littlefishee · 1 year
It's hard to be a woman like me. Sometimes, I envy another person or fiction character's life. Wish I was them, but here I am. And then I realize nobody would be here for me except myself. So, keep up, Fish! 🦈
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quirkykidsworld · 2 years
I'm tired
I'm tired
Of having to smile when I don't want to
Of pretending it's fine when it is not
Of going on when I need to rest
I'm tired
Of taking care of everything and everyone
Of ensuring my safety each time I step out
Of being scared when I travel at night
I'm tired
Of listening to how I ought to be
Of never being enough
Of never truly being free
I'm tired
Of all the taboos around my bleeding
Of being objectified and gawked at as a thing
Of being looked as a lesser human thanks to my gender
I'm tired of being a woman
In this patriarchal world
So I take it in my hands
To change things, one step at a time
We can no longer suffer and struggle
We want and need to live, laugh and be
I'm tired of patriarchy
And maybe it's time to replace it.
~ Gayathri, @lemmebegirls
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lifeasamint · 2 years
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Be Your Own Leader 💯💫
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Christian Dior , the dark horse of couture.
Dior’s main strive in his career was to make women feel beautiful and empowered , to design and create pieces of textile that would perfectly hug any woman’s silhouette.
He grew out of the ashes of the Great Depression, after the war there was an abundance of spare material and he took it upon himself to make something of it , he teased a new era , particularly changing the way that women dressed , fashion no longer had to be just for practicality and longevity, it now could represent individuality, no longer having to change themselves to fit into the mould that society created.
“Individuality will always be one of the conditions of real elegance” Christian Dior
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reallove-truelove · 1 year
“If people hate you, you can never do anything right by them.”
- Faith Ferguson 
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chloealexacummings · 2 years
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beckyhardin · 2 years
In addition to helping numerous members of her community as a physical therapist, she also owns a successful business.
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hollywoodcity10 · 2 years
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kopiumek · 2 years
Kemarin sore saya ngobrol sama temen perempuan. Dia lulusan Pertanian Unej (Jember) dan asal Madura. Temen saya cerita soal masyarakat yang ada di daerah asalnya, khususnya soal pendidikan. Konon dulunya dia bercita-cita sebagai guru, biar bisa mengajar sampai pelosok, katanya.
Dia cerita kalau di tempatnya masih ada anak lulus SD yang sudah dinikahkan orang tuanya, dan motifnya macam-macam. Tapi sebagian besar karena ingin segera melepas tanggung jawab orang tua untuk membiayai hidup anak perempuannya. Pas si anak perempuan ini sudah seusia SMA, biasanya sudah punya 3-4 anak.
Saya ngga bisa bayangin gimana kehidupan anak yang punyak anak. Dan saya juga bisa mengerti kenapa sebagian orang memilih untuk child free. Karena semua bisa memutuskan untuk punya anak, tapi mengasuhnya dengan benar urusan lain.
Teman saya juga cerita kalau sebenarnya ada beberapa tenaga pendidik yang memberi beasiswa alias sekolah gratis. Tapi tetap saja banyak yang belum mau melanjutkan sekolahnya dan lebih memilih menikah saja.
Oh, tentu saja nikahnya tidak tercatat di catatan sipil, kalaupun tercatat, biasanya kalau sudah seusia SMP mereka mengakali dengan mengganti tahun lahir.
Hal ini terus menerus terjadi sampai entah berapa turunan. Tapi yang jelas, semakin memperlebar gap pengetahuan/pendidikan antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Lagi-lagi perempuan yang harus ketinggalan informasi, ketinggalan akses pendidikan, ketinggalan update teknologi, ketinggalan mengejar keterampilan, dan banyak lagi aspek lainnya.
Padahal, pendidikan bisa jadi alternatif untuk mengentas kemiskinan. Karena dengan pendidikan, kita bisa memperkaya pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Perempuan di kabupaten juga jadi bisa ikut pemberdayaan masyarakat, jadi bisa memulai usaha rumahan. Apa lagi di era pesatnya teknologi. Dengan kesempatan yang sama dengan laki-laki, perempuan di kabupaten harusnya bisa dapat akses dan mampu mengejar era digital untuk memgembangkan usahanya. Dengan begitu, bisa mengurangi masalah kemiskinan suatu daerah dan mengurangi pernikahan di bawah umur.
Oh, ya. Saya jadi ingat di suatu daerah yang katanya mau mengubah peraturan agar ASNnya bisa poligami yang tujuannya memelihara janda-janda. Ah, Pak. Kalau memang mau mengentas kemiskinan janda-janda, diberi pelatihan gratis dan modal untuk bisnis rumahan saja bisa. Ga perlu merubah peraturan padahal bapak aja yang nyari-nyari pembenaran di atas krisis yang terjadi.
Akhir kata, saya cuma bisa bilang, "Hadeehhh..."
Semoga kita, perempuan, bisa sebenar-benarnya merdeka dari segala penindasan🇮🇩
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Ditulis tanggal 17 Agustus 2022
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daarkfayte · 2 years
Never let someone tell you who they think you should be, even if you like or even love that person. Be the person you want to be. Even if you don't know what that is right now, that's OK. That's a fundamental right that no one should ever hand over to another person.
I really like my boss and value his opinion. I have a co-worker that has been harassing me and making my life hell for weeks on end. At the end of my rope, i finally went to talk it out with my boss who told me not to let things get to me so personally. After all, I'm going to be a boss myself in just a few days. I need to learn not to let these things affect me.
Except, regardless of title or position, I am still a human being. I have feelings. I can of course, take things personally if I do so see fit. Even managers take things personally even if they don't say it to their employees face. They talk it out with others, which is what I did. I value his opinion but he doesn't get to dictate who I am or what i get to feel. Only I do.
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quirkykidsworld · 2 years
She can be...
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Whatever a person chooses, society has something to talk about it, especially if the said person is a woman. It's our life and the choices we make are ours. Normal person or celebrities - your judgement isn't needed. Let us be!
Yours faithfully,
~ Gayathri, @lemmebegirls
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miss-atomic-bomb1 · 3 years
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Se que somos diferentes
y aunque todo está en la mente
quien manda es el corazón.
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la-rubia-tarada · 3 years
🥀curvas 🥀
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soulfullines · 3 years
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justallmerei · 3 years
The moment you start to see your limitations,
you become limitless.
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A lil' something to all my beautiful people
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