#why yes that is a knock off lapras plush
thedevilsruby · 3 years
A Sapphire Among the Diamonds (Spanche multi chapter fic)
Blanche never expected to be anything special when they were growing up, especially a person who shares a bond with the Legendary Articuno and the magic of hydro kinesis. What happens when an Isle of people threaten the world of magic?
Warning: Some chapters will contain violence and smut scenes. You have been warned.
(Chapter One) (Chapter Two) (Chapter Three) (Chapter Four) (Chapter Five) (Chapter Six: You are here)
Chapter Six: The Meeting
Spark panted as he and Blanche ran from the yelling mob, his hand never releasing Blanche’s.
“Get Lapras!” He screamed, his voice nearly drowned out by the demands of their deaths of the mob. He could feel them on their heels, his fear growing every second.
Right as Blanche reached for Lapras’s Pokeball, they were ripped from Spark’s grip, making Spark’s heart stop.
Spark was roughly grabbed by both arms and made to kneel as they pulled Blanche away from him, their green eyes frightened and tear filled as they looked at Spark.
“NO, YOU CAN’T! YOU CAN’T!” Spark shrieked, his voice stolen by the pounding waves of the ocean and mob’s screams for Blanche’s head.
Spark gasped awake with a jolt, panting. He looked and saw Blanche wince as they were woken from slumber. “Honey, what is it?” They slurred, tired olive meeting frightened blue.
Spark bit his lip, dare he tell his love of the nightmare he had? Would they believe him or just brush him off, saying it was just a bad dream? He didn’t know. 
“J-Just a bad dream, babe. Sorry I woke you.” He mumbled, holding them close to his bare chest. “You can go back to sleep, it’s only 7:15.”
Blanche was tempted to but new they needed an early start for the day. “I might as well get up.” They sighed, kissing Spark quickly before sitting up and stretching. 
Spark sighed, feeling slightly guilty for waking them up. “Well, it wasn’t exactly my fault.” He thought with a shrug, sitting up himself.
He watched as Blanche stripped themself of their white pajamas, he couldn’t help admire the bare curves that he’s had the fortune of touching many a time...
Suddenly, Spark found himself concentrating on the gray underwear Blanche was wearing.
He watched as his significant other tilted their head back slightly and close their eyes, water surrounded their body and a blue jacket with white pants appeared onto them, the Team Mystic symbol embroidered on the chest.
“I’ll never get over how amazing that power of yours is.” Spark said, smiling at them.
Blanche simply smiled and nodded in return before grabbing the hairbrush they packed. “Would you mind?” They asked Spark, who grinned and dashed towards them. “You know I love brushing your hair!” He exclaimed, taking it and gently running it through their silver hair.
After eating some food they ordered in the inn’s dining room, Blanche and Spark decided to relax until the meeting. “This Nicholai guy sounds like a big deal to the village.” Spark said, playing with Blanche’s hair.
“He’s something like a king, so I’ve heard.” Blanche shrugged, holding one of Spark’s arms around them. “They call him Lord Nicholai.”
“Weird.” Spark muttered. “But do you think he could help me with my powers too?” 
“Maybe.” Blanche said. “It’s best if he doesn’t know about your powers just yet. We don’t want to overwhelm him.”
Spark nodded in agreement, clutching Blanche’s hand.
Finally after a few hours, they were walking to the castle. Blanche noticed Spark was holding their hand tighter than usual but figured it was just nerves, they comforted him by stroking their thumb over his hand. “Relax,” They murmured, pressing the back of his hand to their lips. “This will work out.”
They both jumped as the gates suddenly opened before them before Blanche even knocked. Blanche patted Spark’s hand then walked in. 
Nicholai glared as he watched them enter the grounds. How dare that wench come here with that poor man when he requested she come alone! The nerve!
Sighing, he rubbed his head in frustration. “Nothing I can do about it now except pity that poor man.” He muttered. He hated to kill an innocent bystander but he had to absolutely make sure no one knew what was going on here on his island. He looked to a guard. “Let them in, then leave us please.” He instructed
The guard simply nodded and left Nicholai. The Lord sighed and sat in his plush velvet chair, glad he would be rid of this magic wench and her companion soon enough. “You’re doing your family proud.” He reminded himself.
“Lord Nicholai, Lady Blanche and Sir Spark.” The guard presented them both upon their arrival.
Nicholai forced a smile, gesturing them both to sit on the love seat. They both sat gratefully, sitting up straight. “Thank you, Cedric, that will be all.” Nicholai said. the guard simply left, closing the door behind him.
“So you’re the famous water magic user I’ve heard about.” Nicholai said, his fists clenching tightly under his desk. How he wanted to pull that ridiculous silver hair and slit their throat then and there...
“Yes.” Blanche nodded. “I hope you wouldn’t mind but my boyfriend Spark here insisted on coming along. He has these instincts when it comes to our relationship.”
“Hence why my team is Team Instinct.” Spark grinned.
“So I see.” Nicholai muttered. “Is he aware of your...condition?”
“Yes. Spark is one of the few people who knows.” Blanche said, making Nicholai raise an eyebrow.
“There are others who know?” He asked.
“Yes, my best friend Candela, and our employer, Professor Willow.” Blanche said. “They’re the only ones who know about me.”
“Right.” Nicholai muttered, remembering those names. “I’ll have to execute them too.” He thought. “Blanche, do you know why I invited you here?”
“No,” Blanche said. “But I was hoping you could help me find answers as to why I have them, why I was chosen to have these powers.” They said, looking at their hands.
“Well, I was hoping we could find those answers together.” Nicholai said, standing up and looking out his large window. “I’ve always been curious about the magic world, Blanche, you aren’t the first one to come here, seeking answers. I’ll help you, but one day at a time.” 
Blanche sighed in relief and even smiled a little at Spark, who hugged them tightly. “Thank you.” Blanche whispered, smiling at Nicholai.
“My pleasure.” Nicholai nodded. “Why don’t you explore the village? I’m sure the townspeople would love to meet you. Go into any restaurant you like and tell them your meals are on Lord Nicholai.”
“Great, I’m starved.” Spark sighed, making Blanche slap his arm lightly. 
After they walked out, Nicholai glared. “Their execution happens next week.” He growled, clenching his fists once again.
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crowcryptid · 3 years
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In preparation for tomorrow everyone must wear their helmets
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