one too many beers and it was hot as hell in the bowling alley, the air conditioner barely working that night. So he blamed those conditions on his attitude.
To make it worse, Aelin had managed to snap a picture of him sulking in his seat, posted it on her Instagram with the caption 'when your old man sucks at bowling and comes last'. Rowan hadn't realised it until the morning when he woke up to dozen of notifications from people tagging him and laughing.
Apparently, according to his comment, Fenrys saved the picture and made it Rowan's contact photo. With others saying that they were going to do the same.
Even Lorcan, the stoic bastard, had found it funny.
Aelin laughed at his expression as they laid in bed together, and laughed harder when he sputtered, “I'm only five years older than you!” and fucked her with the vigorous strength of a thirty year old healthy man (Aelin had never climaxed so hard, which made Rowan puff up with pride afterwards, with Aelin rolling her eyes, even though her blood was singing in her veins and a dopey grin was on her face—it was her her secret joy to ruffle Rowan's feathers whenever she could).
So yes, while the aftermath of the bowling night was much better than his losing, he was more than glad to have a quiet night at home; although his friends weren't really the quiet bunch, especially when Aelin, Lysandra and Fenrys had one too many.
However, what he wasn't expecting when he and Aelin went grocery shopping that Saturday morning was when Aelin claimed that she was going to be cooking.
Now, Rowan loved Aelin, loved her so much that he had started planning the night he would propose to her, but the thing about Aelin was that she couldn't cook—at all.
But he grew to love her cooking; came to love the burned crunch that always accompanied it, came to love the under-cooked and overcooked food, loved the dryness of what she piled on his plate when it was her night to cook, the lumpy and misshapen cakes that she made whenever the desire to bake came to her.
Aelin was skilled in many things and cooking was just something she completely sucked at—like Rowan and his bowling. Truly, he didn't mind, although it did stump him how she managed to ruin a sandwich when she sometimes made his lunch for him for work.
Unfortunately, their friends were not him. Dorian, Gods bless him, still went on about the time Aelin accidentally gave him food poisoning on his twenty-first birthday with the homemade cake she gifted him.
Which was why Rowan was the cook in the relationship. His father was a chef and while Rowan wasn't as good as him, he knew enough to cook well and how to present food on a plate.
While they started their weekly shop, Aelin claimed that she was making lasagna, and Rowan was all ready prepared for the under-cooked pasta sheets, salty marinara sauce and overly milky Béchamel sauce and dry mince meat.
He offered to help but she said she would be fine. They continued their shop, with Rowan always appreciating the sight when she had to bend over to pick up something, with Aelin in turn appreciating the sight of Rowan's muscles moving smoothly when he reached for something on the high top shelves.
So here they were, hours later, Rowan watching Aelin as she moved around their kitchen, adding things in from time to time (he was fairly certain he saw her dump some cinnamon in the mince meat, but didn't say anything). She did ask for his help to stir the Béchamel sauce as she made her homemade salad dressing (which would more than have too much olive oil in it, but again, Rowan didn't mind).
He noticed that the sauce was lumpy and on closer inspection, realised that it was large chunks of onion (and why were there large onion chunks? Because she was wanted an obscene amount of onion, she said when he asked about it).
It smelled good though when it was all done and his stomach grumbled as it rested on the kitchen counter, with Aelin rushing to have a quick shower.
Her quick shower always meant twenty minutes, but Rowan tidied the kitchen as she showered and placed the store-bought garlic bread in the oven when the doorbell rang.
Sighing at the incoming whining that would occur when everyone realised that Aelin had cooked, Rowan trudged over to the front door, painted a beautiful shade of Terrasen green.
Rowan barely opened his mouth to greet everyone before they made themselves at home—Fenrys holding a large pink box from Nesryn's bakery, but the woman wasn't in the group, she had a dinner with her fiance's family tonight.
What did surprise him was Yrene's curly head as she walked in with Chaol, the man's hand wrapped tightly on his walking stick as the couple made their way inside. Yrene was a nurse at Terrasen hospital and worked insane hours, so it was a nice surprise to see her.
Dorian and Manon walked in, the latter holding three bottles of Dorian's fathers expensive wine (which either one of them probably took without asking), her black diamond engagement ring sparkling even at night. Dorian claimed that he stole it from his father when he was a teenager and he never even noticed, apparently his father didn't bat an eye when he saw the ring on his future daughter-in-law's ring finger.
Elide and Lorcan followed Lysandra and Aedion, the dark haired man having to duck slightly to walk inside.
The only people missing, other than Nesryn and Sartaq, were Vaughn and Connall—but he knew that the last two were now working night shifts and that it would be hard to catch up with them from now on. Nehemia too, as she was currently on vacation visiting her parents.
Aedion sniffed at the air as they all made themselves comfortable in the lounge room. “Where did you guys order from? It doesn't smell too bad.” And truthfully, the food did smell good—that was something that surprised Rowan about Aelin's cooking, that while somehow everything tasted bad, it always smelled like it came from a five star restaurant.
“Aelin cooked lasagna,” he said and all eyes turned to him, “and there's plenty for everyone,” he added, before any of them could make some flimsy, bullshit excuse about how one of them should maybe order a pizza.
“What do you mean, she cooked?” Dorian asked, eyes wider than everyone else's. His tone implying that she somehow managed to create a radioactive bomb.
Rowan rolled his eyes. “I mean, she's been in the kitchen all evening preparing a dinner for all of us, so you better shut up and eat it, is what I mean when I say she's cooked.”
The timer went off for the garlic bread so Rowan went into the kitchen, but before he did, he deliberately locked the front door, making sure everyone watch him do it.
He wasn't about to let them upset Aelin just because she was a bad cook.
“Yrene, do you have, like, a food poisoning kit on you, by any chance?” Dorian asked.
Yrene snorted. “No, Dorian, you'd have to go to the hospital for that.”
“Oh, Gods,” he cried.
“Dorian,” Chaol sighed, having witnessed many moments of Dorian acting like he was minutes away from dying. “You're twenty-five now, and you're not dead. I'm certainly not, and I dated Aelin for a year.”
“Yeah, when you were eighteen and she was seventeen, I don't think she even went near an oven at that age.” Dorian and Chaol were Aelin's oldest friends, as well as Elide, so they would know.
“I can hear you, you know,” Rowan said from the open kitchen, cutting the garlic bread in equal slices.
“It's okay,” Fenrys said, smiling. “I've got cake from Nesryn's and Manon has good wine, so tonight will be salvageable.”
Rowan pointed the knife at his friend, silently telling him to shut up.
Aelin chose that moment to exit the bathroom, her towel wrapped tightly around herself. Her smile was warm as she smiled at everyone and greeted them. “I'll be done in a couple of minutes, so everyone sit at the dining table. Rowan, could you see to the serving?”
“Of course.” She quickly came over to place a kiss on his cheek and rushed for the bedroom. Everyone went to the table, Dorian acting like he was walking to the electric chair, Manon rolling her eyes at his theatrics.
The glass dish was still hot as hell, so Rowan walked over carefully, hands wrapped in giraffe oven mitts, Lorcan snorting at the sight.
“Shut up,” Rowan muttered as he placed the dish down, took the mitts off and started cutting up the lasagna. He plonked down the slices, pointedly looking at everyone as he did so (except Yrene and Chaol—the young nurse saying that she's had worse cafeteria food, quickly throwing a no offence when she realised what she said, and Chaol, like he had stated, he had Aelin's food before and was fine—joking that his spinal injury was from a freak accident rather then from Aelin's cooking).
Dorian still didn't look happy, and Fenrys was frowning at his plate. Elide poked at it with her fork, Manon inspecting it with narrowed eyes. Lorcan was stoic as always.
“I swear to the Gods I can smell cinnamon,” Lysandra said. “Rowan, did Aelin put cinnamon in this?”
Rowan shrugged and acted like he didn't know.
Sitting down, Rowan looked at his friends and said, “I know Aelin's cooking isn't the greatest—”
“She's definitely not winning any prizes in the future,” Aedion muttered but promptly shut up at the scathing glare that Rowan sent his way.
“But she's been in the kitchen all evening, as I said before, and she's really excited for you guys to try it. It may be under-cooked and dry, but you if you cannot even afford the common decency to offer her respect after making everything from scratch and act like adults instead of sulking children, then I'm going to have to ask you to leave. And Dorian, do not bring up food poisoning for the rest of the night."
Rowan got mumbled apologies, with the man feeling like a scolding father, but they all sat up straight as Aelin entered, dressed and her hair thrown into a messy bun.
They all dug in, and as expected, the lasagna sheets were under-cooked, the Béchamel sauce a little too milky and far too onion-y, the marinara sauce too salty and there was definitely a hint of cinnamon in the meat, but everyone ate it, with Lorcan claiming that it wasn't too bad—which was high praise coming from him, but then again, it could be a lie, he was fairly good at that, something Rowan knew from experience. The salad did have too much olive oil, but the dressing was nice.
Dorian, though, still looked like he was being sent to his death, but ate his food, only lightly gagging once. Aelin didn't notice, thankfully, too caught up in her conversation with her cousin about the upcoming Whitethorn family reunion that she and Rowan were expected to attend. They both had mixed feelings about it since Rowan had a large family and he couldn't stand a number of his cousins and everyone would bring up his dead parents, whose death still hurt even after ten years, as they passed away suddenly. Aelin wasn't looking forward to it, since one of his cousin's was dating his ex-girlfriend Remelle and Aelin could not stand the woman for multiple reasons.
Everyone ate everything on their plates and once the wine was emptied and the cake reduced to crumbs, everyone left, thanking Aelin and Rowan for their hospitality and everyone starting to suggest what the next night out would be as they left.
Aelin and Rowan cleaned in tandem, Aelin changing into her stag pyjamas as Rowan had a quick shower himself (which was actually a quick one) and soon joined her in bed, kissing her cheek as she settled in for the night, picking up his current read.
After long minutes, Aelin said, “I heard what you said to everyone.” Rowan's eyes snapped over to hers, finding Aelin lying on her side, a soft smile on her face. “Is my cooking really that bad?”
“Not to me,” he said truthfully. “I like your brand of cooking.”
“Even the burnt toast?”
“Especially the burnt toast.”
Aelin leaned over and kissed him on the lips, once, twice, three times. “I can't believe that Dorian still goes on about the food poisoning. I think he'll still be going on about it when he's on his death bed.”
Rowan snorted at the imagery that popped up. “He probably would.”
“I have to admit that I liked how authoritative you sounded,” Aelin said, “it turned me on more than it should have.”
Rowan ran a hand up and down her arm. “I'll have to use it more often then.”
“You will,” Aelin agreed, leaning in to kiss him again. Aelin snuggled into him, tucking her head under his jaw with Rowan wrapping his arms around her.
Rowan was on the verge of drifting off when he felt Aelin placed her chin on his chest. “Rowan?”
“Rowan, will you marry me?”
He woke up at that and found Aelin's blue and gold eyes shining brightly in the lamp light. “Pardon?” was all he could manage.
Sitting up, Aelin placed a hand over his heart, Rowan's hand covering hers instinctively. Giving him a beautiful smile, the one he fell in love with, she said clearly, “Rowan, I love you so much that I can't even put it into words how much I love you—but I do know this; you're my soulmate and I don't ever want to be away from you. I love you with everything I am. So, Rowan, will you do me the honour of becoming my husband?”
Tears filled Rowan eyes as he looked at the woman he loved with everything he had. “Of course, I will.”
Crying happily, Aelin launched herself at him, kissing him wildly, wrapping her arms around him. Until she suddenly pulled away and almost fell off the bed in her haste to reach for the velvet box she had hidden in the bottom draw of her nightstand.
Inside it was a gold ring, inlaid with a brilliant ruby and engraved in the band were the words 'to whatever end', their promise to each other.
The ring fitted him perfectly and Rowan sat up, capturing her face in his warm hands as he kissed her, their tears falling.
Pulling back, Rowan gave her a smile and went to his own nightstand and showed Aelin the velvet box he had hidden away. Aelin gasped in delight at the sight of it, a wide blooming on her face as he opened it and saw his mother's gold and emerald ring.
Also engraved in it were the words 'to whatever end'.
Aelin was sure she was going to die from pure happiness.
“Aelin, I love you more than anything. I'm so glad I met you in that dingy gym all those years ago. And I don't ever want to be away from you, too. Will you do me the honour of being my wife?”
“Yes, of course, yes,” she said, crashing into him again. Rowan's fingers shook as he placed the ring on her finger. “Thank you for loving me and all my bad cooking.”
Rowan laughed heartily and kissed her soundly. “Thank you for loving me and all my sucking at bowling.”
“You really are bad at it,” she said, laughing.
“I know,” he agreed, kissing her.
This was better than any idea he originally thought of when he started thinking of ways to propose. And it was perfectly Aelin that she proposed first, considering that she was the one that asked him out first all those years ago, to say 'I love you' and to ask to find a house and be Adults together with a mortgage and everything it entailed.
And in the morning, after a rare sleep in, she called her parents and told them the news, Evalin barely able to get any words out as Aelin told them how it happened, even Rhoe, who was a bit of a stoic man, teared up at the story.
They went to their favourite cafe afterwards, getting a slice of chocolate cake on the house as Aelin told their regular waitress their news.
They went to the local garden, after visiting his parents grave, with Aelin snapping a picture of their jewelled hands, the sun making their rings sparkle in a brilliant glow and posted it on her Instagram with a simple caption stating, 'We both said yes'.
Rowan posted the same photo, the first he had in months, since he didn't post often, and he much preferred the streams of congratulations that came their way, their phones soon blowing up with calls after calls.
And as the the sun shone brighter on the beautiful day, Aelin let loose a snorting laugh that had her choking when Dorian pleaded, “Please don't bake your wedding cake. I really don't want to be sick on your special day, I'll feel like an arsehole.”
Rowan promised that she wouldn't and laced his fingers in his fiance's hands as they went to his car towards their home, deciding that last night was the best group hang that they ever had.
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uno-writing · 2 years
Sorry for the "minor interactions" earlier , it's just that I consider Rei a secondary character even tho he kinda started the story in a lot of ways 😭
Also, I was in the train and my brain decided to hurt me even more.
Would you be able to write about Remi's mother learning her daughter ended up in the hospital (thanks to john) like, what... one month after the loss of her son ? I dunno, I just wanna cry today I suppose. Poor mom...
(Kudos if there's a bonus scene of the squad meeting remi's mom/parents in general and she just... glares at john 👀)
Also since all the cool kids are doing it, could I pls become baguette anon if that's not already taken ? 🥖 👀
Welcome Baguette Anon!!! Don’t be sorry!! I’d classify it as minor interactions too since we don’t see them interact a lot!! I just said it was sad bc Rei died and that’s why they’re considered minor interactions. And yeah, poor Mama Lighting. She seems like such a good mom too😭😭🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋🥨🥬🍦🍧🧊🐇🍩🥖
*Mama Lighting was in the middle of baking a tray of cookies for the new neighbors when she got the call from Vaughn telling her that Remi went to the hospital
*She only turns off the oven and the mixer before leaving everything how it was, not caring enough about the eggs or milk sitting out
*On her way to the train she calls Arlo to try and figure out what happened (you can’t tell me with how close remi and rei are to arlo that they haven’t introduced him to mama lighting)
*So Arlo answers and he tries to explain but she just kinda overloads him with questions bc poor mama’s in full blown panic
*Arlo finally gets the story out and it’s the FULL story, start to finish
*Like he’s ballsy, but not lie to worried, mama bear ballsy
*Now Mama Lightning’s panicky and pissed
*Like some punk at school messed with her baby?? No, that’s not gonna fly
*So she finally gets to Wellston and visits Remi at the hospital and she asks her the same questions she asked Arlo, just to double check all of the information
*After Remi finishes, Mama Lighting goes off about how Vaughn’s gonna get an earful and then Remi just asks her not to
*Mama Lighting reluctantly agrees and then ends up staying in Wellston for a few days
*Fast forward!!
*Remi invites John and Sera (along with the others) to stay at her place/meet her mom since they’re the only two that haven’t met Mama Lighting
*They agree and so everyone goes to Remi’s house
*And Mama Lighting knows who John is as soon as he walks into her house
*She’s just staring John down and John knows that she’s pissed at him for what he did to Remi and he’s just really awkward and can’t really look at her
*Her voice is just super cold and John’s starting to be like ‘oh fu-’
*But he looks at her and she makes sure that he’s meeting her eyes
*”I can only assume you’re a better person know that my Remi is friends with you, but if you ever think of hurting her ever again I will fry every one of your nerves and ensure you spend the rest of your life in pain, do I make myself clear?” - Mama Lighting
*”yes ma’am” - John (he kinda squeaks it out to bc he’s honestly terrified) *Mama Lighting relaxes and she smiles at him and the others
*”I just got muffins out of the oven if anyone’s hungry!” - Mama Lighting
*And John’s just suffering from whiplash and Sera finds it so amusing
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lovehugsandcandy · 3 years
just close enough (Logan x MC, RoD)
A/N: I am sorry, I have been very out of touch. I apologize for not responding to tags and chats. Things haven’t been great and I am surprised that I have anything for rodaw. Please keep tagging me on your stuff!
Pairing: Logan x MC, ROD
Length: ~1700 words
Rating/Warnings: N*FW (sorry, in rereading this, yeah, you probably shouldn’t read this at work)
Summary: Distance can be measured in miles and inches, and none of it is too far for Logan to travel.
He’s almost asleep, sliding into the hazy space between full alertness (how he spends every waking moment) and complete unconsciousness (where any dream he regretfully remembers is from a past best totally forgotten). The couch cushions are rough along his spine, spring digging into a shoulder blade, but he’s slept in worse places. He’s almost blessedly asleep, darkness warm and welcoming and-
His eyes fly open and he jolts up, instantly awake. The room is in shadows, light of the moon filtering through the LA smog, bathing his surroundings in a sleepy glow. He turns his head; other than the call of his name, the loft is quiet, still. With a lifetime spent attuned for threats, he can sense that the calm in the air signals safety.
“Logan?” she slurs again, voice tinged with sleep.
“Come here.”
He blinks, squinting over at the lump under his sheets. “What?”
“You’re too far away. Come here.”
God, he wants that, more than anything. In the daylight, when the corners of the shop gleam sharp and lethal, he knows it is too dangerous to get close. That distance is the one thing that will save her from mistakes he has spent a lifetime making and atoning for. But here, in the stillness of night, when the scratching fabric chafes his back and the siren in his bed calls, he feels his resolve weaken, scattering in shards to the floorboards to join the dust and grime underneath.
He pads over, the rhythm of his footsteps matching the soft sigh of her breath, and cautiously perches on the mattress, giving her a beat to reconsider before he swings his legs over and slides under the covers. She is soft and warm, coconut and sunshine next to his grease and oil, and she rolls over to edge soft on his side.
“Close enough?” he asks into the curls pillowing over his shoulder.
“Mmh… almost.” 
He chuckles as he catalogues the space between them, an inch where her waist curves concave from his, a rumpled barrier of fabric where her feet are entangled. They could barely be closer, but somehow, he still agrees with Ellie. 
The smile is still on his face as he drifts off into a contented sleep.
He’s not used to being in the passenger seat. 
The view is different here, shifted, the rows of parked cars tilted and angled askew, but he sat relaxed, legs splayed and hair catching the wind the entire way. It’s a testament to her driving; she’s brilliant behind the wheel, beaming with every acceleration, leaning into every curve, and he can tell - she finds the call of the road freeing, just like he does. She’s come a long way from the shy bookworm whose path he stepped in front of. It’s barely been a few weeks, but it feels like forever.
He wishes it could go on forever.
He inhales harshly through his nose, recalling the day they met, the hushed conversations that preceded it. She deserves to know the truth and here, parked in this lot waiting on a disconcertingly mysterious job, seems like the perfect place to tell her.
But before he can find the words, she turns, fixing him with a devious smirk.
“Come here.” Her finger beckons and, just past it, a devious smirk glows in the multicolor shades alight from the dash. 
“What do you…”
“Come here. You’re too far away.”
He leans forward, and the center console digs into his ribs. It doesn’t matter, not when she tugs on a strand of hair to pull him closer, so close he can map the lines of her smile with an intensity usually saved for fuel intake lines and racetracks. “Better?”
He inches forward. “How about now?”
“Nope.” Her voice is teasing, soft, a whisper of air against his lips, the tingling of excitement before the fall.
He’s completely in her space, so close he can’t see beyond the dark of her eyes, the apples of her cheeks. There is no world beyond the girl in the driver’s seat. “Now?”
“... almost.” She breathes the response into his mouth as their lips finally meet; he realizes with a start that he will never be closer to anyone, here in this stadium parking lot, with his hands tangled in her hair and poisonous secrets in his heart.
Even when they are close as can be, he still feels the distance.
Logan’s just catching his breath, skating a shaking palm over her side. “Are you ready?” The words make him pause.
“No.” He blinks at her as she rests against the pillow in Vaughn’s spare bedroom, hair spilling down against the pillow; the strands curl around his finger as he absentmindedly runs his fingers in a tense pattern. He could never be ready for this, to see the one person he ever trusted, the one person he ever loved, race for their freedom on a pitch-black highway.
“We don’t really have a choice.”
“I know.” 
“Logan, we need to do this.” She props herself up on her elbow, and his heart falls.
“I know. I just… I hate the thought of not being with you, not being able to protect you.” 
She blinks down at him, and his fingers reach up to tangle in one graceful coil of hair strands soft on the pads on his fingers. “You know I can drive.”
“Of course, Troublemaker, I’ve seen you drive. I just… I don’t want you to be in danger. I hate that you’re going to be out there where I can’t help you.”
“I’ll be too far away?”
“Yeah.” For as close at they are now, where he can catalogue the distance between them (millimeters between his shoulder and hers, three inches between their lips, and no distance at all where his cock is just stirring, again, into the soft skin of her stomach), he knows that the waiting, the space on the highway --- it will wreck him.
She smiles, faintly, distantly, her eyes echoing his own pain. “I’m here right now.”
“You are.” He spins, hand on her hip pushing until he is over her, legs intertwined, fingertips around her waist, every inch of them aligned and in sync. “And I’m going to make the most of it.”
You’re too far away.
The words are high in the wind and he whips his head around frantically, as memories collide with the storm brewing outside. The first flake is a shock, pelting his forehead in an icy portent and, mere seconds later, the grey clouds above part in a mass of ice and slush.
It never snowed in LA.
Logan cranes his neck up to feel the full brunt of the storm hammer his face, each frosty blast a jolting reminder of how far he traveled from the last few months, the distance between him and his old stomping ground washed away as the frozen water melts over his face, droplets pouring down his brow and drenching his hair.
His face is frozen when he steps back into the shop, some run-down shithole he found in inner-city Detroit. Here, locals don’t ask questions, and there are no reminders of the mentor who was almost like a father and the girl who was almost like forever.
This time, they are miles and days and utter lives apart, and he worries that nothing on the earth will bring them together again.
The years flow like molasses. Fall edges into winter, which thaws into spring and heats into summer, and then it starts all over again, punishing, never ending.
The cities stack up almost as easily. After Detroit, it’s Miami, then Houston, a long stretch in Nashville before Milwaukee calls and then, finally, to the East Coast. He stops for a spell in DC, walking through shaded paths as the cherry blossoms sway above him. The pink defies imagination. He’s used to vehicle-grade candy paint, each car brighter and more audacious than the last, a parade of vibrant neons and sultry veneers that spin rainbows around tracks. 
This pink is soft, petals even softer against his fingertips, and Logan feels an irrational stab of guilt for the calluses that dare grace the blossoms swaying in the wind. His dark past makes him unworthy to touch such beauty and, as he watches the petals flutter to the ground, he thinks of another beauty that slipped through his fingers.
He stays for a few months, enough to learn the grid of southeast DC and the bisecting avenues, but then spring tiptoes into summer. He’s used to the sun but the goddamn humidity makes his hair pouf into patterns he knows gentle fingers would soothe, so he heads north.
It’s a quick drive, the four lanes of 95 providing ample room to swerve and fly; he imagines another car with another driver speeding down these roads.
Finally, the wheels lead him to New York, where he trembles on a doorstep under flickering lights in this apartment building, fighting up five floors where every step made him want to vomit.
He breathes through his nose. He didn’t come all this way (trans versing the United States, multiple times, him and the Devore burning miles and gas but subsisting on memories and love) for nothing. His fingers shake and he rings the doorbell.
When it opens, she looks just as she does in his memory, eyes warm and bright, smile breaking out over the apples of her cheeks. His heart leaps.
“Hi,” he breathes. He had been unsure of his reception but now, with her blinking up serenely at him, the years fade away and he’s brought back to the moment in front of her fathers house, watching the tears pool in her eyes and wishing futility on every star that life could be different.
They move at the same time; she jumps forward, and he pulls her in and their lips meet as if no time had passed, as if they had never been apart, as if distance were meaningless in the troublemaker's face who stole his heart.
 “Close enough now?” He beams at her, smile so wide it hurts, cheeks pinching unfamiliarly, and he never wants to leave her side.
Her answering smile shines brighter than any shooting star he’s seen, and he knows he is right where he needs to be. “Finally.”
@leelee10898, @client-327, @brightpinkpeppercorn, @choicesarehard, @burnsoslow, @zaffrenotes, @kat-tia801, @desiree-pow-35-1986, @ritachacha
@omgjasminesimone, @mskaneko, @alyssalauren
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