#with an effective and energetic executive
themirroredmoon · 1 year
Breathwork is the active form of consciously working your breath to bypass the mind and enter a different state of awareness. This is what most people seek when meditating, and breathwork takes you to that place very quickly. The practice gives the brain's executive functioning something to focus on, so you can bypass the mental level of consciousness and drop into a deeper state of consciousness, where healing, spirit, and love reside.
There are many types of breathwork techniques, and each form of breath has a unique purpose and creates a different effect. As you breathe, you will become aware of thoughts, feelings, memories, and patterns that are not aligned with love and self-love. Even though many of us have processed childhood, beliefs, patterns in psychiatry, therapy, coaching, or healing, breathwork offers an opportunity to release any energy that has been unconsciously residing in the body or energetic system. Once those energies are released, there is more space for your inherent life force to flow through you.
There are little-to-no rules when it comes to establishing your own breathwork routine: You can practice in person with a teacher (in a group or solo setting), tune into a digital session, or guide yourself through a breath sequence from home or even in the middle of your work/school day.
Breathing practices are on the rise, and there's a reason why: Unlike meditation, where we are aware of our mental chatter, breathwork allows us to disconnect from the mind and reconnect with our body and energy. From this elevated state of awareness, we are able to heal, grow, and expand.
While meditation is an extremely useful form of self-reflection because it allows us to see the pace, substance, and truth of our thoughts, it also keeps us stuck in our mind, while many people are seeking to get out of their own heads. Meditation is a slow and steady practice that over a period of time will shift our perspective. But many people are seeking relief now, and meditation does not bring the relief they are looking for. Breathwork, on the other hand, can be easier to drop into when you are seeking more immediate feedback. It's a great tool to pull out when you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or off-center.
There is a misconception that healing arts are for individuals who are struggling or suffering. And yes, breathwork is very supportive for stress, tension, overwhelm, anxiety, depression, fear, trauma, insomnia, etc. But breathwork is also nourishing for someone who is doing well and feels ready for the next opening—the next layer of love, peace, gratitude, clarity, connection, and insights.
Some of the side effects that someone might experience during breathwork include tingling, buzzing, warming, cooling, or tightness in certain parts of their body. They may see colors or images or have downloads and insights. No matter what, whatever is happening is supposed to be happening. Your body has an innate intelligence and wisdom and it will support you in releasing what no longer serves you.
Breathwork, on the other hand, is an active form of meditation that allows us to disconnect from the mind and be guided by our body and heart. As we breathe out thoughts, beliefs, memories, actions that do not support our growth, we return to our wholeness and feel more equipped to handle stress, anxiety, and lingering trauma. There are many different breathwork techniques, and each one has a unique purpose and effect on the body. Here are three beginner techniques that deserve a spot in your repertoire and some recommendations for how and when to use them.
The Relaxing Breath from Andrew Weil, M.D., also known as 4-7-8 breathing, helps to slow down and calm the body. It slows the heart rate, brings our consciousness to the present moment, and slows the nervous system, bringing a feeling of calm and peace. This breath is ideal when you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, angry, triggered, and have trouble sleeping. It has the added bonus of teaching the body to take in less (in a culture where we saturate the mind and body with external stimulation), how to create space between inhale and exhale, as well as how to release excess energy and thought from the body.
HOW TO DO IT The traditional way of doing 4-7-8 breathing is to empty the lungs of air, breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, exhale out of the mouth for 8 seconds, and repeat at least 4 times. As you breathe in, imagine the grounded and nourishing energy of the earth, mountains, trees, plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, and herbs coming up into your body. As you hold your breath, visualize the breath spiraling up the center of your body and pulling any energy or thought that does not serve you. Then as you exhale over 8 seconds, imagine that excess energy releasing out of the mouth, and visualize light pouring through the top of your head back down to your feet and the earth below you.
THE 4-4-4-4 BREATH
Box Breathing comes through the Navy SEAL lineage and is also known as Square breathing, or 4-4-4-4 breath. This breathwork technique slows the heart rate and deepens concentration. It heightens efficiency and performance, as well as provides stress relief. It's best to use in the morning to wake up, in the middle of the day if sleepy, or before a big project or meeting that requires your focus.
To practice this technique, start by releasing all of the air from your chest, and hold your breath for 4 seconds, then breathe through the nose for 4 seconds, then hold your breath for 4 seconds, then exhale out of the nose for 4 seconds. Repeat this cycle for 5 minutes to feel the effects. As you are inhaling, imagine the earth element of the north rising up and nourishing the physical body. As you hold your breath, imagine the breath swooping through the mind like the wind element of the east, clearing out any thoughts that do not serve and keeping the thoughts that do serve you. As you exhale out of the mouth, imagine the fire element of the south that resides in the center and heart of our body, burning any thoughts and feelings in our emotional heart and belly to release through the mouth (traditional box breath exhales out of the nose, but some like to exhale out of the mouth to incorporate the heart's energy).
While our natural tendency is to breathe at a rate of two or three seconds per minute, Coherent Breathing, or the 5-5 breath, is a controlled and conscious breathing practice that slows down our breathing to 4 seconds and then 5 seconds. The 5-5 breath is ideal for an overall sense of calm and can be practiced throughout the day.
To start, focus on the natural rhythm of your breath to obtain a baseline length of each inhale and exhale. Then for 1 minute, breathe in for 4 seconds, and exhale for 4 seconds. Then repeat for 5 seconds, then repeat for 6 seconds, and if you want to, gradually expand to 10 seconds. Start with 5 minutes total and work your way up over time to 20 minutes. Imagine the earth energy rising up into the body, and then the thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in the body that you no longer want to hold on to, releasing out of the body through the exhale. The best way to know which technique is right for you is to first identify what you are struggling with and what you are seeking. These are suggestions, but as with any healing modality, it is best to experiment with each form to see which one feels most aligned with where you are. Remember, your breath is your inherent healer and guide inside of you.
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venus-vampire · 2 years
ℙ𝔸ℂ: 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚐𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜?
Tarot collaboration with @daarlingdatura
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ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝟙 // ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝟚 // ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝟛 // ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝟜
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⋅•⋅⋅•⋅∙∘☽ Pile 1 ☾∘∙•⋅⋅⋅•⋅
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This pile could have some friend group drama or friend drama going on. This situation will bring you some clarity and enlightenment thought- as well as some inner peace. Like you could learn to really love yourself through this situation so even though it sucks it's like a blessing in disguise because you get to realize how amazing you are.
You’ve got a reward coming through for making such intense and powerfully transformative emotional breakthroughs, you guys are naturally very balanced and stand strong in your judgments. You know when to call shots or take action, and you know how to differentiate between right and wrong in the grander scheme of things. You don’t get so swept up in momentary emotions. You take your time in executing decision making or in going through with your decided plans & patiently wait or what you want, even if it’s painfully slow.
You understand cause and effect very well, and you generally know what’s coming for you next. You usually know what the outcome of your choices are as well, 
YESS they know like the unconscious process of karma and actions. You know how to get what you want through hard work, and you are also someone who can energetically do road openings! This group could also be really adept in astral traveling !
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⋅•⋅⋅•⋅∙∘☽ Pile 2 ☾∘∙•⋅⋅⋅•⋅
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This pile knows the cycles of people, and even life itself. They know that some things must come to an end for others to begin. This pile is in touch with their actual hidden gifts and blessings.
Your blessings are your innate understanding of the universe, energy, and magick. A lot of you also have incredibly powerful bloodlines as well I'm feeling!
I feel like y’all are blessed with strong ancestry, solid friendships, the ability to transition? Datura heard transition, transition of states of mind.
One of your gifts is balancing, I feel like y’all have this ability to swap energies and situations. You can switch your experiences, sometimes for fun.
Y’all protect your boundaries and are careful who they give time and attention to. But y’alls hidden gift is your empathetic and emotional nature. I feel like this group is full of healers and natural spiritualists. Nature is literally on the top of datura’s deck!!
There's probably also a lot of people with mutable in their big 3, venus, mutable dominant people in this pile.
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⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ Pile 3 ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
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This is more of a hidden message you need to hear! Mixed in with some blessings and gifts.
You guys are serving extreme bad bitch energy. You are very much unapologetically you and you know what the fuck you’re talking about. Though you can tend to be very pessimistic, you could have really bad experiences with friendships and personal connections. Because of your experiences with others you can have a tendency to be superficial and a bit dull, because of this fear of connection. You don’t want it to backfire so you prefer to just be distant and not let people truly into your life. Alex said he was listening to the album Pink Friday by Nicki Minaj and that it made him think this pile is like her, and will defend their originality, identity, and selves at all costs. In the past you could’ve been naive, letting just anyone waltz into ur life, so now there’s almost a judgy nature to you. Where you need people to be as cool as you, when it’s unfortunately generally not the case. There is deep trauma a lot of you are avoiding with a smile plastered onto your face. I imagined a doll waving to a crowd, it’s like in the public eye you pretend to be the highest version of yourself but alone you can feel horrible and insecure at times. Not always though. Just sometimes. When you heal this vulnerability & connection trauma it’ll get better with times babes. This group can also tend to be seduced into befriending people with shitty intentions because they gaslight their intuition and really want to see the potential of a person they find to be cool. Like honestly this pile can be so superficial about connection sometimes. I feel like you could deal with a lot of conflicting thoughts and even paranoia surrounding friendships and connection. Spirit is saying to quit being so fucking paranoid and live your life. Not everything is that serious and you are seriously divinely protected. Like this group is very spiritually attuned and is well endowed spiritually. Quit being a pessimist and you will get to where you’re going with much less bullshit. Remember the world is a reflection of your mind. Also start following through on ur ideas, get your work ethic together, quit second guessing your ideas and walking away from ur projects just bc they don’t immediately blow up. 
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⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ Pile 4 ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
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I feel like y’all going through something not very fun right now, and your hidden blessings are kind of this ability you have to sink down and break yourself down and let everything bad melt away so you can be reborn. I feel like y’all are also a very vigilant pile, a little too vigilant.
I believe this pile’s hidden gifts and blessings are their ability to connect with others in equal and fair relationships. I feel like people will go out of their way to help you. People may look up to you and seek your advice or presence. Cherish those around you, pile 4.
I feel like y’all also have good temper control but know when to be assertive and let your spicy emotions out.
Pile 4 can quickly come back from failures and spend time within themselves to spring back up like nothing happened. Y’all  learn a lot from pain as well, so endings, failures, deaths, etc are a blessing in disguise for this group usually. “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” is true for y’all.
I would say that y’all are generally positive people, but when the pain comes up y’all can get caught in it. Like you put forth your best, but get knocked down, not realizing the point is kind of allowing you to learn.
Datura heard work on being more positive or coping with failures. Try not exploding and self destructing every time something goes wrong. Good luck pile 4 <3
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How aware/supportive were the CSP of the fusillades at Lyon?
The first letter to the CPS carrying any news about the repression in Lyon (Commune-Affranchie) that I’ve been able to find is dated November 7 1793, written and signed by Collot d’Herbois only. Fouché, he writes, has not arrived in the city yet:
[The Military Commission] has had several shot. The court is firmer, but its progress is slow; it had not yet done much.[…] The public spirit is null and always ready to turn in the opposite direction of the Revolution. Even the executions do not have the effect that one might have expected. The prolongation of the siege and the daily perils that everyone ran inspired a sort of indifference for life, if not quite contempt for death. Yesterday a spectator, returning from an execution, said: It's not that hard. What would I do to get guillotined? Insult the representatives. Judge how dangerous such arrangements would be in an energetic population. This is the state of things. New home visits this evening. They resulted in new arrests and three thousand more rifles, the number of those who have been returned currently being nine thousand. […] The mine will speed up demolitions, miners started work today. Within two days the buildings of Bellecour will be blown up. I will immediately go to wherever the means are practicable when it comes to the prohibited buildings. Public accusers will work faster. Yesterday, the tribunal started to go by three per day.
After this, the testimonies follow each other in rapid succession:
…We have given the tribunals and commissions a very lively march. Yesterday, six guilty [persons] received death. A new tribunal will be set up in Feurs. The guillotine, necessary to consummate these judgments, was ordered yesterday and will be sent over without delay. The mine will hasten the demolitions. Letter from Collot d’Herbois to the CPS dated November 9, received  November 14
The shadow of Chalier is satisfied; those who dictated the atrocious order of his demise have been struck by lightning (ceux qui dictèrent l'arrêt atroce de son supplice sont frappés de la foudre) and his precious remains, collected by the republicans, have just been carried in triumph through all the streets of Commune-Affranchie. […] The people will be avenged; our severe courage will respond to its just impatience; the ground which was reddened with the blood of patriots will be turned upside down; everything that vice and crime had raised will be destroyed; and on the remains of this superb and rebellious city, which was corrupt enough to require a master, the traveler will see with satisfaction a few simple monuments, erected in memory of the martyrs of liberty, and scattered cottages in which the friends of equality will rush to come and inhabit, to there live happily with the benefits of nature. Letter from Fouché, Collot and Laporte to the Convention dated November 10
Convinced that there is nothing in this infamous city but he who was oppressed or put in irons by the assassins of the people, we are in defiance against the tears of repentance; nothing can disarm our severity. They felt it well, those who searched to startle you, those who have just extracted a decree of reprieve from you in favor of a prisoner; we are on the scene, you have invested your trust in us, and we have not been consulted. We must tell you, fellow citizens, indulgence is a dangerous weakness, capable of rekindling criminal hopes at the moment when they must be destroyed: we have provoked it towards an individual, we have provoked it towards all those of his species, in order to make the effect of your justice illusory; we do not yet dare to ask you for the report of your first decree on the annihilation of the city of Lyon, but we have done almost nothing so far to execute it. The demolitions are too slow, faster means are needed due to Republican impatience. The mind explosions and the devouring activity of the flame can alone express the omnipotence of the people; its will, like that of tyrants, cannot be stopped, it must have the effects of thunder. Letter from Collot d’Herbois and Fouché to the Convention dated November 16. It was read there on November 22 and published in the Moniteur on November 24.
It is important Lyon is no more, and that the inscription you suggested (Lyon made war on liberty; Lyon is no more) becomes a great truth. […] We have created two new tribunals to judge traitors; they are active in Feurs. The two who are here have gained more strength and activity since our arrival. Several times twenty culprits have suffered the penalty for their crimes on the same day. This is still slow for the justice of an entire people who must strike down all their enemies at once, and we will occupy ourselves with forging the lightning.  Collot d’Herbois in a letter to Robespierre, November 23
It is up to you, Couthon, to develop these ideas; I have already spoken to Robespierre about it. Consult with him to finish the decree concerning this commune which cannot exist without danger. It will be easy to make the dismissed population disappear, and to say with the truth: Lyon is no more. It is more urgent than ever to use great severity, so we are going to deploy it. We tried to excite new movements in the army and among the very large number of workers engaged in demolitions. […] The receivers, the organization of everything, the supervision of five to six departments, such is the daily work; and I am not speaking, as you see, of the revolutionary measures which are continually meditated upon, put into action, and which must consummate the great event of the destruction of this rebellious city, and the annihilation of all the traitors. Collot d’Herbois in a letter to Couthon, December 1
It is liberty that they wanted to assassinate by immolating Chalier; his executioners confessed to it before falling under the sword of justice. We heard from their own mouths that they died for their king, that they wanted to give him a successor. Judge the spirit that animated this corrupt city; judge the men who controlled it by their fortune or by their power; judge whether a reprieve can be granted with impunity. No indulgence, fellow citizens, no delay, no slowness in the punishment of crime, if you want to produce a salutary effect. Kings punished slowly, because they were weak and cruel; the justice of the people must be as prompt as the expression of their will. Letter from Collot and Fouché to the Convention, read there on December 1
Terror, salutary terror, truly is the order of the day here; it compresses all the efforts of the wicked, it strips crime of its clothes and its gold. Letter from Albitte, Laporte, Fouché and Collot, read at the Convention on December 16
We have revived the action of republican justice, that is to say, prompt and terrible as the will of the people. It must strike traitors like lightning, and leave only ashes. By destroying an infamous and rebellious city, we consolidate all the others. By putting the scoundrels to death, we ensure the life of all generations of free men. These are our principles. We demolish with cannons and mine explosions as much as possible. But you clearly feel that in the midst of a population of one hundred and fifty thousand individuals, these means encounter many obstacles. The popular ax had brought down twenty heads of the conspirators every day, and they were not frightened. Précy still lives, and his influence was felt more and more every day. The prisons were overflowing with his accomplices. We have created a commission as prompt as the conscience of true republicans who judge traitors can be. 64 of these conspirators were shot yesterday, in the same place where they fired on the patriots; 230 will today fall into the ditches where these execrable redoubts were established which vomited death on the Republican army. These great examples will influence doubtful cities. Letter from Collot d’Herbois to Robespierre’s host Maurice Duplay, December 5
As can be seen, only the first and the last letter actually mention that shootings were part of the repression (and of the two, only the one to Maurice Duplay indicates that they were used against an excessive number of the condemned), opening the door to the possibility the CPS and the rest of Paris didn’t know about them at first. Such is the version of events presented by Barère in his memoirs, only he goes even further than that by claiming only Billaud-Varennes, who alongside Collot d’Herbois was in charge of the correspondence between the CPS and the representatives on mission, had known about the Lyon letters (with the presumed exception of the personal ones Collot sent Robespierre and Couthon). Barère writes he only learned about what was going on when reading a letter dated December 5 from the representative Ronsin that was also published in several journals, revealing that ”the guillotine and the shootings brought justice to more than 400 rebels. […] in a few days, the grapeshot fired by our gunners will have rid us, in a single instant, of more than 4000 conspirators.” Reading this letter, Barère writes he got in a hurry to warn the rest of his committee colleagues about what was happening in Lyon, resulting in Collot being recalled from there:
I knew not what occurred at Lyons, for Billaud alone was occupied with the correspondence of the representatives on missions. In the meantime I received through the post the dreadful proclamation issued at Lyons when the grape-shot firing was performed. This document was signed ”Ronsin, General.” I was told by the letter that these facts ought to be submitted by me to the committee, otherwise it would never know them and could not cure so much evil. After having read this proclamation, which was written in a barbarous style, I ran to the committee. At midnight, when the meeting commenced, I read the letter and the proclamation. The committee was unanimously indignant at it. They thought that Collot should come forward and give an account of the events at Lyons, and of the execution of the Convention’s decrees. Billaud wrote immediately to his friend Collot. The latter came to Paris in a few days, but, instead of coming to give his account to the committee, he left them ignorant of his arrival during the whole night. He saw but Billaud, who was also silent. At last he appeared at the Assembly at eleven o’clock, and begged the Assembly to hear the account of the work of the commissaires of the Convention who had been sent to Lyons for the execution of its decrees. It was thought that Collot, a member of the committee, had just come from it and had made his report to it. So he was heard, approved, applauded. The printing of his speech was voted. The Convention even went farther, it declared that the conduct of the representatives and commissaires sent to Lyons was good, and approved of it. Collot, proud of his success, and regarding the members of the committee, and myself especially, as his enemies, because he himself was very passionate, got the secretaries of the Convention to issue immediately a copy of the decree given in his favour and in favour of the other commissaries, his friend Ronsin included. Armed with this decree he appeared unexpectedly in the committee-room where we were deliberating. He advanced with blazing eyes and threatening attitude, and threw a terrifying glance on me. ”Read this decree,” said he. “The Convention knows my conduct, and has approved everything done by its commissaries and representatives at Lyons. I do not know why the committee recalls me, but I will answer the denunciations when necessary.” I thought those last words referred to me, and I replied: “I have read an atrocious proclamation signed by Ronsin. I would consider myself guilty of high treason to humanity if I did not send it to the committee as soon as it came to my knowledge. I have never denounced anyone. Billaud, who must have informed you, can say if I have pronounced your name. I have exposed Ronsin’s work. I have done my duty as a man and a citizen; I fear nothing.”
In the chapter Le Retour à Paris of Collot d’Herbois: légendes noirs et révolution (1995) Michel Biard does however do a lot to show that the story presented by Barère can be entirely dismissed. First off, no letter from the committee asking Collot to return can be found, and a letter written by his collegues Fouché, Albitte and Laporte on December 4 does instead suggest Collot has left them for Paris on his own initiative, and not because he has been recalled. Such was also the version of the story presented by Collot in his defence one year later. Collot is also proven to have worked at the CPS (signing the same decree as Barère!) on December 19, a whole day before he read the report to the Convention Barère above claims is what announced his return.
The reason Collot left Lyon is according to Biard instead because he wanted to get there before a group of petitioners on their way to denounce the city’s repression apparatus. They presented themselves before the Convention on December 20, a session for which we know at least Couthon and Robespierre were present. The Moniteur reports that the spokesperson for the petitioners ”accuses the Revolutionary Commission of not following the judicial forms enough. He paints as an inhumanity, of which, he says, the most barbarous peoples do not compare to, the measure taken to shoot the condemned instead of destroying them by the ordinary instrument of public executions.”
One day later, December 21, Collot presented himself at the Jacobin club and gave his own account regarding Lyon, dismissing the petitioners as counterrevolutionaries but also admitting to the brutality with which some of the condemned had been executed:
One has examined with attention the way in which the counterrevolutionaries died; one likes to put forth that they didn’t die by the first blow… Well! Jacobins, did Chalier die by the first blow? If the aristocrats had triumphed, do you think the Jacobins would have perished by the first blow? And the Convention that would have been put outside the law by these scoundrels, would it have perished by the first blow? […] We had 200 of them struck down at once, and it is made a crime for us. […] The popular lightning strikes them, and like that of Heaven, it leaves only nothingness and ashes. 
The same evening (21 December) Collot also showed up at the Convention to there reveal the following:
Everything commanded an inexercisable and prompt severity, prescribed moreover textually by the decrees. The cannon was fired, only once, on 60 of the most guilty, of whom there was not a single one who had not bathed in the blood of the patriots.
Right after Collot’s intervention, the Moniteur reports that the Convention orders the printing of his report, ”too interesting to be subjected to the laws of analysis” and that it, like Barère writes in his memoirs, ”approves the measures taken by the representatives of the people in Commune-Affranchie.”
Assuming Barère was telling the truth at least when claiming only Billaud read the letters from Lyon describing the repression, here we have three testimonies from Lyon all mentioning the shootings which added together makes it for me is hard to believe the CPS member would have been kept in the dark about said shootings from at least late December and forward. The idea is further complicated by the fact Collot returned to work at the committee after this.
Collot coming back from Lyon did however not mean the executions slowed down. According to Biard, around 3/4 of them were carried out after his departure, and it wasn’t until February 10 that the last shooting took place. The most detailed descriptions of the killings do however appear to end with Collot’s departure, I could at least not find any mentions of the shootings in letters gathered within Recueil des actes du comité de salut public, whether they be adressed to the Convention (letters dated December 24, December 27 (received January 1), February 13 and February 18) or the committee itself (letters dated dated December 11 (received December 19), (December 16 (received December 24), January 10 (received January 16), January 12 (received January 20). The last letter which reached the committee before Fouché was recalled (dated March 11 and received six days later) mentions that there still some exists some conspirators that need to be dealt with, but that “justice has soon completed its terrible course in this rebellious city” and that ”the feast of Equality” has been celebrated in the city two days earlier with much energy, leading Fouché to write that ”it is therefore not baseless that we dare to announce to you that the people of Commune-Affranchie shall soon deserve to be counted among the children of the Republic and return under its laws.”
As for the committee’s attitude, on January 8 we find two letters, both written by Robespierre, one telling the representative Albitte, who is on his way to leave Lyon for Paris, that before going there he ought to visit the departments of Mont-Blanc and Ain — ”better than any other you will be able to join to the measures taken by your colleagues in Commune-Affranchie those which are necessary to give the revolutionary government all the strength and activity that it must have in accordance with the law of 14 Frimaire.” The other letter is to Petitjean, representative to the Army of the Alpes, telling him that”the representatives of the people in Commune-Affranchie, using the powers the surrounding departments have confused to them, have already carried out the purification of several administrations in the department of Allier. So consult with your colleagues by stopping by Commune-Affranchie. The instructions that Fouché acquired in relation to the department of Allier, where he resided for a long time, will be all the more useful to you because, animated by the same principles, the same effects must result from your common energy.”
Two days later, January 10 1794 we find a letter to Fouché, written and signed by Billaud-Varennes only, where the very first line is the following:
The Convention decreed on 1 nivôse that it approves of the orders and all the measures that you’ve taken in Commune-Affranchie, we have nothing to add to this statement.
Then finally, on January 29, a letter written by Collot d’Herbois and signed by him and Billaud-Varennes urges four representatives on mission ”to consult and correspond with your colleagues Fouché, Méaulle and Laporte, who are at Commune Affranchie. It would be a great benefit if, step by step, the representatives on mission in the Republic could establish an invariable unity of movements.”
The CPS decrees (don’t know why there’s two of them) recalling Fouché from Lyon, dated March 27, do not indicate the shootings have anything to do with it:
The Committee of Public Safety decides 1, that citizen Reverchon immediately travels to Ville-Affranchie to organise revolutionary government and that he, together with Méaulle, takes all the measures that the interests of the republic need. 2, that the representative Fouché immediately travels to Paris to give to the Committee of Public Safety the neccesary clarifications about the affairs in Ville-Affranchie 3, that all procedurs against the popular society in Ville-Affranchie, and especially against the patriots that were subjected to persecution under the reign of Précy and the federalistes, are suspended. The representative Reverchon and his colleges will severely persecute the enemies of the Republic, protect the true friends of the Republic, help the patriots in need and assure the triumph of liberty through a constant and inflexible energy.
The Committee of Public Safety, alarmed by the fate of patriots in Commune-Affranchie, considering that the oppression of a single one of them would be a triumph for the enemies of the Revolution and a mortal blow to freedom, orders that all proceedings against the Popular Society of Commune-Affranchie, and particularly against the patriots who were persecuted under the reign of the federalists and Precy, will be suspended: it further orders that the representative of people Fouché immediately travels to Paris to give to the Committee of Public Safety the neccesary clarifications about the affairs in Ville-Affranchie.
As for if there exists pieces provning the support/rejection of the repression for the individual CPS members as opposed to the committee as a whole, I only really know of Robespierre, for whom we have the following two secondary sources, one written in 1794 by Collot d’Herbois claiming Robespierre thought the repression hadn’t gone far enough, the other forty years later by Charlotte Robespierre claiming he was outraged by the bloodshed and the shootings in particular. Since for both authors, pushing an agenda of Robespierre as a good/bad guy was a bigger priority than the actual truth, I would say they more or less cancel each other out, though I would also add I think Collot’s version, in particular the part about Robespierre being worried about ”oppressed patriots,” matches slightly better with the things Robespierre is confirmed to have openly said regarding Lyon (1, 2, 3), as well as the decree recalling Fouché, written in his hand:
Robespierre murmured a lot about the forms that we had established in Lyon for the execution of decrees: he constantly repeated that there was no reason to judge the guilty when they are outlawed. He exclaimed that we had let the families of the condemned go free; and when the commission sent the Convention and the committee the list of its judgments, he was not in control of his anger as he cast his eyes on the column where the names of the citizens who had been acquitted were written. Unable to change anything in the forms of judgment, regulated according to the decrees and approved by the committee, he imagined another system; he questioned whether the patriots of Commune-Affranchie were not vexed and under oppression. They were, he said, because the property of the condemned being specially intended, by article IV of the decree of July 12, to become their patrimony, we had greatly reduced their claims, not only by not judging only a quarter of the number of conspirators identified by Dubois-Crancé on 23 Vendémiare, or designated by previous decrees, but also by establishing a commission which appeared willing to acquit two thirds, as it happened. Through these declamations Robespierre wanted to entertain the patriots of whom he spoke, with the most violent ideas, to throw into their minds a framework of extraordinary measures, and to put them in opposition with the representatives of the people and their closest cooperators: he made them understand that they could count on him, he emboldened them to form all kinds of obstacles, to only follow his indications which he presented as being the intentions of the Committee of Public Safety.  Défense de J-M. Collot, répresentant du peuple. Éclaircissemens nécessaires sur ce qui s’est passé à Lyon (alors Commune-Affranchie), l’année dernière; pour faire suite aux rapports des Répresentants du peuple, envoyés vers cette commune, avant, pendant et après le siège (1794)
It is known well enough in what way [Collot and Fouché] conducted themselves [in Lyon]; it is known that they made blood flow in torrents, and plunged the second city of the republic into fright and consternation. Robespierre was outraged by it. […] I was present for the interview that Fouché had with Robespierre upon his return. My brother asked him to account for the bloodshed he had caused, and reproached him for his conduct with such energy of expression that Fouché was pale and trembling. He mumbled a few excuses and blamed the cruel measures he had taken on the gravity of the circumstances. Robespierre replied that nothing could justify the cruelties of which he had been guilty; that Lyon, it was true, had been in insurrection against the National Convention, but that that was no reason to have unarmed enemies gunned down en masse.  Mémoires de Charlotte Robespierre sur ses deux frères (1834) page 123-124
As for the other CPS members, I’m far from an expert, or even familiar, with all of them, but at least in Biard’s words, excluding memoirs such as Barère’s, ”not a single serious [testimony] exists” showing they disapproved of the repression.
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phyllisthefirst · 5 months
No tired sigh, no rolling eye, no irony - Part 1
[So, after rewatching the episodes and lurking in the Band of Brothers fandom for a few months, I've decided to finally get active myself and try my hand at a little writing. I love so many of the Easy Boys, but I felt like giving Luz some attention, so here we are. I haven't really had time to do much research yet, so there'll be a lot of inaccuracies to handwave away.
Obviously, this fic is based on the fictionalized representation of the Easy Company men as portrayed on the show. I intend no disrespect to the real men.]
[Masterlist] [on ao3]
Part 1
The first time Phyllis Baker meets George Luz, he nearly knocks her over with his radio. He can't really be blamed for the collision - the radio's a heavy, unwieldy thing and she guesses he's only just received it and hasn't had time to familiarise himself with it yet. And she was the one who rounded the corner at full speed, still riled up from another morning's worth of being overlooked and talked down to and sent for coffee instead of doing her actual job. It's the perfect blend of ingredients for an explosive collision.
"Watch where you're going, Private!", she snaps. "That radio is top-of-the-line equipment, and the military certainly wouldn't want to see it wasted on someone who can't even manage to navigate a corridor, let alone a warzone."
The effect of her words is immediate: The young man's face falls, overcome with a mixture of shame, guilt and fear. His big, brown eyes widen until he resembles nothing so much as a kicked puppy. And Phyllis feels her insides sink as if her stomach had been filled with stones.
"I'm so sorry, Ma'am. I should have paid better attention."
Phyllis runs a hand through her hair, a nervous habit she's spent years trying to suppress that's been coming back with a vengeance lately.
"It's not your fault; I didn't watch where I was going. I should apologize for snapping at you."
She doesn't know why she says those words. Never apologize unless you absolutely have to , that's what she's been trying to drill into herself, because every apology these men hear makes them more sure in their assumption that they're better than her. But something about him makes her forget about that self-imposed rule.
Oh, who is she kidding - it's the eyes.
"Did you just get assigned a radioman?" She nods her head towards the radio, although it's fairly obvious that was her clue.
He nods his head, vigorously.
"Yes! We got our designations at breakfast, and this morning we'll begin our specialized training."
"Well, then you better pay close attention - you and that radio may be the difference between reinforcements or defeat one day."
He nods again, somehow even more energetically, tucks his radio under his left arm and raises his right in a salute.
"Yes, Ma'am."
For a second, she thinks he's mocking her. But his face is earnest as ever, the salute perfectly executed and held until the radio under his arm begins to slip and he has to support it with his right. Then she realizes: He thinks she's an officer, or a sergeant at least. He sees the modified WAC uniform she's wearing and doesn't even question why there are no sergeant's stripes, no lieutenant's bars on her jacket.
He doesn't question that she belongs here.
He might be the first man to do so.
She's still working through that revelation, staring at him wordlessly, when he clears his throat and hitches the radio higher up under his arm.
"I ought to get going, Ma'am, or I'll be late for training."
"Of course. It's been nice meeting you, Private..."
"Luz, George Luz."
"Private Luz. Have a good first day of radio training."
With that, she turns to walk away, all her social graces depleted for the day - only to be stopped in her steps when he calls out:
"What's your name, Ma'am?"
When she turns back around, he's smiling, open and curious, and she can't help but smile back.
"Perhaps we'll meet again, George Luz. I'll tell you then."
He laughs.
"I'll hold you to it."
It only occurs to her when she's already rounded the corner that that exchange might be misconstrued as flirting.
What a ridiculous idea, she tells herself. As if any man would ever think that she was flirting with him.
The second time George Luz meets Phyllis Baker, he gets the feeling she's trying very hard not to be seen.
He doesn't know why she thinks it would work - even with her shoulders slouched, her hair up in a severe bun and her lipstick a subtle, natural shade she's still awe-inspiring in her olive drab skirt and jacket and still very much a woman, and those are rare around here.
He's been wondering about that, actually: What is she doing here? There are women preparing for the war, he knows that, but they aren't necessarily stationed at Aldbourne. The nurses are in nearby Swindon, and he hasn't yet seen any members of the WAC around here.
But then, what better excuse to approach her than to ask about exactly that?
He mumbles an excuse to Tab and Perco, with whom he was on the way to The Crown after snagging a rare weekend pass, and jogs over to where she's standing by a half-unloaded supply truck, frowning at a clipboard.
"Ma'am? I believe you still owe me a name."
She startles at being addressed, clearly very engrossed in her task, and he feels momentarily bad for disturbing her. But after a moment's struggle to get her bearings, she seems to recognize him, and even smiles.
"Private Luz! How's the radio training coming along?"
"It's going well! I think. At least I haven't blown the whole thing up yet."
She laughs, the melodic sound at odds with her severe appearance. Together with the fact that she remembered his name, the sound makes him bold.
"But don't believe you can distract me from my goal: Your name...?"
"Phyllis Baker. But I have to correct you right there: I'm not an officer, so you don't have to address me as such. I'm sorry I let you believe otherwise the last time we met."
He shrugs.
"It was my mistake, wasn't it? Not your job to teach me how to read someone's insignia." He tilts his head to look at the sleeves on her uniform, but they don't really clear things up. "But if I may ask - what is your rank? And why are you here?"
The second the question is out, George has to fight the urge to slap his forehead. Of all the ways he could have posed that question... His cousin joined the WAC and told him a little about what the women have to put up with in response to their attempt at joining the war effort - doubt, hostility, and outright smear campaigns questioning their morals simply for joining up. He guesses she knows a little about those difficulties as well, and the pinched expression on her face suggests the same. He quickly corrects himself.
"I mean, what division are you with? I didn't know there were WACs at Aldbourne."
"There aren't. I'm with the 506th, to support the logistics and supply officers."
He nods, not fully understanding yet but not stupid enough to ask for more details. But before he can ask, she blurts out:
"Which means I know more about logistics than most of the men around me, but they still insist on ignoring my advice in favour of sending me to get coffee."
She's barely finished speaking when her eyes widen comically.
"I mean... I didn't mean to say..."
The surprise on her face turns to outright fear, and he quickly reaches out to place a calming hand on hers, right where she grips the clipboard with white-knuckle force.
"No need to explain. Our CO's an absolute ass."
For a moment, the fear in her eyes remains, then it slowly eases out, replaced by a relieved smile. He drops his hand, surprised to find himself reluctant to do so. Her skin is soft, surprisingly so for such a pragmatic-seeming woman.
"Most of my superiors are sensible men, luckily. They just have their difficulties accepting that they're supposed to work with a woman sometimes."
He nods, not quite knowing what to say to that - he can imagine but probably never quite understand what she's dealing with. Then something else occurs to him.
"So, where did you learn so much about logistics?"
She hesitates for a moment, the way he's seen her do before.
"My father is in the import trade. I've been helping him at the office since I was a little girl, and I’ve been running his entire office for the European branch for years."
George whistles through his teeth.
"That sounds like a lot of responsibility. And you gave all of that up just to come here and fetch coffee?"
She laughs again, a sound he's quickly becoming addicted to.
"We all should do our part, shouldn't we?" She tilts her head to study him, and he suddenly feels like a specimen under a microscope. It's a strange but not entirely unpleasant sensation.
"What about you, Private Luz? How did you end up here?"
He shrugs - compared to her, he doesn't have any special knowledge to add to the war effort - just his body and a certain recklessness he hopes will translate into fearlessness, when the time calls for it.
"Like most of the men - Pearl Harbour was attacked, and I figured I better sign up to do something ." He grins, aware that he's making himself seem a little too selfless with that description. "Plus, the pay's double for a paratrooper."
She laughs again.
"So is the risk, I hear."
"Hopefully the glory as well."
It's a stupid thing to say - sure, he doesn't mind the attention his uniform gets him when they're out trying to impress women - even though he never takes it quite as far as some of the others, presenting sob stories of their impending heroic death in the pursuit of some female attention. But he probably should try and make himself look a little more upstanding in front of her, shouldn't he? Then again, he has a feeling she'd see right through any front he'd try to put up.
"You're the first ones to attempt dropping out of airplanes into occupied territory. I'm sure your place in history is secure."
He doesn't know what to say to that, but he doesn't have to come up with an answer: Behind them, Muck, Penkala and Malarkey are passing by on their way to the pub and calling out to him.
"Hey Luz, you about done bothering the lady?", Penk calls out, and George suppresses the urge to send him a rude gesture. He does have some manners.
"You're not bothering me," she says, a little hastily, and he swears he can see the faint hint of a blush on her cheeks. "But I don't want to keep you from your friends."
"Why don't you just come with us? Or join us later, if you still have work to do."
She looks at the truck beside her, grimacing.
"I do, unfortunately. Half of that truckload was supposed to go to Littlecote, but no one seems to be able to figure out which half. I'm afraid I'll be here a little while longer."
"That's a shame. Some other time then? You gotta meet the guys - we're both part of the same division after all."
"Sure, maybe some other day."
That doesn't sound very convincing, but George chooses to believe it's just because she's mentally preparing to go back to work, and not because she isn't all that keen on going to the pub with him.
"Well, if you ever find the time, look for us at The Crown. If you can't find me, just ask around for Easy Company, and the boys will take care of you."
"Easy Company, huh? I've heard of you."
"That's cause we're the best. Have been since Toccoa."
"Is that right," she teases.
"That's right," is his firm reply, followed by an equally firm "and we'll prove it just as soon as they finally drop us into Germany."
With that, he jogs off to catch up with Skip, Penk and Malarkey. When he turns around to look back at her, Phyllis's head is already bent over her clipboard again.
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zukkacore · 3 months
Imo the new PJO shows greatest strength is definitely Riordon’s craft maturing since the lightning thief in terms of…. Thematic coherence?
I think PJO has always been fairly thematically coherent & impactful in its messaging but especially at first the books feels much more like fairly lighthearted action adventure road trip narratives that are extremely episodic and more focused on being entertaining than having something To Say. Which, they’re books for middle schoolers, I think an “adventure road trip with some unserious monster slaying” is a perfectly serviceable concept and in execution riordan is admirably gifted in that his writing can be entertaining for both the primary demographic kids but also adults.
But they’re not books that just suddenly decided to half-heartedly have a theme (unlike other kids fantasy from the period I don’t dare namedrop lmao), because of all the foreshadowing and the motivations behind the antagonists (one antagonist in particular), it’s clear he probably had a thematic direction for the series, even if I don’t know how planned the initial 5 book run was. I really do admire what the book has to say abt bad systems that are set up to leave certain folks behind, and what parents owe to their children, & abt how easy it is to fall for charismatic leaders promising for a return to glorious prelapsarian past instead of trying to provide real solutions.
In the series, what I’ve really been enjoying is how every interaction and monster doesn’t just feel episodic, each monster feels like a facet that is part of the central thesis regarding the gods & their relationship to their children. I think the writing strength does a lot of heavy lifting because while overall I think the show is pretty solid, I do have a few critiques.
Mainly one of the frustrating things probably has something to do with budgeting. Scenes that are very thrilling and action driven in the book are truncated & often replaced with a lot of kinda slow oddly paced walk-&-talk scenes. Probably bc that’s much cheaper to shoot. Riordan himself seems to be fairly transparent about the changes he’s made in adaptation due to those limitations.
The effects for tv show cgi are not perfect but pretty impressive (I’ll reiterate, for tv cgi, the bar is on the floor….) but there’s a weird emptiness or sterile quality that makes the world feel not so lived in. Idk I think this was the most apparent to me in the casino episode, which I know riordan hates the movie & we joke abt the poker face scene but I was honestly kinda bewildered at how lifeless and boring they made the intentionally enticing distraction of the lotus casino seem. I get there can’t be gambling, but maybe an arcade? A buffet? Something?
I sound like I’m really going in on the show but I’m really not, I’ve been really enjoying the adaptation so far. The flaws are not show-ruining but I do think they culminate in a result that struggles w pacing & lacks the propulsive energetic quality of the books. Which, adaptations can be different, but to me that quality was always a strength of the series that imo I would’ve prioritized in adaptation. What saves some of the problems for me is that even tho a lot content is kinda delivered in this weird inert way of the actors doing their best to bring life to scenes where people are standing around stiffly and exchanging dialogue, the content itself is really good. His knowledge of his own characters & their dynamics, their desires, their place in the narrative, is so clear. The emphasis placed on Sally Jackson in particular & her influence on Percy & his values is a great additive element to the show. Again, the thematic coherence that has evolved since the lightning thief is in full display. For example, before last nights episode, I was actually saying to my mom that I hoped they would cut the procrustes water bed scene bc that chapter always felt weirdly fillery and goofy in its tone, but it was integrated in such an organic way that I really liked it!
I’ve been saying for like a decade that I thought PJO’s monster of the week episodic structure would make a better show than movie, and like. All im saying is that being apollo cursed with the gift of prophecy isn’t always a bad thing
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prismonautic · 3 months
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read the document in its entirety and make a decision if you want any spiritual information to be discovered in your sleep / astral travels.
once you have chosen to have truths revealed to you in your dream, repeat the incantation - “ivaliem” (ee-val-ee-ehm) before you go to sleep. when you repeat this incantation, you agree to having the astral energies surrounding you read + translated into symbolism that your conscious mind will understand within your dreams. your dreams are a window to the astrals, and what’s happening astrally is bound to happen in your physical reality. instead of being blindsided by stealthy attacks, get some intel with this spell and stop them in their tracks.
ivaliem is a one-word-spell. when you activate it via chanting it intentionally (whether it be inside your head or out loud), all of the commands i’ve embedded into “ivaliem” will be embedded into your subconscious, manifesting into your reality. i like to call my one word spells “.exes,” since they’re comparable to executable programs that your computer (your subconscious) will open and run in your reality.
this clarity spell is good for people seeking confirmation regarding people/environments/energies that they’ve been feeling suspicious about lately. the dream that follows after casting this clarity spell will be the confirmation message of your inquiry.
the spell is designed to get the energy signature of who you’re dealing with EVEN if they intentionally cloak themselves energetically + give you a clear and direct link to them and their workings against you. this makes it easier for you to accurately target them in your shielding/protection/return to sender rituals.
from experience, i’ve learned that the more that this one word spell is repeated, the stronger its energy becomes in your life. if you really want to have one-word-spells pack a punch, repeat it more than 20 times. i’ve found 10 to be the bare minimum to get some effects from the spell.
if you want the spell to be stronger, affirm it in your head until you completely fall asleep — AVOID THIS IF YOU’RE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH VERY VIVID DREAMS, ESPECIALLY WITH HEAVIER TOPICS!
IF YOU ARE INJURED IN A DREAM / HAVE DESTROYED VALUABLES IN YOUR DREAM / EAT ANYTHING IN YOUR DREAM: make sure to establish protection against this person and prioritize healing any damage you’ve experienced from this person’s works.
the symbolism below is what ivaliem will show you if applicable entities are connected to you astrally (e.g best friend talking shit? ivaliem will show them with black lipstick on in your dreams — and whatever else happens in the dream is additional context on top of that symbolism).
the list of correspondences below will be updated periodically. for those who want to regularly use ivaliem in your protection spell routines, it’s a good idea to check back here for updates every once in a while :)
☆ a person with black lipstick / a black mask over their mouth / a black mask covering their entire face.
black lipstick indicates that the person is spreading gossip against you in the dark, and it’s strong enough to affect anything revolving around your energy. if it’s black lipstick, it’s rooted in pure prejudice, malice, and/or envy that makes them act out against you. it’s a THEM issue, and you haven’t done anything to justify anything they’ve done to you so far.
if you’re getting a person in black lipstick as opposed to a black mask, you’ve already had some doubts regarding their position in your life. this dream is also telling you that you need to trust your intuition regarding how people feel about you in life — if you have a bad feeling about someone and something is telling you to distance from them, DO IT! it will later be revealed to you why you felt that in the first place. listen the first time in order to avoid finding out the hard way.
when you perceive an opponent in your dream realm who has black lipstick, the best course of action == a transmutation, return to sender, and truth spell bundled together to
A) stop the gossip and its effects in its tracks
B) remove any damage inflicted upon you towards the caster
C) have your name cleared of any slander if applicable to your situation.
a black mask around the mouth indicates that someone you wouldn’t expect to go against you is speaking against/looking down on your goals in silence.
for a lot of you, this is a long-term relationship in your life — whether it be a partner, colleague, friend, or family that you believed would support you no matter what. if this applies to you, it’s likely that you’re being blinded to the true character of this person by all the history you have with them.
just because someone has been around you for a long time, DOESN’T mean that they have your best interests in mind. just because someone has been in proximity for you for a long time, DOESN’T mean that they have the quality characteristics they need to even deserve being connected to you.
this correspondence will be most common for people who have big dreams that people would naturally cast doubt on / project their limiting beliefs onto you.
for those who get a person with a black mouth mask, you might wake up from this dream feeling betrayed and in disbelief, and possibly even guilty — you might end up in denial about their status in your life too. questioning their character is a wake-up call.
the best course of action for a person who has a black mouth mask in your dream:
A) a return to sender spell that transmutes all the negativity that they sent towards you in the dark into a situation that exposes their true feelings and intentions for you.
B) once this exposing situation manifests, you will know how to go about this connection. however you go about it, make sure that you are prioritizing having genuine MUTUAL connections in your life that respect you for who will stick with you with REAL love through thick and thin. you need to surround yourself with more integral people.
C) until that situation manifests, be watchful towards that person’s character, not just how they operate around you. just because they do things for you don’t mean they someone of upstanding character. look for where their authenticity lies, and if they’re someone who really stands on their values, or just goes to people based no how much someone’s presence benefits them. are they here for you through the thick and thin, or do they disappear the moment things start to get hard?
when you’re working against someone with a black face mask that covers their entire face, it’s a severe and intentional version of having a black mask cover their mouth.
this person knows their negative feelings towards you and still intentionally acting on their malice towards you. THIS IS NOT YOUR ALLY. they’re only seeking to get something out of you then discard/betray you. this dream will be more common for the people who are very giving, even to the point of being over-giving and stretching yourself thin for others — often for the sake of approval.
the best course of action for a fully masked person:
A) cast a general banishing of people who are actively working against you and your goals / leeching off of your energy for their own selfish purposes.
B) after the banishing, look at who falls away from your life. note that it’s a good thing they’ve fallen away, because their presence would end up being damaging to your path in the future.
C) whatever voids they have left in your current life after being banished, fill the voids by planting the seed of attracting more integral and authentic people into your community.
NOTE: your social circles will experience a heavy purge if there’s a lot of people just using you and keeping you around for the sake of convenience. walk into the dark fearlessly - you’ll come out of it a newly healed person.
• someone spreading a disease to you that affects your appearance / sense of sight, hearing, and balance
• an ambush against your home
• you getting put in prison
stay tuned!
if you have any questions, please message me.
if you like this work, access my other works through my linktree!
last updated: 2/5/2024
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Standing Sentinel
Blinding white and brilliant gold cut through the droids, putting an end to the Separatist operations on the planet. Two Zabraks raced up the outpost’s central control tower, setting charges and blowing through the opposition they faced.
The server coordinator, a very-much organic Rodian, shrieked when he saw the pair. Instead of killing him, Savage roared in his face and sent him scrambling.
"You've clearly gone soft, brother."
Savage shook his head. The The pair Force-jumped back to their ship and manned the guns.
“You took your time!” Feral dropped his visor and fired up the engines.
“Hmph. Your trial combat results clearly evidence your superiority. Now, I request your best attempt at Plo Koon’s record.”
"Yes, Commander Maul, sir!"
That statement was met with a groan. Taking off, the trio cleared the atmosphere with ships hot on their heels. A TIE-fighter glided in alongside them and gave cover fire.
“Someone rang?” Anakin’s voice came over the com-channel.
“Not in this star system!” Feral replied, smiling.
“You seem chipper, Skywalker.” Savage pivoted his battlestation hard left and disposed of two cruisers. A gunship entered the fray. Feral’s eyes narrowed, fixated on the viewport. He executed a barrel roll and swooped to avoid the fire.
“Nice! I’ll take it from here.”
Maul noticed how he loosened and beamed at the praise. Anakin’s ship effected an all-angles orbit, forming a defensive perimeter and taking enemy after enemy out of commission. They cleared the formation and made the jump into hyperspace.
At last, Chandrila and the outline of the Jedi outpost came into view. Obi-wan met them upon landing. He bade Maul speak with him privately, and his brothers peeled off to remain outside. Excited shouts filed the air as the younglings who had been outside spied them.
"Master Kenobi."
The man shook his head. Maul would not be himself without some degree of sarcasm. However, Obi-wan detected none of the true bite that would have lurked under it all those cycles ago. "Your margins of error grow slim."
"Simply the price of ascension in any order- much more so this one."
"We can send in support troops at any time. Do not hesitate to ask for what is yours by right."
"My gratitude, Kenobi. But you know the stores are better spent in recovery eff-"
"I was informed of the Garel incident."
Maul was silent. He'd spent almost a week in a bacta tank for the infections sustained. Perhaps an echo of his past life, but he'd never even considered contacting the Temple for backup or a medical supply drop. More than that, he half-expected they wouldn't. It would be an effective method of disposing of a liability. If there was one thing he could respect, it was efficiency. That made their seeming mercy all the more unsettling. Kindnesses extended themselves despite the fearful looks in some of their eyes. Despite the pain in Kenobi's even as he reached a hand to his former enemy. Those reserves of self-control were something of marvel to the Zabrak...
"How, Kenobi?"
The man’s brow arched. "The Council communication channels do have some useful information, if you'd lower yourself so much as to listen in."
Maul shook his head, the ghost of a smirk on his face. He'd let the misinterpretation stand. "I'd consider if they release an advisory on the trimming of unseemly facial hair."
"It has clearly been too long since our last duel!"
On exiting, he could see Feral and Anakin chasing the squealing children, gently Force-throwing them back and forth. Savage, expression devoid of strain, was letting some swing from his arms and sit on his shoulders. The scars of all three peeked through their robes as they flowed with the breeze. May the elders bear those marks, so the young ones did not have to.
Lying on the grass, he cast his eyes to the skyline and let himself slip- not quite meditating, but not quite conscious either. The Force bubbled with energetic pops from the little lives about. There was easy warmth from Savage that slowly bloomed in the fields of the metaphysical. He felt the relieved playfulness of Feral bounding from the remains of a fearful shell. He sensed the tumultuous roar of Anakin's fervour and Kenobi's darting, sagely mischief. And beyond them, his body sensed the dance of dozens, hundreds of the living. His weary spirit soared, reminded of for who-!
Feral flopped onto his stomach, followed by a giggling, squirming pile that knocked the air out of his body. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Savage smirk while taking a seat. Maul tried his best to scowl at the interruption.
The setting sun brought calm and appreciation for what he had now. The winds brought refreshment instead of the stench of corpses. No longer would he drift off plagued with a bloody fantasy he was not sure he'd realize.
Anakin and Obi-wan exchanged looks. He'd finally begun to see that which the Dark Side could never have given. True purpose and contentment had at last reached the brothers three. For they were now Maul, Feral and Savage Opress- Jedi Sentinels in the service of the Order and the galaxy.
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mr-entj · 1 year
Hello Mr. ENTJ,
I have read a few of your posts. And I must say, they are truly enlightening. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and passing on to others.
Would you have any advice on how ENFPs could develop/progress their tertiary Te? Any practical advice (all I see on the internet is theory. No irl use).
I have been struggling with this particular function for three years now. Some days I like how my progress is going. Some days I overuse it to the point of going into unhealthy loops, and on others I am clueless as to how I KNOW I am misusing Te, just don’t know what is specifically going wrong.
Alongside this question, how have your experience been with ENFPs and the function Te (dynamics, healthy and unhealthy individuals)? How did you perceive them? Were their actions/decisions befitting of tertiary Te?
As the daughter of an ENTJ 8w7, one of my goals is to become as logical and effective as half of what my dad is and has accomplished.
Another last question: do you know of any tips of how ENFPs and ENTJs can get along better? Me (ENFP 2w3) being too ‘soft/sensitive’ for the taste of my dad doesn’t help much. We can barely ever figure out what is going on inside each other’s heads. It’s as if it’s two apart worlds, and I’d risk to say I feel I have more in-common with my INTJ brother than with my ENTJ dad (come on, Te-Ni and Ni-Te shouldn’t be too different. Just thinking of my INFP pals, they’re lovely beings I feel I share a lot in-common with them. Flawed logic? Perhaps.)
If you can answer these, it’d be helpful. Coming from a successful, seemingly healthy ENTJ.
Thanks for supporting the blog.
Would you have any advice on how ENFPs could develop/progress their tertiary Te? Any practical advice (all I see on the internet is theory. No irl use).
To develop/progress Te, see this post.
Alongside this question, how have your experience been with ENFPs and the function Te (dynamics, healthy and unhealthy individuals)? How did you perceive them? Were their actions/decisions befitting of tertiary Te?
In the short bursts, strong and focused for things they're personally interested in. Very energetic, infectious, and productive.
In the long term, inconsistent and flaky with significant drop off after the fun phases are over (brainstorming, ideation) and it's time to actually do the difficult and not fun work (execution). The exact point this happens is a few days/hours after the execution phase starts and the excitement fades. This is when the wheels come off the wagon and things go to hell.
Another last question: do you know of any tips of how ENFPs and ENTJs can get along better?
For starters, I wouldn't make it a goal to change who you naturally are and how you operate simply because someone disagrees with it. Parent or not. Unless you're actively harming yourself, it's not a personality disorder or a problem to solve, it's just a personality quirk and a quality to accept.
Off the top of my head:
Set and enforce boundaries. ENTJs will step over lines they don't know exist because they assume that other types communicate as bluntly as they do. Spoiler alert: they don't. Make sure your dad knows they exist or else he'll trample over them unintentionally.
Identify what they're excellent at and learn from them. Pretty much every TJ I know is an expert in a particular field and can't shut up about it when asked. What's your dad's area of expertise? Learn more about it, ask him about it, and try it. This is a great starting place to bond.
Share only the problems you want solutions to. And if you don't want solutions, tell them up front. Most TJs (ENTJ, INTJ, ESTJ, ISTJ) will interpret sharing issues as asking for our input because we're natural problem solvers. Be clear that you're only looking to vent.
Acknowledge the facts, even if you don't agree with them. ENFPs are dreamers who go for moonshots (ambitious but unlikely goals). There's nothing wrong with dreaming big, but being too impractical and neglectful of reality can make you look delusional. This will annoy all TJs, not just the xNTJs. You can acknowledge the facts without killing your dreams. Work with your dad to brainstorm solutions to those problems, not to deny they exist. It's a good intellectual exercise and solid bonding opportunity.
Be considerate of their time. If you're not committed to acting on a plan, don't bother them for advice, and more advice, and more advice. Talking and talking and talking without any action is exhausting at best, and infuriating at worst. This is one of my main gripes with all perceivers especially when it comes to career coaching. They'll get excited about a plan, ask for my input, I'll invest time and energy into building it, and then they'll abandon it. In the long run, it'll damage your relationship with an ENTJ because you'll appear flaky and they'll respect you less because of it. A person's word is their bond, make sure your words hold a lot of weight.
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marlasomething · 11 months
I Always Told You What I Did For A Living (Breagan Week - May 24)
Summary: in which an idea of Brett has terrible consequences and Reagan has to be the one to deal with them.
Relationships: Brett/Reagan
A/N: Written for day 4 of @breaganweekbabeee
Prompt: Torn dress + Dry blood
Word count: 972
CW: murder, alcoholism, problematic aspects of relationships, death of multiple characters, discussions about violence
Also on AO3!
It shouldn’t have ended this way. Nay, that was being too generous: it shouldn’t have begun to begin with. Still, there was no going back.
Deep inside, Reagan had known what she was doing, after kicking out her dad for who knows which time already, but somehow realising this time was going to be different; this time, he wasn’t coming back. She simply hadn’t expected it to be so drastic, so immediate.
So fucking stupid! A regular car accident? And all not because he had been drunk, but just too angry in the moment to PAY ATTENTION TO A CAR DOUBLING SPEED LIMIT?!
She shouldn’t have let Brett stay with her that night, even if they had just slept that first day: she knew she wouldn’t be able to let go of that comfort. She had let go of too many nice things already.
At the beginning, it had been fantastic. No, not fantastic; beyond words . Somehow, their relationship had been inspiring enough for Dolphman to get into a relationship with some former brother-in-arms that had also being summited to bizarre Doctor-Moreau-worthy-experimentations (though he kept insisting he was “ straight with one exception, not like all those good-for-nothing leftist hippies ”, but you cannot ask for too much of some people). Then, Brett did that thing he always did with everyone, all the time: he showed interest in a project she was developing.
Only that, this time, it was a side project she herself was taking as something that was likely to never come to fruition…but that obsessed Brett: a water provider that inhibited all violent instincts in people.
So, he insisted, and insisted…and they eventually tested it. First in just a town, then national-wide, then worldwide. And it fucking worked….for a while, because neither of them (nor anybody else) thought about the potential consequences of having no violent instincts.
The issue was the very same you could have expected if you made people lose their sense of fear: when a situation where being scared is useful appears, they have no tools to know they should run. Here, the trouble was that, if you wished to do harm, you didn’t detect when you were actually doing something unhinged, being almost numb to the harm you were executing…until it was far too late for it to stop.
Cutting down the water supply was easy, but some people had been more receptive than others, and the effects took a while to disappear. And, in some cases, they didn’t.
Still, those people weren’t the worse outcome. That would have been the people who, almost as a withdraw effect, became next to feral as the special water wore out.
One of those people was Brett.
Reagan’s mother’s body lied, lifeless, in the middle of their house. Even if the last months filled of guilt, lack of sleep and trials to find a way out of the issue he had unwillingly created had made Brett thinner and less energetic than he usually was, he was still much more physically powerful than his current mother-in-law. The body he left was not a pretty one to be looked at and, in the middle of her shock, Reagan could only think about how that would have been what would have pissed her mother more.
She kneeled next to Brett. Apparently, this ordeal had been enough for him to go back to normal, and know he was cradling himself while still wearing the nightgown Reagan liked to call sleeping-dress (to what Brett usually answered: “ I wish ”), sobbing so violently Reagan feared for his rib cage.
She should hate him; this had been all his idea. She had felt something was off, something was going to go south from minute one, and had told him. And he had just thought she was being too pessimistic and those fucking puppy eyes…she usually didn’t like puppies much, but with Brett she could do an exception.
She had made too many exceptions with him…and, as she was readying her gun to end the life of the man, as she should…she realised she couldn’t. Nor erase his memory: she wanted to keep him, and she would keep him, even if it wasn’t good for either of them.
She sat next to him, thinking about how this was all also her fault: both her parents had died because she had not foreseen the consequences of her acts clearly enough.
“I am sorry” she couldn’t tell who of them had spoken, but she put her head in his shoulder and just began crying almost as strongly as him. Up to the point they had begun a completely inappropriate and anticlimactic weeping-strength competition.
Then, she stood up, looked at Brett’s torn nightgown; the blood of her mom scattered all over the floor and frowned.
“Her blood is already dry, but I think I can still collect it and turned it into yours so we can sell that she was the one that went…” she shut up; she would rather cut her tongue that pronounced the words that would absolute massacre Brett right now.
Then, she began to work and, before she could even tell, Brett was helping while insisting this was far too much for her to do and giving tips of how to better clean the room up in a casual way (so it wouldn’t be too suspicious).
Reagan allowed herself to smile; how could she have thought about taking him out of her life? Never.
Even if she knew she was going to have to drink to prevent her guilt from completely consuming her…she could convince him to join her; they could made each other functional in their drinking, that would be nice.
After all, their kid was already two; it wasn’t something they couldn’t handle with a little needed handicap.
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spineinfratechh · 1 month
Crafting Inspiring Workspaces: Spine Infratech, the Best Office Interior Designers in Gurgaon
The plan of a work area assumes an essential part in forming the efficiency, imagination, and generally speaking prosperity of its tenants. In the office interior designers in Gurgaon, where development and proficiency are vital, finding the right office inside the originator is fundamental for establishing rousing and practical workplaces. Enter Spine Infratech, the embodiment of greatness in the office inside plan. In this blog, we dive into why Spine Infratech is hailed as the best office interior designers in Gurgaon, changing office spaces into dynamic centers of efficiency and imagination.
The Substance of Spine Infratech:
Imaginative Plan Arrangements:
Spine Infratech is eminent for its imaginative way of dealing with office interior plans. Their group of skilled fashioners joins inventiveness with usefulness to conceptualize spaces that not only mirror the brand character and upsides of the association yet in addition improve representative fulfillment and execution.
Center around Ergonomics and Prosperity:
Perceiving the significance of worker prosperity, Spine Infratech focuses on ergonomics and solace in their plans. From ergonomic furnishings and lighting to integrating biophilic components, they establish conditions that advance well-being, bliss, and efficiency among workers. Effective Space Use: In a city like Gurgaon where space is at a higher cost than normal, Spine Infratech succeeds in boosting the capability of each and every square foot. Their plans streamline space usage while keeping a feeling of receptiveness and ease, guaranteeing that the workplace design works with consistent work processes and joint effort.
Why Pick Spine Infratech for office interior designers in Gurgaon:
Skill and Experience:
With long periods of involvement with the business, Spine Infratech carries an abundance of mastery to each project. Their group includes old pros who have a profound comprehension of office configuration patterns, space arranging, and tasks the executives, guaranteeing outstanding outcomes that meet the extraordinary requirements of every client.
Customized Arrangements:
Spine Infratech comprehends that each association has its own way of life, necessities, and goals. They offer custom-made arrangements that are modified to line up with the particular objectives and yearnings of every client, whether it's making a cooperative work area, a lively startup climate, or a refined corporate office.
Consistent Undertaking The executives:
From idea to the end, Spine Infratech deals with each part of the task with accuracy and productivity. Their smoothed-out project the board approach guarantees that cutoff times are met, spending plans are stuck to, and clients are kept informed at each phase of the cycle. Obligation to Quality and Maintainability: Spine Infratech is focused on conveying top-caliber, feasible arrangements that go the distance. They source eco-accommodating materials, carry out energy-productive frameworks, and integrate supportable practices into their plans, lining up with the developing interest in earth-cognizant work environments.
Spine Infratech remains a guide of greatness in an office interior designers in Gurgaon. With their creative plans, centered around worker prosperity, and obligation to quality and manageability, they have procured a standing as the best office interior designers in gurgaon. Whether you're a worldwide company, a startup, or a store firm, trust Spine Infratech to change your office space into an energetic, motivating, and useful climate that mirrors your association's qualities and encourages achievement.
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icaruspropainters1 · 3 months
Transform Your Space with Interior Painting in Charlotte
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Are you looking to breathe new life into your home or office space? One of the most effective ways to achieve a transformative change is through interior painting. In Charlotte, where style and sophistication meet Southern charm, updating your interior with a fresh coat of paint can make a significant impact. Let's explore the benefits of interior painting in Charlotte and how it can enhance both aesthetics and mood.
Elevating Aesthetic Appeal
The aesthetics of your living or working space play a crucial role in creating a positive and inviting atmosphere. Choosing the right color palette can completely transform a room. In Charlotte, a city known for its vibrant culture and diverse influences, interior painting offers an opportunity to express your personality and style. Whether you prefer a classic, elegant look or a modern, bold statement, professional interior painting in Charlotte can help you achieve the desired aesthetic.
Reflecting Charlotte's Unique Character
Charlotte is a city with a rich history and a modern, dynamic vibe. Incorporating the essence of Charlotte into your interior through thoughtful color choices can create a space that feels uniquely connected to its surroundings. Consider shades inspired by the lush landscapes, historic architecture, or the city's energetic spirit. Professional painters in Charlotte understand the local context and can guide you in selecting colors that harmonize with the city's distinctive character.
Boosting Property Value
Beyond the immediate visual impact, interior painting can also contribute to the overall value of your property. In Charlotte's competitive real estate market, a well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing interior can be a significant selling point. Prospective buyers are often drawn to properties that look fresh and well-cared-for.
Creating a Positive Mood
Colors have a profound effect on our emotions and mood when it comes to interior painting in Charlotte. Warm tones like yellows and oranges can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere, while cool blues and greens promote calmness and tranquility. In a city like Charlotte, where a balance of Southern charm and urban vitality is cherished, the right color scheme can amplify the positive energy of your space. A professional painting service can help you choose colors that align with your desired mood and ambiance.
Professional Touch and Long-lasting Results
While a DIY paint job might seem tempting, hiring professional painters in Charlotte ensures a polished and long-lasting finish. Professionals have the expertise to prep surfaces properly, select high-quality paints, and execute precise techniques. This attention to detail not only enhances the overall look of your interior but also ensures durability, saving you time and money in the long run.
In the heart of North Carolina, interior painting in Charlotte is more than just a home improvement task—it's an opportunity to create a space that reflects the city's unique charm and your personal style. From boosting property value to influencing your mood, the benefits of professional interior painting extend far beyond aesthetics. Top of Form
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athosfuckedurdad · 1 year
A lot of people online have talked about their experience with adhd meds and mine were- quite frankly really different from others descriptions of their experiences
When I first started taking my meds, I thought it wasnt doing anything. Part of that was the dosage, but a lot of it was also just. How the meds affected me
I never felt any sense of my brain being quieter, my executive dysfunction didnt immediately go away, and I couldnt suddenly focus as though it was nothing.
Being on meds has been more like a passive status effect than an active one. I noticed being a little bit more energetic in the evenings because I wasnt using all of my energy just getting through the day. I noticed my autistic traits standing out a bit more, because as the meds reduced my adhd traits, the "opposing" traits stood out more with less adhd impulses to stop them.
And most of all I notice when theyre gone, in particular. I took my meds not very much over the christmas holiday, since consistancy isnt too important with the specific med i am taking. (IF YOUR DOCTOR SAYS ITS IMPORYSNT TO TAKE EVERY DAY, DONT FUCKING DO WHAT I DO. DONT SKIP WEEKENDS OR HOLIDAYS. STAY SAFE.) It was there that the differences really showed- i rambled more and spoke quicker with few links between topics i rapidly switched between. Going to church felt like my mind was going to explode from sitting still. Cleaning my room was like turning into a stereotype; going from task to task, grabbing books to put away but needing to clean the floor first, and to clean the floor i need to do laundry, so i need to put away clean clothes so theres a basket, and so on and so forth
Caffiene to me is more like an active statjs effect. I can feel my brain slip into hyperfocus more frequently and on topics less interesting, evem if my leg was bouncing a mile a minute. I havent really had much caffiene after my dose increase- the only monster i had kept me up til 2 am. But it does noticibly affect me a lot more than my meds do
So like- TLDR, different meds affect people in different ways. Its not magical and you might not notice how your meds are affecting you until youre off them. But that doesnt mean they arent doing anything! Talk to your doctor if something isnt working for you or if side effects are too much of an issue
My word isnt law! Im a kid whos been on meds for a couple months and just wanted to talk about how my experience differs from what ive seen online
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astronumerology · 2 years
Life Path 8
People who live their lives according to number 8 are driven by ambition and the desire to achieve. They are willing to take risks and can thrive in many professions, including business and politics. However, they require an underlying sense of security in a love relationship. Their personality does not tolerate failure, and they may be unable to separate themselves from emails and their mobile phones.
People with life path number 8 should be cautious about being a covetous person. While such an attitude may produce success in the short run but it's not long-lasting. Furthermore, people who have life path number 8 should be careful not to be narcissistic or oppressive. Such behavior will likely cause harm and alienation to loved ones.
People who are born with the number 8 have strong leadership qualities and an impressive capacity for managing. They are skilled in business and have an excellent understanding of the physical world. They often have a strong sense of intuition and are quick to take action. They should remember that their motives are to help a greater cause and not to satisfy a selfish desire.
People who have the life path number 8 are highly creative, have outstanding judgment, and a desire for equality. They are efficient and can complete tasks. However they may be impulsive and impatient. It is important to make time for family members and avoid slacking off in front of electronic devices. People with life path number 8 have excellent executive skills and should attempt to manage their personal and professional lives.
People with life path number 8 are likely to be determined, but they must be careful not to let their ambitions rule their lives. People with a life path number 8 can achieve success by balancing their demands. If they can learn to be less selfish and to be more patient, they will be able to lead a more balanced and healthy life. In addition to ambition, they should also work to be loyal to their friends.
People who are in the life path 8 should try to be able to listen to other people. Eights are stubborn and inflexible and have difficulty taking advice from others. They could inadvertently hurt people around them if they aren't open to suggestions. They also need to learn to negotiate effectively. People who are on the life path 8 may be successful in business or modern times due to their leadership qualities.
People with a life path of 8 have an intense sense of achievement. They are talented, ambitious, and determined. These traits often stem from a desire for success and a strong sense of self-discipline. Power's energy plays a vital role in their lives. Life path 8s have a keen understanding of the energetic dynamics of power.
An 8's career is likely to begin at the lowest point on the ladder of career advancement However, this shouldn't hinder them from climbing to the top. They shouldn't be scared to utilize their talents and skills. They are often in positions of influence and leadership. They have a tendency to judge, but they can also be good parents.
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healthcoach95 · 3 months
Plant-Based Protein vs. Animal Protein: Navigating Protein Sources for Weight Loss
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Chasing a better way of life and compelling weight reduction, the job of nourishment couldn't possibly be more significant. Among the significant parts of a reasonable eating regimen, protein stands apart as a stalwart that assumes a crucial part in building and fixing tissues, supporting metabolic capabilities, and advancing a sensation of completion. As people set out on their weight reduction venture, a central choice emerges - picking the right wellsprings of protein.
This article aims to investigate the unique transaction between plant-based and creature proteins about weight reduction. By diving into the benefits, dietary profiles, and contemplations related to every protein source, we mean to give perusers significant experiences to explore the perplexing territory of protein decisions. Whether you're a devoted veggie-lover, a flexitarian, or an energetic meat devotee, understanding the subtleties of plant-based and creature proteins is vital to settling on informed choices that line up with your weight reduction objectives.
As we leave on this investigation, we should unwind the secrets behind plant-based and creature proteins and find how these dietary decisions can impact the numbers on the scale as well as by and large well-being and prosperity.
Grasping Protein in Weight Reduction
Protein, frequently hailed as the structure block of life, expects a principal job in the domain of weight reduction. Past its muscle-building notoriety, protein is a multi-layered supplement critical for general well-being and fruitful weight the executives. As people endeavor to shed overabundance pounds, the consideration of sufficient protein in their weight control plans turns into an essential part.
Protein supports the development and fixing of tissues, an interaction especially vital during weight reduction when the body goes through massive changes. Past its underlying job, protein flaunts an exceptional capacity to incite satiety, helping people feel full and fulfilled for extended periods. This checks unfavorable desires as well as helps with controlling generally speaking calorie consumption, a foundation of powerful weight reduction.
Besides, protein's effect on digestion is significant. The thermic impact of food, where the body consumes energy to process and handle supplements, is higher for protein contrasted with fats and sugars. Thus, a protein-rich eating routine might raise calorie use, adding to the general energy balance fundamental for weight reduction.
Generally, understanding the multi-layered job of protein in weight reduction is an urgent starting point for making an even and successful dietary technique. It goes past simple calorie counting, underlining the significance of picking the right protein sources to accomplish practical and long-haul weight reduction achievement.
 Plant-Based Protein Sources
Plant-based protein sources offer a different cluster of nutritious choices for those trying to accomplish their weight reduction objectives while embracing a more economical and plant-driven way of life. Vegetables and heartbeats, like lentils, chickpeas, and dark beans, arise as phenomenal wellsprings of protein, wealthy in fiber that advances satiety and helps to process.
Grains and cereals, for example, quinoa, oats, and earthy-colored rice, contribute protein as well as convey fundamental nutrients and minerals. Nuts and seeds, including almonds, chia seeds, and hemp seeds, give solid fats close by their protein content, improving the nourishing profile of plant-based slims down.
For those hoping to enhance their protein admission, plant-based protein supplements obtained from sources like pea protein or soy protein offer advantageous choices. The upsides of picking plant-based proteins for weight reduction stretch out past their healthful substance, as they frequently brag lower calorie thickness, making them helpful for calorie-controlled consumes less calories.
Additionally, integrating plant-based proteins lines up with natural manageability, offering an eco-cognizant way to deal with dietary decisions. By understanding the different ranges of plant-based protein sources, people can create a balanced, supplement-thick eating routine that upholds their weight reduction venture while embracing the advantages of a plant-fueled way of life.
Creature Protein Sources
Creature protein sources assume an urgent part in supporting weight reduction endeavors by offering top caliber, complete proteins, and fundamental supplements crucial for in general well-being. Lean meats like chicken, turkey, and fish are wealthy in protein as well as low in soaked fats, going with them ideal decision for people expecting to deal with their weight while guaranteeing ideal sustenance.
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Dairy items, including milk, yogurt, and cheddar, give a concentrated wellspring of protein alongside fundamental supplements like calcium and vitamin D. Eggs, a total protein source, offer flexibility in culinary applications and are prestigious for their supplement thickness.
One eminent benefit of creature proteins is their capacity to initiate a feeling of satiety, assisting people with feeling more full for longer periods. This can be especially advantageous for those exploring calorie-controlled eats less carbs as it upholds better hunger the board.
Moreover, creature proteins give fundamental micronutrients like B12 and iron, vital for energy digestion and forestalling dietary inadequacies. While integrating creature proteins into a weight reduction plan, people can profit from the synergistic impacts of protein quality, supplement thickness, and satiety, adding to a complete and adjusted way to deal with accomplishing their weight reduction objectives.
Looking at Plant-Based and Creature Proteins for Weight reduction
The decision between plant-based and creature proteins in the journey for weight reduction includes a nuanced assessment of nourishing substances, caloric thickness, edibility, and ecological contemplations. Plant-based proteins, obtained from sources like vegetables, grains, and nuts, frequently display lower calorie thickness and higher fiber content, advancing a sensation of totality and supporting weight across the board.
Creature proteins tracked down in lean meats, dairy, and eggs, succeed in furnishing total proteins with ideal amino corrosive profiles. The higher thermic impact of creature proteins can add to expanded calorie consumption during absorption, possibly upgrading the weight reduction process.
Edibility and retention rates shift among plant and creature proteins. While plant proteins might contain fiber that eases back assimilation, creature proteins are for the most part more effortlessly consumed by the body. Adjusting these elements is critical to making an eating regimen that lines up with individual inclinations and weight reduction objectives.
Natural contemplations likewise become possibly the most important factor, as plant-based proteins frequently have a lower carbon impression contrasted with their creature partners. Pursuing an educated decision includes figuring out private dietary requirements, inclinations, and the natural effects of protein sources. Eventually, a reasonable mix of plant-based and creature proteins can give an extensive way to deal with weight reduction that focuses on both well-being and manageability.
Going with Informed Decisions
Exploring the different scenes of protein hotspots for weight reduction includes going with informed choices customized to individual inclinations, healthful necessities, and moral contemplations. Surveying dietary inclinations and limitations is urgent, as private decisions assume a huge part in adherence to a weight reduction plan. Whether one inclines towards a plant-based way of life or integrates creature proteins, understanding the dietary subtleties of every decision is fundamental.
Adjusting plant-based and creature proteins takes into consideration a different admission of supplements, guaranteeing the body gets a range of fundamental amino acids, nutrients, and minerals. Talking with a nutritionist or medical services proficient gives customized direction, assisting people with fitting their protein admission to line up with weight reduction objectives and generally speaking prosperity.
Besides, embracing an assortment of protein sources adds energy to feasts and forestalls dietary dreariness. A smart way to deal with protein determination upgrades the supportability of dietary propensities and cultivates long-haul adherence to a solid way of life.
All in all, going with informed decisions includes a comprehensive comprehension of individual inclinations, healthful prerequisites, and the more extensive effect of dietary choices. By creating an even way to deal with protein consumption, people can leave on a weight reduction venture that focuses on well-being as well as lines up with their one-of-a-kind qualities and way of life decisions.
Test Feast Plans for Weight Reduction
Making powerful and nutritious feast plans is a foundation of effective weight reduction tries. Whether picking plant-based or creature proteins, an even methodology guarantees a different admission of fundamental supplements while advancing a calorie deficiency for weight reduction.
For a plant-based dinner plan, breakfast might incorporate a protein-loaded smoothie with almond milk, spinach, and a scoop of plant-based protein powder. Lunch could highlight a quinoa and dark bean salad with grouped vegetables, and supper could incorporate a lentil stew with blended greens. Tidbits might include nuts or hummus with veggie sticks.
A creature protein-centered feast plan could begin with a morning meal of fried eggs with sautéed vegetables, trailed by a barbecued chicken plate of mixed greens for lunch. The supper could comprise heated fish with cooked yams and asparagus. Greek yogurt or curds with berries make for fulfilling protein-rich bites.
Adjusting macronutrients and consolidating various entire food varieties guarantees a balanced healthful profile. Changing part sizes and calorie consumption given individual requirements and objectives is vital for powerful weight reduction. Talking with a nutritionist can assist with fitting feast plans to explicit prerequisites, guaranteeing a maintainable and pleasant way to deal with accomplishing weight reduction achievements.
Tips for Fruitful Weight Reduction with Protein
Accomplishing fruitful weight reduction with an emphasis on protein includes key preparation and careful decisions. Observing protein admission is fundamental, and a common principle is to go for the gold utilization that lines up with individual objectives and action levels. This can improve satiety, support muscle maintenance, and add to a general feeling of prosperity.
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Consolidating a blend of plant-based and creature proteins takes into consideration a different supplement consumption. Plant-based sources give fiber and cancer prevention agents, while creature proteins convey fundamental amino acids and supplements like B12 and iron. This equilibrium guarantees an exhaustive way to deal with sustenance, supporting both weight reduction and by and large well-being.
Standard actual work, especially strength preparation, is significant for improving the advantages of protein consumption during weight reduction. Constructing and keeping up with fit bulk supports calorie consumption and adds to a conditioned constitution. Joining protein-rich feasts with a workout routine encourages a synergistic impact for manageable weight reduction.
Furthermore, remaining hydrated is fundamental, as water plays a part in processing and digestion. Picking lean cuts of meat, getting ready feasts at home, and limiting handled food varieties add to a healthy methodology. Fitting protein consumption in light of individual necessities and inclinations, while thinking about the direction of medical care proficiency, guarantees a customized and compelling technique for fruitful weight reduction with protein.
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John Laurens’s great service
How he influenced french policy toward the united colnies.
Without the least intention of detracting from Dr. Benjamin Franklin's undying merit of having perfected the alliance between the American Colonies and France, which league chiefly contributed to the happy consummation of the American War of Independence, still it cannot be denied that the energetic assistance which France had at first accorded to the Colonies had In 1780 grown somewhat lukewarm, on which account Gen. Washington asked Congress to dispatch an envoy extraordinary to France with a view to animate that power to redoubled exertions in furnishing fleets, troops, money, and war material, wherewith to come to the substantial and effective aid of her struggling allies. Congress readily acceded to Washington's request, who selected as envoy Lieut. Col. John Laurens, a young man twenty-seven years of age, but well skilled in diplomatic affairs, perfect master of the French tongue, acquired in France, and, withal, a true American patriot. He undertook the mission in 1781, having as his secretary Major Jackson of Philadelphia.
American historians have mentioned the fact of the mission of John Laurens, a native of South Carolina and son of the illustrious Henry Laurens, who served in country first in 1775 as President of the Committee of Safety, next in 1777, as President of Congress, and last, in 1782, as Commissioner for the treaty of Paris, after a fifteen months’ imprisonment in the Tower of London, answering the British attempts to seduce him from his allegiance to his country with the reply: ”I will never subscribe to my infamy or to the dishonor of my children,” and meeting their threats of confiscating his American possessions with the response: “None of these things can move me.”
But the American historians fall in every instance to give a detailed account of the means by which John Laurens succeeded in accomplishing his mission most thoroughly and effectively, and which are truthfully stated in Major Jackson’s report. The latter relates in plain but convincing terms how John Laurens, upon his arrival on French soil, first had an interview alone with Count de Vergeunes, the Minister of War, from whose whole manner he instantly concluded the intention of the French Cabinet of withholding effective aid from the Colonies, so as to render them more subservient to French interests by a protraction of the war, which would exhaust their means and resources. When a second interview held in the presence of Dr. Franklin, to whom the French Minister, in answer to the urgent requests of John Laurens, referred by the words: “Mais, voilà, Monsieur Franklin; il est très content de nous,” convinced the American Envoy Extraordinary of the fruitlessness of his negotiations with the French diplomat, he resolved, as his last expedient, upon a step of unprecedented boldness, and having penned an eloquent memorial, setting forth the advantages for France of an immediate vigorous assistance of her allies, the American Colonies, he appeared one day at King Louis XIV’s levee, to whom, contrary to all court etiquette, he handed in person his manuscript of the Ministers who were in attendance.
The result was that the very next day John Laurens received from the Minister President Necker an invitation to call on him at a stated time, and was informed then that the King readily acceded to all the demand of the American Congress, and that the Minister of the Marine was commissioned with the instant execution of all stipulations, which would be mutually agreed upon the next day.
These were the instant sailing to America of a strong French fleet under the command of Admiral La Grasse and the immediate dispatch of an order to Count de Rochambeau, then with a French army in Rhode Island, to unite with Gen. Washington, as well ad the liberal supply on the part of France of money and war material to the American Colonies, and they resulted the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown.
“Thus,” concludes Major Jackson, the secretary of John Laurens, in his memorable report, “was this important negotiation, which was certainly the hinge on which the success of Revolution then turned, brought to a happy close by the wisdom and decision of a young man who had not then attained his twenty-eighth year, but whose matured mind and heroic spirit admitted no other rule of official conduct than the honor and interest of his beloved country.”
John Laurens fell in an unimportant skirmish with a British marauding party at the Combahee, Aug. 26, 1782, and his body was deposited in the earth near the place where he died, on the plantation of Mrs. Stock, within a simple inclosure, which, as Johnson says in his biography of Gen. Greene, “seems to excite, not answer the inquiry; ‘What undistinguished stranger lies buried here?’.”
DR. F. Muench.
Charleston, S. C., Sept. 15, 1897
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rekord-bun · 4 months
POSSIBLE BLOG TWS: Violence, gore, swearing, bright colors and crazy patterns, VERY heavy glitching effects on art
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CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: A tall robotic rabbit with a screen for it's face. It appears extremely glitchy and doesn't really look real, however it's plenty capable of interacting with the world around it. There are speakers on its arms and ears, which can be used both casually for music and sound effects, and in combat for powerful shockwave and stunning attacks. It has sharp metal claws and powerful digitigrade legs, both of which can be used in combat to cause a pretty devastating level of damage. It's voice is very loud, screechy, and glitchy. // Age: unknown // Gender: none // Pronouns: he/it // Height: 9'8 // Sexuality: aro/ace
RULES: No suggestive/NSFW asks (NSFW here does NOT include violence/gore, I LOVE gore.), No sending chainmail, No spamming my inbox
If any rules are broken, I will summon Abstracted Kaufmo to fucking execute you, do not test me
TEXT COLOR KEY: Normal/happy mood, energetic mood, annoyed, angry and/or about to beat the shit out of someone, sad mood, Mod Willow notes/speaking
#Rekord-RPs = In-character posts/RPs
#Rekord-Art = Any Rekord-related art I've made
#Mod-Willow = Any posts where Mod Willow is talking
MAIN BLOG: @willowthefoxxo
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