#without having a double mars symbol pin or something...
pansyfemme · 3 years
honestly. at this point im tempted to design my own gay man flag due to like every one out there being shitty or not exclusive to gay men but tbh. i know it wouldnt catch on and be so unrecognizable it doesnt make sense.
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cancerjupiter · 3 years
astrology notes: mars (pt. 1)
mars in aries
at home in its own sign, you’re very sure about its desires. passions burn brightly, and you know exactly who and what you want. being cardinal, mars in aries likes to take the initiative, and does tend to rush at people in a way that can be quite intimidating to those who like to make decisions more slowly. the person with mars in Aries is excited by the pursuit, however, so rejections and evasions only serve to fuel the fire. finding it hard to admit defeat, they cannot believe that they won't get what they want, and will see the slightest ambiguity as grounds for optimism. the mars in aries does have a tendency to enjoy the chase more than the end result, so that they often lose interest in people once they have have them. they are then likely to run away just as fast as they were pursuing before :/ someone who wants to retain the interest of this person will need to remain always a little elusive. 
people with mars in aries feel energized by sexual desire - even if it is not fulfilled, it will make them feel more vital and alive. very intuitive and trusting to instinct and gut reactions, they know exactly what is right for them, and will not compromise. they either desire people or not, the second they meet them: there is no uncertainty or doubt with them. the person with this mars often appears much more confident than they feel, and may tend to look for an identity through their lovers, and try to prove themselves through sex. these people may go to great lengths to prove how independent they are, when they are really trying to define themselves through action. sex, therefore, to these people can assume huge symbolic significance; and they may invest the object of their desire with almost mystical status. they are searching for a hero to fire and inspire them, to help them discover the hero within. to this end, they may have to go on a long and lonely journey, facing many difficulties and rejections before they become the truly independent individual they need to be. life holds many hard lessons for people with mars in aries. they step into each new sexual involvement with careless impulsiveness, naively believing that this one will be much easier than the last, and forgetting that aries must pit itself against adversity in order to develop strength and self-reliance. 
these people are attracted to sharply defined individuals of strong character. they enjoy a certain amount of combativeness and competition with their sexual partners, and are often quite sharp and argumentative with those they find attractive. sexual desire strirs up anger for them; and they often feel safer expressing anger to lovers than to anyone else. it is important to them that the other person is strong enough to handle this, and can give as good as they get. there is a need for the lover to be of equal strength, and they will feel irritated by someone who gives in to them all the time, and will soon lose interest in such a person. they cannot be pushed into things themselves, and tend to despise those who can. although they may be critical of their lovers themselves, they will fight ferociously to defend them against anyone else who dares to attack their loved ones. 
honest, open and direct, mars in aries likes to let their potential lovers know exactly how they feel. it’s important to them  that things are straight-forward and that there is no confusion. they in turn like to know exactly where they stand, and cannot bear any form of deception. they have romantic ideals about sex, and need to be true to themselves, so that the pretence involved in having sex with someone that they do not really want or when they do not want it can be very disturbing to them. mars in aries is not really looking for physical sensation, but rather for some kind of spiritual fulfillment through sex. these people seek spiritually unity, a fusing and oneness with their lover which transcends the physical act. through it, they hope to experience a moment of bliss in which they have abandoned separateness and become one with their lover.
mars in taurus
someone with this placement will have a good connection to their instinctual, physical needs. this will be a strong, no-nonsense person with a matter of fact attitude towards sex; someone who gets enormous enjoyment from their sexual relationships, and with wide tastes. these people could be into sex for its own sake, as pure physical pleasure, with no trimmings. they are comfortable with their own bodies and physical desires. more gentle types could find them too careless and direct.
with mars in any of the earth signs, there is the propensity to split love and sex; but someone with mars in taurus is most prone to this, simply because their desire nature is so strong. these are not people who can easily be celibate, so if there is no-one in their lives who really matters to them, they are still going to look for sexual partners. they may have a pragmatic view of these liaisons, unaware of their own double standards, as when they are deeply involved with someone on a feeling level their values change dramatically. 
taurus is arguably the most possessive sign of the zodiac, and someone with mars in it may claim total ownership rights over their sexual partner. this differs from the emotional possessiveness of someone with mars in scorpio, as with taurus the partner becomes a prized object (trophy wife) in which they invest a part of themselves. infidelity is so completely threatening to these people that it is intolerable (though they may be cheaters themselves lol). they will value their partners highly, treat them as a possession, as an extension of themselves, and expect and demand absolute faithfulness. to say that they are jealous and possessive of loved ones is an understatement.
this is a very primitive mars placement; we are dealing with a neolithic person here. we’re in 2020 and the rest of the world developed more liberated attitudes to relationships, but they’re not easily filtered through to a mars in taurus person. this is someone who has traditional expectations and is likely to want to play a traditional role in relationships. they will build a relationship slowly, not one to rush into things, and will take their time to get to know a prospective partner. a sexual involvement does not necessarily mean  to them that a relationship is underway. they will evaluate a potential relationship in a pragmatic way. once involved, they are loyal and reliable, and are not afraid of making a commitment. they are at their best when in a secure relationship.
mars in gemini
gemini is the most restless of all the air signs; and people with mars here can barely remain still for a minute. they are constantly on the go, moving from place to place and person to person. finding it hard to survive for long without talking, if they cannot actually be with people they will want to be on the phone.they’re likely social media addicted and will find it really hard to concentrate their desire on one person, as sex to them may simply be a way into a friendship. in this way, these people are frequently starting new sexual relationships only to cool off almost immediately. this tends to make their relationships very complicated, when they want to continue on a friendship-only/friends w benefits basis, but the other person sees it as a sexual partnership. no one is more evasive than the mars in gemini person; and it is almost impossible to pin them down. their desires change from moment to moment, which makes it very difficult for them to commit themselves to any one person. because sex and companionship are so closely linked for them, being sexually faithful feels like only being allowed to talk to one person - a fate they find it hard to contemplate. besides, their attitude to sex tends to be rather lighthearted and playful, and so they cannot understand why others should get so heavy and possessive about it.
they are attracted to lively, exciting people who are fun to be with, and often  younger people. mars in gemini people are not very interested in physical beauty, but are excited by a lively mind and sharp sense of humour. they may get very argumentative when they are attracted to someone, and will enjoy it if the person responds in kind. i noticed they’re turned on by arguing, as if it’s a form of courtship to them, and like to chat and joke through sex itself. 
as gemini is intensely curious, they’re likely to wonder exactly what sex would be like with each person they meet, and to get a great deal of pleasure from speculating on this or just talking about sex. these people are tremendous flirts, as for them flirting can be a kind of verbal intercourse which is an end in itself. this can be very confusing to who they talk to, for they may believe that they’re being offered something that just isn't there and has no way of knowing that what they’re taking part in is not a prelude to sex but an alternative to it. crazy. the duality of gemini also means that there is a side of these people that wants much more than this casual, superficial pleasure which leaves them feeling deeply dissatisfied. deep inside, there is a part of them that craves profound and meaningful connections; and sex for them can be a form of communication that goes much deeper than words. for mars in gemini people, it's essential that their sexual partner is also a friend who will listen to them and talk to them. in order for them to feel truly desired, they have to be wanted as a person and a friend rather than just for sex.
mars in cancer
someone with this mars is going to move cautiously wherever failure and rejection are a possibility. like the crab, these people will never approach their objective head-on. they will act carefully and pay attention to what kind of response they’re eliciting. in relationships, they will not want to risk rejection, and will often not make a move unless sure of being accepted. these people will use their sensitivity to the non-verbal signals to judge how safe it is before risking a refusal. however, cancer is a cardinal sign, so despite their self-protectiveness they can and will initiate. when they feel emotionally secure, either because the external situation is non threatening or from an inner security established within themselves, they can act passionately and powerfully. 
this is a sexually passionate placement with deep and intense needs for emotional safety within a relationship. people with mars in cancer are particularly likely to want sexual contact to reassure them that they are wanted, although this need to be wanted extends beyond the sexual and will permeate their whole life. they may try to make themselves indispenable to others so that they will never be abandoned. in sexual relationships, they need to feel they belong, to feel protected and secure, and will in turn offer a sense of protection and containment to their partner. 
mars in cancer will often mother their partner and want mothering themselves. they enjoy taking care of others, both physically and emotionally. they are likely to be gentle, kindly and sympathetic. they will recognize and value the deeper exchanges of a sexual union and the bonds that exist on a feeling level. these people are likely to be possessive and to expect their partner to be completely faithful, though they will not necessarily apply this same standard to themselves. however, they will remain faithful if their infidelity threatens their security or violates their feeling of belonging to someone else. 
mars in leo
you desires with passionate intensity; and, like mars in aries, tends to attribute mythical qualities to those you want. you people are looking for someone larger than life, whom you can truly admire; and because of this you tend to expect a great deal from their lovers. mars in leos are prone to serial monogamy, falling passionately in love with someone who seems to embody all the qualities they want. during this phase, they will see the lover as perfect, and will be arresting in their praise. they will devote all their energy and attention to pleasing this person until the imperfections begin to appear. then they begin to feel angry and cheated as though the lover has deliberately set out to deceive them and let them down. the tendency then is to be very critical and see only the bad whereas before they had seen only the good. 
people with mars in leo like to dramatize, so they will tend to draw a lot of people in to sympathize with their disappointment. they are proud and unyielding, so this pattern tends to be repeated many times before they are able to stop blaming others and see how fixed and unrealistic expectations bring about their own disappointment. for them, sex is generally one of life's pleasures. they give a great deal of attention to setting the scene and creating the right atmosphere. their bedroom will be the most important room in the home, and will likely be beautifully decorated in rich, romantic colours. 
sex is an important performance to them; and they like everything to be exactly right. it’s like staging the first night of a play; and great care is taken to ensure success. they know exactly what pleases people and enjoy giving pleasure, always bearing in mind that sex should be entertaining. they are generous with compliments and attention, and are able to make their partner feel really prized. because their self-esteem is bound up with sex, mars in leo people can be very sensitive to criticism and rejection. there is a strong tendency to feel that they have to put on a great performance in order to prove that they are better lovers than anyone else; and this can rob them of some of their natural spontaneity. when they trust their instincts, they have an intuitive knowledge of what is pleasurable; and this, together with their warmth and enthusiasm, can make them great lovers. 
people with mars in leo are attracted to success. they tend to look to their sexual partners to confirm their identity and enhance their status, so that achievement, wealth and fame are all things that turn them on. they like the good life and enjoy luxury, so someone who can offer these things is likely to seem very attractive to them; and they also get great pleasure from sharing their own good fortune. they have a great capacity for enjoying life. these people's pleasures are very important to them, so it is vital to them that their lovers have a sense of fun and are able to share these pleasures with them. they will quickly lose interest in someone who lacks a strong appetite for life/with a negative mindset. 
mars in leo people can be very arrogant and high-handed at times. their belief that they are a law unto themselves can create a lot of conflict, drama and heartbreak in their relationships. they find it difficult to back down once they have taken a stand, and they may rather end a relationship rather than admit they are wrong. touchy and easily hurt, they feel humiliated by rejection, and tend to need constant reassurance of their desirability. neing belittled or made fun of feels like death to the them; and anyone who does this will kill off any desire immediately. in order for a relationship to flourish, this person needs to feel appreciated and respected; and their partner must be attentive and generous with praise and encouragement. if these things are not forthcoming, the mars in leo will feel unwanted and turned off. to them, sex is life-giving and vital to their sense of identity. these people are seeking to discover their own uniqueness through it, and so put themselves wholeheartedly into it. it’s a creative act for them; and they need to feel proud of what they do. they are highly principled where sex is concerned, regarding faithfulness and loyalty as essential to a successful relationship. 
mars in virgo
someone with this mars will be moderate and self-contained. they will have the sensual sensitivity that all the earth signs possess, but they will be reserved in expressing it. sex does not matter much to them. unlike mars in taurus, they have no desire in the abstract so they are quite capable of long periods of celibacy if there is no-one around that interests them. when in a new relationship, however, they will initially be very sexually active, trying to make up for previous abstinence. 
while someone with mars in virgo still takes sensual pleasure in their body for its own sake and very into masturbation, this is tempered by a practical, matter-of-fact attitude to physical needs and desires. this is not someone who is easily drawn into the excesses of a mars in taurus; mars in virgo is far more circumspect and health-conscious. someone with mars in virgo will have considerable caution in getting involved in a relationship. they do not want to make a mistake, and will select a partner with care. in choosing, they seek to fulfil quite particular criteria. in extreme cases, a prospective partner may feel like a job applicant being measured against a detailed set of requirements to see if they’re is suitable for the position. virgo has a reputation for being choosy, fussy and critical; and for someone with mars here, they can bring all of this to bear in their approach to a sexual partner. 
virgo is a very analytical sign, and mars in virgo can be analytical to an extreme. at their worst, these people will lose track of the inherent meaning in a situation, in trying to unravel and understand the detail. they can analyse a situation to death. more positively, they will always be prepared to talk about things and to try to undersatnd themselves and their partner. mars in virgos may want a partner who is useful, perhaps someone who helps out with practical or technical problems; and they may offer this to those they are involved with. joint ventures and activities will be an important part of their relationships. 
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shayprose · 7 years
Resistance is a drag
It has been a minute since I’ve posted anything.
The globe has been turning all along, but I’ve been caught up in the human world and all that it means to be there. 
Trump is our president. Our hard-won rights are slowly being dissolved in a flurry of paperwork and skewed news stories, and it’s disheartening on a very subconscious level. I say this because I do not consciously bring my thoughts around to this nuisance of reality willingly unless I am actively focusing on it, but I know it’s there, deep down, percolating beneath the layers of mental safeguards I’ve put up for situations like this.
Today the subconscious and the conscious merged, in a few different ways. 
It started this morning, when my Lyft driver told me that his friends won’t stop making jokes about global warming. In my sleepy daze, I chuckled darkly and said, “Well, there’s a parallel here -- when people are sick, we get a fever. The planet is sick. It has a fever. The difference is, we can medicate ourselves to feel better...but who will medicate the planet?” I know. It sounds like a very Socratic and philosophical thing to say, but truly -- who will medicate the planet? 
His response was to continue on with a story about how he loves letting his feet touch the bare grass, and how the people around him don’t do that enough; how the same people actually joke about waiting until the planet dies so they can populate Mars. I drew another parallel by pointing out that only a few organisms on this planet vacate their dead hosts to infect another, and that’s eerily what we would become.
We rode in silence the rest of the way.
Later on in the day, I caught myself marveling at my complexion. I’ve been really, truly practicing my makeup skills more often, and my own face is a good enough canvas to try new products, new techniques, new ways of framing shapes; it’s fun, I feel good after, and it helps me perfect the looks I do when I’m in drag (yes, I’ve been doing that, too, which is certainly a topic for another post). 
Partway through my self-admiration, I realized something else -- I consciously wore my sunglasses today, despite how dark it was out this morning. Because I didn’t want my Lyft driver to see me. I didn’t dwell on this in the moment, but I was afraid for another person, in these United States, to see what I looked like with a full beat -- eyes, face, lips, the whole shebang. I didn’t want him to hurt me, emotionally or physically. That startled me for a variety of reasons. 
For starters, I’m the one who constantly encourages everyone around me to live their truest lives. If you want to wear a black lip and rock a miniskirt with a full beard and no eyebrows, you better work. If you choose to rappel down a skyscraper without double-checking your gear first, you go ahead and live dangerously (as long as you don’t accidentally hurt someone else). Do what makes you feel wholly you, and nothing less, but there I was, staring at myself in my mirror, smiling from ear to ear with the completed art, and immediately wondering how on earth I’m going to be able to cover it up so that I don’t have to face the crushing reality that I’m a thin, gay man wearing a full face of makeup, in the daytime, in a nation that strongly discourages this kind of behavior. In a sense, I was afraid of the repercussions for looking different.
Another reason this startled me relates intrinsically to this election. #RESIST has become a motto for me, internally and loudly externally, and I applaud everyone who stands up and says “this is not my president, and these are not my values.” Black rights, LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, science rights, refugees, teachers, and everything else that matters and has a bullseye painted sloppily across it -- these are the reasons we fight against the horde of people who would go to extreme lengths to reverse the small victories for equal rights for all, not just the straight white cisgender male. How am I playing my part if I’m hiding my made-up face, which to some, might be a symbol of feminine gay culture? What am I doing if I’m hiding from the prying eyes of people who might disagree with me?
This idea came up later on today, when I’m answering the back door at work. A very belligerent truck driver stopped by to pick up the piles of refuse left over from the night before. There was an overnight installation of a few components of whatever, whatever, and the garbage piled high for it, enough that a truck company was used to take it all away for us. He arrived, huffing and puffing because of how the loading dock is blocked off, and then demanded to know how to get to our sister store in Fenway. I calmly explained that he would stay right on Boylston and head toward the stadium. His thick, very dense Boston accent was my clue that he has probably driven by it a few times, and his insistence that he is a prominent driver confused me when he told me he didn’t know what I was talking about.
Then he looked at my gray lips and glimmering highlight, rolled his eyes, and changed his tone to one that screamed “you couldn’t actually know, faggot.” He drawled on, telling me that going down Boylston in one direction would make the numbers go down, not up, and I should be clearer. I told him to head toward Mass Ave and read the signs, and he’ll get there without any issues. He snickered again and said “You want me to take this truck down Storrow?” I paused a second too long, just long enough for him to roll his eyes again, and finally yell “this shit has got to go and I need to go, so figure it out!” 
I got nervous when he raised his voice. I’m a thin person without a lot of muscle mass, and this huge guy is already sizing me up as an easy target. I’m alone with him in a hallway. No one can hear me, and my only comfort is the headset on my ear that works maybe a quarter of the time. 
Sighing, I closed the door and told him he would figure it out and that I had to go back to my job. I regretted my makeup and the fact that I shaved my beard the night before. I felt myself regretting that I didn’t look like everyone else.
Shortly thereafter, I am packing up my things to leave when I caught my reflection again. It wass starting to fade a little and there are places on my nose where the foundation was starting to melt from all of my natural oils, but I didn’t touch it up. I knew I was going to take it off, anyway, because of my train ride home. It never once occurred to me that I’d actually wear it on the Orange Line, let alone at the train station by my house. “Did I want to get shot?”, I laughed to myself.
I must have made that comment out loud because a coworker overheard me and, her smile waning, asked, “Wait -- do you really think about that? Is that really something you think about before you go anywhere?” 
My subconscious and conscious minds merged in that moment, and the safeguards came tumbling down. 
“Yes,” I replied, in a quiet, contemplative voice that contrasted starkly to my typical jovial baritone. “I guess I never really thought about it, but yes -- I’m afraid of what would happen.” 
I use #resist on all of my drag selfies because I believe gender disruption and all versions of shaking up the “heteronormative status quo” act as a big fuck you to the people who are trying to take it all away from us. I go to rallies when I can, I give fistfuls of dollars away to charities and activist groups, and I proudly tout my “Not My President” pin. I fight down people who confront the simple civil liberties I want for all of our not-so-minor minorities, and I build up people who are struggling. But I take my makeup off to ride the fucking train?
Once, a little bit before my birthday, a very dear friend of mine told me she had a paralyzing thought about the election. She told me she doesn’t believe this, and felt some shame in it, but she knows, deep down, that if she didn’t fight the Trump regime, she would, essentially, be unharmed. She wouldn’t ever be truly affected by it, not personally or physically, and she could just slide on by until the next election. It is the easy solution. 
She could take her makeup off.
She shook her head immediately and told me that she would keep fighting, however, because she believes in the cause. I believe her implicitly. But that stuck with me. She could take her makeup off and she would be fine. She would blend in with the crowd, not for or against the grain, and would be “fine.” 
This isn’t an exact parallel, of course. I took my makeup off today out of fear of physical harm. I read an article yesterday about the tragic death of a drag queen in New Orleans. At the time it was posted, the details were still hazy, but the overall timbre of the piece was enough to shake me a little. New Orleans, while in Louisiana, is still a very rich environment for gay night life, and it’s disturbing that one of our own would be killed for being who she is. For living her whole life. My mind immediately went to Boston, and how the night life here is almost non-existent, and how, despite the bubble of liberalism that pushes against the oppressors trying to break down the peace of our little metropolis, there isn’t a magical forcefield to keep out guns and the hateful people who use them for cold murder.
A young queer wearing a pound and a half of makeup could very easily be the face of the evening news. “Grizzly death of gay Sephora employee leaves community rattled.” “Queer man killed by unknown assailant on the Orange Line.” “Boy wearing makeup beaten to death.” 
Can fear really be an excuse? Is this really a reason to #resist-lite? Am I doing a disservice to myself and to my community, and thereby to the entire movement, by letting this sort of thing change me? 
Someone recently told me that I gave them confidence because of how courageous I am. For doing drag, for being a storyteller, for pursuing my dreams -- all the nice things you hear when someone applauds your impact on their lives. Did I let this person down?
So I suppose, in conclusion --
I will keep wearing my fucking makeup, fear be damned. And so should you.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Magickal materials: Beeswax
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Magickal materials: Beeswax
Posted by Michelle Gruben on Jun 12, 2017
What’s sweet and golden and comes from bees? Nope, not honey! Today, we’re taking a closer look at a versatile magickal ingredient: Beeswax.
Beeswax may serve the Witch in a number of ways. Beeswax is crafted into candles, poppets, talismans and seals. It is an ingredient in ointments and natural body products. It has the marvellous property of anchoring and blending other spell ingredients together into a harmonious whole.
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When ancient tablets and medieval grimoires speak of “wax,” they are almost always referring to beeswax. Petroleum-based wax hadn’t been manufactured yet, and vegetable waxes were inferior to work with. Beeswax was once prized for being rare and hard to obtain. Though apiary technology has improved in the last two centuries, beeswax is still a comparatively precious ingredient for ritual items.
Beeswax has an unmistakable allure to witchy folks. Perhaps something about it stirs our ancient souls. I first encountered beeswax as a child, nibbled from jars of honey in a downtown farmers market. I feel the same way about it now as I did then: Equal parts mysterious, delicious, and totally gross. Read on to find how to incorporate this ancient material into your magick.
Beeswax candles
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Most ritual candles today are made from paraffin, a petroleum byproduct. Paraffin is inexpensive and has a high melting temperature—two strong advantages over beeswax. Despite what many people believe (or have been told at pioneer parks), beeswax was probably not often used for candle-making in centuries past. It’s far too expensive—animal tallow was the usual ingredient for household candles.
Even so, many Witches prefer natural materials for magickal workings, and beeswax fits the bill. Pure beeswax candles can be purchased as speciality stores or made at home. Some Pagans like to incorporate dried herbs or essential oils into their purpose-made beeswax candles
There are three basic types of beeswax candles: Poured, dipped, and rolled:
With poured candles, wax is dispensed into a mould or container and allowed to cool. It takes a lot of skill and materials to make poured beeswax candles that burn properly. Beehives and flowers are popular motifs for commercial candles, but the resourceful Witch could make a beeswax figure candle.
Dipped candles are made by repeatedly dipping the wicking string into a pool of molten wax. Dipping candles is time-consuming, but yields appealing rustic-looking candles. You can speed up the process by dipping more than one at a time. Hand-dipped candles have a bumpy surface that looks good and creepy—perfect for a Witch’s altar!
Rolled candles use sheets of beeswax rolled around a wick. Beeswax sheets are usually stamped with a beeswax pattern and come in all sorts of colours. Beeswax is brittle at cold temperatures—the tricky part is getting them at the right temperature so that they roll without squishing or splitting. (Not having the skill or patience to make them myself, I stock some wonderful rolled candles by Lailokens Awen.)
People who use beeswax candles may notice a frosty-looking coating on the outside of candles after shipping or storage. Beeswax’s sensitivity to changing temperatures is responsible for beeswax “bloom." The whitish cast is nothing to worry about—rather, it is a sure sign that the candle is made from pure beeswax. To remove beeswax bloom, warm the candle between your hands for a few moments, then buff with a soft cloth. Textured candles can be restored with a quick blast of warm (not hot) air from a hairdryer.
Beeswax candle have a light, pleasant scent of honey when burned. When properly wicked, they burn with a bright and smokeless flame. Many makers prefer to leave beeswax candles unscented, so as to not overpower their natural fragrance.
Beeswax poppets
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A poppet is a (usually) human figure, made to stand in for an individual in a magickal spell. A Voodoo doll stuck with pins is the image that first comes to mind, but poppets are also used for healing and benevolent magick.
Poppets are often fashioned from cloth or sticks. However, some practitioners prefer a poppet of beeswax (“wax baby” or “wax dolly”). Beeswax begins to soften at body temperature and has a flesh-like, organic feel. The malleable quality of wax allows for a more detailed and realistic figure.
To make a wax poppet, melt a small amount of beeswax in a double boiler, or a metal bowl sitting over a container of hot water. (Don’t allow the water to come to a boil. Beeswax melts around 145 degrees Fahrenheit and is pliable at around 100 degrees. Higher temperatures can cause dangerous spattering or even combustion.) Remove from heat and allow to partially cool. When the wax is cool enough to handle, scoop it up and begin to shape your poppet. The heat from your hands will keep the wax soft while you work it.
Talismans and seals
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Beeswax is an age-old ingredient for making seals. The melted wax is combined with powdered tree resin to make a glossy, fragrant, and magickally potent seal. Gold Damar is the most traditional choice, but practically any resin will work. Some people add natural or artificial colourants to tint the wax.
Use beeswax seals on magickal bottles and documents. While the seal is still soft, symbols may be carved or stamped into the wax.
In the Western occult tradition, beeswax is often used as a base for magickal seals. The famous Sigillum Dei Aemeth of John Dee was made of wax. Wicca founder Gerald Gardner suggested that the Wiccan altar pentacle be cast or carved in wax. That way, it could be quickly melted down and disposed of if the Witch was under investigation by authorities.
One of the main magickal advantages of beeswax is its suggestibility. In other words, it can take on whatever meaning the magician impresses into it. It will also absorb the influences of anointing oils, herbs, and other materials used in conjunction with the wax. Beeswax, properly prepared, may be used as a substitute for other materials that are impractical to obtain or work with. Ceremonial magicians use beeswax to create planetary talismans in the absence of certain alchemical metals—namely, Gold, Lead, and Mercury.
Perfumes, salves and ointments
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Beeswax is an important ingredient in natural cosmetics and perfumes. Beeswax binds together scented ingredients, helping to lock in their fragrances. Heat from fire (or from the skin) softens the wax, releasing the aroma into the air. Amber and Kyphi—the famous blended incenses of the ancient world—were prepared using a beeswax base.
Witches often include beeswax in recipes for sacred perfumes and ointments. They believe that it is more magickal to use ingredients from the plant and animal world than modern, lab-created chemicals. Solid perfumes made with beeswax yield a subtle, slow-releasing fragrance that’s ideal for ritual use.
Typically, a certain percentage of melted beeswax is added to a base of fat or oil. The ratio depends on the desired consistency. More beeswax will make the mixture stiffer, less will make it creamier.
Beeswax makes an excellent natural polish for magickal items made of wood. You can make your own with a mix of carrier oil, melted beeswax, and essential oils. Rub onto wands and other wood items, and buff with a soft cloth.
Obtaining beeswax
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Beeswax is commercially available from soap- and candle-making suppliers. It is sold in blocks, textured sheets for rolled candles, or pastilles (small pellets). The processor melts and filters the raw wax to remove pollen, bug parts, and other impurities. Filtered beeswax is available in yellow (natural color) and white (color removed). Unfiltered beeswax is dark yellow to brown and used for industrial purposes.
Beeswax is quite expensive compared to other candle waxes—around $8-10 per pound. Bees make around 10 pounds of honey for every pound of beeswax. If the price is too low, it is possible that the beeswax has been stretched with soy wax or other additives.
While beeswax is readily available online, it can also be purchased directly from beekeeper. Buying close to home supports local bee populations and adds a little bit of local Earth energy to your magick. If you enjoy working with beeswax, you may wish to “give back” to the bees in some way. Consider growing plants that bees enjoy (such as Lemon Balm or Lavender), or contributing to conservation efforts.
Magickal properties of beeswax
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Magickally speaking, bees are funny little buggers. All stinging insects are considered creatures of Mars. They are warrior spirits. They travel in armies, and are willing to die to protect the nest.
Yet bees have a sacred association with the Mother Goddess. Bees are matriarchal, and the products they make are sweet and nourishing. It is not for nothing that honey has been called the “food of the gods.”
Images of a bee goddess have been found in ancient art in the Near East and Aegean regions. The title “Melissa” means Queen Bee, and was at various times applied to Cybele, Aphrodite, Demeter, and Artemis. Her priestesses were known as “melissae” or “meliae” (honey-nymphs).
Bees and bee products carry the symbolic virtue of industry and cooperation. Each bee is tiny, its contribution minuscule. But as a group, they create enormous benefits, building enormous colonies and pollinating the world’s plants.
Bees build their colony from beeswax in six-sided cells. The honeycomb shape mirrors the Seed of Life and the hexagram of sacred geometry.
Beeswax is a pleasant and adaptable ingredient with many magickal applications. Hopefully this article has given you some new ideas about how to use it in your spells and recipes!
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