Something freaking me out about the fact that November 5th was 5 days after Halloween
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gilly-bj · 3 years
I saw some people claiming that levi is the father of historia's child. I am far to shock to process that or my brain is in a rivamika brainrot so i dont really see it as possible but what do you think of it?
Hi anon!
Is this a joke? The really say it!? Omg 😂
Wtttttf why? What’s wrong with this fandom?! Ahhhh, no anon, I doubt. Why?
i) I don’t think that Levi would agree.
We know how Levi was born, and considering his traumatic childhood, I think that he will have a child only with someone he loves and only when he wants to (and he obviously doesn’t love Hisu), so I think he would disagree.
ii) they haven’t interacted in a way that could actually give us hints
If the father is Eren or the Farmer, in both cases, their interactions with Historia gave us some kind of hints, at least, they arose some doubts in the fandom since people is talking about it i have no doubts.
With Levi?? No. He talked about her pregnancy once, and he didn’t seem to be that interested (at least, not as a father would be)
I think that people are so scared about EH and RM endgame that start to say this, kinda questionable things.
Thank you for the ask anon 💜💜💜
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fuckyeahasexual · 4 years
I CANT DEAL ACE OF COLOR LEAD WTTTTTF i never thought is see an ace lead let alone a woman let alone a woc ace wow
I don't think there's ever been a full length film with an ace who mentions they are ace on film. There's only recently (past three years) been any aces on film at all, often in short films. So to have the first hour+ movie be a women of color???? With her name in the title if I understand things. Like I'm so excited I want to declare it my favorite movie without seeing it.
Twitch mentioned allowing watch parties so I'm going to see if it has limits on what we can watch and if we can I'll plan a fyeah watch party!
- rose
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morika · 7 years
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who was i before i saw this with my two eyes....
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mariopowertennis · 6 years
New cloverfield movie tonight wtttttf
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legalien · 6 years
5. 7. 11. :)
5: Talk about the best birthday you've had.  mislim da je to ovaj zadnji :) nisam fakat materijalist i ne brijem na ne znam kakve skupocjene poklone, ali baš se poklopilo puno lijepih stvari koje su mi prije svega pokazale da imam oko sebe ljude koji me jako dobro poznaju i koji me vole.. a kad se to sve tak posloži, nemreš ne bit sretan i zahvalan prije svega :) ekšli sad nisam opće opisala taj dan, al nek na tom i ostane, znam da sam bila jako sretna! :) 7: Talk about your biggest insecurity. nije to tolko aktualno više jer sam kinda prerasla samu sebe i svoje nesigurnosti (iako vjerojatno ne u potpunosti, al većim dijelom da) tak da treba uzet ovo sad s rezervom, al to mi prvo pada na pamet.. dakle, tipičan strah/nesigurnost u samu sebe i da nisam dovoljno dobra, kako u ljudskim odnosima, tako i u stvarima koje volim/radim u životu.. jednostavno postoji ta neka kočnica i nešto što mi ne da da se opustim i shvatim svoju vrijednost (al as i said, ne tolko ko prije) 11: Talk about the best dream you've ever had. ne sjećam se baš snova previše, al onih kojih se sjećam su više manje wtttttf i zato ih pamtim haha al mislim da su mi uvijek najdraži oni snovi koji uključuju ljude koji mi se u tom trenutku sviđaju i onda mi se nakon tih snova počnu sviđat još 123 puta više :D tak da, recimo da mi je trenutno najdraži san vezan uz ovo osobu sada, +  prefun situacija, dan prije mi je javila da me sanjala i eto mene dan kasnije sa sanjanjem :Dhvala :) 
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bangzchan · 7 years
but like wtf noora and yousef are a thing then wtttttf
nah...yousef probably told noora he likes sana 
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bad-music · 7 years
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chrishinxmcgee2 · 4 years
rj barret wtttttf
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winterwilder · 8 years
listen to me i am so thirsty for outlast 2 i’m going to tattoo the entire goddamn bible on my face and run naked through a corn field 
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deviri · 9 years
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