#wyatt doesnt like world nobles but he doesnt want to be a bleeding heart either
devilfish-cowboy · 3 years
The ornamental gun of a Celestial Dragon. It's made of solid gold and silver, patterned with intricate carvings and royal emblems.
Wyatt beheld the weapon in his hands, feeling its weight and studying the ornate filigree patterns worked into the grip and barrel. He was quite the expert on firearms and immediately recognized it for what it was, an ornamental single-barreled pistol designed for a celestial dragon. They were designed as symbols of power and prestige rather than for combat, though they could still serve as intimidation should the owner wish it, or deadlier use if threatened and the body guards failed in their duty. The last time Wyatt saw such a thing was when he was in Sabaody some years ago. To avoid unwanted attention he had been in disguise, and things were working smoothly until he saw a world noble arrive with his entourage at the grove he was in. The he quickly hid behind a building but kept his eyes on the spectacle. There was a shout, and seconds after a woman was laying on the ground bleeding profusely but daring not to make a sound as the noble shouted something unintelligible, tendrils of smoke rising from the gleaming barrel of his gun.
“6/10. I ain’t no fan of those bubble-encased blue-bloods but no weapon’s to blame for th’ owner and I reckon fine craftsmanship when I see it.”
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